flexible learning – a moveable feast? sinead mehigan – middlesex university

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Flexible Learning – A Moveable Feast?

Sinead Mehigan – Middlesex University

Focus of presentation

Explore impact of partnership working which has led to a more flexible and innovative approach to developing healthcare staff


Rapid and continuous changes to healthcare agendas and healthcare delivery

Constant need to develop new roles and competence in workforce

Education in healthcare has to be available when and where it is needed, be flexible, provided yesterday, in line with tomorrow’s service priorities and needs

What we had

Lots of blue sky thinking and crystal ball gazing to assess future service priorities / education needs

Trust commission education from University University develop new provision, depending on

market If commissioned deliver depending on numbers

arriving Mainly modular / programme based provision in

University focusing mainly on nursing staff In-house study days by Trust, developed and

delivered as needed to all staff

What we found

HEI validation processes complex and lengthy

Continuing viability of new HEI provision With rapidity of changes, where is the best

source of expertise? Main focus on nursing education In-house provision accessed piecemeal

Possible solution?

Develop flexible, cost-effective framework, incorporating Trust and University provision

Use to enable both Trust and University to respond to changes more rapidly

What we did

Development funds from Linking London Identified specific Trust service needs linked

to priorities in NHSL “Framework for Action” (2007)

Developed flexible framework to meet learning requirements

Used SfH tools to identify competencies relevant to development of two specific roles to assess impact of learning in practice

Evaluation of different approach to education development and provision

Whittington Hospital NHS Trust - focus Clustering of in-house study days - different

pathways reflecting current developmental needs for wide range of staff – initial focus on infection control and Health & Safety

Pathway potential as moveable feasts – can be modified or changed as needed

Linked to Knowledge and Skills Framework and SfH National Occupational Standards

Middlesex University

Staff gain accreditation of learning, by accessing Study Day Learning Review module

Emphasis on students developing and submitting portfolio of evidence of how they have applied what they have learnt in study days, to practice

Tap into and enhance use of work-based learning for wider group of healthcare staff than currently catered for

Possible benefits

Build staff competence in practice and confidence in study skills

Assessment designed to enhance improvements in patient care and services provided

Enhancing of reputation of Trust – to patients and future employees?

For University, experience used to work in similar way with other Trusts and healthcare providers

Challenges so far

Competence assessment tools - keeping it manageable

Getting students into the classroom - attitudes towards CPD, time, committment

Reflection - easier to talk about than to articulate in words

Assessment of use of competence tools - not yet started

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