graphs magazine and poster

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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Primary Research - Main Product (Short Film) &

Ancillaries (Poster, Magazine Review)

12 to 14 15 to 17 18 to 20 21+0%









How old are you?

From these results, it is evident to us that we should aim to produce the product at a 12A in order for the younger viewers to watch the product, with older viewers also watching it. Furthermore, the target audience represents the context in which the film will be made, in order to reach out to the younger audience we need to aim to not portray any distressing or violent scenes. Moreover, by creating the certification at a lower age in enables more people to watch the product, leading to a mass audience and more so, higher profits. This also allows our product to breech all types of the uses and gratification theory as the product can be used for escapism, education purposes, entertainment and information.

Male Female 0%







Are you Male or Female?

The audience that we asked were half male and half female, from this it has enabled us to gain a perspective from both males and females, therefore, broadening our audience. From this, the information that has been provided to us will enable us to gain a mass audience by reaching out to both males and females as they have been proportionally represented. This further allows the audience to identify with the characters within the production.

Young male Young female Adult male Adult female0%








Which of the following themes would you like to be most dominant?

The product that we have invigilated will portray elements of family and journey with a slight aspect of death and tragedy. The audience asked represented that these were the most common themes they would like to be most dominant. Furthermore, the product will also represent the theme of war, though no fighting will be seen the aspect of the war is what forms the bases of the film. Moreover, we will also be incorporating a sense of conflict within the production as of the children being spilt up. The potential themes that will be used within our product are young female and young male, this allows us to reach out to our audience and we will also gain the emotional content needed from the product from a young female actor due to stereotypical connotations of them being more sympathetic.

Young male Young female Adult male Adult female0%








What gender/age would you like the main protagonist to be?

A high range of the audience stated that they would like the main protagonist to be a young female, due to the context our product upholds a young female will work very well in the piece, due to the stereotypical emotions they portray which are much more dominant than males. Furthermore, during the war many adult males had to go off to the front line in order to fight for their country, therefore, creating the product to be a more realistic representation if there are none within our product. However, we will also be represented a young male as of the strong domain they stereotypically uphold. Moreover, stereotypical products are more emotional with a child and female role as they are stereotypically seen as more sympathetic and less dominating than male characters.

Colour black and white Sepia0%






What type of colour filter would you prefer for our genre?

90% of the audience stated that they would prefer the product to be represented to them in colour, due to the time period which we are in I believe that his would be the best type of filter to use as although the film is based around 1940s it will have a modern twist as of the colour schemes. From this, we have concluded that the main product and the ancillary tasks will be done in colour, with the natural elements of the 1940s (e.g., the colours that would have been seen then).

Simple Fancy Bold0%







For the typography of the titles, which do you feel will be most conventional to the


During the 1940s most posters, magazines and titles were hand drawn, therefore, connoting ‘simple’ typography as print didn’t really come into the picture until the 1960s, due to this it would be best to stick with simple typography as it represents the conventions of that time, enabling the audience to identify (uses and gratification theory) with that era. The audience also stated that they would like this type of typography to represent the main titles which will be portrayed throughout the poster and magazine article. However, 30% also stated that they would like to see a bold title, therefore we will also incorporate the boldness within our titles.

Primary Research - Poster In order to gain a mass audience, we implemented primary research through questionnaires to gain a standpoint of what the audience would like to see within our product. The poster of the product holds great significance as the poster will portray the short film and is what the audience will begin to identify the film with. Furthermore, they may also escape through the poster coined from the uses and gratification theory, therefore, enticing them to want to watch the main product. The ancillary aids us to gain a mass audience as we will be reaching out to more people through the use of the poster, linking the poster to the main product through certain themes represented throughout the main product, such as the characters and key locations, portrayed through the miser-en-scene. In order to demonstrate the narrative, era and emotions the colours of the product need to be stereotypical of that at the time, moreover, the narrative can be represented through the filter of colouring, the bright colours could represent an equilibrium, whereas the dark could connote the dis-equilibrium and the shade in-between could represent the new resolved equilibrium. Additionally, in order to represent the era, we will be incorporating stereotypical colours within the poster.

