happy new year! starting afresh. we have been …...2018/01/05  · jesus. having a devotional...

Post on 04-Aug-2020






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Happy New Year! Each new year brings with it a fabulous opportunity—starting afresh.

This is the beauty of resolutions. We have an opportunity to challenge ourselves to accomplish a

task. Some resolutions seek to break a poor or bad habit. Other resolutions pursue a good habit.

Just before Christmas, Duffy and I purchased a devotional entitled, Devotions for the

Beach and Days You Wish You Were There, we have been using this devotion in the morning for

the past month and it has been wonderful. It gives us time to spend together with God as we begin

our day.

One of the most rewarding resolutions that you can choose for 2018 is to spend time with

Jesus. Having a devotional routine is an excellent way to keep yourself accountable to spending

time with God daily. Whether you spend that time in the morning, afternoon, or evening is

entirely up to you. No matter when you spend that time with Jesus, make it a priority.

During the years, Duffy and I have used several different devotionals to guide us in our time

together spent with God. You may want to spend your time in devotion with your spouse,

children, friend, or alone.

Sometimes it is good to know what others have used during their own devotion times.

Here are a few that I have either used with Duffy or alone:

(1) Experiencing God: Day-by-Day by Richard Blackaby; (2) Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado; (3) One Incredible Moment by Max Lucado; (4) The Business of Heaven by C.S. Lewis; (5)

Once-A-Day: Walk with Jesus by Zondervan Publishing; (6) Jesus Calling by Sarah Young; (7) Trusting God Day by Day by Joyce Meyer; (8) The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A’Kempis; (9) Night Light for Parents by James & Shirley Dobson; (10) Night Light for Couples by James & Shirley Dobson; (11) God With Us by Greg Pennoyer; (12) God For Us by Greg Pennoyer; (13) Seeing God in America by Thomas A. Nelson publishing; (14) Hope for Each Day by Billy Graham; and (15) My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers. These are just a few.

For 2018, I challenge everyone at Trinity to take time to spend with God daily. The

Upper Room is another excellent devotional. This is a New Year’s resolution for the wellbeing

of your soul.

I would like to share two devotions. One is from C.S. Lewis book entitled The Business

of Heaven. The devotion for December 31 is:

The Business of Heaven by C.S. Lewis

“Farewell to Shadowlands December 31 ‘Then Aslan turned to them and said: ‘…you are—as you used to call it in the Shadowlands—dead.

The term is over: the holidays have begun. The dream is ended: this is the morning…’ And for us this is the end of all the stories, and we can most truly say that they all lived happily ever

after. But for them it was only the beginning of the real story. All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on for ever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.’”

The second devotion is from the Upper Room’s Disciplines: Disciplines (portion) “This Light of Mine January 1 See, the home of God is among mortals.’ …God is at home among us. God is not waiting to pull us out

of this world into some faraway escape world. God’s home is here, among us. It is in this life, on this earth, that we are to search for signs of God’s glory.

As we begin a new year, we celebrate the many places we have seen God’s glory shining. I think of South Africa where the prisoner of twenty-seven years became the president; where the first official act of the government was to abolish the death penalty…”

As C.S. Lewis reflects on Aslan, the Lion, from his work the Chronicles of Narnia,

he shares that “now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which

no one on earth has read: which goes on for ever: in which every chapter is better than

the one before”, it gives us the assurance that the best is yet to come for some. We are

beginning a new chapter in our lives in 2018 where transformation can be a blessing if

we allow God’s glory to shine.

May you have a super 2018 as we worship Jesus Christ our Lord together.

Bryan Huffman

please Remember In Prayer:

Out of Town: Faye Betz - The Gardens of Pamlico, 22 Magnolia Way, Grantsboro NC 28529 Jo Brown - Cypress Glen, 205 John Wesley Rd., Greenville NC 27858 Sarah Davis - Magnolia Cottage Care, 5643 Hwy. 70, Dover NC 28526 Dot Hardison - Carteret Landing, 221 Friendly Rd., Apt. A1, Morehead City NC 28557 Noel & Henrietta Proudfoot - Cypress Glen, 301 Francis Asbury Ln., Greenville NC 27858

Bill & Janice Underseth - Snug Harbor, PO Box 150, Sea Level NC 28577 Church Family Illness/Injury: Clarine Acasio, Faye Betz, Charles Carroll, Don Chesner, Betty Creech, Amy Dudley, George Dudley, Jean Estes, John Ferrell, Debbie Fredricks, Frances Gardner, Mary Lou Guptill, Ruth Long, Mike & Shanda Prince, Carol Roberts, Norm Sears, Carolyn Sutton, Laura Sutton, Nolan Tomboulian, Maxine Tyndall, Bill & Janice Underseth, Billy & Pat Vestal, Jack Wygand Friends and Loved Ones Illness/Injury: Alex Burnett (D. Fredricks), Dan Fuller (J. Fuller’s Brother), Susan P. Harrell (D. Fredricks), Carol May, Kay Scheeler (JoAnne Norris’ Sister), Troy Woolard (Cleve’s Brother) Emotional Support: Natural Disaster Victims, Our Nation, Our World, The Unemployed **Please call the church office at 637-2660 if you know of anyone who may be removed from the Prayer List.

