foursquare games platform: a new income for foursquare!

Post on 21-Oct-2014






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From a location-based network to the social gaming network! How Foursquare will be the leader of location-based games and the social network for those who want to have fun!


Foursquare Games


A new income for Foursquare

Thomas Joie

/// August 2012

“This is an incredible idea”

Naveen Selvadurai

Foursquare co-founder

Vision – Mission – Project

Where you live is a playground. Don’t stop playing!

/// Vision

/// Mission

By proposing location-based games for people who want to have fun!

/// Project

• Creation of a Foursquare Games platform (FGP) that provides location-based


• The FGP is a market place between games creators and gamers.

Foursquare as the social gaming network! How?


« the social network for those who want to have fun »

Foursquare will be the leader of location-based games and

the social network for those who want to have fun!

/// Positioning

Foursquare as the social gaming network! There are more and more competitors:

1. on location-based technology

2. on location-based services (recommandations, deals, friends tips …)

… due to actors who do (or will be able to) compete on both (Facebook, Googlemaps, Yellow Pages…)

Foursquare should offer more than that. Foursquare can offer FUN to its users too!

« leader of location-based games »


opportunity to


+ =

Recommandations Deals Fun = + +

Location-based games types

Type of location-based games


1.TREASURE HUNT Goal : player(s) must reach a goal for a defined period of time

Examples : treasure hunts (enigma, puzzle, with actors, thematical hunt, business

place…), uncle Roy all around you, space invider city gallery…

2. MANHUNT Goal : player(s) must catch someone or a group of persons

Examples : urban Pac-Man, spider and flies, hide & seek, tag… √

3. SURVIVAL Goal : player(s) must avoid to be catched by someone or by a group of persons

Examples : zombies invasion, Battle royal, street war… √

4. TERRITORY CONQUEST Goal : player(s) must conquer ennemy territory while defending their own

Examples : Capture the Flag , Nerf war, urban Risk … √

5. SPORT and CITY GUIDE Goal : location-based sport activities

Examples : orienteering race, parkour, free-run, running, Yamakasi, cycling-run, urban

triathlon, travel book Venize…

Location-based games? What is it?

Example 1: Treasure Hunt with enigma

/// Goal of the game

• 19th october 1783: the day of the first fly of a hot-air ballon

• Players will discover places of this historical day

• A funny way to discover Paris at the end of the XVIIIe Century

/// How does it play?

1. Players play as a team or against the others.

2. They must solve enigma to achieve the treasure hunt

/// How Foursquare would be involved?

1. Players join the game through the Foursquare Games platform

2. Directions are progressively indicated on the Foursquare map

3. Players check at the right place to get the next direction or enigma. If they check three time wrong, Foursquare indicates « you are 55 yd to the right point »

4. Enigma are linked with wiki /youtube / augmented reality…

5. At the end of the game, a game-specific badge is given

• Discover Paris at the end of the XVIIIe Century

• … and be the first to achieve the treasure hunt!

/// What’s the story?

Example 2: Survival of a Zombies attack

/// How does it play?

• Zombies infested a city. Surviving inhabitants have to find the way to beat

them thanks to the advice of an old scientist (Professor Z).

1. Players play as team. They are the last survivors

2. They must avoid Zombies and solve enigma to achieve the game

• Players join the game through Foursquare

• Check-in give directions and clues to the story and are progressively indicated

• Zombies can be located on the map

• At the end of the game, a « survivor » badge is given

/// Goal of the game

/// What’s the story?

/// How Foursquare would be involved?

1. At the starting point, they receive a video of the situation (the city is zombies infested).

Only one guy can help them to beat zombies : Professor Z. He must be find.

2. They go first to Professor Z place. No one there. First zombies attack. Find clues.

3. During the game, Players find all ingrediants to beat zombies and save the city

4. Each new place to visit, appears one after oneother on the foursquare map (only

players see those places).

5. The race is rythmed by zombies attacks

FGP: the market. Who creates? Who plays?






• Single or multiplayer games

• Private event

• Tourism / city guide

• Bachelor party

• Student parties / games

• University challenges

• …

• Team building

• Incentives

• Kick offs

• Product launch event or party

• Out of the office activity

• Partnership celebration

• Student commencement / celebration

• …

Games creators Games players

B2C business


B2B business


Businesses and



game platform

/// Business Model

Business Model

• Free upload for the games creator on the FGP

• For players: depend on the game

• on–demand paiement

• or free

• Foursquare fees on each game sold

Creators Players

Free upload

Free download

On-demand payment



% on the

selling price


/// Remarks on the selling price

• The price is fixed by the creator

• The payed price depends on the number of players and the expected duration of the game







Content management

/// Content: key success factors

• Ability for developers to upload games on the FGP

• In a V2 of the platform, everyone can use a template to propose his game

/// Some contents already exist! The FGP is:

1. a new distribution channel!

2. a better way to be found (via a specialized market)

• Partnership with publishers, developers…

• Integrate app’s already created

GPS Invaders. A « space invaders type app’ » based on the player ‘s city map.

Paris Enigmes Enigma and treasure hunts around Paris.

Zombies, runs ! Training app’ about Zombies invasion.




How would it work? Access example

G Games

Games Access to the games close to the user location

Access to the FGP to see all the available games

//// News headings in the main menu of Foursquare

2 accesses to the games:

//// The menu « Games » is similar to the App store

Games selection by: • User location : games closed to the player • Type : treasure hunt, manhunt, survival, territory conquest and sport) • Price : free games vs paid games • Sponsorized : firms sponsorized games • Top games

Conclusion: stakeholders’ benefits

/// The FGP is an opportunity for Foursquare, companies and Foursquare’s users

1. Boosts traffic on Foursquare

2. Creates a new source of revenue

3. Strenghten merchant partnerships with companies and Foursquare users

4. Diversify activities and profits

5. Becomes THE gaming social network (positioning)

6. Strenghten the innovative leadership of Foursquare. Be the first !

(Ways of playing are changing and new games appear. Foursquare can structure the market)

7. Increases the « fun » perception of Foursquare

1. New distribution channel (new incomes)

2. Increase the innovative perception of the brand

3. Create new market opportunities for B2B companies (they can reach final customer (B2B2C)

1. The whole city becomes a playground ! Foursquare is fun !

2. All location-based games at one place: Foursquare games platform

3. New way to be rewarded (free game, beta tester…)

4. Win new badges (gamer, super gamer, Zombies attack survivor …)

Businesses Players


Thomas Joie

French - lives in Paris

+ : French – English - German

/// About me








/// A project or an idea?

Naveen Selvadurai – Foursquare co-founder – for his opinion on the project. Thank you.

/// Thanks

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