five times scorpius caught rose drinking

Post on 13-Apr-2015






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Scorpius has serious plans for his life and he is determined that no one, especially Rose Weasley, is going to distract him.


Five Times Scorpius CaughtRose Drinking by drcjsnider

Category: Harry PotterGenre: Humor, RomanceLanguage: EnglishCharacters: Rose W., Scorpius M.Status: CompletedPublished: 2009-06-09Updated: 2009-06-09Packaged: 2013-03-15 22:31:36Rating: TChapters: 1Words: 3,580Publisher: www.fanfiction.netSummary: Scorpius has serious plans forhis life and he is determined that no one,especially Rose Weasley, is going to

distract him.

Five Times Scorpius CaughtRose Drinking

Title: Five Times Scorpius MalfoyCaught Rose Weasley DrinkingRating: PG-13Warnings: snark, Slytherin!RoseCharacter/Pairing: Rose/ScorpiusSummary: Scorpius has serious plans forhis life and he is determined that no one,especially Rose Weasley, is going todistract him.Disclaimer:/b Characters belong to JKRowling and no profit is being made fromthis.Author Notes: Written for the LJhp_5things challenge as requested bykryptiq. I adore this couple and have lots

of fun writing them as characters whosepersonalities don't mirror that of theirparents. Big, big, thanks to ljuser=queenb23more for the last-minutesbeta job. She is an absolute doll who Ifeel very lucky to have as a friend.

1. After the Gryffindor vs. SlytherinQuidditch Match in Sixth Year

Patrol duty was taking Scorpius twice aslong as usual because he had told fellowprefect Lily Potter she could leave earlyto celebrate winning today's game withher Gryffindor House mates. Most of thetime he hated the boredom of patrollingalone, but it had been a relief to get abreak from Lily's incessant chatter.Besides, things were quiet tonight with

everyone holed up in their CommonRooms enjoying their Saturday eveningfestivities.

Just as Scorpius began to climb thestairwell out of the dungeon to return toRavenclaw tower, he heard a quiet snifffrom behind a statue of Morgan le Fay.When he peered around it, he saw a red-headed girl, sitting on the ground, wipingtears from her eyes. "Rose?"

"Blimey, Malfoy. Could you be any morecreepy? You're always sneaking up onpeople," Rose went on the attack.Scorpius figured she was probably tryingto hide the fact that she'd been crying.

"I'm on rounds. Are you alright?"

She ignored his question, typical RoseWeasley behavior. "You can try andconceal your stalker tendencies behindyour prefect badge, but you aren't foolinganyone. Now run along and leave me thehell alone."

"You're out of bounds."

For a second, it looked like Rose wasgoing to start crying again. "Merlin,Malfoy, just deduct House points alreadyand bugger off!"

"You need to get back to your CommonRoom," he told her. "Or I'm going to haveto inform the Head Boy."

Rose snorted. "Good luck with that. I'm

sure that James is probably pissed out ofhis mind by now."

All at once Scorpius realized what waswrong. Rose was upset about Slytherinlosing the Quidditch game today. She wasthe Slytherin Keeper and although she hadplayed brilliantly, it hadn't been enough tokeep the Gryffindor team, which wasdominated by her Weasley and Pottercousins, from winning the match.

"I'm sure your House mates don't blameyou for the loss today," he saidreassuringly.

"No shit, Sherlock. They do, however,expect me to march in there with somebrilliant plan that will still win us the

House Cup, embarrass Gryffindor, andrestore Slytherin prestige."

Scorpius shook his head slightly. He'dnever before thought about the pressureRose might feel from her House mates.She wasn't the 'Queen' of the Slytherins oranything quite so pedestrian: however, inmany ways, she was their savior. In thenineteen years since the fall of Voldemort,Slytherin House had been reviled,mocked, and ridiculed by the otherstudents of Hogwarts. It wasn't until RoseWeasley, the daring daughter of two warheroes was sorted into Slytherin, thatthings began to change. Rose hadn'ttolerated the derision of other Houses andhad pushed her fellows into striving byboth legitimate and illicit means into

rebuilding Slytherin's stature. For the mostpart, she'd succeeded, and the members ofSlytherin began to reclaim their positionsas some of the most powerful andinfluential inhabitants of Hogwarts. Hesupposed it made sense that they woulddepend on her for direction in times ofcrisis.

"So why aren't you busy plotting instead ofwallowing in your defeat?" Scorpiusasked a little more harshly than he'dintended.

Rose's eyes narrowed and he suspectedshe would launch some kind of verbalattack, but instead, she pulled a half-emptybottle of Firewhiskey from behind herback and waved it back and forth in front

of her head. "Not thinking clearly rightnow."

Scorpius rolled his eyes. He didn't knowwhy, but he suddenly felt disappointed inher. With a flick of his wand, he causedher bottle to vanish.

"Hey!" Rose exclaimed, stumbling as sherose quickly to her feet. Scorpius caughther by the arms to keep her from falling,but couldn't prevent her body frompressing up against his. "Damn it, Malfoy.You owe me four Galleons for thatbottle."

