foreign subsidization and excess capacity effectsobstfeld/281_sp07/blonigen.pdfimplications of both...

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Bruce A. Blonigen* University of Oregon and NBER


Wesley W. Wilson** University of Oregon

April 2007

ABSTRACT: The U.S. steel industry contends that foreign subsidization and excess capacity has led to its long-run demise, yet no one has formally examined this hypothesis. In this paper, we incorporate foreign subsidization considerations into a model based on Staiger and Wolak’s (1992) cyclical-dumping framework and illustrate testable implications of both cyclical excess capacity and structural excess capacity stemming from foreign subsidization. We then use detailed product- and foreign country-level data on steel exports to the U.S. market from 1979 through 2002 to estimate these excess capacity effects. While we find evidence of both cyclical and structural excess capacity effects for exports to the U.S. market, they are confined to such a narrow range of country-product combinations that it is unlikely that such effects were a significant factor in the fortunes of U.S. steel firms over the past decades. Keywords: Subsidization, Excess Capacity, Countervailing Duty, Steel JEL: F13, J11

*Department of Economics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 97403; Ph: 541-346-4680; Fax: 541-346-1243; Email: ** Department of Economics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 97403; Ph: 541-346-4690; Fax: 541-346-1243; Email: This research was supported by NSF grant 0416854. We thank Joshua Aizenmann, Menzie Chinn, Ronald Davies, Charles Engel, Robert Feenstra, Maria Muniagurria, Aris Protopapadakis, Andrew Rose, Kathryn Russ, Bob Staiger,and seminar participants at the Santa Cruz Center for International Studies conference and the University of Wisconsin-Madison for helpful comments. We also thank Laura Kerr-Valentic, Anson Soderbery and Paul Thoma for excellent research assistance, and Benjamin Liebman and Chad Bown for sharing data with us. Any remaining errors are our own.


"I take this action to give our domestic steel industry an opportunity to adjust to surges in foreign imports, recognizing the harm from 50 years of foreign government intervention in the global steel market, which has resulted in bankruptcies, serious dislocation, and job loss." (President George W. Bush in press statement announcing new Safeguard measures on imported steel, March 5, 2002)

1. Introduction

For decades, the U.S. steel industry has contended that distortionary policies of

foreign governments have led to its long-run demise. The main argument, as described and

developed by Howell et al. (1988), is that foreign government subsidies lead foreign

producers to have excess capacities. High protective trade barriers in foreign countries allow

the foreign producers to sell at high prices in their own market and then dump the excess on

the U.S. The understandable reaction of the U.S. government is, as described in Mastell

(1999), to erect antidumping and countervailing duty laws, safeguard actions, etc., to protect

U.S. industry from such behavior.

Most economists have dismissed the effect of foreign subsidization and excess

capacity and, instead, point to other factors as responsible for the long-run decline in

employment in U.S. steel. For example, Oster (1982) documents the slow adoption of new

technologies by the U.S. steel industry. A related trend has been the rise of minimill steel

production, which uses scrap metal in a steel production process that is indisputably lower

cost than integrated mills, but has historically produced lower quality steel.1 Crandall (1996),

Moore (1996), and Tornell (1996) have argued that minimill production may be more

important for explaining the decline of large integrated steel producers in the U.S. than

imports. Alternatively, Tornell (1996) provides a model and evidence suggesting that

powerful labor unions have been able to appropriate rents to such an extent that U.S. steel

1 Over time, minimill production has successively innovated into making increasingly higher-quality steel products which likely puts even more pressure on traditional integrated steel mills.


firms have rationally disinvested over time. Finally, economists have suggested a familiar

political theme to the steel industry’s history of trade protection. Lenway et al. (1996) and

Morck et al. (2001) find evidence that the firms that lobby for protection are typically larger,

less efficient, less innovative, pay higher wages, and habitually seek protection versus firms

that do not lobby. A natural conclusion is that trade protection is not to prevent unfair

competition, but rather the result of rent-seeking activities by less-efficient and non-

competitive firms.

Rather than simply dismiss the steel industry’s arguments, this paper considers excess

capacity effects and examines whether the data confirm that such effects are having a

significant effect on the U.S. steel industry. In addressing this issue, we find it is important

to distinguish between cyclical excess capacity and structural excess capacity.

A model of cyclical excess capacity has been developed by Staiger and Wolak (1992). In the

Staiger and Wolak model, foreign monopolists supply their own protected home market, but

may also export to a competitive market. The foreign monopolists are assumed to have long-

run marginal costs below the price (i.e., marginal revenue) in the export market. However,

the foreign firm’s own market experiences random demand shocks which can lead to short-

run (or cyclical) excess capacity in low demand periods that is then sold at market-clearing

prices in the competitive export market. This provides an explanation for rational cyclical

dumping by the foreign firm. We note that foreign subsidization is not a necessary element

for cyclical dumping to occur. Thus, after presenting a simplified model of cyclical dumping,

we next modify the model to consider the effects of subsidization by a foreign government.

We first show that foreign subsidization leads foreign firms to invest in more capacity than

without subsidization and that this increases the likelihood and/or increases the volume of

their exports to the U.S. market. This is what we term structural excess capacity effects. We

then show that such foreign subsidization can exacerbate cyclical excess capacity effects.


To our knowledge, there are only a few studies that have empirically tested for

cyclical export supply responses to negative domestic demand shocks (i.e., cyclical excess

capacity)2, and none that have formally tested for the effects of foreign subsidization (or

structural excess capacity).3 The latter hypothesis is difficult to examine due to data

availability on foreign subsidization programs. However, the U.S. steel industry has filed

hundreds of countervailing duty (CVD) investigations to identify and quantify the effects of

foreign government subsidization against a fairly exhaustive list of relevant steel products

and foreign country sources over the past decades. As a part of these CVD investigations, the

relevant U.S. agencies publicly document a history of all foreign government subsidization

practices in each case. They also provide estimates of the value of each subsidy program as a

percent of the firm’s export sales and determine which ones are significant enough to cause

injury to the domestic industry. These data provide a unique opportunity to directly estimate

the effects of purported foreign subsidy programs on foreign exports to the U.S. market.

We test for both cyclical and structural excess-capacity-related effects using data on

exports of 37 different steel products from 22 different foreign countries to the U.S. market

from 1979 through 2002. Our statistical estimates provide evidence for cyclical excess

capacity effects on exports to the U.S. markets. We also find statistical evidence of

structural excess capacity effects -- foreign subsidization significantly increases export

2 The most closely related empirical literature are papers that examine whether export supply increases when domestic industries have excess capacity during low-domestic-demand periods. For example, Dunleavy (1980) finds that “export sales are inversely related to the pressure on domestic capacity” (p. 131) in an examination of aggregate export behavior for the U.S. and the United Kingdom. Yamawaki (1984) finds evidence in support of the hypothesis that Japanese steel export prices are lower in periods of excess capacity. Crowley (2006) develops a model where firms dump into export into foreign markets when home demand is low and shows that the foreign government improves foreign welfare in such situations with an antidumping duty (AD). Her empirical analysis shows that the U.S. government agencies are more likely to rule affirmatively when foreign demand is weak. She does not test directly for cyclical dumping effects from negative home demand shocks. 3 Howell et al. (1988) and U.S. countervailing duty (CVD) investigations provide figures on purported foreign subsidies in the steel industry, but does not examine how such subsidies affect market outcomes, particularly the supply of steel to the U.S. market.


volumes to the U.S. Importantly, however, we find these excess capacity effects to be quite

isolated in the U.S. steel market. We find such effects only for less-developed country

sources in our data, particularly the Latin American countries of Argentina, Brazil, and

Venezuela, which account for a small share of U.S. steel consumption. The very narrow

scope of these excess capacity effects in the U.S. steel market make it unlikely to be a

significant source of the U.S. steelmakers troubles over the past few decades.

The paper proceeds as follows. In the next section, we present a simple version of

the Staiger and Wolak (1992) model to illustrate cyclical excess capacity effects on steel

exports to the U.S. market. We then extend the model to draw out structural excess

capacity implications of foreign subsidization for foreign steel exports to the U.S. market.