Location Characters Both0%






For a film poster, what would you like to see as the primary image?

The film poster will be the foundation of the advertising campaign that the audience will be able to identify the film with. In order to know what the audience expect to see within the poster we asked them this question, 40% of the people stated that they would like to see a portrayal of both the characters and location within the product. In order to meet our audiences wants we as a group would need to advise a poster that will represent both these elements with an even representation of both. For instance, we will incorporate the characters together in location significant to the film so that that the audience are able to identify (uses and gratification) with the production.

Low angle Long shot Mid-shot0%






If the film poster was of a main character, what camera/angle shot would you like to see?

40% of the people asked had stated that they wanted to see a long shot and low angle within the poster. Long shots are used in order to establish location and are sometimes used to set the scene, using a long shot within our poster will be significant as it enables the audience to see more widely into the picture, rather than a direct secure image. The audience will then be able to interpret the image how they would like. Furthermore, low angles are used in order to represent a sense of power and determination which is interpreted through our product because of the children determined to find their mother and go back home again.

Top Middle Bottom0%


Where would you like the title to be placed?

Of those asked 70% stated that within the poster they would like the title to be centred in the middle. Placing the title in the middle emphasises where the audience look as it will be represented within the rule of thirds pulling the audiences eye towards the title then later to the rest of the piece, allowing them to identify with the poster. Furthermore, the audience will instantly identify with the poster (uses and gratification theory) from the title, especially with it being centred in the middle at eye level. 30% of the people asked stated that they believe the title should be placed at the top of the poster, considering what has been stated the title could be placed in between the middle and the top in order to gain the 30% of audience without losing the 70%, therefore, increasing the audience and appealing to the niche as well as the masses.

Black Grey White Brown0%







What colours should be most prominent?

The majority of the people asked stated that they expected to see the representation of black within the poster, which reinforces the idea of mourning and loss, something that will be evidently be portrayed through our narrative and, more so, through the use of a war. This with the grey and white fits in with our theme of the 1940s era. Furthermore, the contrast of the colours will stand out due to the harsh and bold black being the binary opposite due to the representation of the colour black being of that of death, decay and depression, whereas light and bright white portrays innocence and purity. Brown on the other hand, adds a sense of colour to the poster and is also conventional with the theme as of the earthy and natural colours which would portray a realistic setting of the 1940s. However, due to black being the most prominent colour, this will be represented the most within the poster.

Primary Research – Magazine Review

As a group we had decided to create a magazine review as part of the ancillary products. Magazine reviews enable the audience to get an outlook of the final product, which would either entice them to watch it, vice versa. The magazine review will include images of the final product in order for the audience to associate and identify (uses and gratification theory) with the product itself. In order to appeal to mass audience we will be publishing the article in one of the most popular film magazines, such as total film or empire magazine and they gain a significant amount of audience monthly which will enable various people to see our product as they would read the magazine for different reasons, enabling us to have an audience of various different characters and social groups. Furthermore, the magazine review will enable to audience to gain a further perspective of the product and potentially why we filmed the way we did, enticing them to watch the product.

Dark colours Pastel colours Earth colours Bright colours0%5%


What type of colours would you like to see?

Earth colours were proportionally represented within this question, the use of earthy colours will help portray a realistic setting of the era of the 1940s. Furthermore, the same amount of people stated that pastel and bright colours should be used which represents a binary opposition within our audience, however, due to the era and the time period that the product will be set in we will be most likely using the earthy colours such as browns, greens and pale blues. Nevertheless, the other elements such as the pastel and bright colours can also be implemented, though subtly.

A lot Some Hardly0%


How many images and screenshots of the film would you like to see?

