grand trunk western employees timetable 1942

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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Grand Trunk Western Railroad Company Chicago Division Employees Time Table No. 60 effective Monday, February 9, 1942.


Flint SubdivisionOperating on

Eastern Standard Time


!a& W6t!e Eq[rt€il r"a- au'o-.....-.--- | o"!|

|rlbt tubiUvhldr ..!d t

aoltlBed ArliUykto&.-,...-........._.*_....,,--....4 lriit E

SDclrl lrdiuctloDr -....-..,,.... to 10

Lilt ol Strgoo!r....,,.....--....------..--------..*..-.._-..11

E:trds ft!! OrE 3d VtU.s! ('di!s!c-.._....__.._-..12

SDo.d llbL,,,,...-..

South. Bend SubdivislonOporating on

Csntral Standard Time

Grand Trunk WesternRailroad GornpanycHtcAGo Dtutst0llEmployees

Time Table$atuf No. 60 rircr

EFFEGIITEflint $rldirision- - - 1.01 Lt.. ESISoulh Eend Suldivision . 12.01 Ltl., GSI

toiltAr, FEBnUAnY 9, 19{2Superseding T ime Table No. 6g

ins, as ind icated by t ime tab led ing are, un less otherwise: i f ied, super ior to t ra ins ofe or in fer ior c lass, running

n the opposi ie d i rect ion, in ac-cordance wi th Ru le 72.


trmnl Xrrrgrr. ortrarl luldt |trd.u, ll, Eoxorrs0r, -

llttrilbtdc ,

e t rac k ,#o: v & ,- a r ' (

General Instructions Goveraing Equatetl Tonnage Ratings1. Tho eqldteil tonage of slt trsin is al€t6lbin€d bt Dlltl'

pltiDg th. !@bo! ot edft i! th€ irsi! by t!6 @! lsctot 3!il

sddirg tbe tesnli to tLe tuE ot iho tss snil drt@b.

SXAI4PLE: (1) 42 carB Tot3l gtos reorght 2100 bn.csr I'scto! 10 r 42 4s-.--- 420 "xQnaTED AONA -......... .. . ..... 2520 "

(2) 84 .sB Totsl g!@ voighi 1680 touCar l'&ctor 10 ! 8'l €!s-..... 840 "EQUATID IONS ...... ....... ...,, 2520 "

2. Tn6 cG! is ar euosE!.o fo! ftictioul etr !€$!'

tsrce @iI n!i* or ditreroli subilivitiou secordbg to the

nliDg ged.. Ths lriDcilr€ bsing tbat on lov gasiliottd t!6

ficdoDrt nEisisnce is a !]ghor proPoltior of th€ toi&l !ai.'

talco tlar or steepd g?sdielk. By s6 of t!6 ca! f.ctot tlo

tlridoait is .o ailjBted tl*t t\€ t€siltarc€ is ilo lot 4ll

tr.itre oJ oqusl €qnatett io!!sgo' th€t}6r conP6od of ftry

loadeE psdly rordod or 6n!tt ca$.

3. Esistlisheil t.tirys will i6 €ia4il6d bt 1% it bt 3o iloi.g

srotL6r car.s! be lslilled ir tho trair,

4. No r€duction ir tohlag6 or accout ot weetl4 o! othet

.o litioN will b6 naile ud4t sutborizod bt StrI,6rirtold€at

or Chi€t Tlair Dispr!.!€r,

8. Wl6! a! e!gi!6 oJ {lif.@i calacity tron ttde 3hoEin tle tablo id us€d, tlo poIB! 6quetld to!!sg! rill b6 &Eiv.dsi ly tatug tho rstrDg !t ihs lrgire wit! tbo clo64t pe!.e!-tsgo eaFcittr dividilg t!i! ratilg bI itE p.tortag6 otEcitya4d Dlliiplyilg tlo sllt ly tlo !€rcoltago ol c.IEqtt oltlo €ngin6 !o bo ns6il.


To trntl t!6 oquted r.tug ora 38% €rgir6:-

PtrnDdhoit ntilg of 41% €!elno-.....2500lolsEquaiod laijlg o! 38% 6rgi!e,.,...,,,r500 x 38-_-i- -2317 oqut.d

L ro d€l€rnine Fopor toldgo lot lusl€r, ilontJlehoad6! otLober oagires, uniess 3p€cisl etilg i! giv6!, adtl to €qut6ilratidg of tle nr$ €rg14 95% ot tlo equaieil Btilg in otroctfor eaa! cls* oI !€rper.

10. h Dsking lp t dins, voigw. oust l€ obtai!€{i bt i3k'itrs rsre ald aoDtetrts frob ihe warbill. wb.! tat€ woigtls ztu!ol, availabi€, c0f v€is!tr oay b€ tak€D es trtrdor:-


E:F€.! B€frig€rstor --. 40tl€igli 3€&ie!r!tot --. 30Gsa€41 S.wi.o 100P00

oaFcitt qorilobs --- 23Eoppo! CaB,...,,,......,..,,.... 23Lod-lldo Godolar------ 20Edt ConveFtiblr...,.....-.. 20

Wooil trtab6 Bor------ 18Si€€l I'Bne 3or-----.. 20gl€€l llamo 4trio,,..,,,,.,,.., 25Siock.,,...,..,......---------- 1Ellrt --..----..'.-------'.- 18Csboos€,...,...........,.-..-.,,.. 20

-A.lo!€ fleezilg (32'F. abov6) a32' abov6 to 16' I'. tbovo

(or brd rail)............- .... ....... 315o abov€ ioZ€ro to lO' b61ow...,,...,....,,,..,..,.. , D11'b€lov to 20' b€]ow........ .... !

u. Ia coBputiry toDago, fuUy losiled @rs ol gtai\ .oal,Bib, lumb6r, prnpwood, ti€8, €tc. rlo!€ F6ight! ar€ &t gre.nor lh6 F.ybill, dill be eo4iil€r€d s. canyitg tle aalksilarrlilg caprcity ol tI6 @r.

12, w!6D d€rd olgiled aF ilduiled ir a iran, fod tiEdtlo crr factor tiU b6 sdil€it to tle .ctlal woiglt ot 6ach

13. TLe lrtitrgs glve ia t!6 atilg t.blo .!o fo. tls Elilggailoj dc€ss todage viU b€ lgDill€il whor it tu to !e sol ouislori of or licaeil u! beyord tle nliug C?ails.

14. men aa €ngiD. ie lDtl€ fo laldlo tI6 auihoriteilBriry, s joilt n€$ag6, siga€d !t Colilacio! olil X!gi!€€!,will t€ sent to the ghi6i Dislatchor, sdvising tl6 r6iheiio!aile atrd givi4 iho ftasor {or oma

15. YardDaBte$ sad Condueton will ie helal !6l,oai!1€lor !!6i! tBils b€iry load€il io fuD suthoriz€d rsting elentomag€ is aYaitaile.



5, New eDgi!€s or eneiles out ol .!op€ alter leceivirg

d€ilium o! h€avy !€lairc wiu to lo&doil20% light or nEt out'

w&rd flip and 10% light or r€ium tdp Locoootivo Fo!@6u

Fill adrigo Trtir Di{,atche! aril Ys.rlna3t$ ir 3!ch ce66.

6. Passolge! olello iD fterglt d€rvico nill b6 alloweil a

furtlq r€iluctior ol ole lurih€d (100) to4.

?. Unl€ss special tatbgs aB giv€n, t reiluctior oJ 10% lron

tI6 letilgs slown i! tatls wrll be 3lloteil fo. certattr 8!oci-

ned Esnilesi lr€ight |lairs.

NOTE- The €quated tonnagt of dy tr8h is deteradned bv ndtiDlving the n{hber of earB in the trainby the esr fsctoi dnil sdilinc this teult to the 6um of th€ tde and content$

I'ollowirg sfmbo]s oD .cnodde .heob o! timet ]16 inilicai6:-


Bulleiirs anil Tein Eeeuter

Ilag Sto!.Stardsra Clook,3ull.ti!!, zd rtair legtuio!.



Liltoairg r€1€!!oD6.

v t t r E r i T

Fut{t st E0rYrsr0ND I









?oBrr IruEoN....,.,.

....,,NrcEor,s......,..._...SOUIH 8EI{|)suS0tvtst0


............. tt sDoN_........

Fair'Woather Equateil Eugiue Ratings Chicago Division







2172FLlllT st BDtvtst0

.............!lIC!f O1,S..........

...._.,, POAT EUIiON.,,S|)UIH 8EI{Osus0tvtst0t{

-'.,r--, ELSDON.....-....

.....,., vAfrPABAtSO ........'rrtDoni Assisralcc i












2.100 1390 1100


Port Elmn-Y.rdnasters' Ofic€, 32!d Sircet.Calac-$atclmar h shanttAiticr-Btatior lnilililg.nbr-gtation Blildine.Bels.e-Olil locatior-CarDar's ShaDiy, pplosiio No. 4

Switeh, Bout! side.Norur !'1irFc€neral Yalilmastor'6 Oiice.Torret-OD pole ri siding.MnndJ-3oott at singlo trsdr spit.h,DDrand-Gonerel Yrilmriter'a ()I!.0.

Diahondj lllagnar's Shaliy.Yalilnasier's OEde.D,G.E. & M. Middle Yard,

MoricFwest end siding or !ol€.Straftel'trg-In ilelot.TrorlddgFlooth south siil6 of lnoh ai Crostorer.

In int€rlocking tower.ra.sing Boour nast erd e&stward 6iili!g.

Booth W€lt er.l eestward siiling.logan gtresi, Yerd Ofioe.

Charloite-Boot[ c&lsovor w€st of frcig]rt IoN6.SeuenFEast €nil of lidirg otr})olaP€ ield-Stdtion Bnililirg.Nicbols YarA Gonola1 Yarildasierjd Ofice.&ertor O! !o1€ otd iidinq locatior.Pavitior-Booi! rest end

_FasBeloe. Siaiion.

KalanazoalAgotrtrsOEce. -

vickslus-nast end easiralil siilinc on!oie,4haDb€rlabs-Or Fol€ at sidins.

- _

MarcelluB-E$t oDtt eastqril siililE on !oto.WaleleFstatior BuitrliFcassololiFwest €nil sidi;q on !dte.M sbrqa!a- t ragh, -Eous ;a .Go SbJ0tJ . \o . rUe in

Sourh BeDd-War .bDa! 's 6brDt t , lSrb Ar roer , eas t e t rd€leerri.n

U!io! Aiatio! oa Dlatform,Ag€nt's Odc€ ilelg!t troose.

