fyp newsletter summer 2010

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Enjoy the First Year Players Summer 2010 Alumni Newsletter!


Alumni Newsletter

“Because We Still Love You” Table of Contents Alum-Friendly Events...........................................................................................2 Alumni Hangout Sesh!

The Real World......................................................................................................... 3 What are alumni doing now?

FYP History Lesson…………………………………………………………………………………11 Yes, we’ve always been nuts FYP Lives On……………………………………………………………………………………………..13 Urinetown & West Side Story Recap, plus the FYP New Media Experience [15]

“Remember That Time…”……………………………………………………………..……...16 It’s not awkward if everyone does it

Help us, PLEEEEEZZZZ………………………………………………………………..……….20 The government is screwing over FYP, find out how you can help. (Not help the government, help FYP)

A Note From the Editor Hello and welcome to the bi- (potentially tri-) annual Alumni Newsletter! On the

following pages you will find lots of fluff to cover up the fact that we’re asking for your money. Just kidding! Not really. Enjoy the updates on your fellow FYPers, see what we’re up to now, and reminisce over the good, the bad, and the really naked and ugly. Keep an eye out for future emails from alumnichair@firstyearplayers.org as we try to set up super sweet alumni events and such! Always feel free to email me with updates on your life/if you need a friend. In all seriousness, please enjoy this issue and we would be eternally grateful if you would consider giving a donation or showing your support in any capacity possible.


Jeff Luppino-Esposito [Alumni Chair Spring/Fall 2010]

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Alum-Friendly Events Alumni Hangout Sesh!

Remember this?! (↑) oh oh or how about this??! (↑) Or or or when this happened?!?! (→) Well, I don’t remember. BUT YOU DO! So let’s relive those memories together with some alumni-friendly events! Your responses were really positive but this will be an epic task to make it work as best as possible, therefore: The first step is signing up for our Alumni Group on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/group.php?gid=162001622846&ref=ts). You can find out more about the Group on our ‘FYP Lives On(line)’ section [pg. 15], or just head over to the group and you’ll see the magic in action! A lot of you have voiced an interest in setting up regional meet-ups, and we’ll do that through the discussion board. If you have any suggestions, send them my way, or just start a new topic under the ‘discussion’ tab. In the meantime, here are some potential ideas that you’ve sent my way. We’ll plan accordingly if these work for some peeps: • The Fall Show: Carousel, Directed by Jacob Lyon, November 18-21 in the SAB • Return from Summer: Meet current and past FYPers on the first weekend of school • Homecoming: We can set up an FYP event on Homecoming weekend. We’ll be the only people singing the Good Old Song in harmony. If we score any points… • Your Shows: Many of you are in shows, post them on the Facebook page and we’ll organize group trips to go see it! • Foxfield: Apparently there’s a big drinking-related event with horses. Sounds good. • Spring Cabaret: Last semester we started an upperclassman cabaret, there will be one again next Spring and we want you there! We’ll plan this in the Fall!

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The Real World What are Alumni doing now?

What are you doing now?! Did you marry an FYPer? Are you the boss of a UGuide? Are you doing Theater?? Or even Theatre?!! Tell us!


Editor’s Note: Big shout out to the pre-2000 crowd that got back to me. Be sure to tell any friends from your FYP days to submit next time. Also as a note for future issues, even if you’ve been so kind as to share your life situation for this issue, we would love to hear updates as things change, so don’t hesitate to send in news at any point or when we next request it! And to those of you who didn’t tell us what you’re doing…please do!


(by graduation year) Todd Saxton, 1985 I was just back in C'Ville for the first time in a while, and even got to see my favorite prof and advisor Ken Elzinga. Certainly brought back memories. I am now exercising whatever few talents I had as an entertainer as a professor at IU Kelley School of Business. This may even get me to join Facebook! Maurie McInnis, 1988 I am Associate Professor of Art History and (soon to be) Associate Dean of Undergraduate Academic Programs in Arts & Sciences at UVa. No theater in my life, except for the performative nature of stadium teaching. I watch 30 Rock, does that count for anything?


Adam Olenn, 1995 Not a stitch of acting, but lots of music as a bass player. I've done some touring with the Tim Blane band, and now play in the Boston area (sometimes farther) with Laura Vecchione. Done some session work, and whatever gigs seem fun. Caroline Short Beisswanger, 1996 I married former Business Manager Bill Beisswanger.

