genius (with audio)

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Genius, the ability to hold many ideas in your head at one time....we all need a bit to get on in the business of PR. A presentation to Edelman Asia Pacific employees by David Brain. This slide presentation has an audio recording with it.


  • 1. gen-ius
    [jeen-yuh s]
    - noun, plural gen-ius-es
    1. An exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work in science, art, music etc
  • 2. The classic skill of the musical genius is the capability of holding many different melodies in one's head at once and knowing how they interact together. It is said that the great classical composers (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, etc.) could hold five, six or even seven different melodies in their minds at once. They could write complicated music with many different parts all at once without having to hear it played.
    In comparison, the average person can only hold one melody in memory. Mozart, who apparently completed his musical compositions in his head and simply wrote them down when he was done, often while drinking or conversing with friends, is supposed to have said,
    "I write music as a sow pisses."
  • 3. work individually and as part of the group
  • 4. artist/ accountant
  • 5. geek/ craftsman
  • 6. need to be able to be logical & imaginative
  • 7. local and global
  • 8. revenue/ profit
  • 9. balance home, work & 3rd place
  • 10. city/ country
  • 11. and to be able to understand the newsroom, trading floor, creative floor and the crowd

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