OliveN (iwo nil@ W€st) NJ,l & I. tower,CruDrtov!--Siation 3!ndi!s.Stillre]l Erst .nil Eiiline o! 1016.Ei!!sbo.r .Or te'oAarDb- Dol; 0-r srirrb leadiDg to

wat.t-*ar"i-*a- "iitrir-a

Bi{lins or Dolo.Easkdlls-Iasi 6Ddsi,lins on Dote,

- '

Vrllara'so Ersl eod W€stFiJd sidinq on pole.BetFeor Valprmilo adl Seillor-

Nee. CdNer's ftoss'lc. rt Siqtral No. 548.At Clidorilts OrossiD!.;[ Sin;l No.533.N€s! Salt Cr€ek Bnds€, at 6i@al No. 516

sedler-odpo16 Fest eld;istsai siditrs.On l}ol€ @st elil €astward sidirs.

Aitswodt-Or polo sorth sid6 oein rileiopposil e de!o,.Lott.riilFBooih at W&ter Tanh.Oriditl !rst crossove. o! Dol€.Mrylald -Eooth allia.ebr

-P. C. c. & Sr. r,. Tow€r.

Etre, -8, & O. C.'t. Tover. Frpistt EousF.Xlne Island-ToB6r.Mi. Greenvootl-?ole east old d6!ot.

t, M. MUNI{INeS, Oldaiilg l!4,@torj Dotrolt. C, ?. IIOqKWOOD, Su!t. Tomilrls, Po* fiuo!

G. A. B&lGeS, Trai@astd Sout} letuI Ftrldtvislon &, C. SIIEI.ENSON, Tlatlsaste! flilt Snldivislon3attlo cleak

cflrEF BrspareHERs Duia! E. q,EtiAN

D|8PAICHERS r. E. Moa,A:t{, A5!i!ra!rf. t. aoMItrEEs c. I. !4CN!TI W, t'. DllIpAEt O. W. gAy r, t EE!6AN


FLINT SUBDMSION - Eastern Standartl Time

vgEs:fivy.6-R.D :ra-r1LlI\rs-

!fi! t


3 o

Eine Table No. 60



1 1 , o 31 1 . 1 61 1 . 2 0t1.29

5 1 1 . 3 71 5 1 1 . 6 3

2 . 1 3 1 . 6 3. . . . . coooEtL6 . .__........ En;]EFrr.......

2 26 2.O52 3 0 2 1 0

, , . . . . . , o a P A c . . . . . - . ..... trriftcrrv....

2 . 3 9 2 . 1 92_4',7 s 2.213 O O s 2 4 63 . 1 1 2 . 5 73 . 1 6 3 . O 3


F i EE ;

! i FH E

. . . , , . - . . F L t t r T . . - - - . .

. , , , , . . murDY . . . . .

. SWAETZ CREEK., , , , . . D U F F t E L D . . , , . .. . , , - . . D U l l A | | D , , . . . . .

. . . . . BA| |8O.SOFT.. . . .

. . . . . . moFr t cE . . . . . .

. . . . . . .PE IFY . . . . . . .

. . . sHAFf*iuRc...


. . . rRow!B.#tDcE.. .. . . . . .LAi ls l fac., , . . .. . .__.. ir r+rEoErT_,,.. , ,. . . PoYTFRVTLLE.. .

s 3 . 2 4 s 3 . 1 ?

3.493 . 6 63 . 6 94.O44-t1

s 4 - 2 1


3-463-623_553.694.054 . 7 0

3 4.20

3 . 3 43 . 3 93.43

3 . 2 13 . 3 2

6 3_40


3 4.434 6 24.646 , 1 0


12.O51 2 . 7 7

"12.16' t 9 4 6


12.641 . 0 3

. 1 . l o" 1 . 3 5

142-t -491 . 6 21 . 5 72.O43 . 1 0

" 2.20" 2,36


d 3.oa3 - 1 a3.24

,, , o ' laRLOTTE... .. . , , . . , . o L t v E t , . . , . , , ,. . . . . ,8ELLEVUE... . , ,, , rarcHoLa YAno.., .BATTLE OREE(- .


!a.oos 4.265 A_60s 9 _ t 53 9 . 3 63 9.55s 10.20s 10,45

1 1 . 0 61 1 . 3 0t 2 . 2 0

3 1 . 4 o i . . . . . . . . . . . . .

t P . r ' .

| lvtgl.a!d Sidilg.,,,..-....-.... a caazartl Siiiing........-....,., 17 ca$aril Siilitrg........,....... 37 c.rsr.rd Eiding:--.........,,,, 30 odsrrrd Sidin&.,,...,....,,,. 32 c.rsaid S ing-,,....,,...,.,. 11 .arsrard AidiDg..,.,...--...-.-r17 cas (Ont of Service)


6 . O 3

5 . 1 5


Cra!o I'aio,,,,..,,.....,..,,,,..,,..,,..M. P. 259,79...-...-......westFaldToney..,,.-,,.,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,..,,....,....,M. P. 267.01..............We!twartln1b4......--'.-------'.-'.--.,,,.M. P. 283.23......--......EasirarilIlichigaa gotn o Siiliag...,...,, M. ?. 287.97..,,..,.,,..., W€Btw.rdAttic.......,,,.,,,..'-------'.-,..M. P. 2C7.28,,,.......,,,,WestwrrdCalac Pcrt 9i.1ing,,,,,..,..,...-..M, ?, 306,48-.........,,,,EaeiwaidSuryside.............,......,,........,.- M, ?, ,28.86....,.,,..,,.Watvard

Tine lalle $0. 60 vv-lstlEvv.A.-txr E-ra.rNrEl-

3 F


r5 t7

3 ? .06s ?.4c)s a.06

4 . 2 0



4.25 4 2C4 3 A 4 3 t4.43 4 41

3 . 1 4

t 6 . . . .

3 . 2 33 - 3 13.434.O34 1 34 . 2 6

4 . 6 r4.575.OaE . 2 I6.306-40

4.604-666-OA6.266.366.4 ' I

5 9.OO3 9.30310.30s 1 1 . 4 6s 1 2 . 1 0s I .oo

, f l tc l .

. . . , 3., ' , ] :

xrcxB;neer . " IsouroHdPEi{D.. : I

A R n O L O 8 t . . . E

4 ! , o 6 . 4 4 6 . 6 2 . . . . . . I t t os 4 . 3 o s 6 . 1 ? 1 3 6 6 " . . . 1 3 I 1 6

4 . 3 6 6 . 4 e i 6 - 6 4 . . - . 1 . . - . . I 1 1 7

4 3"14.464 6 24 6 16 . O 36.O75.OA5 , 1 5



6 .O4

6 0 9




6 . t o


. . . . . . o L r v E R 4 . , . . . . .

. . cRUMSTOWTT ,. ..d | | LL{ O lREEK, , . .

. . . . .errL!- l fE(L... . .

. . . . K I | {CSBURY . . . .

. . . . wELhaBoRo-.. .

. . . uraroxr lnlL|-S,, .

. . - - . H A 6 K E L L 6 . . . . . .

1 , t o 6.46

?.oo5 ? . 1 63 ?.303 'a ,46

3 4.1()s 4.20r 8.40

6.24 6 , 3 6 6.49

- . , . LOTTaV| lLE. . . -...... cRrfirrH ......o. t- rL s. oRoa' l t lc. .MAYNiBD,l D.. ...oAK chF3ir r rLL.....f HoRl{lgN.loT.... , . , , . . H A R V E Y . . , . , . . .... r.uJi'3"^"o. ..

""..Etjd"*oooEVERCRE?En PARK. . . . . . As\Elu R||.. . . . . .. . . . . . HAIf,oRD.... . . ...cHroA$!r LAwN... . . . . . . - E L S D O l l . . , . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . j . . . . . . . . . . .. t . 4 t . , . . . . . . . . . . . .

7 . 4 4 . . . . . - . . . .7 . 4 6 . . . . . . . . - . . . . .


6 . 5 1 6.67 ' l . t r

' f .16'7 -O2

6.O36.O66 . 1 1

7.O9' t . !2' 1 . 1 6


1. t6" t .30

7 . 2 3 1 , 3 6

6.273 6 . 3 0

6 . 3 6

7 . 2 97 . 3 1' t ,35

3 1 0 . 2 0s 1 1 - 1 6

3 71.46

s 12-30s l .oo

,s 1.9()



. . c . l t lY ._ | . JcT. . .

. , ,47 th . STREET. . . .

. . , , , . ct{ tcaco . , , . ,

6.46s 6.4?


7.41s 7.44

a o o

' t .66

3 ? . 6 7 . . . , . . . . , . . . , .

4 . 1 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . .!:]tr

t7*; .".".''*

l5 qI$ i 4776


E9206 F ! !


fime Table No. 60


9.40k 9.44


a.oos € - 1 0

4 . 1 1



9.569 . 6 7 .9.69

a 1 ?

a . 2 l

1 1 . 1 4

1 1 . 2 2

6.OO....... Er.sBoi ..._.....oHraacg taw ... . . . . . HAYF0PRD.. . . . .. . - . . . A S H T q U R X . . . . . .EVERCREEI{PAIKitt, cRE,EootWOOO,, , BLUETTSLA D.._. . _ . . . . H A B V E Y . . _ . . . ..THORTTOI{ JCT....oAK CaLEt{r tLL.,.. .MAYdAnD, l D. , .o . t ,&,8.cRoa8t t |c. . . , , . G R t F F t T H . . , , . _. ... lortXh l.E ... .


10.o91 0 . 1 31 0 . 1 6

1 0 . 2 3


4.26 11.27 3 6 . 1 6



L1.341 1 . 3 91 1 . 4 2

3 6.40

s 7.30

! € . 1 64 3 0


5 1 0 . O O

r1 .oo I1 1 . 0 6

1 1 . 1 1 i

9 . 2

72.311 2 . 3 4t 2 . 3 912.4372.4912-53

1 . O O1 . 1 0

' ' ' ' ' ' ' l

s 1 0 2 5a 10 46

,r 11.20s 1 1 . 6 0f l2 .gos 72.40


1 1 . 1 7\1, .22| | .291 1 . 3 7 ;

oi' i * . l :. r l*'*13,aRxoLTD u,ljl


11.3e 1 e.6e11.40 s 10-OO r1t.42 10.09 i'1: i''''..,.''...i''..'.''''.'1.','''''''''.''1"6.06

6 . I O6 . 1 6

11.471 1 - 6 ?

3 1 9 . 0 6r t 2 . t 9

1 2 . 3 03 12.36

10.o71 0 . 1 710.26 51 0 . 3 9 ;10.60t o . 6 6 3

| . 2 41.367 -49, .o62 . 1 7, .26

't 2.42\2,461 2 , 6 0

l .06

2.342 3 42.443.05

6.407 . r 64 . 2 09 . 3 0

10.301 1 . 1 6


s 1 1 . 2 63 1 2 . 0 6

5 1 2 . 3 6

3 1 2 . 6 6

. . . , , . F A V t L t O | | . , , , . .

