front cover ideas

Post on 09-Jun-2015






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For the magazine front cover we had to come up with something that would successfully grab the audience attention and also promote the horror film successfully. We had come up with a colour scheme that would reflect the horror film and also give the magazine front cover look professional.

We had mocked up one possible idea for the magazine front cover, but when coming to creating the magazine front cover it didn’t work as well as we thought it would. The picture and colours was not working together and didn’t look professional enough. We had to come up with a new idea, we researched existing film magazine and analysed them. The two film magazines that stood out to us were both front covers from Empire.

The two Empire front covers presented above are the two magazines that inspired us and also showed us what was wrong with ours and how to make it look more successful and professional. The front cover with the Joker on it stood out to us because of the use of colours they use to grab the audience attention, the pink and green is bright and also represents the Jokers colours from this the audience instantly know from just looking at the colours that it’s about the Joker. For our own front cover we wanted to use the idea of the colours to represent our horror film “Devil’s Toy”. As we picked to create a film magazine instead of horror film magazine we have to not make it too horrific as it’s a film magazine that features a horror film on the front cover. The other film magazine front cover that has ‘Leonardo Dicaprio’ on the front inspired us too, as the use of background is not just plain but it features a scene from the movie itself, the earth is collapsing and folding up on the roads. When the audience see the background they will instantly know that it’s from the movie ‘Inception’, also the tagline lines of the front cover are not flat on the surface of the page, they look like they are being dragged into the middle of the page. This is effective as it is matching what is happening in the background as they earth is folding up the taglines are falling in with it too.

From what we researched we created a new front cover, our previous cover featured the Jack in the box as the main image and colour scheme that we wanted to use was blue and orange, as they are the colours of the Jack in the box. But the first idea that we had didn’t work, it weren’t professional enough.

From looking at these two front covers we decided that the main image was going to be similar to the poster, the boy holding the box because this shows the audience what is happening whereas having just the box didn’t suggest much to the audience and would of not grabbed their attention enough to find out more about the film or to buy the magazine. The new idea we had is that we will use the main character the child ‘Isaac’, he will be in the centre of the fame and dominating the front cover and he will also be playing with the Jack in the box. This creates the idea that the boy is being controlled by the jack in the box and he can’t control the box.

We draw up our new idea and went around asking our audience what they thought of the front cover and the majority said it was more effective than the previous idea, as it represents what the film is about.

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