flight standardization board (fsb) report g2 r0.pdf · 2015. 4. 23. · 1.1. this report specifies...

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U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Washington, D.C.

Flight Standardization Board (FSB) Report

Revision: ORIGINAL Date: 05/31/2014

Helicopteres Guimbal Cabri G2


Steven M. Sorich

Chair, Flight Standardization Board

Federal Aviation Administration Fort Worth Aircraft Evaluation Group

2601 Meacham Blvd. Fort Worth, Texas 76137-4298

Telephone: 817-222-5270 FAX: 817-222-5295

Revision: Original 03/31/2015 Helicopteres Guimbal (HG) Cabri G2 FSB Report


Revision Number Section Pages Affected Date Original All All 05/31/2014


Revision Original: All Sections. This is the original FSB report.

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Page COVER PAGE…………………………………………………………………..…………… 1 RECORD OF REVISIONS………………….…………………………………..…………… 2 HIGHLIGHTS OF CHANGE……………………………………………………..…………. 2 CONTENTS…………………………………………………...…………………………….... 3


10. FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEVICES AND SIMULATORS……………………...…….. 911. APPLICATION OF FSB REPORT…………………………………………………...……… 912. ALTERNATE MEANS OF COMPLIANCE……………………………………………...…. 913. MISCELLANEOUS RECOMMENDATIONS…………………………………………….... 9

APPENDIX 1. Master Difference Requirements (MDR) …………..…………………………. 11 APPENDIX 2. Operator Difference Requirements (ODR) ………….……………………...… 11 APPENDIX 3. Sample of an Acceptable Training Program……………………………………. 12 APPENDIX 4. Aircraft Regulatory Compliance Checklist …………..……………………….. 21

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1. PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY 1.1. This report specifies master training, checking, and currency requirements applicable to crews operating Helicopteres Guimbal (HG) Cabri G2 helicopters under (14 CFR) parts 61, 91, 133, 135, 137 and 141. The applicability of this Flight Standardization Board is limited. The aircraft HG Cabri G2 is not designed for scheduled Air Carrier operations

Note: All regulatory references within this report are found in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) unless otherwise indicated. Note: Certain wording when referring to the manufacturers documents remain in French spelling allowing for direct comparison between this report and the Rotorcraft Flight Manual (RFM) and Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS).

The HG Cabri G2 design employs a soft in plane articulated main rotor system. The pilot flight controls are linked directly to the airfoil surfaces, including the fenestron anti-torque system. The cyclic control provides a four way electric trim system which allows the pilot to trim control forces in the longitudinal and lateral axes. The helicopter remains stable in flight even with minimal or no pilot control input other than the cyclic electric trim system. The cyclic trim system reduces pilot work load, and enhances aircraft stability during flight in the performance of basic VFR, and instrument training maneuvers. .

Provisions of this report are:

• Determination of Pilot Type Rating.

• Identify training, checking, and currency requirements.

• Establish Master Common Requirements for the Cabri G2 aircraft.

• Review rotorcraft flight manual (RFM) and Checklist procedures for operational suitability.

• Describe an acceptable training program and training device characteristics.

• Identify checking and currency standards to be applied by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or operators.

1.2. This report addresses the HG Cabri G2 helicopter, listed in FAA Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS) R00005RD. The provisions of this FSB report are effective until amended, superseded, or withdrawn by subsequent revisions to this report.

1.3. The determinations made in this report are based on the evaluations of the specific HG Cabri G2 aircraft, registration number 3A-MIS equipped in a given configuration and in accordance with current regulations and guidance. Modifications and upgrades made to the models described herein, or introduction of new related aircraft, may require amendment of the findings in this report. The FSB reserves responsibility and authority to re-evaluate and modify sections of this report based on new or revised Advisory Circular (AC) material, applicable (14 CFR), aircraft operating experience, or the testing of new or modified aircraft under the provisions of AC 120-53, Guidance for Conduction and Use of Flight Standardization Board Evaluations, and the common procedures document for conduction of operational evaluation boards.

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1.4 The FSB conducted numerous evaluations of the HG Cabri G2 in accordance with special detailed information guidelines and the reference material from Advisory Circular 120-53, as applicable, to develop this report. Certain instrument proficiency and training requirements and systems were not evaluated by the FSB because of inapplicability to the training profile or operational use for which the aircraft was intended. The FSB is responsible for evaluating HG Cabri G2 derivative aircraft and all future changes to the HG Cabri G2, such as design modifications or systems changes, when they are made to the aircraft. The FSB then determines the associated impact on training and amends this report accordingly.