. . , , , . . , soo t l s , . . . . . .

. , . . . . . c L t M A X . , , . . _ .


20 6 474


FOOTNOTES _ SOUTHNo. 20 vill 3tol, *t 4?t! gh@t &nA Chioogo LAw! to €ntni!

reyotr@ pasde4€rs for Baitle Cr€ek antt East.

Nol14 siil stolr at Cassopolb fo dettai! rov.nD€ lassengers

No. 0 si! rloa up at lllilo! to ft.eive railloed mail.

No. 15 will ltop si Chlcrgo !aw! to doirair ps$6Dg€B-

BENI} SUBDIVISION,No, t7 wjll dop st Clicago l,i@ alil 4?t! gare€a to d€t.tin

rorenue ?asseng€rs lrorn Battle cle€k a*l loirit nast

Nos. 4?5,4?6, 4?t ald 478 vill laliu6 Mril uil ErlreBs

(slamazoo W^y fteiglt witl leav€ Nicho]s Yail 445 . F';

rotnrniag, l6ave Ealemszoo 5,00 p. nr., dativ, €:.olt Btrrilet


-{iBrorih-...--.....,...M, P. 45, Siiti!g..--. -..91 crts

Po!!..........-.,-,.----,M. I'. 12?,25-faltwstit Siiting...-, ... I carg

w'sk6l€d,,.,........--.... M. P. 131.46-Easttail siaiDg ... " 24 car9

Chanb€rlai!!.......... . P.!til Siililg-..., ,13 cr!8

SDeclal tnslrucrions Goremiog rhc Movemenr of- TraiDa by Signsl Indication Berweeu

Valparsiso aod S€dIoYWEatifArD.-gig! twoatu cotor liglt intorloctitrg sig-

!al.locst€il 500l6ot oast ot €lil ol {lotrU€ ir4ck tr vallddi8o,

oo""tot ^o"u-"ot" r.o- -etwe!i! nlai! tBck to sirglo tack'

Low oolo! ngbt .ie!41 loclted ollotiis ligl Bigul gor'rta

movomoits fton 6sstwa.d naitr hack to siDgl€ iDck.

EAatWA&Ir-EigL tro_sru cobr rigLi irt€.locking lignal'

loestoil 500 fo6t wsf of eril ol ilorbl. tEck at S6dleL go!€n!

rqov.nelt. !.on oa.twsil hain htrok to silgl€ trtc!. Lov

color light sigMl locst6al ollosit€ Ligh 3ignsl govorft nov6_

m6nts Jron rdiEArd nai! to stlgi! tBct.

Diuc.tior ol glg! ttlS[ab:-Top liglt 8160r, bottom liglt r€d.. -. .,..Pioc!6dTop ligli yollot, lottoi liglt reit--... ..Proc€€il wit! caution,

I|trlo 601 d.

Both Uglts !oil-,...,,....,... -.. ...............,.......4TO? AIiID DO NOT


&iu@iloa ot Low At8!tb:-S16.!........--..--------..........-...-...,.,....PscooilYo11or....,.....,,....,,....,......,......*,,.,......- ... .... ..Ptoco€il with c.utionRoit.-.-... ....-.... . ......------.-., .....-........... .,..9TO! AND DO NoT


oeDxSs I'Bdl[ DIaPArCm&.wlor t!€so dglsh sro i! o!€tstio! botw€er VabsrairD

and soillct lrsir rocidt€r .!d tomilal cleolanco (r,om B)

will bs ililco i!u.d at Vsl!&tuilo atil 8odl6l. WLer siepalgaro ilop.ntive, tbins EiU tre gov€ od !y silglo nl4,

1ia6 tsbl6 .clodir* €feetie6. 'b6 faillto of t4d iLs

r6toliDg ol stlsrs to s€tvice Eust bo atrtlonzeil bv lrri!


Adiliiional oastsaril color ligli siguls or singl. lr&k

NP 53.8 aril ldl 54.3 liU lo ttanilad 8!to ztic sigrah' ag

ilcsc.ib€d in Rll€s 501 and 513, TI€s€ two siglars are equipledwith grade sigml tlil trlins will b€ gol'€med !v 1rrl' 504-

OPERATION OF APRING SWITCIIESlnd of douue if,ack, VarP6&iro.Eud of dolltle hack, gedleY.

lst end of !a66ins hack, sotuov.

l'he norn'tl lositior ol ihe itouble trdek sling swircl ai

VlllaniBo is lor €zstFnd morcnerN

The ao1nal lositiotr of the dolb]e ftaok spring rwitch rt

SedieX is lor w€strard iolonert,

The rordal lositior of tI€ llJring lwikn at east etrd of

lassilg iractr it Seilley is Jor moin track noronenr.

lNOIlirES, WIIII OR, !'ITEOST CAaE, stouEtl wbirotrailiry throlgh sldng svitches in to!@l losition ulst noit4lie slsch or make rev€rso notemeri mtil swiich is lrolertlliderl. Sldry switch Dnst le olJerated maually for a]l shrft-

INeINES, WITE o& \trIlEOUI CABS, wi rot eleleilthifiX-nve (35) niles ler lou passing Urrotgh Urss€ switches.

Erstw.rd ilains or €ngiles oc.upyilg 3idi4 tt sodley oustseeuro pernission fron operator at Yaba.atuo b€fore occupy-

After passirg lrodo siglz]t at Vaharaigo and Sodloy, t ti!8will b€ goy€r&it by signale ulder &!ld 501 !!iI513 alil inili@tiorB ol trll intorn€iliato sigMl3 nust !6 shictly ob.€rY€d'ss foloE.n? Doyonents witt l. p€nitt€d urde! tignal iftli

A l l l ra i i s € t r to r i ry tb is s ibg lo tB .k nos ! coEPl€ to dov ._nonr hrongL io ilouble arsck, olc€pt 6eiit! oovon€rtd willb6 Frnittod, sUowilg noyomeDtd froB oa€ n&ir tEck iootnor naia track st botl dotrbl6!r&ck 3Fiich@ tltor r@€iailgpeetuio! frotn oleraior at valpaBilo.

Dblatqhers' t6tellor6 l@t€il as to|!ow8: Valprraiso, ind€loL Sodlst in !oot! olpsite e$tvard high siS!.1. Tols-pb0!6 ri 86dl€y rbo ro!!o.ts Lo oporsror trt VslpraiBo.

oril€.. A1l tni!! will rslect tle tlsin otiior Bignal st vrl_

i'arsiso .s r6qui.oa by n o 220.Tbo o!gt!€n.r or colita.aor of a! [tsitr at S€iUov,

llot drdilg a c1€s o! approsc! inilieafion, will connulicat€

st ord€ Eii! op€*tor ai VallaBtuo.Autonstic tow color liglt Eigltl 659, Ioealod itrst €ast o{

C€hF€t Str€6t, l.sllEroso, is w€sfwsril ilistaDt 8igul, !3ilos.dleit in Bnlo! 504 a&I 505.



TLo Eoyse€rt oJ trails b6tw€o! C.&W,L Juaotior. Ilti.oir..!d Port Eorotr Mj.Liaa!, is soqomed be Eur6 25i to 257.irdusiso, co\ori!g tb.-Do!@;at oa hadr bJ siglal inilics:

drg.rr! lsed Lo gre€ 'tr.iicalioo sro tl€ 1r4i! ord€r siSrsls trsdEpraysd ar siatrom.

AU lrains ousl recoivo cl€atu!46 calit s! ilitb!.Larioo sstrutto"itt lor no\oDotrl; sllo kais Luming at, or sisrtilg

sirr!o!. 0!ri r4eie. clsurft6 ced a3tLLhorily for noe€DeDt. Aulholiiy for tbo issosrco ot ct@r-soco .ard. Dst bs sieotr br th6 Trsi! DilDstclor. oloer,sh6a noa$ or comouli.arhtr riih Trsi! Iiisps!.b;r l.i,ofail€d. ot,.EtoB bay cloar irsim bt rl€srarce

_card, !!oeid-

'!g lhej bsvo !o i!.oop eto tidD ordoB tor tmir io rhi.bisstroil, wr:tilg tb6r6or tbo wo.ds .tWir6 fsiloro, Eceiyirg clearaeo card. ofl6drtWtrc ra uo,,no6!.l€ar l,hs tt!€ oI 6ml..las! trab. itr l,bo eDo diroorro! !r DorRds 86,,ors Eust tro! ilsuo tror colJo.rors uJ €!qii6nsn ac .op t , a . lo r rao4o cArd h ! ! [6d rWi ro f .Uu!€ ' ,s r ;u lh -otiit for 6 trai! or elgibo to srsri 4 r€turo ooveb€!! lrobetry rrlermodrare stario! €:c€pr floo it3 aEtloried ruminsloitrt, Opsniors sill r€porr proEptlt to tbo Dilpsteb€! assoo;s3 conDuoi@tio! 's rs(o.6J th6 rloarilg of atrt rBi!. at

"o t"Ut"..* o. co!,loctor musr !l(ldtako to baDdlo .!

olgino, Ritb or v'lroul ea, or.r rDy oirrlio! ot this Divisioaultil b€ bas loarDsd lbo r;ad, tocaii;! ad oso of 6iErsls,pas.J u Moinaliotr o! CBrd Truk OpehrilA not6, atrd?rovid€il lihdor vit! e copJ oI cnuoDi t-ino irblc

sreial attoltlo! i! cslrod to Bul. 03 ot tb. Opdat,lg Bulssatul Suoral &€gubtlou go?6htns stor,I,ils st !oE-i!ter-locxod .r66lag; Mlcliga4 I{dl&a ald ltulolr Bt3r. tovstrx a Bovele !€nalty fd onltoy€s! .!sho etotrt. tLts r.EutG


Ttri! DtuI8tch6.!'OfieoO. & W. L B. L....,...Chicaso

T6l€g"spL OEco sdalBouil 8o8e...........,..E]!dor

T€l€grap} O6-ce...Bltro Illsld

tei6da;h oxdc6 -........-brivdreLaarap! @c.....rgredoo

Ox6.6..:............ratito oEeL

Yard O6e6 ael BouldEou€o..-....,.,...Nicbo1! Yard

Tor€grap! Ofi c.,....-,..-..Jli!tqol6F*p} Ofic.-.....-.....8o16ryIarit Ofrc6 atit Roulrl