Section 3 discusses the detailed data on foreign subsidization that has come out of

hundreds of U.S. CVD steel cases for the past few decades and whether an initial look at

the data suggests that foreign subsidization may significantly impact the U.S. steel market.

Sections 4 and 5 describe the empirical approach we use to examine our excess-capacity

hypotheses and present our statistical results, respectively.

2. Conceptual Framework

This section presents a simple version of the cyclical-dumping model in Staiger and

Wolak (1992) and shows how demand shocks in the foreign firm’s domestic market (foreign

demand) can lead to cyclical dumping of excess capacity into the U.S. (export) market. We

then introduce foreign subsidies into the model and illustrate how foreign subsidization leads

to testable implications about the probability and magnitude of exports, as well as the

responsiveness of foreign export supply to the U.S. market to foreign demand shocks.


Following Staiger and Wolak (1992), there is a foreign firm which is a monopolist in

its own domestic market, but which may also sell products to the export (hereinafter, the

U.S.) market. The demand function in the foreign firm’s domestic market is a simple linear

function of price, wherein the intercept (α) is an i.i.d. random variable. That is, demand is

given by F FQ Pα= − , where QF and PF are quantity and price for the foreign market,

respectively. In the U.S. market, the foreign firm is a price-taker (facing an exogenously-

given price) that is assumed to be lower than prices in the foreign firm’s domestic market

price at all levels of capacity.4 Short-run marginal costs (c) are constant until capacity is

reached, at which point marginal costs are infinite.5 Capacity costs are assumed to be

increasing in capacity and represented by a simple quadratic function, 20 1K Kη η+ , where

0 1,η η >0.6

The timing of decisions is as follows. The foreign firm first makes its capacity

decision before the demand shock is realized. After the demand shock is realized, the foreign

firm chooses how much to produce and sell in its own domestic market and export to the U.S.


4 The assumption of an exogenously-given U.S. price differs from Staiger and Wolak (1992), which assumes that the U.S. price is determined through market competition between the foreign firm and a competitive fringe in the U.S. market. As discussed below, the very small market shares of individual foreign-country import sources in the U.S. steel market (i.e., the foreign firm is a fringe player in the U.S. market) makes the assumption of an exogenously-determined U.S. price from the perspective of the foreign firm a reasonable one. Such an assumption also makes the model much easier to solve and describe. 5 We make this assumption for simplicity, but would obtain similar implications for increasing marginal costs, provided such costs approach infinity as production nears capacity. 6 This is a second modification of the Staiger and Wolak set-up, which assumed linear capacity costs. This treatment allows for closed solutions for two different cases when the foreign firm is a price-taker in the US market. These are a case where the US price (PUS ) cannot support capacity costs at any level of capacity, and the case wherein the US price can support capacity choices, at least over a range of capacity decisions.


2.1. Production and Export Decision

We first consider the output choice given capacity. The foreign firm is taken to

maximize profit by choosing the level of output in its own domestic market (F) and in the

U.S. market. In this case, the capacity decision is made and the demand shock is realized.

Profits are defined by:

,Max ( ) ( ) subject to ,



Q QQ Q cQ P c Q Q Q Kπ α= − − + − + ≤ (1)

where π is the firm’s profit, QF and QUS are the firm’s choices for production and sales to its

own foreign market and exports to the U.S. market, respectively, c is constant marginal costs,

K is the chosen level of capacity by the firm in the first stage, PUS is the exogenously-given

price of exports to the U.S. market, in the foreign firm’s own currency, and α is the realized

value of the foreign market demand intercept.

Solving the model in (1), it is easy to see (and show) that the foreign firm’s output is

determined by selling all of the output that can be produced given capacity in its domestic

market i.e., * *FQ K= or by allocating capacity between its domestic market and the U.S.

market i.e., * * ** *and

2 2

US USF US FP PQ Q K Q Kα α− −= = − = − . Selling some of the output

to the export market is not dumping per se if the U.S. price warranted capacity investments

for the export market in the first place. In this case, positive or negative demand shocks

simply reflect normal substitution patterns from a firm selling in two markets.

However, if the initial capacity choice was intended only for production to serve the

foreign firm’s own market, dumping may occur when realized demand is less than planned

demand this leads to allocating some production to the U.S. (export) market. That is, the firm

did not plan on exporting to the US, but because the realized demand is much lower than

planned, they optimally choose to export to the US. Of course, the larger is the difference in


the expected and realized demand, the greater is the level of exports. Thus, while the U.S.

price cannot cover both production and long-run capacity costs on its own, it can rationally

choose to sell into the U.S. market for unexpectedly low demand realizations.

2.2. Capacity Choices

Capacity decisions are made prior to the realization of the foreign firm’s domestic

demand level. Modeling of the capacity decision is based then on expected profits, with an

expected value of the demand level defined with eα . Expected profits are maximized with

choices of the capacity level (K) and the domestic output level (QF) and the export level (QE).

That is,

20 1

, ,Max E ( ) ( ) (2)

subject to .





Q Q cQ P c Q K K


π α η η= − − + − − −

≥ +

We focus on the case where the U.S. price is large enough to warrant sales given capacity i.e.,

0,USP c− > but not so large to warrant investment in capacity in its own right i.e.,

0 0.USP c η− − < 7 Thus, given capacity, the foreign firm may choose to sell in the U.S.

market, but would not plan to sell in the U.S. market before the capacity decision is made.

We illustrate the model graphically in Figure 1. In this model, the expected intercept ( eα ) is

greater than the marginal production (c) and capacity costs intercept ( 0η ). However, the U.S.

price lies below the marginal production and capacity cost intercept so that investments with

express intent to produce for the U.S. market do not occur. Nevertheless, since the U.S. price

is greater than the production cost, given the capacity decision, the foreign firm may supply

7 As we discuss later, one effect of subsidies can be to affect the capacity from a case in which the firm does not consider the US market in its investment decisions to a case where it does. This is developed and discussed later.


the U.S. market. The optimal capacity decision, K*, equates marginal revenue with marginal

costs defined by production costs and marginal capacity costs i.e.,

** 0


( )(2(1 ))

eF cK Q α η

η− −= = + . (3)

As would be expected, capacity and, hence, planned output increase in the expected demand

intercept, and falls with increases in production costs and capacity costs.

Given the capacity decision, the marginal condition for sales both in its own country

and in the U.S. is different from that of the capacity (planned output) condition. Of course, if

the realized demand is equal to or greater than the expected demand, the foreign firm is pre-

committed to output levels at the optimal capacity choice i.e., QF=K*. If, however, the

realized demand intercept is less than the expected demand intercept, there are two possible

outcomes. First, the difference between the planned and realized demand may not be large

enough to warrant changes in the production plan. Specifically, the optimality condition for

output choices is that 2 .F USQ Pα − ≥ This means that the foreign firm confronted with a

negative demand shock (i.e., the difference of the planned demand and the realized demand is

negative) will hold fast with QF=K*, until the shock is large enough to satisfy the optimality

condition with equality. Let eα α δ= − where δ is the demand shock – the difference

between the expected and realized values of the demand intercept. Substitution of this

definition into the optimality condition, yields *2e USP Kδ α= − − . The size of the shock

necessary to induce sales to the U.S. (dumping) is increasing in the expected intercept, and

falling in both the U.S. price and the level of predetermined capacity.8

Given this model, we use Figure 2 to illustrate potential responses of exports by the

foreign firm depending on how the realized foreign-market demand parameter differs from

8 Note that the result with respect to the intercept is more complicated than it appears since K* depends on the intercept. However, it is straightforward to show that the result holds without ambiguity.


the expected value. As before, we hold the assumption that the export price is just low

enough so that the foreign firm would not build capacity with an expectation of sales to the

U.S. Rather, their planned output and foreign sales are identical with no planned output to

the U.S.

When demand is realized, however, sales to the U.S. may or may not occur. MR1 in

Figure 2 represents the marginal revenue schedule when the realized foreign market demand

exactly equals the expected value (α=αe) and the equilibrium production occurs at point A.

