genotype- and phenotype-guided management of congenital long qt [복구됨] [자동 저장]

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Genotype- and Phenotype-Guided Management of Congenital Long QT [ ] [ ]


    Genotype- and Phenotype-Guided Management of

    Congenital Long QT Syndrome

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    Sudden Cardiac Death

    Those Who Suffer from Frequent and Strong Faintness without a

    manifest cause Die Suddenly.

    Hippocrates (460~375 BC)

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    History of LQTS 1856: Friedrich Ludwig Meissner in Germany reports probably the first case of LQTS. He describes a deaf g

    who collapses and dies while being publicly admonished at school. When the parents are informed, they indicate

    that two brothers of the girls have already died suddenly after a violent fright or rage.

    1957: Anton Jervell and Fred Lange-Nielsen provide the first complete description of LQTS. The disease

    called "Jervell, Lange-Nieslen syndrome".

    1963/64: Romano and O. Connor Ward report independently patients with a cardiac disorder almost

    identical to that described by Jervell and Lange-Nielsen but without deafness. It is soon appreciated that the entity

    that many are already calling "Romano-Ward syndrome" was not much more frequently encountered than the

    "Jervell-Lange-Nielsen syndrome" but also that it involves a different genetic transmission, presumably autosomal


    1979: Crampton, Moss and Schwartz initiate the International Registry for LQTSwith the objective of

    enrolling a large number of patients in a prospective study which is expected to last 25 years.

    1991: Keating demonstrates tightlinkage of LQTS to the Harvey ras-1 gene locus on the short arm of chromosom

    11in one large family. This is considered the most significant breakthrough.

    1995-1996:The identification of three LQTS genestakes place within 9 months, between March 1995 and Januar1996.
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    First Formal Description

    Am He

    QT 0.50 QT

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    Genetic and ElectrophysiologicalBasis of LQTS

    Giudicessi & Ackerman. Curr Probl Cardiol 2013;38:417 Giudicessi & Ackerma

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    Genetic and ElectrophysiologicalBasis of LQTS

    Antzelevitch. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2007;293:H2024

    Yan & Antzelevitch. C

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    Torsades de Pointes




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    Long QT Syndrome Genes

    Schwartz et al. Circ Arrhythm E

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    Current-centric Classification of LQTS

    susceptibility Genes

    Giudicessi & Ackerman

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    Major LQTS-Susceptibility Genes KCNQ1

    Kv7.1 pore-forming -subunit - Iks(slowly activating component of delayed rectifier K curre

    maintaining the physiological QT shortening (increased sympathetic tone or heart rates), epotassium cycling

    Heterozygous loss-of function mutations : AD type I LQTS (physical & emotional stress)

    Dominant negative effect (50%) : coassemble to wild type


    Kv11.1 (hERG1) : Ikr(rapidly activating component of delayed rectifier K current)

    Haploinsufficiency (50%)

    acquired or drug induced LQTS (36% - underlying genetic mutation)


    Nav1.5 cardiac sodium channel

    Shortens at higher heart rates, But tends to prolong excessively at slower heart rates

    Cardiac event at rest, particularly during sleep (diurnal variation in cardiac repolarization)

    Genetic and Electrophysiological Basis of LQTS

    i i i i f

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    Minor LQTS-Susceptibility Genes

    The 7 minor genes that present with a pure LQTS phenotype

    Other minor genes that present with QT prolongation in the settingof prominent extracardiac manifestations

    Genetic and Electrophysiological Basis of LQTS

    Giudicessi & Ackerman. Curr Probl C

    G ti d El t h i l i l B i f LQTS

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    Genetics of Multisystem LQTS: Ankyrin-B,Anderson-Tawil, Timothy, and RecurrentInfantile Cardiac Arrest Syndromes

    Ankyrin-B syndrome : QT prolongation, sinus node dysfunction, episodic


    Andersen-Tawil syndrome : Dysmorphic physical features (low-set ears,

    and clinodactyly), periodic paralysis, nonsustained ventricular arrhythm

    Timothy syndrome : autism spectrum disorder, syndactyly, severe cardi


    Sudden infant death syndrome : severe LQTS, neurodevelopmental de

    recurrent cardiac arrest

    Genetic and Electrophysiological Basis of LQTS

    G ti d El t h i l i l B i f LQTS

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    Genetic Modifiers of LQTS DiseaseSeverity