8ouo........-,.....Tunol YeritT€logEph Ofi e€,...?ort Euror

A']IIJ FllB!-OlAaS !&AINA ri rosistoi si !o!i Huro!,Ba,tto C!o5k dd ChiBsd

The Olpraro. at T0p!AL Bol€sJ, Durstrd, Oliv€m aodlilsilo!. aoil tbe Ysrd Mr8tsr el Ni.hols ysr'1, wiU resisletnEneUss trals t)r mesago flon th6 !tN! Diipstale!.-

Al;L IXOIPI IIESI-CEI\S8 fE.AIIIF Filt r€sister atTuu6l Ydd, Nichol. Yard atrd Etsdo&

a ̂ .I}ri!s OrigiratiDg dd T€hirsrilg ,t 3ol!ay, Dumtr.l sDdeuv€E f,tr r6gr.i6. ar uos6 pouf.,

fda6rz@ 8trlilivirior t!&iE t6ri!t6! !t Ealan&zoo aat?aYiltoL

BI'ULEqN BOOES !rc locrtod at D.srloh Sf!tio!. Chi.crEo; ToiesrsDh O6ce ald Eoulil Souso. Elsdo!: TolomDbodca, vslprrtboi TorograDh odc6. Oliv;s: Totossoh dd;€.aalauazoo;.Di.lalr[M' 06@ ald Etrgir€no!C rdom. slliSJreol,, Bsltlo Cr€oiL Yaiil OE_.o strd_nouDd _Eous, Nicholsyddi Lorograph Oflieo ild ltoubd itooso, Dur.trit; Yarit.oast€rB'OEco. I'li!!: '9,rd Olbc6 sbil Bould Eou!€.leisae:Yard O6e6 ord Botrld Irouse, Tnuol Yrrd; Tet€grsi,l OEio;


IIAND'{:FIe PAgSMCtEE OAla, - Wlen troigtt fni!.hroill6 pe€sDs6r rab.2€ait[erd," soel cEs Eust-bo plscodbetl eb€ail ol cabo@6, Wletr tb€ Da.leDslr cah qr.v ua!b€!-sers, ftor mdl bo placod i! rcar;f eabios€ otr rsaoi !.aitr.

!:IA!iIxTI;IITO DEAX| ENe1l[ES.-UDlss instncteit ro co!-thrt ia novirs d@d elsiles i! iEi! sh€! io llasjt. ttsv@u8t !€ bar{0€d sirtr tho Dilor eod .[€sd ad rus! bo ;lac€irrt lqsl 6e6 csr8 IroE tb. a€ia €!eiE6, !l Doro tb.! o!; d€od6trgilo i! tBir, !b6t Dusr, b€ sepa;red by rt toas! 6ve rsts,

. EA+{D!g{q PII.E DBIVEES, tTc.-Pito drivers, sr€adsloesn' .ad ouar Buch D4ebio€ry,Illittsil o! a frciebl tlsir.Dusi bt phood at losr 6v€ .aB shBd ot crboos€, s-he! lraitiiB bardlilg s3 Dsry as ir€ caB, ol[q tbaE !h6o r€I€red to,lJo..d'!g.rra .bould i! all .asd be liacoil tr€n to .aboos€,

ITAMDIINC'WBEqEnIOC&AnIEA,-Slood of iEins!a!d,liDg m*liog 6s!s rtrd ildtrstdrl 0!dp.

-!oL ro€rce€d tnirtv

oil$ p€r Iou 16tv€d Port EuoD rod Cticaao: rvelr!-tviDil$ !.r lour oeor all othor parrs oI iho lino:,e! hit* bo!hour Ele! i! o! reariDg BQibgs; aod s stow€i oro oI sD;edwh€! iE lb6 jldgD€Dt oI rbo irii! ald €lgbe cew a .1680rr4Ee oi rpoed u nocs384rt.

AIB BEAE!8.-AiI bBLs rust b6 iu soryice w[il6 !wtto]t.iog oecul'i€d Ir$€!g!r €quipo!bi, also $bilo .Eir,.hilg oquip.u,sur otr or otr oc.upr€d prss€lgor €quiprort or b@tj.

Seitch russ nad yarLl srgin€s ousr lavoair couDl6d rld silbrak$ iD sorvico sh.! hakiDs rutrs b6rs@! ErA4

Boforo couplilg obto cors o! ! rrafk shicb is ijowr srsJerotrdetors wiu s€6 iba[ srmci€lt bh[€! oro loi to D!-€v6!acar6 e€rt'lg rFat Bbile ooupungs sr6 beilg @it€. tir ord6rro avord rtrJUrJ lo phors or daEAgo Lo proporty, cobductoBmu E€€ rbar ac 13 couli€d ood i! opeBl,io! sbilo sitcliosat po'Dt. Bbor€ dos! Arrd€ is a6ver6. Cars rot asrv no;lholo allacb€il to rho €lgib6 nusr haro hsod bk&es &'t.o islo . r€mre tbsm i t r cs r6 a i r i . bBt€ . t t iod€r fo r s l t roason


Bstw€o! C. & W. l. Jtrtrcl,io! sDd Port Eoro!. &ul€.50t tu513 Pill be .tr6criY6.


TBi6 baldiog dosil locoootied wil !o! €ros6d 25 &IsBpsr hour wilb d€ad roed loconotiv€! ard rS nit.s rer loutsil,b it@A Bvitcb eositres silh sDsUor F[eetr. 35b0 el'ssrit"b otrgi!@ rotoiDg rode. roa losof r€sulatioDs.

Easrwar,l rraiDs, rhea usiDA w6stwrr<I track Iron Retrro!to B3i,tl€ Croek, qill not €:cdd 25 Dil6s pd hour srou.d lhoeuv6, accord & olev,lio

.Ptrcll€g r$!'!g t6oder 6mL, tro! oquippod rirt !iro! orwrrnoul i6sdrDg inck., DUsr Dot €r.€od td6Dty.6eo Dil€.

. gFitc!_ergiles, ligbt, 15 nil@ plr botrr ovor joilt rracr

b€twe! Eigh eil ArDold Streets,Bouth B€!,1.Tw€.ty.6e6 bil€! por bou o. westwsrd track oe€! ssircn

l6adilg froo old Daitr tra.k to olsvrfio! lSlh Strosii Tbirtrmu@ po! hour srouDd con6 wh& Iearing or €lt€t'irs JoiDiIfuek3 at Eigl rDd Atlold Srroors, gourh B.tril.. Tlirly oil€. per hou oD boih ttecks .londl cury. Etsdo!

^.1'F9qty_Dil$ por hotrr 0!6! briilg€.

B€tw€€! Paeijob "!d

Aaleoazoo atr ongir6, sn! or wiL[oo!1!F! rouhg pilol. dBt ald otr 3rraish! t$cL;duBr lot sc..drnrnt DU-6 3! !our; approa,bilg strd ronDditrg.urr@, 6fte€!

tracf,.to8t lol orrood tqelly miles o! hour; s!pr@.biDg.!droudrlg curv€r! ien Drl€! ar hobi


Waa cbd .tgarb so tlovn rnor8 0!6 lauway cro$63Eo$or st gna., tralu nui lot dcesd lchorld6 ,p66il !!itltle ontiro t sla !a6 lBss€d i!6 ctosrirg t€gBrilled ol whoih€!t!6 crosling i. htoiocksd or lo!-iltsrlockd Thdo in8itu!_lioa 6up@6ilo tI6 thiril l,44grsph ot lulo 98 i! out Book

ol Opola4ilg B{let &d Aoa€rar logdatiou.

ooaiteiol5 rrd o{tu@E! mr5t lot D.@lt t!d!.s to !. !uet e 6rc6sslvs !ei6 o! q, d€€6niula 8tstl66, 6oud db!!crrtm, or tlrorlgb Jacuo! 8t&tio!s ,naa larg6 yEd!.

3Arl&E OBE€E StAflO$.--|'U irdaB 3nil tdil o!gr!€3uu.t rpl[oach wdt ot Mda Ekoet srd ea8t oJ llnBt.6et uilo! corttol, !r€i'&$d ro stoP tl .wii3Ls ar. lotpro!6dt .6i or i! tBck is oa.upi6il.

NIOEOIA AlaD ELSDON.-Corittiioe sa !N! inst.titcholgind slil troiglt 'Idns fiequ€li]t do$ or o..!pt tno E3i!trtrck, Atl clgils wiih o! Fit[out .srs oust tlproaoh tlil

lass tlrongh tn66 Yslils witL t!4i! @dor coltro! Plolar€ato stop vltlir tlo tlistaqco !n dlic! nai! aracL iR kiowtr to

bo .loa4 This vill in !o way .rcu6o iloso in cnsrgo ol stile]€agins or tmi$ !!on lrotecting lgaiNt otL€r trsint rn

sccordaNo wti! R!Io.,


Yard Limit Boards are Located as IolIowB

!"LADON.-O. & W. L Jrtutlo! srd 1,030 f6.t easf ol B.llBailFst Crossitrg al, guYfotd.

B],I'E ISI.AND, EAEYEY, IEO&ITXON'TDTOfTOIiI.-7,167loet rsi oi L E. B. Cro$lng.3,580 l6et q.t ot O. & E l Orosing.

(}BI'ErTE-0,839 I€ct 6&t, sDil l?5 t ot r6.a oI Depol

VA!PAAAI!O.-I,826 Je6t dolt sl(t 6,690 looi !a!t oI ?43_

aOUTE ltlf,D DISI&IOI.-1,677 f.6! FBt ot Ooar Dock aiOlivq !, rtrd 3,065 f6et oadt ot 18i! stteot.

tALA.!llAlZOO.-?,86? lool RouiL ol .titd 3i ?stilto! &t.

BAITItE OBIIE DISI&IOI (Ii{rdt).--5,393 fost wdt oJt6ailsl1 Sbeot CrdBilg.

sAtrIE qEEIE DISIDIoI (E3$t).-14,121 teot @!t otMichigln CottBl CloNing r@! ldicligt! Avoau6,

I,l|t{Sn[O.-1t,427 f@i west ol ,ogar gtroet Briflg6' &dopposit€ €astr8lil loms tigasr, Trcrbridga

'IIBAND.-6,828 f€61 vdt, ald 9r0r8 lsot @.i ol Pa*etrgd

FLEiIT,-11,37' leoi 6st ol B6l63y Yalil Ofi.e, siil 0,036 foetFst of pssrong6r sistion l.tili (Dontl6 Tracl Uain Lie),?,8r0 ls.t e&st, .nil 1,898 leot ffit of saadz ql€ok Deloi(Donb16 Trsok Uaia I-itro). Ertiro oiil shglo tr&k botre6aMuDrIy dit 3sl.ay vis Non! I'lili i! rithiD Ystil Lthit€,

FO&T EIIBO$-6,100 t.6t roti ol rapF! Towd.

DOUBLX TRACK3.two@ o. & w'. t, it{rilttoE a$rl5€dl.nBotroon V!:bNtai6o and ?ort E!N!.