(14 years in June). Two boys, Russell age 10 and Edward, almost 5. Living in Charlottesville--me, a mom; Bill, investment analyst at a private fund. Current Theatrical activity? Helping with costumes and make-up for the fourth grade play at St. Anne's-Belfield Lower School. Adam Nierow, 1996 I'm a NYC-based pop songwriter and producer along with fellow UVA alum Peter Habib (CLAS '98). Together we go by Mr. Fantastic.

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Jaime Gray Nelson, 1998 I'm a wife to a non-FYPer who I actually met in an airport (true story) & mother of a six-month old daughter, Grace Elizabeth, whom my daycare provider SWEARS is dancing when she hears music. I'm also a program manager / systems engineer for a defense contractor. I went back to school twice for two different Master's degrees, primarily so I could spend the rest of my life fielding the question "why didn't you just get a PhD?" I have sung a cappella on and off since college (first barbershop, then contemporary for 4 years) but am currently taking time off to focus on family. I have two cats who are secretly plotting to... actually, they're a little more like dogs because they greet me and my husband at the door, talk to us, follow us around, and sleep between us at night. Amanda Cane, 2000 I work for the Smithsonian now, and I continue to do both theater AND theatre. I'm multi-talented that way. I was performing in community theatre for years, and have recently started choreographing (both of which I did for FYP). I did not marry a FYPer, however, I did marry another theater dork. Two of my four bridesmaids were FYPers. I cross paths with FYPers here quite a bit. I recently choreographed Mark Gray-Mendes and Kate Roehr. I always have preferential feelings towards FYPers when auditioning them. Ben Jamieson, 2000 I was recently the Vocal Director for a production of Rent at Play On Theatre in Charlottesville. Some current FYP folks involved in the show: Gavin Rohrer (Mark), Jacob Lyon (band – synthesizer), Sonia Creason (band – bass). I do lots of community theater around here – recent things include Othello with Four County Players (Cassio) and The Fantasticks with Play On (Matt, Musical Director). Any old FYP folks who are around town and haven’t gotten involved in the community theater scene here should know that it’s fantastic! Megan McNulty, 2000 I live in LA, after 4 years of doing NYC and regional theatre. Now I work more on TV, doing guest spots and commercials, train with Warner Loughlin, and am also a member of the SeaGlass Theatre Company. Check out all my stuff at www.meganmcnulty.biz.

2001-2005 Paul Kim, 2001 I'm pursuing a doctorate in conducting at Shenandoah Conservatory. This month I'm the assistant conductor for Shenandoah Conservatory's opera Street Scene, conducting the matinee performance on April 25. It's nice to be in a pit again... Rachel Kay Klimmek, 2002 After UVA I joined the Peace Corps, ran off to Africa for a few years, then became a nurse. Now I'm a PhD student doing cancer research @ Johns Hopkins - met my husband

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in the Peace Corps. But still love theatre - came in handy doing health-related skits (read - making the locals laugh) in W. Africa

Jenny Chow D’Agostino, 2003 I’m opening a Go Ape tree top adventure course in DC this May. Would love to do a special FYP get together if people are interested. Jenn Clardy, 2003 I'm the Sr. Public Diplomacy Officer at the German Embassy in Washington where I specialize in education. I continued theatre on the side for a bit, then started dating a real theatre techie, who later became a fire fighter and now we're getting married. But theatre is still a side gig on a volunteer basis. A bunch of FYPers in the Metro DC area keep in contact and even meet up sometimes! Alexandra Rae Valint, 2004 I am still safely ensconced in the walls of

academia, in the final stage (i.e. dissertation) of getting my PhD in English lit from the University of Pittsburgh. I still dream about my Broadway debut, but for now I settle for seeing tons of shows and teaching musicals and plays to undergrads in my English lit classes. Jeff Kozlowicki, 2004 I live in Washington, DC. I'm a small-time government stooge at the Department of Commerce, where I make awesome investment and anti-corruption policy. I desperately miss performing and want to form an indie pop/rock band. Know anyone who can play? No big fans of third-wave ska, please. Eileen Conaway, 2004 I'm a month away from starting my Family Medicine residency at Florida Hospital in Orlando. And you know, come to think of it, almost no one from our class is married yet to anyone, much less each other. Kate Szuchy, 2004 I am in a relationship but not married in sunny San Diego. Have been here for four years working for Starwood Hotels. Not doing theater but seeing a lot of it. Danny Drachsler, 2005 I am living in San Francisco and starting an organic vegan challah bread bicycle delivery service. It is called Challahback Bakeshop. In the meantime I am working a day job as a server at an organic vegan mostly-raw restaurant called Cafe Gratitude. Yeah, it's sooo San Francisco. And I love it.

