global reporting initiative indicators

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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  • 1. Global Reporting Initiative Indicators2007 KPI Index - GRI Application Level A+Westpac's full performance reporting includes the Westpac Annual Report, Westpac Stakeholder Impact Report, Our Principles for doing business and extensive information across our corporate websites:, and's reporting is based on the following reporting frameworks The Global Reporting Initiative (G3) Guidelines 2007 GRI Financial Services Sector Supplement (Pilot Version 1.0) Australian-specific performance indicators developed through stakeholder consultation Australian Government 'Greenhouse Challenge Plus' greenhouse emission reporting Global Compact Principles; and ASX Corporate Governance Principles and other regulatory requirements.Westpac has used the GRI G3 Guidelines to communicate progress against the UN Global Compact Principles, following the guidance provided by GRI-UNGC: Making the Connection.The Global Reporting Initiative ('G3') GuidelinesStrategy and analysis*GRI DescriptionLocationFull/Partial No.comment 1.1 Chairman & CEO's statement 2007 Annual ReviewFull 1.2 Key impacts, risks and opportunities FullOrganisational profileGRI DescriptionLocationFull/Partial No.comment 2.1 Name of organisation 2.2 Primary brands, products and/or2007 Annual ReviewFull services 2.3 Operational structure of the Company Profile Full organisations 2.4 Location of headquarters 2007 Annual ReviewFull 2.5 Countries of operation 2007 Annual ReviewFull 2.6 Nature of ownership and legal form 2007 Annual ReportFull 2.7 Markets served 2007 Annual ReportFull 2.8 Scale of organisation2007 Annual ReportFull 2.9 Significant changes2007 Annual ReportFull 2.10Awards receivedRatings and awardsFullReport parametersGRIDescription Location Full/Partial No. comment Report profile 3.1Reporting period2007 Annual Review Full 3.2Date of most recent report2007 Annual Review Full 3.3Reporting cycle 2007 Annual Review Full 3.4Contact point on the report 2007 Annual Review Full Report scope and boundary

2. 3.5 Process for determining content Our approach to reportingFull 3.6 Boundary of reportOur approach to reportingFull 3.7 Limitations on scope or boundary of Our approach to reportingFull report 3.8 Reporting on other entities Our approach to reportingFull 3.9 Data measurement techniques 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Partial 3.10Explanation of re-statementsOur approach to Corporate Responsibility 3.11Significant changes from previous 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Full report GRI Content Index 3.12Table on standard disclosures 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Full Assurance 3.13Policy & current practice on external Our approach to reportingFull assurance for the reportGovernance, Commitments and EngagementGRI Description Location Full/Partial No.comment Governance 4.1*Governance structure Corporate governanceFull2007 Annual Report 4.2*Indicate if the Chair of the highest Corporate governanceFull governance body is also an Board of Directors executive officer2007 Annual Report 4.3*Number of members of the highest Corporate governanceFull governance body that are Board of Directors independent and/or non-executive 2007 Annual Report members 4.4*Mechanisms for stakeholders and Corporate Governance Full employees to provide 2007 Annual Report recommendations or direction to the highest governance body 4.5*Linkage between compensation and Corporate governanceFull organisational performance 2007 Annual Report 4.6*Processes in place for the highest Corporate governanceFull governance body to avoid conflicts 2007 Annual Report of interest 4.7*Process for determiningCorporate governanceFull qualifications and expertise of the 2007 Annual Report highest governance body 4.8*Internally developed mission and Corporate governanceFull values statements, codes of conduct 2007 Annual Report and principles relevant to economic, environmental and social performance 4.9*Procedures of the highestCorporate governanceFull governance body for overseeing 2007 Annual Report identification and management of economic, social and environmental 4.10* Processes for evaluating the Corporate governanceFull performance of the highest 2007 Annual Report governance body, particularly with 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report respect to economic, environmental and social performance Commitments to external initiative 4.11* Explanation of whether and how Our Principles for Doing Business Full precautionary approach or principle 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report is addressed 4.12* Externally developed, economic,Our commitments Full 3. environmental and social charters, principles or other initiatives endorsed 4.13* Significant memberships in Our commitmentsFull associations and/or advocacy organisations Stakeholder engagement 4.14* List of stakeholders engaged byCommunity Consultative Council Full organisation 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report 4.15* Basis for identification and selection Stakeholder engagement Full of stakeholders to engage 4.16* Approaches to stakeholderStakeholder engagement Full engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and stakeholder group 4.17* Key topics and concerns that haveSustainability reports Full been raised through stakeholder2007 Stakeholder Impact Report engagement and responseEconomicGRI Description LocationFull/Partial No. comment DMA* Management approach, goals and 2007 Annual ReportFullperformance, policy, contextualAnalysts Centreinformation Economic performance EC1 Direct economic value generated 2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFulland distributed EC2* Financial implications of climate2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFullchange Climate change EC3 Coverage of the organisation's2007 Annual ReportPartial:defined benefit pension plan Superannuationobligationsdiscussed in 2007 Annual Report does not meet all aspects of GRI definition. EC4Financial assistance received from Unable togovernment provide breakdown of data. We will be reviewing reporting against this indicator in 2008. Market presence EC5* Standard entry level wage2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportPartial: Supplier compared to local minimum wagespend not broken down by locality. EC6Policies, practices and proportion of 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Fullspending on locally-based suppliers Suppliers EC7* Procedures for local hiringEmployees Full2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Indirect economic impacts EC8 Description of infrastructure2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Fullinvestments and services supported 4. that provide public benefit EC9Indirect economic impactsEnvironmental, social and governance indicators Full (see below)EnvironmentGRIDescription Location Full/Partial No. comment DMA* Management approach, goals and2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Fullperformance, policy, contextual Environment policies and governanceinformation Materials EN1* Materials used by weight or volume2007 Stakeholder Impact Report FullMonitoring environmental performance EN2* Materials used that are recycled2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Fullinput materials Monitoring environmental performance Energy EN3* Direct energy consumption2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFull Monitoring environmental performance EN4* Indirect energy consumption2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFull Monitoring environmental performance EN5* Energy conservation and efficiency 2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFullimprovements Monitoring environmental performance EN6* Energy-efficient or renewable2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFullenergy-based products and services Environmentally responsible products EN7* Reduction in indirect energy 2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFullconsumptionMonitoring environmental performance Water EN8* Total water withdrawal by source 2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFull Monitoring environmental performance EN9* Water sources significantly affected n/a Not materialby withdrawal of water EN10* Water recycled and reused n/a Not material Biodiversity EN11* Land in biodiversity rich habitatsBiodiversityNot material EN12* Impact on biodiversity rich areas Biodiversity] Partial: 2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportBiodiversity specific investment and lending risk policies will be reviewed in 2008. EN13* Habitats protected or restored Biodiversity Partial EN14* Managing impacts on biodiversity Biodiversity Full2007 Stakeholder Impact Report EN15* IUCN Red List speciesn/aNot material Emissions, effluents and waste EB16* Greenhouse gas emissions 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report FullMonitoring environmental performance EN17* Other indirect greenhouse gas2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Full. In 2008 emissionsMonitoring environmental performance we will review our co-operative agreement with the AGO to potentially include 5. emissions from air travel. EN18* Reductions in greenhouse gas2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFull emissions Monitoring environmental performance EN19* Ozone depleting substancesn/a Not material EN20* NO, SO & other air emissionsn/a Not material EN21* Total water discharge n/a Not material EN22* Waste by type and destination 2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFull Monitoring environmental performance EN23* Significant spillsn/a Not material EN24* Hazardous waste n/a Not material EN25* Biodiversity rich water bodiesn/a Not material Products and services EN26* Impact of products and services Responsible productsFull 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report EN27* Products sold reclaimed n/a Not material Compliance EN28* Fines and sanctions 2007 Annual ReportFull Transport EN29* Impacts from transport2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFull Overall EN30* Total protection expenditures n/a Not materialSocialGRI Description LocationFull/Partial No. comment Labour and decent work DMA* Management approach, goals,2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFull performance, policy, contextual Employees information Employment LA1 Workforce by employment type and2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFull by region LA2* Employee turnover by age and 2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportPartial: data genderdoes not breakdown by gender or age group. LA3Benefits for full-time employees 2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportPartial Workplace relations Labor/management relations LA4* Employees covered by enterprise2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportPartial: data bargainingWorkplace relations does not breakdown to percentage of employees. We will review reporting in 2008. LA5*Notice period for operational Redundancy, redeployment and retrenchment Full changes Occupational health and safety LA6* Workforce represented in formalOccupational health and safetyPartial: data health and safety committeesdoes not 6. breakdown to percentage of employees represented. LA7* Absentee rates and injuriesOccupational health and safetyPartial: data 2007 Stakeholder Impact Reportdoes not include complete breakdown on injury and absentee rates. LA8* Education, training, counselling,2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFullprevention and risk control programs Work/life balancefor serious disease LA9* Health and safety in formal tradeWorkplace