how to create your version of success with the online business passionista

Post on 16-Apr-2017



Small Business & Entrepreneurship



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The following vision is adetailed, high-level overview

of what my company,Makana Mai Akua, Inc.,

will look, feel and act like byDecember 31, 2016.

Sharing it with you here helps it become a reality. It holds me accountable.

You’re a part of it, too... just by reading it.

And I hope it will inspire you to see what’s possible and to write a painted picture of your own.

It also represents the life I’ll be living, and my hope is for you to live the life you’ve

always imagined, too!

I am


Online Business

I love online business and all the possibilities it opens up for those willing to embrace it.

I love learning the ins and outs of online business then sharing that knowledge, and creating solutions and strategy to help other entrepreneurs reach their version of success via their own multi-faceted online businesses.

I embrace the roles of teacher & student; admitting there’s always more to learn, but knowing there’s plenty I can teach and many ways I can help otherswhile my own business continues to blossom.

Awaken DreamsSuccess Coaching, Consulting & Design

Success Coaching



I do lifestyle business design and success coaching with artisan, creative and multi-passionate entrepreneurs; helping them figure out their what, WHY and how; so they can live life by design, create their future and achieve their version of success.

I do consulting for entrepreneurs and businesses of all types and sizes who need online business solutions and strategy.

I help entrepreneurs authentically and cohesively package up their unique awesomeness to present it to the world.

I am always guided by my intuition. I am an INFJ and my intuition is one of my biggest assets. I can literally change someone’s life or business by using my natural gift of intuition alone.

I attract clients like a magnet because people very quickly see that I genuinely care about them and their dreams.

I have a unique ability to connect with and inspire people, and a desire to create opportunity and make things happen.

They continue working with me because

• I’m always learning new things that I can share with them; greatly shortening their learning curve.

• They appreciate how quickly and easily I solve their problems.

(I enjoy problem-solving and find it easy to brainstorm ideas.)

• They love the potential that exists for them because of the way I focus on possibilities; recognize what’s possible for them; and challenge the limits of what’s possible by finding creative solutions.

• They’re inspired by the new perspectives I bring to their ideas and challenges.

• They thrive and grow in the supportive environment I create.

My INFJ qualities shine through in our sessions. They’re amazed by how perceptive I am, and with my

• ability to intuitively understand their ideas and feelings

• uncanny knack for asking the right questions to bring subconscious issues to the surface and effect change

• talent for coming up with original solutions to their personal challenges, and plans for them to achieve their goals

• intent focus on their needs and dedicated support in helping them realize their potential

is an internationally-known designer handcrafted jewelry business

Specializing in

Personalized Jewelry, Memorial Jewelry, One-of-a-Kind Pieces, Custom Designs,

and the gorgeous, island-and-ocean-themed

This passion project has come alive and blossomed now that I’m living here.

It’s the #1 online destination for -lovers worldwide to share their

love of the Islands &Hawaiian culture.

I spend every day focused on the things I do best...

• big-picture thinking• strategic planning• coaching• consulting• writing• jewelry, graphic and web designing• team building• interacting with customers, clients and my communities• being the (very public) face & personality of my company

I want to be a catalyst for change and make a global impact.I want to inspire people to. . . ♥ challenge business-as-usual ♥ overthrow the status quo♥ live life by design ♥ create their future and ♥ achieve their version of success by embracing the possibilities that online business has to offer them and their families. . . and be there to support their dreams and vision along the way.

Awaken Dreams Success Coaching, Consulting & Design

My Creativepreneur Coaching Club is my signature program. It’s the go-to destination for

creative entrepreneurs who want to live life by design, create their future, and achieve their version of success by challenging business-as-usual... and be

surrounded by others who “get it.”

It wins awards for excellence. Members sing its praises from the rooftops.

And I have a multitude of affiliates recommending it.

Since my one-to-one time is limited, I have a strict “red velvet rope policy.”

My 1-on-1 coaching time is reserved for those most committed to the process.

