governement of 12(dorenz j dimaano)

Post on 12-Mar-2016






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This is all about the new way of spreading God's word through multiplication of 12.



A text, photographs and layout by:

“For the glory of God for the Good of his People”

I dedicate this book to our God almighty

who is the creator of all things here in the

world, for inspiring me in his sacrifice. To

the PRAISELAND Foundation that gives me

this idea of G12 or the Government of 12.






At the Cross


The Building Blocks of Government of 12

12 Disciples

Psalm 72 and 86

Psalm 23

Wisdom gained in Government of 12

Lord I offer my life

Leadership through G12

Faith in Government of 12

Violy Brion

Roger Brion

Let you Talents be seen in Government of 12

Purpose of Government of 12

The Heart to Heart Confession

Tricci Anne S. Ureta

Merry Jane Siena


About the Author

At The Cross

Oh Lord You has searched me, you know my way.

Even when I fail You I know You love me

Your holy presence , Surrounding me. In every

season, I know You love me

I know You love me

At the cross I bow my knee , Where Your blood was

she'd for me. There's no greater love than this. You

have overcome the grave. Your glory fills the highest

place. What can separate me now

You go before me , You shield my way, Your hand

upholds me, I know You love me . You tore the veil.

You made a way. When You said that it is done

And when the earth fades , Falls from my eyes And

You stand before me , I know You love me , I know

You love me



LEADERSHIP. G12 was developed by Pastor César

Castellanos after visiting with Pastor David Yonggi Cho, who had

successfully implemented a cell-group structure in the Yoido Full

Gospel Church in South Korea. With about 1,000,000 members in

2007, Yoido is the largest Protestant Christian congregation in the

world. Pastor César returned to his church, Misión Carismática

International in Bogotá, Colombia, with the revelation that he

received from God while he was in South Korea — that God had

given him a vision which would increase the number of Christian

believers and help him to care for the growing numbers of people.

The aim of the G12 Vision is to form disciples with a Christ-like

character who in turn will 'go and make disciples' as commanded by

Jesus. Through prayer, encounters with God, teaching, support and

encouragement, disciples are then encouraged to also make disciples.

In both theory and example this process leads the church to

grow exponentially, without losing accountability of Christian

values due to the eventual size of the church.

Originally, God is the one who started this G12 when he

chooses his 12 Apostles. My research will only focus on showing

the activities made by the G12. How those 12 were trained and

how they will train other. Also some interview with the 12

disciples experience with G12.

All religions have their own way in spreading God’s word,

the Born Again Christian think of this strategy by our God

almighty in making the people disciple. We have our own

experience in God, an experience that will never forget that makes

our life better, an experience that change our life in on glance. G12

writes Jesus said, "Make disciples" (See Matthew 28:19-20). He

did not just tell us to evangelize or to get decisions. People who

accept the gospel and believe must be disciple. They must be

taught, shaped and formed into the image of Jesus. The Church

often falls short of full obedience in this respect. Many people who

make decisions to become Christians are never truly disciple in the

paths of Christ. This must change, and we must all place full

obedience to Jesus' command on the highest level of our agenda as

people and as a church (Anonymous). This Government of 12

wanted to make the 12 Souls like the image of God. To be

successful in leaderships, a skill that can train another 12 souls

wherein if those 12 becomes a disciple and can pass to a longer

process in able to grow.

God wanted us to be safe from sin; he is the God that loves us

even if we commit sin. He always forgives. When I heard the word

G12, I don’t even get what is the true meaning. Even the word

Government of 12, I’d never imagine that it will be the meaning. One

of my church mates told me that it is the process to which the Pastor

or mentor will teach 12 individual to become disciple and after that

the 12 will also find their 12 souls. But I just ignore it and not even

think of the benefits that a G12 can give. Last Christmas which is in

2013, it was a Simbang Gabi when I’d realized the true meaning of

G12 and its benefits. It is very beneficial to an individual, to be a

good individual, believer, leader and a better son of God.


Building Blocks

of the

Government of 12

The house needs a foundation, a foundation that supports every

detailed in a house, the foundation that can be said as the thing or the

people itself like the Father and the Mother that builds up the

children. Just like our body we have the Skeletal System that

supports the body and the framework of the body. The Government

of 12 has its own building blocks and it seems to be the mentor or the

Pastor. They are the one who teaches that 12 individuals to be

disciple in able to come up their own 12 souls, the souls needs to be

disciple. If there were no mentor there were no souls to be disciple

that is why they are very important in this kind of strategy started by

our God. But all in all our God is the best mentor the best framework

and the very best building blocks in our life.

12 Disciples

John 6:45

"It is written in the prophets, `AND


GOD.' Everyone who has heard and

learned from the Father comes to me.

