guru nanak founder of sikh religion in english (for youngsters)

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GURU NANAKFOUNDER OF SIKH RELIGION(For Youngsters)byS. S. RHODE, M.A., B.T.,Ex-HeadmasterMrs . .B..K. RHODE, B.Sc.(Hon.) London, Cert.Ed.,Lecturer



    (For Youngsters)


    S. S. RHODE, M.A., B.T., Ex-Headmaster

    Mrs . .B..K. RHODE, B.Sc.(Hon.) London, Cert.Ed., Lecturer

    Published by RHODES PUBLISHING COMPANY 166 Belgrave Walk, Mitcham, Surrey

    CR4 3QE, U.K. Tel: 01-640 1843

    First Edition April 1980


    (For Youngsters)


    S. S. RHODE, M.A., B.T., Ex-Headmaster

    Mrs. R. K. RHODE, B.Sc.(Hon.) London, Cert.Ed., Lecturer

    Published by RHODES PUBLISHING COMPANY 166 Belgrave Walk, Mitcham, Surrey

    CR4 3QE, U.K. Tel: 01-640 1843

    First Edition April 1980

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    The Sikh youn~ters of today are gradually losing faith in religion. Their attendance at the temple of worship is becoming less. Worst of all, they ar~ beginning to doubt the very existence of God.

    The three main reasons given by them for their apathy towards religion, worship at the temple and above all God are:

    (i) The books on the Sikh religion are usually written in English and they find the language difficult.

    (ii) The books are too large and they do not find it easy to read the important parts.

    (iii) The price of the books is above the limits of their pock~t money.

    It is with a view to meeting these shortcomings that we have planned to bring out a number of booklets. These will deal with the important aspects of the Sikh religion and this booklet is the first of the series.

    We should consider our efforts amply rewarded if this will bring even some of our lost sheep into the fold.

    Our mo~t grateful thanks are due to Mr. D. S. Tatla,/ M.A.(India), M.Sc.(Londbn); Mr. W. N. Dear, 1B.A.(Hons.)(Cantab), M.Sc.(Cantab), C.Chem., F:.R.I.C.; and Mr. G. Malik, B.A., B.Ed., Cert.T., LLB., for having gone through the manuscript of this booklet and given very valuable suggestions for its improvement.

    Suggestions from the readers for the improvement of this edition will be most gratefully received.


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    Thousands of years ago, a way of life was given to India. It was known as the Hindu religion. The holy Lord Christ gave another one. It was named as the Christian religion. The holy prophet Mohammad gave yet another one. It was called Islam. Guru Nanak also gave one of his own. It is well known as the Sikh religion. It is the youngest of the religions of the world.


    Guru Nanak was born in 1469 in a Kashatrya Bedi family. He was born at Talwandi, now in Pakistan. That time it was a small village. Now it is a big town. It is no more called Taiwan di. It is called after Guru Nanak's name. Its new name is Nankana Sahib. The Guru lived for just over 70 years.


    His father was Mehta Kalu Chand. He was a Patwari (Keeper of records of land). His mother was Mata Tripta. He had a sister. Her name was Nanaki. His wife's name was Mata Sulakhni. One of his sons was Siri Chand. The other was Lakhmidas.


    As a child he loved and was loved by everybody. He lived a simple life. He ate simple food. He put on simple clothes. He shared his food and clothes with those in need. He found pleasure in serving others. He always remembered God. He wasted no time in useless talk. He sang in praise of God. His friends sang after him. They all enjoyed prayers. He was fond of games. He played Indian games with them. He was strong and healthy.


    Guru Nanak was sent to a village school. He was to learn reading, writing and counting. He was at the top of his class. He learnt his lessons quickly. He did his homework daily. He respected his teachers.

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    He loved his classmates. He was never late for school. He was never absent from school. He answered all questions in the class. The teacher had not to teach him a lesson again and again. He gave his lesson his full attention. He never did any mischief. He never spoke a bad word. He spoke kindly to everyone. His teacher loved him. His class fellows respected him.


