horror movie magazines analysis

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Horror movie Magazines

• Is the “The World's Number One Horror Magazine in print and digital...for Horror News, Interviews, Reviews, Previews and Trailers...” – official website

• It is Published monthly

Puff/Sky line - I like the use of these words as they draw the audience in

Movie image/main image – the image becomes lost when there are other images as well as graphics

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Masthead – I like the masthead it links well to the genre because of the name and blood drops.

Movie name/ Main Cover Line - has a exclusive interview and is in large writing to show it’s importance.

Cover line – they use multiple cover lines in different text and colours, I think that this overpowers the magazine and makes in to busy

• Is a horror magazine that covers “cover films, celebrity interviews, DVDs, Blu-rays, festivals, books, games, comics, graphic novels, fiction/non-Fiction, photography, clothing/fashion, news, reviews, previews, competitions, on-location film reports & much, much more!” – official website

Main cover line/article – the text links well to the genre and grabs the attention of the reader as it stands out more then the other text

Cover lines - the writing for this section is in one font but changes between black and blue

Masthead – is big and has a creepy vibe, it matches the addition and sits behind the main image

Movie image, main image – is the largest thing on the page but does not take up all of the space. It has a cartoon look that works well for the film

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• Was started in 1979 under the name “FANTASTICA”

• It was started as a magazine that would focus of fantasy but has branched out since then into genres such as horror

Masthead – is simple and sits over the main image

Secondary images – this draws attention away from the main image but also adds more content to the page.

Movie image, main image – is a close mid shot with the model looking to the reader, drawing them in

Puff/Sky line – draws in attention and highlights genre

Cover line – is not with actors name and therefore could be confusing to reader

Actors name and cover line - two images may work but three is to distracting

• Is a physical and digital film magazines that offers readers reviews and exclusives from films off all genres

• It is a British magazine that is published every month

• The first issue was realised in 1989

Movie image – the model looks out to the audience and the use of the mask creates a mysterious tone.

Masthead – sits behind the image

Movie name/ Main Cover Line - is large and draws a lot of attention.

Puff/Sky line - is large and draws people in

Cover line uses a graphic to make it pop out

Quote – creates questions for the audience.

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