Psalm 72: 13-14

He shall spare the poor and

needy, and shall save the

souls of the needy. He shall

redeem their soul from

deceit and violence: and

precious and their blood be

in his sight.

Psalm 86:1-5

Bow down thine ear, O

Lord, hear me: for I’ am poor and needy.

Preserve my soul; for I’ am holy: O thou my God, save thy servant

that trusteth in thee.

Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily.

Rejoice the soul of thy servant; for unto the, O Lord, do I lift up my


For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy

unto all them that call upon thee.

Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall no want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the

still waters.

He restoreth my soul; he

leadeth me in the path of

righteousness for his

name’s sake.

Yeah, I walk to the valley of

shadow and death, I will

fear no evil: for thou art

with me; thy rod and thy

staff they comfort me.

Thou prepare a table

before me in the presence

of mine enemies: thou

anointest my head with oil;

my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy

shall follow me all the days

of my life: and I will dwell

in the house of the Lord


Wisdom gained in

Government of 12

Proverbs 4:7

Wisdom is the

principal thing;

therefore set

wisdom: with all thy

getting get


In Government of 12 it is very important to gained

knowledge about God’s word. The process will be useless if

the wisdom to be sent will be stopped.

“How can a wise men spread knowledge if there were no

wisdom in his mind.”

Knowledge that we get from school is nothing

compare to the knowledge that can we get in God’s word.

His message to us has a big role in our daily life. The

wisdom of a person is like a match, the match stick is us and

the match box is the source of knowledge, you can see a

match stick as a simple, but we don’t even think that a match

stick has many use, it can create a small fire that can grow

into a wild fire. But a match will not work if will not going

to scratch it into the match box. If we will going to do such

thing we will be useful in many ways. Just like we, if we

will not work to gained knowledge we will not be useful.

G12 will be a big help in the believer, the wisdom that they

can get can be transmitted into a process of teaching and


Lord I Offer my Life to You

All that I am, all that I have

I lay them down before you oh, Lord

All my regrets, all my acclaims

The joy and the pain, I’m making them yours

Lord I offer my life to you

Everything I’ve been through, use it for your glory

Lord I offer my days to you

Lifting my praise to you as a pleasing sacrifice

Lord I offer you my life.

Things in the past things yet unseen

Wishes and dreams that are yet to come true

All of my heart, all of my praise

My heart and my hands are lifted to you

Lord I offer my life to you

Everything I’ve been through, use it for your glory

Lord I offer my days to you

Lifting my praise to you as a pleasing sacrifice

Lord I offer you my life.

What can we give that you have not given?

And what do we have that is not already yours?

All we poses are these lives were living,

That’s what we give to you lord.

Every individual in the Govenrment of 12 is willing to offer

their life to our God, Every people in the world have their own way

of sacrificing life for one important people in ou life. But God worth

the special sacrifice, which is ou life, our life that follows in his

words and commandments. There are many aspects of our life that

we sacrifice, even though it is big or small. There are some peopel

who are willing and passionate to risk their ownlife because of love,

money, fame and many more. But God’s sacrifice is the special

sacrifice of all. As the John 3: 16 said, “For God so love the woeld

that he gave his only begotten son that he whoever beleives in him

should not persih but must ave everlasting life”. God give his own

life for us to be save in our sin. A sin that seperates God and the

people and only the death can break that sin, but because of the

statement in John 3:16 we are now safe from sin. We the people

need to sacrifice our life for God, when we start making good things,

when we ask fogiveness? When everything falls down, when its the

end of the world. Don’t waste time, make good things and make

peopel happy to make God happy. Don’t let our self be claim by the

evil. Save life through Government of 12.

2 Timothy 3:15–16

15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred

writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in

Christ Jesus. 16

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for

teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness

Leadership is the best skill needed by the leaders. In

Government of 12, there’s a process that they need to be

trained as a leader. They are not only with the God’s

message but also to learn about leadership and to be

trained as a good leader, not only in the 12 Souls but also

to other forms of leaderships.



Government of 12

"Those who want to have a successful ministry must live in the realm of faith.

Only through faith is our relationship with God strengthened and we are able to

fulfil all our dreams. Faith operates outside our senses (Anonymous). It’s our

strong believe in God’s power, we are very pleased to have faith in God, it is very

important to know if you have faith in God. God is our savior; he never fails to

help us in times of difficulties and in the midst of our sorrow. Government of 12

boost or faith in God, it aims to make individual as an image of our God almighty.

It aims to spread God’s word through his start in coming up of his 12 disciples. If

you have faith in God you will not feel evil, you will feel that you were safe, and

the anger, insecurities will disappear only happy moments and life will come. If

you accept God as your savior your life will become better and you will feel like

you were in heaven, not the heaven feels by the drunken man, but the heaven with

God’s beautiful life for you, a life which is successful. It is born in the heart.