Note that the equilibrium occurs at an intersection point above the constant marginal costs of

production (c), since the firm must also cover per-unit capacity costs which are not shown

explicitly in the Figure 2. Also, given our assumptions on the firm’s marginal costs relative

to the U.S. price, the firm sells all its production to the domestic market and none to the

export market.

We can then consider scenarios where realized foreign demand differs from

expectations. It is clear to see that positive demand shocks will not induce a change in output

since the firms is capacity-constrained and, in particular, will not result in exports to the US.

For a negative demand shock (realized demand less than actual) two types of outcomes are

possible in terms of exports to the U.S. MR2 represents the marginal revenue schedule for a

negative demand shock (α<αe) that is still not large enough to induce exports to the US, while

MR3 represents the marginal revenue schedule with a large enough negative demand shock to

induce exports. With the latter MR schedule (MR3), the relevant marginal revenue for the

firm is PUS after point C. In other word, the firm gains greater marginal revenue in the export

market than its own domestic market for production levels past point C. In this case the firm

produces K* and sells Q3 to its own domestic market and sells the rest of its capacity (the

length CB) in the export market. This is, then, a model that generates dumping in the spirit

of Staiger and Wolak (1992).


2.3. Government Subsidies

We now consider how government subsidization affects the firm’s choices and

market outcomes. We assume government subsidization comes in the form of capacity

subsidization and specifically model such a subsidy (s>0) as entering the capacity cost term

in the following manner, 20 1( )s K Kη η− + . This simple setup illustrates that subsidies

directly reduce capacity costs. The resulting objective functions and equilibrium solutions

are the same as above after substituting η0-s for η0. It is straightforward then to show that

capacity is increasing in the level of the subsidy. If the subsidy is large enough such that

0( ) 0USP c sη− − − > then the original capacity decision results in planned exports (sales to

the US). This is depicted in Figure 3, where the subsidization drives the capacity choice out

to K*(S) (from an non-subsidized capacity of K*(NS)), such that exports to the U.S. will

occur even when realized foreign demand equals expected demand (MR2 schedule). This is

then what we term a structural excess capacity effect on U.S. exports from this foreign


Interestingly, the model shows that foreign subsidization (the source of structural

excess capacity) can also exacerbate the cyclical excess capacity effects. In comparing

Figure 2 (no foreign subsidization) to Figure 3 (subsidization), the range of foreign demand

realizations where the firm would be serving only the domestic market is much greater. Thus,

there will be greater range of demand shocks that will not affect export supply in the model

and, hence, a lower probability of cyclical excess capacity effects for the U.S. market. This

is our third excess capacity hypothesis that we explore more below in our empirical analysis.

An important assumption in our analysis is that the foreign firm’s costs relative to the

U.S. price of steel would not warrant the firm building initial capacity to serve the export


market. This follows Staiger and Wolak’s assumptions and the contention of the U.S. steel

producers that these foreign producers are exporting due to excess capacity issues, not an

inherent comparative advantage in producing steel. We’ll term this the inefficient foreign

firm assumption. If one relaxes this assumption so that the foreign firm is efficient enough to

build capacity for the export market, the model would still predict that exports would be

negatively related to foreign demand shocks. However, excess capacity effects on exports

would only apply to the additional amount of exports from a negative demand shock beyond

the “normal” supply of exports for an expected foreign demand realization. Whether foreign

subsidization would continue to exacerbate cyclical excess capacity effects depends on how

efficient the foreign firm is. If the foreign firm is inefficient enough that it would stop

exporting to the U.S. market for high foreign demand realizations, then this effect would still

remain in the model as well. Finally, structural excess capacity effects would be unaffected

by relaxing the inefficient foreign firm assumption.

In summary, the model in this section provides three primary excess capacity effects

that we will explore in our empirical analysis. First, if foreign markets are protected,

negative foreign demand shocks will generate greater exports to the U.S. market even

without any subsidization by the foreign government. This is the cyclical excess capacity (or

dumping) hypothesis. Second, foreign subsidization will lead to greater exports to the U.S.

market – the structural excess capacity hypothesis. Finally, under certain conditions, foreign

subsidization will lead to larger cyclical excess capacity effects.

The next section provides information on foreign subsidization in the steel industry

uncovered by U.S. CVD investigations and a preliminary analysis of the structural excess

capacity hypothesis. This is followed by section 4, where we develop an empirical

specification based on this section’s modeling to examine the statistical evidence for all three



3. U.S. countervailing duty investigations and information on foreign subsidization

Due to the potential effects of foreign subsidization on a domestic industry, the

U.S. and World Trade Organization statutes allow domestic industries to obtain relief

from imports that are subsidized by foreign governments through the use of CVD

protection. In these cases, an ad valorem subsidy rate is calculated that, once applied as a

CVD, is intended to offset the advantage gained in the domestic market by the exporting

foreign firms from subsidization by the foreign government. In the U.S., CVD

calculations are done by the International Trade Administration (ITA) of the U.S.

Department of Commerce with CVD determinations for each case published in the

Federal Register. These CVD determinations document all foreign subsidization

programs related to the products subject to the U.S. CVD investigation and provide an ad

valorem subsidy rate for each of these programs, as well as a total ad valorem subsidy

rate which is the CVD if the imports are found to be causing injury to the domestic


The reported ITA determinations provide us with a wealth of information on

foreign subsidization, often including histories of foreign subsidization programs with

start and end dates for various programs. These investigations consider an exhaustive list

of programs and report information on many programs listed by the U.S. petitioners for

which no subsidization benefit was found. As we document below, the U.S. steel

industry has filed hundreds of CVD cases since 1980, many of which have been found to

have insufficient evidence of foreign subsidization or deemed too insignificant to be

injurious to the domestic industry. Thus, it is quite unlikely that there are any significant


foreign government programs subsidizing steel exports to the U.S. that have not been

examined by these CVD investigations.

While we have excellent information on the occurrence of foreign subsidization

of steel imports in the U.S., there is obvious measurement error in the ITA’s calculation

of the degree of foreign subsidization. The ITA’s methodology for calculating an ad

valorem subsidy rate is to add up the monetary value of subsidy afforded to the foreign

firm and divide this by a corresponding revenue stream. For example, if the subsidy is

connected with all of the firms exports (not just to the U.S.), it divides the subsidy benefit

by the total value of the firms’ exports. If it is a production subsidy, it divides by the

firms total sales, both domestic and foreign. Francois, Palmeter and Anspacher (1991)

discuss many of the economic problems with this methodology.9 Another significant

issue is the treatment of “non-recurring” subsidies, such as one-time equity infusions by a

foreign government to stop a steel firm from going bankrupt. Translating the effect of

such an event into an ad valorem subsidy that affects the market in subsequent years

requires a significant number of assumptions. Our data appendix describes these ITA

procedures in some more detail, as well as our construction of subsidy rate over time

from information in ITA CVD determinations.

The U.S. steel industry has a substantial history of filing CVD cases, with 289

cases filed on steel products from 1980 through 2002.10 The most active periods were in

the early 1980s leading up to the significant Voluntary Restraint Agreements (VRAs) 9 A related literature in the trade law area discusses the difference between a competitive-benefits approach that focuses on the market advantage gained by the foreign firm from subsidization (i.e., an economics-based approach) and a “cash-flow approach” that the ITA uses in its calculations. For example, see Diamond (1990). 10 Throughout the paper, we define “steel products” as those falling under Standard Industrial Classification 331, including steel mill products, pipes and tubes, and wire-related products. Our starting year is 1980, as this was the first year under new AD and CVD rules that are associated with a large increase in subsequent filing activity.


with virtually all significant importers beginning in 1985, a large group of cases when

these VRAs were allowed to expire in 1992, and significant activity in the late 1990s and

early 2000s prior to the steel safeguard actions imposed by the U.S. in 2002.

