frameworks of qualifications: the irish experience azerbaijan seminar baku, 12 th june 2007 stuart...

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Frameworks of Qualifications:The Irish Experience

Azerbaijan Seminar

Baku, 12th June 2007

Stuart GarvieNational Qualifications Authority of Ireland

The presentation

the Irish context

new legislation, new structures

development of a National Framework of Qualifications

Implementation of the Framework

The Framework and international development

The Irish context a small state – population 4.5 million (Azerbaijan 8 million)

centralised government

• weak regional / local structures

separation of ‘Education’ and ‘Training’

• across a range of government Departments

separation of previous qualifications systems

• schools

• further education

• training: agriculture, tourism, fisheries, labour

• higher education: institutes of technology, universities

Focus of provision for learning in Ireland

historically on the needs of young people

• investment of resources

• design of systems and structures

a childhood-to-young adult, pre-employment experience

concentration on school-to-college and school-to-training

development routes

demographic change: peak age cohort now app. 24 yrs.

a coherent national policy approach to qualifications

lifelong learning society

• new kinds of work and career

• need for a more flexible system of qualifications

• need for portability of qualifications

international comparison and alignment

• European policy trends and agreements – Lisbon, Copenhagen and

• Bologna, European Qualifications Framework (EQF)

A Framework of Qualifications – why?

Towards a coherent but flexible system….

what is required?

a framework for the development, recognition and award of

qualifications in Ireland

one framework to encompass all awards for all aspects of

education and training

a simple, transparent frame of reference

New legislation, new structures Qualifications (Education and Training) Act, 1999

three new organisations, 2001

• National Qualifications Authority of Ireland

• Further Education and Training Awards Council

• Higher Education and Training Awards Council

awards Councils bring coherence to the system

• replace seven previous systems of awards

• one awarding body for all further education and training (VET)

The new structures National Qualifications Authority of Ireland

• to develop and maintain a national framework of qualifications

• a system for coordinating & comparing awards

• awards based on outcomes - standards of knowledge, skill & competence

• to promote access, transfer and progression – incl. arrangements for credit accumulation and transfer

two Awards Councils

• to develop new systems of awards

• to make awards at all levels in the Framework

Developing the FrameworkA dual approach:

Strong legislative base: Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 1999

• Sets out and legitimises general basis of framework

Consultation and Research

• Identification of stakeholders: wide-ranging

• - representatives of all sectors of education and training community; social partners; state agencies; learners

• consensus-building and involvement of stakeholders:

• Stakeholder views sought formally and given serious consideration

• Consultative Group; also extensive series of bilateral and multilateral meetings

• transparency

• Communication of research findings, emerging policy approaches, decisions and determinations

The Framework: blueprint for change a new concept of a ‘qualification’, or an ‘award’:

an award is a recognition of learning outcomes

• not a recognition of participation in a programme or in any particular

learning process

• many programmes may lead to the same award

many new awards, new titles, new terminology

not a compendium of existing awards

not just a mapping of relationships between existing awards

no distinction made between ‘education’ and ‘training’

The Framework in outline

a structure of 10 levels

each level based on a range of standards of knowledge, skill and


level indicators

Grid of 10 level indicators, defined in terms of 8 dimensions of

knowledge, skill and competence


a central element in the Framework concept

a class of named awards – e.g. Honours Bachelor Degree, or

National Craft Certificate (pre-Framework award)

one or more award-types at each level in the Framework

an initial set of 16 major award-types defined

Classes of award-type

award-types are defined in four classes

• major award-types: for a typical range of outcomes at a level

• also minor, supplemental and special-purpose award-types

all 16 award-types in the outline Framework are ‘major’

the Framework will eventually have a variety of award-types at

each level.

Named awards a ‘named award’ is what a learner receives

a named award is for achievement in a specific field of learning –

e.g. Honours Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering, or

National Craft Certificate: Electrician (pre-Framework award)

a named award is associated with a level in the Framework

through the award-type to which it belongs

named awards to be developed by the awarding bodies

The Framework – levels and award-types

The National Framework of Qualifications – award-types and awarding bodies

Awards in the Framework - 1 new awards across all 10 levels

• made by the awards Councils (FETAC and HETAC)

school and university awards are accommodated

• general manner of inclusion is set out

policies and criteria published for inclusion in or alignment with the Framework for:

• professional awards

• international awards

Awards in the Framework - 2 Major Awards: principal class of award made at a level