3ETSIIN aADLIY A.I{D VAt ?A3-AIi'O.-(Bo govoEoilbt eiglsl Inilioetio! ar dlod i! Bp@iel Insttuclio$, !ag. 0).

BIrIVEEN EALAMA.ZOO -A.ND PAV!!IoN,- (Bo g!Y-€u.d by Silgl6 Trrdk Bul@).


O, & 'W.

I. trUNOrIOl( uil OEIOAOO.-Colducton rtrilllnsia6n$ ol this Conpary, tefor€ frnlilg otr 116 tnck3 oftn€ C, & w. L B. Ii. Dnst Fovldo il€@.lver with & copt ofits Crrneri Tine Tsbio 4!il Book ol &ut6J ard I. goYor!6d

aOVIE BEND.-Botw6o! EiC[ Bteot anit Amold Str6l,'IBirs wirl opoBts oyer joirt Glslil tuk Wodtsh sntt N€wYork Co rsr ngihosd Trsok. XD16, Aimoisbtos sld apdalIllttuctioq of N6r York C€nlr3l lsitrcad will govofr.

EAllMAzbo.-Bolw6s! ?svitio! JurctioD and crosov€!at MiU Sirqgi oldatsd johtly mtl C. K- & s.

EArjL EltBlEf, BAffl;E O&IEE- - MioLigan Coltraltrsiu and olgireB oI tlei! B.tilo Crs6L Divisior op.rato ororure Dqia trcks or Esll Stlsot botw€€a ih6i! cornoctior iuiFo6t of M&i! Str€ot, snil tleir .onnootio! jul @sl ol llmSt!6oi Tnis movoaoll is lrotetoil ht h6yon€r locatod atMichigatr Coltnl Tow6r


lflint Subdivi6ioD

loDl ctEATIol (Old !4ab u&) !oP!AE slBlEL-Pers Malquotis (Poil lluor &ail Noiahvtut€D Divbion)- Orossilg - Not htorlockoilt !o d€Dib; goy€mod byTs.s6i. Lowd Bisde doprdB€d, allow GEril Trurk tr&b!

IoBI cEArIol (olit !4&i! Iihe) BLIoE &lv!& BBIDeI(ct l,W.)-Croy€n€il ly S6n&photu tocatoil aloui 6vo h!r.ilreil (500) f6ot No*! dit South oI B!4go. A€nalloro AtuBisrdrug no.iro at indldts r'saoP." Ninoty (90) it69164 lrcm lorizontal irdicaioB 'iPROCIED." NiClt i!di_cation, Boa llglt Stop; q!@r Ugnt, Pecooil Araild *illlot €'.6€iI iE! (10) nil€! p€r hou ov6r ihis bfilgt.

poBr EuBoN-;LAqE BwEIB B&tDcE-p, rd. sr.-Govoruil by oolor Uglt Big@rs, lttnihrd iniorroo&i!9.sDgirs; o! EuEt obs€no f.!s[ blidgo i! i! prcp€t po8i-tlo!. Trsis Fill lot s:.oeil lix Eil.! po! Lou! ovs. thi!briilge.


PoBT EOBON,-W€8! gumDilr brertdtod. Jnr(ttd rii[B t . r t s i r TJo t rg l compoo l ; O id Mai ! L tno !o Cour ! 8 t f te t

TA.PPAI.-P6'6 [4u q16r'€ .rossile: Lf6r]orked.J00 t ioo q i rb Mt . . t6m6ns Su+dh i r i0b ; lo !€ . toc tod ,Jtrnction ritn (C. trd G. T. Jct.'t Ord Maia Li!6 to lort

Gr.tiot-Itqs{Y OITy.-JLb.rioq rith C0.s .itt Subdi!trioD.LA:PEE!^-M1d'ie!tr aobtml (B.r Oiry Dilidiob/ crossiogi

rlitNl. (r,38 milss 6$i of). Ilint Bstt BaitFsy Cro*iogj

NO_x,rE lrINT (2 mil* easr ot).-I'li!t Belr nsitwBtOrdsirA; lnterlocked.

NOEIE !]JDrI.-Porc M.rqlerto ,Totorto Dit-tsio0 qrossibgJ,Lloroard b/ color'ig!- sigretst i€d!r gr*n lro.€fo.

DUB,A$D, - Atrr ArDtr &t. dossitrg g!ro, rot:ffdtNkp,t; !o4erau3. rtuoe{ baod srg4t.

Onod.Rap ids aubd iv :s io ! c rcs iog gsL€t t ro ! tu€r lo .k ld ;bo d€mils, Piorcod lard liaal.

- _

, Sag inaF_sub l re is :on " -ouu log

eo* U" .oo WJ€ s rLU, no !€di Do dorsits. Pmc;cn lsrd dhar.


LA{arNO. -Mi'h:gaD OorEal (AagiDaF !ieisiotr) crorsibe.IDrd lo . i6d . NoB Yo- ( c6Dr ; l l i o "s (Lus ins D iv ts to t r loi@8irA; Intdrlock.d.

oEAR].OTTE. .M i.biCan C6oiral Raitro.d rOrabd RalidsDis jE io t r l c ross ins ; h tez lockod.

South Berld Subdivision

Ntro .EO]JA cA lD 1% rn , t6 w6st ) . M ioh iga ! r^pDkat ( \4s rnLiD€) crossirs; Idi€rrocled.

BATILE-OEEEE.-E'U Srr€ot. MichjgaD Oentral (Bst €Crost Divilio!) crosinC pas;bgor ljiinC,

"olor 'tgba stg.

BATTI;E ORE.EX.-N. c. B, B, (A lssrb Di\isiuu .rosuc.I D i l " e ps l o l PLsdogor S l r iou : go \ i i ro , o bJ 4 iu : 0 , ,dsr i '

r ' eL ly oo" . r " I o r n , - . o ' l ! j . ' , .l r i s l l v lu r l rc I der , nb un } t .Cn.R. on t r . ,

a'op boards tae€ I@! tootsd Elst trnd Wost of.Mlch:sor.'o.fral E. n. (De.l,rjc) .16!l' g o" EuEt€, co, ldJ. "

PAVIInO1..-Juciior Fiit Kalanazoo arbdilisto!,

VIOESBIIIG,-P€IDa. L:nos ([4irhimtr Dirtsioqr 6rossus:giJf,-;:

"111,fl::'-' aDd Lr;o. sitorrs. €r6h,oar ' op"-.:

aqEOOLCBA!T,-N6F Yor! Coltnt Lir6 (erslit &liildDirisior) crcssirs; Inrdlocilc.l: no denils_

oAagolotr.Is,., Uirlrgsn Confral /A ir Li 06 .oi sj.tor) ctoss

i!trISEATArr.4".- Jubatio! rith Nee lort OoDihl Lt!.,( rdr€n uvsroDr,

OUTVEEa. -N, y. C. Or@sijs; dot ibrorto.kod: !o dsrits.govor0ed ty .o lo r l igh t r ig@ls jo .a toJ : !s t sou th o t O.T ,n .tra.ks trdq. djanon,l clo8sirg,

Jurtion sith Toillsbu }Jonhom, jusr 6art ot tMdEltaJuD.ltotr toftr. IadDg poia! io orstwsrit mrh rre"r rotr

OI,MRS (9 htl$ w*t of),-, N6w Jor.€t Indiars & Iilitroid crossiryi Iat€rlocLod.

STItitrWtIiIr. -lr. Y, O. e AL. L. R" fi. ,Ln,fia@poiis Dl{i,io,)ctosibs; Irtdlo.kod,


wllitrg]BoBo, -Balll@d. & Oblo fgbic.go Di,i!io!) .ter

P6!o Msrquott6(Iaorcsd. Diyirto!)crolciDg, ht6riock6d_nAl5+r:.'a.-,raimeo. ibdilDslous & t oEisyir6 (!4icbjglr

Oitt DiviaioD) Crossjngj I!ro;toc:&€d,

FO^BI WAT|II .OAOSAING.-piLt.burgt. Iort Wortro ltuDrcago (uar! lrLtro) crosBinsi lqtertockod,

. N '6F.Yo.k , Ohh.go O Sr . Lor i r (Us t ! ! , !€ r f lus3 , t r ts ;

o+gTTr,E.. . Eri€ Rtrir.oad (oUBgo Dt,r!io!., .m.srrsj

^Elain, Joli6! & E-mttrb .[ta'. T,tE€ tr;,1 Sorih Chipsgournqbn,.!odsirgi I!t€rlo.!6d.

- Mi.higtrtr Cetrrral /toli€! D'ytr'd) .ross'!A; l!Lo-to.l,.d,JLbcr,ioD rift c, & o. R, E. \chicagi, Dtrisiotr),

0.1-& S. OB,oasINc,-C[j.rgo, ttrdiooa & gotrt]€ru "rossrlg;

MAnIAlIt,-P, O, O. & at. L, A, B, /Logalspod Dt,isto,);.htorlo.k€d

MATNAIU) I r{ mUo Fd! otjr qbt.aAo. hdisspolis&tauis.eillo (Chi.sgb & Lalay"!k; Diviliorj ;rosritrci;.

fEOB.NION 'IXNOTIOIV. - O & E, t. (Chirsgo Divbtotr,cradsins; IDt€rlochen.

IIAEVEY.. B. & O, C. T, R. n. cros.ilcr l.r6rloctod.J '0 . o11 ' l I I no i i .o t ra l n ,8 . , n - ; oora i l s ,

"tH.i.t* (% nir. rst).-l H. B. cro,.irg; Iaie'.

Ju4tio! Fith B, & O. C, T. l. t_Junc t io !w i i ! o . & l &P_8,R,Ju&ttoa vi'' . E, B.

ASE:BItEN,-\tsl dL ,.ai.!go & A!. r,ouis D'!) C,os!ibgj itrterlock64j tro d€r!i]..

IIAy!OE:D,-B6|! S.llr.t ot cti.!go (\o,.i!gr,

Ilalamazoo SubdivisionLA!A-!AAZoO, -\oq 'Vor! ColLral Libos (Oraftl -RlDidd

u iv 's io ! ) r ros iog , 1 ,650 f .o i €0s ! o t p rs .o l io rs ls l io ! : lo l. ! to r rockod: bo dora i ! : qocoro€ i t bv ta le€ i ve t r i .& l i ros i -tion dloqs Grtrtrd Tn;klrajns re j;roce;d,

. JuE.tio! q !b Chi.sgo- Kq eM2oo & Ssgiuap,s! psyiliotrr'1. Ijost €a8i of Lak6 Slrcelr; loiDl Lmk fto;! Lhis Doilllo rrolsoccr 3i Miils SirFrr, (6Bt stree! F@r of Bbotrdbo0s6, , xoa l i r , ,bs ro b6 r in€r co ! l ro l Eh6! ,pp fo ! .h i ! !ard pmsir! o_vcr joi0r rm6k. o:ptrlilg !o jrd iiio us6 b;

-Uicbig.n r'6ornt rMsr Liro) sost o! p.rlergs, !i.ijo!,.tu$j13j Intc!lork€,1.

