
Post on 08-Feb-2017






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A Report on Waste Control in Geoman In the recent past there has been a stern effort from the

department of Colorman and Geoman to control the wasteWe started with our research on how to control the increasing paper waste caused in Geoman.

Project By:- Manoj Ahire

- Vihans Dugar


To reduce the - paper wastage- electricity consumption and - machine unit running hours

in Geoman at the time of web lead for the Night Edition.


Viewpoint Colorman:

During web lead, individual tower and reel stand is inactive condition and all others are inactive.

Thus at any given point of time only 1 web is being led inthe machine. This is due to the fact that the machine isShaftless.


Viewpoint Geoman:

In here all the towers are connected via shafts (horizontal and vertical).

Thus when we lead successive webs, we end up in a lot ofpaper waste as after we lead paper from tower 1 and go totower 4 for web leading , the web in tower 1 also moves assoon as tower 4 is active.

Thus this sequence continues till we lead the last web,resulting in a lot of paper waste.

Research After leading paper from RS1 PU1 LL6 we lead paper from RS6

PU4 LL5 [4:5*1/1]. Now what happens is the web at RS1 PU1 LL6 travels additional path which is equal to the length of the web which is coming from RS6 PU4 LL5.Thus –

RS1 PU1 LL6 (length) = RS1 PU1 LL6 (length) + RS6 PU4 LL5 (length)

Similarly extra path traversed by other units can be calculated as following:

Total Extra path traveled by RS1 web:-

RS1 PU1 (length) = RS6 PU4 (length) + RS5 PU4 (length) + RS4 PU4 (length) + RS3PU3 (length)

+ RS2PU2 (length) = 47 + 52 + 58 + 47 + 45

= 249 m approx.

Thus it should actually travel a path of 41 meters but in this case its traveling extra path of 249 m.

Total Extra path traveled by RS6 web:-

RS6 PU4 (length) = RS5 PU4 (length) + RS4 PU4 (length) + RS3PU3 (length) + RS2 PU2 (length) = 52 + 58 + 47 + 45 = 202 m approx.

Thus it should actually travel a path of 47 meters but in this case its traveling extra path of 202 meters.

Total Extra path traveled by RS5 web:-

RS5 PU4 (length) = RS4 PU4 (length) + RS3PU3 (length) + RS2 PU2 (length)

= 58 + 47 + 45 = 150 m approx.

Thus it should actually travel a path of 52 meters but in this case its traveling extra path of 150 meters.

Total Extra path traveled by RS4 web:-

RS4 PU4 (length) = RS3 PU3 (length) + RS2 PU2 (length) = 47 + 45 = 92 m approx.

Thus it should actually travel a path of 58 meters but in this case its traveling extra path of 92 m.

o Total Extra path traveled by RS3 web:-

o RS3 PU3 (length) = RS2 PU2 (length) = 45 = 45 m approx.

o Thus it should actually travel a path of 47 meters but in this case its traveling extra path of 45 meters.

Total Extra path traveled by RS2 web:-

RS2PU2 (length) = only travels its own path.

Summing up :-

Extra waste (RS1 to RS6) = 249 + 202 + 150 + 92 + 45

= 738 m Approx.

Thus waste at web leading and before startup of the edition itself isalready 2700 copies/day.

Per day waste(1 edition) = 2700 copiesPer Month waste(1 edition) = 81000 copies

890 Copies waste

250 Copies waste

328 Copies waste

535 Copies waste

721 Copies waste

Time Taken = 20 mins

Suggested Procedure

Firstly we make totally 6 productspertaining to each RS and PUcombination and 1 main productwhich comprises of all thecombinations in one.

RS1 PU1 LL6 RS6 PU4 LL5 RS5 PU4 LL4 RS4 PU4 LL3 RS3 PU3 LL2 RS2 PU2 LL1 Main Product

In this process we lead the individual webs through individual RS andPU through individual products. After successfully leadingindividually, we load the Main Product and start the machine.!

Now, when the web from RS6 PU4 LL5 is being led, the web in RS1PU1LL6 remains stationary as its already deactivated accordingto our Product formation.

Similarly till the last web is led from RS2, none of the other webs aremoving , thus resulting in no paper wastage. And since only one setof RS and PU is active at any time , Electricity cost is reduced by 5times and so is with the Machine Unit Running Hours.

Product active: RS1 PU1 LL6

Product active: RS6 PU4 LL5

Product active: RS5 PU4 LL4

Product active: RS4 PU4 LL3

Product active: RS3 PU3 LL2

Product active: RS2 PU2 LL1

Time Taken = 26 mins

Pros and Cons….

Ongoing Procedure Recommended Procedure

1) Paper Saving: Per day Saving = 2700 copiesPer Month Saving = 81000 copies

2) Power Saving 6 times more consumption Saving of approx Rs. 20000 per month.

3) Time Factor Approx 20 mins Approx 26 mins

4) Man Power More Less

5) Constraints Better Option during production. Little Time consuming during production

6) Cost Saving Low High

7) Machine running hours More Less

Scope of the Research

If this process is accepted, then we can implement thistechnique on all India basis.Huge costs can be cut down by this process.Saving Copies per day (one full phase edition) :- 2700Daily full phase editions :- 4Total copies per day :- 10800Total copies per month :- 324000 Web Reels saving per month :- 11 ½ - 12 Web Reels saving per year :- 120 – 144 Power saving per month (in Rs.) :- 60000


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