how to text girls to get dates over and over again by using these 7 expert texting techniques

Post on 12-Jan-2017



Self Improvement



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How to Text Girls to Get Dates
Over and Over Again

By: Frankie Cola

7 Expert Texting Techniques That Attract Girls Like Crazy

You are texting a girl you're crazy about and you fear that shell lose interest before you can get a date with her


Then this guide is for you.

Especially if...

You dont know what to say to keep her interested

She only gives you icy one-word responses

You feel that you're pushing her away with every text

You want to make her excited about meeting up with you

Here's why:

In this slideshow guide, I put together 7 "expert" texting techniques that will make make you stand out from all the other guys who are bombarding a hot girl's phone with their texts.

You see, this guide shows you exactly how to text girls to get dates over and over again.

If you use the 7 texting techniques revealed in this slideshow...

women will react more emotionally to your texts

your texts will ignite feelings of intense chemistry and attraction that get her thinking of you... craving you... and desperately waiting for your next message

even women who have been "cold" in the past will now suddenly be eager to spend time with you

Let me give you the first texting technique...

Texting Technique #1: Avoid The 5 Toxic Texting Mistakes

Make yourself aware of the 5 texting mistakes covered in the video on the next slide

Which ones are you making?

These texting mistakes are what causes a girl to go COLD and lose interest after just a few texts

So lets stop making them, ok?

Now let's go over exactly how to grab a woman's attention and focus her thoughts on YOU.

Texting Weapon #2: Trigger Her Emotions Over Text And Focus Her Attention On YOU

Getting a girl attracted to you comes right down to your ability to SPARK her emotions.

Even through text!

Failing to trigger a woman's emotions is why you might have lost a few girls in the past.

It's why your text conversations turned dry and boring.

And it makes it IMPOSSIBLE to take things to the "next level" with a woman.

This article explains how to get a girl to like you over text by giving her a strong emotional reaction with the texts you send her

Next: The emotions you make her feel should be FUN emotions which leads me to texting technique #3

Texting Technique #3: Make Your Text Conversations Pop With FUN

Make a girl CRAVE spending more time with you by injecting a fun vibe into your text conversations.

This is very important and KEY to persuading her to meet up with you (and do other things with you)

This article covers 3 ways to flirt with a girlover text in a way that repeatedly pushes her "FUN" button

Texting Technique #4: Master the Cocky Compliment

Ready for some texting tactics?

Heres the deal... while its almost always better to SHOW a girl you like her than to tell her...

...Sometimes you have to express your interest over text so that the girl doesn't see you as friend zone material.

Now the problem with complimenting a woman is that guys often come across as weak by giving their power away and putting the girl on a pedestal.

They give off compliments in a way that
does not come from confident masculine energy (instead it comes from a needy, approval-seeking mentality)

...And then the girl loses attraction instantly.

The Trap With Complimenting Women

However, I've got a technique that gives a girl a compliment while avoiding sounding "weak" and without giving your power away.

It's called the "cocky" compliment technique.

Want to learn it? It's revealed in this article.

Looking for more word-for-word texting examples? Youre going to like texting technique #5...

Texting Technique #5: Handle Logistics and Get Her Out (4 Expert Texting Techniques to Smoothly Ask Her Out)

Ever get stuck in long, drawn-out text conversationswith a woman you got the hots for... unable to find a way to take things to the "next level?"

Listen, if you never get her out... her attraction for
you will fade.

She will start seeing you more and more as just another text-buddy

And then you'll go crazy as she goes COLD over text and give you only one-word responses.

Bottom line: After sending a couple radar texts to get her thinking about you each of your following texts should be specifically designed to lead toward
a meet up.

That's why it's so important to learn the art and skill of closing the deal through text so that you start converting more numbers into dates.

Start by stealing these 4 example texts to ask her out

Texting Technique #6: What to do When She Ignores Your Texts (3 Hook Texts That Get Her to Text Back)

Ever had a girl ignore your texts?

What am I saying of course you have!

Unless you've spent your entire life in a cave, you've probably experienced a girl not texting back at one point or another in your dating career.

Regardless of how good you are with women... there are some things in life we can't control.

What you CAN control however, is your reaction in the face of adversity.

You can either:

A) Freak out and act like whiney little girl, showing her that you're weak inside and forever ruining your chances of attracting her...


B) Show her youre a man who isn't fazed by her shenanigans and continue onward with your confident, playful personality!

In particular, you can send her
these 3 specialized hook texts
that make her extremely curious
to text you back.

Okay, are you ready for the most powerful texting technique of them all?

Here it is...

Texting Technique #7: The Key Lock Sequence (3 Texts to Turn Her On and Get Her Out)

Imagine you had a chance to peek inside the phone of the type of guy who is massively successful with texting women.

What would you see?

You would see a large number of text conversations hes had, and is currently
having with multiple women

As you started to analyze more and more of them, would begin to see a PATTERN

You would also notice the TEXTING STYLE he uses to create FUN in his text conversations

...And the types of texts he sends to attract women and get them out on dates over and over again.

...And then as you fiercely took notes, youd realize you can create a FORMULA one could use to text girls.

Enter Rob Judge

Robs tiny apartment has been a revolving door of New York Citys hottest women

You see, Rob is able to consistently achieve a near impossible feat
He is able to consistently turn phone numbers into dates from women who have hundreds of other guys breathing down their necks

Guys that are richer, better looking, and more connected in the city then him

Yet night after night these women are waking up naked in his apartment

How does he do this?

The secret is that Rob Judge has figured out the FORMULA of using texts to make a girl emotional and excited to spend time with you.


You can learn this formula to get those results too!

From his large database of personal case studies of successful text conversations Rob has developed a system called the Key Lock Sequence...

It uses 3 types of texts to turn a girl on and get her out on date with you.

You want in?
Heres a Free Presentation That Reveals How to Turn Her On And Get Her Out With Just 3 Simple Texts

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