    Incomplete penetrance & Variable


    Complex combination of genetic and

    environmental factors

    : Symptom onset, degree of QTc prolongation,

    risk of cardiac events

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP)

    : Enhance or diminish the expression of either

    wild-type or mutant alleles

    Genetic and Electrophysiological Basis of LQTS

    Giudicessi & Ackerman. Curr Pro

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    Lethal cardiac events according totriggers and genotype

    Ikscurrent (essential for QT shorincreases in heart rate)

    LQT1 : during exercise or stress LQT2 : emotional stress such as

    (sudden noises, telephone ringrest)

    LQT3 : asleep or at rest

    Schwartz et al. Circula

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    Corrected QT

    The corrected QT interval estimates the QT interval at a heart rate of 60 bpm This allows comparison of QT values over time at different heart rates and imp

    of patients at increased risk of arrhythmias.

    Bazettsformula : QTc = QT /

    Fredericiasformula : QTc = QT/RR1/3

    Framingham formula : QTc = QT + 0.154 (1-RR)

    Hodges formula : QTc = QT + 1.75 (Heart rate60)

    Bazettsformula is the most commonly used due to its simplicity. It over-correcrates > 100 bpm and under-corrects at heart rates < 60 bpm, but provides ancorrection for heart rates ranging from 60100 bpm.

    At heart rates outside of the 60100 bpm range, the Fredericia or Framinghaare more accurate and should be used instead.

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    Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of LQTS

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    Standard Diagnostic Approaches

    Meticulous personal and family history

    syncope, seizure, aborted sudden cardiac arrest sudden unexplained deaths or accidents or drownings, long standing dia

    seizure disorder (first, second, and third degree relatives)

    Borderline LQT : reflex vasovagal symptoms

    AHA-ACC-HRS : QTc 450ms in men, 460ms in women (95 percentile

    QTc 470ms in men, 480ms in women : improve PPV for LQTS

    Schwartz score (1985): ECG, personal history, family history : 3.5 (high

    Further assessment (provocation test, stress test, genetic test)

    Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of LQTS

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    1993-2011 LQTS Diagnostic Criteria

    Schwartz et al. Ci

    Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of LQTS

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    Provocation or Stress Tests andGenetic Testing


    Assessing the risk of SCD, selecting appropriate therapeutic interventidentifying potentially at-risk relatives

    Catecholamine provocation & exercise stress tests : confined to unmLQT1 genotype

    Paradoxical QTc prolongation during the recovery phase (>470ms at 2-4recovery)

    Paradoxical lengthening of the absolute QT interval by > 30ms following epinephrine administration (0.1mcg/kg/min)

    Increases the pretest probability of LQT1

    Not equal a diagnosis of LQT1 or LQTS

    Can not rule out other types of LQTS in the presence of normal QTc short

    Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of LQTS

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    Provocation or Stress Tests andGenetic Testing


    Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of LQTS

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    Provocation or Stress Tests andGenetic Testing

    Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of LQTS

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    Provocation or Stress Tests andGenetic Testing

    HRS-EHRA (2011)

    1) Any individual with a strong clinical suspicion of LQTS based on clinicaland electrocardiographic phenotype

    2) Any asymptomatic individual with unexplained QTc prolongation (>48puberty and >500ms after puberty)

    3) Appropriate relatives when a LQTS causative mutation has been identcase

    Approximately 4% of healthy whit

    Amino acid-altering genetic variathree major LQTS-susceptability ge

    Signal-to-Noise ratio

    How the presence of a VUS in a msusceptibility gene should be inter

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    5LQT1 (+)family study 1

    2PhenotypeLQTS (+),

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    ICD for LQTS(18) at AMC1996.4 ~ 2013.10.31 ICD354

