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Post on 24-Aug-2020






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FEBRUARY 17 NED All School Assembly @ 9:15am in Gym

FEBRUARY 18 General PTA Membership Mtg: 9am Cafeteria

FEBRUARY 19 Annual Fox Family Dance 5:30-8:00pm

FEBRUARY 24 Oregon Coast Aquarium Assemblies

FEBRUARY 29 Box Top Collection Ends

FEB.29—Mar.3 Spring PTA Book Fair

MARCH 2 Annual Family STEAM Night

MARCH 8 Dinner’s Night Out @ Panda Express

PTA gets 20% of sales with flier

MARCH 10 Spring Pictures

(Packets coming home soon)

MARCH 11 PTA Cookie Dough Sale Begins

MARCH 12 Annual School Carnival

MARCH 18 Opera the Great Assembly Grades 3-5

MARCH 24 Winter Report Cards Home in Backpacks

UPCOMING DATES: (Can go to Fox School Website for Calendar Information)

D o n ’ t F o r g e t t o T u r n i n Y o u r P T AD o n ’ t F o r g e t t o T u r n i n Y o u r P T A

M o n t h l y F o x y R e a d i n g C a l e n d a rM o n t h l y F o x y R e a d i n g C a l e n d a r

All Fox students should be reading at home. Families

should record daily minutes read. Students earn points

to spend at the Foxy Depot at the end of the trimester.

The NED Show is coming to Dorothy Fox on February 17th at 9:15am.

It is a character education program that centers around three im-

portant messages that have life long relevance:

Never Give Up Encourage others Do your best

The assembly is free as long as we agree to offer yoyo’s for sale. Kids

will learn some yoyo tricks they can try at home. Fliers are going

home for those interested. See website to learn more:

From the Principal, Dr. Cathy Sork: January was a meaningful month for our school

community because we formally recognized the life of Dr.

Martin Luther King. On January 18th, we celebrated

together with an all-school assembly where we sang

songs and learned more about his life. A focus was made

on the impact that one person can have on the world. Students were

encouraged to think about the impact they could have on others as we all

work to carry forth his legacy of respect, service and acceptance. Students

concluded the week with a walk through the halls to see the MLK inspired

art projects that students did at various grades.

February marks the half-way point for the 2015-16 school year. There are a

lot of exciting family events coming up! We hope that all families will be able to attend our STEAM

Night on March 2nd from 5:00-7:00pm. For students in grades 4-5, this is a chance to explain their

individual science fair projects to others. Students in grades K-3 benefit from seeing what is coming up

in future years with this expectation. We are still short judges this year and hope you will consider

giving an hour sometime during the day to help out. No science specialty required. We will also have

the OMSI Planetarium available on a first come-first served basis as well as a 4H Animal Display, Math

Games, Robotics Demo, PTA Book Fair and Art Gallery display of student work. It is a great event!

Shout Out! Thank you for your support of the recent Camas Schools Bond. As a result, Fox will receive

a much needed new roof next summer, increased technology infrastructure and increased security

measures at the front entrance to name a few of the upcoming enhancements.

We appreciate your continued support of our students, teachers, and school as we collectively strive to

ensure high levels of learning for all students. Our involved families make FOX ROCK!

Families are


Subscribe to the weekly PTA Newsflash emails:

Visit Http://teacherweb/com/wa/dorothyfoxelementary/pta/newsflash.stm

Click on the bottom of the screen to subscribe.

You will receive an email every Friday describing upcoming events and opportunities for kids.


Camas Preschool Open Registration

Registration for Camas School District Preschools

will open for the 2016-2017 school year. Students

currently enrolled in a Camas School District

preschool program are eligible to register for

preschool beginning February 16, 2016. New

student registration begins March 1, 2016. This

includes Papermaker Preschool at Camas High

School, Woodburn Preschool at Woodburn

Elementary, and Camas Community Education

Preschool at the District Office. Feel free to contact

registrars at 360-833-5410 for more information.

The following is news from the Fox Gym with Coach Dunn: The following is news from the Fox Gym with Coach Dunn:

For the month of February students will be finishing up basketball skills, drills, and games, and moving into fitness activities followed by “The Jungle”. For the Jungle, students can bring a stuffed animal to help decorate the Jungle, we will put their name on it as well as their room number and the gym will be secured after school. The Jungle is a fitness obstacle course that incorporates balance, strength, and stamina.

Troy Dunn

Fox PE,

3rd Annual Police vs. Fire Charity Basketball Gym Camas/Washougal Police and Fire Departments will be having a charity event on Friday, March 13th at 7:15 pm at CHS. Fun family events prior to the game beginning at 5:30.

I want to thank all of the parent volunteers who have donated their time

covering books for our library. There is nothing more frustrating to me than

having wonderful books sitting in a cabinet instead of in the hands of students,

and your help got the books out of the cabinet and into circulation more quickly

than I ever could have!

I am still looking for volunteers to do copying and general prep work on a regular basis. There is always something to do in the library, and it’s a fun place to be, so if you are interested please email me at My most exciting recent news is that I am in a book! Author Chris Grabenstein, whose book

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library was featured in previous newsletters, released a sequel, Mr.