Office Closings

The church office will be closed Monday, January 1st and Monday, January 15th.

In Memory Of

Katherine Harrison

Beech Grove UMC, Channie & Lynn Currin, Mike & Beverly Fedewa, Larry & Karin

Patrick, Carolyn Whitehurst

Miller Harrison

Beech Grove UMC

Fran Thrift

Joyful Hearts Circle

A New Year!! Caring and Sharing

“2018” The birthday of Jesus came and went, It was 2017’s main event. Now it’s 2018, the beginning of a New Year, God will be with us, He helps us to steer. Say a kind word, do a good deed, There’s a lot of people who have a great need. Remember Jesus’ teachings, they are our strength, Follow His words, go the full length. In the cold of winter, His love will warm your heart, Then the spring will come, the cold will depart. But God’s love will always stay the same, To help us and love us, that’s why Jesus came. Help others with prayer, share what you’re able, Many don’t have food on their table. Always remember The Golden Rule, That’s what Jesus would want you to do. Happy New Year! Love and Hugs

Diane Harper January 2018 *Golden Rule* Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

Thank you to all the kids, extra hands, parents, and congregation for helping make the

children's Christmas play, A CHRISTMAS TO BELIEVE IN, successful. If you have

attended the children's plays the last two years, you may be wondering if I really know the

Christmas story. For you see, last year and this year we included some characters not usually

associated with the story. Last year Batman, alias Brian McPherson, showed up at the manger

to meet baby Jesus. I allowed it because I felt it was more important for Brian to participate

than to be concerned about what he wore. I was sure the time would come when he would be

able to be a more "traditional" character. And, indeed, this year he was the most stoic shepherd

I have ever seen. So this year when I suggested my grandson, Ford Bailey, be a sheep, cow,

donkey or shepherd, and he adamantly refused, stating he wanted to be a monkey, I knew it

was not a big deal. He had a monkey costume from Halloween and he loved it.The next time

Ford was at my home looking at my nativity he asked where the monkey was. With maturity

he will come to understand there probably was not a monkey present. However, I hope he and

all the kids remember they belong in God's family. Maybe next year he will be ready to try on

another costume. My point is sometimes we learn big lessons from the youngest in our

congregation. I was reminded that Jesus bids us come to Him as we are and all are welcome.

Congregational Care Team

Tuesday, January 9 6:30 PM


Sunday, January 21st 12:30 PM

Famous Subs Please sign up on the Welcome Center bulletin board to attend.

United Methodist Women Circle Meetings

Joyful Hearts Mon., January 8th, 10:00 AM.

Ellie Stockton

Tues., January 16th, 6:00 PM.

Helping Hands Tues., January 30th, 10:30 AM.

United Methodist Men News Tues., January 16th, 6:30 PM. All men of the church are invited for food and fellowship.


Chuck Gilgo

Kip Gilgo Garrett Gilgo William White

Finance Team

Tuesday, January 16 6:30 PM

From the Trinity Staff Thank you to each and every one of you who so generously donated to the staff Christmas gift! Each year we are all so incredibly grateful that you choose to remember us in this way. We can’t wait to see what 2018 has in store for our Trinity Family!

Trinity Church Staff

Thank You Thank you to everyone who shopped and generously made donations to furnish gifts and other needed help to members of our church family and friends. So much was accomplished to make the holidays a little easier on both the adults and the children. Your generosity was appreciated more than you will ever know!

Michelle McDougald

2018 Altar Flower Chart 2018 Flower Calendar is on the wall near the bulletin board in the Welcome Center. Be sure to sign up for your important dates as soon as possible. Indicate whether you will be leaving the arrangement to be distributed or taking it home. This is also where dates may be reserved for

those wishing to place missional arrangements instead of flowers. You may call the church office for more information on placing either of these arrangements.

2017 Giving Statements Please be sure to pick up your 2017 end of year Giving Statement from the table beneath the Welcome Center bulletin board. Please check carefully and call the office if you notice any errors or have questions.

10 Week Bible Study The Billy Seate Class invites you to join them for a 10 week study on Jesus’ Disciples. The books are available in our class so please pick up your copy. We will order more if needed. We are using “The Twelve Disciples” by Douglas Connelly. Please join us on

January 14 for the first week of this lesson.