Scorpius visibly swallowed and nodded,unable to speak or think with Rose'sbreasts pressed tightly against him and her

scent taking over his senses.

Pushing herself away from him, Rosestraightened her clothing. Shaking out herhair, she stepped around him and headedtoward her Common Room. "Thanks fornothing."

2. After the Annual Hogwarts' VictoryCelebration Ball in Sixth Year

Scorpius patrolled the grounds around thecastle with nothing but his wand to lightthe way. He'd volunteered to do roundstonight since he hadn't had the nerve to askanyone to the ball. Besides, he wasbucking for Head Boy next year, so anygoodwill he could establish betweenhimself and his fellow prefects would

ultimately help his cause. Upon roundingthe corner of the Astronomy Tower, hesaw a lone female sitting on a bench,drinking from a flask. A closer glance atthe girl's hair coming lose from its updowas all it took for Scorpius to recognizeRose Weasley.

"Trying to drink away your problemsagain?" he asked sitting down next to her.He had just lately started to figure out thatthe best way to deal with Rose was to getunder her defenses, rather than approachher in a straight forward manner.

Rose shook her head. "I got away from myproblem. I'm just drinking to calm down."

Scorpius glanced over at her and noticed

for the first time that one of the straps ofher dress had been ripped and she had asmall cut on her bottom lip. "Whathappened?"

She shrugged. "Nothing I couldn't handle."

Scorpius watched as she took anotherdrink from the flask.

"So, Malfoy, you're a guy."

"Well spotted."

"And reasonably intelligent."

"First in our class."

"And modest," she muttered.

Scorpius chuckled.

"Okay, genius, explain something to me.Why don't men realize that a girl can besocially active, engaging, and outgoingwithout being a slag? Seriously, is theresome type of guy code that saysextraverted women are always looking fora shag?"

His brow furrowed, Scorpius turnedtowards Rose. He knew her escort thisevening had been Ethan Flint, the loud,brash, captain of Slytherin's Quidditchteam. Surely, Flint wouldn't havepressured Rose for a shag. "Whathappened tonight?"

"I already told you, nothing happened. I

know my way around the business end of awand. Are you going to answer thequestion or not?"

When Scorpius didn't immediately reply,Rose started to rise. "You're such awanker."

Scorpius grabbed her wrist butimmediately released it when she sat backdown. "I believe that the majority ofwizards realize that 'out-going' is notsynonymous with someone who will 'put-out'. In general, a guy who is respectful ofhis friends, professors, and others who hecomes in contact with will also berespectful of any witches he dates."

Rose didn't reply but looked thoughtful.

She took another swing from her flask andstood up swaying slightly. "I'm going tohead to my Common Room before a realprefect comes by and deducts Housepoints."

He pointed to the rip her dress. "Do youwant me to fix that in case you run intoJames or any of your other cousins?"

Rose quickly nodded, obviously intent onavoiding the possibility of a confrontationwith her protective family members.

Scorpius flicked his wand at her dresswhich mended itself.

Rose fingered the repair, smiled, andquickly bent down to give him a kiss on

the cheek. "You're a good bloke, Malfoy,in spite of being a swotty Ravenclawprefect who is suspiciously good atsewing charms."

He just stared back at her, amazed by theheat radiating from where her lips hadtouched his skin.

She began walking toward the castle butturned when she got a few steps away andtold him over her shoulder, "You'll findFlint in a full-body bind down by thelake."

3. The Summer Before Seventh Year inThe Leaky Cauldron

Scorpius sat at the bar in of The Leaky

Cauldron and ordered himself aFirewhiskey. He was celebrating hisrecent appointment as Head Boy, and twoof his mates from Ravenclaw weresupposed to meet him soon to go see aMuggle film at the cinema. Although hetried to keep an eye on the door leading toDiagon Alley, he kept getting distracted bya loud party going on in the pub's backroom. He was just about to ask thebarkeep who was back there when RoseWeasley plopped down on the stool nextto him and bumped her shoulder into his.

"Scorpius Malfoy, fancy seeing you here. Ithought it was genetically impossible foryou do anything other than study andmaintain law and order in the halls ofHogwarts."

Scorpius flushed at both Rose's nearnessand her unflattering opinion of hischaracter. "Apparently you don't know meas well as you think. Yet, I'm not at allsurprised to see you drinking in the middleof day," he replied, eyeing her almostempty glass of Firewhiskey.

She leaned near him, her breath hot on hisear. "I bet you are just itching to take awayHouse points, aren't you?"

Scorpius turned his head so his face wasnow only centimeters away from Rose's."Aren't you being a bit unfair considering Iignored your last two violations?"

Rose sat back, the color rising in hercheeks. "Sure, but that was before you

were Head Boy. Now you have to set agood example for all the other prefects."

Scorpius was astounded. He hadn't toldmany people about his appointment asHead Boy. Certainly, he'd told no one whohung out with Rose Weasley. He wantedto demand to know where she'd gotten herinformation but realized that to do sowould make him sound like a stuck-upprig she was always accusing him ofbeing.