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Andrew Leahey, 2005 After college, I moved to New York City and lived with two FYPers, Matt Herbek (class of ’06) and Ryan Yanovich (’05). Herbek and I both auditioned for the Juilliard Choir and sang with the group for a year, but I haven’t done any theater since college. I got married last June in Ann Arbor, and a bunch of my old FYP friends (all of whom seem to live in D.C.) rented an RV and came up to Michigan. Two were in my grooms party, and another one did a reading during the ceremony. I’ve also been to two FYP weddings in the past 12 months. Everyone still hangs out, no one has gotten fat, and the real world has treated us pretty well! Rahayu ‘Joey’ Djojohadikusumo, 2005 Right now I am so so so proud and happy to say that I am a professional working actor. My agent’s based in London, but I’m now living in Indonesia mainly because of the offers I’ve been getting here after starring in a feature film trilogy about the Indonesian fight for Independence based in 1947 (the first one came out last year while the 2nd and 3rd sequels will be released soon). The trilogy is called Merah Putih or Red and White for our flag. I won Best Actress at the Bali International Film Festival last year for the first movie, my first feature. I tell you, God is good. And I now also own an EO (Event organizing) company based in Jakarta, Indonesia, am the director of Media Desa Indonesia (a production company here), and am now also busy with social work for my mom’s foundation called The Wadah Foundation – a foundation that mainly targets to help women in our poverty-stricken country by providing them with training or the necessary tools for them to work (like giving the means to fish instead of the fish) because it’s no longer enough for just the man of the house to work, and a lot of the times, even the husband doesn’t work because of the economy and their lack of education and training. I’m heading up the Fight against Human Trafficking section now in that foundation, just starting it up – you can check it out in the Note that I wrote on my Facebook Notes. I’ve also been appointed as the Creative Director for the show that we’ll be taking around Asia (due to request of some of the “Friends of Wadah”) of the children under our care, so to speak, of those families we are helping (so that these children won’t have to be separated from their parents due to their inability to take care of them) who have talents in the performing arts. All of that, while I’m on stand-by to start filming in a Malaysian production called Hanyut (producer of award-winning movie Osama) in May-July. Still love theatre though. Tim Granlund, 2005 I live in Los Angeles and work at De Line Pictures, where I am an assistant to Donald De Line. We have "Yogi Bear", "Burlesque" and "Legend of the Guardians" coming out this fall, and we are currently shooting "Green Lantern." I'm also a professional air guitarist (aka The 6 String General), and I'll be competing for the US Air Guitar Championship in LA, Vegas, and San Francisco over the next 2 months.

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2006-2009 Horace Ballard, 2006 I'm a masters student at Yale, soon to be PhD student at Brown. I work as a curator in a museum. Kara Kalasky, 2006 Business Analyst by day. Karaoke enthusiast by night! I'm part of a competitive Karaoke League in Austin where we dress up in costumes, use props, even do some choreo and the audience votes on the winner every week. If you watch any of the videos on facebook you may even recognize some old costumes from my FYP days being reused... If you

want to start a league in your city let me know and I can put you in contact with the founder. Andy Spatz, 2006 Teaching at Woodson High School in Fairfax. Married to Oraly, who most know, even if she wasn't a FYPer. Jenna Berk, 2006 I went to the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) from September '06 to July '09, when I graduated with a BA (Honors) in Professional Acting. So technically I went to grad school for acting, except

I got yet another Bachelor's degree. That's just how British drama schools work, I suppose. Now I'm in London on a post-grad visa, working in a pub for the money and doing theatre (with an -re) for the love of it. And occasionally the money. Right now I'm in a production of The Laramie Project that is touring to the Dublin Gay Theatre Festival on Saturday. I think the theatre we're supposed to be using in Dublin is currently being built, which seems to fit in with the aesthetic of FYP very nicely. Also, the one and only Horace Ballard visited me in March, so the FYP love is still flowing. Oh, and I managed to both lure Kathryn Connors (FYP '06) to LAMDA's one year program, and get her to share my flat with me! Whitney (Jones) Robertson, 2006 I married another UVa music major (who played under me in pit orchestra, but we were already dating at that point) and I spend gobs of time with another FYPper, Andy Spatz, and his wife Oraly. I now have a master's degree in Museum Studies for Garments and Textiles (!?!) and teach at Marymount University in Arlington, and am hoping to land a full-time museum job! Chat Hull, 2006 I'm in my second year of astrophysics grad school at UC Berkeley. Currently doing observational radio astronomy, which involves driving nine hours into the Sierras to hang out on a mountain and point gigantic radio-telescope dishes in different directions.

