gift giving. remove the price tag before giving a gift

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Gift Giving

Remove the price tag

before giving a gift.

When possible,

wrap a gift nicely.

Don’t ask where the gift

was purchased or how much it


If you aren't sure whether to

write a thank you note or not,

always write one just to have good manners.

Write a thank you note right

after you receive the



Some people have low self-esteem and

can’t imagine others paying

them a complement.

When someone pays you a

compliment, say thank you.


A standard tip for a waiter in a restaurant is 15% of the


If the service is really great or

you are in a fancy

restaurant you may tip 20%.

Never tip less then a


In a hotel, tip the bellhop $1.00 per


Tip a maid about $1.00

per day.

The concierge is the person who “ knows everything and can help with

almost any problem.” Tip him

or her between $5.00 and $10.00.

For food delivery people, tip about $1.00 per pizza or person’s meal.Tip more if they have to climb stairs or

carry a lot of food.

Tip a taxi driver about

15% of anything over


Never ever tip a police officer!

Family Car

Don’t leave your trash in

the car.

Return the car with

plenty of gas in the tank.

Offer to run errands, like going to the

grocery store, the post office,

and tanks siblings to practices.

Return the radio to your

parents’ favorite station.

Take the car through the car wash or

do it yourself.

Family Manners

Ask permission before eating,

because someone may need it for a

special dish or meal.

Clean up the bathroom after


Don’t hog the television or


Don’t spend too much time

in the bathroom or waste all the

hot water.

Rude Adults

When dealing with rude adults, the best policy is to reply with

patience, a good sense of humor, and a smile. It will drive them crazy that’s a teenager has better manners then they


Being a Guest

Don’t arrive too early

because the host might

not be ready for guest yet.

You do what to be time and

not make others wait on you, especially if it is a dinner


Don’t bring people who

weren’t invited.

Don’t snoop around in peoples drawers,

closets, or cabinets.

If you are an overnight

guest,be sure you clean the

bathroom after you use it and

make your bed.

Offer to help clean up. Carry dishes to the

kitchen, wash or dry dishes, take out the trash, or sweep the floor.


When introducing people, say the

“greater”person’s name first, and introduce the “lesser” person to the “grater”. For example, say the most important

or oldest person first and the less important or

younger second.

“Mrs. Townsel, I’d like you to meet my friend


When someone is introducing

you or someone to

you, you should not sit,

but stand.

Make eye contact and shake his or

her hand.

Then reply with a polite

greeting, such as “Nice to

meet you” or “How do you


If the person introduces you has

forgotten your name, help him or her out by saying, “hello, my name is

(whatever your name is).”

Telephone Etiquette

First say, “Hello, this is (your name).”

You always want to identify yourself.

Ask “may I speak to

Muffy?” not “Is Muffy there?”

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