how to start a business as a young entrepreneur from scratch youwin

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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How to start

a business as

a youth from


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Think of your lifestyle

I have heard a lot of people say that

entrepreneur ship is the way to go to

reduce the rate of unemployment. There

is a lot of truth in this.

The only problem now is that no one

wants to begin from scratch.

Many people who enter the youwin

Nigeria competition scheme are really

not prepared for the task of an


What kind of life do entrepreneur live?

So you want to start a business of your

own from scratch.

The lifestyle is the way of life.

Footballers have their way of life.

Musicians have their way of life.

Do you love it? Have you considered its

gains and loses? Do you know that

starting a small business is more than

just money? It is a lifestyle.

Ask those who work in a bank and you

will be told that it’s a lifestyle.

You need first understand how to live

after you have begun.

I love the life of an entrepreneur. I

believe that everyone cannot be one.

The challenges in starting a business go

beyond getting a grant. Its beyond

seeking investors.

The truth about starting a business from

scratch is that you need to live and

become something.

What you do is important but what you

become is more important.

I was talking with a female friend one

day and I told her that when I start my


I would drop the kids at school and pick

them up by 2pm.

She steered at me like someone from

planet mars. I told her that I will be my

own boss. I close at a particular time and

reopen when I should. So I have begun

to prepare for the lifestyle.

Entrepreneurs face lots of challenges.

They are attacked spiritually.

Yes its true. You need to get prepared.

Don’t open shop like a normal person.

Have you got an idea

So you want investors and

grant givers to notice your


Show me your business idea

Read more about creating a winning

business idea in 24 hours here.

A viable and profitable business idea will

go a long way to help you reach your

goals in life.

So how do you know which ideas to


Follow your intuition or spirit


And don’t ask me what I mean by spirit


Man is a spirit.

All thoughts that come to him are

spiritually given.

In 2010, I underwent a training on

entrepreneur. After this period, I wanted

to begin a website on business plan

Nigeria . I thought about it severally. I

truly wanted It to be a hub. Something

that will help other seeking

entrepreneurs. After much deliberation,

I decided to keep it for the future.(don’t

know why I did). Fast-track to 2015, I

created this website based on youwin

Nigeria wards competition that offers


Have looked at the objective of the

youth business scheme, I decided to

begin this website. It was while in this

process that I remembered business

plan Nigeria.

All ideas come from the spirit. They

become your most dominant thought as

you think about them.

Check out my article here on business


Look for competition

Every plant that you have ever seen or

know have had to compete for nutrients

and sunlight. Competition in a business

is very healthy. It normal if you think

that competition is bad.

Our days in school were filled with a lot

of fun. We had friends who were really

our friends because they loved us.

During sporting competitions, we

competed for a prize. The same goes in

business. You already have competitors

even at an idea stage.

You want to look for a business idea that

has successful people. Go where others

are making it and where you have some


Here are some quick things that healthy

business competition would do for you

1. It will keep you focused on the

goal of the business.

2. It will help you to stay put

3. You will find more passion

4. You will make more sales (don’t

be surprised)

5. You will need them to be faster.

Can you imagine going to the

racetrack and running alone then

taking your speed time. Then next

you call on three other athletes to

run with you as a test of strength .

The difference in the time you

returned will be clear and obvious.

Do not go into any business that has

no competition. A man want to begin

a mobile toilet business, he did his

research and found a great need that

was not satisfied. The competition

were not meeting the needs of the


He borrowed 60,000. Now his

business is over billions.

Competition tells us that we have a


Register the business name

Register your business name. business

name registration with the corporate

affairs commissions differ from country

to country. In Nigeria, we have the

corporate affairs commission with

headquarters in Abuja. They are the

statutory body that registers the names

of companies and startup businesses. I

will write an article on the CAC IN THE

FUTIURE. The price for the registration

of business name varies. But it should

cost you around 10,000- 20,000. Naira.

When you register the name of your

business in Nigeria, you are telling

everyone that you are ready for business

and you have open shop.

Test the service- offer it free

Have a bonus offer. Something free

which you can give out. Do not begin a

new business as a youth and expect

everyone to fall in love with it.

Have a bonus or free service first. Do you

want to be ahead of the completion?

then let people test your service.

I am not saying that this is applicable I all

cases. There are some situations where

this cannot be applied. For example , I

you are in real estate, you cannot allow

people to test your house free. What

you can do here is to reduce the price.

Give them at a discount for the first


Same goes for a car seller. Discounts can

always be giving to get people to buy.

Get a website

This is a must . although not necessary

but it’s still very good. There are a lot of

web designers who will help you design

a site for your business

Choose when to start

When do you want to begin?

I will advise you start when you have the

basic things on ground. And remember

that if you received the YouWIN grant,

you need to set your office in place.

Market like a mogul

Marketing a small business you built

from scratch is good. This might mean

the difference between profit and loss. I

know a friend who started his tutorial

business. He printed over 500 flyers. He

said that he was expecting to get 24

contacts from his flyer. He ended up

getting 60 clients for his business.

Learn more on how to be competitive in


Click here to get


Market like never before.

Let people know you have started

This is how you make sales. Don’t wait or

expect the people to come by them.

Be consistent.

Be consistent. Remember that an

enterprise is like a child that needs to be

fed to grow.

Be there. Enjoy the ups and down of the


Starting a business from scratch is not

difficult be it requires a lot of patience.

So what are your thoughts about how to

start a youth enterprise business from


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