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How to Make Topical Cannabis Products

2 | Copyright Cannabis Training University- All Rights Reserved


INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 3

RECIPE #1 ................................................................................................................................................................ 4

RECIPE #2 ................................................................................................................................................................ 7

RECIPE #3 ................................................................................................................................................................ 8

RECIPE #4 ................................................................................................................................................................ 9

RECIPE #5 .............................................................................................................................................................. 11

How to Make Topical Cannabis Products

3 | Copyright Cannabis Training University- All Rights Reserved


Many cannabis patients often talk about the healing capabilities of cannabis creams, otherwise known as topical cannabis, or sometimes “cannabalm”.

Topical cannabis products are used for all manner of ailments, including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, dermatitis, back pain, and psoriasis.

When prepared in the correct manner, topical Cannabis balm can have anti-inflammatory analgesic, relaxing, decongestant and regenerative properties.

As the understanding of the complex nature of the endocannabinoid system increases, humans are beginning to comprehend the value of the body's endogenous cannabinoids.

A study at the University of Bonn, Germany recently demonstrated that when endocannabinoids in mice were artificially blocked, skin injuries healed at a slower rate.

The study also found that the application of topical Cannabis salve caused skin allergies to heal at a faster rate.

In this e-book we will take a look at a few different recipes for making topical cannabis and let you decide which one you want to try out first!

How to Make Topical Cannabis Products

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Recipe #1

To begin making a Cannabis salve, the technique is similar to that for making cannabis butter.

A base with a fat in it is needed in order to be able to store it at room temperature for several weeks.

Some good bases to use are: coconut oil, beeswax, or raw shea butter. Cannabis or cannabis extract is dissolved into the base.

If you use a food-safe base, such as coconut oil, the product can also be used to make edible marijuana products.

What you will need:

◉ Large Soup Pot

◉ Heat Resistant Plastic Mixing Bowl

◉ Cheesecloth

◉ Wooden or Plastic Spoon

◉ Bowl or Jar

For excellent results, it is best that you use around a half-ounce of herbal cannabis per half-cup of oil.

If instead of oil you are using hashish, use around a quarter-ounce per half-cup for similar results.

If using 'full extract', Rick Simpson style oil, 1 eighth-of-an-ounce in a half-cup of oil should be plenty.

Step 1- Place your fatty base into your plastic mixing bowl.

Step 2-Add your Cannabis products.

Step 3-Fill the soup pot halfway with water and put it on the stove to boil. When the water begins to approach boiling point, reduce the heat a bit so that a constant simmer takes place.

How to Make Topical Cannabis Products

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Step 4. Put the plastic mixing bowl inside the soup pot and make sure that no water can get inside of the bowl. Heat the contents until the fat has become fully liquid in form.

To get the oil to fully dissolve your cannabis products, use a clean wooden or plastic spoon to mix the ingredients together.

Continue to simmer for thirty minutes to 1 hour.

After the required simmering period is complete, remove your plastic bowl from the pot.

Remove the pot from the heat and set it to the side.

Put the cheesecloth or muslin over the smaller bowl in which you intend to store your salve.

We recommend using a sieve to hold the muslin in place and then strain your Cannabis-infused liquid oil into the smaller bowl or jar that is underneath it.

Let your salve to cool completely before using it so you don’t get burnt.

How to Make Topical Cannabis Products

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Your salve should keep for at least two months as long as it is properly stored in a cool, dark place.

The salve can be used for many topical applications.

It can also be used as a base to create cannabis creams, lotions and ointments.

If you are using beeswax as your base, you may wish to add other, more liquid oils for use as a body cream or lotion.

Beeswax can be too hard at room temperature, and if used for making lip balm, adding small quantities of coconut oil will make it softer and allow for better penetration through the epidermis.

If your base is coconut oil or shea butter, both of which are solid, but soft, at room temperature, you may want to add beeswax to make the salve harder.

If adding other oils, it is best to gently reheat the salve so that the oils can easily mix together, without separating.

To make non-greasy, smooth, cannabis body creams and lotions, adding aloe vera gel, almond oil, or grape seed oil are great choices. They leave very little greasy residue behind and go deep into the skin.

The end result should look something like this in either white or a green shade:

How to Make Topical Cannabis Products

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You can always add your cannabis salve to your own skincare products, such as hand cream or even shampoo and conditioner if you want.

Recipe #2

An easy technique for making cannabis salve is similar to that for making cannabis butter, but coconut oil is used in place of the butter.

First, grab a double boiler or crockpot, so that the mixture is heated gently and doesn’t burn.

If you don’t have a double boiler or crockpot, two large saucepans, one slightly smaller than the other, can be used instead.

Place either the coconut oil into the pot and allow it to melt.

Next, add dried, powdered plant matter in an equal ratio (e.g. 2 cups oil to 2 cups dried cannabis), and gently simmer for up to one hour.

After this time, the mixture can be strained through cheesecloth or muslin and left out so it cools down.

After strained, the salve should be similar in texture and appearance to the coconut oil, but with some green coloration.

The mixture is often blended with beeswax or vitamin E oil to produce various textures, and fragrance.