Table 1 provides a more detailed look at U.S. CVD activity in steel products over

the 1980s and 1990s from a foreign country level. The first three columns report the

number of CVD cases by foreign country source and the number of “successful” cases

through either an affirmative decision by U.S. authorities or through a private suspension

agreement.11 There is substantial variation in the frequency with which countries are

investigated and the frequency with which they end in “successful” outcomes for the U.S.

steel industry. The primary activity has been against EC/EU countries, Korea, South

Africa, and the Latin American countries of Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. Success

rates are generally much lower with respect to the EC/EU countries.12

The next two columns of Table 1 provide average CVDs for affirmative cases and

for all non-suspended cases. As above, we assume a zero CVD for the non-affirmative

cases. To the extent that the ITA’s CVD calculations were a good measure of the

effective subsidization rates, these columns provide evidence for where foreign

subsidization is greatest. By these calculated rates, subsidization is more extensive in

Argentina, Brazil, Canada (though only for the few cases investigated), Italy, South

Africa, and Spain. In our statistical analysis below, we use the information on

11 These “successful” cases do not include ones that were withdrawn in periods before comprehensive VRAs were negotiated since it is not always clear whether the case was withdrawn due to the impending VRA or a decision by the petitioners that the case would not be successful. 12 Interestingly, Japan was never subject to a CVD investigation in steel products during this period. China likewise experienced no CVD investigation, but this is due to ITA’s ruling that such calculations are not appropriate for non-market economies.


government subsidization reported in these CVD cases to “directly” examine whether

such foreign subsidization increases exports into the U.S. steel market.

We can more specifically examine the efficacy of the permanent excess capacity

hypothesis by looking at the extent of the U.S. steel market affected by the foreign

subsidization uncovered in ITA investigations. High subsidization rates may mean little

if it is only occurring for a small percentage of products. In the final two columns of

Table 1, we provide a snapshot of the percentage of each country’s exports of steel to the

U.S. market that are covered by a CVD as of 2002 and then the share of total U.S.

consumption accounted for by the foreign country’s exports of steel. Thus, multiplying

the two percentages together (in decimal form) provides a measure of the percent of the

total U.S. steel market affected by foreign subsidization by the particular foreign country.

For example, imports of steel from Canada account for 4.4% of the U.S. steel market in

2002 and 0.3% of these Canadian imports are subject to a CVD. Thus, the CVDs in place

as of 2002 indicate that 0.01% (0.003 × 0.044 × 100) of the U.S. steel market is affected

by Canadian subsidization of steel exports to the U.S. France, Germany and Italy have

the largest share of their U.S. exports affect by CVD orders and relatively large shares of

the U.S. market. But even the biggest impact – Germany – translates into just 0.34% of

the U.S. market affected by its subsidization. Totaling up across all these country sources

(which represents virtually all of the imports into the U.S.) provides an estimate that

1.32% of the U.S. market is affected by foreign subsidization.

To the extent that 2002 trade volumes are depressed by the presence of the CVD,

this 1.32% number may not be representative of the portion of the steel market that was

affected by foreign subsidization. As an alternative, we take the 1990 trade volumes of


the products with CVD orders in 2002 as a share of total 1990 U.S. steel market.

Virtually all the CVDs in place in 2002 became effective after the 1983-1992 VRA

period. Using the 1990 figures, the estimate is 2.61% of the total U.S. steel market

affected by foreign government subsidization as revealed by the presence of a CVD.

While this number is still quite small, it is about double the previous estimate. As a

percent of imports only, not the total U.S. steel market, almost 13% of imports are

affected using the 1990 trade volumes.13

In summary, the data from U.S. CVD cases are not suggestive of large effects on

the U.S. steel market from foreign subsidization. The most generous numbers suggest

that 13% of imports are affected, translating into 2.6% of the total U.S. steel market, and

that the average trade-weighted CVD on imports is 0.84%.14 We next turn from the

descriptive approach of ITA’s calculations of CVD rates to a more formal statistical

analysis of whether excess capacity is prevalent in the foreign markets.

13 We can also calculate an approximate trade-weighted CVD rate across all imported U.S. steel mill products for 2002. For trade weights, we use first use product-level import volumes reported in the 2002 American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Annual Statistical Report. The product categories reported in the AISI Yearbook are sometimes larger than that covered by the U.S. CVD. So, in this sense, the trade-weighted CVD we calculate will be an overestimate. Keeping this limitation in mind, we calculate a trade-weighted 2002 CVD rate for imported U.S. steel mill products of 0.35%. As above, the trade-depressing effect of the CVD may mean the 2002 trade volumes are inappropriate to use as weights. When we use 1990 trade volumes as weights, we calculate an average CVD rate of 0.84% for all imported U.S. steel mill products. 14 This conclusion assumes that the U.S. steel industry has petitioned in all the instances where foreign subsidization has occurred and that the ITA and USITC have correctly ruled affirmatively in those cases. These assumptions do not seem too unrealistic. The steel industry has filed literally hundreds of cases in the past couple decades, often obtaining negative decisions, which suggest they are filing even more cases than justified. With respect to application of CVD protection by the U.S. agencies, the analysis of Diamond (1990) and Francois, Palmeter, and Anspacher (1991) suggests that CVD protection may be applied more often than justified by the economic circumstances.


4. Empirical Specification and Data Description

In this section we develop an empirical specification based on the model in

section 2 to estimate cyclical and structural excess capacity effects, as well as describe

the data we use to examine our hypotheses.

4.1. Empirical Specification

Following the model in section 2, the empirical specification assumes each

foreign country as a fringe competitor with respect to the U.S. market. The second-to-

last column of Table 1 suggests that this is a reasonable assumption. Canada is the

foreign country with the largest U.S. market share at 4.4% in 2002. Brazil and Mexico

are next with less than 3%. Germany, Korea and Japan have a little more than 1%, and

all other countries have around 0.5% or less of the U.S. market.15 This assumption of

fringe competition simplifies the empirical analysis through the notion that each country

acts as a price-taker in the U.S. market and acts independently of import decisions by

other foreign suppliers to the U.S. market.

An important feature of the data available is a fairly disaggregated product level

detail by country. As discussed more below and in the data appendix, we have U.S.

import data by country source for 37 different, but consistently-defined, steel product

categories. Identification of price and trade protection effects comes from substantial

variation in these variables across these various country-product combinations.

15 While these are 2002 numbers, these market shares change very little over the previous two decades and were, of course, much smaller before 1980.


Given these considerations, we estimate the following base empirical

specification, pooling observations over import source countries (i), products (j), and

years (t):

1 2 3 4ln ln ln ln lnijt ijt it ijt ijt ijtEX USP FDem Subsidy TProtα β β β β ε= + + + + + . (4)

We estimate this specification using data that is first-differenced by country-

product combinations to control for unobserved heterogeneity along these dimensions

and as a way to address time series issues with some of our variables. We also include

separate product, country, and year dummies in this first-differenced specification.

Our dependent variable in (4), ln EXijt, denotes exports to the U.S. measured as

the log of net tons for product j from country i in year t. The first regressor, ln USPijt is a

measure of the logged real foreign currency price for product j available on the U.S.

market in year t. Given the small individual market shares of foreign countries in the U.S.

steel market noted in Table 1, we assume here (as in our theory) that the U.S. price is

taken exogenously by the exporters. However, since the U.S. price must be translated

into the appropriate foreign currency and adjusted into real terms, this variable is country-

specific, as well as product- and year-specific. We expect a positive sign on this

variable’s coefficient since a higher realized price for their exports to the U.S. would

make the foreign firm (modeled in section 2 above) more likely to build capacity to serve

for exporting.

The variable ln FDemit is a primary focus variable for us and is the logged

measure of demand for steel products in the foreign market. We expect a negative

coefficient on this variable, as theoretically a higher demand in a foreign firm’s own

market leads to lower exports to the U.S. market. Such a result would be consistent with


the cyclical excess capacity (or cyclical dumping) hypothesis of Staiger and Wolak. We

use real industrial value added data taken from the World Bank’s World Development

Indicators to proxy for foreign demand for steel products since the steel is an

intermediate input into many various industrial activities.16 We also examine whether

foreign subsidization exacerbates any cyclical dumping effects by interacting the foreign

demand variable with our measure of foreign subsidization, which we describe next.

