fundamentals ofstrategiccommunications

Post on 21-Oct-2014






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Mtro. Moisés Nathán Cielak @mcielak moises@ACADEMIADEINFLUENCIADIGITAL.COM Socio   Director:   ACADI   RENATA   P.R.   FOR   THE   AMERICAS,   ONG   DEDICADA   A   LAS  PYMES      

Formación  Académica  

ITESM,  CCM  Maestría  en  Economía  Maestría  en  Administración  Tecnológico  de  Monterrey  Lic.  en  Sistemas  de  Computación  

Miami  Dade  College  Cer8ficación  en  Redes  Sociales  Diplomado  por  la  Social  Media  Marke8ng  Academy  Doctor  A  Prima,  Univ.  Wisconsin-­‐Madison      


Grandes  Campañas  y  Agiliaciones    Congresista  ProRP  y  PRSA  Inves8gador  del  área  de  redes  sociales  de  la    AssociaFon  for  Internet  MarkeFng  y  de  la  U.S.  Social  Media  MarkeFng  Academy    

Ex-­‐Director  de  Campaña  Digital  para  la  Florida  para  Barack  Obama  para  la  presidencia  en  2007-­‐2008      

Impacto  Empresarial  Consultor    en      Estrategia  de  Marke8ng  Digital  y  Desarrollo  de  hábitos  de  consumo.  Clientes  más  exitosos  :  FedEx  Nestlé,  Arcelor  MiQal,  DHL  Miami,  Master  Research,  Ex-­‐Marke8ng  Manager  para  HewleU  Packard  Latam,.  

Ex.Editor  en  jefe  para  Editorial  Televisa,      Colaborador  asiduo  en  Pulso  PYME,    Expansión,  Obras,  Turnberry  Interna8onal  Real  Estate  Review,  entre  otras  

Mayo  2014

General  obje8ves:      By  the  end  of  the  course,  the  student  will  be  able  to  know,  analyze  and  explain  the  theoric  concepts  and  fundamental  principals  of  the  strategic  communica8on  (image,  culture,  iden8ty,  communica8on  management).  

1.  Produc8ve  model  of  the  strategic  communica8on  (8  hrs).    

2.  Communica8on  management  (9hrs).  3.  The  Dircom  and  the  strategic  communica8on  (4hrs).  4.  The  internal  communica8on  and  the  organiza8on  of  

the  company  (12hrs).  5.  Image  and  Public  Rela8ons  (12hrs).      

There’s  no  official  textbook,  but  you’ll  have  to  read:    Ries, Laura & Al, Auge de las RRPP y caída de la publicidad Gehrt, Moffin, Strategic Public Relations, 10 principles,  Barquero  Cabrero,  José  Daniel.,  Comunicación  estratégica  :  relaciones  públicas,  publicidad  y  marke:ng  /  José  Daniel  Barquero  Cabrero.,  ,  Madrid  :  McGraw-­‐Hill,  2005.,  ,  ,  ,  [8448198883]      Xifra,  Jordi.,  Teorías  y  estructura  de  las  relaciones  públicas  /  Jordi  Xifra  Heras.,  1a  ed.  ,  Madrid  :  McGraw  Hill,  2003.,  ,  ,  spa,  [8484139488]      

Public  Opinion  

It’s the result of the society sectors’ discursive manifestation, emphasized in social facts, or concepts that report interest, plus the public speaking

intermediation, plus the acceptance or reject of the society’s majority.



Public Space

The scenario where public opinion is generated. The place where different actors or social groups move, and create their own discursive manifestation.

+ + + =

Public Opinion

Public Space

Mediatic Society

Staging of the Public

Uncentralized Society

State Church Political Parties

Public Opinion Formation Conversation and gossip

Taken by the media

Difference’s expression between Interested groups

Majoritarian opinion or consensus

F. H. Allport “Ilusion of the universality”

Suggestion and imitation

Multiplying effect






Equilibrium Rational Irrational

Objective Emotional

Conventional Innovative

Performance Argumentation

Desires Beliefs



Types of Public Space





Types of Slogans

Problem Resolution

Identity affirmation

Celebration / Duel

The Public Opinion

The government

The legislation

The justice

The culture (as value system)

The education

Influence of the Public Opinion

The economy

The institutional communication can be defined as the type of communication created in an organized way for an institution or its representatives, and adressed to

the people and groups inside the social surrounding, in which its activity is developed.

Has an objective to establish quality relationships between the institution and the public with whom its related, acquiring a social and public image reputation,

adequate to its purpose and activities.

José María La Porte Facoltà di Comunicazione Istituzionale Pontificia Università della Santa Croce

Institutional Communication Public Communication

Institution Famous, character, country, etc.




Contacts Content

Institutional Communication



Public Relations


Marketing Communicates products and services that satisfy the needs of the customers. Its objective is about increasing the sales.