    One day he told his teacher to teach them the true lesson. He said that it was1 to be true. It was to be honest. It was to be kind. It was to remember God. It was to be near good persons. It was to be away from the bad ones. We should think right. We should speak right. We should act right. After we die, our good and bad actions will go with us. God will like our good actions. He will dislike our bad ones. We should not forget our life after death.

    God is one. He has made us all. He is our father. We all are His children. We are therefore brothers and sisters. Hindus and Muslims were all the same before God.

    The teacher had no words to thank and praise the Guru for his good talk. He bowed before him out of respect. He told him that he had no more to teach him. On the other hand, the Guru had much to teach him.


    The Guru had many friends, but his best friend was Mardana. He was a singer. He was a Muslim. The Guru kept him with him all his life. Both loved each other. They shared their joys and sorrows. When the Guru sang in praise of God, he played the music.

    Guru Nanak also had another friend. His name was Bala. He was a Hindu. All his life, he kept them as his most beloved friends. He taught the world that Hindus and Muslims were the sons of the same maker -God. They lived together, ate together, and prayed to God together. Guru Nanak was the best teacher.


    He lived as he taught.

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    One day, Guru Nanak was grazing his cattle. The cattle were eating the green grass happily, and he began thinking of God. The cattle moved into a field. They ate up some of the crop. They upset the rest. The owner came up there by chance. He was very angry to see his crop in disorder. He went straight to Rai Bular, the landlord of Talwandi. He requested him to make Mehta Kalu Chand pay for the crop. Rai Bular sent one of his men with the owner of the crop to look into the matter. When they reached the field, the crop was as good as ever. Not even a single plant had been spoilt. In a way it was looking better than before. The owner was put to shame, when he saw that this could only have been done by God. All praised God and the Guru.


    One hot afternoon, the Guru was sleeping under a tree. The rays of the sun were falling on his face. A cobra came up. He opened up his hood. He spread it out between the sun and the Gurus face. The Guru slept on in peace. Rai Bular passed that way by chance. He was afraid of the scene. The cobra slowly moved away. The Guru got up. He was smiling. He did not know anything about what had taken place. Rai Bular saw that this must have been due to the hand of God. He thanked God and praised the Guru.


    One day the Guru's father gave him some money. He told him to buy some things at a lower rate and sell them at a higher price. He told him that he must make a good profit. This he called a good bargain. On his way, the Guru saw a number of Sadhus (Saints). They were sitting by the side of the road. They had not eaten any food for days. Nobody had given them any. They were very hungry. The Guru spent his money in buying food and other things for them. He thought it was the best bargain. He came back home with empty hands. His father was very upset. He gave him a good beating. He told him that he was a useless boy. He was fed up with him. However, the Guru was calm and quiet.

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    Mehta Kalu lost all hopes of success in the Guru. He could not fit him in any job at Talwandi. He sent him to his son-in-law. His name was Dewan Jai Ram. He was an e~ployee of Nawab Daulat Khan, the Governor of Sultanpur. The Guru was given the job of a storekeeper. He had to keep an up-to-date account of everything. He was honest. He was truthful. He was helpful. He was kind and polite. He was very good at this job. He became very popular. Some evil men became jealous of him. They made false complaints against him to the Nawab. They said that the Guru was dishonest and faithless. The Nawab ordered an inquiry into these complaints. The store was checked. The cash-book was examined. Everything was perfect. Those who complained against the Guru were put to shame. The Nawab praised the Guru.

    The Guru was very pleased but he slowly saw that this was not to be the work for his life. Later on, when the Guru had made up his mind to serve God, he gave up his job and returned home.


    How was the Guru to serve God? He needed to be alone to think.

    He gave away all his money and goods to the poor. lie put on the clothes of a Saint. He said 'Good-bye' to his friends and relatives. He left the town and went into the country to feel that he was with God. While he sat under a tree, he thought of God.