1.5. The guidelines in this report determine minimum requirements for approval by FAA applicable to: Operations Aviation Safety Inspectors (ASI), Principal Operations Inspectors (POI), part 135 Air Carrier Check Airmen, Instructors, Airline Transport Pilots instructing in air transportation service, and Certificated Flight Instructors.

1.6. Terminology. The term "must" is used in this FSB report, and even though it is recognized that this report provides one acceptable means, it is not necessarily the only means of compliance with parts 61, 91, 133, 135, 137 and 141 requirements. This terminology acknowledges the need for operators to fully comply with this FSB report, when applicable, if AC 120-53 is to be used by the operator as the means of complying with parts 61, 91, 133, 135, 137 and 141 requirements.

1.7. This report includes:

• Minimum requirements for approval by FAA field offices.• General advisory information which may be approved for that operator (e.g. footnotes, etc.).

1.8. Relevant acronyms, abbreviations, and publications are defined as follows:

ACO Aircraft Certification Office ADS Automatic Dependent Surveillance AEG Aircraft Evaluation Group AC Advisory Circular ATP Airline Transport Pilot BARC Boitier Alarme Rotor et Carburant

(Fuel and rotor alarm device) CAS Calibrated Airspeed CHDO Certificate Holding District Office CFIT Controlled Flight Into Terrain CFR Code of Federal Regulations CG Center of Gravity CRM Cockpit Resource Management EASA European Aviation Safety Agency EEG Electronic Engine Governor EPM Electronic Pilot Monitor (Cabri G2 rotor and engine

parameter display) FAA Federal Aviation Administration FANS Future Air Navigation Systems FSB Flight Standardization Board FLO First MLI limit is Full Throttle Limit GPS Global Positioning System

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HG Helicopteres Guimbal IAS Indicated Airspeed JAA Joint Aviation Authorities JOEB Joint Operational Evaluation Board LNAV Lateral Navigation Approach Signal MCP Maximum Continuous Power MLI Multiple Limit Indicator MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List MDR Master Differences Requirements OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer ODR Operator Differences Requirements PWR First MLI limit is Power limit NM Engine speed NR Rotor speed PIS Power Indicator Section POI Principal Operations Inspector PTS Practical Test Standards RFM Rotorcraft Flight Manual RFMS Rotorcraft Flight Manual Supplement RPM Revolutions Per Minute RPM / GOV Engine governor TCDS Type Certificate Data Sheet VFR Visual Flight Rules Vne Never Exceed Speed Vy Best Rate of Climb Speed 8900.1 Aviation Safety Inspectors Handbook (FSIMS) 8900.2 General Aviation Airman Designee Handbook (14 CFR) Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations AC120-53A Guidance for Conducting and Use of Flight Standardization

Board CPD for OEB Common Procedures Document for Conducting Operational

Evaluation Boards 2. PILOT TYPE RATING REQUIREMENTS 2.1. In accordance with the provisions of part 61, FAA Order 8900.1, Flight Standards Information Management System (FSIMS) and AC120-53, a new pilot type rating is not required for the HG Cabri G2 helicopter. The helicopter is certificated in accordance with part 27 with a maximum gross weight of less than 7,000 pounds and nine or less passenger seats.

2.2. The use of complete T5 testing by the FSB has identified Level E training, checking, and currency for the HG Cabri G2 aircraft.

3. MASTER DIFFERENCE REQUIREMENTS (MDR) 3. A related aircraft designation has not been requested of the Administrator by the manufacturer, or any operator. The MDRs are reserved. (AC 120-53B, Appendix 2)

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4. ACCEPATABLE OPERATOR DIFFERENCE REQUIREMENTS (ODR) TABLES 4. A related aircraft designation has not been requested of the Administrator by the manufacturer, or any operator. The ODRs are reserved. (AC 120-53B, Appendix 2)

5. FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRAINING 5.1 The provisions of this section of the report apply to programs for all airmen, experienced or otherwise. This includes airmen beginning initial training, airmen who already hold rotorcraft category and helicopter class ratings on their airman certificates, and flight instructors certificated in rotorcraft-helicopters. Certificated flight schools under part 141, and operators conducting training under part 61, are affected. Additional requirements may be necessary for other airmen and will be determined by the operator's POI, the FSB, and AFS-800 as necessary. 5.2. Level E training for Pilot in Command (PIC) is required.

