g -based service guide

Post on 03-Jan-2022






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GIFTS-BASED SERVICE GUIDE A guide to finding ways

to connect your spiritual gifts to service.

HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE The purpose of this guide is to outline the service opportunities available at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church and through partners in ministry. While not comprehensive, this valuable tool provides a snapshot of the many ways people can serve Christ through serving. We believe that when you serve according to your spiritual gifts, passion and interest, you make the biggest impact for the kingdom and feel joy! Additionally, you are deepening your relationship with Christ. When we all are working together, more people are reached for God. This guide will help you find your place “To know and follow Christ and to help others to know and follow Christ.”

You are gifted, needed and called. As said in 1 Corinthians 12, the spiritual gifts of followers of Christ are all important. Gifts are from the same Spirit. That means that your gift is equally as important as the gifts of preachers, or the staff, or the choirs, singers, etc. They are all needed to build the church and to create other disciples. The body of Christ has many parts and many ministries. But even though there are different parts, we are unified in our purpose.

We hope this guide will help you discover a place to serve as you grow in faith. Each section is separated by the ministry area under which it falls. It will list: the name of the service position, a short description of the position, and the Church liaison to find out more or to get started.

If you have any questions, please contact the church office at 319.363.2058.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Our Mission and Our Strategy ...................................... 2 Our Discipleship Pathway ............................................... 3 Spiritual Gifts ........................................................................ 4 Service Opportunities .................................................... 14 Administrative Support ...................................................... 15 Congregational Care ............................................................ 17 Reaching and Receiving ..................................................... 20 Missions ................................................................................... 24 Children’s Spiritual Formation ....................................... 27 Youth Spiritual Formation ................................................. 29 Adult Spiritual Formation ................................................. 32 Worship Ministry .................................................................. 33 Music Ministry ....................................................................... 37 Early Childhood Ministries ............................................... 43 United Methodist Women ................................................. 44

Mission Partnerships ...................................................... 45 Cedar Valley Habitat for Humanity ................................ 46 Ecumenical Community Center....................................... 47 Family Promise of Linn County ....................................... 48 Heifer International ............................................................. 49 Helping Hands Ministry ..................................................... 50 Kids Against Hunger ............................................................ 51 Linn Community Food Bank ............................................. 52 Martin Luther King Day Celebration ............................. 53 Matthew 25 Ministry Hub ................................................. 54 Mission of Hope ..................................................................... 55 Neighborhood Meals and Enrichment Program ....... 56 NOMADS ................................................................................... 57 Volunteers in Mission .......................................................... 58 United Methodist Church Special Offerings ............... 59



To know and follow Christ;

and to help others to know and follow Christ.

At St. Paul's United Methodist Church,

we live out our mission as a congregation of people

who respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ by

Gathering in Christian community through worship,

Forming in love and knowledge of Christ through

small groups and Sunday School and

Sending as servants of Christ to participate in

God's transformation of the world.

Our Strategy



Individually and collectively we grow towards

a life centering on loving God and loving others

through spiritual practices:

Prayer and meditation developing a regular prayer pattern

Scripture reflection engaging in Bible reading, studying and reflection

Financial generosity building a life of financial generosity

Invitational evangelism learning to share your faith story with others

Corporate worship joining with the faith community to worship God

Gifts-based service discovering your spiritual gifts and using

them in servant ministry

Small group community committing to a small group of people

to walk the journey of faith



What are Spiritual Gifts? Spiritual gifts differ from natural talents and abilities. They are like a God-given inner fire; a passion that ignites, inspires and empowers us to do God’s will. Spiritual gifts aren’t just for super-Christians: every Christian has at least one. The more you discover how to serve through your gift(s), the more joy you will have and the more fruitful your service will be.

What are my Spiritual Gifts? We’re glad you asked! Please take the Spiritual Gifts Assessment online. The link is www.ministrymatters.com/spiritualgifts/ Even if you’ve taken the assessment before, please take a few moments do to so again to make sure you’re clear about your spiritual gift(s).

Pray! “How can I serve others?” Don’t pray about “if” you should serve; pray about “where”! When you come to God seeking wisdom and are ready to obey whatever God reveals, you can be confident God will hear your prayer.

Investigate the Options Read through this opportunities book carefully. Feel free to call the church staff to find out more about a ministry. Even if you have served in the same area for years, become familiar with other areas of service so you can remain open to the Holy Spirit’s leading




Discover Your Gifts Your spiritual gifts are tools given to you by God, to serve others for the common good. When you use your Spiritual gifts, God is glorified. Take the Spiritual Gifts Assessment online at www.ministrymatters.com/spiritualgifts, then consider how you might use your gifts in an area that you are interested in or where your gifts would fit well. Use this booklet which highlights ways of serving at St. Paul’s UMC, as well as our Mission connections and partnerships in the community and the world, and your own prayerful imagination and conversations with others to consider possibilities of service.

Consider Your Strengths and Your Dreams for God’s

Kingdom Take time to consider what needs in this world and needs of St. Paul’s tug at your heart. How can you participate in, through and with St. Paul’s? In addition to your spiritual gift, your natural abilities can also influence you choice of service. Life experiences can give insight and sympathy to help others going through similar situations. Special knowledge such as medical training, technical skills or construction expertise can open doors for ministry. Talents such as musical, artistic or athletic ability can and should be used to glorify God.

Invite Your Friends Serving with others you know can be a great way to enjoy fellowship. But don’t limit yourself: serving on your own can also be a great way to meet new people.

Do Something! Even if you aren’t sure what to do, sign up for something. God will bless your willingness and you’ll gain more wisdom in the process.



The following descriptions are adapted from Serving from the Heart: Finding Your Gifts

and Talents for Service by Carol Cartmill and Yvonne Gentile (Abingdon Press, 2011)

Administration Organizing people and ministries efficiently. This is the God-given ability to organize and manage information, people, events, and resources to accomplish the objectives of a ministry. People with this gift handle details carefully and thoroughly. They are skilled in determining priorities and in planning and directing the steps needed to achieve a goal. They often make it easier for others to use their own gifts simply by keeping things organized and flowing smoothly.

Apostleship Adapting to a different culture to share the gospel or do ministry. This gift is the divine ability to build the foundation of new churches by preaching the word, teaching others to live by Christ’s commandments through the example of their own lives, and preparing the people to serve one another. People with this gift are not only eager to bring the gospel to those who have never heard it; they prepare those people to continue the work after they have left. They enthusiastically approach new ministries, churches or settings and realize the need to adapt methods of evangelism and service to widely different environments.

Distinguishing of Spirits Recognizing what is of God and what is not of God. This gift is the divine ability to distinguish between good and evil, truth and error, and pure motives and impure motives. People with this gift usually can rely on instincts or first impressions to tell when a person or message is deceptive or inconsistent with biblical truths.



Encouragement Encouraging others to grow in their faith. This is the God-given ability to encourage, help, and intercede for and be an advocate for others in a way that motivates them to grow in their faith and urges them to action. This gift takes many forms and can be done through personal relationships, music, writings, intercessory prayer, and speaking, to name a few. People with this gift encourage others to remain faithful even in the midst of struggles. They are sensitive and sympathetic toward another person’s emotional state and exhort selflessly, with affection, not contempt. They can see positive traits or aspects that other person overlook and often have more faith in other persons than themselves.