    He planned to give lessons about God to people where he could find them. One morning a number of people had gathered around him to listen. They asked him to give them his lesson. lie told them that there was no Musalman or Hindu. The Nawab's Qazi was very angry to hear this. The Nawab called the Guru to explain his teachings. The Guru told them that both Hindus and Musalmans had given up the teachings of their religions. He then gave his lesson.

    There is only one God. He is the only Holy Father. We are His children. We a~e all brothers and sisters. We must do-as God wishes.


    (i) Remember God. (ii) Earn your living honestly. (iii) Share your good things with others. (iv) Give up anger, greed and pride. (v) Be kind, true and humble. (vi) Do not take what is not yours. (vii) Live the life of a family man. (viii) Do not harm anyone in any way.


    The Nawab asked the Guru to join them in their Nimaz (Muslim prayer). The Guru agreed. All went to the mosque. The Qazi led the prayers. All followed him. The Guru didn't. After the prayers, the Nawab asked the Guru why he had not joined the Nimaz. The Guru told him that he himself was not in the Nimaz. All the time he was thinking of buying horses in Kabul. How could he join him in Nimaz? The Nawab felt sorry that he had asked and agreed that the Guru was right. The Qazi also asked the Guru the same question. He told him that his mind was not in the Nimaz. He was all along thinking of his new-born colt. The Qazi also was ashamed that he had asked and also agreed that the Guru was right. The Guru told them that the true Nimaz was in which one should be as one with God. One should be free from the thoughts of the world.


    The Guru wanted to spread the message of God far and wide. He went on his tours. He had only one companion with him, Bhai Mardana. He was a Muslim. He was a good singer and loved and respected Guru Nanak very much.


    The Guru reached Eminabad in Pakistan. He stayed with Bhai Lalo, a carpenter. He taught Hindus and Muslims to be honest, truthful and God loving. They accepted him as their Guru. Bhai Lalo was the first to do so. His house became a Sikh temple for prayers.

    Maille Bhago was a greedy and proud man. He invited everybody to a feast. The Guru did not go. The angry Malik sent for him. Malik had

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    earned his riches out of the blood, sweat and hard work of the poor. He treated them badly. They were helpless. The Guru did not like to have a feast out of the unfair earnings.

    However the Guru went to see Malik. He had carried in his pocket a piece of bread from Bhai Lalo's house. He asked for a piece of bread from Malik Bhago's house, which he received. He took one of the pieces of bread in his right hand. He took the other one in his left hand. He pressed both the hands. Blood came out of Malik Bhago's bread, but milk came out of Bhai Lalo's bread. All were surprised to see this.

    The Guru wanted Malik Bhago to know why he had not joined his feast. He said that he would eat food earned through hard labour, but not touch that earned out of blood, sweat and hard work of the poor. Malik Bhago was overcome by the events and felt very humble. He made up his mind to follow the Guru and become his Sikh.


    TI1e Guru and Mardana went to Tulamba in the district of Multan. It is in Pakistan. There lived a robber, called Sajjan. The people thought he was a holy person, because he was dressed as one. In his heart Sajjan was very cruel. He had a temple, a mosque and a rest house for the travellers. When the travellers stayed the night, Sajjan gave them food and lodging free. At night, however, he would kill them. He would throw their bodies into a deep well. He would take all their money, clothes and other things of value.

    When the Guru and Mardana arrived at Sajjan's temple, Sajjan appeared as a humble and holy person. However, the Guru knew otherwise and said to Sajjan, ''God knows all about you. He knows that you are killing and robbing people. After you die, all your riches will be left behind. fiowever your good and bad actions will go with you. God will punish you for your bad deeds. He will reward you for your good ones. If you wish God to forgive you, you must change your ways. You must feel sorry for your evil deeds and give them up for ever. You must remember God. Earn your living as an honest person. You must share what you have with others." Sajjan was amazed at the Guru's knowledge and became a changed person.

    His house became a Sikh temple. He began to teach others what the Guru had taught him. He was the first Sikh preacher.