In order to appeal to a mass audience the film review needs to portray images and screenshots of the product as this will allow other audiences to be able to identify (uses and gratification theory) with the product and images represented. Furthermore, the audience also portrayed within this question that they expected to see some screenshots, therefore, in order to appeal to the audience needed we will be including screenshots. The images, if chosen correctly will enable the audience to gain a perspective of the product, hopefully enticing them into watching the full and final piece.

80% of people stated that they pay most attention to a mixture of both information and context, layout, colours and presentation. In order for the audience to look at the magazine and in order for it to have the attention needed the layout, colours and presentation are very significant as it is what pulls the audiences eye to look at the page, further identifying (uses and gratification theory) with the product. Moreover, the image will also entice the audience to read the article page, which will enable the audience to gain an informative perspective of the product.

Layout, colours, presentation

Information and content

Mixture of both0%





When reading a review page, which do you pay most attention to?

Yes No0%







Would you prefer if a fun trivia box was included?

Fun trivia boxes are used in order to give fun facts and information about the product, for instance, how we may film certain parts in different and or unusual ways, for example, using a crisp packet in order to create the sound for a fire. Trivia boxes will be used in order to entice the audience into reading the product as they form the bases of the article. In order for the audience to read the article they need to be enticed by colours, layout and, more so, the written piece. The trivia box feeds the audience with fun filled information which would, therefore, create them to want to read the magazine review on further. In some magazines the trivia box is included within their house style of that specific magazine and more so trivia boxes as used in current magazines as the audience are enticed from the fun facts.

Young male Young female Adult male Adult female0%


What season would you want the film to be featured in the magazine?

50% of people stated that they would like to see the release of the products featured magazine in Autumn, this wold be an excellent time to release the product, as it will be around the time of the British film festival and, furthermore, around the time of the remembrance of the fallen soldiers. Moreover, during the autumn people are most likely to go to the cinemas due to the weather conditions as it is not too hot nor too cold. Nevertheless, I believe that autumn would be a significant time to release the film review page as of what the time portrays.

Main product- Short film The main product is the most important part of the coursework. Within the media, especially film productions, there have been a few occasions in which the ancillaries, for instance, posters and trailers have not represented the product the in the most attractive formation, or other events in which the main product has not lived up to the standard of the ancillaries. In order to portray both elements as a production group we need to secure a balance between the poster, magazine review and main product. All of which need to incorporate specific details from the main product to allow the audience to identify with it (uses and gratification theory). Furthermore, the main product is the foundation of what the film review and poster will be based on, as images from them will be interpreted into the ancillaries.

12A A 15 An 180%








What certification of a Drama Film would you prefer watching?

60% of the overall audience stated that they would like the certification of the film to be a 12A, the first slide further represents this with some viewers being of that age. Furthermore, as stated before, this enables us to reach out to mass audience as the production will allow people up to the age of 12 to watch the production, so long as they have parental consent. Furthermore, our target audience are also within this bracket of a 12A production as they are able to identify with the characters.

Slow, eerie Mid tempo,suspenseful

and tense

high tempo, thrilling0%


In terms of the soundtrack, which of the following would you prefer?

In order to fit the conventions of a drama the soundtrack needs to represent a slow pace tempo, this enables tension to be built up and acts as a subtle aspect which many do not pay attention to, though it is important in enabling the audience to know how to feel. For example, during sad scenes you do not expect the music to be of fast up beat tempo as this will not only confuse the audience but create them to not know how to feel. Moreover, as the film progress throughout the production a slow paste enables the audience to feel as if a long time has gone past, when in reality the product will only be up to five minutes. It creates the characters to progress more throughout the piece. As the narrative develops the soundtrack could also develop creating the effect of parallel between the two.

Long shot Close up POV shots Low angles High angles 0%






What type of camera angles/shots would you like to see in a drama short film?

In order for the audience to know how to feel during certain stages of the production the camera shots need to be represented correctly, for example, in order for us to represent vulnerability a low angle shot needs to be used which 10% of the audience stated would be conventional of a war time period drama. Drama productions extensively use close up shots of the characters as the audience need to connect with the characters emotions, relating themselves to that character, 30% of the audience stated that these are the shots that they would like to see within the production. Moreover, the majority of the people asked stated that the most dominant camera shot they would like to see would be a long shot as of the period the drama is set in this will enable the audience to identify with that era, enticing them to identify (uses and gratification theory) with the way in which the characters are portrayed.