Economic investment emphasized in being featured through the media, with the purpose of persuading one determined audience. Advertising

Management of the communication between an organization and the public.

Institutional Communication


Public Relations


Integration Etc.

Ultimate purpose

Institutional Communication

Persuasion Communicative process for the search of a voluntary change in the

addresse, convincing them about ideas or specific aspects.

Getting to the mind and

heart of the people,

Through a projected message (clear, constant, coherent, credible)










Influence Convincing

NOT negative

Depends on the ideas that are about transmitting from the media, from the purpose with which its realized.

XXth Century. Ideologies. Communication medias. Public opinions. Damage to men.

Propaganda Manipulation of intelligence for directing human behaviors for obtaining one

answer or attitude previously determined.


POSITIVE or NEGATIVE Communication

Identity Values

Message Purpose

Institutional Communication Transmitting the personality of the institution and the

values that are based into it.

Contributing to a common good through its specific purposes.

Institutional Communication

3 types of images

The one that you wish to give

The one that you think you’re giving

The one perceived by the public

2 types of actions

Official communication

Fact communication

Social Impact

Institutional Communication Identidad, valores, finalidad

Profit oriented Non-profit

State Commercial Religious Party oriented

Message Public Tools Actions


Necesidades y Objetivos

Mission Market

Commercial obj.

Gral. Context Etc...

Message Public Tools Actions

Institutional Communication Plan u Plan Execution v

w Balance and revision of the plan (Audit)


Society Public Opinion

Public Space


Strategic Communication



What to do in a determined situation. General alignments. Plans, ideas.

Tactic How plans and ideas are applied. Actions’ calculation. Specific objetives.

Ej.: Objective Positioning yourself in the public opinion as a reference of the speciality.

Ej.: Strategy Press plan and relationship with the media.

Ej.: Tactic Press releases, and introduction to the agenda subjects.

Ej.: Identity The NGO with the mission of provoking one change in society.


“We need to release a new product

Communic. Message,

Public, Tools, Actions.

Admin. How much is

it going to cost?

RRHH. How many people

are we going to need?


We need budget

If we fail.. I’ll kill you

Institutional Communication Plan

Message Public Tools


Internal Communication

External Communication

Conflict and Crisis Communication

One new science, one new activity

What is it? What does it do? What does it give?

Unnecessary spending Something totally secondary

Doesn’t give any value Damages the institution

A big unknown

The triple role of the communicator

Communication work

Explain what is a communication area

Learn and explain how is the communication area in THIS institution

Why  is  Communica8ons  Important?  • A  valuable  and  essen8al  tool  

•  Think  strategically  

Strategic  Communica8ons  

Beyond  dissemina8on  

Creates  engagement  

Makes  a  difference  


Communica8ons  for  Development  

Selling  research  or  a  Rolex?    

Communica8ons  Begins  with  Project  Planning  

At  the  beginning,  not  at  the  end  


Strategic  Thinking  Revisited  Analysis  

Focus  on  the  big  picture  Channels  of  communica8on  

Key  stakeholders  

Key  Elements  of  a    CommunicaFons  Strategy  


Strategic  considera8ons  Objec8ves  

Target  audiences  Messages  

Tac8cs  and  tools  Evalua8on  

The  Context    

Economic,  social,  and  poli8cal  environment  Media  scan  

Trends  in  public  opinion  Historical  context  

Corporate  culture  and  goals  

Strategic  Considera8ons  An8cipate  change    

Risk  analysis  SWOT  


Set  your  goals  Make  them  SMART  

Be  realis8c  Never  work  backwards  

Target  Audiences    

Who  do  we  need  to  talk  to?    Start  local  and  go  global  

Audience  research  


Revisit  objec8ves  Three  to  five  key  messages  

Keep  them  succinct  and  simple  The  “s8cky  message”  

TacFcs  and  Tools      

Fit  with  the  objec8ves  Adapt  for  specific  audiences  Short-­‐term  and  long-­‐term  


Reaching  Government    Decision-­‐Makers  

 Policy  briefs  Face-­‐to-­‐face    

Through  media  Through  knowledge  mul8pliers  Through  the  general  public  


Working  with  Partners    

Why  is  it  important?  Ways  to  encourage  them  


Why    What  How  

Build  in  evalua8on  at  the  start  A  communica8ons  strategy    

is  organic    

In  Brief    

Analyze  the  context  Set  objec8ves  

Think  of  your  target  audience  Write  succinct  messages  

Determine  tac8cs  Evaluate  

And  if  you  do  that…    CongratulaFons!  

 You  are  a  strategic  communicator.  