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    When the Guru arrived at Hardwar, he saw a great number of Hindus in the river Ganges. They were throwing water to the east. They were sure that the water was going to their dead relatives. The Guru joined the people in the river and began to throw the water to the west. The people were angry to see this. They asked him why he was throwing the water the wrong way. He told them that he was watering Ws fields. They laughed at Wm and told him that it was not possible. The Guru replied, "If your water can reach your dead in the next world, why can't my water, from the same river, reach my fields in this world?" They had nothing to say. They were surprised by his answer. They knew that their action was useless. The Guru taught them what he had taught Sajjan. They were all very happy. They thanked the Guru for showing them the right path.


    The Guru arrived at Lahore, but stayed outside the city. There lived a very greedy and rich man called Duni Chand. He was proud of his money. A number of flags were flying on the top of his house. These showed that he was rich. Each flag stood for one crore (ten million) of rupees he had. He was very unhappy. There were others who were richer than him. They in their tum had others who were richer than them. This desire for getting richer than the rest was endless. This made them all unhappy. Money could not make them happy. Duni Chand was busy day and night making more money. He had no time to think over the more important truths.

    The Guru gave Duni Chand a needle. He then told him to give it back to him in the next world. Duni Chand was upset. He knew that he could not take the needle to the next world after his death. He returned it to the Guru. The Guru asked him, "If you cannot take the needle, how can you take your money into the next world?"

    Duni Chand became a changed person. He gave away his money to the poor. He began to live a pious life. He followed the Guru's teachlngs.


    Guru Nanak arrived near Deccan~ He stopped in a forest. In thls

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    forest lived strange people. They would catch men, worrien and children and kill them. They ate them as food.

    Their leader was Kauda. He was sitting by his fire when the Guru came up. He was pleased to see the Guru. He thought of making a good meal of him. On the fire was a big frying pan full of boiling oil. Kauda used to fry people in it. Hewished to do the same with the Guru.

    The Guru knew all about this. He was calm and quiet. He came near the boiling oil. He was singing in praise of God. He was not at all afraid.

    A strange thing happened. The flames of the burning fire went out and the oil cooled down. Kauda was very surprised to see this. He could not believe his eyes.

    The Guru looked at him kindly. He sang loudly and clearly, "Sat Kartar". Kauda was put to shame when he saw the power of God given to the Guru. He asked the Guru to forgive him. Kauda became a changed person and the Guru taught him God's ways. Kauda learnt to pray to God and to live a pious life.


    The Guru moved on to Mecca. It has the most sacred place of worship for Muslims. It is known as 'Kaaba' - the house of God. One of the greatest wishes of a Muslim is to visit it at least once in his life time!. The Muslim who does so, is called 'A Haji'. The Guru put on the dress of a Haji. He held a big stick in one of his hands. He carried a book of his hymns. He had a water pot and a mat. He looked like a Muslim saint. He was tired and in need of sleep and rest. He lay down with his feet pointed towards the Kaaba. The Musalmans were very angry to see him .. One of them even kicked him and called him bad names. The Guru woke up. He was cool as ever. Sweetly he requested them not to be angry. He requested them to turn his feet to the side where there was no God. His legs were pulled to the opposite side. The Musalmans were surprised to see Kaaba there. The legs were turned to the other sides. The Musalmans were surprised to see the Kaaba everywhere. They did not believe their eyes. They felt that the Guru must be a person sent by God and saved by Him.

    The Guru taught ~hem that God is present everywhere. They all praised God and the Guru.

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    On his way back, the Guru came to Hassan Abad in Pakistan. He rested at the foot of a hill. On the top of it, there lived a Muslim saint. His name was Valli Qandhari. He was a very proud man. He had a spring of water which flowed down the hill. The people who lived down below used it for drinking, cooking, washing etc.