How to Make Topical Cannabis Products

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Recipe #3

1. Melt 2 cups of coconut oil in the microwave.

2. Place the coconut oil in a saucepan.

3. Preheat the oven to 200 F.

4. Crush 7 grams of high quality cannabis or 14 grams of low quality cannabis and place on a baking sheet.

5. Put the baking sheet in the oven for 10 minutes.

6. Remove the cannabis from the oven and place in the saucepan with the coconut oil.

7. Simmer for 30-45 minutes (DO NOT BOIL) and stir often.

8. Strain the oil from the cannabis with a cheesecloth or strainer. Wear gloves so you do not get burnt.

9. Melt 1 ounce of beeswax and combine with 5 ounces of cannabis infused coconut oil in saucepan on low heat.

10. Add 1 TBSP of Vitamin E oil.

11. Remove from low heat after 5 minutes and let the mixture cool for an hour.

12. Apply to joints, skin and achy parts of your body. Do not apply to open skin wounds.

How to Make Topical Cannabis Products

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Recipe #4

What you will need:

◉ 1-2 ounces of cannabis (buds, stems, trimmings, or roots)

◉ 16 ounces of coconut oil

◉ 1 ounce beeswax

◉ 1 tablespoon of vitamin-E oil (1 tablespoon of any other additives you'd like to include)

◉ 1 large Pyrex baking dish

◉ 1 Large measuring cup

◉ 1 Measuring cup set

◉ 1 silicone mixer scraper (any thing used for stirring will work here, a spatula, a spoon, etc. as long as its not electric. Silicone is non-stick though)

◉ 1 saucepan

◉ 1 Piece of cheese cloth or a few paper coffee filters (or a cheesecloth jelly strainer)

◉ A container of your choice or multiple small on the go containers

1. Measure 2 cups of coconut oil (all 16 ounces) and pour into your first saucepan, Turn the heat on very low and let it melt down. (Alternatively, you can melt the oil in the microwave first, and then pour into your pan)

2. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit

3. Grind up your cannabis (The cannabis doesn't need to be ground down to a powder, a rough chop, or few spins in a food processor will do. You will have to strain this later.)

How to Make Topical Cannabis Products

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4. Measure out 2 cups of your ground up cannabis and pour them into a Pyrex baking dish and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

5. Remove from oven and pour the marijuana contents of the Pyrex dish into the saucepan that contains the melted coconut oil.

6. Allow this mixture to simmer for 1-2 hours, the longer the time the better the results. Make sure to stir the mixture every ten minutes or so, and DO NOT BOIL the mixture.

7. Strain the cannabis oil mix through your cheesecloth or paper coffee filters into a large measuring cup and clean your saucepan. (If you get chunks of weed in your oil, restrain it until the oil is chunk free).

8. Now measure out 1oz of bees-wax and pour into your newly cleaned saucepan and begin melting on low.

9. Measure out 5oz (almost 2/3 cup) of the cannabis coconut oil and pour it into the saucepan containing the melted bees-wax. Continue to simmer not boil and mix well.

10. Remove it from heat once its mixed well, shouldn't take too long, and quickly stir in the 1-tablespoon of Vitamin-E oil. (If you want to add fragrant oils, or other healing oils, now is the time, make sure to quickly stir them in along with the Vitamin-E oil).

11. Pour Your liquid cannabis salve into your storage container or containers and allow the mixture to cool and harden completely. You can place it in the refrigerator, but don't freeze it.

How to Make Topical Cannabis Products

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Recipe #5


◉ 2 cups of cannabis

◉ 2 cups of coconut oil

◉ 2 ounces of beeswax

◉ Fragrant oil of your choice (lavender oil)

Kitchen tools required:

◉ An oven dish

◉ A saucepan

◉ A jar

◉ A cheese cloth

◉ A spatula


Begin by decarboxylating the cannabis.

Put the cannabis into the oven dish and put it in the oven that has been preheated to 250 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes.

Pour the 2 cups of coconut oil into the saucepan and keep it ready.

After 15 minutes, remove the decarboxylated cannabis matter from the oven and add it to the coconut oil in the saucepan.

Mix the cannabis and coconut oil together well using a spatula and put it on the stove on low flame to cook for 20 minutes.

This will allow the cannabis to get infused with the coconut oil.

How to Make Topical Cannabis Products

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After 20 minutes remove the mixture from the stovetop and pour it into the jar using cheesecloth to drain out the solid plant matter.

Squeeze the cheesecloth thoroughly into the jar so that all the excess oil with the cannabis in the cheesecloth gets collected in the jar.

You will end up with pretty looking green cannabis infused coconut oil.

Now add 5 parts of the cannabis infused coconut oil to 1 part of beeswax, that is, 10 ounces of the oil with 2 ounces of the beeswax.

Melt the beeswax in a pan and once it has fully melted add the cannabis infused coconut oil to it and mix well with a spatula.

Take the pan off the stove and add the fragrant oil of your choice to the mixture.

Stir it in and let the oil set and you will have your own home made cannabis infused salve!

To Learn More Great Cannabis Recipes go to

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