The term ln Subsidyijt is the log of 1 plus the ad valorem foreign government

subsidization rate that we construct from ITA determinations. A statistically significant

positive coefficient on this term would confirm a structrual excess capacity effect of

foreign subsidization on U.S. steel markets. Due to concerns with how the ITA

calculates the magnitude of these ad valorem subsidy rates, we also examine the

sensitivity of our results when we instead use a simple dummy variable for the presence

of foreign subsidization.

The term ln TProtijt denotes a matrix of variables measuring special U.S. trade

protection programs that occurred during our sample, including CVDs, antidumping

duties, VRAs in the latter half of the 1980s, and safeguard tariffs. We assume that

standard ad valorem tariff rates are controlled for by year dummies included in the

regression. We add “1” to the CVD, antidumping duties and safeguard tariffs and log

them, whereas the VRA coverage is a binary variable. We expect the coefficients on

these trade protection variables to be negative.

16 The use of industrial production indexes or real GDP data gives qualitatively identical results in our statistical analysis. Real value added was not available for Taiwan and we use an industrial production instead. See our data appendix for further details.


4.2. Data

Our sample consists of 22 countries, 37 steel product categories, and years 1979

through 2002. These data dimensions were largely determined by data availability of

steel imports which we draw from yearly volumes of the American Iron and Steel

Institute’s (AISI’s) Annual Steel Report. The 22 countries are the historically largest

exporters of steel to the U.S. market. They include the countries listed in Table 1, as well

as Austria (1979-2000), Finland (1979-1999), and Greece (1979-1987) for which data do

not span the entire sample period.17 The strength of the AISI Annual Steel Reports is

reporting of data by consistent product categories throughout the sample period, ensuring

that virtually all steel products are covered in our sample.18 A few categories were

combined to provide consistency throughout and the data appendix provides a list of the

product categories covered. Import data are in net tons of steel.

Data on U.S. prices comes from producer price indexes published by the U.S.

Bureau of Labor Statistics and available from their website at: We also experiment with steel price data obtained

from Purchasing Magazine which yielded qualitatively identical results throughout all our

regressions. The data appendix provides a concordance we construct between our price

series and the 37 steel product categories in our sample. We convert steel prices into the

foreign country’s currency by multiplying by an appropriate exchange rate and convert

17 All other countries’ observations span all years of the sample with the exception of South Africa, for which the years 1987-1995 are not reported due to the anti-apartheid embargo imposed on that country. We get qualitatively identical statistical results whether we include South Africa in the sample or not. 18 An alternative would be to collect data by Harmonized Tariff System (HTS) codes down to even the 10-digit level. However, HTS codes, especially for a highly-scrutinized sector such as steel, are changing on a frequent basis, sometimes drastically. One would also have to concord the change from the TSUSA-based system before 1989 in the U.S. to the HTS.


into real terms using the country’s GDP deflator as provided by the International

Monetary Fund’s publication, International Financial Statistics.

Our measure of foreign subsidization was constructed from Federal Register

notices of ITA CVD decisions and is described in detail in our data appendix. Special

protection measures, such as CVDs, antidumping duties, VRAs, and safeguard tariffs

come from Federal Register notices and publications of the USITC. The data appendix

has further details on sources and variable construction.

A data appendix provides further details on the construction and sources of our

variables, as well as a table of summary statistics for the variables used in our statistical


5. Empirical Results

Table 2 provides regression results based on estimating equation (4) for the sample of

22 countries and 37 products from 1979 through 2002. The F-test of joint significance of our

regressor matrix passes easily at the 1 percent confidence level across the various

specifications in Table 2, and our main regressors are generally of expected sign and

statistically significant at standard confidence levels. The coefficient estimates can be read as

elasticities since they are logged (with the exception of the VRA variable).

Column 1 of Table 2 provides results of our benchmark model. Statistical

evidence for cyclical, as well as structural, excess capacity effects is strong. The

coefficient on the foreign demand variables is -1.62 and statistically significant at the 1-

percent level, indicating that a 10% decline in the foreign demand variable is associated

with about a 16% increase in exports to the U.S. market. This is confirmatory evidence

for cyclical excess capacity effects.


The case for structural excess capacity effects is supported by a positive and

statistically significant coefficient on our foreign subsidization variable. The coefficient

on this variable suggests that a 10% increase in the foreign subsidization rate of a steel

product increases its exports to the U.S. market by over 30%.

The control variables in the regression perform fairly well. As one would expect,

we find a positive coefficient on the export price variable, indicating that steel exports

increase to the U.S. when the foreign firms receive a higher price (in their own currency)

for their U.S. exports. The effects of antidumping duties and safeguard tariffs on foreign

exports to the U.S. are negative, as expected, and statistically significant with elasticities

of -1.89 and -1.27, respectively. CVDs are not estimated to have a significant impact on

exports though the associated coefficient is negative in sign as expected. The coefficient

on the VRA indicator variable is also negative as expected and statistically significant,

indicating that exports fall about 40% when subject to a VRA with the U.S. during our


In Column 2 of Table 2 we examine whether foreign subsidization exacerbates the

cyclical excess capacity effects by including a term that interacts the foreign demand

variable with an indicator variable for the presence of positive foreign subsidization. A

negative coefficient on this variable would indicate that the elasticity of exports to the

U.S. market is even more pronounced for negative demand shocks; i.e., that cyclical

dumping is even larger in magnitude. While the estimated coefficient on this interaction

term is negative, it is statistically insignificant.

In Column 3 of Table 2 we examine whether the cyclical dumping effect is

asymmetric and depends on whether foreign demand is generally in a high or low state.


Our simple model of cyclical dumping in section 2 would suggest that if foreign steel

producers are relatively inefficient and/or unsubsidized, we would see little to no

response of U.S. exports to foreign demand shocks if foreign demand was already at a

high level such that the foreign firm was serving its own domestic market at full capacity.

Foreign producers with an inherent or government-induced comparative advantage in

producing steel are less likely to see any asymmetric response of exports to demand

shocks in their own foreign market. To examine this we include an interaction term that

interacts the foreign demand variable with an indicator variable for whether foreign

demand is above its trend. The estimated coefficient is negative and statistically

insignificant, suggesting no asymmetric responses, consistent with the notion of foreign

subsidized firms and/or ones with an inherent comparative advantage.

Before turning to alternative specifications and samples, we comment on a

number of data and specification issues. First, our empirical specification does not

include any explicit controls for capital costs, which were clearly important in the model

we present in section 2. However, differencing our data by country-product

combinations controls for any time-invariant cost differences across these cross-sectional

units. In addition, we include separate product, country, and year fixed effects. In this

first-differenced specification, product fixed effects controls for any unobserved

differences in trends common to a particular steel product. Country fixed effects control

for unobserved differences in trends common to a country across all its steel products.

And year effects control for any macroeconomic shocks. To the extent that changes in

capital costs for country-product combinations can be decomposed into these fixed

effects in an additively separable way, we have fully accounted for such changes.


One may be concerned with data measurement issues with regard to our key

variables. We proxy for foreign demand with real industrial value added, though we get

qualitatively identical results when we use industrial production indexes or real GDP

measures reported in the International Monetary Fund’s International Financial Statistics.

We prefer the data on real industrial value added since data for industrial production

indexes are missing for a significant number of observations in our sample and because

real GDP measures include economic activity in many sectors, such as services, that

hardly consume any steel at all.

As our data appendix describes in more detail, there are measurement issues with

our subsidy variable, particularly the magnitude of the subsidies. In addition, subsidy

programs that start before a CVD case in our sample are clearly documented, whereas

ending dates for programs that continue past the CVD case are not. As an alternative to

our subsidy rate variable we construct a dummy variable that takes the value of “1” when

a foreign subsidization program begins for a country-product combination. The

coefficient estimated on this variable is significantly positive at the 1% level and

indicates a 34% increase in exports to the U.S., ceteris paribus. Coefficient estimates of

other regressors are virtually identical regardless of which subsidy variable we use

throughout our analysis.

5.1. Examining subsets of countries and products

As section 3 documents, U.S. CVD investigations brought by the steel industry

have targeted certain products and countries. In this section, we examine the extent to

which there are differences in excess capacity effects across subsamples of our data. For


each of these investigations we construct a dummy variable indicating a particular

subsample of the data and then interact this dummy variable with all our main control

regressors. Table 3 shows the coefficient estimates for our key excess capacity variables

for the different subsamples, as well as an F-test of statistical difference between the two

subsamples’ estimates.

