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Grace Community Church Enewsletter | December 2014



PARTY!… Sunday December 21st after the Kids Christmas Program we will be celebrating together with food, friends, carols and dessert! Pastor Matt will also be reading a story to the kids! All are invited to bring a side dish and a friend for this special Sunday!


SUNDAY DECEMBER 21… Is a special Sunday as our kids (and kids at heart) will be sharing in our annual Christmas Program of special music, readings and skits to lead us in worship. If you would like to participate in some form or fashion please contact Lori Wilt ASAP. 301-895-5774

SUNDAY DECEMBER 7… We are gathering at the church and then making our way over to Goodwill Home to do some Christmas Caroling. We will be leaving the church promptly at 5:00pm so if you are running late please just meet us over at Goodwill. We will Carol until about 7:00pm. Please plan to help share the season with the residents and brighten their day with the gospel.

SUNDAY DECEMBER 28… We are gathering at the church and will be celebrating a time of communion. Please make it a point to be in church on these special Sundays.



PRICE FOR OUR FREEDOM… Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is Sunday December 7.


grace community church Enewsletter | December 2014


December 2014

For those that say they don’t like to read (I was the same way at one point in my life), let us be reminded that the Lord Jesus chose to reveal Himself to us through a book.

Re-read that sentence again, let that sink in for a moment

and see if that does not slightly alter our attitude about reading and books.

If God would author a book and we find ourselves

running away from books in general, I wonder if that might not be a warning to our souls about the sinfulness of our attitude sometimes.

I can sympathize with someone who doesn’t read well. I

don’t particularly read fast myself, but nothing easy is ever very rewarding is it? In contrast most of the reading I have done, I’ve hardly ever regretted. Can we say the same thing about our tv or computer habits?

While we would not want to ever place any other book

above the priority to read our Bibles, I wanted to take the opportunity to make some recommendations for the friends and family in your life as you shop for presents that help nudge someone toward faith or ideas to help a maturing faith. Perhaps maybe you’d even consider picking up something for yourself with a gift card you get this Christmas?

With the advent of ebooks getting good resources into our

hands has never been easier. All of these recommendations can be found online either through Amazon or Westminster Bookstore. So why not take a moment to add the gift of a good book to bless those you love this Christmas!

Have fun shopping and happy reading!

For His Renown,

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” – Hebrews 12:1-2

Matt’s Book Recommendations for 2014:

In General:


A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Greg Koukl Prayer:

Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God by Tim Keller New Morning Mercies:

A Daily Gospel Devotional by Paul David Tripp Jesus Unmasked:

The Truth Will Shock You by Todd Friel

For Ladies: Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full:

Gospel Meditations for Busy Moms by Gloria Furman True Beauty

by Carolyn Mahaney and Nicole Whitacre

For Men: Disciplines of a Godly Man

by Kent Hughes Taking God At His Word: Why the Bible is Knowable, Necessary and Enough, and What That Means for You and Me by Kevin DeYoung

For Teens: Do Hard Things:

A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations by Alex and Brett Harris Pilgrim’s Progress:

From This World to That Which is to Come by John Bunyan

For Children: Proverbs for Parenting:

A Topical Guide for Child Raising from the Book of Proverbs by Barbara Decker The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm

grace community church Enewsletter | December 2014


Please take a moment of your time this month to lift these prayer requests up to the Lord.

Pray for Bobby Shumaker and Winnie Lane who are residents at Goodwill Home.

Pray for the following folks who have been experiencing health challenges recently: Janet Anderson, Fannie Beachy, Donna Burton, Sandy Gregory, Gerry Beachy.

Pray for those who have been nursing ongoing ailments.

Pray for healthy children.

Pray for those who are spiritual lost & going down a wrong path.

Pray for wisdom, patience and opportunities for those looking for work.

Pray for wisdom, healing and restoration of broken marriages.

Pray for our soldiers who continue to defend our country

both at home and abroad.

Pray for all those in positions of authority that they would seek the wisdom of God in all matters so that we might live in a peaceful, quiet, godly and dignified way. (1 Tim 2:1-2)

Pray specifically for Governor-elect Hogan as he prepares to take office in Annapolis.

Let us regularly give thanks for the ways that we see God’s hand at work in our church community!

Thanks to Gerry and Sue Beachy who continue leading our bell choir. Pray that practices go well and each of the ringers would feel the gifting by God. Thank to all who are taking part.

