happy money · + kids always feel happy when they see their mom and dad. + teenager happy with...

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Increase Your Happiness & Money

Easier Than You Ever Thought


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HAPPY MONEY Copyright © 2015 by Dontri Seripattananon.

All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

ISBN: 978-616-394-073-5 (EPUB)

Published by: Dontri Seripattananon First Edition: July 2015 Book and Cover design by DON SERI For information contact; Email : interiogroup@yahoo.com 472 Soi Soonbanterngkanka Nawamin Rd. Klongjan Bangkapi Bangkok 10240 Phone / Fax : (66)2375-7248 or www.PasaThai.in.th

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Contents Introduction Part 1 Be Happy or Money First?

1. Observe Our Self and Surroundings

2. Always Think of Uncertainty

3. Contact is the Cause of Feeling

Part 2 Enjoy Simple Life

4. Start with Using Useful Words

5. Define Your Own Success

6. Set Clear Goals and Time to Finish

7. Should Have Good Feeling in What You Do

8. Improve Our Daily Lives

Part 3 Spending Less, More Success

9. Spend for Yourself in the Right Way First

Then Family

10. 5 Easy Steps to Be Debt Free

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11. Stop Bad Behaviors, Start Develop Good


12. Turn Your Value Time into Valuable Works

13. Focus on New Results, Practicing Step by


Part 4 Money Freedom Fast

14. Demand Research

15. Problems & Solutions

16. Attractive Title, Powerful Sub-Title

17. Distinctive Cover

18. Profitable Keywords

19. Right Category

20. Interesting Description

21. Good Price

22. Quality Reviews

23. Effective Marketing

Part 5 What is Your Next Project?

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“When this exists, that comes to be;

With arising of this that arises.

When this does not exist, that does not come to be;

With the cessation of this, that ceases.”


This is the truth of nature. Most of people live their life without

knowing in their nature, live with the same problems, do the

same thing and don’t know the cause of their problems.

What kind of person you are and want to be?

A. Have much more money but not happy enough.

B. Have not much money but happy enough.

C. Have not money and life’s very unhappy.

D. Very happy with life and have much more enough money.


E. Still don’t know what kind you are and want to be.

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Even you don’t know what you want or want to be happy and

have much more money; this book will help you find the

answer, how to have more money and to be happy in your

everyday life.

Anybody can achieve in what they want if they know how to do

to achieve their goals and does it in the right way until achieve

it. Reading the book does not bring you to success in overnight,

only doing the practice in the right path will bring you to the

goals. The purpose of this book is intended to have 1000

persons bring some good thing from the book to use for

changing to their better life. If you are ready to do something

new to have a better life, let’s start from inside the book and

do the practicing until success.

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Part 1 ‘Be Happy’ or ‘Money’ First?

“With the six sense bases as condition, contact;

With contact as condition, feeling;”


What will you select on ‘Be Happy’ or ‘Having Money’ first?

Someone easy to answer ‘Be Happy’ or ‘Money’, someone may

did not know what they really want in their life or maybe take

few days to get the answer.

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If you select ‘Be Happy‘, in the same word but there are

differences meaning of their own ways and maybe it hard to



+ Kids always feel happy when they see their mom and dad.

+ Teenager happy with their favorite song.

+ Woman still feels good with smell of her perfume.

+ Some parent happy with enjoy eating out.

+ Young girl have good feeling of holding friend’s hand.

+ Or older person can be happy by thinking of their good old


Maybe ‘Be Happy‘, it just a kind of good feeling when doing or

having something good.

For person who select ‘Be Happy‘, first they have a chance to

be happy more easily than others. Because if you know what

make you happy or what is your happiness, you don’t need to

waste your time searching for something that you don’t want.

When you know what you want just do the practices in the

right way until you achieve it.

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When you achieve your ‘Happiness‘, another things will

become more unnecessary things even the ‘Money’. Once the

Money become more unnecessary thing for you, your life will

be happier. So you can live your life in the way you want, doing

and having something that make you feel good, do the good

things for yourself and others person.

If you select ‘Money‘ and maybe mostly people select this


Money is something that created and assume by people in our

time that use money as a precious thing to buy or exchange for

something they want.

If you select ‘Money’ how much money do you want? What

would you do this money to make you happy? How can you

achieve that money? If all your answer is clear that’s very good

for you, because you know what you really want and know how

to achieve it.

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Money can’t make you happy by itself, people have to use

money to buy or exchange to another things or services and

when you already have things or services you will be happy or

maybe not is still a doubt. How long will you have much money

that you want? 1 month, 6 months, 1 year, 2-3 years, 5 years or

10 years. This is time that will use for making your money. Then

you will spend that money in next few months or few years

later. Do you think it will be the same happiness that you have

plan for next 2-3 years? And what would you do if you can’t

have that Money?

So people who select ‘Money‘, there are 2 steps to achieve

their Happiness.

1) Make their Money that will take time and their resources.

2) Turn that Money to another things or services that will

make them happy. If they switch this order that’s mean they

buy their Happiness first then they have to pay off debts later.

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