fixing music video edit #3

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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Fixing Music Video Edit #3I have decided to make a PowerPoint showing how I have fixed my edit #3 and how I will be making sure this will be my final music video.

First of all, I thought the tracking shots of the star were too shaky which the audience wouldn’t like as it would distract them.

I decided to change this and fix it by going onto video filters and clicking ‘SmoothCam’.

By doing this, it allowed the shot to look steady.

Secondly, after watching my music video, I thought the sepia effect looked more black and white with a slight tint, therefore not making it stand out and looking obvious.

I decided to change this and fix it by going onto video filters and clicking ‘Image Control’ and then choosing the sepia option as before I just added a colour tint. I also thought to highlight the sepia effect less therefore I turned it down.

By doing this, it allowed the shot to look like a more deeper sepia.

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