5.3. Pilots Initial, Transition and Upgrade Training.

5.3.1. Pilots Initial, Transition and Upgrade Ground Training: Initial, transition, or upgrade ground training for the helicopter is accomplished as specified by §§ 91.1065, and 135.345. The manufactures training program may be credited toward some part 135 requirements. Nothing in this version of the FSB report contains requirements for training beyond that which is required by part 61 for pilot certification. The manufactures recommended ground and flight training syllabus is referenced in Appendix 3 as a sample training program. 5.3.2 Flight Crewmember Emergency Training: Crewmember training in emergency equipment and evacuation procedures is required. Evacuation procedures training must include passenger briefing requirements to comply with RFM limitations.

5.3.3 Areas of Emphasis: The following areas of emphasis must be addressed during ground and flight training:

• Electronic Pilot Monitor (EPM) provides flight data and system messaging critical to the safe operation of the helicopter. Training and discipline are required because of the diverse amount of information available through the EPM and the need for the pilot to use it without being excessively distracted.

• The Multiple Limit Indicator (MLI) displays engine parameters and limitations in a relative scale indicating a percent of available power. The PWR depiction on the MLI indicates 145 hp, and the FLO depiction indicates 180 hp. Pilots must understand, and have a working knowledge of the implications on aircraft performance with these indications.

• The BARC (Boitier Alarme Rotor et Carburant) fuel and rotor alarm device provides data to the pilot in the event of an Electronic Pilot Monitor (EPM) failure. The BARC becomes the backup mode to monitor engine and rotor RPM.

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• Automatic and manual carburetor anti-ice system. Typically this system is operated in automatic mode with a display depicting air inlet temperature and the amount of carburetor heat being used. The pilot must understand the use of manual mode and the actions required to prevent carburetor icing.

• Fenestron anti-torque system and low rotor RPM recovery. The fenestron anti-torque system requires a minimum of 85% main rotor RPM to control yaw at full engine torque. It is imperative the pilot has an awareness of, and be proficient at, low rotor RPM recovery techniques.

• Knowledge of emergency procedures for engine failure during all phases of flight including cruise. At cruise power settings, and relatively high angles of attack in the main rotor blades, a sudden loss of power can produce rapid main rotor RPM (Nr) decay. This can result in excessive coning, destabilization of the rotor system, and subsequent loss of control. This condition is possible in all helicopters and historically has resulted in catastrophic hull loss.

• Ground resonance recognition and avoidance techniques.

• Knowledge of aircraft performance determination should be emphasized.

• Crew Resource Management (CRM) for single pilot operations, and controlled flight into terrain awareness (CFIT) procedures

5.3.4. Training for Seat Dependent Tasks: RFM minimum flight crew is specified as: One pilot seated in the right seat (Visual Flight Rules (VFR).

5.3.5. Differences Training as specified in the pertinent (14 CFR).

5.3.6. Recurrent Ground Training Fleets with Different Engine Types: Mixed-flying of helicopter fleets with different engine types (e.g. helicopter fleet with model/manufactures engines) requires additional training.

5.3.7. Recurrent Flight Training Fleets with Different Engine Types: Mixed-flying of helicopter fleets with different engine types (e.g. helicopter fleet with different model/manufactures engines) requires additional training.

5.6. Operating Experience Pertinent to Each Flight Crewmember: Operating experience must be obtained while serving in a primary crew position.

6. FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR CHECKING 6.1. Checking Items: Pertinent knowledge, procedures, and maneuvers specified by part 61 and the appropriate FAA Practical Test Standards (PTS).

6.2. Areas of Emphasis: The following areas of emphasis should be addressed during checks as necessary:

• Proficiency with manual and automatic electronic engine governor must be demonstrated.

• Proficiency with the BARC (Boitier Alarme Rotor et Carburant) fuel and rotor alarm device must be demonstrated in the event of an Electronic Pilot Monitor (EPM) failure. The BARC becomes the backup mode to monitor engine and rotor RPM.

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• Proficiency with Low Rotor RPM Recovery. The fenestron anti-torque system requires a minimum of 85% main rotor RPM to control yaw at full engine torque.

• Proficiency in the use of manual carburetor anti-ice system.

• CRM and CFIT procedures. 6.3. All flight checks required by § 135.293(b), must be accomplished in a HG Cabri G2 helicopter according to instructions in the appropriate practical test standards, FAA-S-8081-4E Instrument Rating, 8081-16A Commercial Pilot, and 8081-20 Airline Transport Pilot. Additionally, checking is supplemented with guidance in FAA Orders 8900.1, Volume 5, Chapter 2, and 8900.2. 7. FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR RECENCY OF EXPERIENCE The FSB has found no additional “Recency of Experience” requirements for the HG Cabri G2 helicopter, other than those already specified in part 61, and 135. No variants for the HG Cabri G2 were evaluated; therefore all checks required by part 135 must be accomplished in the specific make, model, aircraft.


