how to create an unstoppable home based business and network marketing machine

Post on 06-Aug-2015






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How to Create an Unstoppable Home

Based Businessand Network Marketing

Profit Machine

Internet marketing is still evolving and what worked two years ago doesn’t work today.

If you want to stand out from the other 2 Billion people online and the millions of others in Network Marketing and Direct Selling you have to be seen a lot and be THE authority in your niche.

How do you become the authority in your niche?

It doesn’t mean joining an MLM company only to slap up their brand name on your Twitter and Facebook; It doesn’t mean talking to one relative and two friends and feel rejected and quit when they say “NO, it’s a scam!”

And, it doesn’t mean watching the real network marketing leaders on YouTube for a week and then thinking you’re a professional all of a sudden too.

It means finding out, quickly, that you have in your hands a professional business which could generate thousands if not millions of dollars IF you treat it seriously and like a REAL Profession.

What do Professionals do before they become Professionals? They study their craft. They stay up late writing papers and committing to memory the skills needed to become that Professional. They have a vision that spans out 2 to 5 years, sometimes longer.

Network marketing is growing exponentially because people are tired of making $10 to $15 an hour busting their butt for a Boss they can’t stand.

The only way to get out of living paycheck to paycheck is to leverage your income. That means earning a percentage of commissions off of many people who are all working in creating their dreams also of staying home, firing their boss and traveling the world.

Who wouldn’t want that?

Network marketing is a simple business, but not easy. You will spend months where it just doesn’t seem to be working.

This is the Universe and Law of Attraction testing to see if you’re serious about your new profession.

If you can weather the lulls and stay optimistic and keep your vision in the forefront, then you can have all the success you want.

Besides, people want to join a leader who doesn’t quit things every month or year. Once you get past your first year, people will start to look at you like a leader because you toughed it out, which beats 95% of the population!

My first year in network marketing was ridiculous. I had a couple people sign up into my business to only quit two weeks later. I was lost, so I turned to videos and eBooks of the leaders who taught network marketing techniques and training.

I wanted to see if I could find a commonality between them. I found out that leaders recruited hundreds of people only to find 2-5 leaders.

Tom “Big Al” Schreiter says if you find one true leader in your business you’re set and if you find two real leaders in your business you’re rich.

It’s true that there’s a numbers game in network marketing just like any other traditional business. Corporations have to sort through thousands of applications to find a handful of quality applicants, same with the service industry.

Restaurant owners hire and fire tons of people until they find a solid staff that can endure the stress and provide great work.

Network marketing is no different. Learn to tolerate people who quit because that is human nature, but stick around and learn what you can and you will become that leader hundreds of quality people want to follow.

Starting a home-based business is easy, inexpensive and has low risk. It’s low risk because if you don’t like the product or company you can simply cancel your autoship monthly order.

Try closing down a brick and mortar business that easy. You would have to file Bankruptcy, or sell everything and cancel your Lease and even face legal charges.

Home-Based businesses take a 2 to 4 year commitment to start to replace your job’s income and could possibly retire you from your job thereafter.

The income from network marketing is small in the beginning, that’s why some people quit. They don’t understand that leverage income really starts to take off in a couple years when people start building their businesses and duplicating underneath them.

For example: My company pays $15 a month per match of one person on the left leg and one person on the right leg. This is called a Binary Compensation plan.

I will discuss that in another presentation, but if I have 100 people on both legs that’s $1500 a month in residual income.

This is income I didn’t sweat for. This is income I could be sleeping and still earn. This is income that would take $500,000 in the bank to earn that.

The money in network marketing begins to grow without your control. This is also called momentum, which is the best feeling in the world.

It’s not uncommon to make more each month without do anything differently, because people on your team are growing their own businesses.

It grows and grows and grows. There will still be the quitters or the people “testing the waters” but if you get one or two leaders on your team there would be no stopping them even if you tried.

It’s an exciting business nevertheless and I’m glad you read this! Network marketing is also about helping others achieve their dreams and along the journey you will learn a lot about yourself.

Network marketing is a people business and the more you work on yourself the more you can help others. This is exactly opposite of a Corporation where it’s dog eats dog.

Again, Thanks for reading. If you’re interested in finding out more, please visit HERE.

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