how to beat your exercise excuses

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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By adjusting your thinking, you can overcome any hurdle. You just have to take control of your workouts because it helps you get the body you want and also makes you feel more in control of your life. So stop making excuses-and start making progress!


How to Beat Your Exercise Excuses

Everyone knows the feeling of not wanting to get up and exercise. You have every excuse out there not to even put on your workout clothes. The thing about these excuses is that everyone has them, yet people still find the time for themselves to get in a good exercise.

Don’t despair because you can get to your workout. The trick is learning how to counter the excuses that keep you from exercising. By adjusting your thinking, you can overcome any hurdle. You just have to take control of your workouts because it helps you get the body you want and also makes you feel more in control of your life.

So stop making excuses-and start making progress!

I’m Too Tired

Unless you’re incredibly sleep deprived or jet-lagged, there’s no reason not to exercise when you’re tired. It may sound intuitive, but working out actually gives you more energy Inactivity produces fatigue and lethargy.

Exercise promotes vigor and energy. You may have to drag yourself out at first, but if you stick with it, in time you’ll have to hold yourself back. Once you get moving, your fatigue will likely disappear. You’re getting the feel good hormones in your body to release. And you’re getting the circulation going as opposed to coming home and crashing on the couch.

I don’t have the Time

Many people don’t exercise because they feel weighed down with work, but a good sweat session will make you more productive on the job. You’ll have less stress, a clearer head and a better perspective. You can actually get more work done after your workout than before. People who thought they were too busy to exercise really did have the time but chose not to make it a priority. Figure out how to incorporate physical activity into your workday. Try exercising at lunchtime, when many of us can steal away without missing too many calls or meetings.

Try making small lifestyle changes that help you move more. You can climb stairs, walk and find many other physically active ways to accomplish your daily tasks. You can divide up your stretching and strength training so it takes just a few minutes a day. And you can also make time for designated exercise.

Give up some sleep, exercise will make you more energetic, and it will help you sleep better, so you won’t miss the shut-eye. Walk with your friends instead of meeting them for coffee or lunch. Spend some of your lunch hour walking. Do more on weekends, holidays and vacations, but do something important for your body and your health nearly every day. If it’s work that’s sapping all your spare time, try exercising on the job. Close your office door and jump rope for 10 minutes, or walk in place.

You can make exercise happen. For perspective, remember that 30 to 45 minutes represents just two to three per cent of your day. And in the final analysis, it’s a remarkable bargain, since you’ll gain about an hour of life expectancy for every 30 minutes of regular exercise. In a sense, exercise will allow you to turn energy into time.

It’s easy to make excuses about why you can’t get in the shape you want. As valid as they can appear to be, excuses just don’t cut it. Sometimes you have to suck it up and just get on with the task at hand.

Now remember that every journey starts with a single move. So, are you ready?

Just leave your excuse aside. Get up. And get your body shaking, stretching and

moving like never before!

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