9. ADDITIONAL FSB FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The HG Cabri G2 is offered with the additional option (RFM Supplement 9) of sufficient equiptment to allow the aircraft to be used as an instrument trainer, although it’s pending certification is for day and night VFR operation. Additionally the four position cyclic trim system allows the pilot to trim the cyclic control during all phases of flight adding to the stability of the helicopter and reducing pilot work load. The FSB did not however completely evaluate the aircraft performing all the PTS required maneuvers for a pilot certificate with a helicopter-rotorcraft instrument rating.

10. FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEVICES AND SIMULATORS This section is not applicable no flight training device or simulator exists for the HG Cabri G2 aircraft.

11. APPLICATION OF FSB REPORT All HG Cabri G2 operators are subject to the provisions of this report: This report becomes effective when given final approval by the FAA. All training, checking, and currency for the Cabri G2 aircraft, must be conducted in accordance with all provisions of this report. All training programs must incorporate the latest FAA-approved RFM procedures, RFM checklists, and the manufacturer’s recommendations for training maneuvers.


12.1. Alternate means of compliance to the requirements of this report must be approved by the FSB. If alternate means of compliance is sought, operators must show that the proposed alternate means provides an equivalent level of safety to the provisions of AC120-53 (as amended) and this FSB report.

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Analysis, demonstrations, proof of concept testing, differences documentation, or other evidence may be required.

12.2. Equivalent Level of Safety: Significant restrictions may apply in the event alternate means of compliance is sought, and the reporting requirements may be increased to ensure equivalent safety. FAA will generally not consider relief through alternate means of compliance unless sufficient lead-time has been planned by an operator to allow for any necessary testing and evaluation.

12.3. Interim Programs: In the event of clearly unforeseen circumstances, in which it is not possible for an operator to comply with provisions of this report, the operator may seek an interim program approval rather than a permanent alternate means of compliance method. Financial arrangements, scheduling adjustments, and other such reasons are not considered “unforeseen circumstances” for the purposes of this provision. Interim program approvals must be approved by the FSB Chair.

13. MISCELLANEOUS RECOMMENDATIONS There are no miscellaneous recommendations

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APPENDIX 1 Master Difference Requirements (MDR) Table

MDR Table (Reserved)

APPENDIX 2 Operator Difference Requirements (ODR)

ODR Table (Reserved)

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Sample Training Program HG Cabri G2

Factory training: 5 Flight hours – 12 hour Ground course

NOTE: The following document is an excerpt from the manufacturer’s recommended training program and is included as a reference for evaluating a proposed training program for a 14 CFR part 135 certificate holder, or a 14 CFR part 141 air agency. 1 - OBJECTIVE OF the NOTEBOOK: This notebook contains the program of training for the Cabri G2, as well as to follow the progress of the student. 2 - COMPOSITION AND USE OF the NOTEBOOK: This notebook constitutes the main document of the training. 2-1 - PRACTICAL MODALITIES OF the TRAINING: This part treats main lines of the practical organization of the training. 2-2 DATE AND DURATION OF the TRAINING: To preserve flexibility in the follow-up of the training, this one is adapted in an individual way. The calendar duration of the training becomes established as follows:

• 3 Consecutive Days • Volume is of 5 hours of flight and 12 hours of theoretical course. • Half of the last day of training will be dedicated to the theoretical test consisting of 25 multiple

choice questions (1 hour), and hour dedicated to the practical test. 2-3 MODALITIES OF THE TRAINING: This section details the general organization of sessions as well as the means implemented to insure the effective follow-up of the students. 2-4-1 CONTENTS OF THE TRAINING: The Cabri G2 training contains theoretical courses and practical courses which must be made in the order indicated in the contents of training. However program was studied by such way as it is possible to delay practical sessions with regard to their initial position (case of meteorological bad conditions). 2-4-1-1 THEORETICAL PROGRAM COURSES:

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T 1: Structure, transmission, rotor and equipment of the helicopter: 4 hours T 2: Normal and abnormal procedures: 2 hours T 3: Limitations, performances, preparation of the flight: 2 hours T 4: Emergency procedures: .............. 2 hours T 5: Weight and balance, handling, servicing and maintenance, optional equipments: 1 hour Total theoretical courses: 11 hours 2-3-1-2 PRACTICAL PROGRAM COURSES: Phase 1: General Handling. 1 hour Phase 2: Circuits and Various touch-down. 1 hour Phase 3: Emergency Procedures EPM, Governor RRM: 1,5 hours Phase 4: Emergency Procedures EPM, Governor RRM and advanced autorotation. 1,5 hours Total of flight training: 5 hours 2-4-2 TRAINING ORGANIZATION OF PRACTICAL COURSES: 2-4-2-1 DIVISION OF A COURSE: The totality of the work realized during a flight includes the following points: * Study of the file of the trainee by the instructor. * Flights are always preceded by a briefing during which the instructor explains the work which will be carried out during the session. * Pre-flight Checks and Preparations, helicopter exterior visual inspection realized by the student. * In flight: -Demonstration of new exercises by the instructor. -Execution of these exercises by the student. * Debriefing. On the return to the flight, the instructor comments on realized work. If need be, he develops explanations useful for a better restoration of exercises. * Update of the file of the student: -The instructor attributes a note to the trainee according to the quality of the restored work, according to the table establishes by the FTO. -The instructor fills and signs the index card of progress. -The trainee notices the observations of the instructor as well as the note attributed to the made session, observes the simultaneity of the progress with regard to the standard progress of the training, then signs the index card; -The instructor informs the trainee of the contents of the following session, programs the next flight, fills the follow-up of periods, inform the global follow-up of training, if necessary. He signs the trainee’s log book. He files and signs the helicopter log book. 2-4-2-2 GENERALITIES ON THE FLIGHT INSTRUCTION: In every change of configuration of flight and in every ground taxiing, the instructor verifies the application of the outside security by the trainee. The check of instruments and alarms is required before every operation or exercise. Flying to working zone and returns allow the instructor to control the capacity of the trainee to be made simple exercises (lap, normal takeoff and approach). 2-5 GLOBAL FOLLOW-UP OF THE TRAINING: The global follow-up is informed at the conclusion of every session by the instructor. It allows to have

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a permanent inventory of carried out theoretical and practical periods, as well as to have a fast evaluation of the restored work. This part also reviews the administrative position of the trainee. 2-6 CONTENTS OF THE TRAINING: This document redraws program detailed by the training. On the opposite page, it contains the index cards of report which the instructor establishes after every session. It allows so the instructors as well as the trainee to know permanently: . Results obtained during already carried out sessions; . Points considered as experience and those that it is necessary to improve; . The speed of the progress with regard to a standard training; . The program of the future sessions. IMPORTANT IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE TRAINEE CONSULTS THIS DOCUMENT BEFORE EVERY NEW SESSION TO KNOW THE RESULT OF THE PAST COURSES AND THE CONTENTS OF THE FOLLOWING SESSION. THIS DOCUMENT HAS NECESSARILY TO STAY IN THE FTO BECAUSE IT CONTAINS INDICATIONS NECESSARY FOR THE CORRECT FOLLOW-UP OF THE PROGRESS OF THE TRAINEE. 2-7 CRITERIA OF NOTATION IN FLIGHT: They are defined in the paragraph F 6.3 of the textbook of generic training. 2-8 SYSTEM OF APPRECIATION OF THE CRITERIA OF NOTATION: They are defined in the paragraph F 6.3 of the textbook of generic training. 2-9 SYSTEM OF APPRECIATION OF THE SESSION: They are defined in the paragraph F 6.3 of the textbook of generic training. 3 – FOLLOW-UP OF THE TRAINING: CABRI G2 DATES THEORICAL PART: Unit T 1 : ............................................................................ Unit T 2 : ............................................................................ Unit T 3 : ............................................................................ Unit T 4 : ............................................................................ Unit T 5 : ............................................................................ FLIGHT PART: Unit V 1 : ........................................................................... Unit V 2 : ........................................................................... Unit V 3 : ........................................................................... Unit V 4 : ........................................................................... Skill test: ............................................................................

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Aircraft Regulatory Compliance Checklist

AIRCRAFT REGULATORY COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST Manufacturer Instructions for filling out Compliance Checklist. The compliance checklist documents applicable 14 CFR parts 91 and 135 regulatory requirements to assist the FAA ASIs in the expedited approval of that aircraft for a proposed operation. This list pertains specifically to a representative production aircraft, and not an aircraft that might be used during FSB or other certification activities. COLUMN DEFINITIONS: 14 CFR Section - defines the specific regulatory section that is to be considered. Title - represents the approximate title of the specific regulation cited in14 CFR. Compliance - the only annotation choices for this column include the following:

a. Compliant (means the aircraft complies fully with this regulatory requirement.) b. Not Compliant (means the aircraft does not comply with the regulatory requirement. A

comment must be included.) c. Optionally Compliant (means the equipment is optional and is not part of required

equipment. A comment should be included.) d. Not Applicable (means the regulatory requirement does not pertain to the aircraft.) e. Operator Responsibility (means that compliance with the regulation is exclusively Operator’s

responsibility; the manufacture must verify.) Remark - is used to explain the response in the Compliance Column, if warranted; otherwise it may be left blank. FSB Finding - is left blank; it is for FSB use only.