    Guru Nanak sang songs in praise of God. He was kind. He was loving to everybody. People started coming to him for prayers. He became very popular. Only a few of the Muslims went to Valli Qandhari. This made him angry. What did he do? He stopped the water from flowing down to the people and they had no water at all. They went up to see the saint. They requested him to let them have the water. Valli Qandhari told them to go to their new Guru and ask for water. They came back to Guru Nanak and told him their story.

    The Guru sent Mardana to the saint requesting water for the people. The saint turned down the request. The Guru sent Mardana for the second time to request the saint in the name of God to let the water run down. The request was again refused.

    The Guru called everybody to join him in prayers. God heard their prayers. All were overjoyed to see the clear and cool water running down the hill. The water touched the Guru's feet. It reached down below. The people were surprised. They praised God and thanked the Guru.

    At the same time Valli Qandhari's spring of water dried up. He was very angry. He pulled out a big piece of rock and rolled it down to kill the Guru. The Guru stopped it with just one of his hands. The print of his hand was left on the rock. It is still there. Hundreds of people go to see it. The place is known as "Punja Sahib".ilt is in Pakistan. The saint came to his senses. He asked the Guru to forgive him. The Guru taught him a good lesson. He became humble and prayed to God.


    Guru Nanak returned to Eminabad once again and stayed with Bhai Lalo. Bahar, the Mogul king, attacked the place. Many men were killed. Their children were made homeless. There was blood in the streets. The shops were looted. Temples were pulled down. Cries of pain and sorrow

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    were coming from every house. There was fear everywhere. The shadow of death was all around.

    Those left alive were taken to the prison. Guru Nanak and Mardana were among them. The Guru was made to carry loads of stones from one place to the other.

    He started singing songs in praise of God. The prisoners were pleased to hear the songs. They forgot their pains. Later on the prisoners were given hand-mills to grind com. The Guru was one of them. He again started singing hymns. All were pleased. They forgot the hand-mills. To their surprise, the mills went on working by themselves.

    Bahar came into the prison. He was pleased to hear the songs sung by the Guru. Then he was wonder-struck to see the hand-mills working by themselves. He could not believe his eyes.

    The Guru said to him, "Bahar, you have killed many people. You have looted their homes. You have turned their children into beggars. You have picked up those left alive and have put them in prison. You are making their lives a living hell. All your actions are against the will of God. They are opposite to the teachings of the Holy Quran. You are moving away from God, Bahar. Be afraid of Him. After you die, you will have to explain your deeds to Him. Remember t-lim. Be kind. Be merciful."

    Babar was very sorry for his past actions. The fear of God entered his mind. He set free all the prisoners. He gave back their houses and goods. He made a special request to the Guru. He asked him to pray that he should become a just ruler. The Guru promised to pray for him. He told him that he must be kind and honest in order to become a just ruler. He must give up drinking. He must pray to God daily. Bahar became Emperor of India after some time.


    At last Guru Nanak returned home. He settled at Kartarpur. He gave up the dress of a saint and put on the clothes he wore before going on tours. He was now more than 60 years old. His house became a Sikh temple. People of all castes could come to him. People of all religions could listen to his prayers. Persons from all countries could stay with him. His kitchen was free for all to use. He treated all in the same way.

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    His was a family of people from all parts of the world. He taught the true way of life to those who came to him. People of all colours, castes and countries were his brethren. His was the religion of "Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man."


    Bhai Lehna lived at Khadur in India. He was a God loving man. He followed Goddess Durga. Her temple is at Jawala Mukhi. He went there every year for prayers. He did not believe in any other god. He did not trust any other saint.

    In his village lived a Sikh. His name was Bhai Jodha. lie did not believe in Goddess Durga. He did not trust any other god. He believed only in one God. He followed Guru Nanak.

    One day Bhai Jodha was singing songs in praise of God. The songs were written hy Guru Nanak. Bhai Lehn a passed that way. He heard the sweet songs. He was charmed. He asked Bhai Jodha where his Guru lived as he wished to see him.

