good branding is not a lot of bull

Post on 06-May-2015






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This presentation is about branding. What elements make a good brand. How you and your organization can promote your brand.


Good branding is not a lot of bull.

Col Stan Skrabut,

We have a great organization, but no one seems to be aware of us.

You are responsible for controlling the message for the organization.

People are unaware or confused by the brand we are promoting.

You want people to be aware of what brand stands for and what we promise and deliver.

Let me explain to you about the importance of branding and what you can do to strengthen your brand.

What is branding?

A brand is an “implied promise” based on the past and expected for the future.

“You do not choose to have a brand. You have one. Perhaps you think of it as your reputation, but it is a brand. It comprises everything your name

evokes in your market.“ ~ Harry Beckwith

“A brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service, or company.” ~Marty Neumeier

“A brand is more than just advertising and marketing. It is nothing less that everything anyone thinks of when they see

your logo or hear your name.” ~ David F. D’Alessandro

There are important elements related to a brand.

Brand communications: what is promised.

Brand meaning: what is delivered and the consumer’s perception.

Successful branding comes from consistency and repetition.

Consistency is using the branding elements the same way every time.

Repetition is using the branding elements everywhere, at every opportunity.

Brands should be managed under a brand architecture.

The brand architecture should define the different levels of branding within the organization.

The corporate brand and sub-brands should mutually support each other.

Sub-brands reinforce the corporate brand.

What can you do to positively affect

your brand?

Most importantly, become a brand ambassador.

“A representative of an organization, institution or corporation that best portrays the product or service…”

Someone “that carries the brand image in a positive way and spreads that message out to the public.”

What else can YOU do to promote the brand?

Wear your brand proudly every day.

Include your brand on your email signature.

Include your brand in your telephone greeting.

Include your brand on your business cards, letterhead, envelopes, etc.

Take time to update your LinkedIn profile.

Here are three other ways you can promote your brand.

Learn and deliver your brand promise whenever possible.

Learn and deliver your elevator pitch whenever possible.

Learn and deliver your brand story whenever possible.

What can your organization do to positively affect

your brand?

Ensure consistent branding across the organization.

Inconsistent branding across communications will erode your brand. You look unprofessional and careless.

Use templates to help develop consistent branding and messaging. Develop a template library.

Develop, distribute, and enforce a branding guide

Develop brand goals with metrics to measure effect.

Leverage social media like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to get your message out.

The secret to Facebook and Twitter is engagement. It is not one-way communications, it is dialogue.

Take time to update the LinkedIn company profile.

Participate in LinkedIn groups to share our expertise.

Get the members involved to promote the brand.

Your internal culture will dictate the support your receive from members for your brand building opportunities.

“Key messages about an organization’s brand and its positioning should be integrated into all communication vehicles.”

Find and share great member created videos.

It is not its slickness, polish, uniqueness, or cleverness that makes your brand a brand. It is its truth. Live your brand. ~ Harry Beckwith


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