getting to +1: a social approach to winning support for search marketing

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How can Search Specialists help Marketing Generalists who are under pressure to understand and create a marketing strategy that addresses the growth of marketing channels (blogs, facebook, linkedin, twitter, pinterest, etc) and device choices (iPad, iPhone, Android, and other smartphones and tablets), on top of dealing with financial constraints. What role can a Search Marketing Specialist play in a world where Generalists are required to have more and more specialized knowledge in each channel? How can Search Marketing retain a place at the marketing table, secure the appropriate budget, and offer guidance on an integrated approach?This presentation offers tips for Search Specialists looking to gain support from clients, managers, executives and other generalists.


Getting to +1

A Social Approach to Winning Support for Search Marketing

presented Dec 20, 2011 to SEMPO VancouverMonique Sherrett |

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

In a marketing generalist’s world

Panda is a bear

Caffeine is what is in your cup

Freshness relates to things like fruit, milk and underarms

Search Marketing is one part of the marketing mix

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

The Generalist’s Perspective

Search is part of the puzzle to getting the right people to our site at the right time.


Outbound MarketingEvents

Direct MailTelemarketing

Inbound MarketingSMMBlogEmail

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

The Specialist’s Perspective

• The marketing budget (PPC in particular) should be the maximum you can spend with a positive return.

• SEM puts value into a customer relationship that you own and control (traffic to your website)

• The Proof is in the Pudding: With goal and event tracking we measure the success of SEM activity.

SEM = ABC Acquisition of traffic Behaviour on site Conversion of goals

SEM is the perpetual motion machine

Generalists & The Paradox of Choice

Generalists & The Paradox of Choice

Lead Generation“free” traffic sources compete with PPC

Outreach: News/Media/PR

SEO Email Marketing

Content strategy: whitepapers, case studies, infographics, podcasting,

vidcasting, bloggingOutreach: Social Networking

Outreach: Webinars, Virtual



Leadership & Building Expertise: Q&A sites, guest posting, article placement, forums

Link Building

Social bookmarkingComment Marketing

Paid (Digital Components)

Press ReleasesAdvertisingDirect Mail



In addition to the demands of SMM & the data

explosion, a large portion feel unprepared for:

• Growth of Channel and Device Choices (65%)

• Shifting Consumer Demographics (63%)

• Financial Constraints (59%)

~7 in 10 CMOs feel unprepared for the demands of SMM

Marketing Challenges Reported by CMOs% of respondents, October 2011

Source: IBM

The Social Media Data Stacks

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

The Polite Struggle for Control

Hubspot State of Inbound Marketing Report 2011

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

Avg. Budget Distribution



SMM & Blogs12%



Large Business: Over 50 employees

Small Business: 1-5 employees



SMM & Blogs41%





Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

The Perception of Reality

• Leads/Customers Increasingly Coming from “Free” Traffic Sources: Blog, LinkedIn (B2B), Facebook (B2C), Twitter (Source: see any marketing blog, seriously)

• The average budget for Blogs & SMM has increased from 9% in 2009 to 18% in 2011 (Hubspot State of Inbound Marketing Report 2011)

• Facebook is overtaking Google and Yahoo in total time spent online.• 53.5 billion minutes per month vs. Yahoo (17.2) and Google (12.5)(Comscore August 2011 & Nielsen)

• By 2014, mobile internet should take over desktop internet usage. •  7% of all U.S. web traffic occurred from non-computer devices •  In Canada, tablets drove nearly 40% of all non-computer traffic(ComScore, October 2011)

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

What Is Important to the Generalist?

Greater customer acquisition at lower costs. “How do I get more for less?”

More customer engagement across all channels with minimal effort.“How can I leverage each channel?”

Maximum revenue. Optimal profits.“Can I turn followers into leads and leads into customers?”

A clear strategy, the ability to articulate that strategy, and proof“What is the story the numbers are telling?”

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

A Generalist Is Looking for a Specialist to

• Answer those questions

• Ask even better questions

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

Specialists Have the Opportunity to Educate the Unaware

User centricity works for relationship management.

• Uncover the root of the queries: What is the intention? What is the request? How do you serve the most relevant response?

• Understand the sales cycle: A generalist moves from browsing to buying orfrom being unaware of the problem (or opportunity) to forming an intent to act

• Focus on strategy first. What is the goal? What marketing actions can achieve that goal? Is SEM a good solution? If not, recommend an alternative.

• Succinctly articulate your expertise. Describe how you can help solve problems and capitalize on the opportunities. Be brief. Be brilliant. Be gone.

• Educate through thought leadership. Consider your own marketing mix.

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

Specialists Have an Opportunity to Inspire the Interested

With awareness comes assessment. “Is this right for me?”

• Manage fear: There is the fear of falling behind. But also risk in taking action.

“What if it doesn’t work?” “What if this is not the best use of my limited resources.”“What kind of results can I expect?”

• The interested are looking for inspiration: “We can do that!” comes from past results, case studies, whitepapers, ROI calculators, competitor analyses, industry best practices

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

Specialists Have an Opportunity to Reassure the Committed

Once generalists agrees to part with their money, they need reassurance.

• Present logic, processes, next steps. Clearly define your approach.

• Have a backup: If you haven’t managed fear and doubt, it can be overwhelming. Have a next best alternative: phased engagement, pilot project

• Collaborate early and often. A good generalist will relinquish control of the tactical details once he/she has confidence in your expertise.