The first sample split we examine is between products which were subject to

significant U.S. CVD investigations and those that were rarely, if ever, investigated.

Steel products in the “high CVD activity” category include hot-rolled bars, plates, cold-

rolled and hot-rolled sheet and strip, and wire rods. We would expect excess capacity

effects to larger for high CVD activity products if these are the types of products that are

heavily subsidized and protected by all foreign governments. However, as reported in

Table 3, there are no statistical differences on the coefficient estimates for our foreign

demand or subsidy variables, our respective measures of cyclical and structural excess

capacity effects, across high and low CVD activity products.

We next split our sample into non-OECD countries and OECD countries.

Inherent efficiencies in steel production and/or the extent of government subsidization

may systematically differ across these two sets of countries. Results in Table 3 show that

while there are no statistical differences between these two sets of countries with respect

to cyclical dumping effects, structural excess capacity effects from foreign subsidization

are limited to the non-OECD countries in our sample.

In fact, as shown in the last set of results in Table 3, both cyclical and structural

excess capacity effects can be shown to be limited to only three countries in the sample,

the South American countries of Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela. The coefficients on


the foreign demand and subsidy variables for these three countries are large in magnitude

and statistically significant, while the coefficients on these variables for all other 19

countries in our sample are very close to zero in magnitude and statistically insignificant.

As shown in Table 1, these three South American countries accounted for just 3.6% of

U.S. consumption of steel in 2002. We have tried a variety of other sample splits with

various country groupings, none with these stark results.

Thus, while we have estimated statistically significant excess capacity effects for

our entire sample, they are apparently driven by a very narrow group of foreign country

sources that are a small part of the U.S. market. This is consistent with our analysis of

the CVD activity shown in Table in section 3 earlier. Taken together, it is difficult to

imagine that excess capacity effects have had a significant role in the fortune of U.S. steel


5.2. Further considerations and sensitivity tests

There are a few remaining issues that may affect interpretation of our results.

First, 22% of our observations on exports to the U.S. for a given country and product

combination take the value of zero. However, we get qualitatively identical results for a

sample of only non-zero observations. A second concern may be the impact of export

markets other than the U.S. Taking the U.S. steel industry defenders at their word, this

should not be a concern as the U.S. is the only significant market that is relatively open to

steel imports. However, to the extent the rise or fall of other export market availability

impacts our countries and products similarly, our inclusion of year dummies should

control for these effects.


6. Conclusions

The effect of government subsidization on trade patterns has been an issue in the

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (subsequently the WTO) from its inception.

Measures to counteract such subsidization in the WTO, such as countervailing duty cases,

often lead to substantial arguments over what constitutes a subsidy and calculations that do

not begin to measure the market impacts of such subsidization. Yet, claims of injury from

foreign subsidization have been used substantially by sectors to gain trade protection over the

past decades, with the U.S. steel industry a primary example of this.

This paper presents a model and related empirical specification to examine such

claims by the U.S. steel industry using data on observable data. Using data on 37

different steel products across 22 different foreign country sources, we are able to test for

both short-run cyclical excess capacity effects on exports to the U.S. market, as well as

long-run structural excess capacity effects stemming from foreign subsidization. We

find statistical evidence for both effects. However, examination of subsamples of our

data reveal that these effects are limited to a very small set of foreign export sources that

account for a small share of the U.S. steel market. Thus, it is unlikely that these excess

capacity effects have been a significant factor in the U.S. steel industry’s performance

over the past decades.



Crandall, Robert W. (1996). “From Competitiveness to Competition: The Threat of Minimills to National Steel Companies,” Resources Policy, Vol. 22(1-2), 107-18. Crowley, Meredith A. (May 2006) “Antidumping Policy Under Imperfect Competition: Theory and Evidence,” Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Working Paper. Diamond, Richard D. (1990). “A Search for Economic and Financial Principles in the Administration of U.S. Countervailing Duty Law,” Law and Policy in International Business, Vol. 21: 507-607. Dunlevy, James A. (1980). “A Test of the Capacity Pressure Hypothesis Within a Simultaneous Equations Model of Export Performance,” Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 62(1): 131-5. Francois, Joseph F., N. David Palmeter, and Jeffrey C. Anspacher. (1991). “Conceptual and Procedural Biases in the Administration of the Countervailing Duty Law,” in Richard Boltuck and Robert E. Litan (Eds.), Down in the Dumps: Administration of the Unfair Trade Laws. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 95-136. Howell, Thomas R., William A. Noellert, Jesse G. Krier, and Alan W. Wolf. (1988). Steel and the State: Government Intervention and Steel’s Structural Crisis. London and Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Lenway, Stefanie, Randall Morck and Bernhard Yeung. (1996). “Rent Seeking, Protectionism and Innovation in the American Steel Industry,” Economic Journal, Vol. 106(435): 410-21. Mastel, Greg. (1999). “The U.S. Steel Industry and Antidumping Law,” Challenge, Vol. 42(3): 84-94. Moore, Michael O. (1996). “The Rise and Fall of Big Steel’s Influence on U.S. Trade Policy,” in Anne O. Krueger (Ed.), The Political Economy of Trade Protection. Chicago: University of Chicago Press for National Bureau of Economic Research, 15-34. Morck, Randall, Jungsywan Sepanski and Bernhard Yeung. (2001). “Habitual and Occasional Lobbyers in the US Steel Industry: An EM Algorithm Pooling Approach,” Economic Inquiry, Vol. 39(3): 365-78. Oster, Sharon. (1982). “The Diffusion of Innovation Among Steel Firms: The Basic Oxygen Furnace,” Bell Journal of Economics, Vol. 13(1): 45-56. Staiger, Robert W., and Frank A. Wolak. (1992). “The Effect of Domestic Antidumping Law in the Presence of Foreign Monopoly,” Journal of International Economics, vol. 32: 265-87.


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Table 1: Statistics on U.S. Steel Countervailing Duty (CVD) Cases, 1980-2003.

Notes: Data for the first five columns come from Federal Register notices and were complied by Chad Bown at Brandeis University, and which are available online at Data for the final two columns come from authors’ calculations using the 2002 American Iron and Steel Institute Annual Statistical Report.


U.S. Steel CVD Cases, 1980-2003

CVD Cases Ruled

Affirmative CVD Cases Suspended

Average CVD for

Affirmative Case

Average CVD for all non-suspended


Country's Percent of Total U.S.

Consumption of Steel Mill

Products, 2002

Percent of Country's Steel Mill Imports

Affected by CVD Orders,

2002 Argentina 9 7 1 11.83 10.52 0.3 0.0 Australia 1 0 0 na 0 0.6 0.0 Belgium-Luxembourg 21 2 0 3.93 0.37 0.5 6.0 Brazil 34 8 7 21.77 6.15 2.9 5.0 Canada 4 3 0 39.89 29.92 4.4 0.3 China 0 0 0 na na 0.6 0.0 France 22 4 0 12.6 2.29 0.5 51.9 Germany 19 4 0 8.39 1.77 1.1 30.7 Italy 23 8 0 13.47 4.68 0.3 61.7 Japan 0 0 0 na na 1.2 0.0 Korea 21 12 0 2.41 1.38 1.4 17.2 Mexico 8 3 0 9.37 3.52 2.8 1.2 Netherlands 5 0 0 na 0 0.5 0.0 South Africa 18 12 1 7.73 5.15 0.3 23.6 Spain 19 9 0 20.58 9.75 0.3 0.4 Sweden 6 2 0 6.52 2.17 0.1 0.0 United Kingdom 15 3 0 8.97 1.79 0.4 0.6 Taiwan 4 0 0 na 0 0.3 0.0 Venezuela 12 1 0 0.78 0.07 0.4 0.0