Evangelism Sharing the gospel with others. This is the divine ability to spread the good news of Jesus Christ so that unknowing persons respond with faith and discipleship. People with this gift speak simply and comfortably about their faith, and nonbelievers are drawn into this circle of comfort. These people enjoy many friendships outside of their Christian community. They enjoy helping others see how Christianity can fulfill their needs. They eagerly study questions that challenge Christianity and respond clearly in ways that connect with individuals, meeting them right where they are.



Faith Seeing God’s plan and following it with confidence. This is the

divine ability to recognize what God wants done and to act

when others fall back in doubt. Although as Christians we all

are called to have faith, people with this gift receive it in an

extraordinary measure. Even in the face of barriers that

overwhelm others, people with this gift simply have

confidence that God will see God’s will done. Believing deeply

in the power of prayer, they also know that God is both

present and active in their lives. People with this gift show

others by their works and their words that God is faithful to

God’s promises.

Giving Sharing resources freely and joyfully. This is the God-given

ability to give generously of material wealth, knowing that

spiritual wealth will abound as God’s work in advanced. Those

with this gift are not always affluent but are always generous

with what they do have. They usually manage their finances

well, may have a special ability to make money, and tend to be

frugal in their lifestyle. They use these skills to increase their

support for God’s work, trusting that God will provide for

their needs. They are often comfortable and successful in

approaching others for gifts. Instead of asking, “How much

money do I give to God?” they ask, “How much of God’s money

do I keep?”



Healing Bringing wholeness to others. This gift is the divine ability to

bring physical, emotional or spiritual wholeness to others.

People with this gift listen skillfully as they seek God’s

guidance to learn the needs of the sick and to determine the

causes and nature of an illness. They believe that God can cure

and that prayer can overcome any negative forces at work

(but they also recognize that God might have a different plan).

Their tools include prayer, touch, and spoken words. This gift

shows God’s power; at the same time, it is to God’s glory. The

goal of healing is not just healing itself, but spreading the

gospel by pointing to the power of Jesus Christ and to show

the glory of God.

Helps (serving) Providing aid and relief with which to meet practical needs.

This gift is the God-given ability to work alongside others in

performing practical and often behind the scene tasks to

sustain and enhance the body of Christ. People with this gift

receive spiritual satisfaction from doing everyday necessary

tasks; they may prefer to work quietly and without public

recognition. When they see a need, they frequently take care

of it without being asked. Their work often frees up other

persons so that they may carry out their own ministries.



Hospitality Making others feel welcome and comfortable. This is the divine ability to make others feel safe, accepted, and comfortable. People with this gift often love to entertain. Sometimes, however, their gift is simply demonstrated by a warm handshake or hug, a bright smile, and a tendency to greet new people and help them get acclimated to a new place or situation. People are drawn to persons with this gift – they often have many acquaintances of friends and help others make connections, too.

Leadership Motivating and inspiring others. This is the divine ability to motivate, coordinate, and direct people doing God’s work. People with this gift are visionaries who inspire others to work together to make the vision a reality. They take responsibility for setting and achieving goals. They step in where there is a lack of direction. The build a team of talented persons and then empower them. These persons are called to be servant-leaders. Held to a high moral standard, they lead by the example of their own lives.

Mercy Ministering to others with compassion. This is the God-given ability to see and feel the suffering of others and to minister to them with love and understanding. More simply, this gift is “compassion in action”. People with this gift are called to reach out to someone who is hurt or rejected, easing his or her suffering. They feel fulfilled when they can show others that God loves them. They are skilled at gaining the trust of those in need and enjoy finding ways to comfort them.



Message of Knowledge Discerning and sharing God’s purposes. This is the God-given ability to understand, organize and effectively use or communicate information to advance God’s purposes. The information may come either for the Holy Spirit of from sources around us. People with this gift enjoy studying the Bible and other sources to gain facts, insights, and truths. The term “message of knowledge” is intentional. This gift is not knowledge for one’s own benefit – it must be communicated and shared with others. People with this gift use their knowledge for projects, ministries, or teaching. They organize it in order to pass it to others for their use and benefit. The Holy Spirit appears to be at work when these people show unusual insight or understanding.

Message of Wisdom

Relating biblical truth to practical life. This is the God-given ability to understand and apply biblical and spiritual knowledge to complex, contradictory, or other difficult situations. People with this gift have an ability to understand and live God’s will. They share their wisdom with others through teaching and admonition. As with the gift of the Message of Knowledge, the gift of wisdom is not for one’s own benefit but must be shared. People with this gift speak God’s truth as found in Scripture in order to provide clarity and direction to people who are struggling with which way they should go. They make practical application of biblical truths. They are, in effect, a “compass” for the body of Christ.



Pastor-Teacher Shepherding others toward spiritual growth. This is the divine ability to guide, protect, and care for other people as they experience spiritual growth. People with this gift enjoy working with groups of people and nurturing their growth over an extended period of time. Because of these long term relationships, they establish trust and confidence and are able to take the time to care for the “whole person”. They can assess where a person is spiritually and then develop or find places where that person can continue his or her faith journey. They model compassion.

Prophecy Speaking under inspiration the counsel of God. This is the God-given ability, out of love for God’s people, to proclaim God’s truth in a way that makes it relevant to the current situations in today’s culture and guides others to more faith-informed decisions and actions. The goal is not to condemn but to bring about change or enlightenment. People with this gift listen carefully to God so their words will be God-honoring. They see inconsistencies between people’s words/actions and biblical teaching that others overlook or may not catch. Prophets speak to the people, bringing edification, encouragement, and consolation. They warn people of the immediate or future consequences of continuing their current course of action, always ending with a message of hope and restoration if the message is heeded.



Teaching Imparting the truth though instruction. This is the divine ability to understand and clearly explain God’s truths, as well as to show how we can apply these truths in our lives. People with this gift enjoy studying the Bible and inspire listeners to greater obedience to God’s word. They prepare through study and reflection and pay close attention to detail. In addition to communicating facts, they are careful to show that the Scriptures have practical applications. They can adapt their presentation in order to communicate God’s message to a particular audience effectively.

Three Charismatic Gifts:

Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues and Miracles These gifts are often call “charismatic” gifts of the Spirit that point to God and/or signs of God’s power. John Wesley categorized these as the “extraordinary gifts” of the Spirit in contrast to the “ordinary graces of the gospel”. The Apostle Paul acknowledged the way these gifts can be manipulated or abused by carefully defining the boundaries around them, always pointing to “the greatest gift” of love. (1 Corinthians 13)

A Word about Children and Youth Every ministry area to every age group at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church is important. Our nursery, Children’s Ministries and Youth Ministries require larger number of disciples to be successful and are vital to our mission. To serve in Children or Youth Ministries, you must be over 18 years old and meet our Child and Youth Safety Policy Guidelines.



SERVING through Administrative Support Contact: Office | 319.363.2058 | stpauls@stpaulsumc.org

Receptionist Assist staff receptionist with general administrative tasks and

answering the phones. Time commitment is 2-5 hours a week,

or occasional. Sunday morning help is also needed.

Super Stuffer Gather at the church on the first and third Wednesdays of the

month to fold the Outlook Newsletters and insert fliers.

St. Paul’s Superstore Give the gift of household items, jewelry, collectibles, furni-

ture, etc. to the Superstore team and watch them go to work to

sell them for you with the return going straight to the St.