In terms of the soundtrack, which of the fol-lowing would you prefer?

A slow and eerie soundtrack entices the audience as they are left in suspense (enigma) of what will happen to the characters and how the story will unfold. The slow tempo will help set the scene, whether its to create unease or happiness. A mid tempo allows an intense emotional bond between the characters and the audience. During peak times within a production the sound is significantly increased to allow the audience to build that emotion, for example, in various productions during a sad time the sound is heighten in volume, which therefore, allows the audience to identify with the significance of the scene and moreover, for them to connect with that specific emotion.

Equilibrium Enigma Code0%


Would you like there to be an equilibrium at the end, or to end on an enigma?

Of those asked 60% stated that they would like the production to end on an equilibrium. Most conventional period dramas end on the fairy-tale ‘happy ever after’, due to the equilibrium ending on a new resolved conclusion. However, in order to entice each individual audience member, we as a production team will be challenging the conventions of the happy ever after as the ending will be led up to by an enigma code, breaking the stereotypical convention, therefore, enticing the further 40% of the audience who want the production to end on an enigma code. By doing so we will be enticing a mass audience to watch the production, furthermore, it is a realistic representation of the era and the sadness that it upholds.

Simple Complicated Strong impact0%





What type of narrative would be most conventional to our short film?

Our short film consists of a period drama and, therefore, within itself portrays a strong impact to the audience as of the emotional connection they may represent towards world war two. The war was not portrayed as a light issue and, therefore, in order to not offend the audience we are unable to portray the product in a light and soft subject. However, 30% of the audience stated that they would like the product to be portrayed in this way, therefore, we will not be representing the devastating effects of the war to the audience. Moreover, 70% of the audience stated that they would like the narrative to be represented as a strong impact, which will be portrayed through the strong emotional bond that will be evident within the characters.

Yes No0%







Do you think the mise-en-scene is im-portant?

The mise-en-scene interprets everything within the production, it’s the costume, the lighting and the props . The mise-en-scene is extremely important to any production as it enables the director to tell the story through the uses of location and props, for instance, you would not expect people in Eastenders to dress is tuxes and speak without their cocky accent. Its what makes the product come together, if each does not match then the product will not come together, therefore, confusing the audience and being unable to portray the message we want to them. In order to achieve this we need to stay within the stereotypical conventions of the war time era and more so the mise-en-scene can be achieved by staying within the codes and conventions of stereotypical colours, layout and props.


Lighting Location Props Costume0%5%


Which elements of mise-en-scene do you want us to focus on?

Each aspect of mise-en-scene is important as they tie in with one another and if one does not link in then the entire product could be potentially misinterpreted. As represented all of the aspects of mise-en-scene are portrayed as very important to the audience. the lighting has been represented as the most dominant theme, this is because lighting is able to tell a story, it represents when it is light or dark and it further intensifies situation is the lighting is harsher and deeper. Lighting throughout almost every production is used as a binary opposite to represent the good from the bad as it is the most conventional aspect that the audience are able to identify with (uses and gratification theory).

Conclusion:Conclusively, from the research that has been conduct, the majority of the audience would like to see a higher emphasis on the genre of drama rather than to have the product held on the fighting aspect of the war. Moreover, due to the audience ranging in age from 11-18 we are basing the certification on 12A due to the emotional content that will be upheld by the drama.Furthermore, there needs to be a great emphasis on mise-en-scene, as the audience has stated, in order to allow them to identify (uses and gratification theory) with the particular era of the 1940s. In order to do so lighting, props and costume need to represent the era in the best way possible. Each individual question needs to be properly elaborated into our product in order to reach out to a mass audience. therefore, the majority of the schemes we implement will be based around the questionnaires we have made.

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