JuDcntor Eitl Ponmy'v.nis r. E (Idiohkstr Diyjdion).

WARNIIIG^ Imploye8 nil, Dot rldo o! top of c6ft Fh6! passtlg trlito!

EngiromoDr Trainnon snd YelitDo srb w.m6d !o! to rid6ob lo? or €'d€ oI orCib.s o. atu p' liog t"brctrA! alj itrlo€t,subsay or u'i€r ary o\€rboad bnds6 or Etorc 1t js kr()Msuch s!ru'ruro rill Dot rloar a m0tr oli toD o.t €r: lboe ar. alsowarrod oot ro doo oD rld0 ol eDgiDo o! 6. !as6i;g hieh rrirrh8tatrd3, qot6i .oruoa8i Brrt, ctnts o! otb6r ob.rtu.i,ioek8oh, i ,o to dosor lbnr 0 !€L !o loare ! B i l , ! ! i t Fhor .FprBclibg or pnasitrg oed dr lhmagt !t@ bndgd

on doubl. lrack a llaqm6n sent oqt in .dvanc. fru.rnot b. r.oall€d but Fick6d up.



All Train service Ernployees will provide them&lvee with copy of "New Form 8914, Ingtrucliors

to All Train Service Enoployees Relative to Operation anil Care of Train Equipment'"


l. Port Etrrotr Ysrd U.nl0!.re dedD6d 38 rororirg all tdcl'vilhib tho T€rniral sDd ddiqtat€d ht Yrrd liDil bo*til! lo.r;€it 6100 fe6t wcs! o{ TardD on 1[; Flirr Sobdrvilio! aDit8330 fe€i \{esl of Tappstr o; tbo lltL q6D6!. 8!bdiel8io!.

2. All obDloe.ot ir chrteo ot €!si!.. dil tdiB willi! lti.teritoF nu'bo cov€m€d bv Bld s. d.6!€d ir Book ofOpoEtiiB Bxt€s co-veritrg ih6 operation ol tlrds

3. A1l tBiB .lil €nsir€s nu.i ie lld€r coa!.ol aploaclilg32Ll S!r€ol {OId Yard dtree) alil sitchd le.riing to pa$6rgrrtrscts, Pori Euro! (2{rb Str€6t) sld b6 govedeil bv .igrrl.from ;vitcbt€trdor locatod 3l ttfto loitrt8.

a, Tmio! srd .trqia€. ousl rodoco 3po6d to t€! Dile! p.rhotr. Fh6! noeirc q€ttwsril oeo! Tr!ft Sheot atrd o! ua!i_ward Eo!€D.trt,;!sitr€s vitb ot wilhoui.sE musL StOl trotnor6 t!3tr 6lty roil€ss tba! lbirtt loei ttoo .rosiog trtriiher novemoli oe€r crcssiis prot€ct€d hJ a h€mter ol tb';r6d. Itoeenents ov€t Pitre.(t;ove AePnua\ Sfo.o Attc€t aodi""il e"oue (olil mtin li!e, I'i. Gmtiot) also GB'd niv€rAy6Ne, mnst b; protoetoil by . menber oi tho crev.

5. TEck bstw€e! cotrb€ctio! wilb P€ro Marqu€tt. Railwavsou[h ot Courr Btreet(court Al.oet vsrilj ald Tboma! Atrkti ioini truck rs bols6it rbe Per€ Marqudttoatrd oraDd Tru&R;tsar! 3trd riu h6 rcslect€d t. yatd tEck.

6, Trairs aod €lgitros bust bo utrd.t roltrol tb€tr 'lnroa'h'in' ioitrt tmek ffiacb rt fool of Thob$ gtre€l oE nov€nentsr,o_girl r.on ft, O*tiot Notral positio! ot i,hi. swil't i. forPoro Malq!.ito hor€nert.

'?. A talc€t i. lortted abour 300I€et eall ol Militart Str.stfof lbo eoilmeot of Marq!€Cte s.d qratrd TRrk trnjn

" "a " .c f t " . " * . *1" oe€r d ia ;o t rd . ro6s iog a t th is po in t

Tsrcor-is orralel to Gyatr TTnk track. aB "Proceed' :: .ro-ss or al riqhl atrglcB to Orald f trt tradr. qs "8iotr



Or botb sidss oI all oeerhcad bnds€s otr fbis dickior tbslsill n.t.lear r m! oo too of a bor aat, tou tti€s or EetuiDgsifDols, coBisl,ils or piPios of 10l'6 s6p"ld€d froD . wireh;v€ b;d loc.feA: thd id€a b€irllo tat€ tbe 'op€s stril€ amsn w[oss iluty rdquir€s hiE ro b.-o o! toP of aaB i! 3o6ridtlino to 6trsbls"him to 6it dom o! car b;for. conitrg to 8trdw[i]€ Dsssios ulder tbo ove_!€sil bndgc, tbot€bt avoid'ogidury by loaBotr ol 3FiLitrg lto bridgo.

Sone 1tsim6! bave iieil to!o. togetler &tl tlrov! tl6ntrD oror Fir€s so t[rt lho ropo nonld rlcar a Da! otr to! of a.;r, t!€r€br 6rl'osiDs otb6! ;d?loy6s to im@tr6Dt-darser. IDlulur" oDploy€€3 g!ill,t of r€oovirg or i! t€ nl,io!3lll d Ep ra''inc ih6i6 mDs- €lceDl to roDatr or rotr€o srDq vur D€ o-s'niss€d frob tb; s€tvic€ or ttir coDl'!trr' coldu.loh will boslDected 1o oroDotlr rpDo4 su.! .0sei bi Fi16, sko lotiJt ttesu;sdDt€ld;lt or

'Tqiotast.r be wiro wb€te teu |3l€' or

@iDilg siglals are Fquir€d. or shsre lhoy aro Dot i! ?toPP!

Tle r@ltnoizoit so of notor cars, v6locileits, batrd anilpEL caB i! forbiitiler.

Whoa oD.atBil wlorc i!6ro is mor6 tla! o& din ttaekinodd b6-m; in t!6 ili!6ctror of ttstEe: .t tls tlo6 a

csrefol rrr.b mosl b€ kopr st sll tinet for approarti!gdivorled trdD.. Wb6tr trset o! t siDsl€ tra.'<, traios oay leeilecloil fion oitler ilitetiori

Rnle 22 is an€td€il aB foUows:-

Wbeu lwo o . moro eqq ioFs aro roup led tbd , l i sp loJ in !risoas tor a followitrg 36;tiotr, e..h ptraine viu disPl.y th€

Rul6 403 ir nodin€il a. follows:-

E$iwrril tniN bsr Durl uo clmr ol siDsle tra.t al Vsl'para iso , and F"s lward t ;a ios ;a t lou up c ' ia r o { io in t t€ 'k;t olivdB rbetr tbe sto! sicnal i3 dis!,lated.

&tr16 620 L noilided a. folois:-

lo case oJ siEbal fsilure st Flinl B"lt Crossitrg, "obdu'tor 'ro@i@Fan oG[ .ommut r i "a le r i tb lowormst r ov€ t tc lP lbo t roLoc i i€d i ! boo!b t rp i r d ienobd. A f lc r re .o iv iDs inJor . ia t io t rflom towonan that interlocking !]strt is liled lor i!sn, t.ainnat proce6il.

Alais brousht fo a sroD }etitrd s precedins Lrrin nust erret€sdli!ht, dib"Dpd utr'il lruin ah€ad is itr mot'oD, ttainmensal€ly-or cstoose alil sigrsls layo b€o! oxehaug€d.

TBi ls ro r i t rs lb rougb Jerd l in i rs oh o t l€ r l ,bsD th€ i 'rBsi!tred tra.L frU bo lotors"d be rnt,reD in'lru"Liob3 overlho ; is la tDrc o l tbe t4admsd€r , ibo w i l l b€ ho ld r€ lpos i t lefor [h; s.foty,of surh Doves. EngiromPn ]r.ndli0g 3u'h l,rrinF

Ot r Doub16 Trac t , y r rd eog ibeq 'uu i t rg aga iDr t t lo cL i j "b ro l t tuF . s i l l p ro t i - i t s r ' \ - roves rgn ins t o t l . r tm i ts a0J

Rt r l€ 4 ! and sa .o t rL l p3rasr rpb Ru lp 43 , Book o I Opo '0 l idgItul€. Fill bo etroctivo;tr Ea)rDszoo!

No car o r dsad €DAi ro Dt rs l , bJ t laced oo or rou l s r id io ;Fithotrt proieclior oipermissio! of Aop€rirteDitoot or Trai!_

Ar, all public hightry clossiner pror€ctld bJ dast ljg[tsislsls it'wbi.h a iev€*€ ssit.h novebeDt is beiog mad.. emanh€r ol l!€ lBitr ereF musl id €!.rv ilslEnco pro4ed0 th€rnovonent and dag tle doiting.

Tlo followitrg codo oI sigral. lo bo used i! conn€otiotr wit[

tOT JOITRNAIS.-By dti: gold loB€ sitb tuEt 6Dger aDlhumb o f r i sh i b rDd a t rd Do in tJom tonard tm.L e i i l l e r tba!d. By ;ig!i: SEilg hDp iD sDall ePrti.rl rit-clo, laaPto bs h6li itr iahd by tte surrd wilss arouDd rbs glotc.

oolllitcrlolt DRAGcttl{o.-Bt ilay or ghi. gtol' 3ig_

oA!, DOOIi SSI1\IGINe OB A3ottE TO lAtL OtF.-By day: Raise ard los€r nsbt hatrd fuil lPDgl,! ol todtt6*ly. By dgbt: Armo ligDi virb hald laDP. In .ilditiot

IEAEE lltottNg-By alayr SLoYo balit in sliilingnoyemed oti fDm hodt By lrgtt: Samo 3ignal to to ev6!

AIiL CliEA.R. Bt .lay: Esis" hald 4trd lold it utat'ourt.Ay !is!t: Quick, ebsrp "All Bignt" !ig!d.