    Later on Bhai Lehna was on his way to Jawalamukhi. When he passed through Kartarpur, he called on Guru Nanak. lie was full of love and respect for him when he heard his teachings. I-le became a changed person. He forgot all about Goddess Ourga. Now he knew only one God.

    Bhai Lehna returned to his family but the desire to be with Guru Nanak was always in his mind. He returned to stay with the Guru.

    There, he served him with all his heart and soul. He followed his way of life. He served the Guru and the Sangat day and night. He worked in the fields. He cooked food in the kitchen. He kept everything ready for prayers. No job was too small for him. He was humble, respectful and faithful. He was kind, forgiving and obedient. The Guru loved him very much. After some time his name was changed. He was called Baba Lehna.


    Guru Nanak needed to choose somebody to carry on his teachings after he had left this world. His son, Siri Chand had different ideas

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    about religion. His other son, Lakhmi Das was after worldly riches. The Guru, therefore, did not think that any of them was the right person to carry forward his teachings. The only person, in his mind, was Baba l.ehna. He gave him some tests to make sure that he was a fit person in every way.


    1. Three bundles of grass were in the fields. These had to be carried home for the cattle. The Guru's two sons were asked to do the job. They refused to do it. Baba Lehna was present at the time. He did not wait for the Guru to tell him what to do. He picked up the bundles one by one. He took them home gladly. He passed the test.

    2. A part of the wall of the Guru's house broke down. It was winter night. It was raining heavily. The cold wind was blowing hard. The Guru asked his sons to repair the wall. They refused to do it.

    The Guru called upon Baba Lehna to put the wall right. He did it happily. The Guru wanted to test his patience. He asked him to bring it down. Baba Lehna obeyed. The Guru asked him to put it up again. Baba l..ehna did it. The Guru asked him to pull it down again. He told him to build it again a little farther. Baba Lehna obeyed the Guru. It was a hard test of obedience and patience. Baba Lehna passed it.

    3. The Guru was standing with a cup in his hand. Down below there was a hole of dirty water. The cup slipped out of his hands. It fell into the hole. The Guru asked his sons to bring out the cup. They refused to do so. Baba Lehna was standing nearby. He pushed his hand into the hole and brought out the cup. He washed and dried it. He gave it to the Guru with respect. The Guru was greatly pleased. Baba Lehna had passed the test.

    The Guru gave him a few more tests. He passed them all. He won the love and trust of the Guru. He proved one thing for certain that he was the fittest person to be the next Guru.


    One day Guru Nanak called Baba l..ehna. He said to him, "You are like an Angad (part) of my body. From today your name will be Angad."

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    Soon after, the Guru knew that the time for his leaving the world was near. He had to appoint someone as the Second Guru. He made up his mind to select somebody who was fit for the post on merit. His sons were not fit. He had to be fair and just. Angad was, in every way, the best choice.

    Guru Nanak called Angad in the presence of all the Sikhs. The Guru did all the ceremonies necessary for appointing another Guru. He made An gad sit on his own seat. He appointed him the second Guru. He ordered all his Sikhs to obey Angad as they obeyed him. He addressed them that they should see him in their new Guru. The happiness of their new Guru was his happiness. They should get all advice and guidance from him. The Guru told them in the end that he had given all his powers to Guru Angad. The Sikhs never forgot what they had been told to do by Guru Nanak.


    Guru Nanak knew that his last moment had come. lie lay down. He covered himself with a sheet of cloth. Soon after he left for his home in heaven. This happened on September 22, 1539. All were very sad. They began crying out of grief.

    A quarrel arose amongst his followers. The Hindus said that the Guru was a Hindu and was theirs. They must burn his dead body according to their rules. The Muslims said that the Guru was a Muslim. They must bmy his dead body according to their custom. After some. time they took the sheet of cloth off the dead body. To their great surprise, there was no body. Only the sheet of cloth was left there. Up till now nobody knows as to where the dead body had gone. No writers have given an answer to this question. The secret still remains as it was till this day.