Paul’s budget. It’s a win-win! Disciples within this ministry

contact people with items to sell, discuss their treasures and

help find current values of the items. Other disciples photo-

graph and list the items on the internet. More storage is need-

ed as well. This team is looking for a new leader and many

more disciples.

Church liaison is Dave Mather.

SERVING through Administrative Support Contact: Office | 319.363.2058 | stpauls@stpaulsumc.org


Administrative Committee Team Members Servant positions within the Church Council, Trustees, Fi-

nance, Staff Parish Relations, and Lay Leadership Develop-

ment teams and committees which provide general church

leadership. Information about serving is available from Pastor

Sherrie Ilg.

Church Council: makes decisions regarding the short and

long-term directions and stewardship ministries of the

church, and works with the recommendations of the various

committees in following the call to be a faithful congregation

of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Board of Trustees: responsible for the oversight of the

property and assets of the church.

Finance Committee: oversees all financial matters of the

church and ministry.

Staff-Parish Relations Committee: develop the ministry

staff, both professional and lay, and seeks healthy communica-

tion and healthy relationships between the congregation and

staff persons for the growing ministry of Jesus Christ.

Lay Leadership Committee: responsible for the recruit-

ment, development, and recognition of lay leadership for the

entire church (formerly known as Nominations Committee).


SERVING through Congregational Care Contact: Pastor Lloyd Brockmeyer | 319.363.2058 | lbrockmeyer2@imonmail.com

Congregational Care Team Members Serve on a team that meets monthly to give guidance to the

overall ministries of care.

Church liaison is Jim Dickens.

Stephen Ministry With God’s help and Stephen Ministry training, you will begin

to welcome the opportunity to journey with a person in need.

Disciples in this ministry need to be a good listener, compas-

sionate and able to keep information confidential.

Church liaison is Nancy Nygren.

Eucharistic Ministers Trained members take consecrated communion elements to

the homebound and to care center members quarterly and

sometimes monthly during the Holy Season.

Care Center, Elderly and Homebound Visit Teams Members of St. Paul’s routinely visit an assigned care center to

provide friendly conversation, support and encouragement to

St. Paul’s members and friends.

Church liaison is Elaine Oxenford.

Flower Ministry Disciples of St. Paul’s visit and deliver flowers to those home-

bound, in care centers and those needing a “we care about

you” small bouquet. Flowers are from the alter arrangements

or memorial services.

Church liaisons are Mary Jane Overmann and Joanne Kimber.

SERVING through Congregational Care Contact: Pastor Lloyd Brockmeyer | 319.363.2058 | lbrockmeyer2@imonmail.com


Prayer Shawl Ministry Disciples of St. Paul’s knit or crochet, either individually or in groups, a shawl (following a simple pattern) to be given to a person in need to comfort, support, love and caring while go-ing through a difficult time in their life. The crafter focuses on prayers and blessings during the creation of the shawl. Church liaison is Char Burton.

Roving Minstrels A team of musically talented disciples visits hospitals or sometimes those in care centers on Sundays at 10:15am to sing for them and share God’s love. Church liaison is John Nollsch.

DVD Ministry Members who are homebound (long or short term) and una-ble to attend church may request a DVD (no charge) of the 9:00 a.m. service. The DVDs may be kept or shared. Church liaison is Wes Nygren.

Newborn Ministry A new arrival in a home is a milestone in the lives of our church family. As a baby is born or a child is adopted, we re-joice and celebrate with them. A rose is placed on the altar soon after the birth or adoption. A personal contact will be made to each known family who welcomes a little one. Church liaison is Kathy Regennitter.


SERVING through Congregational Care Contact: Pastor Lloyd Brockmeyer | 319.363.2058 | lbrockmeyer2@imonmail.com

Errands, Transportation, Post-Hospitalization St. Paul’s disciples provide the service of doing errands, get-ting groceries, transporting to appointments and other minor tasks with special attention to those recently hospitalized.

Care Notes Pamphlets Care Notes pamphlets are in the display rack in the main hall-way. Care Notes offer information, healing and hope in coping with difficult life situations such as financial problems, death, depression, life-threatening illnesses, divorce, etc. Members may select those helpful to themselves, a family member or a friend. Church liaison is Jan Russell.

Riders’ Club of America Provides rides to church members to worship services. This service is provided through Riders’ Club of America. Contact a pastor if you or someone you know would like more infor-mation.

Grieving Ministry During the first year following a funeral service, a series of four grief booklets will be sent to the closest surviving relative Booklets are meant to help the loved one find understanding in the grieving process and bring comfort, encouragement and hope. Disciples assist with assembly and mailing of grief booklets. Church liaison is Barb Zahradnik.

Blood Pressure Check Team On the third Sunday of each month, blood pressure checks are offered for free. Disciples are needed to join this health team. Church liaison is Jan McGuire.

SERVING by Reaching and Receiving Contact: Jim Steggall| 319.447.1147 | bjjfs@mchsi.com


Reaching and Receiving Committee Members Assist with overseeing and implementing St. Paul’s vision for our invitational and hospitality ministries, as we gather peo-ple together for worship and welcome people into the church.

Welcome Centers Help connect people to St. Paul’s at the Welcome Centers to make everybody coming feel welcomed and comfortable. Dis-ciples should be able to assist people with questions. Coordi-nate servants for this ministry or join the team of welcomers. Church liaison is Sharon Pepper.

Welcome Bags Welcome bags with church information are available for visi-tors at the Welcome Centers. The bags need to be replenished weekly. Disciples serve in rotation and can serve in this minis-try on a weekday to fit their schedule. Church liaison is Carrie Gray.

Parking Lot Greeters Serve monthly on a Sunday morning, welcoming people from our parking lots into St. Paul’s.

Greeters Offer hospitality and welcome all who come to worship at the entrances of the church and worship spaces.

Ushers This ministry team greets people in the worship spaces, wel-comes and assists people in the service and assists with offer-ings and communion. There are always openings in this minis-try team. Ushers alternate monthly and there is flexibility in schedules.


SERVING by Reaching and Receiving Contact: Jim Steggall| 319.447.1147 | bjjfs@mchsi.com

Newcomer Connections This ministry makes follow up calls to newcomers of St. Paul’s. This ministry requires approximately 10 hours a month. This ministry needs more people to help call newcomers.

Communications Web Site Team Work with church staff and congregation to provide an effec-tive website to support church ministries. Church liaison is Angie Evans.

Facebook Ministry Team Provide in put to St. Paul’s Facebook presence. Church liaisons are Angie Evans and Aaron Hunsaker.

Communications Photographer Take photos of ministry in action to be used in St. Paul’s Com-munications. Church liaison is Jim Steggall.

Fellowship Coffee, Etc. Disciples on this ministry team may purchase refreshments and ask for food donations for the gathering time in the parlor after the 9:00 a.m. Sunday service. May need to be available to set the table up, make coffee, be comfortable speaking with people and making them feel at home. Church liaisons are Esther Miceli and Kathy Frank.

SERVING by Reaching and Receiving Contact: Jim Steggall| 319.447.1147 | bjjfs@mchsi.com


Worship Café Menu Ministry Team Disciples of this ministry provide food, lemonade and coffee before and after the Sunday morning contemporary services. People on this ministry set up serving table, ask people for food donations, bring food to share, create a relaxing atmos-phere and help clean up. Church liaison is Angela Stookey.