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Aircraft Regulatory Compliance Checklist

14 CFR Section Title Compliance Remark FSB Finding

91.9(a) Compliance with Flight Manual, Markings, and Placard Markings

Operator Responsibility

The helicopter meets §§ 27.1503 through 27.1525 and 27.1541 through 27.1589 for Approved RFM.


91.9(b)(1) Availability of Current Rotorcraft Flight Manual in Aircraft

Operator Responsibility

The helicopter meets the § 27.1581. A current, approved RFM and revisions of RFM are distributed to the operator.


91.9(c) Identification of Aircraft in Accordance with part 45

Operator Responsibility

The helicopter is identified in accordance with part 45.11 (Identification Plate)


91.103(a) IFR Flight Planning and Fuel Requirements

Not applicable. Not approved for IFR.

Not applicable. Concur

91.103(b)(1) Preflight Planning Runway Performance Data

Operator Responsibility

Performance data available in RFM Section 5.


91.203(a)(b) Valid Airworthiness Certificate, Flight Permit, Registration Certificate.

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


91.203(c) Fuel Tanks in the Passenger/Baggage Compartment

Operator Responsibility

No fuel tank installation is approved by the manufacturer.


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14 CFR Section Title Compliance Remark FSB Finding

91.203(d) Fuel Venting and Exhaust Emissions Requirements

Not applicable to piston engine.

Not applicable. Concur

91.205(a) Powered Civil Aircraft with Standard Category U.S. Airworthiness Certificates: Instrument and Equipment Requirements: General

Operator Responsibility

The helicopter may perform in operations described § 91.205 (b) Day VFR and (c) Night VFR. Refer to RFM Section 2, Limitations, General limitations RFM Supplement for Night VFR. RFM supplement for pop-out floats.


91.205(b) Day VFR Complies EPM displays MAP in % of power limitation, corrected by engine inlet temperature, altitude and engine speed.


91.205(c) Night VFR Complies RFM Supplement for Night VFR No fuse required.


91.205(d) IFR Not approved. Not applicable. Concur 91.205(h) Night Vision Goggle

Operations Operator Responsibility

No evaluation has been conducted by manufacturer.

Night Vision Device compatibility not evaluated by FSB.

91.209(b) Operate an aircraft equipped with an anti-collision light system.

Operator Responsibility

Aircraft is equipped with anti-collision light in compliance with 14 CFR.


91.211(a) Supplemental Oxygen: General

Operator Responsibility

Not Applicable Concur

91.213 Inoperative Instruments and Equipment

Operator Responsibility

An FAA approved MMEL is available on the internet from the FAA FSIMS.


91.215(a) ATC Transponder and Altitude Reporting Equipment and Use

Operator Responsibility

Approved Mode S Transponders initial installation is available.


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14 CFR Section Title Compliance Remark FSB Finding

91.215(b),(c) & (d)

Transponder Operation

Operator Responsibility

Approved Mode S Transponders initial installation is available.


91.217(a)(1) Deactivation of equipment.

Operator Responsibility

An FAA approved MMEL is available on the internet from the FAA FSIMS.


91.217(a)(2) Tests and calibration. Operator Responsibility

Complies with 14 CFR. Concur

91.217(a)(3) Altimeters and digitizers standards.

Operator Responsibility

Complies with 14 CFR. Concur

91.217(b) Same Source Operator Responsibility

Complies with 14 CFR. Concur

91.221(a) & (b)

Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System Equipment and Use

Operator Responsibility

No such equipment approved by the manufacturer as of now.


91.225(a) Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Out Equipment

Operator Responsibility

Installations can be proposed by Manufacturer.


91.227(b) 1090 MHz ES and UAT Broadcast Links and Power Requirements

Operator Responsibility

Installations can be proposed by Manufacturer.


91.227(c) ADS-B Out Performance Requirements

Operator Responsibility

Installations can be proposed by Manufacturer.


91.227(d) Minimum Broadcast Message Element Set

Operator Responsibility

Installations can be proposed by Manufacturer.


91.227(e) ADS-B Latency Requirements

Operator Responsibility

Installations can be proposed by Manufacturer.


91.227(g) Incorporation by Reference

Operator Responsibility

Installations can be proposed by Manufacturer.