An Exciting New Year 2018 is here and what a year it promises to be! The Missions Team will be at work in a myriad of ways that attempt to bring folks to Jesus. I thought it might be a good idea to list and describe the various missions in which we will be involved. We adopted Trent Park Elementary (TPE) School in early 2017 and this partnership rapidly became a blessing to both sides. This will continue to be a big part of our missions and actually expand as we evolve new projects with the faculty and staff at the school. Trinity will maintain the Backpack Blessings effort for TPE as well as contributing to their clothes closet and working closely with the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). Volunteers are always welcome to join us in helping with activities. Religious Community Services (RCS) is another big mission for us. Not only do we contribute a team to the kitchen on fifth Saturdays when they occur but will be holding classes that teach decision making, self-esteem, and return to society for RCS “clients.” These classes will be held once a week and were very popular when we held them last spring. We will also be working with RCS to help homeless and needy veterans. The Merci Clinic of New Bern will be receiving our support. More information will be provided as to what volunteers are needed and when. Our overseas missions will see an addition to those that we have traditionally supported. Merci Ships is a project that employs a hospital ship to visit different ports in Africa in order to provide surgical and medical care to thousands of people. There are various ways to support a Merci Ship, including working on it! Wil Bailey will continue to receive our support as will UMCOR and selective missions of both the North Carolina Conference and Sound District UMC. A work team trip to one of the hurricane disaster areas is in the early (very) stages of planning and more information will be forthcoming. The trip will probably come in the spring sometime. The Missions Team will continue emphasizing a specific mission during each month of the year whether it be Crop Walk, Relay for Life, Project AGAPE, military veterans, and summer camp to name just a few. Our Missions Store opened in time for the Christmas Season and has been a big success selling ornaments and coffee mugs. The store will become a yearlong feature, carrying coffee and travel mugs, small items like key chains, decorations, and small gifts. If any ideas come to mind for things that you would like to see in the store, please let us know. One very popular item has been the Cross and Flame ornament. It was made exclusively for Trinity and promptly sold out! More are on order. Jerry Egolf, Missions Team Lead, gegolf@yahoo.com Volunteers are always needed at Trent Park Elementary school. There are various tasks to be done and activities with which to assist. Most only require an hour or so and are not every day. Cafeteria monitors are needed on the first and third Wednesdays of the month (11:00 AM to 1:00 PM) to give the teachers some free time. Volunteers are also needed for carpool assistance and reading to small groups or individuals. You might be surprised at the fun that you will have! Jerry Egolf, gegolf@yahoo.com, 240-486-1123


An endowment is a permanent fund that has been established by a donor or by the church to provide a perpetual stream of income designated for a general or specific purpose. Endowment gifts are theological statements which demonstrate one’s belief that we are never ultimately proprietors, owners, but only stewards, life time guardians entrusted by God to use wisely what God has placed in our hands. When an individual creates an endowment gift for the church during or beyond their lifetime, it declares to the present and future generations the importance of our faith and trust in God. We have each drawn water from the wells we have not dug; we have sat under shade trees we did not plant and we each have a wonderful opportunity to provide the means for the church to have a strong and empowering ministry for generations to come. Genesis 26:17-25 – “And Isaac dug again the wells of water which had been dug in the days of Abraham his father...” Leave something behind which is better than what you found. An endowment gift ensures that a passion for a particular ministry will continue to be funded beyond the life of the individual; it may provide a perpetual memorial to the Christian stewardship of a family or an individual and it is a means to continue support for ministry when the individual is no longer present to continue to make annual contributions. Arguments have been made that endowments detract from current giving. In reality, a well established endowment policy will provide funds for ministry over and beyond the current-expense budget. Therefore the church will be able to engage in outreach ministries that would otherwise go unfunded. The TUMC Endowment Fund was established in December 2007 under the leadership of Ann M. Herring with a check in the amount of $1,080. The initial stated goal was $100,000 before funds could be distributed to Trinity. The Endowment Fund got off to a slow start because of the country’s economic downturn that followed shortly after that. With the improved economic situation there has been a renewed interest in the Fund. It now has over $35,500 invested. Once the Fund reaches the $100,000 goal distributions, once made, will be divided as follows 15% to a mission organization; 40% to the Capital Improvement Fund; 20% to a ministry or ministries within Trinity and 25% will be “rolled back” into the principal fund. Do you have questions about our Endowment Fund. If so, contact Art Estes at 288-5470 or any of the Endowment Committee – Sarah Bailey; Albert Brinson; Jerry Creech; Carol Croscutt; Linda Griffin; Roland Hill; Ronnie Mooring, Maxine Tyndall and Norma Wygand

