getridoflovehandlesfive exercises to get rid of your love handles and transform your core

Post on 16-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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As the name says, this is about 5 killer moves that serve no other purpose than how to get rid of love handles. I cover five advanced exercises you need to throw into your workout routine today! I also give a few secret tips to really super charge these exercises.


Five Exercises To Get Rid Of Your Love Handles And Transform Your Core

Mr. Health SixPackAbsV.Com

If you’re one of the countless Americans who occasionally pinch themselves by grabbing a love handle when they think it’s part of their shirt, you’re in luck because we’re going to discuss how to get rid of love handles! Many men, and especially women, assume that the lower abs which make up the 8 pack abs are the toughest to tone.

Many of my clients who have had weight loss success will tell you that it’s those embarrassing love handles that really push their patients!

So let’s get into how to get rid of love handles and some “love handles exercises” and at the end of this you should be have a clear idea of what you need to do to get rid of those extra rolls!

The gate posture is a strong candidate to add to your roster of exercises known to help you get rid of love handles. Stop stressing and throw in this classic Yoga pose to lose the love handles that make you wear a larger sized shirt!

• To get rid of love handles, Gate Posture is my go-to move because it challenges all layers of the ab muscles. Practice this pose at your own pace and don’t bend lower than is comfortable. For best results, do every other day.

• How to do it: Begin standing on your knees with your belly pulled up and in, tailbone dropping down, and hands on hips. Extend your left leg to the left with knee facing up, toes pointed down, and heel on the floor.

• Slide your left hand as far as you can down your leg, keeping your right hip over your right knee. Reach your right arm up and overhead to the left, rotating your chest up toward the ceiling. Pull your abs in to keep pressure off your lower back.

• The only issue I ever had with taking yoga classes, not just to get rid of love handles, was always the spiritual aspect of it the exercise form. Yoga is a great fat burning, stretching, and strengthening form of exercise, so it should go without saying that some of these poses, such as the Gate Posture could help you get rid of love handles, and at the same time spice of your oblique workouts!

• I was digging around some of my favorite sites and found a great one, especially if you are pregnant! Don’t be fooled however, this exercise is lethal when it comes to the battle we’re in, which is how to get rid of love handles! Check this one out, maybe even drop by her site – the girl’s awesome and she can really help mom’s (and dad’s and child-less folks) lose the love handles!

Today’s pregnancy exercise is one of the most effective and common oblique exercises — standing dumbbell side bends. Not only is this oblique exercise easy to do — all you need is a dumbbell — it’s great for pregnancy too.

Here’s how: • Step 1 • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. • Hold a dumbbell in one hand.

Starting position.

Step 2 Slowly lower the dumbbell toward the floor, until you feel a comfortable stretch on the opposite side (the side without dumbbell). Stop. Hold for 2 seconds.

Don’t forget to visit and bookmark Six Pack Abs V, we’re a really awesome site – see for yourself!

Step 3 Slowly raise yourself back to starting position.

Repeat same move for 10 – 12 reps.

• Speaking of that being a traditional oblique exercise that nails your love handles, why don’t we call it a day now for a few. I’ll be back (hopefully Sandy the Hurricane/Storm/Whatever else they want to scare you with) leaves Massachusetts in one piece! Do you feel you can say you know how to get rid of loves handles, or could you use more exercises?

How about we dig into some other traditional twists! I’ll give you my insights on how to super charge these exercises

Below we’re going to cover a semi-basic exercise to start nailing those rolls even more! The following exercise is traditional, but, my “twist” (slowly giving it away) is going to help you like you wouldn’t believe AND I will also give you my favorite source to get what i use!

Although the standing twist is very traditional, my “super twist” which I can all but guarantee will help you nail those testy love handles!

Standing Twists are the most basic. Stand grasping a bar behind your head on the upper traps, with feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping the lower body stationary, proceed to twist to the right, pause, then twist to the left.

For variation, try Bent-Over Twists. Stand grasping a bar behind your head on the upper traps, with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend over carefully until your torso is parallel to the floor, then proceed to twist to the right, pause, then twist to the left.

What I would do is brace and hollow while you’re doing it and triple check to make sure you have some stellar posture going on! When you get use to doing that, take it a step farther and use your Bodylastics!

Here’s a spot you can grab them at. If you grab them there let me know and I’ll shoot you a copy of my “Workout in a Book” series on Resistance bands!

The Saxon side bend looks easy, but give it a shot for a full 3 sets and say it’s easy afterward!

To perform this advanced variation of a side bend, pick up two dumbbells and raise them overhead. You’ll want to go very light on this exercise. Push your ego to the side because these are a killer. Keeping the dumbbells overhead, lean to the left and right just as you did with the regular side bends. Twenty of these and your oblique’s will be begging for mercy.

When you are doing anything overhead, grab a broom stick right now and try it, you’re using muscles in a way you aren’t accustom to. I love playing with my babies, and holding my 2 year old over my head isn’t the easiest in the world, and I’ve been working out for, well a really long time. Mark my word, this exercise if you do a few sets twice a week or so will definitely help to get rid of your love handles.

This next exercise, no i wasn’t swayed by the lady (although there is something about a gal that knows how to workout!), is a great oblique blaster that will surely help you to get rid of love handles faster than you can say a really long word!

• Either do this exercise with one foot in front of the other, like Shaye is doing…or to make it even more difficult, stack one foot on top of the other.

• You can also increase the difficulty by holding a weight on your hip.

• 1. Get into the position shown. • 2. Raise your hips as high as you can and squeeze

those obliques. • 3. Lower your hips back to just above the floor

Don’t see how this exercise can help to get rid of love handles? Do them the right way and I bet you can’t do 20 without losing form your first time

Try those exercises in your workout, tell me you can’t see how to get rid of love handles with them! They aren’t overly difficult to perform, however they will cause massive muscle confusion!

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