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14 CFR Section Title Compliance Remark FSB Finding

91.409 Inspections Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer Maintenance Manual defines 50-, 100-, 500- hour inspections and gearbox overhauls to be applied.


91.411 Altimeter System and Altitude Reporting Equipment Tests and Inspections

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer provides compliant equipment at delivery.


91.413 ATC Transponder Tests and Inspections

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


91.535 Stowage of Food, Beverages and Passenger Service Equipment.

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


91.609(a) Operation with Inactive Flight Data Recorder or Cockpit Voice Recorder

Operator Responsibility

No recorder is installed. Dataport available for EPM data.


91.609(b) Operation by Other than Holder of Air Carrier or Commercial Certificate

Operator Responsibility

No recorder is installed. Dataport available for EPM data.


91.609(c) Requirements for Flight Data Recorder - 10+ passengers

Not Applicable Maximum of two seats are installed.


91.609(d) FDR Operations Operator Responsibility

No recorder is installed. Dataport available for EPM data.


91.609(e) & (f)

Requirement for Cockpit Voice Recorder

Not Applicable No recorder is installed. Concur

91.609(g) Accident Reporting Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


91.609(i) Cockpit Voice Recorder

Operator Responsibility

No recorder is installed. Concur

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14 CFR Section Title Compliance Remark FSB Finding

91.609(j) Datalink Recording Operator Responsibility

No recorder is installed. Dataport available for EPM data.


91.1023 & 91.1025

Program Operating Manual Requirements and Contents

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


91.1033(a)(1) & (b)

Cockpit Checklist Operator Responsibility

Recommended procedures provided RFM in section 4 Normal procedures and 3 Emergency procedures.


91.1033(a)(2) & (c)

Emergency Cockpit Checklist

Not applicable. Single engine. Concur

91.1033(a)(3) Aeronautical Charts Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


91.1033(a)(4) IFR Navigation/Approach Charts

Not applicable. Not approved for IFR.

Not applicable. Concur

91.1035(e) Automated Briefing Recording

Operator Responsibility

Not available. Concur

91.1035(f) Passenger Briefing Cards

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


91.1109(b)(1) Manufacturer Aircraft Maintenance Inspection Program

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer requires the application of Maintenance Inspection Program. Refer to Maintenance Manual Section C and D for Airworthiness limitations.


91.1115(a) Minimum Equipment List

Operator Responsibility

An FAA approved MMEL will be available on the internet from the FAA FSIMS.


91.1411 Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


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14 CFR Section Title Compliance Remark FSB Finding

135.21 Manual Requirements

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.75(b) Inspector’s Credential: Admission to pilot’s compartment: Forward observer’s seat.

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.76(b) DOD Commercial Air Carrier Evaluator’s Credentials: Admission to Pilots Compartment: Forward Observer’s Seat

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.81(c) Aircraft Equipment Manuals and Aircraft Flight Manual

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.83(a)(1) & (b)

Cockpit Checklist Operator Responsibility

Recommended procedures provided RFM in section 4 Normal procedures, and section 3 emergency procedures.


135.83(a)(2) & (c)

Emergency Procedures Checklist

Not applicable. Single engine. Concur

135.83(a)(3) Aeronautical Charts Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.83(a)(4) IFR Navigation/Approach Charts

Not applicable. Not approved for IFR. Concur

135.83(a)(5) Multiengine Aircraft One-Engine Climb Data

Not applicable. Single engine. Concur

135.93 Autopilot: Minimum Altitudes for Use

Operator Responsibility

No autopilot available. Concur

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14 CFR Section Title Compliance Remark FSB Finding

135.99(a) Composition of Flight Crew – AFM Limitations

Operator Responsibility

RFM Specifies flight crew in Section 2 limitations.


135.99(b) Second in Command required for 10 or more passenger seating configuration.

Not applicable. Maximum of two seats are installed


135.113 Passenger Occupancy of Pilot Seat

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.117 Briefing of Passengers before Flight

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.122 Stowage of Food, Beverages and Passenger Service Equipment.

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.123 Emergency and Emergency Evacuation Duties

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.127 Passenger Information

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.128 Safety Belts and Child Restraint Systems

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.129(d) & (e)

Exit Seating Passenger Information Cards

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.143(b) Approved/Operable Instruments and Equipment

Operator Responsibility

An FAA approved MMEL will be available on the internet from the FAA FSIMS.


135.143(c) ATC Transponder Operator Responsibility

Transponder installed at delivery. Concur


Validation Testing Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


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14 CFR Section Title Compliance Remark FSB Finding

135.147 Dual Controls Required

Operator Responsibility

Helicopter is certified 14 CFR part 27 with dual controls.