I prefer to spend my time and energy on self-motivated and determined action-takers, because implementation is critical to achieving massive results.

I give away tons of valuable, actionable content and advice on my blog, website, webinars, and weekly coaching show because I want to help and inspire as many people as possible.

I always have hundreds of attendees on my webinars who turn up to take advantage of my willingness to openly share my knowledge and tricks I’ve learned along the way.

My programs are consistently filled with

whose enthusiasm is infectious.

passionate entrepreneurs

I regularly run sold-out half-day and full-day workshops with clients all around the Islands.

My VIP Retreats sell out faster every time I run them. . . and are anabsolute joy because they’re now attracting my most ideal clients.

I’ve managed to strike a balance between valuing my time and expertise and rewarding loyalty... my fees increase each year for new clients, but rates for existing clients are grandfathered for as long as they remain clients.

Most of my jewelry design work is custom ordersand a lot of those are for memorial jewelry.

I help people memorialize

loved ones and beloved pets.I excel at expressing deep meaning and symbolism in jewelry.

That helps people. Through my jewelry, I help them celebrate, express themselves, champion causes, grieve and remember.

With memorial jewelry I try to capture the essence of their loved one and the relationship they shared, creating a treasured keepsake that will last a lifetime.

I love being able to create such meaningful keepsakes!

Makana Mai Akua, Inc. (the Awaken Dreams division especially)

♥ a challenge to business-as-usual ♥ an overthrow of the status quo ♥ the ability to live life by design, ♥ create your future, and ♥ achieve your version of success.


I believe in andrelationship marketing so my brand is an authentic, visual representation of me, the things I like and my lifestyle business.

It’s cohesively displayed on my websites, social media presence and marketing materials and attracts my perfect tribe of creativepreneurs.

I support other small businesses by buying products and services from them.

I look for opportunities to promote high-quality people, products and services I believe in, that will benefit my community and help them reach their goals faster and easier, work smarter and be more efficient.

And I have an army of present and former customers and clients, as well as colleagues, eagerly willing to promote my products, programs and services because they’re well aware of the value and results I provide.

We are a global company based in , USA, but to be serving clients and customers worldwide.

I manage with and the permeates my company, relationships, interactions and communication.

I believe in doing business“the old-fashioned way”

...back when loyalty, dedication and hard work actually meant something, and

were appreciated and rewarded.

I’m careful to ensure that no team member or customer ever feels they’re “just a number” to my company...

because they’re not.

I own a l i fes t y le bus iness that focuses on the lives and lifestyles of my team and their families...not just my own.

I pay fair wages to all team members and benefits to employees.

I aim to give my team a work-life balance and allow them to put family first; while still holding them accountable, making sure work gets done and revenues consistently grow.

I offer a great deal of flexibility in work hours and environment, and give employees a generous amount of paid leave every year.

We strive for

Excellence & Continuous Improvement• to produce the best products for customers

• to produce the best results for clients

• to create the best working conditions and culture for employees and contractors

I believe in...

• leading by example

• never asking anyone to do anything I wouldn’t do myself

• respecting and trusting the knowledge and experience of my team members

No one is perfect... including me. I struggle just as others do. I have strengths and weaknesses; know what they are; use my strengths; and seek help (and team members) to make up for weaknesses.

I’m open about both • to help my business run better, and • in hopes others can be helped by what I openly share

For example... although I’m well aware of the importance of implementation, I struggle with it due to short-term memory loss. So I put a lot of effort into this... and found a way to help others at the same time...

Clients rave about my accountability and implementation programs because they get them taking action and seeing


I walk the talk, running my business with the same DREAMFIRE Strategic Planning™

method and other processes I teach my clients.

My team is a mix of employees and contractors; virtual and local; full-time and part-time.

They all believe in and support the various missions of my company. They’re aware of future plans and excited to be a part of them.

They are energized by our Painted Picture and appreciate being an active and valued part of the entire process.

My businesses are well-organized and run like clockwork thanks to this dedicated team working seemlessly together.

