herm room creation

Post on 17-Jan-2015






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Our labor Day project


Herm’s Room Creation

Sept 2-3, 2007Starring Sherri, Mike, Rachel, and Steve

Also starring yellow & green paint And featuring Soft & Fuzzy Pooh Wall Border

Before pictures

The first paint goes on!

I got to apply the first paint to the wall, and I sent a little message to the baby!

Applying the Yellow top portion

We had this handy dandy paint stick, which stored the paint in the handle so you didn’t have to keep bending down to a tray to dip the roller in!

Mike climbed the stepladder with a small brush to fill in around frames

I only used this for a minute to see how it went on.

Applying the Green bottom color, and filling in the Yellow

Steve had the job of primary green painter While Mike filled in the yellow on top and Rachel continued to roll Yellow

Rachel and Steve filling in the Green on the bottom

A finished corner!

The space in between is where the border will go.

You’ve heard of Bob the Builder? Here’s Mike the Painter!

And wearing the appropriate shirt too!

Pics from end of Day One – the Painting

Day 2 – the Border

Our first little section of border up! The paint match at Home Depot was fantastic!

A closeup

Rachel sponging smooth the border

See how nicely we got it to match up? And how good it looks with the paint?

An easy small piece on the other side of the closet

A tougher, longer piece on the other side of the door

The completed “door” wall

The crib will go along this wall

We actually ran out of border, and had to run to Babies R Us in Danbury to pick up another one before we did these strips on either side of the window.

Here Rachel is erasing the light pencil markings we were using to try and hang the border straight.

Once done with the border, we put Pooh stickers on the closet doors, bedroom door, dresser, and window frame.

The whole closet

Close-up on each door

The back of the bedroom door

A closeup of the cute sticker on the back of the door

This is on the front of the door

A few stickers on the dresser

Completed shots of the room (before & after)

The changing table will go along the wall where the small wicker table is

The bed will stay in the room for a little while after the baby is born

Herm’s New Room - DECORATION COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!

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