focus now!

Post on 06-Apr-2017



Self Improvement



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What you MUST know to enhance your

performance & increase your productivity

“There’s awesome power in a focused life! The lack of focus is one of the major reasons why a lot of people fail in life.

Genesis OnomiwoPersonal development coach and Etiquette Expert

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A visit to Erin Ijesha Waterfalls in the Southwestern state of Osun in Nigeria sometimes ago brought me face to face with the tremendous energy with which the water there continually falls from very great heights.

But it quickly occurred to me that if this same energy were directed through some channel, like a turbine for instance, then it would be able to turn a dynamo and even generate electricity if orchestrated to do so- as is the case with the popular Akosombo Dam-a hydroelectric dam on the Volta River in southeastern Ghana. In the same vein, steam is a form of energy that can be used to drive locomotives and also turn the wheels of great industrial machines- but only when focused.

Diffused light doesn’t have much of an effect on what it touches. But when you focus light — like the sun’s light, through a magnifying glass — you can light a piece of paper or grass on fire. If you can focus it even more, it becomes a laser. A laser can cut through steel and destroy cancer.There’s awesome power in a focused life! The lack of focus is one of the major reasons why a lot of people fail in life.And for you my friend, your efforts toward achieving your dreams will only be as futile as that water from the waterfall or mere steam if those efforts are not focused. Man will generally underperform and grossly underachieve without focus. Life without focus will result in mere existence full of confusion and chaos. It is dangerous to live without focus! Without it time will be lost, resources wasted and opportunities squandered.

What is FOCUS?

It is the practice of embarking on one deserving venture per time with the whole of one’s heart and pursuing the same venture to a logical end. But then, we cannot even start to talk about focus yet if purpose is not first clearly defined. Meaning therefore that there must necessarily be a specific aim in mind first before focus can ever be of any good. You must know what your purpose in life is. What are you here for? Knowing why you are alive will give you something to strive for. Without purpose focus will be meaningless.

Obviously, it takes doing first things first to actually sustain focus, while it takes focus, among other things, to accomplish your goals. And the more you focus directly on a goal, the more quickly and efficiently you will be able to attain that goal.

Focus is the art of deliberate concentration.“

“Focus is the key to turning energy into power.”

5 things you MUST do to attain and sustain focus.

Efficient people have a vision and focus their activities to achieve that vision.”

- Robert W. Bly 

1.Know your purpose in life2.Develop your goals

3.Set your goals in order of importance with respect to time

4.Know the consequences of failing to achieve those goals

5.Find a very strong reason(s) to get and stay focused“

DISTRACTIONSDistractions are the enemies of focus. And so before you can employ the power of focus, possible distractions must first be identified and then deliberately eliminated as much as possible. Because, these distractions, if allowed, can easily divert your attention from the important to the unnecessary.

Common distractions to watch out for

1. Social media - especially when what you spend time doing on it has little or no impact on your overall purpose in life.2. Movies.3. Games.4. Over-demanding colleagues, associates, friends and relatives- when allowed to steal too much of your time on not so important issues of life.5. Unsolicited e-mails, phone calls and text messages.


Cut the amount of time spent on social networks to the

barest minimum, and only spend extra time whenever you deem it right- perhaps when it has to do with your

goals in life.


“Social media must be used with purpose or else, it will steal your time and ultimately divert you from the essential.

Create time for attending to others and stick with the plan. Focused people don’t waste time.

They get to the point. They may come off as abrupt or dismissive to some people.

..but they realize they cannot give everyone who contacts them all the

time each person wants. They determine how much time to spend with each

person. I learned this long time ago from one industrial giant

of international repute who happened to be my mentor back in the day. He would listen to whatever

anyone had to tell him with rapt attention, only to respond with a very brief but well informed answer

that would naturally dismiss the person without even being told to go.

#4 www.therealgen.


You are not obligated to reply every mail or text, neither are you expected to return every call. Attend only to the

very crucial ones. To reduce the load of unwanted e-mail,

you should give your address only to special clients, colleagues, co-workers

and others who really need it. And you can set your phone to

automatically route calls to your voice mail box if you want to work

undisturbed. Also by activating certain “selective

call acceptance” features on your phone, you can avoid calls you do not want to get while enabling important

prospects, colleagues, and family members to reach you at all times.

#5 www.therealgen.


Einstein didn't invent the theory of relativity while he was multitasking at the Swiss patent office."- David Meyer

The overall key here is to try to do more of what is rewarding, even if it takes effort and discipline (and believe me it will), and less of what isn’t. The key to productivity is to spend your time doing what you can do better and faster than anyone else.

Productivity means selectivity. “

So my friend, IF you will increase your personal efficiency, achieve your goals and fulfil your purpose in life, then you should FOCUS NOW!

If you really want to focus on something, says Castellanos, the optimum amount of time to spend on it is ninety minutes. Then change tasks. And watch out for interruptions once you're really concentrating, because it will take you twenty minutes to recover.” ― Winifred Gallagher, Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life

“Final thought

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