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

Specialists Have an Opportunity to Manage the Process – Not the Person

• Create a routine. Without clear guidelines, a generalist will fill a perceived void. This is what has made them good at their job. Take the lead. Impose a routine.

• Set the tone: Analyze the marketing challenge. Agree on the goals (not the tactics).

• Continuously refer to the goals: Before sharing new ideas and tactics, or reporting on progress, review the agreed upon goals.

• Present your work. Don’t assume a generalist will interpret the numbers in the same way, or that they’ll need to report on them in the same way. Tell them the story.

• Raise objections first. If you have concerns or limitations place them on the table for the generalist to address. Avoid being in the hot seat. Be transparent.

• Retain the role of strategic expert. Avoid the tendency to abdicate the “expert” position thereby becoming an order taker. If you are good, people put more demands on your time. This is a good thing. You can charge for that.

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

Specialists Have an Opportunity to Convert Allies to Evangelists

Buy in, contribution & commitment creates allies.

But evangelists need you to be remarkable.

• Give them something they didn’t even know they neededShare Insights.

• Routinely provide something they can’t live withoutMake it easy, faster, better to work with you.

• Provide satisfactionBe likable.

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

Getting to +1

1. Take a social, user centric approach to winning support

2. Find ways to be remarkable to your allies.

3. Don’t abdicate your responsibility as the expert

4. Manage the process

5. Fight fear and doubt with inspiration

6. Educate the unaware so they understand and assign value to Search within their marketing mix

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

What are the top 2 things your generalist needs to know in 2012?

Take Social Authority Seriously (RTs, +1)

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

As a generalist/specialist, these are the things I’m curious about for 2012

Take Social Authority Seriously (RTs, +1)

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

As a generalist/specialist, these are the things I’m curious about for 2012

Consolidate(duplicate content,

301, rel=”canonical”)

Take Social Authority Seriously (RTs, +1)

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

As a generalist/specialist, these are the things I’m curious about for 2012

Consolidate(duplicate content,

301, rel=”canonical”)

Deal with Syndicated content, pagination

Take Social Authority Seriously (RTs, +1)

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

As a generalist/specialist, these are the things I’m curious about for 2012

Consolidate(duplicate content,

301, rel=”canonical”)

Deal with Syndicated content, pagination

Webmaster Tools: search query data

Take Social Authority Seriously (RTs, +1)

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

As a generalist/specialist, these are the things I’m curious about for 2012

Consolidate(duplicate content,

301, rel=”canonical”)

Deal with Syndicated content, pagination

Webmaster Tools: search query data

Diversity your Link Building

Take Social Authority Seriously (RTs, +1)

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

As a generalist/specialist, these are the things I’m curious about for 2012

Consolidate(duplicate content,

301, rel=”canonical”)

Deal with Syndicated content, pagination

Webmaster Tools: search query data

Diversity your Link Building

Take Social Seriously (RTs, +1)

Take Social Authority Seriously (RTs, +1)

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

As a generalist/specialist, these are the things I’m curious about for 2012

Consolidate(duplicate content,

301, rel=”canonical”)

Deal with Syndicated content, pagination

Webmaster Tools: search query data

Diversity your Link Building

Take Social Seriously (RTs, +1)

Take Social Authority Seriously (RTs, +1)

Outclass the competition (rich snippets: apps, video,

reviews, thumbnails)

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

As a generalist/specialist, these are the things I’m curious about for 2012

Consolidate(duplicate content,

301, rel=”canonical”)

Deal with Syndicated content, pagination

Webmaster Tools: search query data

Diversity your Link Building

Take Social Seriously (RTs, +1)

Take Social Authority Seriously (RTs, +1)

Speed it up

Outclass the competition (rich snippets: apps, video,

reviews, thumbnails)

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

As a generalist/specialist, these are the things I’m curious about for 2012

Consolidate(duplicate content,

301, rel=”canonical”)

Deal with Syndicated content, pagination

Webmaster Tools: search query data

Diversity your Link Building

Take Social Seriously (RTs, +1)

Mind your Bounce

Take Social Authority Seriously (RTs, +1)

Speed it up

Outclass the competition (rich snippets: apps, video,

reviews, thumbnails)

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

As a generalist/specialist, these are the things I’m curious about for 2012

Consolidate(duplicate content,

301, rel=”canonical”)

Deal with Syndicated content, pagination

Webmaster Tools: search query data

Diversity your Link Building

Take Social Seriously (RTs, +1)

Mind your Bounce

Take Social Authority Seriously (RTs, +1)

Speed it up

Outclass the competition (rich snippets: apps, video,

reviews, thumbnails)

Adopt earlylink Google+ to your site

Monique Sherrett@BoxcarMarketing

As a generalist/specialist, these are the things I’m curious about for 2012

Consolidate(duplicate content,

301, rel=”canonical”)

Deal with Syndicated content, pagination

Webmaster Tools: search query data

Diversity your Link Building

Take Social Seriously (RTs, +1)

Mind your Bounce

Take Social Authority Seriously (RTs, +1)

Speed it up

Outclass the competition (rich snippets: apps, video,

reviews, thumbnails)

Adopt earlylink Google+ to your site

Go Mobile(PPC Mobile,


Who I am. What I do.

• Creative generalist with specialist sensibilities

• Online marketing consultant

• Internet marketing strategist

• Blogger

• Teacher

• Storyteller

Monique Sherrett@boxcarmarketing

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