Thanks to Shari Ross, John Carey and all their co-laborers who have worked with our guys and girls this past year in American Heritage Girls and Trail Life. Let’s be sure to lift them and all the participants up in prayer on a regular basis.

Thanks for doctors who listen well and treat under the wisdom given to them by God. Pray for continued good health care despite the challenges our country faces.

Thanks to all who helped provide for and pack 82 Operation Children Boxes this past month. Pray that each of the boxes and the gospel literature they contain will fall on good soil around the world.

Thanks to John Carey who led our midweek Bible Study which just concluded for the year. Thanks also to all those who were able to make time to come out and participate.

grace community church Enewsletter | December 2014




THE Outreach Team “We exist to effectively spread the gospel message to those outside the church walls.” This team works to plan and organize our fellowship meals called “Family Gatherings”, manages our Deacon’s Fund resources, plans and organizes outreach efforts (Operation Christmas Child, Grantsville Days Outreach, Mission Trips, etc…). Please contact Sue Beachy or Wilma Hutzel about being a part of this team. This team will be meeting next on:



This month we are receiving any special gifts to support our Deacon’s Fund. Plan now to bring a gift at any time this month by using the mission envelopes in the pew racks to support the Deacon’s Fund. Please remember if you would like your gift to be reflected on your annual giving report for taxes purposes please be sure to write your name on the outside of your mission envelope.

grace community church Enewsletter | December 2014





grace community church Enewsletter | December 2014




THE Discipleship Team “We exist to provide outstanding Biblical discipleship opportunities for every person in our church community.” This team works to plan, organize, oversee and carry out our regular educational programs (Bible Studies, Youth Groups and The Orchard, etc…). Please contact Chris & Janet Anderson or John Carey about being a part of this team. This team will be meeting next on:


SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY: Beginning October 12th at 9:00am the Sunday Morning Bible Study class will be using a series of videos from Focus on The Family…

Faith Lessons on the Promised

Land – Crossroads of the World

Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings Gods Word to life with astounding relevance.

By weaving together the Bible’s fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals keen insight into the Scriptures’ significance for modern believers.

These illuminating “faith lessons” afford a better understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series will provide individuals vital insights from long-ago times cultures through this innovative approach to Bible Study.

Lesson One: Standing at the Crossroads Lesson Two: Wet Feet Lesson Three: First Fruits Lesson Four: Confronting Evil Lesson Five: Iron of Culture

grace community church Enewsletter | December 2014




Guys of all ages are invited to become a part of our Trail Life program! Trail Life is a new outdoor adventure program with the biblical direction to “Walk Worthy” at its core.

Our new program is up and running with a great group of trailmen meeting and working on their program. Please contact one of the following to get connected! Leadership: Matt Widder (Charter Org. Rep.) 717-496-3879 Sherry Carey (Troop Comm. Chair) 301-707-4899 John Carey (Troopmaster) 301-876-0342 Andy & Jenny Knauff (K-5th Rangers) 301-895-3167 Travis Brenneman (6th-12 Advisor) 301-895-3540 Johnny Carey (6th-12 Advisor) 301-268-8385 Upcoming Trail Life dates and activities: November 7, 8 Shootout All dates and activities are subject to change.

John Carey Leading Bible Study at Trail Life.

Famous on Facebook! Our New Official Troop #MD0139 which is based on Psalm 139.

grace community church Enewsletter | December 2014




Girls of all ages… we are working to start up an American Heritage Girls group that will greatly complement what the guys are doing in Trail Life. Please contact one of the following to get connected! Leadership: Matt Widder (Charter Org. Rep.) 717-496-3879 Shari Ross (Troop Coordinator) 301-895-5282 Jen Barlow (Troop Vice Coordinator) 301-895-5382 Theresa Brenneman (Troop Shepherd) 301-895-3540 Mission: Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. Overview: American Heritage Girls is a faith-based leadership and character development program for girls ages 5-18.

grace community church Enewsletter | December 2014



UPDATE: The Orchard is what we call our Sunday morning discipleship classes for elementary aged children. Our curriculum (The Answers Bible Curriculum) is a full-featured, chronological, 3-year Sunday school program. Its 156 lessons are synchronized across each of our age groups. Each group covers Genesis through Revelation and learns the same material—but at different levels of depth—empowering exciting and easy discussion for the entire family! The kids are dismissed to go downstairs for The Orchard after the kids message (aprox.10:45am) until the end of the service (aprox.11:55am). Here is the upcoming teacher schedule for the ORCHARD:

PreK-K Orange Room

Grades 1-2 Lime Room

Grades 3-4 Apple Room

Grades 5-6 Office

Week 1 December

7 Less

on 7



Lori Wilt





Week 2 December

14 Less

on 8

Linda Upole



Patty Rice

Shari Ross

Week 3 December



s P











Week 4 December

28 Less

on 9


Widder Theresa




Sherry Carey

Memory Verse for Lessons 1-6:








Lesson Title Scripture Focus








Isaac and Rebekah

Genesis 24

2 Jacob’s Ladder Genesis 25:21-23 Genesis 28:10-22

John 1:49-51

3 Joseph’s Early Life

Genesis 37:1-36

4 Joseph in Egypt

Genesis 39-50

5 Bondage in Egypt Exodus 1:7-14

Exodus 2:23-25

6 Review







Lesson Title Scripture Focus

7 E



s 2



God Calls Moses Exodus 2:1-10

Exodus 3:11-15 Exodus 4:10-13

8 Plagues and the Passover

Exodus 5:1-2 Exodus 7:8-13

Exodus 12:3-13 John 1:29

1 Corinthians 5:7

9 The Exodus from Egypt

Genesis 15:13-14 Exodus 3:19-22 Exodus 14:5-31

Exodus 15:13-14 Exodus 16:2-3

Exodus 16:11-12 Exodus 17:3, 6

10 The Ten Commandments Exodus 20:1-19 Galatians 3:24

11 Worship in the Tabernacle

Genesis 3:18 Exodus 25:10-31

Exodus 28:3 Matthew 27:29

Jude 1:21 John 6:35 John 8:12

Hebrews 7:26

Hebrews 10:3-4, 11-14

12 Joshua, Caleb, and the Spies

Genesis 12:7 Genesis 26:3

Genesis 35:12 Exodus 3:8

Exodus 23:20-23 Numbers 14:1-10

13 Review

grace community church Enewsletter | December 2014



UPDATE: THE VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Team “We exist to provide a quality VBS program each year that

shares the gospel and teaches the Bible to children in our


This team works to plan, organize, oversee and carry out our annual week of Vacation Bible School program. Please contact Allison Broadwater or Matt Widder about being a part of this team. This team will be meeting next on:


grace community church Enewsletter | December 2014




THE Service team “We exist to enable the church ministries to function with excellence.” This team works to maintain the buildings and works with the other teams to help them accomplish their goals (installing TV’s, landscaping, painting, carpentry, etc..). Please contact Gerry Beachy or Joe Bender about being a part of this team. This team will be meeting next on: TBA Projects Completed so far this year:

1. Had a successful work day in September. Trimmed the bushes, purged basement and boiler room of unused items and cleaned up the stones from last winter.

2. Painted the dusk to dawn light poles and handrails. 3. Replaced the water heater in the parsonage.

Projects/Plans/Vision for the Future: 1. Develop a plan of action for the parsonage

(use/renovate/rent/sell). 2. Update the front wall in the sanctuary to make it

brighter. 3. Install a sidewalk, ramp and handrails along backside

of church to link the upper parking lot areas with the glass door entry way.

4. Update the remaining lights in the sanctuary. 5. Acquire a video camera to provide video of our

services throughout the building (nursery, FH, basement) and to provide a better recording of the sermon for shut-ins and online.

6. Update the audio mixer and power in the AV booth for better control of the audio.

7. Install additional signage for entryways. 8. Renovate the purple, red and aqua rooms in basement

into a larger multipurpose room for bells and classroom space.