EOURS Otr' SNR,VICX r.OR TRAIN ORDIR OI'IICES(Fltlt suliuvtlio!-lastom aisntiald rb6)

(Solth Bend tuldtvido!-Oertlll Aladdad rb6,'Irair O.der Oiico! (f) a& op6r p4 honh ilaily, €rcolt-

qoode]ls........-..,...., ?,.!5 .. n. ro 4..15 p. n, il ty elcopt SurdayDntDett ...............-. 8.30 a. n. io 5.s0 i. n. darli orcoir Enndsicape-.-,................ 8.00 a. m. io 5.00 i,. E. daiti €r.eir sundaiLn la r C i i f , - . ' ' - . , Dx i l r e f ,Lq t lD@-

{,00 p. D, 6Lod.y lo 8.00 u. D, [40!oatDse i .on . . , . , , , , . . . . . . . . ? ,00a.m, to , .O l p . m. d r i y o r "opr S ia rayIrlirt.-.....-....,,.,,,,,.,-r0.00 a. rn, io 7.00;, m. dail;aqariz oro6t,. .., 0 30 a. d. to 3.30 ;. m, dail'y eroeot SuroovBaFro l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 .45 r . u . ro r .15 ; r . r . o ' i r i o ( " i r sL1 , ia ;l to i r : € . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .n0 a . n . to 3 .00 ; . f , i r i t ; o r .e i ,L I r0oa i

' from 8.00 a, n. to nidlisliPeEy,.-,.,.,............. 7.45 a. d, to 4.45 !. L ittriliercert Srndaa[as]cri,.,...,,,,.,,..,... ?,30 a. m, to 4.30 i,, m. dailr €r€eii SudaiMillett.-............... ?.30 !. n. to a.30 ir. n. ilail' ercoi,i sudoiPorteN le.-...-...... e.00 r. h. ro 6.00 i. n. daili.6xo6i,r s!!ds'

9 .1*- - - 8 30 a. n. ro 5.30 o. n. dailr orc€p! SurdaJ

5.uu a . n . to 5 .00 I m. da i r , e ! ,epr sD lda ,b ai s, m. to 3.d5 p. m. uail, olcepr gu!d!,

S .o l l s . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 .00 e . r , to 7 .OO; , m, da i t , " *ep t

r ron '

s.hoor.!ari...... .'].33 X. #,Ti'ilt'".?.'l oo p o s*d'vMarc11us. , , . . . . . . . . . S. l r r . - . ro S.+S

-p. . , a* i t ;

" " "€pr Su!dny

Elwsdsburs..... 7.00 a. n. to 3.oo i,. o. daii, or.i,r Suod,iu-r oreok. . . . . . . . . 1 .00: . m. ,o a.oo p. D. ds i t t dc€i i sut rds;.f""?"",i",f,ii; il,,g; it ii i33I I il,l;;J::;13:#"t-ork C16D...,....,,.., 8,00 1. m. .o 6.00 p. m, dsily

","oi,r S""d";' I I r r0y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s .00 : . . . !o 5.oo p. D. , ls i t l , " , "opr

suoaoi .'Ee€rsler.e,Ik 6.00 s. a. io :t.00 n. b. daitj, **bt s""d,iiNo truia ord6r siomr-


l . l t r asd is r ' rs : ! p roe id i rs D€d ic ! t 16 l ie t !o r oorons inj . r€d , ,ho Cot rn .n r i , ss iD v r '6q huma0 L f i i rb .o ;s iuero t ionlnil d$ir6 for fhe goleral welfare of tlo leNice, blt arysuoh .ction is not to be roAerded aB o rdnission o; eyidorc;. f l i ^h i l i fw

9. I! lerforufto of tlis hunr iadtrr iluty i! cases of in-. :u r t ro p6 ,soD6 o lhFr rLs D pa8sorAors o r pd ! .o tpes w0 i js !po t rl ,bo r '0 ' psDt B I r rpd ses , Jbo ass iq tan .F iB io ! " ' i r t r i r cd ro rp r -.]€iic t6t aid oolt. FisLa'tl Dpaa duc! D€dlc8t ard sErci4rlserlcos a3 are khom to reuevo tho iro€iu4t€ il&lger o! 3oI-fedle oI the irj{red !eso:! dd to Ea,ko it !af6 @d confor-'atJle fo!sdc! lo_so!'o be roDovod lrou t!€ Codpaby s prco-iqs . U0 l r r oo , i r . J1 .q a0 ,66 dhoL.d i t mea0 'bo oer fo rdar .e" r s rg : .a op0ra- rods or € t lbora !6 surg ra ' d rp l rs '0gs , su"has sp ' l ios f ra lL ros , p ra , Tb€ fD- !be ! o isDo,a l o f Lho i r ..u rc . j ! "Eoq m6r ns t F i th t t6 T io rspo/ ;doD O6.€ i ubn ' i t . ' fb i ! od jcer i s hsLDlh r te t -o i6 I D :soa i rbsr o f rhonictrict

3 . 1 ' lo eop oJpos o l rb6_Comp, t ry imrcd is t€ lJ b rDo iDg rhoe r € I f e E o r l I o 1 0 6

is given in cl,argo ol ftiord! or tho Mulicilal Air$onii$-

_4 . Wl€ 'e rh6 io ju r iss a le o f s lcb c [ r ra . t6 r s ! !o .oqdro bos .prrar ksrtDo0t, this sboltd bo snatrs€d to! br tbo fii€trrl. oribe MudciDd antrorftiei

, , s . .Wn*" i ' r s im loss ib lo to r6 rab fne ld ! o r [ ru r i . ipa l Au.rDo| i t i$ , sucb as :o cases o .cu?ns :o tho o ish ! o r ; ru ra tdisLrid 8., tlo f'hicl TmislorLario! OGcer oo dtrii ba, aratrg€

p€rson Lo bs l1kctr bJ traib to r!6 Deatpsr F€!.e ru l bosp ih l Td s , b . rsps s t l .on .c ro6d, i rc lud i t rE lbe Eo! .t r l , l Au t lo l i ' : "E , Eboutd b€ s , ie t6d or ihs i i (u rs la " t rcos undsrq_h i r l app l i ca t io ! /o r rdDtss :o t r i s be ioB h .d . , a t rd !s r t i .u la f tof tlis slould 0pledr oD the @snslty relorf.

6, !hs itrstnc!io@ of rbs TraDslortrrio! Otr.6r should b6grven io Fri(jog. or br iplpgrrlrb iI lo.esssry, so rbaf a .oDjos t , rcon la l t lbp med i .0 l aaaount ! lo r fn t { id o r su .h o rb€ : !mcdi"al bni'es as r.ay b€ authodzed. for rhe iDtorm*iior oIof ou qli€f Surgoon ard Gonoral Oaims Ag€nL

7, EmplotmB of iho CoDpsDy, Fhorho! autboizpd to do !oor bo l , sboD ca- l iog fo r tb€ eorv ,c€E o f a phy . ic ia ! . shou l i lnotif) Brid p!ysi":!D .lal is for 6nr.iiit on]i, iu boL ibc lLJo s"n i , "s r6 t rJ6rod subs€queDt to {h6 d& l dFs .ins or 1lo Comprny'i Femisos @ {.li.Ce!r tterero.


D& B. W. SIOCEWELT,, Chi€f

OIic.9o..,,.............-........Dr. a. J. Kester, Distdct Surgoon7s2 Sont! Stlt€ Sireet

Chi0a9o,,,,,,,,..,,...,,.,..,,....Di Joln A. Aai6, Local Snlgeon732 Sontl gtai6 Ailoet

Cb .ago ..,,,,,....,,,,........... D'. B. D, K€arn€y, Lo.rl AurscuDi 3152 \{, 63ra Sheercb i rago. . . . . , . . . , . . . . . , , . . . , . . .Dr , E tzedr LaMot I€ , O. ! t , sL

3l Notth Stato StreotBh€_tulanil..'-.,,....,...,,,Di nart J. W- ?loryer, Loosr Sulg.or

2413 Bnn Oah Ave.IIaney..,.,,,,..,,,.,....,-....-..,, 8. X, I\aser, Iristrict SursoonqrilltL,.,.,,,............-....... .{ Ir, A, Malnsrono, Districr SugeorV41prratuo..................... .! e, E. Storerr trooal SugconSouur Bond.....-...........,. r. Tlon.s A, Oheyr Disrdct SurseorMbhiFaka.,;.....,...-.....- ., W. N. Duvar!,ocal SDseonO$Bo!olb.......-...,--........ ,. n. II. zverg€1, !ocat SulgeoxScloolcDff.,---.......--' 'i M, N, lolrtrwortl, Disrrici Augcon


Srrlgeon, 301 Stroh sr ruls, Detroit

Vt!3burs,,....................D". J. P. Cild dc, Su!bont ra laDroo, , . . . , , , . . . . . . . . nosB0.A, l i ; s ,D is r r i c igurgpot r(.tiaar,,............... .... . Jora fiob€'!, L;cal SurgdorBsltl€ O_ret........... .... A. E. Ma.cre€or, Dislrlct AurgcoDB&tro Creok.,,,..,.,......... " g. B, Winslow, Locst gu!g!o!Aaftb Cre6L..,..----..- ', R. D. Sleignt, OculistBBIUo r'reo!............,.... WiUrod Hausboy, Oculistcb3- o l t€ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' V . J . B i .kord , Loca l Surg€oDLansinC....,,.......,.,..,,,,.,.. , , J. E Mcltrtyr€, Distri.i SugeoDDu.aniI.....................,,,..., , . 9icto! !. Lilil€!, Local Aurg;or{l:"|-------,--,. c. E. o,Nqir, Disrdcr BuryeoaL 1,i ............................ . . . -s. E. iatrds!, Dts ' ri.r suie?o!

D n, Bmsi6 , Loeat Sdrqoo l -F!"r*,,,,'- _ _____ . Esdy z€mmon s"urseonImlrt City.,,............,...., ,{ Carl O. Jack!o[, toc!1Su€srOq,ac.--..--..............-. {, J, I|. Walt4Iacst guseo!Pod Euon,,,,........-...... .i T. E. Coop€r, DiBrdcr Au.gso!loif qdo------.. (, D. w Pafte4o!, local surgoo!Por f Euon. . . . . . . . . . . . . RobF. l , O, Fraso! , Oru lk !



ir.T-E{oIs, In accordrnoo witl tho Illinois qonnerco cob_

nissior oriler No. 123, tho lolloFing r!l€! slall ie obseF€il:

(s) Eneir€s Dust lot bo lackeil nor c*6 pNled ove!

eDd€ c?osEirg in B{itcling noYdn€rts Fiini! ndioipoli_' ties lrl€ss . nenbor of iLe crew oleraiilg mcl eDgia€ or

tDin either ides l.r,e &!ile. or foronost ca! ir losition to

obsefle I danger Btra to lssisl in stolling t!.it, il &ces_

satt o! a0t!aIr'dsg! tl6 dosting iI dossitrg is trnprotecton

BT,II! IaLAlrD. WhisUirg wiihin ilo lidiis of tho Cilv ol

BlDe lsla{d, exdept that vnic! nay be nec€ls.rv to ltevontinjuiy to lesons; dansgo to lrope.ty or Equil€d nv rawr

l^s b€e! polilited by oriliranco. Crty linits ol }1!€ IslaDd

extend fion 139th Strset (alolt o!€ lau milo east ol Rock

Israld briilge) to 127t! Stre€t (ntst dossilg easl of lick

Jard). violaiiols ol tlis ordimlce sro lnniBbablc bv nno

ol not less thar $r0 rot non tbat $200.

