how to build your first user-friendly website

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8/12/2019 How to Build Your First User-friendly Website 1/5

1 Copyright Sam H Mah 2014, All Right reserved.

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How to

Build Your First User-friendly Website

By Sam H Mah

E-Book Edition

Introductionro!er !lanned website is user-friendly to your customer"s satisfaction online# If the customer

encounters somethin$ easy and !leasant on your website% he is $enerally likely to !urchase or call

you# Furthermore% he communicates his e&!erience with his friends and the friends share his storywith others# With this reason% I wrote this $uide to aid small business owners to im!ro'e their

website and business#

“A well designed website is like getting an amazing customer service award in person.”

(uthor bio

My name is Sam H Mah# I li'e in Edmonton% (lberta )anada# I ha'e been de'elo!in$ website for

o'er * years% and like lots of web desi$ners and usability e&!erts% had been seein$ and sayin$ howfrustration the users were while they 'isit a $o'ernment website or a tra'el website or any site in

 !articular site for that matters# Subse+uently% they were o'erwhelmed with lar$er !hotos% broken

links% slow loadin$ of the site% no (, descri!tion% slo!!y code% etc#

While my !ersonal e&!erience seemed to indicate there was a need for this instruction manual#

My web desi$n $uide is based on my indi'idual knowled$e and I belie'e can hel! business ownerswho like to !ro'ide the best web e&!erience on their website#

2 Copyright Sam H Mah 2014, All Right reserved.

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he !ur!ose of this web $uide to make a'ailable a set of instruction you can use to im!ro'e your own

website# Best yet% you tell your own web desi$ner to read my $uide#

From a consumer res!ecti'ely% with this new awareness from readin$ my $uide% you will $ain newinsi$ht and !rotect your in'estment% in this case is your website#

)ustomers e&!erience is the key to a website.s success and you will win more business this way#

hese days% /oo$le rewards websites that are user-friendly for the searchers#

So listen u!% what I ho!e to accom!lish here is to share my ideas with you and so that you mi$ht $i'e

your online 'isitors $reater user !artici!ation#

0# Website wireframe

Before startin$ a new website% I use hotosho! to build a wireframe# I naturally focus andthink effecti'e ways of how indi'idual elements can best accom!lish a !articular !ur!ose for

the users#

1# Fast loading website

Users hate websites that are slow to load# )heck your website loadin$ s!eed in /oo$le

a$eS!eed# If /oo$le thinks your website is fast loadin$% then /oo$le will think it will be

attracti'e to a searcher who is lookin$ for information% thus% boostin$ its search rankin$#

2# Popular devices

In this day and a$e% smart!hones and tablets are fa'orite de'ices# 3'er 455 million !eo!le usethese de'ices for surfin$ the internet# What does this mean to you6 est your site on !o!ular

de'ices 7/oo$le (ndroid and (!!le I3S8 to make sure your site is workin$ !ro!erly#

9# Popular web browsers

eo!le use Internet E&!lorer% Firefo&% )hrome% 3!era% etc# hese browsers read a website

differently# If your site is not workin$ !ro!erly on one of these browsers% it will be !oorly

reflected in the eye of the user#

4# Trust and confidence

(dd !hone numbers and office addresses to $i'e your customers a sense of confidence in your 

com!any# What.s more% affiliate lo$os added to a website can $enerate first-rate re!utation#

3 Copyright Sam H Mah 2014, All Right reserved.

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:# Testimonial

If a!!licable% testimonials with client !hotos or 'ideos indicate e&cellent relations between

you and your customers#

*# Site map

( site ma! will not only hel! users% but search en$ine s!iders as well% to na'i$ate your


;# Web maintenance

Ha'in$ a website source code nicely or$ani<ed and commented will make it easier when it is

time to u!date your site# For instance% inside the source code% use the often ne$lected

comment ta$#


>?-- na'i$ation starts --@

>?-- na'i$ation ends --@

A# mage description

(lways label ima$es with keywords in the file name and (, attributes# ot only does it

 !ro'ide further information to users but it also increases the search 'isibility#

05# Font size ad!ustment

Ceadin$ on the com!uter screen can be dreadfully tirin$ for the human eyes# (llow users to

adDust the font si<e# It increases the web e&!erience enormously#

00# "mp#asis wit# #eader $%&' tag

/reat headline not Dust ca!tures the attention% also hi$hly influences a site rankin$#

01# (icrodata

he ad'anta$e of structured data is that it allows users to refine their searches usin$ a conce!t

rather than Dust indi'idual keywords or !hrases# (ddin$ Microdata to your website is hu$elySE3 ad'anta$eous# /oo$le uses it to !roduce rich sni!!ets and increase tar$et traffic to your


4 Copyright Sam H Mah 2014, All Right reserved.

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he results

o sum u!% my ad'ice here can im!ro'e user e&!erience and $reatly increase online business sales

o'erall# If you are lackin$ in confidence to act% 'isit my website at htt!=www#shmdesi$n#com and Ican hel! you out#

Free website criti+ue

I criti+ue a website !er month# lease fill out your contact information#htt!=www#shmdesi$n#comfree-website-desi$n-criti+ue

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5 Copyright Sam H Mah 2014, All Right reserved.

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