Table 2: OLS Estimates of Foreign Export Steel Supply, 1979-2002



Subsidy Dummy and Foreign

Demand Interaction

High Versus Low Foreign

Demand Ln (U.S. Price) 0.697*** 0.697*** 0.698*** (0.129) (0.129) (0.129) Ln (Foreign Demand) -1.560*** -1.459*** -1.417** (0.480) (0.508) (0.600) Ln (1 + Subsidy Rate) 3.036** 3.025** 3.052** (1.315) (1.313) (1.315) Subsidy Dummy Subsidy Dummy* Ln (Foreign Demand) -0.651 (0.898) Ln (Foreign Demand) * Dummy for Demand Above Trend -0.33 (0.739) Ln (1 +AD Duty) -1.888*** -1.889*** -1.890*** (0.575) (0.575) (0.574) Ln (1 + CV Duty) -0.843 -0.834 -0.853 (0.953) (0.952) (0.953) VRA Dummy Variable -0.515*** -0.515*** -0.517*** (0.098) (0.098) (0.098) Ln (1 + Safeguard Tariff Rate) -1.272* -1.286* -1.284* (0.759) (0.759) (0.758) Constant 0.348** 0.346** 0.349** (0.138) (0.138) (0.138) Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Country Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Product Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Observations 16600 16600 16600 R-squared 0.04 0.04 0.04

Notes: Dependent variable is the natural logarithm of 1+ U.S. imports of steel product from foreign country. All variables are first-differenced by country-product combination. Robust standard errors are in parentheses. *** indicates significance at the 1% level, ** indicates significance at the 5% level, and * indicates significance at the 10% level.


Table 3: Exploring Differences in Excess Capacity Effects across Various Subsamples

Cyclical Excess Capacity Structural Excess Capacity

Coefficient on Foreign Demand Variable

F-Statistic for Difference

across Subsamples

Coefficient on Subsidy Variable

F-Statistic for Difference

across Subsamples

High CVD Activity vs. Low Activity CVD Products High-Activity CVD Products -1.97** 3.16* (pval=0.040) 0.28 (pval=0.081) 0.01 Low-Activity CVD Products -1.44*** (pval=0.595) 2.89* (pval=0.911) (pval=0.005) (pval=0.069) Non-OECD vs OECD Countries Non-OECD Countries -1.72* 4.39*** (pval=0.005) 0.12 (pval=0.010) 6.72*** OECD Countries -1.44* (pval=0.726) -1.22 (pval=0.010) (pval=0.052) (pval=0.359) South American Countries vs. Rest of the Sample South American Countries -2.34*** 4.80** (pval=0.003) 3.76* (pval=0.015) 4.06** Rest of the Sample -0.45 (pval=0.053) 0.04 (pval=0.044) (pval=0.433) (pval=0.974)

Notes: These are coefficient estimates for selected variables from specifications running the base model in Column 1 of Table 2 with interactions terms for all main regressors to identify subsample differences. *** indicates significance at the 1% level, ** indicates significance at the 5% level, and * indicates significance at the 10% level.


Figure 1: Capacity decisions by a foreign monopolist










0 12MC c Kη η= + +


Figure 2: Optimal Foreign Firm Output and Dumping


Q, K









Figure 3: Optimal Firm Output, Dumping and Subsidies


Q, K





K*(NS)=Q(ns)* K*(S)Q(s)*





Data Appendix The following provides greater detail on our data sources and variable construction. Data on Foreign Exports to the U.S. (Dependent Variable) Collected from American Iron and Steel Institute’s (AISI’s) Annual Statistical Report, various volumes. We collect these data by the product categories reported in this source. However, for consistency over time, we combined a few product categories. In particular, all “plate” categories were combined, including “Plates – in coils” and “Plates – cut lengths”. A number of categories, including ”galvanized”, “other metallic coated” and “electrical” were combined into a “Sheets & strip – Other” category. Likewise, a number of pipe categories, including “Stainless pipe and tubing”, “Nonclassified pipe & tubing”, “Structural pipe & tubing”, and “Pipe for piling”, were combined “Other pipe and tubing” category. See table A.1 below for a list of our 37 product categories. The 22 countries included in our sample are those listed in Table 1 of the paper, as well as Austria (1979-2000), Finland (1979-1999), and Greece (1979-1987) for which data do not span the entire sample period. These steel import data are reported in net tons and we use the log of the sum of the variable + “1” as our dependent variable. Real U.S. Steel Price in Exporter’s Currency (Independent Variable) As mentioned in the text, we primarily rely on Producer Price Indexes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for our data on steel prices. For a robustness check we also use steel price data from Purchasing Magazine provided by Benjamin Liebman at St. Joseph’s University. The following table concords our steel product categories to the steel price series we have available from these two sources. Table A.1: Concordance for our product-level U.S. price data Product Code (pcode)

BLS Price Index

Steel Purchasing Price Index 5

1 – (Rigid) Conduit PCU331111331111B Average Price Series 2 – Barbed Wire PCU3311113311119 Average Price Series 3 – Bars, Cold-finished PCU331111331111F Average Price Series 4 – Bars, Hot-rolled PCU3311113311117 Average Price Series 5 – Bars, Shapes Under 3 In. Footnote 1 Average Price Series 6 – Black Plate PCU3311113311117 Hot-rolled Plate Series 7 – Reinforcing Bar PDU3312#425 Rebar Series 8 – Grinding Balls PCU3311113311113 Average Price Series 9 – Ingots, Blooms, Billets, Slabs PCU3311113311113 Average Price Series 10 – Line Pipe PCU331111331111B Average Price Series 11 – Mechanical Tubing PCU331111331111B Average Price Series 12 – Nails and Staples PDU3315#2 Average Price Series 13 – Oil Country Goods PCU331111331111B Average Price Series 14 – Other Pipe and Tubing PCU331111331111B Average Price Series 15 – Pipe and Tube Fittings PDU3498# Average Price Series 16 – Plates PCU3311113311117 Hot-rolled Plate Series 17 – Pressure Tubing PCU331111331111B Average Price Series


18 – Rail and Track Accessories PDU3312#C/Footnote 2 Average Price Series 19 – Sashes and Frames PCU3311113311117 Average Price Series 20 – Shapes, Cold-Formed PCU331111331111D Average Price Series 21 – Sheet Piling PCU3311113311117 Average Price Series 22 – Sheet, Cold-rolled PCU331111331111D Average Price Series 23 – Sheet, Hot-rolled PCU3311113311115 Hot-Rolled Sheet Series24 – Sheets & Strip, Other Footnote 3 Galv. Sheet Series 25 – Standard Pipe PCU331111331111B Average Price Series 26 – Strip, Cold-rolled PCU331111331111D Average Price Series 27 – Strip, Hot-rolled PCU3311113311115 Hot-Rolled Sheet Series28 – Struc. Shapes – Plain PCU3311113311117 Wide Beams Series 29 – Struc. Shapes – Fab. PCU3311113311117 Wide Beams Series 30 – Terne Plate (Tin Free) PCU3311113311117 Hot-rolled Plate Series 31 – Tin Plate PCU3311113311117 Hot-rolled Plate Series 32 – Wheels and Axles PDU3312#C/Footnote 2 Average Price Series 33 – Wire – Nonmet. Coated PCU3311113311119 Average Price Series 34 – Wire Rods Footnote 4 Wire Rod Series 35 – Wire Rope PCU3311113311119 Average Price Series 36 – Wire Strand PCU3311113311119 Average Price Series 37 – Wire Fabric PCU3311113311119 Average Price Series 1 Average of PCU3311113311117 and PCU331111331111F. 2 Used price series for “Blast furnaces and steel mill products – PDU3312#” for the years after 1997 due to data availability. 3 Average of PCU331111331111D and PCU3311113311115. 4 PDU3312#219 for years before 1998 and PDU3312#21611 for years after 1997. 5 “Average price series” is a weighted average of price series for wire rod, hot-rolled sheet, hot-rolled plate, galvanized sheet, rebar, and wide beams. Data for these price series are only available from 1980 through 1999. They are monthly data and were averaged on an annual basis. In our statistical analysis we derive a price variable by multiplying these U.S. price series by an exchange rate that converts into the foreign currency and then deflate using the country’s GDP Deflator to convert into real terms. Finally, we log the variable. Our primary source for the GDP deflator series for each country is the International Monetary Fund’s International Financial Statistics, CD-ROM, June 2005. Our exchange rate data (foreign currency per U.S. dollar) come from a few different sources. For Argentina, Brazil, China, Greece, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, South Africa, Taiwan, we downloaded annual exchange rates through 1999 from the Economic History Services website, which also gives conversion to new currencies over time. We then added exchange rates from 2000-2004 using data from Werner Antweiler’s PACIFIC Exchange Rate Services website: Full citation on for the Economic History Services information is:


Lawrence H. Officer, “Exchange rate between the United States dollar and forty other countries, 1913-1999,” Economic History Services, EH.Net, 2002. URL: For earlier years for China, Greece and Korea (1970-early80s) we use the IMF’s International Financial Statistics data. For dates prior to 1984 for Taiwan, we use the website,, and for years for Taiwan after 1999, we use Werner Antweiler’s PACIFIC Exchange Rate Services website. For Australia, Austria, Belgium (Lux), Canada, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Japan, Spain, Sweden and U.K., we use historical data from Werner Antweiler’s PACIFIC Exchange Rate Services website: Foreign Demand for Steel as Proxied by Real Industrial Value Added (Independent Variable) Our source for this variable is the World Bank’s World Development Indicators (WDI). The WDI database does not provide these data Taiwan. For Taiwan, our source for these data is official statistics of the Taiwanese Directorate – General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, available online at: We use an industrial production index for the Taiwanese economy as a proxy for real value added. Our paper’s qualitative results are robust to whether Taiwanese observations are included or not. Foreign Subsidization Rates (Independent Variable) The Import Administration of the International Trade Administration (ITA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce performs all subsidy rate calculations in CVD cases since 1980. Their determinations for each case are published in the Federal Register and each list all foreign programs purported to directly or indirectly subsidize a product in a CVD case. There is a wide variety of programs considered by the ITA, including grants, equity infusions, debt forgiveness, loans at below-market interest rates, input subsidies, export subsidies, and duty drawbacks on imported inputs. The most recently revised rules followed for CVD investigations and subsidy rate calculations, as well as the original statutes governing CVD investigations and remedies can be found online at the ITA: The basic methodology is the following. The ITA determines the cash benefit of the subsidy connected with each program it considers and then divides this by a corresponding revenue stream to determine an ad valorem subsidy rate. For example, if the subsidy is connected with all of the firms exports (not just to the U.S.), it divides the subsidy benefit by the total value of the firms’ exports. If it is a production subsidy, it divides by the firms total sales, both domestic and foreign. Determination of the current cash value of continuous, or “recurring”, subsidy programs is relatively easy. Determination of the current value of an infrequent, or “non-recurring”, subsidy program, such as a one-time equity infusion by the government to allow a firm to


avoid bankruptcy a number of years prior to the current CVD case is obviously more difficult. In these cases, the ITA uses the following formula to “allocate” the cash benefit of such subsidies over time: Ak = {y/n + [y – y/n(k-1)d]} / (1+d), where Ak is the amount of the subsidy benefit allocated to year k, y is the face value of the subsidy in the year it occurred, n is the average useful life of renewable physical capital for an industry (determined to be 15 years for steel plants), and d is the discount rate. The ITA’s official regulations do not indicate the basis or rationale for this formula. Notable features of the formula is that it assigns a declining value of the subsidy benefit as years pass and that the benefit assigned to the last year (year n) is larger than y/n, the amount one would assign to each year if the benefit were equally apportioned to each year of average useful life of capital in the industry. For the purposes of this paper, we use the information in the ITA determinations in the following way to get measures of foreign subsidization over time for the products subject to a CVD investigation. The first measure we create is a subsidization rate measure which we construct using the reported subsidization rates for each program, as well as their starting and ending dates. If no starting date is reported for a recurring subsidy program, we assume it was occurring at the same rate for all prior years back to the beginning year of our sample, 1979. If the program is recurring and still in place at the time of the CVD investigation, we assume it continues on until the end of our sample, unless a subsequent CVD investigation of the same product and country combination does not report it. If a CVD case is suspended in lieu of an agreement with the foreign government to suspend subsidization or otherwise mitigate the effect of such subsidization on its exports to the U.S., we assume that all subsidization has stopped. If CVDs are withdrawn or terminated due to the voluntary export agreements that occurred with some countries in 1982 and virtually all countries in 1985, we assume that subsidization continues. Finally, we assume all subsidization is discontinued when a CVD is revoked by a sunset review. Products are matched to our dataset through reported Harmonized Tariff System (HTS) codes accompanying the cases (Tariff System of the United States Annotated (TSUSA) system prior to 1989). Often the CVD cases are defined narrowly enough that the product is matched to just one product category in our dataset, though sometimes they span multiple product categories. Sometimes a CVD product may be only a limited subset of one of our product categories. We have no obvious way to determine the portion of a product category that is covered by the CVD, so we simply assign the subsidization rates to the entire product category. Finally, there are a small handful of country-product combinations in our dataset where multiple CVD cases apply. In these situations, we cumulate the subsidization rates across these cases for that country-product combination in the years in which there is an overlap. Antidumping and Countervailing Duty (AD//CVD) Rates (Independent Variable) AD/CVD rate data were obtained from These data were then matched up to AISI product categories using an approximate


concordance in “Appendix D: Definitions of Certain Terms and Descriptions of Products Subject to the Investigation” in Office of Industries, USITC. (April 1995) Steel Semiannual Monitoring Report: Special Focus: U.S. Industry Conditions. Washington, DC: USITC Publication 2878. For AD rates, we assumed that the initial dumping margins remain until order revoked. In other words, we do not adjust margins as administrative reviews occur. The rationale is that dumping margins only change as companies must respond to the initial dumping margin and raise prices. The impact on imports should be similar whether the dumping margin is collected or not collected due to the firm raising prices. With CVD rates, we adjusted these as they changed with administrative reviews. The following rule governed how we recorded data on AD/CVD decisions into an annual observation: If the decision comes out prior to August 1, it is applied as the rate for the entire year. If the decision comes out on Aug. 1 or later, it gets applied to the following year. Often AD/CVD rates may only apply to part of the product category. Since we do not have information on composition, we cannot prorate the AD/CVD rate. In a few instances, a product category becomes subject to more than one AD/CVD rate. To account for this, we sum the applicable rates. We add “1” to these variables and log for our statistical analysis Safeguard Tariffs (Independent Variable) Safeguard tariffs were placed on select steel products (primarily flat-rolled products, plate, bar, rod, and fittings) effective March 20, 2002 by order of President Bush. Most developing countries, as well as Canada and Mexico were exempted from these measures. We use the USITC publication Steel: Monitoring Developments in the Domestic Industry (Investigation No. TA-204-9) and Steel-Consuming Industries: Competitive Conditions with Respect to Steel Safeguard Measures (Investigation No. 332-452) (Publication 3632, September 2003), pp. 1-5 and 1-6, to determine safeguard tariff coverage across our sample of countries and products. We add “1” and log this variable for our statistical analysis VRA coverage (product and country combinations) from 1983 through 1993 (Independent Variable) We use Table 7 of Michael O. Moore’s National Bureau of Economic Research working paper no. 4760, “Steel Protection in the 1980s: The Waning Influence of Big Steel?”, June 1994, as well as, p. i of preface to Monthly Report on Selected Steel Industry Data: Report to the Subcommittee on Ways and Means on Investigation Number 332-163 Under Section 332 of the Tariff Act of 1930, published by the U.S. International Trade Commission, February 1986, to determine whether a product category from a particular foreign country import source was subject to a voluntary restraint agreement or not. This variable is an indicator variable and is therefore not logged.


The following table provides summary statistics of these main variables in the base specification of our statistical analysis. Table A.1: Summary statistics of key variables in benchmark specification reported in Column 1 of Table 2 in the text. Variable (in logs and differenced by country-product combination)


Standard Deviation


Maximum Exports to U.S.





U.S. price -0.01 0.13 -0.44 0.94 Foreign demand (Real Industrial Value Added)





Subsidy rate





Antidumping duty





Countervailing duty





Voluntary restraint agreement





Safeguard tariff





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