Church Council Retreat

Saturday, January 27th 9:00 AM - Noon

Altar Arrangements

14th - Amy Dudley

21st - Open

28th - Nell Cox

Liturgist Schedule


8:30 AM - Kevin Wright

11:00AM - Tony Lafond


8:30 AM - Linda Griffin

11:00 AM - Madison Gaskins


8:30 AM - Donna Wright

11:00 AM - Chuck Gilgo


8:30 AM - Danielle Oakley

11:00 AM - Jerry Cox

Multi-Media Assistants 7th 8:30 AM John Griffin 11:00 AM Madison Gaskins 14th 8:30 AM Zachary Oakley 11:00 AM Molly Thornburg 21st 8:30 AM - John Griffin 11:00 AM - Tony Lafond 28th 8:30 AM - Zachary Oakley 11:00 AM - Ralph Melton

January Birthdays 1 - Helen Cox, Mary Mooring; 2 - Byron Creech, Valerie Nasser, Gail

Young; 3 - Sydney Gilgo; 4 - Avis Nash; 7 - John Ferrell; 9 - Adalynn

Brown; 10 - Kelsey Bennett; 12 - Jillian Daly, Laurie Tyler; 14 - Rev.

Bryan Huffman; 15 - Frances Gardner, 16 - Larry Keefover; 17 - Rev.

Bob Shields; 18 - Molly Thornburg; 19 - Linda Hansen, Bee Mayo, Beryl

Nulph; 20 - Sandra Egolf, Roland Hill; 22 - Jami Hoyle, Earl Temple; 25 - Lib Daly;

27 - Tim Bennett, Sherri Richard, Zoe Pat Robinson; 29 - Jonathan Creech, Dot Mallard;

31 - Donavan Becton, Faye Betz, Art Estes

Coffee Preparation We want to thank the Betty Shields Sunday

School class for preparing coffee in the

Welcome Center for the month of January.

Coffee should be ready by 9:30 AM.

Acolytes 7th - Gail Young 14th - Kosco Family 21st - Thornburg Family 28th - Charlene Goes

Nursery 7th - Marianne Parker 14th - Mary Mooring 21st - Lynn Gaskins 28th - Sandra Davis

Church & Ministry Leadership At-a-Glance

Lay Leader: Tony Lafond 636-5157 Council Chair: Dennis Albertson 637-7396 Trustee Chair: Chuck Gilgo 633-1526 Pastor/Parish: Vern Davis 638-2735 Finance: Linda Griffin 633-4409 Treasurer: Janis McDaniel 633-5404 Financial Secretary: Bertie Joyner-Tyndall 638-4351 Congregational Care Co-Chairs: Sandra Egolf 571-7220/Carol Winters 636-1116 Missions: Jerry Egolf 571-7220 Youth Ministries: Lynn Gaskins 637-9257 Fellowship Ministries Contact: Worship Chair: Rick Kosco 637-1833 Ushers: Kevin Wright 635-6377/Jerry Creech 633-1813 Acolytes: Amy Dudley 633-9280 Communion: Maxine Tyndall 638-8589 Multi-Media Ministry: Recording: Byron Creech 638-6069 Sound System: Johnny Mattox 637-5973 Children’s Worship: Worship & Wonder: Jo Lafond 636-5157 Toddler/Nursery: Mary Mooring 636-5524 Choirs: Sanctuary: Kathy Mattox 637-5973 Youth: Lynne Scott 474-4321 Children: Lynne Scott 474-4321 Handbells: Kathy Mattox 637-5973

Evangelism / Outreach Communications: Valerie Nasser 638-9506 Bulletin Boards: Carolyn Sutton 637-3963 Web-master: Art Thinguldstad 649-0978/Ralph Melton 349-0835 Member Care: Visitation: Home Communion: Joyce Reynolds 571-5781 Bereavement Team: Dot Mallard 638-2923 Prayer Chain: Kristi Gilgo 633-1526/Lynn Gaskins 637-9257 UMWomen: Joyce Albertson 637-7396 UMMen: Rick Kosco 637-1833 Administration Assistance: Adm. Assistant: Michelle McDougald 626-8357 Membership Records: Avis Nash 514-0676 Church History/Archives: Dianne Lewis 637-2268

Movie Night

Friday, January 19th

7:00 PM

“The Case for Christ

Regular Sunday Schedule: 8:30 & 11:00 AM Worship

9:45 AM Sunday School Assembly 10:00 AM Sunday School

Church Office Hours:

Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Contact Information:

Church Office: 252-637-2660 E-mail: tumc09@gmail.com

Physical Address: 2311 Elizabeth Av., New Bern N C 28562 Mailing Address: PO Box 12867, New Bern NC 28561-2867

Numbered Giving Envelopes

Please contact the church office if you would like a set of numbered giving envelopes for 2018.


Michelle will be taking a vacation day on Friday, January 12th.

Please sign up on the Welcome Center bulletin board if you can cover the office.

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