Fair Trade Coffee Sales Disciples of this ministry sell fair trade coffee and other items in the Parlor on Sunday Morning at 9:45 and at the 10:30 and 11:30 contemporary services in the Wesley Center. Fair trade sales support small scale farmers in many countries. Church liaison is Janet Webster.

Sidewalk Ministries Lemonade Stand This ministry takes it to the street! Literally! These disciples have a lemonade and cookie stand in front of the church from June to September on Tuesdays from 1:30 to 4:00. These dis-ciples must be able to talk to anybody stopping or passing by, make the lemonade and set up and clean up. Church liaison is Janet Webster.

Lemonade Kids Club This ministry gives out free children’s books and provides games and crafts as well as conversation and listening, with children in the neighborhood. This ministry is open June through the middle of August on Tuesday and Thursday after-noons for one or two hours. Must love kids! Church liaison is Wendy Morton.


SERVING by Reaching and Receiving Contact: Jim Steggall| 319.447.1147 | bjjfs@mchsi.com

African National Ministries St. Paul’s has responded to the growing populations of African National Immigrants by developing two churches in which the principle languages are Swahili and Kirundi under the leader-ship of Pastor Daniel Niyonzima. If you would like to contrib-ute to this ministry, please contact the main office.

SERVING in Missions Contact: Rev. Phil Rogers | 319.363.2058 | okduckman@aol.com


Sending to Serve Committee Member Disciples on this committee provide ideas and overall leader-ship for mission opportunities with the community and the world. This team develops the annual Special Offerings Calen-dar and encourages everyone to find ways to serve and give generously, as they are called. This group meets 8 times a year and has openings for people who have a heart for serving oth-ers.

Christmas Day Dinner Disciples of this ministry take time to be part of a team that provides a free dinner on Christmas Day. Disciples take time on Christmas Eve to help prepare a meal and time on Christ-mas Day to serve and clean up. Disciples are also needed to donate food to the meal and monetary donations are always welcome. Church liaison is Jim Milden.

Ingathering This is a mission of the Iowa Conference as a connectional way of giving thanks. At St. Paul’s, school bags are sewn year round, and items and money are gathered to make School Kits, Birthing Kits and Health Kits that are given to UMCOR. Church liaisons are Char and Clarence Burton.

School Kit Sewing At St. Paul’s, school bags are sewn year round to make kits that are given to UMCOR. If you enjoy sewing for missions please contact us! Church liaison is Char Burton.


SERVING in Missions Contact: Rev. Phil Rogers | 319.363.2058 | okduckman@aol.com

SPRINT (St. Paul’s Reaching Into the Neighborhood

Together) SPRINT is a summer youth program for neighborhood kids and others that provides a free nutritious lunch, through the Neighborhood Meals and Enrichment Program, followed by free educationally-based activities and special field trips. SPRINT provides a safe environment and enthusiastic staff to provide a safe, happy, fun summer. The annual budget is $15,000. SPRINT currently needs monetary donations and board members. Church liaison is Kathy Davis.

Christmas Card Mission Tree Share the Peace of Christ with all your St. Paul’s family by bringing a signed Christmas card & envelope and placing it in the basket at the base for the Christmas Card trees in the hall-ways. Cards will be taken from the tree and sent to members who are homebound or in a care center. Help setting up the tree and addressing the cards. Church liaison is Jo Huner-dosse.

Christmas Angel Mission Tree Take an angel and become one! This is an opportunity to share with those in need during the Christmas season, through the Angel Tree in the Parlor. Donate gifts for children and families of the FOCUS program at St. Paul’s or others in need. Church liaison is Cheryl Krewer

Hosting Mission Teams This ministry helps welcome visiting mission teams who are staying at St. Paul’s. Bake cookies to share with our guests or help with other ways of orienting guests to St. Paul’s. Church liaison is Gary Hunerdosse.

SERVING in Missions Contact: Rev. Phil Rogers | 319.363.2058 | okduckman@aol.com


Emergency Assistance: Benevolence Team This is an ongoing St. Paul’s UMC ministry of hope and en-couragement to those who find themselves in need of short-term emergency assistance. Our pastors and our Benevolence Team assist others as needs arise each week. We listen, we care, and we help as we can. Church liaison is Pastor Sherrie Ilg.

Panera Bread on Thursdays Serving the needs of our hungry neighbors, this ministry is responsible for the delivery of donated bread and bagels from the southwest side Panera Bread Restaurant to St. Paul’s Unit-ed Methodist Church on Thursday mornings. Help pick up the bread before 7:00 a.m. and deliver it to St. Paul’s main hallway. Church liaisons are Pam and Steve Menzer.

St. Paul’s Mission Teams Participate in local, national or international short-term mis-sion trips organized annually. Adults, intergenerational and youth opportunities are available each year. Church liaison is Pastor Phil Rogers.


SERVING in Children’s Spiritual Formation Contact: Pastor Allison Warren | 319.363.2058 | allison@stpaulsumc.org

Children’s Spiritual Formation Team Members The Spiritual Formation Team works with the Ministers of Children’s and Adult Discipleship to empower, grow, and envi-sion the educational and formational ministries for adults and children. Part of each monthly meeting is done together, and part of the meeting is divided between those interested in adult ministries and those interested in children’s ministries.

Vacation Bible School This ministry takes place in June for 4 days, Monday – Thurs-day, from approximately 9 to noon, with a lunch and program on Thursday. The planning team meets between February and June. We need station leaders and shepherds – must love kids!

Children’s Sunday School Host This ministry helps greet families and help children get signed in for class each week. Must be friendly, welcoming and pa-tient. Time commitment is from 10:10 to 10:35 each Sunday, 2 disciples needed each week.

Club 56 This ministry for 5th and 6th graders meets on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. Leaders use the curriculum pro-vided to help this group deepen their faith, apply faith to their lives and form lasting relationships with leaders and each oth-er. This ministry needs a team of teachers/leaders for class-time, retreats, and mission. Church liaisons are Pastors Allison Warren and Phil Rogers.

SERVING in Children’s Spiritual Formation Contact: Pastor Allison Warren | 319.363.2058 | allison@stpaulsumc.org


Children’s Sunday School This ministry takes place every Sunday for children age 2 through 4th grade. The teachers use the curriculum to develop relationships with children, help them grow as disciples and teach them the stories of our faith. Must love children and be warm and friendly to demonstrate God’s love. You will be trained and can serve for one quarter (13 weeks) or more.

TGIW (Thank God It’s Wednesday) Those involved with this ministry use provided curriculum to help children grow in their faith, apply Bible stories to their lives, and develop relationships with each other and their leaders. Must love children and be available on Wednesday evenings of the school year from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.

Children’s Christmas Program This ministry helps with brainstorming, logistics, costumes and all behind-the-scenes aspects of the Christmas program. This team meets a two times a month from early October to mid December.

Nursery Ministry The nursery provides childcare several times per week and during some special events. While the nursery is usually staffed by employees, additional disciples are often needed during special events. Sarah Oviatt, the nursery coordinator, keeps a list of people to call on those occasions. Disciples also serve on the Nursery Ministry Team, which meets quarterly to give feedback, review the Nursery Policies and Expectations, and support the overall Nursery Ministry. Church liaisons are Pastor Allison Warren and Sarah Oviatt.