Generally, all human beings have the tendency to walk by sight and not by

faith. We rely on what we see, forgetting there is a spiritual realm that our eyes

don’t see. It does exist and is both real and eternal. Faith connects us to the

invisible and eternal world, where God’s government and celestial court is

found. Faith moves us out of human limitations and transports us to the threshold

of divine glory, where we leave our weakness and feebleness at the feet of the

cross in order to be clothed with the invincible strength of the Spirit of God

(Anonymous). We can connect in God through prayers, we can also feel God’s

presence through our dreams if we wanted to make every night meaningful and

blessed by God. Prayer is very strong; it is our communication in God. In modern

living of ours, we use technologies as a tool in Communication to other people, to

reach our love ones in far places. In present situation we have, facebook, twitter,

Instagram and many Social websites that connects every people in the world. But

those Websites is nothing compare to our connection with God which is the

Prayers and the giving of honor to our God through praise and worships. We

leave behind a world of failure and defeat to walk the solid streets of success and

prosperity, transform the absurd into something logical, the rotten and despised

into something useful and blessed for the world. Abraham only chose one path the

faith path. This opened up to him all the doors of success. He received strength to

overcome all obstacles and made a bridge between the possible and the

impossible. By faith, he could drink from the springs of life that made him young

and vigorous again and he could fly with the wings of the Spirit walking around

the celestial city, whose architect and constructor is God himself. He left the

blessing for his seed, which is Christ. And Christ extended it to all those who are

of the faith, that is to say, to those who have accepted Jesus in a personal way and

are living according to the God’s

Word (Anonymous). Prayers,

Faith, Wisdom, Worships,

Leaderships, Success and many

more can be claim if we choose

God as the savior of our Life. As

the songs says: “Jesus you are the

savior of my soul and forever and

ever I’ll give my praises to you”.

Leviticus 11:44-45

“For I am the

LORD your





and be holy,

for I am

holy. And

you shall not



unclean with

any of the swarming things that swarm on

the earth. `For I am the LORD who brought

you up from the land of Egypt to be your

God; thus you shall be holy, for I am holy.”

Violy Brion Barangay 2, Poblacion

Buenavista, Marinduque

An inspired Mentor in Praiseland Foundation.

It was during the Saturday Bible class of Praiseland Youths which is

also a part of the Government of 12. She teaches all about G12, like

the Post-Encounter. She is the wife of the Pastor in Praiseland

Foundation which is Rogelio Brion. She state the bad impacts of

advertisements to the mind of the consumer, she specifically focuse

on the use of sexy models in beverages.

Media has a great impact in the mind set of the consumer.

She give emphasize in the effects of media exposure in the attitude

and life of an individual. It can shape the life of a man and woman.

Media has a positive and negative effects in one life. Just stick with

God’s message to grow and to blessed by God.

Rogelio Brion Barangay 2, Poblacion

Buenvavista, Marinduqe

Pastor of Praiseland Foundation Incorporation

It was during the Sunday Worship in Praiseland, capture before he start in

his Pastoral prayer. He wanted to push the G12 to grow or to ultiply not

once not twice but non stop process. He is inspired in the work of Pator

Cesar Castellano in Bogota Columbia who formulated the Government of

12. Because the G12 has strategy to ladder of succes. Where in in able to be

in succes it is important to know the win, consolidate, disicple and send. He

wanted to pursue the vision of G12 which is “Go and make Disciples” just

like what are God did in his 12 disciples.

Government of 12 as a vehicle to success.

Governement of 12 gives challenge to multiply every memeber in able to

learn leadership. Experience G12 in able to learn leadership and experience

success with Go

Let your Talents

be seen in

Government of 12

“God will only give you what

you would have asked for if

you knew everything he


― Timothy Keller

After the bible study, the 12

Individuals will practice for

Sunday Praise and Worship

1 Peter 1:15-16

but like the Holy One who called you,

be holy yourselves also in all your

behavior; because it is written, "YOU


During the sunday worship in

Praiseland Foundation, led by Mark

Angelo C. Ornos, and he is also a

member of G12.



Government of 12

Every Christian has a

purpose. That purpose

is to win the lost for

Jesus. If you don’t

fulfill that purpose,

then you will never be

fulfilled. The purpose

is best fulfilled within

the G12 cellular vision.

If you don’t fulfill your

purpose today, you may

never fulfill it at

all (Mitchell).

Enter the Government of 12 or G12 Movement. It’s the latest

innovative way to “grow your church” and “take the nations for

Christ”. It’s a cell church model advertised as being directly revealed

from Jesus Himself received via special revelation beyond the Bible

from a new “apostle” in the Church today (Mitchell).

The Heart to Heart


Just like other people they have their own experience that they

cannot forget. We have our own experience, experience that we want

to keep and sometimes to broadcast in the whole wide world.