I appreciate and empower my team.

I treat them well, encourage them to work in their sweet spot, and offer opportunities for growth, knowing that it will sometimes mean

losing valuable team members to other ventures.

People who work for me love it and turnover is very low.

(They usually leave because they’ve been inspired to start their own business.)

And, once someone leaves, there’s a line of people jumping at the chance to take their place.

Relationships are important.

I encourage and prioritize relationships and rapport between myself, my local team, my virtual team, my clients and customers, my suppliers and vendors, my service providers and my communities.

I don’t want offices.

I live in a beautiful place and choose

to work from home.

So I also allow my local employees to work from home.

Although my virtual team is spread around the world, there’s excellent harmony and communication between my local and virtual teams.

We have Skype meetings weekly.

I open my home for co-working sessions at least once a week for team members to work in an interactive space.

Everyone is invited to monthly meet-ups.

And all team members attend a yearly, all-expense-paid retreat here in Hawaii.

I’ve built a great deal of systems into my business, and we use automation to our

advantage as much as possible. I’m always willing to invest in products and services

that can save me and my team time

so that we can give personal attention to people when and where it matters most.

Personalized customer service is the foundation my business has been built on.

I always aim to over-deliver and

make every client feel like the VIP they are.

The cost of my coaching & consulting services is a stretch for many of my clients initially.

However... they receive many times that cost in value, and make the investment back by taking action and implementing the action plans we design together.

My company is privately held and has been self-funded and bootstrapped since the beginning because I prefer not to be beholden to investors; told what to do or how to run my company; and certainly not how to take care of my clients and team!

I have, on occasion, crowdfunded projects to verify interest and get people excited about them and involved in the process.

Company financials are excellent. Yearly revenues have more than doubled each of the last 3 years and are on track to hit 7 figures in 2017 for the first time!

A significant portion of profits is invested back into the business to fund future growth.

All of my businesses offer customized products and services that are extremely popular and deliver brilliant much so that over 75% of my business growth happens via word of mouth!

The Multi-Faceted Monetization Model™, systems and team I have in place now allow me to spend at least 20% of my time on The Phaneuf Foundation charity work, outreach and community service; now giving of my time in addition to the financial philanthropy I’ve engaged in for many years.

I am a lifetime learner.

I consistently invest time and money to connect with and learn from people who have reached the goals I aspire to in both business and life.

I have amazing mentors!

I’m an active participant in several mastermind groups, including ones I’ve started.

My company has received media coverage for both the products & services we provide AND for being a company doing business with integrity “the old-fashioned way” and showing that abundant success comes to you more easily when you put people over profit.

I’m seen as an expert in the online business space andthe go-to coach for multi-passionate entrepreneurs.

As a result, I’m often interviewed and asked to write for magazines and blogs. I’m regularly featured on Forbes, The Huffington Post, She Takes on the World, Sassy Six, Women Owned Business Club, and Hawaii Magazine.

I document all of these interviews and articles on my websites as additional resources and to build trust and credibility.

My work attracts sponsors who resonate with my missions and want to be exposed to the

communities of Creative Entrepreneurs,

Artisans and

Hawaii Businesses that I’ve brought together and cultivated.

They advertise on my websites and create special VIP offers for my community members.

I’m an only child and have always been close to my parents. . . we’re best friends.

Hawaii is 5,000 miles away from Rhode Island (that’s a 12-hour+ flight), so I’m beyond happy that they decided to come live in Hawaii with me.

I have an ohana (family) property on which they have their own separate house. It’s a fantastic life. I love having them here and spending time with them and Niko every day.

I’m an Eskie Mom.

It’s the #1 reason I love working from home... I get to spend every day with Niko.

He’s Mommy’s little fuzzy apprentice, hanging out in the office with me (which, more often than not, is the covered lanai) and often making an appearance on coaching calls and team meetings, much to everyone’s delight.

I have made many wonderful new friends, both in Hawaii and online.

I’ve been able to travel around the U.S. and other countries to meet many of my online friends in person!