SERVING in Youth Spiritual Formation Contact: Pastor Phil Rogers | 319.363.2058 | okduckman@aol.com

Confirmation Mentor Feel called to work with middle school youth regardless of

your age.

Be part of a team of mentors who want Confirmation to be

a meaningful time for youth spiritual growth.

Attend Sunday morning Confirmation classes to help facili-

tate small groups and support the youth and team men-


Participate whenever possible in retreats for Confirma-

tion—2 overnights and one weekend.

Be a shepherd mentor for 1 or 2 of the confirmands.

Supplied with training, and begin and end the year with

mentor meetings and celebration.

The mentor team is large enough to allow for schedules

when some mentors are gone.

Church liaisons are Pastor Phil Rogers and Lora Lea Edwards.

Youth Sunday School Youth are impressed when adults sincerely want to spend

time with them regardless of age or ability.

Senior High Sunday school meets at the 10:20 hour every

Sunday to use curriculum designed for spiritual growth

Not everyone needs to want to teach. Hospitality is an im-

portant gift for this ministry.

Adults are a team to share responsibilities for leading, fa-

cilitating small groups, filling in when another adult is


SERVING in Youth Spiritual Formation Contact: Pastor Phil Rogers | 319.363.2058 | okduckman@aol.com


WORD Ministry Worship Mentors Adult presence at youth worship on Wednesday nights

from 6:00-7:00.

Get to know youth and participate in worship by sitting at

tables for table talk that is part of the service.

Be backup PowerPoint projectionist for the service.

Hospitality is an important gift for this worship service.

WORD Ministry Fundraising Team Administration is an important gift for this ministry team.

It is not a team that does all fundraisers but is a steering

committee for different opportunities.

Publicity is an important element for this team

Having a passion to help raise funds in a specific fundrais-

er is welcomed.

Fundraising is also for mission opportunities such as Im-

agine No Malaria.

Help plan and organize fundraisers which may be annual

events or one-time events or ongoing specific fundraiser

that just needs administrating.

WORD Ministry Pastor’s High School Lunches Helps with Tuesday lunches at Kennedy HS every other

week, prep @ Lovely Lane 8 – 11 am, clean up @ 1 pm

Helps with Thursday lunches at Phil’s, prep @ church

from 8-10:45 am & take to Phil’s, clean up @ 1 pm

No cooking involved. That is already done.

Church liaison is Ken Newell.


SERVING in Youth Spiritual Formation Contact: Pastor Phil Rogers | 319.363.2058 | okduckman@aol.com

WORD Ministry Special Events Team Administration is one gift that is useful in this ministry as

well as encouragement, helping and mercy.

Help arrange location, advertising, sign up, activities,

transportation and getting information to parents.

WORD Ministry Mission Trips Administration is important but not the only gift as well as

hospitality, helper, all kinds of gifts.

Help organize advertising, sign up, transportation, fun

days and tool needs.

Work with Pastor Phil Rogers to accomplish different tasks

needed to organize a mission trip. Lots of phone calling is


WORD Ministry Hospitality Team Administration is a gift as well as helping, mercy, encour-

agement, healing and evangelism. All gifts can be used in

coordinating this ministry.

Take attendance on Wednesdays, Sundays and special

events to help know who is participating, guests and who

we have been missing.

Be a shepherd for encouraging youth to be involved in rad-

ical hospitality in greeting, helping to invite and welcome.

Follow up with youth who have been gone.

SERVING in Adult Spiritual Formation Contact: Pastor Sherrie Ilg | 319.363.2058 | silg@stpaulsumc.org


Adult Spiritual Formation Team Members The Spiritual Formation Team works with the Ministers of Children’s and Adult Discipleship to empower, grow, and envi-sion the educational and formational ministries for adults and children. Part of each monthly meeting is done together, and part of the meeting is divided between those interested in adult ministries and those interested in children’s ministries.

Sunday School, Bible Studies, Wesley and Covenant

Groups Leaders of these ministries help adults being formed in their faith by facilitating small groups. Training is available for lead-ing and/or beginning small groups. For more information on current offerings and trainings, visit stpaulsumc.org/adults.

Adult Curriculum Resources Help with the organization of our room full of resources for leaders and classes. If you are interested in using any of the materials or exploring the resource room please contact the church office.

Library Ministry Team This team not only keeps the library up-to-date (regular work on Wednesday mornings), but would love some help in pro-moting the use of our library, through Outlook articles, book fairs, sales or an Adopt-A-Book program. Church liaison is Char Burton.


SERVING in Worship Contact: Office | 319.363-2058 | stpauls@stpaulsumc.org

Worship Committee Team Member This team works to facilitate the traditional and contemporary worship services that occur each week at St. Paul’s, as well as the special worship services that happen throughout the year. This team is always looking for new members.

Chancel Servants This ministry team ensures that the chancel areas (in the Sanctuary and in the Chapel) are ready for worship services. Church liaison is Barb Kouba.

Worship Bags for Children Children’s activity bags are available in the sanctuary dur-ing 9:00worship. The bags need to be replenished each week. Disciples serve on a rotating basis and can serve in this minis-try whichever weekday works in their schedule. Church liaison is Carrie Gray.

Communion Stewards/Servers This ministry orders the bread, assists with communion set up and calls servers. If you have a willingness to serve the con-gregation and pastors once a month this is a great opportuni-ty. Church liaison is Jan Frischkorn.

Advent/Christmas Decorations Come help a team of disciples decorate the church for the Ad-vent and Christmas Season! Watch The Outlook for the Hang-ing of the Greens date or contact the main office.

SERVING in Worship Contact: Office | 319.363-2058 | stpauls@stpaulsumc.org


Acolytes Children finishing 3rd grade, and older children who are inter-

ested, are trained each spring in the technical aspects as well

as the symbolism of this role in 9:00 worship. Children and

youth who sign up to be acolytes serve on a rotating basis as

long as they continue to be interested in serving in this way.

Church liaisons are Acolyte Coordinator Chuck Patton and

Pastor Allison Warren.

Liturgists One liturgist each week joins the pastors in leading the con-

gregation through opening prayers and passing the peace dur-

ing the 9:00 worship service. Liturgists also have a role in

baptisms and welcoming new members. Schedules are sent

out several weeks in advance, and liturgists sign up for the

weeks that work for them.

Please contact the church office.

Worship Café Team Church liaison is Gina Ostrander.

Worship Design Team Church liaisons are all Pastors, Carol Tralau, and Gina Os-



SERVING in Worship Contact: Office | 319.363-2058 | stpauls@stpaulsumc.org

Worship Technical Teams Please contact the church office.

Power Point/EasyWorship Creators This ministry creates screens for Worship services in Power-

Point and/or EasyWorship, depending upon the service. You

work from a worship worksheet provided by the pastors and

staff to create worship screens that enhance worship and pro-

vide more information than the bulletins. Training is provid-

ed. This ministry can be done from home, approximately 3-6

hours a week. Creators for the traditional services are needed

and the preferred commitment is one week per month.

Please contact the church office.

Projectionists This ministry helps with the screens during worship services

using PowerPoint and EasyWorship. Training is provided. Pro-

jectionists are needed for 5:30pm Saturday, 9:00am Sunday,

10:30am Sunday & 11:30am Sunday services! Preferred com-

mitment is one week per month.

