god’s plan for wellness stress global health workshop king college, bristol tn adapted from skip...

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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God’s Plan for Wellness

STRESSGlobal Health WorkshopKing College, Bristol TN

Adapted from Skip MacCarty, Andrews University

God’s Plan for Wellness


Stress: the amount of PRESSURE applied to a structure

Stressors: the factors that apply the pressure

God’s Plan for Wellness

Stressors In Our Lives

1. Over-stimulation - the pressure of work

2. Threats to our lives, security, goals, happiness

3. Loss of a supporting structure

God’s Plan for Wellness

The effect of stress on us

depends on our


to the stressor

God’s Plan for Wellness

Physical changes of acute stress

1. Heart rate accelerates and force of contractions increases

2. Blood pressure increases as arteries contract

3. Shallow rapid breathing d/t dilatation of bronchial tubes

4. Muscles become tense to prepare for action

5. More blood flows to the muscles

6. Digestion slows; blood is shunted away to brain and muscles

God’s Plan for Wellness

7. Blood clotting increases to slow blood loss from wounds

8. Blood leaves hands and feet; they become cold, clammy

9. Senses sharpen; pupils dilate

10. Sweat glands increase perspiration

11. Blood sugar increases to provide more energy

12. Increased urge to urinate and/or defecate

God’s Plan for Wellness


1. Acute stress becomes chronic when we relive it.

2. If we hold onto anger or fear, the glands continue to produce hormones that prepare the body to fight or flee.

3. Over time this causes damage to heart, blood vessels, digestive system, muscles, and other organs.

4. We become ill.

Warning signs of stress overload

1. Tension headaches

2. Chronic fatigue

3. Disturbance of sleep

4. Irritability

5. Depression and poor ability to concentrate

6. Diminished creativity

7. Constant feeling of being overloaded

8. Loss of sense of humor

9. Particular body symptoms - varies for each person




God’s Plan for Wellness


We are the tank.

Hot water (stress) flows in under pressure.

A safety valve exists to release excessive pressure

A relief valve exists to maintain acceptable pressure.

God’s Plan for Wellness

Tank pressure capacity varies according to:

1. General level of health

2. Emotional maturity

3. Relationships and social support systems

4. Type of personality

5. Attitudes and beliefs - trust in God

God’s Plan for Wellness

When the tank ruptures

Breakdown of health - a stress-related illness

Accident proneness

Broken relationships - divorce, withdrawal

Mental disorder

God’s Plan for Wellness

We often occlude the safety valve

1. Too much caffeine

2. Alcohol

3. Medications

4. Smoking

5. Addictive behavior - eating disorders, obsessive jogging.....

God’s Plan for Wellness

Keeping the hot water flowing

and the pressure acceptable

1. Open the pressure relief valve daily or many times per day.

2. Be sure nothing occludes the safety valve.

God’s Plan for Wellness

Be an intimate friend of the Lord

1. God - the absolute center of my life

2. God - the reason for everything I do

3. God - my consultant

4. Pray without ceasing - keep up a running conversation with the Lord

5. Sing songs of the Spirit constantly

God’s Plan for Wellness

Keep open accounts with everyone

Philippians 2 : 1 - 4

Forgive others, past and present

Make reconciliation quickly

Take time to “lubricate” relationships

Keep spouse and children a top priority

God’s Plan for Wellness

The dumping syndrome

I Peter 5 : 7 - Dump all your cares on Jesus

Morning and evening, turn worries over to the Lord

Take a “spiritual shower” every evening

Make sure all personal “accounts” are balanced

God’s Plan for Wellness


Physical relaxation - deep breathing,stretching, relaxing all muscles

Emotional relaxation regularly - music, a good book, contemplation

Have fun

Don’t take yourself so seriously

God’s Plan for Wellness


Aerobic exercise relieves stress

Running, biking, swimming, full-body exercise

Should be done regularly - 3 or more times a week

Good Nutrition

Eat regularly - no snacks, junk food

High fiber diet

High in vegetable protein, low in animal protein

Use vegetable oils, low animal fat

Balanced diet is better than vitamin supplements

God’s Plan for Wellness

The hygiene of life

Psalm 139 - With God’s help, do a self-inventory

God’s Plan for Wellness

Keep a healthy viewpoint

Change stress into a challenge

Decide if this task is really from God (Ask him)

If so, find out from him how to do it

Pursue excellence, within limits

Keep your sense of humor - laugh at yourself

Philippians 4 : 13

Matthew 11 : 28 - 30

God’s Plan for Wellness

Make time your servant

Plan each day, week, and year with God

Go over each major task with him

Work out the plan of action with him

Don’t let interruptions blow you away

God may have sent them

God’s Plan for Wellness


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