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Lydia Pellow Phillips, 2006 I never came close to marrying a Fyper. Although I kissed quite a few. I have a daughter now & teach math. David Solomon, 2007 Currently I am living back with my parents in Reston, VA and working at Dulles Airport selling books at the Borders Store though I am looking to work at different community theatres. Felipe Cabezas, 2007 I'm working in international development and acting in DC. McKenna Cox, 2007 I am finishing up my Post -Bac and applying to Dental Schools in June. I am living in Sandy Springs, Ga, and am dating a New Englander who knows nothing about musical theatre, but appreciates that I don't need powertool lessons to help out around his house :). And he drops his R's. Bahaha. Carly (Brown) Buxton, 2007 I'm a doctoral student in East Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago. When I finally finish, I'll be a professor of Japanese History somewhere (I hope). I got married to a fellow wahoo (not a FYPper but a USinger, at least), and we are moving to Yokohama, Japan for all of next year for a year of research. Visitors welcome! Yasir Latifi, 2007 Been working in DC for 3 years as a political consultant for a Democratic polling/strategy firm. I really enjoy it, but I’m off to UNC Law in the Fall where I will sell my soul to the man for at least the next 3 years. Can’t wait. I just recently got back into performing, as a member of the DC-based satire group, The Capitol Steps. Chad Guo, 2008 I graduated a semester early and went down to Orlando to work at Walt Disney World. After taking tickets and helping out with the parade at the Magic Kingdom for a bit, I went over to Disney's Hollywood Studios (formerly MGM Studios) where I got to "direct" the Harbor Attack special effects show at the Studio Backlot Tour attraction. Here's a video for you amusement: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffAI6kw5mUo>. I was also a tour guide at the Great Movie Ride attraction for a little bit. As of right now, I will be attending law school next fall at American University. In the meantime, I'm back in Raleigh doing volunteer work for the North Raleigh Arts & Creative Theatre, where I'm building sets and painting flats, just like during Tech Week.

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Blake Segal, 2008 Finishing up second year of my MFA in Acting from the Yale School of Drama. Headed to the Chautauqua Theater Festival this summer to do Mozart in Amadeus, and then Mac"can't say the name". Come on down!!! Comps for all :) www.ctcompany.org Rob Vaughan, 2009 I'm currently serving in Northern Ireland with a volunteer program sponsored by the Presbyterian Church (USA). I work with young people of various ages through leading a Parents and Toddlers group, the youth fellowship at Harmony Hill Presbyterian Church, an ecumenical, inter-church Sunday School for children and young adults with special needs, working in a youth club that helps bring youth from both sides of the conflict together in a fun and safe environment in the hope of one keeping them off the street, and two, encouraging the peace process by providing one of few spaces where the two communities come together. I'll continue my work here until the end of July, at which point I will return to the US. Most likely I will be matriculating at a PC(USA) Seminary in the fall. I've been admitted to one, but am still waiting to hear back from two others. I'm also keeping an online journal at robiv.blogspot.com with pictures and some stories from my work here in Northern Ireland.

Matthew Baer, 2009 I am a first year MD/PhD student at MCV. Unfortunately, I am not doing theater (or theatre) but I do still dance several times a week. Adam Smith, 2009 I'm just about to finish up my first pro gig as an intern with the Jewish Ensemble Theatre in West Bloomfield, MI (it's about 20 minutes outside of Detroit). Sure, a lot of it is lame office work, but I do get the chance to perform. I spent the fall touring an educational show for elementary school students entitled The Bug Club (of which I am a member of the original producing cast), as well as occasionally subbing in to perform in

our other elementary school outreach production I Was Just Kidding. I also had the honor of being cast in our annual production of The Diary of Anne Frank as Mr. Kraler. We performed at the Henry Ford Community and Performing Arts Center in Dearborn, MI to almost 3,000 students from southeast Michigan, with some houses as big as 900 people (easily the biggest crowd I've performed for to date). After I finish up here, I'll be spending my second summer in a row with the Heritage Theatre Festival, as a member of the ensemble of The Sound of Music (with current FYPers Richie MacLeod and Gavin Rohrer, and my FYP Little Kirsten Kiwior) and as William Barfee in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (with current FYPer Sylvia Kates).