relations We will beunion agreements reviewing reporting against this indicator in 2008 and via the website. Training and education LA10 Training per employee2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportPartial: data does not breakdown to percentage of employees. We will review reporting in 2008. LA11 Career and skill development2007 Stakeholder Impact Report FullprogramsTraining, learning and development LA12 Percentage of employees receiving Training, learning and development Partial: dataregular performance and career does notdevelopment review breakdown to percentage of employees. We will review reporting in 2008. Diversity and opportunity LA13* Governance bodies and diversity Corporate GovernanceFull 2007 Annual Report LA14* Salary ratio by gender2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFull Equal opportunity and diversityHuman rightsGRIDescriptionLocationFull/Partial No. comment DMA* Management approach, goals and 2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFull 7. performance, policy, contextualHuman rightsinformation Investment and procurement HR1* Investment agreements with human 2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFullrights considerationsInstitutional lending and investments HR2* Supplier screening on human rights Suppliers Full HR3* Employee training on human rights2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportPartial: data does not breakdown by total hours and percentage of employees. We will review reporting in 2008. Non-discrimination HR4* Incidents of discriminationn/a Partial: we are not currently able to report a detailed data breakdown. We will review reporting in 2008. Freedom of association and collective bargaining HR5* Risk to freedom of association and Freedom of associationFull collective bargaining Child labor HR6* Risk of child labourn/aNot material Forced and compulsory labour HR7* Risk of forced or compulsory labour n/aNot material Security practices HR8* Security personnel trained in human n/aNot material rights Indigenous rights HR9* Incidents involving Indigenous2007 Stakeholder Impact Report We will people Indigenous issuesreview reporting against this indicator in 2008.SocietyGRIDescriptionLocationFull/Partial No. comment DMA* Management approach, goals and 2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFullperformance, policy, contextualCommunityinformation Community SO1 Managing impacts on communities 2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFull Community Corruption SO2* Analysis on corruption 2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportPartial: data 8. Corporate Governance does not breakdown by business units. We will review reporting against this indicator in 2008. SO3* Employees trained on corruption 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Partial: dataCorporate Governance does not breakdown by number or percentage of employees. We will review reporting against this indicator in 2008. Public policy SO4* Actions in response to corruption 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report FullCorporate Governance SO5* Public policy positions and lobbying 2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFullCorporate Governance SO6* Political donations 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Full2007 Annual ReportPolitical donations Anti-competitive behaviour SO7 Anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Fulland monopoly practicesCorporate Governance Compliance SO8 Non-compliance with laws and 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Fullregulations 2007 Annual ReportProduct responsibilityGRI DescriptionLocation Full/Partial No. comment DMA* Policy, responsibility, management, 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Full goals and performance, awards, Our commitments fines & context Customer health and safety PR1* Health and safety in products and n/aNot material services PR2* Non-compliance on health andn/aNot material safety impacts Product and service labelling PR3* Product and service information 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report FullOur commitments PR4* Non-compliance with regulations 2007 Annual Report Partial: dataand codesnot broken down by incidents of non- compliance. We will review 9. reporting against this indicator in 2008. PR5Customer satisfaction2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFull Marketing communications PR6Laws, standards, and voluntary Our commitments Fullcodes for marketing PR7Non-compliance with regulations2007 Stakeholder Impact ReportFulland codes2007 Annual Report Customer privacy PR8* Complaints on breaches of privacyOur Privacy PolicyPartial: data not broken down on numbers of complaints. We will review reporting against this indicator in 2008. PR9Fines for non-compliance 2007 Annual ReportFull Code of Banking PracticeFinancial Services Sector Supplement: 2007 Pilot Version 1.0DMAGRIDescriptionLocationFull/Partial No. comment D1 Description of policies with specific Our Principles for Doing BusinessFullenvironmental and socialcomponents applied to businesslines D2 Description of procedures for Identifying and mitigating environmental risks Fullassessing and screening 2007 Stakeholder Impact Reportenvironmental and social risks in 2007 Annual Reportbusiness lines for each policy D3 Description of processes forInstitutional lending and investmentsWe willmonitoring clients' implementation ofreviewand compliance with environmental 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report reportingand social requirements included inagainst thisagreements or transactions indicator in 2008. D4 Description of process(es) for Institutional lending and investments Fullimproving staff competency to2007 Stakeholder Impact Reportaddress environmental and socialrisks and opportunities D5 Description of interactions with Institutional lending and