    The wise men from Hindus and Muslims sat together. They agreed to take one half of the sheet of cloth each. They parted in grief. The Muslims buried their half of the sheet. The Hindus burnt the other half. Both were satisfied. The Guru was born in peace. He lived in peace. He died in peace. His life taught us a lesson of brotherhood. His death also gave us the lesson of oneness. He set a matchless example. Such an example of peace is yet to be seen at present or in the future.

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  • Q



    Q.1. How does Guru Nanak teach us to live?

    Ans. We should remember God. We should earn our living through hard work. We should be honest in our work. We should share our earnings with those who are in need. We should not eat, speak and sleep too much.

    Q.2. How does the Guru teach us to make the persons around us better?

    Ans. We should not believe in castes. We should judge a person by what he does and not by the family he is born in. We should think that all around us are our brothers and sisters. They are the children of one and only one God. We should live for others as well and not only for ourselves.

    Q.3. How has he taught us to be God loving'?

    Ans. We should control our anger, greed and pride. We should repeat the name of God day and night. We should give up the company of those who teach us had things. We should make friends with those who teach us good things. We should serve the sick, the ol

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    We should love their followers. We should respect their founders. They all make us know God and be one with Him.

    Q.6. Did any of the Sikh Gurus say that he was God?

    Ans. All the ten Sikh Gurus said over and over again that they were the very humble messengers of God. Guru Nanak always said that he was the lowliest of the lowly. Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru, made it very clear in his writings. He told his Sikhs that those who would look at him as God, would go to the dark Hell. He said that there were millions and millions like him. It was very kind of God that He had chosen him as one of His messengers. According to Sikh Gurus, God is the maker of all. He is never born. He never dies. How could any of them ever claim to be God? God is the greatest of alJ for all times ~ past, present and future.

    Q.7. Why should we read holy books like Guru Granth Sahib?

    Ans. God sends His messages for us from time to time. He does it through His messengers. These messengers are our Gurus, Avtars, Prophets et.c. They, in tum, write down the messages in the holy books. The holy books are like the Holy Guru Granth Sahib, the Holy Gita, the Holy Quaran, the Holy Bible etc. We can get the messages by reading these holy books. In other words, when we read them, God speaks to us.

    The holy books are fuIJ of ,good advice for us. They show us the way to God. They tell us what to do and what not to do. They give answers to all our questions. They are a great power behind us.

    The world is full of beautiful things. They draw us towards them. We have a desire to get them all. We fail to do so. We get upset. We lose control over ourselves. We lose our power to know what is right and what is wrong. We do foolish things. We suffer, suffer and suffer. In the end, we lose all - God as well as the beautiful things of the world.

    At this time, the holy books come to our help. They give us new hope. They show us new courage. They place before us new trust. They make us feel sorry for what we have done. They raise us up. They once again take us back to God. We are born again.

    Without holy books, we would have been lost, lost and lost forever.

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    Q.8. Why should we pray to God? eoo

    Ans. Prayer is very important in Sikh religion. It helps us to be one with God. It makes us humble. It makes us feel ashamed of our wrongs. It also gives us new hope of becoming a better person. We pray to God to forgive our sins. This also teaches us to forgive those who do us any wrong. This makes us strong to obey God in the face of dangers. It also helps us to keep off bad thoughts, words and actions. When we are in prayer, we speak to God. We tell Him our troubles. We ask Him to show us light. He does listen to us, but we must be honest. We must not do the wrongs again, which we have asked llim to forget and forgive. To pray alone is good, but to pray together with others is better. We . should pray in the morning. We should pray in the evening. We should' pray before going to bed. For each time, the Gurus have writ ten

    Gurbani (I lymns). Prayer makes our mind calm and quiet. We should not pray only for our own good. We should pray for the good of all. The best prayer is when we request God to bless us with His Name. Prayers for worldly things are not good enough.


    (The translation of the (;urbani has been done in simple words so that the youngsters, for wholn it is meant, could understand it easily. The basic meanings have, however, been retained with due care and respect.)