Video Recorders This ministry provides audio and video for Mediacom, ImOn

Communications and the St. Paul’s website. Persons who as-

sist at this ministry must be able to be in the technical booth

in the sanctuary balcony by 8:45 a.m. No experience is need-

ed, but the ability to concentrate and anticipate are required.

Training can be provided by an experienced disciple for as

long as needed. Preferred commitment is one week per month

for about 90 minutes.

Church liaison is Wes Nygren.

SERVING in Worship Contact: Office | 319.363-2058 | stpauls@stpaulsumc.org


Audio Technicians Provide audio enhancement for 9:00, 10:30, and 11:30 wor-ship services. May also provide audio services for funerals, weddings, and special events. Church liaison is Mike Weaver.

Weddings Wedding Coordinator This person meets and guides the happy couple to and through their special day. You need to have a flexible schedule in order to meet with your bride and groom. Initial meetings are approximately 45 minutes to an hour but then plan on six hours of assistance on the wedding day. Church liaisons are Jan Frischkorn and Rev. Allison Warren, allison@stpaulsumc.org.

Wedding Coordinator Assistant This disciple assists the Coordinator at the rehearsal and the wedding, you help guide everybody into place and help the day go smoothly. Church liasions are Jan Frischkorn and Rev. Allison Warren, allison@stpaulsumc.org.


SERVING through Music Ministries Contact: Carol Tralau | 319.363.2058 | catralau@gmail.com

Music ministry is a central component to spiritual develop-ment at St. Paul’s. Whether a special feast day service, a com-munity worship service, or a typical Sunday worship service, those who serve in music offer and prepare themselves and their gifts for the glory of God. Participants

are afforded the opportunity to express one’s faith through


enrich the life of the congregation through music.

promote a sense of family and community within the


are musical ambassadors of Christ’s teachings in the

church and in the community.

Adult Sanctuary Choir A mixed ensemble (SATB) singing primarily classical literature in the 9:00 traditional service. This highly dedicated group of singers sings every Sunday, September through July, and provides special music (major works by historically major composers) several times during the church year. Members should have a strong commitment to rehearsing and serving weekly for the glory of God. Basic knowledge of a music score, good aural skills, and the ability to match pitch are highly recommended in conjunction with enjoying the camaraderie and efforts of others. September through May, rehearsals are 7:30–9:00 pm on Wednesday eve-nings. In June and July, rehearsals are 7:00–8:00 pm on Wednesdays. All ages of adults are welcome. Contact Carol Tralau if interested in joining.

SERVING through Music Ministries Contact: Carol Tralau | 319.363.2058 | catralau@gmail.com


Men’s Ensemble A group of men singing TTBB literature. This group sings approximately once a month in worship ser-vices from September through May. Rehearsals are currently Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. As with Sanctuary Choir, all ages of adults are welcome; contact Carol Tralau if interested in joining.

Carillonneurs A five- to six-octave hand bell ensemble. This ensemble rings in Sunday services approximately nine times during the church year, as well as in special services. The group often plays in the Cedar Rapids community, as well as surrounding areas. Carillonneurs is comprised of experi-enced ringers, playing difficult music, and has frequently been a featured choir in AGEHR events. The ensemble rehearses Thursday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. in September – May. Contact Timothy Hein (tjonhein@aol.com) if interested.

Tower Bells A four- to five-octave hand bell ensemble. This ensemble rings in Sunday services seven or eight times during the church year. In addition, the ensemble participates in special concerts and performances, both within the church and the community. The group plays intermediate to difficult literature. The ensemble rehearses Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. in September – May. Contact Timothy Hein (tjonhein@aol.com) if interested.


SERVING through Music Ministries Contact: Carol Tralau | 319.363.2058 | catralau@gmail.com

Worship Café Praise Team A contemporary ensemble providing praise-team style music in the 10:30 and 11:30 Worship Cafés. The ensemble leads music in worship every Sunday through-out the year and rehearses at 9 a.m. every Sunday morning. Contact Gina Ostrander (ginaostrander@gmail.com) if inter-ested in being involved.

Brass Ensemble A group of brass players from St. Paul’s and the Cedar Rapids area. This ensemble occasionally provides special music during the church year in the 9:00 a.m. traditional service. In addition, the group usually joins us in worship on Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday. Rehearsals are scheduled as needed. Contact Mark Baumann (mmbaumann@msn.com) if interested in sharing your gifts as a brass ensemble member.

Roving Minstrels A group of singers serving our membership in the hospital. This group of people meets every Sunday morning after the 9 a.m. service and visits area hospitals/care centers singing hymns and other entertaining ditties to our membership in these facilities. If interested, contact John Nollsch (john.nollsch@unitypoint.org).

SERVING through Music Ministries Contact: Carol Tralau | 319.363.2058 | catralau@gmail.com



Youth Choir An SATB ensemble singing primarily classical literature in the 9:00 traditional service. Students in grades 7-12 can develop and share their vocal/choral gifts and extend their faith development in song by par-ticipating in this ensemble. This group of young singers re-hearses on Sundays from 11:30 am-12:30 pm September-May. Contact Carol Tralau if interested.

Chancel Bells A hand bell ensemble for 9-12 grade students. During the school year, this fun-loving ensemble commits to weekly rehearsals from 5:15-6:00 pm on Sundays. The group rings in worship services approximately three to five times yearly and participates in one or two concerts. The members share in fun and fellowship but most importantly praise God with the musical talents given to them. Contact Kathy Colton (kathymcolton@gmail.com) if interested.

Wesley Bells A hand bell ensemble for 6-8 grade students. During the school year, this fun-loving group commits to weekly rehearsals on Wednesdays from 7:30 pm- 8:15 pm The ensemble rings in worship services approximately three to five times yearly and participates in one or two concerts. Musical background is helpful but not required. The desire to share talents to enhance the worship of God is most im-portant. Contact Wendy Morton (wmorton@prairiepride.org) if interested.


SERVING through Music Ministries Contact: Carol Tralau | 319.363.2058 | catralau@gmail.com

Youth Praise Band A praise band for 6-12 grade students. Students interested in leading music for Wednesday youth services and possibly Sunday Worship Cafe s rehearse on Sun-days, 12:45-1:30 pm. Contact Gina Ostrander (ginaostrander@gmail.com) if interested in being involved.


Wesley Choir A children’s choir for 2 – 6 grade students. After TGIW (Wednesdays) during the school year, 2-6 grade students rehearse to learn about their faith through song and other musical activities. This group usually presents a chil-dren’s musical in the spring. Kelly Truax directs this group of young singers and includes the students in a worship service approximately once a month.

Star Choir A children’s choir for pre-school students. As part of TGIW activities (Wednesdays) during the school year, Janet Schroeder and her crew of volunteers lead our youngest members from 6:00-7:00 pm in song and activities. They share their songs in worship services occasionally throughout the year.

SERVING through Music Ministries Contact: Carol Tralau | 319.363.2058 | catralau@gmail.com


TGIW Music Activities Music opportunities for all K-4 students attending TGIW.

All students K-4 take part in an opening music session from

7:00 – 7:15 p.m. as part of their TGIW experience. The leaders

and students share their faith in song approximately three

times during the year.

Sunday School Music Activities Music opportunities for all students attending Sunday School.

Lana Lodge and Steve Ryon lead all students in a music ses-

sion from 10:20 – 10:40 a.m. every Sunday morning during

the school year. Once again, these students can learn about

their faith through song.