And whenever possible, friends enjoy visiting me here in Hawaii, too. We have a great time and there’s always loads of fun to be had when they do!

I love living in such a beautiful place where I can be outside every day of the year.

Niko and I walk on the beach every morning and it has proven to be the best way to start

every day, tending to my physical, mental and emotional well-being all at the same time.

We’re always out exploring something or other, kayaking, paddle-boarding, walking around the farmer’s markets and enjoying

everything life here has to offer.

I maintain a sense of balance by spending time with

family & friends.I use free days, vacations, meet-ups, retreats, and digital downtime, too.

I take 2 days completely off and unplugged every week.

I spend them exploring and enjoying all the beautiful people, places and things that surround me.

I routinely give myself Free Days when I feel I’m losing my energy. This gives me permission to walk away, do something inspiring and naturally get back on track.

(After suffering 2 severe cases of burnout, I’ve had the importance of this seared into me in very painful ways.)

I’m a die-hard New England Patriots fan.

I never miss a game... ever.

If it’s game time, I’m watching.

So don’t even think of expecting me to be anywhere else!

And I have a rather lengthy Bucket List that I’m working on, too. . .

As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, tops on that list is to someday have the honor of meeting Sir Richard Branson,

the ultimate multi-passionate entrepreneur!

I truly feel I’m where I’m meant to be...

geographically, personally

& professionally.

has always felt

more like home to me than

Rhode Island. Relocating here has

given me a new lease on life

and the opportunityto start a fun new


I have plenty of free time to spend with Niko, my family and my friends.

I’m truly, fully happy for the first time in my life.

I live life by design.

I have a business I love, giving

me the lifestyle I want.♥

My work is fulfilling.

It allows me to truly make a difference in people’s lives, & help them make dreams

come true that they thought were impossible.

It means the world to me. . .when coaching clients tell me about their accomplishments and what a difference I’ve made in their lives and businesses

& when jewelry customers tell me how

precious their jewelry is, how much the designs mean to them and that I’ve

captured the essence of their loved ones.

My ult imate goal in l i fe i s to be a philanthrop is t . I’ve long been working toward it in my personal life and, now that I’m a business owner, it has become part of the mission of my company.

Makana Mai Akua, Inc. is deeply committed to philanthropic activities and provides material and financial support to many charitable organizations.

For the Designs by Debi Jewelry for Charity Program, I design a one-of-a-kind piece or set of jewelry every month to benefit a charity selected by me or one of my customers.

Part of the proceeds from Designs by Debi jewelry sales are donated also... • Support Your Soldier Bracelets™ and Yellow Military Support Awareness Bracelets sales benefit Soldier’s Angels. • Remember 9/11 Memorial Bracelets™ sales benefit the Twin Towers Orphan Fund to help children who lost one or both parents on September 11th. • Rainbow Bridge Pet Memorial Bracelets™ sales benefit Best Friends Animal Society. • Awareness Bracelet sales benefit a host of cause-related charities including St Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Stand Up To Cancer.

I also donate coaching & consulting time to military families via my charitable foundation.

Spending time as a little girl listening to my grandfather and great-uncle talk about their time in the Army fostered a strong respect and admiration within me for the men and women who serve our Country, and their families.

It manifested in a 20 year career caring for veterans at the VA Hosptial. I’ve continued my service to veterans in many ways. And, to celebrate (what would’ve been) my grandfather’s 100th birthday on June 14, 2013, I started The Phaneuf Foundation.

It’s a charitable foundation, formed in honor of my grandfather and uncle, Ernest and Normand Phaneuf. Its mission is to raise money to support our soldiers, veterans and military families in as many ways as possible. This includes financial support, awareness and advocacy campaigns, and volunteer time.

Thank youfor reading my vision!

My name is Debi Auger and I’m on a mission to ensure that you live life by design, create your future and

achieve your version of success by embracing the possibilities online

business offers you.

I want to support your dreams and vision...

Create your own

then share it!

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