    There is one and only one God. 1 lis name is true for all times. He is the maker of every thing. He is present every where. He is fearless. He is without hatred. lie is beyond time. He is not born. He came into being by Himself. We can know Him if and when the Guru so wishes.

    Japji I

    2. NAME OF GOD

    When the hands, feet and body are dirty, water cleans them. When the clothes are dirty, soap washes them off. When the mind is dirty through sins, it can be made pure by asking for God's forgiveness and praying in the Name of God.


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    3. ACTIONS

    Our actions - good or bad - will be judged by God afer we die. Japji 8


    Greed is like a mad dog. False speech is like a sweeper. To cheat others is like eating a dead and rotting body.

    Sri. 15


    We are born through God's will. We die through His will.

    Asa 472

    6. CASTE

    Whosoever takes poison dies no matter what his caste may be.

    Majh ~42

    7. CHARITY

    People give in charity a little, but ask God to give them in return thousand times more.

    Asa. 466


    Truth is higher than anything else in the world. Truthful living is higher than even the truth.

    Sri 62


    Man becomes one with God by giving up his 1-am-ness.

    Suhi 750

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    10. ALL ARE EQUAL We see the same God in everybody. Whom should we call bad or

    good? The Guru has explained this fact of life to us.

    Asa 353

    11. MAN OF GOD

    He speaks the Truth. He does not tell lies. He follows Guru's teachings. He gives himself up to His will.

    Gauri 227

    12. IDOLS

    What can one get from worshipping gods and goddesses which are made of stone'! What can one ask from them'! What can they give? These stone gods are washed with water. They sink in the water. How can they take others across the sea of life'! These idols can give us nothing.

    Sorath 636


    Some are false inside. They look respectable from outside. They make a show of themselves in public. They will not be pure even if they go to sixty eight sacred places and take bath there.

    14. HIGH AND LOW

    Nanak loves the company of the lowliest of the lowly; the lowest of the low-born; for trying to be equal to the high-born is useless.

    Sri 15


    True congregation is a meeting of the followers of God, where nothing but the Name of God alone is sung.

    16. IMPURITY

    If the mind is not pure, the body and the tongue cannot be pure. Sri 45

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    Greed makes the mind impure. lies make the tongue impure. Desire to take others' woman, money and beauty makes the eyes impure. Hearing ill of others makes the ears impure. All these impure things lead one to a death which does not lead to Heaven.

    Asa 472

    18. HEAVEN

    One can never go to Heaven without good actions.

    Ram Kali 952

    19. OUR BODY

    Our body is the holy place where God lives. It is like a palace or a temple. He has put His ever-burning light in it.

    Malar 1256

    20. FARMING

    If we wish to be a good farmer, we should sow the seed of truth in the soil of our faith.

    Asa 418

    21. WRITING

    If we wish to see a good writer, we should make our mind the writer; our brain the paper and love the pen. We should let our mind write only what the Guru has taught us and nothing else.


    The person who is not thankful to those who are good to him is not true to himself. He is too selfish.

    Majh 143

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    All sorrows and joys are given by God. Asa 418

    We all ask for happiness. Nobody ever welcomes misery.

    Sri 57

    24. LIGHT OF GOD

    The light of God is in the mind of every person. The mind in tum gives out that light.

    Ram Kali 878

    25. RICHES

    Riches have turned the people away from the right way of life, but very few know the fact.

    Sorath 595

    26. MIND

    One who conquers the mind, conquers the world.

    Jap 6


    1. Mr. J askaran Singh Rhode

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    10 Lancing Road, West Croydon, Surrey 50 10. Mr. Raminder Singh, s/o Late Shahid Nanak Singh

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    77 Ramsey Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey 20 21. Mr. Balder Singh Ghataura

    35 Unks Road, Tooting, London S.W.17 22 22. Mr. Darshan Singh, 28 Lyveden Road, London S.W.17 20

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    ISBN 0 907088 00 7

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