    16958731 M 1974 199622928324 F 1958 1999

    29682294 M 1987 2004

    18143720 F 1951 2004

    31240578 M 1978 2005

    27999787 F 1975 2005

    11378866 F 1944 2006

    11852890 F 1958 2007

    20436285 F 1973 2007

    33840602 F 1956 2009

    39195146 M 1957 2009

    23461071 F 1955 2010

    40859673 F 1974 2010

    41434604 M 1945 2012

    22613228 F 1998 2012

    44749583 F 1996 2013

    45182455 F 1976 2013

    37476685 F 1975 2013

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    SCD : Epidemiology

    General population 0.1%/yr 100/10/

    Young gen population 0.0034%/yr 3.4/10/

    Asymptomatic WPW 0.2%/yr 200/10/

    Long QT Syndrome 0.3%/yr 300/10/

    Brugada Syndrome 0.5%/yr 500/10/

    Early Repolarization 0.01%/yr 10/10/

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    Sudden Cardiac Death in LQTS

    0.3-0.6% per year

    Priori et al. NEJM 2003;348:1866

    Annual Sudden Death in US Only a small minority : LQTS

    heritable arrhythmia syndro

    Potentially life-threatening,treatable genetic disorder

    Prototype or paradigm thabroadly applicable to the sinherited and acquired for

    predisposing CV disorders

    Genotype- and Phenotype-Guided Risk Stratification and Management o

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    Genotype- and Phenotype-DrivenRisk Stratification

    Schwartz et al. C

    Cumulative rates of cardia93%

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    Priori e

    Mullally et al. Heart Rhythm 2013;10:378

    Sauer et al. JACC 2007;49:329

    Genotype- and Phenotype-Guided Risk Stratification and Management o

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    Genotype- and Phenotype-DrivenRisk Stratification

    Higher risk ( 50%) for experiencing an LQTS-associated cardiac event(s)before the age of 40 years

    non-JLNS patients with LQTS-causative mutations on > 1 major LQTS-susceptibility allele (eg, compound heterozygosity or digenic heterozygo

    QTc 550 ms, regardless of LQTS genotype

    2 but

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    Genotype- and Phenotype-DrivenRisk Stratification

    Intermediate risk(30-49%) for experiencing an LQTS-associated caevent(s) before the age of 40 years

    QTc between 500 and 549 ms, regardless of genotype

    < 2 cardiac events before the age of 18 years

    Females with major genotype-positive LQTS (QTc < 500 ms in LQT2

    QTc 500 ms in LQT3) Male LQT3 patients with a QTc < 500 ms

    some form of treatment, typically -adrenergic blockers

    G t d Ph t D i

    Genotype- and Phenotype-Guided Risk Stratification and Management o

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    Genotype- and Phenotype-DrivenRisk Stratification

    Lower risk

    All other patients with LQTS (eg, asymptomatic patients with a

    < 500 ms aside from certain high-risk gender or genotype

    combinations such as postpubertal females with LQT2)

    The selection of appropriate therapy is performed on an

    individualized basis

    G t d Ph t D i

    Genotype- and Phenotype-Guided Risk Stratification and Management o

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    Genotype- and Phenotype-DrivenRisk Stratification

    Genotype- and phenotype-guided Based on probability of experiencing a f

    cardiac event (syncope, seizure, sudden

    sudden cardiac death) before 40 years

    appropriate therapeutic interventions

    Purple : Genotype-guidedOrange : Phenotype-guidedBlack : Genotype and phenotype-guided

    Giudicessi & Ackerman. Curr P

    M di l S i l d D iGenotype- and Phenotype-Guided Risk Stratification and Management o

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    Medical, Surgical, and Device-Related Management

    Should avoid QT-prolonging medications Maintain adequate hydration and thereby normal electrolyte levels,

    especially in the setting of emesis, diarrhea, or other medical conditionsknown to cause hypokalemia.

    Sudden cardiac arrest or death can be the sentinel event, appropriatetailored therapeutic interventions should be initiated in most patients withLQTS.

    Currently, LQTS therapy targets the following 2 distinct strategies:

    1) reduction in sympathetic or adrenergic tone, and therefore arrhythmia risk, via

    the use of -adrenergic receptor antagonists and or LCSD

    2) correction or cessation of life-threatening arrhythmias via the timely delivery of

    electrical impulses by an ICD

    d i t t i tGenotype- and Phenotype-Guided Risk Stratification and Management o

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    -adrenergic receptor antagonists

    Moss et al. Circulation 2000;101:106

    Moss et al. Circu

    Schwartz et al. Circ

    d i t t i tGenotype- and Phenotype-Guided Risk Stratification and Management o

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    -adrenergic receptor antagonists


    (2-4mg/kg/day; hahours)

