food freedom - an integral perspective, 1&2

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Presented by

Stella & Jose


1) Food freedom of other species

2) Food that liberates the planet

3) Food that liberates the human

mind & body

4) How not to be enslaved by addictions

5) How to free our meals & economies

from the Multinationals


Stella & Jose

Coordinator & tutor of

+ Founder member of

Administrator & IT support of www.IntegralPermaCulture.orgCoordinator animal systems in

Health Warning

this presentation could seriously improve your health

BUT it might also annoy some people a lot

as we question several "permaculture holy

legumes"(it turns out cows are, infact, scientifically significant)

so open mind required!

To DO Permaculture:"Start at the end of your


so POINTING OUR NOSES in the right

direction (= what mental models we use, NOT


turns out to be really, REALLY


"Integral" means we point our nose to ALL 4 quadrants, not just the usual external 2

excellent design

takes good note of these,

the internal quadrants

or 'invisibles'

but ...

we still tend to think &

design with 'things':


& rarely join them up very


(designing larger







Technologies, connexions, structures, …

Legal aids, people, culture, beliefs, commerce, finance, ...

Time, data, ethics, patterns,values, motivations, ...

Water, land, climate, plants, soil, ...

DESIGNis the beneficial asociation

of all of these types of components

The 4 quadrants map onto the 4 design

components which DEFINE permaculture


& usually we under-estimate

these, the "internal


we note that MANY design errors are due to not taking into account ALL types of


hence the need for a more Integral PermaCulture

System(how the whole works,


Physical(description of its


Inner life of the frog

(it's subjectiveexperience)

Social Life("Frog's Culture",

Life Cycle)

• The Via Campesina Movement

• Basic Re-Connecting

• Types of Organic Agriculture

• Some Specific Foods

• Feeding the World

an integral exploration

M3.7 Food Sovereignty

slides + more up at

Food Freedom?

Brandy Agerbeck

1) Food freedom of other species

2) Food that

liberates the planet

3) Food that

liberates the human

mind & body

4) How not to be

enslaved by addictions

5) How to free our meals & economies from the Multinationals

0) Question

Holy Legumes

Presented by

Stella & Jose


1) Food freedom of

other species

2) Food that liberates the planet

3) Food that liberates the human mind & body

4) How not to be enslaved by addictions

5) How to free our meals & economies from

the Multinationals


2,014 a.c.

3,000,000 b.c.

Historical Modelfrom "Ishmael"

by Daniel Quinn




From Class 1.10 of the PDC+++ : Mental models of the Destructo-Culture

"the Civilized"

"the Indigenous"

Where & when humans

started to trespass onthe food freedom

of others

the cradle of our civilization, orfertile crescent

The Sumerian civilization evolved in this region aprox. 6,000 b.C., built canal systems & the first cities in the world

are Agriculture AND

Civilization a type1 error?

Cain & Abel



from "Ishmael"by Daniel Quinn

(Integral PC pre-Text)

Cain & Abel tell the story of the bloody beginnings of civilization - powered by agriculture

the Caucasians

(whites > 'the mark of


met the Sumerians (sheperds)

& killed + absorbed




Cain & Abel

Civilized People



Native People

370 Million People Face the Threat of Extinction - And Nobody Is Talking About It

"Any way of life that perceives the world

around them as consisting of

resources and not beings

and communities to enter into these

reciprocal relationships with, is going to

destroy its land base." Jensen

another story FROM THE LEAVERS p.o.w.

The Garden of Eden- there was a time

when (even the Takers) lived

in peace & harmony with Nature ...

it involves TWO

sacred TREES & us



from "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn (Integral PC pre-Text)

the Tree of Good & Evil

By the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread...... with painful labor you will give birth to children

& your husband will rule over you.

only the Gods

can eat of the Tree of


... & have it work for them

in order to know

what shall live

& what shall die

the Tree of Good & Evilor "the Tree of Knowledge"

the Tree of Good & Evilor "the Tree of Knowledge"

"if you eat of this tree you will

surely die"

= re-designing entire eco-

systems is a FATAL mistake

We don't have the right to

grow the food we "like"

to the exclusion of

anything else

But ...

... there were TWO

Mythical Trees in the Garden of


& the other one was ... The Tree of Life

the Tree of LifeIt was last seen in the garden

of Eden and its fruit

was immortality.