135.149(a) Altimeter Adjustable for Barometric Pressure

Operator Responsibility

Helicopter is certified 14 CFR part 27 with appropriate barometric instruments.


135.149(e) Heating or Deicing Equipment

Operator Responsibility

14 CFR part 27 heated Pitot tube is available as an option.


135.149(e) Additional Equipment Administrator Requires

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.150(a) Public Address System

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.150(b) Crew Interphone System

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.151(a) Requirement and Installation of CVR

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.151(b) Requirement and Installation of CVR

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.151(d) Boom and Mask Microphone

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.151(c) & (e)

CVR - Recorded Data

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.151(f) Additional CVR Requirements

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.151(g) Additional CVR Requirements

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.151(h) Recording Datalink messages

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.152(a) Requirement for FDR

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.152(b) Requirement for Flight Data Recorder

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


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14 CFR Section Title Compliance Remark FSB Finding

135.152(c) FDR Operations Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.152(d)(e) FDR – Recorded Data

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.152(f) Installation Requirements

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.152(g) Underwater Locator Device

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.152(h) Operational Parameters Required to be Recorded

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.152(m) FDR Requirements Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.155(a) Fire Extinguishers: Type and Suitability of Agent

Operator Responsibility

Compliant fire extinguisher support is available as an option.


135.155(b) Fire Extinguisher on Flight Deck

Operator Responsibility

Compliant fire extinguisher support is available as an option.


135.155(c) Fire Extinguisher in Passenger Compartment

Operator Responsibility

Compliant fire extinguisher support is available as an option.


135.156 Flight data Recorders: Filtered Data

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.157(a) Oxygen Equipment Requirements Unpressurized aircraft.

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.157(c) Equipment requirement

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.



Equipment Requirements: Carrying Passengers under VFR at Night or under VFR Over The Top Conditions

Operator Responsibility

Optional compliant equipment is available.


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14 CFR Section Title Compliance Remark FSB Finding

135.161 Radio and Navigational Equipment: Aircraft Carrying Passengers Under VFR at Night or under VFR Over The Top

Operator Responsibility

Optional compliant equipment is available.


135.163 Equipment Requirements: Aircraft Carrying Passengers Under IFR

Not applicable Not approved for IFR. Concur

135.165 Radio and Navigational Equipment: Extended Overwater or IFR Operations

Operator Responsibility

Not approved for IFR. Approved pop-out floats available.


135.167 Emergency Equipment: Extended Overwater Operations

Operator Responsibility

Approved pop-out floats available. Concur

135.171(a) Shoulder Harness Installation at Flight Crewmember Stations

Complies with 14 CFR part 27. Concur

135.173(a) Airborne Thunderstorm Detection Equipment

Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.173(f) Power Supply Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.175(e) Power Supply Not Applicable Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.177 Emergency Equipment Requirements for more than 19 Passengers

Not Applicable Maximum of two seats are installed.


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14 CFR Section Title Compliance Remark FSB Finding

135.179(a) Inoperable Instruments and Equipment

Operator Responsibility

An FAA approved MMEL is available on the internet from the FAA FSIMS


135.179(b) Instruments and Equipment NOT included in MEL

Operator Responsibility

Refer to RFM limitations. Concur

135.181(a)(2) Performance Requirements: Multi Engine Aircraft Operated Over The Top or in IFR Conditions

Not applicable. Single engine. Concur

135.183(a) Performance Requirements: Land Aircraft Operated Over Water

Operator Responsibility

RFM Supplement for pop out floats J40-920.


135.183(c) Performance Requirements: Multi Engine Land Aircraft Operated Over Water

Not applicable. Single engine. Concur

135.183(d) Helicopter flotation devices.

Operator Responsibility

RFM Supplement for pop out floats J40-920.


135.185(a) Empty Weight and Center of Gravity: Currency Requirement

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.185(b) Aircraft Original Airworthiness Certificate

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.227(a), (b),(c),(e),(f)

Icing Conditions: Operating Limitations

Operator Responsibility

Operation in known icing condition is forbidden. Refer to RFM section 2.


135.411(a)(2) Maintenance Applicability

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


135.419 Approved Aircraft Inspection Program

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


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14 CFR Section Title Compliance Remark FSB Finding

135.421(b), (c),(d),(e)

Manufacturer’s Maintenance Program

Operator Responsibility

Refer to latest edition of manufacturer maintenance manual.


135.425 Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance and Alteration Programs

Operator Responsibility

Refer to latest edition of manufacturer maintenance manual.


135.427(b) Manual for Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance and Alterations

Operator Responsibility

Manufacturer has no additional remarks.


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