    Nadolol (1-2mg/kg/day; ha


    L ft C di S th ti

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    Left Cardiac SympatheticDenervation

    Raise the threshold for ventr

    Collura et al. Heart Rhythm 2009;6:752

    Implantable Cardioverter DefibrillaGenotype- and Phenotype-Guided Risk Stratification and Management o

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    Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrilla

    Survived a cardiac arrest despite adequate beta blockade or LCSD

    Survived a cardiac arrest off therapy, except when a reversible or

    preventable cause such as QT prolonging medications or electrolyte

    abnormalities are identified

    Recurrent LQTS-triggered syncope despite adequate beta blockad

    LCSD is not a viable option

    In rare extenuating circumstances, such as asymptomatic patients w

    QTc550 ms with overt signs of electrical instability (e.g., T wave altern

    ECG or additional objective evidence of being high risk (e.g., postpub

    women with LQT2) despite adequate beta blockade and LCSD, or bo

    Implantable Cardioverter DefibrillaGenotype- and Phenotype-Guided Risk Stratification and Management o

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    Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrilla

    Reynolds et al. JACC 2006;47:2493

    The long term comp

    associated with Early

    Not experienced a c

    failed beta blocker??

    Defensive medicin

    31% of LQTSat lea

    Schwartz et al. Circulation 2010;122:1272

    Horner et al. He

    Implantable Cardioverter DefibrillaGenotype- and Phenotype-Guided Risk Stratification and Management o

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    Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrilla

    Schwartz et al. Circ

    Based on M-FACT criteria & single center study indicates that most patients with LQtreated effectively without an ICD

    Horner et al. Heart Rhyth

    Genotype Guided ManagementGenotype- and Phenotype-Guided Risk Stratification and Management o

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    LQT1 : Antiadrenergic interventions (beta blockers, LCSD)

    Noncompliance or concomitant use of QT prolonging medications

    Most of the life-threatening breakthrough cardiac events

    Strenuous exercise, particularly swimming

    Strictly ban the competitive sports participation

    The low rate of LQTS-triggered cardiac events during sports & rising

    obesity rates in USpatient or family centered approach

    Genotype-Guided Management

    Genotype Guided ManagementGenotype- and Phenotype-Guided Risk Stratification and Management o

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    LQT2 :

    When serum potassium levels fall

    When aroused from sleep or rest by sudden noises such as alarm clocks,telephones, or crying babies (during the postpartum period)

    Careful maintenance of serum potassium levels with a combination of diet, oralpotassium supplementation, and if necessary, use of potassium-sparing diuretics

    Blunting or removal of causes of sudden noise from the bedroom and educationof family members and other individuals sharing the home to avoid yelling orotherwise startling the patient

    Counseling women with LQT2 and their partners on the necessity of beta blockecompliance, adequate rest, and avoidance of QT-prolonging medications durinthe postpartum period.

    Life threatening breakthrough cardiac events (6-7%)high risk patients withLQTS2 require LCSD or, if clinically indicated, an ICD.

    Genotype-Guided Management

    Wilde et al. J

    Genotype Guided ManagementGenotype- and Phenotype-Guided Risk Stratification and Management o

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    LQT3 : highest rate of breakthrough cardiac events on beta blocker (10-1

    SCN5A gain-of-function : adjuvant sodium channel blocker (mexiletine or ra

    Unwanted type 1 Brugada syndrome-like ECG pattern (pleiotropic nature of smutations)drug challenge test

    LSCD or ICD implantation

    Mere presence of LQT3-causative mutation - ICD??

    Minor LQTS subtypes : no specific genotype-phenotype correlations exist

    evidence-based guidelines for management

    Managed as the corresponding major LQTS subtype

    More malignant or multisystem forms of LQTS (JLNS, TS) : BB, AAD, LCSD, IC

    Genotype-Guided Management

    Management of Concealed orGenotype- and Phenotype-Guided Risk Stratification and Management o

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    Management of Concealed orLow-Risk LQTS

    Roughly 25% of patients with genotype-positive LQTS fail to manifesany overt clinical hallmark of the disease

    Concealed LQTS : markedly reduced risk of SCD or ACA (4% vs 15%

    Might need prophylactic beta-blocker therapy??

    Goldenberg et al. JACC 2011-57

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