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Eireann Moran, 2009 Still in Charlottesville! Working at UVa hospital. Monica Talley, 2009 Right now I'm about to graduate from Duke with a Masters in Management Studies from the b-school. Starting the new job soon....NYC for training during the summer and then moving to San Francisco for the job in August. Harrison Gibbons, 2009 I've spent my first year out of college as an artist-in-residence at the Berkshire Theatre Festival in Stockbridge, MA. I teach weekly in-school and after-school classes in playwriting, acting, and stagecraft to students at area elementary schools, and I am performing in a children's show that tours weekly around Berkshire County, reaching a total of about 10,000 students. This summer I will be working at BTF as a box office associate and playing the roles of Seymour Fleming and the Press Agent in BTF's non-Equity production of Rodgers and Hart's Babes in Arms. Jenna Pastuszek, 2009 I'll graduate from UVA in May with a BA/MT in Elementary Ed. and History. I've accepted a 10-month fellowship at The International School of Trieste in Trieste, Italy where I'll teach music, drama, and work as an administrator. Trieste is located on the Adriatic Sea on the border of Croatia and Slovenia....not a bad gig for a new grad! *** Keep the love coming! While we of course want your updates in subsequent issues, it’s also fair game to use the FYP Alumni Group (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=162001622846&ref=ts) to not only tell everyone what you’re up to, but PIMP YOURSELF OUT! Major thumbs up to Jenny Chow D’Agostino, Edward Daniels and others who have done just that by promoting their new endeavors and the shows they’re in: So yes, Nate Patten you should tell everyone about Barb G (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsYBjbC7wcc) on there. And Kevin Knickerbocker/Ryan Cleary you should promote NEWSHOW (http://www.newshowdotcom.blogspot.com/) on there too. You know you want to achieve Internet stardom, and FYP can help.

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FYP History Lesson Yes, We’ve Always Been Nuts

Do you know when Ishy first started? Did you make out with Tina Fey when she was here? Did your cast almost (accidentally) burn down the SAB?? Send us what you know

at the next request (or whenever you want) to alumnichair@firstyearplayers.org Editor’s Note: We got A LOT of awesome stories from you guys, so in the spirit of keeping this newsletter under 30 pages, and preserving potential content for future issues, don’t be offended if I left yours out, it will absolutely be in subsequent issues!! I’ve compiled any similar stories to help piece together the most complete tale. If you have something to add or edit to these stories, send it! Also, some ‘Remember that Time’ have become History Lessons and vice versa. Coming In Future Issues: Bodos, Bodomination, FYP Man-lective, Streaking Dress Rehearsals, The Guys and Dolls Flood, In Golden We Trust, Chicago Sugar Swap, Big Sibs, Namesake Awards, Wooden Stages, and more! Top Mysteries Remaining: When did no #4 start? When did Ishy actually begin?? More Tina Fey dirt!! Ninja vs. Pirates (the conflict and the potentially racist results) Carly (Brown) Buxton, 2007 The Pirates-Ninja rivalry (does it even still exist?) in FYP started when I was a castie. It was all tied to a massive e-mail argument between Walt McGough (VD) and Ben Lovell (Director) between which were more threatening/awesome: ninjas (Walt's opinion) or pirates (Ben's opinion). If I remember correctly, Walt started sending out these long e-mail short stories (he's an amazing writer) about ninjas triumphing, etc., and so we used the Ninjas vs. Pirates theme for capture the flag that fall. Pirates won, but that didn't settle the rivalry, which persisted in FYP throughout the rest of my college years. Tim Granlund, 2005 Ninjas vs. pirates started over AIM, when Walt McGough, the greatest Ninja of them all, furiously objected to the use of winkies [ ;) ] in messages. Ben Lovell was probably the chief abuser of these, and just so happened to like those lame ass degenerates known as pirates. Collective emails were exchanged, heated words were spoken at rehearsals and parties, until FYP was about to burst and tear itself apart from all the mounting pressure. Finally, an ultimatum was issued, and the debate was to be settled in the only way possible: and Ninjas vs. Pirates Capture the Flag. After an intense strategy session and rousing speech from the mighty Walt, the ninjas silently marched into battle (passing through Clemmons along the way and inadvertently getting us in trouble with the Black Student Alliance because we were dressed in all black). A furious battle was fought out on the fields of The Lawn, and in the end the pirates emerged victorious (no doubt due to them cheating and lying, as pirates are wont to do). And so it was that winkies continued to be allowed in FYP communications, although the Ninjas vs. pirates debate would wage