Communica8on  Strategy  Template  Context  

Strategic  Communica8ons  Objec8ves  

Target  Audiences  Messages  

Tools  and  Tac8cs  Evalua8on  

Theme  2:  Knowledge  Management  3x  2.1.  Understand  that  the  strategic  communica8on  is  a  

key  factor  for  the  knowledge  management.  2.2.  Iden8fy  the  basic  elements  of  a  informa8onal  

system  and  documenta8on.  2.3.  Recognize  the  relevance  of  the  new  technologies  for  the  communica8on  and  knowledge  management  

inside  the  organiza8ons.    

Theme  3:  Directed  Communica8on  1x  

3.1  DirCom  func8ons  3.2  DirCom’  Organiza8onal  Diagrams  


•  It’s  the  management  center  where  the  communica8on  and  strategies  are  planned.  • Coordinates  all  the  internal  and  external  

communica8ve  ac8vity.  •  It’s  maximum  figure  is  the  DIRCOM  

•  Understands  the  communica8on  as  transversal  fact  inside  the  organiza8on.  

• Works  constantly  for  maintaining  the  image.  •  Filters  and  analyzes  the  produced  and  received  informa8on.  

•  Assumes  the  external  and  internal  communica8on.  •  It’s  the  one  in  charge  of  the  rela8onships  with  the  media.  

•  Plans  the  Public  Rela8ons.  •  Assists  about  sponsorships  and  endorsements.  

• …  


“The concern for improving the unwealthy people’s conditions doesn’t get in the middle of the process of generating money”

(Cheryl Dahle)

1 The communication’s ethical dimension

2 The ethical speech: the communication as communion and motivation

3 The company’s communication as social responsibility

4 Social responsibility and the nature of the company

5   Advertising ethics and the marketing: global correspondence emphasized in the mediated and hyper mediated areas

6 The company’s philanthropy and public relations

Is the communication at the service of the social adjustment?

Theories Description

Conducted Psychology •  Stimuli / Answer

Functional Sociology • Functions’ study, for reaching purposes, some produced, channels, messages and audiences sensible to be affected and modified.

Effects’ Theory • Analyzes the consequences of the mass devices and the passivity of the person by eliminating the social processes.

The three emphasis keep affirming that: Communicating is persuading and persuading is reaching for effects.

But, can we keep studying the person and it’s relationship to the media just as a passive subject?

Emphasis Description

From the general effects •  To more anti-ethical messages in the content of media messages, a bigger number in the society’s cases.

From the chain effects •  Any notice spreading through the media, automatically releases the happenings of the identical, analogy or similar nature.

From the limited effects •  To more anti-ethic contents in the media, correspond to no more cases in the society, but to certain sectors in which the cultural fragility and psychological predisposition are an easy target.

From the selective exposition •  Gives to the individual the capacity of accepting or rejecting what is about to come from the media.

From the catharsis •  Satisfies and channels all the anti-ethical instincts kept, in a way that they don’t transcend inside each person and doesn’t disturb the good social walk.

From the cumulative effects

•  Contemplates the impact of the messages inside the rules’, values’, attitudes’ and meanings’ palatine modification, working in the social construction.

Really, each person is kept away and reacts separately to the Orders and suggestions of the media?

The latest effects’ theories, take us to think in the receptors: active and passive

In front of that, which is the responsibility of the media?

The messages don’t work in an isolated way; they interact with the mind, the cultural system and the cultural imaginary.

The drama in the messages, its influences and senses that

Reverberate in the perception and Moral areas.


Cognitive Affective

The problem to be faced, is how the relationship with the customer changes, among the real and true representation.

Types of Effects

Main Theories Description

Conductive • Model or imitation • Enhancement • Catharsis

• Empathy

• Elemental Stimulation • Contagion

•  The subjects exposed to anti-ethical messages act by imitating the seen models •  The messages reinforce the values or trends already existing in the receptor. •  Through the exposition to the messages, the subjects will be able to download their

impulses without having to recur to the presented behavior. •  The messages can reduce the moral tension of the subject, only if it identifies

(empathizes) itself with the victim. • What really determines the degree of the subject’s reaction it’s its own degree of

stimulation, independent from the content. •  The message provokes one direct effect over the audience that infects itself with the

seen behavior.

Affective •  Insensibility

• Habitual • Sensibility

• Before the continual exposition to the said messages, the receptor is insensible, needing a major doses of the theme for exclusive stimulation.

•  Through the frequent exposition to these messages, the receptor gets used to it and has more difficulties for considering any anti-ethical act as such.

• Before the continual exposition to the anti-ethical images, the sensibility of the receptor increases, and so does the rejection to the theme.

Cognitive • Cultivated field

• Cognitive guides • Learning cognitive

•  The regular exposition to the anti-ethical messages provokes one exaggerated impression of the moral and existent lightness of real life.

•  The regular observation of anti-ethical messages provides the subject with behavior guides, that can be used in a close future.

