how human resources utilizes assessment

Post on 16-Feb-2017






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How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

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How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment


1.  Benefits of Pre-Employment Assessments 2.  The Practicality of Assessment 3.  Common HR Tests and What They Measure 4.  The Applications of Assessment for Hiring

Source: Test Generator – How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

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How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

Benefits of Pre-Employment Assessments

•   While  it  is  common  for  larger  companies  to  apply  pre-­‐employment  assessments,  many  smaller  companies  have  yet  to  u7lize  this  cost-­‐efficient  tool  for  hiring.  

•   What  is  great  about  assessments,  especially  when  made  with  online  exam  so?ware,  is  that  they  require  liAle  7me  and  money  for  the  immense  benefit  of  a  more  adequate  selec7on  of  employees.  

Source: Test Generator – How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

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How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

The Practicality of Assessment •   Assessments  are  becoming  a  highly-­‐u7lized  hiring  tool,  mainly  because  they  are  flexible  and  can  measure  whatever  the  administrator  chooses,  including:  

– Employee  mo7ves  – Ethics  – Intelligence  – Work  traits  – Personality  traits  – Skills  

•   Tests  created  using  Test  Generator  can  help  determine  and  predict  which  candidates  may  be  best  suited  for  the  job.  

Source: Test Generator – How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

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How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

•   There  are  several  reasons  why  a  company  may  choose  to  implement  pre-­‐employment  tes7ng  as  a  part  of  the  hiring  process,  some  of  these  include:  

– A  high-­‐volume  company  may  create  a  test  as  a  method  of  quickly  assessing  and  selec7ng  the  most  effec7ve  employees  for  the  job.  

– Assessment  may  be  used  to  improve  employee  reten7on  and  waste  less  money  by  making  the  hiring  process  more  efficient  and  effec7ve.  

Source: Test Generator – How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

The Practicality of Assessment

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How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

Common HR Tests and What They Measure

•   When  an  administrator  uses  test  generator  so?ware,  they  have  the  ability  to  create  any  type  of  test  to  measure  a  wide  variety  of  employee  traits.    

– For  some  posi7ons  -­‐  such  as  sales,  personality  may  be  a  very  important  trait  for  an  employer  to  gage.  

– For  high-­‐profile  companies,  employee  the?  may  be  of  high  concern,  so  the  pre-­‐employment  assessment  for  these  companies  may  include  ques7ons  pertaining  to  honesty  and  morals.  

Source: Test Generator – How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

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How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

•   Some  of  the  most  common  assessment  types  used  by  human  resources  include:  

– Personality  Tests:  These  usually  measure  character  traits  which  could  determine  the  poten7al  behaviour  of  an  employee  and  flag  any  undesirable  traits  such  as  stealing,  neuro7cism  and  improper  aPtudes  towards  safety.  

– Cogni1ve  Ability  Test:  These  usually  measure  an  employee’s  learning  capacity,  comprehension  and  reasoning  style  and  may  be  used  to  determine  if  an  employee  has  the  proper  essen7al  workplace  knowledge  to  be  hired.  

Source: Test Generator – How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

Common HR Tests and What They Measure

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How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

The Applications of Assessment for Hiring •   An  employee  will  have  an  applicant’s  competencies  assessed  first  through  a  review  of  their  resume,  and  one  to  three  interviews.  

– This  may  give  the  employer  a  clear  idea  of  who  the  candidate  is,  but  only  an  assessment  can  review  more  detailed  aspects.  

•   The  assessment,  created  using  test  generator  so?ware,  will  cover  a  range  of  competencies  (skills,  experience)  but  will  s7ll  remain  standardized.  

•   It  is  crucial  that  human  resources  employees  know  how  to  review  assessment  results  properly,  in  order  to  use  these  findings  in  the  final  hiring  process.  

Source: Test Generator – How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

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How Human Resources Utilizes Assessment

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