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on (but anyone who saw Ninja Assassin knows that they truly are the greatest and most powerful beings). Yasir Latifi, 2007 Remember when it was Pirates vs. Ninjas for Capture the Flag (I believe the first CTF FYP had done in a while), and the ninjas were dressed/painted in all black and walked in Clemons Library in the middle of a Black Student Association meeting? University scandal averted, thankfully. Jenna Berk, 2006 Remember when FYP almost started a race riot at UVA because the Ninja team in Capture the Flag led a solemn parade through Clemons and some students thought they were in blackface? The Birth of AVP Adam Nierow, 1996 I, along with three other cast members (of ‘Anything Goes’ -- Nick Comerford, Kelly Caylor, and Tom Nassif), went on to co-found The Academical Village People. Thanks to FYP for initially bringing us together! Fighting Fire (I wish we knew this in 2008…) Jenn Clardy, 2003 There was a flashpot in "Damn Yankees" and in order to get that one by inspection we made a couch flame retardant. Really. You could hold a lighter to it for several minutes and it wouldn't catch on fire. Beach Week Andrew Leahey, 2005 I hope that the FYP kids still go to Beach Week and stay in the Sandtrap. I believe Kate Roehr started that tradition in 2002, and we rented the same house every year afterward. Noah G. tried to drink 24 beers in 24 hours during our first year there… that wasn’t a pretty sight, nor was it altogether successful…. And two years later, we got something like 21 people to skinnydip in the Sandtrap pool, much to the dismay of the sorority girls with whom we shared the pool. Those were simpler times. Jenny Jenny Chow Jenny Chow D’Agostino, 2003 I am the Jenny Chow from which the vocal warm-up is about :) Tina Who? Eileen Conaway, 2004 You might think of Tina Fey as the most famous member of FYP, but we like to promote Emmy winning Kater Gordon from our class for her writing for the TV show Mad Men.

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FYP Lives On

Fall 2009: Urinetown: The Musical Under the masterful direction of Sam Reeder and Jeff Luppino-Esposito (oh God I’m blushing), the talented cast, pit, tech and staff of Urinetown: The Musical brought home another hit for FYP, selling out the SAB and sending audiences into fits of laughter. This dark satire served up a large and hilarious dose of commentary on two things we here at FYP love: Socialism and Musical Theater. Thankfully no ambulances were needed despite all the side-splitting humor (trust me, the show was much funnier than that joke).

(For videos check out: http://www.youtube.com/user/mmckerch#p/u/13/T1PM3CRjqhs ) (For additional photos by the incomparable and ever-supportive Cotton Puryear: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=168862&id=504416130&op=6)

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Spring 2010: West Side Story With Mia Joshi at the helm, the FYP team proved that the Spring isn’t just a time for new life and sunshine, it’s also a grand opportunity for musical versions of everyone’s favorite tragedy! The cast, pit, tech and staff of West Side Story brought all the fun and hilarity of first semester and paired it with the heart-wrenching drama of this American classic. Capturing and reinventing the full breadth of Leonard Bernstein’s magnificent score, Jerome Robbins’ visionary choreography, and Stephen Sondheim’s underdeveloped lyrical genius, FYP sold out the house and looked damn good doing it. (More photos by the great Cotton Puryear: http://gallery.me.com/cottonpuryear - 100899) (For videos check out: http://www.facebook.com/video/?id=674395567#!/video/video.php?v=363151734135&subj=674395567)

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FYP Lives On(line) New Website, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Buzz Words!

New FYP Website: Hell Yes. Through the visionary genius of Robert Eshleman (Webmaster, Tech Director Emeritus) we are proud to present the new FYP website (http://firstyearplayers.org). How You Can Help: - Send us cast lists, production photos, any info from old playbills!!

YouTube & Twitter: We’re on them. In the web savvy hands of Publicity Chairs Kaity Houk and Pearl Ho, FYP found its place in the social networking and user generated content world via the magic of YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/FirstYearPlayersUVA) and Twitter (http://twitter.com/FYPlayers) How You Can Help: - Subscribe and Follow us of course! - And send us videos for the YouTube channel if you have any from any year ever!

Facebook: They ‘like’ us! Our Facebook attack is twofold: For the Alum: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/group.php?gid=162001622846&ref=ts

For E’rybody: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/First-Year-Players/24170190547?ref=ts How You Can Help: - Join up with the groups and get your old friends to as well! - Also, submit photos from the good old days—your time in FYP! We’ll gladly post up both show pictures and ‘doing crazy shit/hangin out in the SAB’ photos! - This is also where FYP Alum meet-ups will be planned!