Minor Awards: are for partial completion of the outcomes for a Major Award

Supplemental Awards: are for learning that is additional to a Major Award

Special Purpose Awards are for relatively narrow or purpose-specific achievement

Framework Implementation - I

FETAC has put in place arrangements for Framework awards at

levels 1-6

Implementation arrangements in higher education announced in

July 2004

• being implemented from autumn 2004 and used in 2005 CAO

Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate included in the


Framework Implementation - II HETAC

• using interim standards for all award-types

• delegating authority to make awards to institutes of technology University existing awards aligned with major award-types

• implemented for Ordinary Bachelor Degree, Honours Bachelor Degrees, Masters Degrees & Doctoral Degrees

• Policy approach agreed

• process underway within universities for Higher Diploma & Post-Graduate Diploma

• process underway for ‘smaller’ award-types DIT implementing all new major award-types; using some smaller ones

Existing & former qualifications

many familiar qualifications will no longer be awarded

intention is to map these qualifications to Framework


most existing and former qualifications now placed

Framework and Quality Assurance - I An important dimension of Framework implementation:

credibility of Framework dependent upon it

Statutory quality assurance arrangements in place for the

following awarding bodies:

– State Examinations Commission



– Dublin Institute of Technology

– Universities

Framework and Quality Assurance - II Authority works closely with stakeholders in developing and enhancing

quality cultures across education and training system

• Statutory quality role in relation to FETAC, HETAC, DIT

• Consultative role in relation to HEA review of universities QA procedures

• Encourage common approaches, best practice throughout system, e.g.,

through Irish Higher Education Quality Network

Also relevant to national policies on internationalisation of Irish education

and training services

– use of Framework (including dissemination of information on placement of

awards and the associated quality assurance mechanisms) as part of the

proposed Education Ireland Quality Mark

Mobility for learners A key objective in the legislation

lifelong learning implies a more diverse learning community

more diverse needs

– to be able to gain an award in different ways, e.g. by accumulating credit for learning outcomes over time

– opportunity for entry – transparent, fair and consistent entry arrangements

– clarity about relationships between awards, and about transfer / progression routes

– accurate and reliable information

task – to maximise opportunities for mobility for learners

Improving mobility for learners need for a cultural shift

need to focus the concept of access on the achievement of an award (not

on entry to a programme)

need to focus measurement of success on outcomes rather than inputs

(e.g. time spent on a programme)

a comprehensive strategy, published in October 2003

– four policy strands: credit, progression routes, entry arrangements, information


The Irish experience: notable features

Framework is part of a broad reform of the system of qualifications

New structures, new organisations

Dual approach – legislation and consultation

Framework contains new awards at all levels, but also many existing awards are included

Key concepts – level, level indicators, award-type, award-type descriptors, named award,

International or Meta-Frameworks Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area (adopted by

European Ministers, Bergen 2005) - the ‘Bologna Framework’

– verification of compatibility with the Irish national framework – completed November 2006

– One of first two countries doing this on a “pilot basis”

European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning, (‘EQF’ - under development)

– triggered by an Irish EU Presidency conference

– proposal for basic structure nearing completion

– 8 levels, based on learning outcomes

Key role of the Authority in the development of both meta-frameworks

European Meta-Frameworks In both cases

• Primacy with the National Framework of Qualifications

• Quality assurance required in national arrangements

• Qualifications relate to national frameworks and frameworks

talk to each other through meta-frameworks

• Countries self-certify the link of their national frameworks to

European frameworks following established criteria and


Draft EQF levels

EHEA Framework (Bologna) NFQ Levels

NFQ Major Award-types

1 1 Level 1 Certificate

2 Level 2 Certificate

2 3 Level 3 Certificate, Junior Certificate

3 4 Level 4 Certificate, Leaving Certificate

4 5 Level 5 Certificate, Leaving Certificate

5 Short Cycle within First Cycle

6 Advanced Certificate (FET award); Higher Certificate (HET award)

6 First Cycle 7 Ordinary Bachelors Degree

8 Honours Bachelor Degree, Higher Diploma

7 Second Cycle 9 Masters Degree, Post-Graduate Diploma

8 Third cycle 10 Doctoral Degree, Higher Doctorate








8 8















EQFCountry A Country B



Further Information

all developments are featured on the website of the National

Qualifications Authority of Ireland:

Framework website:

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