investments We willclients and other stakeholders 2007 Stakeholder Impact Reportreviewregarding environmental and social reportingrisks and opportunitiesagainst this indicator in 2008. Performance indicators #1 Coverage and frequency of audits to Westpac reviews assessment and disclosure policies Fullassess implementation of2007 Stakeholder Impact Reportenvironmental and social policiesand risk assessment procedures 10. #2 Percentage and number of BT Financial Group Governance Advisory Service We willcompanies held in the institution's2007 Stakeholder Impact Report reviewportfolio with which the reportingreportingorganisation has interacted onagainst thisenvironmental or social issuesindicator in2008. #3 Percentage of assets subject toBT Financial Group Socially ResponsibleFullpositive and negative environmentalInvestmentsor social screening2007 Stakeholder Impact Report #4 Voting polic(ies) applied to 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Fullenvironmental or social issues for BT Financial Group Corporate Governanceshares over which the reportingorganisation holds the right to voteshares or advise on voting #5 Quantitative indicator on voting 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report FullpracticesBT Financial Group Corporate Governance #6 Monetary value of products and Responsible products We willservices designed to deliver a Accessible servicesreviewspecific social benefit for each 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report reportingbusiness line broken down byagainst thispurpose indicator in2008. #7 Total monetary value of specificResponsible productsWe willenvironmental products and services Accessible services reviewbroken down by business lines 2007 Stakeholder Impact Reportreportingagainst thisindicator in2008. #8 Percentage of the portfolio for2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Fullbusiness lines by specific region, Company Profilesize (e.g. micro/SME/large) and bysector #9 Access to financial services in low- 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Partial: datapopulated or economicallyAccessible servicesnot brokendisadvantaged areas by type ofdown byaccessnumber ofoutlets indesignatedareas #10Initiatives to improve access forAccessible servicesFullpeople with disabilities and 2007 Stakeholder Impact Reportimpairments #11Actions regarding the design and 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Fullsale of financial products and Accessible servicesservices #12Initiatives to enhance financial 2007 Stakeholder Impact Report Fullliteracy by beneficiary type Financial literacyAustralian-Specific Indicators*GRI No. Description Location Employees AUS 1 Performance and evaluation AUS2Non-work aspects career enhancement AUS3Workloads and staffing levels AUS4Staff selection & contract Customers AUS5Low income and vulnerable customers AUS6Overprovision of credit AUS7Accessibility 11. AUS8Customer complaints AUS9Third world debt Social AUS10 Charitable contributions Key * Reports against Global Compact Principles DMA Disclosure on Management Approach n/a Either not applicable or currently not able to report against this indicatorPlease refer to the online KPI Index for a full breakdown of our performance against the GRI framework. 12. Lead non financial indicators1 Human capital Strategic objectives:Improve employee attraction Improve retention and commitment Reduce workplace costsIndicator 200420052006 2007 LatestAvailable Employee turnover (total)217% 16% 17%17% 19% Employee commitment (% employees68% 69% 68%71%171%1 reporting a positive score)3 Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate 7.075.775 4 3 (Injuries per one million hours worked)2Service capital Strategic objectives:Improve customer service Improve retention and loyalty Increase share of walletIndicator 200420052006 2007 LatestAvailable Customer satisfaction (Aust) 69% 72% 70%74% 75% Consumer4 Source: Roy Morgan Customer satisfaction (Aust) 64% 67% 66%72% 77% Business4 Source: TNS Complaints resolution rates (Aust)5 81% 83% 82%82% 84% Average (% complaints resolved within 5 days) Customer satisfaction (NZ) 55% 58% 58%59% 61% Consumer6 Source: ACNielsen Customer satisfaction (NZ) 51% 57%261%565%60% Business6 Source: TNSSocial and environmental capital Strategic objectives:Improve social licence to operate Improve regulatory and operational costs Improve operational efficiency Improve reputational capitalIndicator200420052006 2007 LatestAvailable Community contributions (Aust $m)$42m$44m$47m $47m $52m Greenhouse gas emissions (Equivalent136,400 124,500 111,0006 109,900109,900 tonnes of CO2 emissions) Paper consumption (Sheets/person)9,50010,100 9,6008,9008,900 NOTES: 13. 1. The annual Staff Perspectives Survey is conducted in June each year. 2. As at 31 March 2008 3. Figures from annual Staff Perspectives Survey (SPS) conducted in June of each year 4. As at 31 March 2008. Customer satisfaction figures examine the proportion of Westpac's customers (who consider the bank as their main financial institution) that are either 'very satisfied' or 'fairly satisfied' with their overall relationship. Customer satisfaction scores are reported on a 12-month moving average basis. Data is collected by independent providers being Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) for business results and Roy Morgan Research (RMR) for consumer results in Australia 5. Latest available information based on six months ended 31 March 2008. 6. As at 31 March 2008. Source: ACNielsen Consumer Finance Monitor Toplines 1st quarter (March 2008). ACNielsen implemented new survey methodology in the December 2007 quarter and comparatives for 20042006 are unable to be restated. ACNielsen performed a parallel survey at 30 September 2007 under the new methodology to provide indicative comparatives. The result for this survey was 47%.

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