how to get your prospects on the phone and returning your calls

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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How To Get Your Prospects on the

Phone and Returning Your Calls

The Formula I Use to GetProspects to Talk to Me

Getting Past The First Conversation Means…

Getting Below the Surface

Does This Sound Familiar?The first conversation went well but then…

• The prospect missed the meeting• The prospect didn’t return calls• The prospect avoided you • The prospect was vague and reluctant to talk with

you• Whatever was “good” in that first call was gone• The prospect disappeared

What Went Wrong?

You Didn’t Make a True Connection

You Didn’t Get Below the Surface

How Do You MakeA True


You Qualify the Prospect

Before a prospect will ever take you seriously and trust you, let alone join you in business, you have to qualify the prospect.

And what do I mean by that exactly?

People can have different ideas about what “qualify” means so let me tell you exactly what it means to me…

Many people qualify by determining if the other person has some fundamental qualities that will allow them to be in, and perform in, the business.

And to make that determination, they ask questions like…

What kind of extra time do you have each week?

Do you have anything to invest to get started?

What kind of extra time do you have each week?

Do you have anything to invest to get started?

These are not effective qualifying questions and 98% of the time they produce a person who you will never

hear from again.

What kind of extra time do you have each week?

Do you have anything to invest to get started?

I never ask my prospects questions like these when qualifying…but I definitely ask questions!

Qualify means . . .that you find out what the prospect needs, wants or doesn’t want as it pertains to your business.

Do You See The Difference?

Ineffective Qualifying

Asking questions to see if the prospect has the ability to do the business.

Effective Qualifying

Asking questions to see if the business can meet the needs and wants of the prospect.


Once You Understand the Needs and Wants of the Prospect Then…

…You Can Connect What They’ve Stated to Something Your Business Offers That Fulfills Their Desires.

Once You Understand the Needs and Wants of the Prospect…

…you can use that information whenyou ask the person to watch somethingor read something


Once You Understand the Needs and Wants of the Prospect…

…you use that information when you leave a voice message or send a text message or an email.


Creating Points that Connect the Two of YouWhat I’ve found is that when you properly qualify your prospect and discover what they need and want, you soon create points that connect the two of you.

The person feels like you’re listening and that you careand that you are delivering something to them that theyare really interested in because you’re presentingit based on what they want.

Finding Needed & Wanted With Cold MarketHere are a few questions you can use to get a conversation started with a Cold Market prospect. Use these questions or ones similar to them to get your prospect talking. Be prepared to ask more questions as they talk. They’ll start opening up.

• What attracted you to answer the ad about a home-based business?

• What do you want to achieve by owning your own business?

• What first got you interested in working from home?• How long have you been considering working for yourself?

Here are a few questions you can use to get a conversation started with somebody you already know.

The basics are the same. Use these questions or ones similar to them to get your prospect talking. Be prepared to ask more questions as they talk. They’ll start opening up.

• I’ve got a business idea. Would you be open to seeing something on it . . . Or are you completely satisfied now?

• [Person’s name], I’ve been branching out and I’d like you to have a look at this idea too. Are you satisfied with what you’ve got going on now? Or would you like to have a look?

Finding Needed & Wanted With Warm Market

Do not interrogate them. In other words, don’t blast these questions at them.

Work your questions into the natural conversation as easily as you can. It may feel clumsy at first but keep trying. It will smooth out quickly and rather naturally.

Remain Warm & Caring. Be Natural & Interested In Them

Always Be Listening

Listen for your prospect’s needs & wants. If you haven’t heard them, keep asking questions that will get them for you.

Once You Have It, Use ItOnce you have found your prospects needs & wants, determine what it is that your business offers that fulfills their desires and then begin to use those things to continue to invite them to find out more and figure out for themselves whether or not to get involved.

Here are some examples of how that might sound…

Keep presenting the connection to their desires.

Joe, I have an idea about how [your organization or product] could help you have [his desire]. Would you like to hear it?

Sue, call me back. I have something to share with you about how you could get [her needed & wanted].

Billy, I have someone I want you to meet who was just like you. She wanted to [his needed & wanted] too and she’s actually done it. I told her about you and she wouldn’t mind at all talking to you about how she did it. Call me back.

Betty, I have that info I promised you about how you could very possibly [needed & wanted] and [needed & wanted]. I am available for the next 20 minutes. Call me.

Keep Practicing This and Keep Thinking With It and Using It

You Will Soon Engage More People, More Often and Be Able to Get and Keep Their Attention

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