Lemoncello’s Library Olympics, a few weeks ago. I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Grabenstein a

few years ago and have followed him on social media since then. When the book was released, I

purchased two copies—one for my daughter, and one for our library. One night, my daughter

came running in to show me my name on page 47! He had named a librarian in the book after me!

This was a complete surprise to me, and I’m still not sure why he chose my name, but I’m

extremely honored. Before I was aware that my name would make an appearance in his book, I’d

already arranged a Skype visit with the author for the 2016-17 school year and planned to use Mr.

Lemoncello as a lunch read-aloud with 2nd-3rd grade students. I can’t wait to introduce students to

this fun book focused on teamwork and the importance of learning and libraries.

The only thing better than having my name in a book is getting funds to improve our library

collection. The Garden Club of Camas and Washougal has generously awarded the library a $500

grant to purchase books on gardening, insects, and the environment. I look forward to ordering

the books and making them available to teachers and students soon. In addition, the technology

department funded $500 in eBooks as a way to pilot eBooks in our elementary libraries. Once the

eBooks are available, I will create a video showing parents and students how to access them from

anywhere on any device. Keep checking the library blog for that


Also, if you want to keep up with what’s happening in the library but

don’t always remember to check the library blog, find Dorothy Fox

Elementary Library on Facebook and like our page. Whenever I post a

new blog, I put a link to it on Facebook. As a busy parent, I know I’m

more likely to read a quick blog post if a link pops up in my Facebook


Notes from the Fox Library with Mrs. Logan:

From the PTA……….. It is hard to believe we are halfway through the school year already! The PTA has had a busy few months. Turnout at our Membership Meetings has been great this year. I hope that you will have an opportunity to attend an upcoming meeting. It is your chance to learn about things happening at Fox, and a nice way to connect with other parents. I want to thank all the Fox families that picked a tag from the Holiday Wishing Tree. I am humbled each year at the generosity of our Fox families. This year we not only met the needs of students here at Fox, but also students at other Camas schools. Dorothy Fox has a wonderful history of philanthropy that extends far beyond our school walls. Fox Rocks! Finally, we are kicking off Nominations for our 2016/2017 PTA Executive Board. I have really enjoyed serving as your PTA President these last 2 years. It has been such a rewarding experience for me. I hope that you will consider serving in a leadership position at some point during your time at Fox. Our PTA is such an integral part of our school, and I hope you see the value in its continued success! A nomination box can be found at the front office. Be on the lookout for flyers coming home in Friday Folders. The election will be held at the Membership Meeting on Thursday, April 21st @ 9:15 am. Best Wishes, Stacey Kim President Dorothy FoxPTA


STAY CONNECTED! Check out our website for up to date information!

Find us on Facebook! Get those last minute reminders for Spirit Day,

school activities and volunteer opportunities!

VOLUNTEER! You are a valuable part of our team!

If you are interested in finding volunteer opportunities at Dorothy Fox,

please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Michelle Farley@

Greetings from the Music Room!

This year, to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we chose to hold a school wide assembly on Jan 19th. We watched a video about his life and his dream, and we talked about how to be strong and do the right thing. We took an oath to treat all people with respect and kindness, and we sang songs about peace and love from the civil rights movement that included “This Little Light of Mine” and “We Shall Overcome.”

What’s in store for February? As if we needed an excuse, we’ll sing many more songs about LOVE (Valentine’s day!), and we’ll sing more black spirituals to tie in to black history month. Just before Valentine’s day, Fox Students Ella Kim and Mattina VanDyke will represent our school at the Washington Music Educators Association Junior All-State Youth Choir in Yakima, WA. This is always a fantastic concert, and I look forward to hearing the girls sing with the choir after I sit through a long weekend of music ed. workshops!

Informance Dates are here! Mark these dates on your calendars, and stay tuned for more details: Kindergarten—May 16 & 17. First Grade—April 15 & 18. Second grade—March 2. Third Grade—March 14 & 15. Fourth and fifth grades, I have some ideas for some new activities and performances and I’ll let you know when they are fully formed!

As always, thanks for your support here at Dorothy Fox!

Counseling Report

Kids Love The Computer…. Do you know who is on the other end?

Written by, Chris Baxter, School Counselor.

Do you know if you have parental controls or a filter for your computer? Have you checked the history this week on the nternet sites that have been visited from your family computer? How about Facebook? iPad? iPod? Did you know that children and teens have a natural sense of trust, a psychological need to feel special, a need to rebel, and lack the perspective taking skills to fully recognize if the person they are chatting with online is manipulating them? Fact: The most research validated and effective tool in keeping your kids safe is your frequent involvement, monitoring and discussions about safe internet use. Did you know your children and teens need You to take the lead in this area?! I rely heavily on when I have internet safety questions. The link: has most answers to parent questions, but even better there is an Ask The Experts area where your really tough questions will be answered and e-mailed back to you. If you don’t have internet access, but your child uses a library or friend’s computer sometimes, they are just as much at risk. Have open communication with your children about safe use of the internet, iPad, and internet connected phones. Enjoy the power of the internet for learning, connecting, and researching. With some knowledge and supervision you can be much more at ease.

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