SERVING in the Early Childhood Ministries Contact: Susan Thompson | 319.366.6963 | dougcria@aol.com

Early Childhood Board This board assists both Early Childhood programs at St. Paul’s.

Must be able to attend monthly meetings.

FOCUS St. Paul’s FOCUS is a state-funded “Shared Visions” program.

FOCUS is free to qualified 3 and 4 year olds. Qualifying factors

are defined by the Child Development Coordinating Council of

the State of Iowa. Licensed by the Department of Human Ser-

vices and accredited by the National Association for the Edu-

cation of Young children, FOCUS offers three high-quality ear-

ly childhood classrooms, Monday-Thursday. Contact director

Cynde Clymer, 363-6349, about current volunteer opportuni-


8:30-3:30 ( Four year olds whose families are working

or taking classesParents Day Out Our mission is to provide quality childcare for preschool age

children in recognition of parents’ need for personal time. We

teach faith based values that we all hold in common, such as

loving our neighbors, sharing, respecting our differences and

caring for others. Enrollment is ages 6 months to 5 years, one

or more days a week, from 9:30 to 1:30, September through

May. Contact director Sandy McGee, 319.363.6349, about cur-

rent volunteer opportunities.

SERVING with the United Methodist Women Contact: Sharon Vana | 319.366.5220 | svana72158@aol.com


United Methodist Women A mission-based organization for helping others. Circle meet-ings are on a monthly basis and 4 unit meetings a year. We also organize Holiday Fair and Thrift Mart to raise money to give to missions. A great way to meet outstanding women and further God’s kingdom. See the church website for more details or meeting times and places.

Holiday Fair This two day event raises money for missions. There are homemade items such as soup and cookies, and homemade craft items. On Wednesday evening there is a dinner and Thursday a luncheon and style show. This is all completed by the dedicated United Methodist Women, there are endless dis-cipleship opportunities (cooking, crafting, sewing, clean up) within this organization.

Thrift Mart This two day huge rummage sale in the church occurs in April and in September. We welcome your donations of household items and clothing to be sold for missions. We also welcome help in sorting, set-up and selling. Church liaisons are Mary Hurlbut & Doug Thompson.



MISSION PARTNERSHIPS Cedar Valley Habitat for Humanity Cedar Valley Habitat for Humanity ReStore

350 Sixth Avenue Southeast 319.366.4485

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 cvhabitat.org

Jeff Capps, Executive Director

Ken Russell, Church Liaison

Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit,

ecumenical Christian housing ministry.

Cedar Valley Habitat for Humanity seeks

to eliminate poverty housing and

homelessness from the Cedar Valley

area and make decent shelter a matter

of conscience and action.

Habitat invites people of all

backgrounds, races and religions to

build houses together in partnership

with families in need.

Since its founding in 1976 by Millar and Linda Fuller, Habitat

for Humanity International has built and rehabilitated more

than 300,000 houses with partner families helping house

more than 1.5 million people and becoming a true world

leader in addressing the issues of poverty housing. Through

the work of Habitat, thousands of low-income families have

found new hope in the form of affordable housing.

Churches, community groups and others have joined together

to successfully tackle a significant social problem: decent

housing for all.


MISSION PARTNERSHIPS Ecumenical Community Center 601 Second Ave Southeast 319.366.2651

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 ecc-cr.net

Ed Holstrom, Church Liaison

The mission of the Ecumenical Community

Center is to provide material assistance,

referrals and/or supportive ministry to persons

in emergency need in collaboration with local

agencies and faith communities within Linn


We recognize that, to be healthy and whole, all the basic needs

of the client must be met, including: physical, mental,

emotional, social and spiritual.

Current needs include disciples to assist the office staff and

monetary donations.


MISSION PARTNERSHIPS Family Promise of Linn County P.O. Box 1143 319.640.0339

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406 familypromiseoflinncounty.org

Becky Knudson, Executive Director

Brad Colton, Church Liaison

A nonprofit and interreligious organization for

homeless families in transition.

St. Paul’s is a host and rotates among 12 other religious

organizations throughout the year.

Current needs at St. Paul’s:

Hospitality Disciples to welcome the families and assure

their comfort

Overnight Hosts who sleep at the church in case the

families need assistance during the night


Set-up & take-down


This ministry also has two fundraisers each year: the Family

Promise Golf Outing and the Joyful Noises Concert.


MISSION PARTNERSHIPS Heifer International 1 World Avenue 855.948.6437 Little Rock, Arkansas 72202 heifer.org

Dan West, Founder of Heifer International

A church liaison is needed!

Heifer International’s mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty while caring for the earth.

Heifer was founded in 1944 by Dan West, a Midwestern farmer and Church of the Bretheren youth worker. Since then, Heifer has provided food & income producing animals - from alpacas to water buffalo - to 15.5 million resource-poor families in more than 125 countries including the United States.

These families have achieved greater self-reliance through a unique development model of values-based planning and providing livestock and training. One key component to Heifer’s work is “Passing on the Gift”; where recipients agree to share offspring of their animals with others in need.

More than 1.9 families were assisted in the past year alone through 644 projects in 45 countries.

Service opportunities include learning more about this fascinating organization and introducing and educating the church and local schools. Other opportunities include organizing fundraisers in the church and the community to support Heifer.


MISSION PARTNERSHIPS Helping Hands Ministry 601 Second Avenue Southeast 319.366.2651

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 ecc-cr.net/hhm.php

Lois Rude, Director

Jim Morrow, Church Liaison

Helping Hands serves people with limited material assistance

on an emergency basis, helping with rent, utilities and/or

supportive services and advocacy.

Staff and volunteers help the client to

prioritize needs and work with community

agencies and funding sources to meet those


Donations for Distribution Wish List:

Small bottles of liquid laundry soap

Quarters for laundry needs

Money for local bus tickets

HyVee Gift Cards


Toilet Paper (4 roll packages)

Feminine Hygiene Products


MISSION PARTNERSHIPS Kids Against Hunger Project kidsagainsthunger.org

Dorothy Klinkhammer, Church Liaison

This ministry packs dried food products for mailing to coun-

tries in need.

This ministry requires 10 to 12 disciples and approximately

two hours of time.

The disciples form a line and each add something to the bag of

food (rice, bouillon, dried veggies), weigh the bag, then seal

and package it. Professionals assist with the entire process.

Any small group may organize a Kids Against Hunger hands-


Current needs are monetary donations for the funding of

events. Each event costs about $550 for food and shipping.


MISSION PARTNERSHIPS Linn Community Food Bank First Presbyterian Church fpccr.org

310 Fifth Street Southeast 319.364.3543

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 linncommunityfoodbank.org

Don Frischkorn, Church Liaison

This mission provides a three day emergency supply of food to

families in need on a first come, first served basis.

The Linn Community Food Bank is an all-volunteer

organization, let by an all-volunteer working Board of

Directors and is supported entirely by donations. Volunteers

are needed from 8:30 to 10:00am and 12:45 to 3:30pm,

Monday thru Friday.

When funds are available, families will also receive a voucher

for additional groceries. A family may visit the food bank up to

six times a year.

Food donations are accepted Monday - Friday, 8:30 to


Financial donations should be written to the

“Linn Community Food Bank” and sent to the address above.

The Linn Community Food Bank is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt

organization and donations are tax-deductible.

