how to reach your ecommerce business goals without alienating your customers

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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How to reach your ecommerce business goals without alienating your customers

This is a guest post about your ecommerce business by Natalie Gowen from Moxie Tonic.

Close your eyes and imagine your ecommerce business 2 years from now. What does it look

like? How has it changed? How big did you grow?

Most importantly, how did you get there?

• More total sales?

• Reducing abandoned carts?

• Increased average order value?

If your answers involved a lot of numbers, you’re thinking just like a successful ecommerce

business entrepreneur should – with measurable, quantitative goals.

But mixed in all those number are real and actual people, with real and actual lives. People with

real problems, real joys and real needs that can’t be quantitatively measured.

The easiest way to build a bridge between

your ecommerce business goals and what

your customer wants is Values. Values are a powerful vehicle that connect like-minded people, build commonality and form


When you share values and build a report with your audience you create an emotional

connection with your ideal customer. These customers turn into loyal, engaged and constantly

referring types of brand ambassadors.

You’ll make more sales and spend time more time combing through positive reviews than

dealing with angry, dissatisfied grouches.

A dive into value sharing will get a little woo-woo for a minute. But I promise to bring it around

at the end with some actionable tips for sharing your values with your customers.

Values are essential to your ecommerce business Values guide our lives. They determine what is important to us. When we share values with our

friends and family it builds bonds of common understanding and explanation for our actions.

When you share values with your customers, the same thing happens – understanding grows

and trust blossoms.

Never before in consumer history have customers had such a strong interest in the creative

people behind the products they buy (thanks, social media!).

This presents both an opportunity – customers that share your values are more invested in your

product and are likely to return — and a struggle — how do you share your values the right


Start with common values Rather than wasting time convincing people to love what you love – reach out to those who

already get you.

When your values align, they play like a song in the background. People who love your beat will

tap their feet and join in.

For example:

Instead of chasing a Styrofoam-loving, non-recycling customer and explaining why your product

is worth paying extra for, attract those already seeking to reduce their carbon footprint.

Speak the conservation language and assume the shared interest — you’ll connect with your

ideal client. When you charge more for green products you can skip the explanations and your

customer won’t bat an eye – she’s already accepted the costs that come with purchases aligning

with her values.

How to handle non-shared values Some of your values don’t pop up on your customer’s list. However, many of these values will

complement each other.

In fact, these value sets are the very reason why your customer needs you:

• She values something, but can’t reach it on her own.

• Your complementary value solves her problem and connects to her desired outcome.

Identifying your values (and sometimes your skills) is the key to creating transactions founded

in values.

For example:

Your customer values quality and you value craftsmanship.

She can’t make the top-notch items you sell. By highlighting your craftsmanship, she trusts that

the product she’ll receive will fit her standard of quality.

Tips for Appling Values to Your Marketing Anytime you communicate with your ideal audience is an opportunity to share your values. To

connect with your ideal customer allow your values to shine through your marketing content in

a casual, off-hand style.

If you allow your communications to be a little more informal and a touch more personal – your

values will shine through.

Effective opportunities to share values include:

• Product information

• Blog posts

• About pages

• Email newsletters

• Shipping inserts

Non-preachy vehicles for authentically sharing your values:

• Stories: Sharing an achievement or a resolution of problems based on a core value.

• Client testimonials: When it comes from other people your values will ring more true and

appear more authentic in the eyes of your prospective client

• Community involvement: Putting money and time where your mouth is goes a long way

toward proving sincerity and building trust

Finding the right values to share If you haven’t given values much attention or just want some help organizing your thoughts, I’ve

prepared a Values Cheat Sheet especially for you.

By answering a few questions you’ll swiftly identify core values driving your brand and

ecommerce business and how to connect with your ideal customer. Click here and I’ll send it to


This is a guest post from Natalie Gowen of Moxie Tonic. Working with passionate business owners she

shapes brand messaging into content customers care about.

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