9. Add a screen in the back of the sanctuary for the benefit of those on the platform/steps.

10. Complete the stonework around the front lighted sign as originally designed.

As you can see we have a long list of things we would like to do and we are able to complete more projects as time, funds and hands become available to complete them. Please pray, give generously and give regularly during the church offering times to help us be able to keep our building maintained well and growing in excellence. Our heart is to make Christ look good through equipping the church with great tools for all its various ministries. Please join us on announced work days. Many hands make light work and we have so much fun together! We’ll give you as much heads up as possible on future dates and we’ll bring the donuts and coffee!

grace community church Enewsletter | December 2014




The Stewardship Team “We exist to promote personal growth in stewardship and ensure wise use of gifts and tithes.” This team works to develop and manage the budget, encourages a biblical understanding of money and works with the other teams to help them accomplish their goals. Please contact Gerry Beachy or Joe Bender about being a part of this team. This team will be meeting next on: TBA


9/7 (60) 10/5 (50) 11/2 (60) 9/14 (62) 10/12 (56) 11/9 (43) 9/21 (61) 10/19 (67) 11/16 (72) 9/28 (66) 10/26 (68) 11/23 (71) 11/30 (58)


2014 2013

Avg./#Sun./Income Avg./#Sun./Income Jan. 53 3 $3,925.00 64 4 $6,948.00 Feb. 60 3 $6,474.00 42 2 $4,081.07 March 51 5 $6,396.25 64 5 $6,861.00 April 78 4 $6,737.93 75 4 $8,217.74 May 66 4 $6,036.57 71 4 $7,212.55 June 59 4 $5,701.90 56 4 $5,977.80 July 61 4 $5,974.00 68 4 $6,310.74 Aug. 48 5 $4,332.00 49 4 $6,826.00 Sept. 62 4 $7,545.00 71 5 $7,734.18 Oct. 60 4 $5,262.00 75 4 $6,111.36 Nov. 61 5 77 4 $6,147.66 Dec. 75 5 $7,382.00



A Word from Financial Ministries

For the majority of Christians in America, serving God will never lead to worldwide fame, writing best sellers, or ministering to hundreds in foreign lands. Regardless of the work to which we are called, there is hardly a Christian who cannot give; and when that giving is done in love, it exemplifies the greatest sacrifice ever made for mankind: the death of Jesus on the cross. Called to fill the gap Dr. Charles Ryrie made a powerful statement about love and money that lays bare the truth of our devotion. “How we use our money demonstrates the reality of our love for God. In some ways it proves our love more conclusively than depth of knowledge, length of prayers, or prominence of service. These things can be feigned, but the use of our possessions shows us up for what we actually are.” God calls each of us to fill the gap in order to spread His Gospel to all parts of the world. Like Esther, every believer must decide either to be used of God or to be bypassed and allow another to be chosen instead. Giving so that God's servants can take His message throughout the world, like tithing, is an outward material expression of a deeper spiritual commitment and is an indication of a willing and obedient heart. “Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). Funding the Great Commission We have enough money in North America to fund all the Christian work in the world if the people of God would just give. Although the desire to give may be there, most Christians in America are so caught up in making more money and buying bigger and better things, or paying for the things that they already have, that they have lost focus of the unsaved world. In essence, the Gospel has literally become shackled because money needed for worldwide ministry is tied up in personal debt and large monthly payments. “The one on whom seed was sown among the thorns, this is the man who hears the word, and the worry of the world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful”(Matthew 13:22). Conclusion Though the main reason we should give to missions is to fund the work of the Lord around the world, there are also benefits to us. (1) We remember that He is the owner of all we have, and we are only managers; (2) The spread of His Gospel can be advanced throughout the world; (3) We are blessed spiritually because we know that we have realized God's calling for each of us as Christians to “stand in the gap”; and (4) We might be blessed materially. This last benefit was so elegantly described by the great 19th century preacher Charles Spurgeon while addressing a home missions inaugural conference at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in south London in 1889, “In all of my years of service to my Lord, I have discovered a truth that has never failed and has never been compromised. That truth is that it is beyond the realm of possibilities that one has the ability to out give God. Even if I give the whole of my worth to Him, He will find a way to give back to me much more than I gave.”

grace community church Enewsletter | December 2014




THE Fellowship Team “We exist to foster biblical fellowship and promote social interactions for all ages” This team works to plan and organize our fellowship meals called “Family Gatherings”. Please contact Sue Beachy or Wilma Hutzel about being a part of this team. This team will be meeting next on:


COFFEE BREAK SCHEDULE... December 7 Dolly Bender & Wilma Hutzel 14 Theresa Brenneman & Jenny Knauff 21 Sherry Carey & Emily Widder 28 Patty Rice & Linda Beal January 4 Linda Upole & Rhonda Oates 11 Robin Winter & Shari Ross 18 Barbara Yoder & Linda Hoover 25 Helen Bender & Amanda Carey February 1 Sue Beachy & Chris Anderson 8 Betty Merrill & Lillie Walker 15 Lori Wilt & Misty Rollman 22 Allison Broadwater & Jen Barlow Coffee break refreshments consist of a pastry/cake, donut holes/mini donuts (for the kids) & a fruit. Responsibility of providing refreshments for the coffee break time should be shared with whomever you are paired up with. Please arrive no later than 9:50am with the items so that it will be ready to serve at 10:00am. We are also always on the lookout for other folks to join into the schedule, if that is you, or if you have any questions about the coffee break time please contact: Allison Broadwater 301-895-4335

grace community church Enewsletter | December 2014



Ushers | Chris Anderson & Jeff Rice AV Techs | Gerry Beachy & Andy Knauff Kid’s Message | Patty Rice Community Prayer | Chris Anderson Second Sunday of Advent


Ushers | Franklin Broadwater & Gary Barlow AV Techs | Andy Knauff & Gerry Beachy Kid’s Message | Shari Ross Community Prayer | Gerry & Sue Beachy Third Sunday of Advent


Ushers | Gerry Beachy & Andy Knauff AV Techs | Franklin Broadwater & Johnny Carey Kid’s Message | Emily Widder Community Prayer | George Yoder Fourth Sunday of Advent


Ushers | Chris Anderson & John Carey AV Techs | Franklin Broadwater & Johnny Carey Kid’s Message | Matt Widder Community Prayer | John Carey Christmas Eve


Ushers | John Carey & George Yoder AV Techs | Johnny Carey & Franklin Broadwater Kid’s Message | Lori Wilt Community Prayer | John Carey Proverbs 21 | TBA



Second Sunday in Advent Hymn | #213 | Away In A Manger Hymn | #208 | I Heard The Bells Hymn | #211 | Infant Holy, Infant Lowly Hymn | #189 | Silent Night Sermon Text | Philippians 2:5-7 Sermon Title | Thinking Peace


Third Sunday in Advent Hymn | #194 | Joy To The World Hymn | #208 | I Heard The Bells Hymn | #199 | It Came Upon Hymn | #192 | How Great Our Joy Sermon Text | Luke 2:16-18 Sermon Title | Seeing Joy


Fourth Sunday in Advent Hymn | #186 | O Come, O Come Hymn | #71 | Love Divine, All Loves Hymn | #208 | I Heard The Bells Hymn | #206 | Angels We Have Heard Hymn | #202 | What Child Is This? Kids Program


Hymn | #188 | O Come All Ye Faithful Hymn | #206 | Angels We Have Heard Hymn | #208 | I Heard The Bells Hymn | #200 | O Little Town Hymn | #189 | Silent Night Sermon Text | 1 Corinthians 6:13 Sermon Title | Longing For Christ


Hymn | #194 | Joy To The World Hymn | #205 | The First Noel Hymn | #208 | I Heard The Bells Hymn | #191 | Hark! the Herald Angels Sermon Text | Luke 2:1-40 Sermon Title | He Became Strong

Grace Community Church 140 Main Street Sunday Bible Study | 9:00am P.O. Box 147 Coffee Break | 10:00am Grantsville, MD 21536 Sunday Worship | 10:30am 301-895-5256

Trail Life USA | 301-876-0342 American Heritage Girls | 301-895-5282

If you would like to be removed from the mailing list for this eNewsletter please e-mail:

Submissions to be included for future eNewsletters are due by the 20th of each month at 2:00pm

DDDeeeccc...111444 {Rachel Stanton}

{Jason Rice}

{Ligon Duncan}

{The Troops}

{Gospel in Kenya} {Worship on Sunday}

{Jakob Rice}

{Justice S. Sotomayor}

{Bill & Helen Bender}

{Demi Ross}

{Gospel in Morocco} {Worship on Sunday}

{The Deacon’s Fund}

{Ethan Merrill}

{Piper Wilt} {Brienne Butler}

{Gospel in Tajikistan} Adult Bell Choir @ Goodwill

{Worship on Sunday} FH Reserved for Hutzel 5:00-9:00PM

{Lindsay Puder}

{Fannie Beachy}

{Open Ears}

{Blake Upole} {Gospel in Djibouti} {Worship on Sunday}

{Rylee Merrill}

{Justice E. Kagan}


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