Sometimes confession or testimony of an individual can influence

other people’s life, it can be in positive or negative. Testimony or

confession is sometimes use in an advertisement; the advertisers use a

famous personality or an individual people to testify in the product to

attract the mind of the consumer to patronize the product. But those

testimony and confession is just for the glory of the people for the

benefits of the corporation and the advertising agency and not for God.

The best confession or testimony that good to hear is the testimony that

we experience in God’s hand, in His glorious love for us. God will be

so happy if he hears from us how proud we to be his son are. He is the

good man of all, he is savior.

Tricci Anne S. Ureta Barangay 3, Poblacion

Buenavista, Marinduque

Gumaan yung saloobin ko, lalao na sa part ng mga lihim ko at sa mga

tinatago kong sama ng loob sa aking mga magulang at mga kaibigan. Ang G12 ay

nakatulong sa akin upang maintindihan ko ang mga bagay na akala natin ayos pero

di naman pala.

Dati hindi talaga ako nagdedevosion at hindi masyadong nagbabasa ng

Bible khait na naglelead ako hindi parin ako satisfy dati sa ginagawa pero nang

dumalo ako sa G12 kailangan mo palang mageffort na katulad ng pageeffort ni

God para sa atin.

Sa buhay ko, muli kong tinanggap si God as my personal Saviour at doon

narealize na hindi dapat ako yung maging center ng buhay ko kundi si God ang

magpatakbo nito.

Marami perogusto kong ishare sa kanila yung kabaitan ni God pati

pagmamhal niya sa atin kung paano siya naghirap sa krus dapat sana tayo ang

nakapako sa krus.

MerryJane Siena Escolta, Libas

Buenavista, Marinduque

Part of G12 is easy, but bilang one of the G12 hindi madali. Ang

naramdaman ko as part of G12 is lahat ng dinala kong problema na fade away, yun

bang akala ko napatawad ko na yung mga taong nagkasala sakin but deep inside

my heart hindi pa, kaya ng dumating sakin ang G12 lahat ng iyon, hinanakit, galit

na fade away ang sarap sa pakiramdam ng malaya ka na.

Dati kasi gawa lang ako ng gawa, simba lang ng simba akala ko ok na yun,

tapos hindi maiwasan na isang tabi ko ang gawain ko sa simbahan, malimit din

akong magbasa ng bible pero because G12 ngayon nagdevotion na ako at

nagbabasa na din ng bibliya.

Ang pinakamgandang nagyari sakin sa G12 is akala ko nung tinanggap ko

si Christ as my personal saviour yun na yunpero ako pa din nagpapatakbo ng

buhay ko. Pero ngayon God is my driver of my life.

Marami akong natutunan sa G12 lahat gusto kung ishare pero mas malupet

yung natutunan ko na si God kung magmahal walang hanggan, walng katulad. He

sacrifice his own life for us.

Their Moments

This is during their practice for the

Sunday Worship. Catured after their

Saturday Bible. This is the Praise

Bandand also the members of G12

in their practice led by Arnold de los

Reyes the president of Praiseland


Captured after Sunday

Worship, it is the face off of

the photographer in some

members of G12.

The G12 Disciples bonding after the

Sunday Worship. Not all times they

focus on their responsibility as a

member of G12, they are a normal

person they do have a lots of bonding

eith each other without forgetting

their job as a Christian.


Anonymous. G12- The Government of 12 (Retrieved from: on February 2014)

Bible verses (Retrieved from:,-

nature-of on February 2014)

Keller, T. Quotes (Retrieved from: on February


Mitchell, S. Glancing at the G12 Movement (Retrieved from: on February 2014)

The Holy Bible

About the Author

Dorenz J. Dimaano is a 3

rd year Bachelor of Arts in

Communication in the School of Arts and Sciences. A High School

graduate in Buenavista National High School, and spent her

elementary days in Buenavista Central School.

A passionate BA Communication

student that has an interest in Photo

editing, layouting, dancing, singing, a

little bit in designing. And loves to paint

and draw.

She resides in Barangay 2,

Poblacion Buenavista,

Marinduque. She is born 19 years ago. Before she face her journey in

BA Communication, she first undergo in different difficulties in the

School of Engineering and the reason why she shifted in Bachelor of

Arts in Communication. I’ am not a memeber of Governent of 12, not

a Born Again but a Roman Cstholic, but the thing is I don’t care about

the religion what i care is I wanted to know God, I wanted to make him

as my Saviour. I’ am a scholar of Praiseland Foundation when i’ am in

Elementary and High School, and when i went in College the

scholarship stops but my love for God did not. What I’m trying to say

is “Don’t stop in serving God” Don’t stock with the benefits you get in

a church when you attend but stick eith God’s message and blessing.

2 Timothy 3:15–16

15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted

with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise

for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture

is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for

reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness

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