• Given messages can activate the anti-ethical ideas, learned previously by the subject.

On the way that the media adjusts to the ethical model, more sense of life would be given to the people.







Levels of interest and utility of the media

The moral agents in front of the thorn ethical subjects, promote conflicts of interest


Act object



Profession Producers




•  The media is part of the problem •  They’re not the origin of the same one •  Its responsibility it’s in the diffusion that its made

How to measure the sensationalism, the irresponsibility, and the misinformation?

The attitude of the media has to do with: •  The transmission •  The objectivity •  The freedom •  The justice •  The equilibrium

• The lack of the communicators’ formation makes itself a patent in the following facts.

•  Speed •  Objectivism •  Competitively •  Mimetic in respect of the sources •  Violence •  Live information •  Bad news •  Spectacular

The ethical information doesn’t excite, or magnify, it’s synonym of justice, peace and freedom


Information By Measure


•  Objectivity

•  Measure

•  Impartiality

•  Coordinate any attempt against human dignity

•  Don’t do apology

•  Don’t magnify authors or protagonists

•  Don’t allow manipulation of informatory

•  Sponsor constructed institutions pro life

•  Inform without sensationalisms

•  Give adequate space

•  Don’t over dimension the facts

•  Reduce the space to anti-ethical facts

•  No propaganda

•  Use proper language

•  Editorial trend of course and reject


Well Informed

The distance from the media to face the theme, doesn’t resolves by itself, just from the media

• The role of the media doesn’t sustain Itself from the information and the informational treatment.

•  It’s important to identify the role that play the media in the web of processes and social practices

• The problem with the mediate ethic transcends the professional practice.

•  It’s doesn’t run out in the self-regulation and control

• Avoiding the constant thinking to the media, like ideological devices and creators of injustice, non-equality and domination

•  It’s important to think in an ethic that:

•  Feeds the media from the collective social weave

•  Promotes the communication as a space for enriching the person and

•  Suggests solidarity

• We have to build a communication for life to make sense to existence, which means a meaning to the culture

The ethical communication has as an only engagement, the person

•  Getting deeper in the educative action in the family, school and society

Challenges and engagements of an ethical community

•  Instruct and guide the kids and young adults •  Create critical judgment in receptors •  Establish an engaged dialogue with the owners and creators of

the media •  Enhance the creative spirit, that promotes life like a significant

experience •  Enhance the artistic feeling and the conscience of the own


•  Dominate the diffusion techniques that enhance the ethical communication

•  Promote the content that builds a peaceful and sensible civilization.

•  Suggest a humanized communication, axiological that dignifies the spaces

•  Insist in the active co-participation of every social sector, involved for dignify the mediate condition.

•  Develop multi-alphabetized practices.

The mediate bad reputation

The bad reputation as the non-moral societies, are the result of the media that looses its sense, substance, direction and specific purposes.




Los medios como simple maquinaria de:

Remoralizar los medios

For winning again, a prestige its important to research which values and rights are asked by the society, even if they’re newly respected for elevating the human dignity and the commited actions.

It’s necessary that the members recover the sense of activity that its own to them, that reflect seriously about which are those internal goods to the activity, how also are the appropiate media convenient to act on this direction.

For designing a mediate ethic is necessary to: 1.  Determine a specific purpose, the internal good of the

journalistic activity and the one that will claim its social legislation. 2.  Look for the appropriate media and values 3.  Wonder which habits should be acquired in set and each member must form a character that allows good deliberation. 4. Discern which relationship should exist with the other activities and organizations 5. Develop an action and communication plan with all the audiences 6.  Act according the universal values 7.  Recognize the rights and the dignity of the people

For designing an institutional ethic to the interior of the media Each journalistic institution must incarnate values and respect the rights by attending the specifically of the activity, which are complemented by its internal goods.

•  Satisfaction of human needs

•  Develop the maximum capacity of its collaborators.

•  Promote the values of: freedom, equality and solidarity

•  Informative quality and ethical management of information

•  Humbleness

•  Mutual respect on internal and external relationships

•  Cooperative and solidarity among the members

•  Creativity

•  Incentive

•  Risk spirit

Actividad y retos

Actividad y retos

Acciones de una ética complementaria

1.  Unmask the pretentious substitutions in the people for machines 2.  Modify the routine of the human relationships 3.  Introduce spaces for the informal communication 4.  Detect, sue and correct the lack of constancy and the variability of the human relationships 5.  Establishing guarantees for each person to be able to develop successfully its goals 6.  Assign the detector, sue, and correct admeasurements. 7.  Place and functions of each person according to its capacities and availabilities 8.  Adequate spaces and times for revising the shared work 9.  Extend personal benefits to the family and community. 10.  Develop plans for increasing the self-valuation and personal self-realization

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