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“Remember That Time…” It’s not awkward if everyone does it

Complete that sentence for me (i.e. "Remember that time when Brian threw up during rehearsal on Sunday... the party was on Thursday dude!" or "Remember that time with

Nate, Tim, Kevin and the 'unicorn'?) Send us your story at our next request (or whenever you want) to alumnichair@firstyearplayers.org

Editor’s Note: Just like the History Lesson, we got a ton of great stories from all of you, so in hopes of limiting the length of this issue and saving stuff for future issues, don’t worry if you don’t see your submission, it will absolutely be in upcoming issues! Again, as with ‘History,’ I’ve grouped stories, and some of the info between the History and ‘Remember’ has been swapped where it was better suited. Coming In Future Issues: Tales of Beach Week, Tom Deluca and much much more! Injuries Kate Szuchy, 2004 Remember the time when Patrick Adair jumped on a car in front of his frat, got thrown off, and broke his leg? And we propped his broken leg up on an empty Jim Beam bottle? And sang "Oh, What a Night" to keep him from focusing on the pain while waiting for the ambulance? Jenn Clardy, 2003 Remember when... the lead actress "stepped" off the stage during dress rehearsal and broke her foot? (Grease '00) Eileen Conaway, 2004 Jared got appendicitis and had to have an emergency appendectomy I think it was the Sunday before opening night and could perform at all. Will was play fighting a fellow fypper also in that same time frame and kicked a spackle and almost sliced one of his toes off. I took him to the ER for stiches and he had to perform in one of those boot thingys. Paul Kim, 2001 Erin played Sandy in Grease! on crutches? Megan McNulty, 2000 I fell down the steps of Chi Phi, pulled my legs muscles and could barely do my splits that weekend as Baby June in Gypsy. Andrew Leahey, 2005 People streaked the dress rehearsal for “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum,” and one unlucky streaker ended up fracturing his heel in the process?

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Derelicte Party Whitney (Jones) Robertson, 2006 Remember that time when there was a walkoff at the Derelicte party? And Tim Granlund took off his pants? Wait, he did that a lot. Carly (Brown) Buxton, 2007 Remember that time when... my roommate Serena and I were walking home from the Derelict party, and a passing police officer leaned out of his car window, looked at our outfits, and shouted: "White Trash!" At first we were pretty confused slash offended, but then we realized that he wanted to talk about theme parties, so we somehow entered into a drunken conversation with the cop about the differences between a White Trash party and a Derelict party. Gallon in an Hour Kara Kalasky, 2006 Remember that time Felipe and Nate R. got a group of people to do a "Gallon of Milk in an Hour" contest outside of the SAB? Chat Hull, 2006 Remember that time when...Nate Reid et al. did the gallon-in-an-hour contest in front of the SAB one afternoon? Felipe puked so hard that it was literally coming out in a 180-degree stream from his mouth. And Nate kept it down, and said that he'd never had a more terrifying experience on the toilet. Yes! Other Caroline Short Beisswanger, 1996 A bit of choreography that will never leave my system...CLAP, STAMP! "And a happy ending, of co-ourse!" And for Drood folks, you'll be glad to know that the Leper costume is still in my possession and has been put to use in a neighbor's Halloween display and in a student film. Jaime Gray Nelson, 1998 One of my favorite phrases from college brings back so many FYP party memories... Katie Brown is falling down. Ryan Johnson, 2001 Remember the time when FYP painted "21" on the side of frat houses for the new secret society and they left us beer? Rachel Kay Klimmek, 2002 "Remember that time when 'chicken one' actually went the way of chicken one? (We had these roasted chickens we used for a show, after a few days they were just raunchy...after striking the set we found what we had come to lovingly call, "Chicken #1" (the first chicken). Let's just say it wasn't pretty. After ceremonially disposing of the thing in the