It shared a place in the middle of the

garden with the tree of


or the tree of


the Web of Life

(Eve = Life)

the Tree of Life

Both these trees (& these stories) warn AGAINST doing agriculture

DON'T eat of the Tree of Knowledge (of Good &


but DO eat of the Tree of Life if you want

to be immortal (sustainable)


everyone+ stop killing your brother Abel & stop ruling over Eve >> Integral PC has a lot to say about this too

Our Creation Myth is deeply anthopocentricfrom "Ishmael"by Daniel Quinn (Integral PC pre-Text)

Humans are not the centre of Creation ...

so 'food freedom'

should mean 'food freedom

for ALL species' - especially to


"There is nothing fundamentally defective in


If you are given to represent a story that puts you in harmony with the world, you will live in harmony with

the world. But if you are given a story to represent that puts you in conflict with the world, as yours does, you

will live in conflict with the world. If you are given a story to represent in which humans are the lords of

the world, humans will act as lords of the world ... if the world is an enemy to be conquered, you will conquer it like an

enemy, & one day this enemy will inevitably lie bleeding at

your feet, as we see it does at the moment."

from "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn (Integral PC pre-Text)

We need to re-design stories, in order to REALLY re-design societies

Presented by

Stella & Jose


1) Food freedom of other species

2) Food that

liberates the planet

3) Food that liberates the human mind & body

4) How not to be enslaved by addictions

5) How to free our meals & economies

from the Multinationals


Climate change started with agriculture

Anthropogenic climate change is not something new

but it is now the most catastrophic & urgent emergency we face

together with its associated collapse of vital ecosystems.

200 species PER DAY are becoming extinct due to civilization.

Agriculture is estimated to be the

direct driver for around 80% of deforestation


April Becomes 1st Month

With CO2 Levels Above 400 PPM

Derrick Jensen:

"It's often said that the ability to recognize patterns is one of the signs of intelligence. So, I'm going to list a

pattern here, and let's see if we can recognize it in less than five or six thousand years.

When you think of the plains and hillsides of Iraq, is the first thing that you think of normally cedar forests so

thick that sunlight never touches the ground? That's how they were.

The first written myth of this culture is Gilgamesh going in and deforesting those hills to make cities.

When you think of the Arabian peninsula, is the first thing that you think of oak forest? That's what it

used to be. Let's move a little bit west, and you get the cedars of Lebanon. They still have one on their


Plato was commenting on how deforestation was destroying the springs and rivers in Greece.

And I'm sure that those in power said, Well, we need to study it a little bit longer first, to make sure there's a


Greece was heavily forested, Italy was heavily forested, North Africa was heavily forested."

we need VIABLE solutions for climate change

that work FAST enoughon a global scale

... & this one has MAJORimplications for the kind of diet that is most sustainable

holistic grazing in HALF the degraded

grasslands can take us back to PRE-INDUSTRIAL

levels of CO2in about a decade

whilst feeding people & restoring ecosystems (= feeding lots more species


herbivores do this


Tractors, irrigation + lots of labour inputs (quicker, smaller scale)

mainly herbivores did this - with few labor inputs

Yet when most of us think of "Food

Freedom", or 'doing permaculture', we think

of gardens & forest gardens.

We think of growing vegetables, not

breeding animals.

Teaching that vegetarianism is

more sustainable, & that we could

feed all the starving people with the grains

we feed cattle ... is very

misleading, naive & possibly also

quite dangerous.

before 1492 - est. 60,000,000 bison free in N.America, feeding themselves,

preserving ecosystems

today - 90,000,000 cows, captive in industrial conditions, fed by petrol,

destroying ecosystems50million slaughtered

in 1800s

So... we can produce great quantities of very high quality foods for humans

whist massively improving soil fertility restoring biodiversity,

improving water cycles, & trapping a lot of CO2

& about consumption (if we want real justice)

Live simply so that others can simply live also means -

providing animals with the best life we can

honoring the animals we eat by eating all parts of them,

harvesting the wild foods that our soils want to grow,

preserving and preparing food with traditional methods

+ eating only what we need (not our addictions)

& making our metabolism more efficient

Lots more on this in part 2 of this conference

Presented by

Stella & Jose


1) Food freedom of other species

2) Food that liberates the planet


3) Food that liberates the human

mind & body

4) How not to be enslaved by addictions

5) How to free our meals & economies

from the Multinationals

More in the Integral Permaculture Designers'

Manual online

& lots of Integral PermaCulture Courses in the Academy's web

Presented by

Stella & Jose


1) Food freedom of other species

2) Food that liberates the planet

3) Food that

liberates the human

mind & body

4) How not to be enslaved by addictions

5) How to free our meals & economies

from the Multinationals


See you next week at the same time for part2 !

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