SOUTE 3ElID.-WilhiD tho oily linits, ox.6!t whero tbo&i. s€parxtion, all etgind vith of witlio{t cas, tlo

-eniino bel frult lo telt lirging ?orsons violltirg ordi_

nanco snbjeci to nno noi ei€eeding $100.00

BAtrL! CBEEt.-Wiuril ino €ity linit. the engitro wbiltle

Dust rot ne sourilod for the pnrp6e of siglolirg' to Dtk€' up tninti or in any oih€! cases t!&r tloEo whr'rr th€ ltffi

of Micligra prffdito tld d€sigleie as ibe u6

ol sncl whisll€. Pe4or viotttidg orili@lc6 .lbject to a

nno not exceeding $50.00 aail cost of Pos€€liion, tlil tl6

conrt day nah€ a furtld ..!t€!c. tb.t i! aofanli ol tlo

!,synort ol s!c! fno and costd vitli! 3 timo no bo fledby src! con , i!€ poro! !o convicioil slaD le imlliloredin the couty jeil or citt lri8or tnt'rl 3uch fD. 3nd oo!t3bo paid, fo! a tor rot orc€oililg Bi:ty (L8td.

rulll:I.-Sneines hBt loi bo tsckd or .ds pEh6it oYet

$ail€ clo$ings withir eitt limih erc6pt viUt 3 n6B!€r olt[e Eew o! r€ar ol t€!.1d or foreDo3t ctr to lltg tll ctoss_ing! orcept those plot@toil by dagmD o! otn.! 5igna13.

WnidlUtrg wiilin city limiis is plolibifta slc€pt wle!nsce$ft to avoiit a! acoid€nt

I'Iyirg switches or kichiq caB oyer ro&d oroBtilg! witnitrcity linits id lronibiteil.

Engires or eaB hust roi bs l€ft blockiDg .!y 3tr€et orwithitr s diltrnco of l€ss tha! t@ f€et fron inq iinit8 o!anX stftot !o! a pelioil oJ ov€r tYo mimteB.

cl6€ts m!!i !e loeLed wlile vitlir tlo city

Ttr€ penslty for violsting aay oI tlo .boY€ oditula itri'l;tri id not to €rcooil a dDo of one nulitr€il dolla*, or noi toc r ,oed o as l t da tq iD ja i l o r bo th a l , tb€ d id$ot i ;n o f rh "

PoBr SIIBON.-II€ wirh Port Enro! Cnty Oilinance, tho folloving will t€ obs.rr€tl: No €mlloye. wiucanse, o. auov tns stoam whistlo ol any .lgino to telouded wihlin th€ City linits' nnl$s r6quir€d t'y !aw, or to.

lroy€rl .c€id€rt. Tlo lenaltt fo! violatilg is a 3r. Doi toerceeil 0!6 Ltrnil&il, or troi to o&€oil tlrse monll


-{! organizstion oI Yaril nnlloJ.cs lEs b€en ilaugu&t€d

at ench t€milal for th6 enilglislilg of nres, udng vaengt!€s eqnilled with dle €:tiqrisling alpa.atns.

G€rorll .larD for cruing eagiaes or oihet assistanco will

coDsisi of 4 sndceBsion of slon l1€sts on tL€ whisUe, to b€

folloved br a rudler o! vljsUas sloving locatio! of frei

ure alarn &om s*itchers to be rePeateil Dtil op€ntor rs slre

s.h€ n&s beet trole.lY head,

nngir€nen alil tBinn€t, !!on ar alarn of nro, vill ai onco

prelar€ tir cut 1oo6e flon trair on thicl tlev are workirg' ndt

cleadng the Daitr m.l la,ld€r tracks strd dossover switches

ard lloceed lronlily to poini oJ nre.

Iarilmasies, Assistant Yddnasters, 1t.h Dislaton6r.,Ley€rner anit Switch Tende$ nBt s@ urai ail 6ne1rc3 alo

lrool'Uy rctieyed of tle work ia which eagag€il eril giYen theriglt.of-wry ov€! sU mndtrg tDcts anil sFitc!€s in o.il6 tJstthoy Day r€lotr th6 nro wit! tle le$! lo$iblo itelay

AI yail €mdoX€eB arc reqnn6il toJoniliaiiz€ i!€m3elY€6 *itLtn€ working of trre sllsrtus,code of nte sig@l.,limifs o: €acldistrict, anil to lnite lor tle prot€etio! of eonlary pro9erty

Tno air€aiion o! nro o!€ralio6 will b€ i! cLargo of co!_ducto! of 6sr ls ng AE spparaift; .t nr€ vhero eitler tI.Sulewilor ol I'ir6 Proieetion o! Chi€f of I'ie Brigade is lreFed, nro ol)gaiiob will bo lnil€r tieir g€!4al ilir€ctior.


Miles Mlles

0 mnr. 36 sec.

0 " 3 8 "0 , , 3 9 . ,0 " 4 0 "

0 " 4 2 "0 " 4 3 "0 " 4 4 "0 " 4 5 "0 " 4 6 "0 " 4 7 "0 ' , 48 "

0 " 5 1 "0 " 5 2 "o " 5 3 "0 " 5 4 "0 , , 5 5 , ,0 ' , 5 6 ' ,0 " 5 7 , ,



1 rnin. 30 see.1 " 3 1 "1 " 3 2 "

1 ' . 3 1 "7 " 3 5 "1 ' , 36 , .1 " 3 7 "r , . 3 8 ' .1 ' , 3 9 . ,1 , , 40 , ,1 , , 41 , ,7 " 1 2 "1 " 4 8 "7 , , 4 1 , ,r " 4 5 "

40.00 2 mitr. 24 see. 25.00 | 3 nxin. 18 sec. 18.1818.0918.001?.9117.8217.73


15.1915.1315.0615.0014.0013.0012.0011.0010. .

2 4 . 8 3 3 , , 1 9 . .

2 1 . 4 9 n 3 " 2 7 ' ,3 8 . 3 0 2 . . z 8 . ,3 7 . 8 9 2 " 2 9 " 24 .16 |B " 23 "37.50 : :0 .,37.71 )1 2 " s\ " 23.84 | 3 ' . 25 .,36.?3 2 ' , 3: , .86.36 : , , 33 , ,t 6 . 0 0 2 ' , 3 4 . , 23 .38 l 3 , ' 28 , ,35.64 lt 2 , ' 35 ,,35.29 l l 2 ' . 36 ,,31 .95 12 " 37 "3 r . 6 2 2 " 3 8 "3 4 . 2 9 2 " 3 9 . '

1 " 4 6 "

1 " 4 8 "7 " 1 9 "1 " 5 0 . ,1 . . 5 1 . ,I " 52 ' ,1 " 5 , 3 "

1 . , 5 5 , ,1 " 5 6 . '1 . " 5 7 "1 ' , 5 8 , ,1 ' , 5 9 . ,2 " 0 , ,

2 " 6 , '2 , , 7 , ,2 "2 " 9 , ,2 " 1 0 "2 " 1 7 "2 " 1 2 "

2 " 7 5 "2 " 7 6 "

z " 2 1 "

3 3 . C 6 2 " 4 0 ' , 22.50 I ; ,, 3+ .,33.6+ : ' . 41 .,33.33 2 ' , 4: , , 2 2 . 2 2 t 3 ' , 3 6 . '33.03 29.08 l l 3 " 37 ,,2 2 . 7 3 2 " t t . ' 21.95 3 . . 33 , ,3 2 . 1 3 ! " 1 5 ' 21.82

2 1 . 6 9 l 3 , , 4 1 , i ' ,0 " 5 8 "0 , , 5 9 . ,1 " 0 "1 " t "1 , .I "

1 " 5 . ,1 " 6 . '

I "1 " 9 "I " 1 0 ' rI " 1 1 ' rI ' , 1 2 , .I ' , 1 3 , ,1 , , 1 4 ' ,1 " 1 5 . l1 . . 1 6 , ,7 " 7 7 "1 . , 1.8 , ,1 , , \ 9 . ,

r 7 " 2 0 "

1 " 2 4 "

1 " 2 6 , '

32.74 : . , 46 . '3 1 . 8 6 2 " 1 7 " : 1 . 5 C l r " 4 1 "3 1 . 5 8 l : . , 4 8 . , 2 1 . 4 3 | 3 " 4 2 "8 1 . 3 0 r " 4 t . . 1 1 . 3 0 t 3 " 4 : l , '31.03 i l 2 " 50 ,. 21 .78 |3 " 44 "

21 .A5 )3 " 45 "30,7t- 11 2 " s\ "80.51 ll 2 " 52 " 2 0 . c 3 l 3 " 4 0 . ,30.25 l l : " 53 . ' 2 0 . 8 1 | 3 " 4 7 '

29.15 l l 2 " 5s , '29.51 ll 2 " 56 "!9.27 l l 2 " 51 ' . 1 0 . 3 4 t 3 , , 5 1 ' ,

2 0 . : : l 3 , 5 2 . ,28.80 l l r " 59 " 2 0 . 1 1 l 3 " 5 3 ' ,2857 l l 3 " o "

1 9 . 7 8 l i . , 5 6 , .15 .61 |3 " 57 "1 9 . 5 7 l 3 . . 5 8 , '1 9 . 4 6 t 3 . . 5 9 . ,

2 7 . 2 7 ) ) 3 " 6 . . 1 9 . 3 5 l 4 " o , ,27.07 ll 3 " 7 " 19.25 ) 4 .' 77 "26.87 ll 3 " 8 ,, 1 9 . 1 5 | 4 " 3 6 "

19.05 ll 5 " 0 "2 6 . 6 7 1 3 " 9 ' .2 6 . 4 7 3 " 1 0 . ,

18.85 I 6 ..26.09 ll 3 " 12 " 18.75 | 6 . , 40 , ,25.90 l l 3 " 13 .. 1 8 . 6 5 l 7 " 3 0 "25.71 3 - ' 11 ' , 18.56 l l 8 .. 34 .,25.5825.35 3 ' 16 . , 18.37 112 ,, 0 ,,25.77 )) 3 " 77 " 18.27


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t"l ou c\\-'

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