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dumpster, anything whose time had come was referred to as "going the way of chicken 1". Jenn Clardy, 2003 Remember when... tech thought they were going to get arrested during a shed clean-out? Jeff Kozlowicki, 2004 Kyle From First Semester, playing the judge in "Damn Yankees", would include a pause between the two words of "hear, hear" that cracked up the entire cast and audience. Ha ha ha ha, those were the good old days. Alexandra Rae Valint, 2004 Remember the time when...during hell week for Damn Yankees the infamous Gore/Bush election happened--there was a TV in the orchestra pit and someone would call out who won which state as the news reported it. I went home at the early hours of the morning, and the race was still not called; I woke up the next morning and it still hadn't been. Tim Granulund, 2005 Remember the time when callbacks for "Kiss Me Kate" were the day after bid day, and we were all sick and miserable? Remember the time we streaked dress rehearsal and Leahey broke his ankle jumping off the stage naked. Remember the time we did the gallon in an hour challenge outside the SAB (with costumes and everything), and everyone was projectile vomiting? Remember the time was a great Michael Jackson song, although it was weird having Magic Johnson and Eddie Murphy in the video. Remember the time Jared got mono the week of Kiss Me Kate and we had to scramble to replace him in all of his scenes and learn his songs/dances? Remember the time we streaked all 4 floors of Clemmons during finals, and MTM got tackled by some dude? I could keep going... Kata Kalasky, 2006 Remember the first time you heard Blake Segal sing? Daaaaaamn Gina. Andy Spatz, 2006 The cast and crew of Guys and Dolls sang "Piano Man" at strike. McKenna Cox, 2007 Remember that time when...Morgan and Julia and I were riding around in Morgans convertible with the top down screaming Ted Leo at the top of our lungs? Harrison Gibbons, 2009 Remember that time when we were warming up for a performance of Pippin, and Ran (Ass. VD) started playing "Seasons of Love" on the keyboard, and the whole cast started singing as we stretched? And remember how Jenna and DJ totally killed on the solos? It was that moment when I realized how privileged I was to be doing a show with people so much more talented than me.

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Adam Smith, 2009 …Participating in Staff Auction for Spring 2006 with Ryan Cleary. Ryan and I decided to collaborate to write an original song about the person of the winner's choice. The winning bidder was none other than my good friend/awesome techie/publicity god Andy Spatz (Curry '06). Spatz charged us with writing a song for his girlfriend Oraly, and he gave us all this information about her and how they first met, etc. So, after the Saturday night performance of Fiddler (once the audience was out of the SAB, but before Techie Dance Party), Ryan and I (under our band name The Soggy Waffles) put on a mini-set. First, I played a little Elton John. Ryan followed up with some Coldplay. We then asked Oraly (who was in town that night) to come to the stage. We explained the Staff Auction and what we were doing and had been planning and proceeded to serenade her with the song we had written on Spatz's behalf. Spatz and Oraly both loved it, and while some people were surprised that he didn't pop the question that night, it wasn't long before they were engaged. They've been married for a couple of years now. Matthew Baer, 2009 Remember that time when Kevin Bache came back to visit during second year and he and Megan Ross streaked a tour group? What ever happened to that Kevin Bache character... Monica Talley, 2009 Remember that time Monica and DJ had sex on stage? (Oh yes, Pippin.) Also, remember TLC? They were totally sexual. Later to be known at GLTC.

Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for. The best part of the whole newsletter:

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DONATIONS! Funding FYP, Fighting the man.

While this newsletter has been full of opportunities for you to remain involved

and help out the organization, we would be lying through our theater-lovin’ teeth if we didn’t admit that we need your monetary support more than ever this season. As you are all aware, the cost of mounting a full-scale musical production has always been steep, but this year we face a new challenge thanks to our good friends in Washington. It is now illegal for us to continue to use our current wireless microphone system as it operates on a frequency that has been reassigned. By some horribly manipulative technological standards, there’s no way to remedy this problem outside of purchasing new microphones. (Or building a student theater with excellent acoustics) And so here we stand, in what we know to be rough economic times for many of you, asking nevertheless for your financial support. Fortunately, because the FYP alumni base is so large, any amount you can offer will go a very long way in our quest for purchasing new microphones even if only a small percentage of you make a donation. All donations are tax deductible through Alumni Hall, just make a check out to ‘FYP’ or ‘First Year Players’ or if you make it payable to the UVA Fund be sure to include ‘FYP’ and the account number (FAA545). Either way, mail it to: UVA Fund P.O. Box 400314 Charlottesville VA 22904-4314

You will get a letter of acknowledgement with a tax receipt from Alumni Hall once they receive the donation! We hope to provide the option of online donations in the near future, but in the meantime, we have to ask you to help us out here via snail mail. As we look ahead to yet another Charlottesville Fall and think of the adorably naïve faces that will be smiling back at us during the interest meetings, we wish for nothing more than to be able to provide exactly what we promise—the best experience both on and off stage that this University has to offer. We can only imagine what all of you have collectively given to this organization throughout the years, you’ve made it into the amazing thing we know so well. And so in the spirit of selflessness that drives FYP forward, the inexplicable energy that makes fourth years want to spend their weekends going to theme parties with first years, we ask now that you consider giving once more. Thank you so much for your time and I hope you enjoyed this newsletter! Sincerely, Jeff Luppino-Esposito On behalf of FYP ’10-‘11

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