game design brief

Post on 27-Mar-2016






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This is my design brief for my game cover design. My pictures were lost so there are none on the document... apologies :(



Your Mission Is to create a game cover case for our latest

game, “The learning center. This game is a virtual school program where special needs children or children who can’t go to school for other reasons, can receive a thorough elementary education. Your design should be suitable and appropriate for the children and their parents. Try to find a balance between the two ages so that the cover is convincing to not only the children, but also the parents. The front should be simplistic, and must also include the name of the game. The back should say, “ Virtual Elementary School, The quick, safe, and easy rout to an elementary education. The content rating should read, “Everyone”. You do not have to follow a certain color scheme, but the colors should not follow any gender stereotypical colors, (Hot Pink etc…) The template is available online. Refer to some of our other games as examples. Good luck, Wii

This was a very rushed project for me. I had already mad one other design before this one, which I decided not to hand in. I first started by picking out an image, and cropping it to the right size. I then went to filter options and chose “cutout”. I chose this because I wanted to make the image look like a drawn cartoon. I thought that if I did this, it would be more suitable for children. I then picked another image, and added a blue fill layer and adjusted the opacity to 39%. I placed this image over the school building. I got this idea from the TV show, Teletubbies, in which there is, a child’s face placed over the sun. I then moved onto the back. I picked out an image of a playground, and did the same thing to it as I did to the image of the school I placed all the titles that were listed in the brief, and moved them around. The font that I chose was “Chalk duster”. I chose this font because it looked like something that would be eye-catching to the parent and the child. In the back, it was hard to figure out the right color for the text because if I left it white, it would fade into the background, and if I made it black, it wouldn’t be visible. . Most steps that I took, I didn’t have time to second guess because of time constraints. Overall, I think this design followed the requirements of the brief.

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