St. Paul’s collects food bank donations at all entrances on the

first Sunday of each month. Please place food donations at the

bushel baskets near each entrance.


MISSION PARTNERSHIPS Martin Luther King Day Celebration Hosted at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church

1340 Third Avenue SE 319.363.2058

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403 stpaulsumc.org

Stefanie Munsterman-Robinson, Church Liaison


This ecumenical event celebrates the ideals of Dr. King

through inspirational speakers, scriptures and music. The

event culminates in the awarding of the Dr. Percy and Lileah

Harris “Who Is My Neighbor?” Award to a dedicated

community volunteer.

This is a community event with youth from Johnson

Elementary School and other Cedar Rapids religious

congregations participating.

The event takes place annually on the Monday following

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

To help serve on this committee there are no age, skill or

training requirements—just a heart for service.

This ministry is looking for disciples to help plan and

coordinate this event. The committee meets six to eight times

as needed until the program is complete.


MISSION PARTNERSHIPS Matthew 25 Ministry Hub 207 Third Avenue SW 319.362.2214

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404 hub25.org

Clint Twedt-Ball, Executive Director

Jerry Oakland, Church Liaison

A Cedar Rapids ministry partner whose roots are within the

United Methodist Church.

Matthew 25 is an independent,

local nonprofit organization in Ce-

dar Rapids, Iowa. It exists to

strengthen core neighborhoods on

the west side of Cedar Rapids, and

to provide opportunities for peo-

ple to act on their values through service.

Matthew 25’s vision is to help create thriving, connected com-

munities where all people are valued and talents are multi-

plied. It is a highly innovative and collaborative organization

that partners with others to work in three program areas:

Neighborhood Building, Youth Empowerment and Cultivating



MISSION PARTNERSHIPS Mission of Hope 1537 First Ave Southeast 319.362.5559

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402 missionofhopecr.org

Martin Dwyer, Executive Director

Brad Colton, Church Liaison

As our neighbors in ministry just a couple blocks away, the

heart of the Mission of Hope is

Loving Others Unconditionally - One Heart

at a Time.

We believe in giving people the best. So

many of the people we serve have been

given leftovers all their lives. That’s why

we offer fresh baked cookies after each

worship service, hot homemade meals at our shelter, a clean

and inviting atmosphere, and nice (and often new) clothes in

our emergency closet.

These are all ways we show people we care, that they have

value, and that they are loved by us and by God. We believe in

giving people second chances. We believe in loving people as

they are. We believe in partnering with the local church.

Mission of Hope’s vision is to provide a 24/7 Christ-centered

ministry offering physical, emotional, and spiritual help to

former offenders and others in need. Just as our shelter is

open 24/7, we desire that the mission be also - providing

Bible Studies, worship services, and prayer around the clock,

day and night.


MISSION PARTNERSHIPS Neighborhood Meals and Enrichment Program Hosted at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church

1340 Third Avenue SE 319.363.2058

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403 stpaulsumc.org

Kate Buroker, Church Liaison

This ministry provides a warm, nutritious meal for the

Wellington Heights, Mound View and Oak Hill Jackson

Neighborhoods at St. Paul’s.

Six community churches help sponsor the program.

Serve as greeters at the doors, preparing and serving the food

in the kitchen and helping in the dining room.


MISSION PARTNERSHIPS NOMADS (Nomads on a Mission Active in Divine Service) P. O. Box 3508 866.466.6237

Shawnee, Kansas 66203 nomadsumc.org

Bill and Judy Schatz, Church Liaisons

NOMADS demonstrate God’s love through our work and by

listening to the people with whom we work.

NOMADS is an outreach ministry of the United Methodist

Church through the General Board of Global Ministries which

provides volunteer labor for United Methodist Organizations.

NOMADS offers members the opportunity to travel and share

their time and skills working with United Methodist

Organizations. Team members are in close fellowship with

each other and have fun working together.

We do construction, remodeling, and repairs for churches,

children’s homes, camps, colleges, outreach missions and

disaster rebuilding. Team members will do maintenance,

cleaning, painting, electrical, drywall, sewing, and flooring.

Membership is open to members of all Christian

denominations. This is a group of disciples who love to travel.

Some are retired, others are simply on vacation. You must

commit to a three week service project and be able to travel



MISSION PARTNERSHIPS Volunteers in Mission For general information about United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM), a good place to start is: www.umc.org/northcentralvim/NCVIM_Links.html to see a short list of pro-jects specific to Iowa.


UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Special Offerings for Mission Partnerships

Human Relations Day This Sunday supports Community Developers, United Meth-odist Voluntary Service and Youth Offender Rehabilitation programs. A community developer who directs a program funded by the offering said, “the primary focus is to help kids see Jesus and to help them grow developmentally and spiritu-ally.”

Human Relations Day takes place on the Sunday before the observation of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday.

For more information, visit the website at umcgiving.org.

World Communion Sunday To celebrate and promote the inclusivity of the church around the world. Money supports scholarships and ethnic in-service training programs.

Golden Cross Sunday To celebrate health and welfare ministries and their role in spiritual well being. Money is used to fund grants in Iowa churches and community groups.

Christian Education Sunday To celebrate and promote Christian Education and Spiritual Formation within the Iowa Annual Conference. Money sup-ports Christian educator scholarships and United Methodist camps.

United Methodist Student Day United Methodist Student Day supports United Methodist Scholarships and the United Methodist Student Loan Fund which is administered by the General Board of Higher Educa-tion and Ministry.


UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Special Offerings for Mission Partnerships

One Great Hour of Sharing One Great Hour of Sharing is a multidenominational offering that makes the love of Christ real for individuals and commu-nities around the world who suffer from the effects of disaster, conflict or severe economic hardship; as well as those who serve them through gifts of money and time.

Today, projects are underway in more than one hundred coun-tries, including the United States and Canada. In the 1990’s, receipts exceeded $20 million annually.

Join United Methodists everywhere by participating in this special offering that supports UMCOR’s vital work. Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing lay the foundation for UMCOR to seek justice and mercy for suffering people everywhere.

For more information, visit onegreathourofsharing.org.

Church World Service Blankets Church World Service was born in 1946 in the aftermath of World War II. Seventeen denominations came together to form an agency “to do in partnership what none of us could hope to do as well alone.”

The mission: Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, comfort the aged, shelter the homeless.

More than 65 years later, the mission remains, though where and how we accomplish it has changed dramatically.

Financial support will buy blankets for those in need across the world. St. Paul’s offers this offering as a Mother’s Day of-fering so that gifts can be made in honor of mothers.

For more information, go to cwsglobal.org.


UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Special Offerings for Mission Partnerships

Peace with Justice The Peace with Justice Program aims to make shalom visible and active in people’s lives and communities.

The General Conference assigned the General Board of Church and Society to implement the program and called the church to “strengthen its capacity to act as a public policy advocate” in communities and nations throughout the world.

This mission enables work for peace, love and compassion for God’s children everywhere. Funds are shared between the Io-wa Annual Conference and the General Board of Church and Society.

These gives change lives in places where the joy of knowing Christ is mixed with the tragedy of violence.

For more information, please visit umcgiving.org.

To know and follow Christ;

and to help others to know and follow Christ.

1340 Third Avenue Southeast | Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403

319-363-2058 | www.StPaulsUMC.org

September 2014

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