"I suppose you are looking forward tosharing a Common Room with someuptight bird like Jennifer Chang or PennyCorner."

"They are both responsible witches. I'm

certain I could work well with either ofthem as Head Girl."

"They are both uptight prisses. You needto loosen up, Malfoy. I think I might makethat one of my projects this next schoolyear," she teased.

"Merlin, save me from such a fate," hereplied only half in jest.

Rose looked like she was going to replysharply when Francesco Zabini stuck hishead out of the back room. "Weasley, getback in here. It's time for the ButterbeerPong Championship match."

"Coming!" she called, stepping off thestool and brushing her chest against

Scorpius' side as she moved away fromthe bar. It had probably been involuntary,but it still caused his entire body to jumpto attention. She placed her hands on hisshoulders and leaned over his back untilher face was next to his. "I have to godefend my title. Good luck next year,Malfoy. I have a feeling you are going toneed it."

Scorpius watched her disappear into theback room, wishing that she didn't unsettlehim so much. Just as he was about to turnaway, Albus Potter emerged from theroom and made his way over to the bar."Congraddduuuulations," he slurred,sitting down heavily on the stool Rose hadjust vacated.

"You know, too?"

"Issss all they can talk 'bout in theee backroom," Al replied, barely stifling a burp.

"Great," Scorpius muttered, his goodmood completely gone.

"Well, that and theee fact Rose issss goingto be Head Girl."

"What?! But she's never even been aprefect!" Scorpius exclaimed, belatedrealizing that his voice had gone up byseveral octaves.

Al shrugged, laid his head on the bar, andclosed his eyes. "Uncle Ron figuresProfessor McGonagall has finally gonearound the bend."

Scorpius could only silently nod inagreement, wondering if this was how thefates were punishing the Malfoy family fortheir past sins.

4. After the Gryffindor vs. SlytherinQuidditch Match in Seventh Year

Scorpius strode towards the dungeons.Rounds ended two hours ago and he hadn'teven been on patrol, but he'd becomeconcerned when Rose hadn't returned totheir Common Room so he'd slipped onhis Head Boy badge to search for her. Hewas just steps away from the portrait thatled into the Slytherin Chambers when hesaw Rose stumble into the hall.

"Malfoy!" she called happily throwing

open her arms as if she expected him topick her up and twirl her around.

"Quiet," he muttered, grabbing one of herwrists and pulling her towards the stairs."You are going to wake the entire studentbody."

Rose giggled. "Impossible. I just left one-fourth of the student body wide awake andplaying a drinking game."

Scorpius shook his head and dropped herarm. "You are supposed to be setting agood example."

"But I did! I set a good example of how tobe an outstanding Quidditch Keeper. I seta good example of how to rub your

opponents faces in their loss withoutlosing House points. And, I set a goodexample of how to get caught drunk by theHead Boy and not get a detention."

Scorpius whipped around so that he wasglaring down at her. "This isn't amusing.Have you ever considered the fact that theentire world wasn't created to be RoseWeasley's plaything?"

Rose held her hands up in mock surrenderbut couldn't keep the smile off her face."Hey, I promise to never treat you like myplaything… unless you ask really, reallynicely."

With a loud huff, Scorpius turned andbegan climbing the steps again.

"Malfoy, wait!" Rose called, rushing tocatch up to him. "Don't be mad. I'm just inan extraordinary good mood."

"Because you've been drinking."

"No. I'm mean… yes, I've been drinking.But that isn't why I'm in a good mood. I'vebeen waiting for the day that Slytherindefeated Gryffindor on the Quidditch Pitchsince I joined the team. You can't imaginehow merciless my family has been sinceSlytherin lost last year. I've had to listento months of mind-dulling analysis abouthow skill trumps speed and desire is moreimportant than strategy. Seriously, had myteam lost again this year, I was going tochange my name to Rhonda Wynette andmove to Australia."

Scorpius turned his head to look at her butdidn't slow down. "You know you arenutters, right?"

Rose laughed and linked her arm throughhis. "At least I'm not boring."

"Definitely not."

When they reached to the door to theirCommon Room, Rose turned to smile upat Scorpius. "Thanks for coming to lookfor me tonight."

"I wasn't…"

Before he could finish his sentence, Roseleaned forward and pressed her lipsagainst his. She tasted like whiskey, freshair, and something undeniably sweet.

When she broke away, Scorpius wanted tosay or do something to indicate that whilesurprised, he'd enjoyed the kiss, but hecouldn't think clearly enough to come upwith a plan. So he stood unmoving andsilent as Rose walked away towards herroom.

5. After the Annual Hogwarts' VictoryCelebration Ball in Seventh Year

Scorpius sat on a bench outside of theGreat Hall. He felt disconnected from hisfellow students despite being able to hearthe music and voices coming from inside.He would be leaving Hogwarts in twoweeks having accomplished everythinghe'd ever wanted to do. He'd been prefect,Head Boy, first in his classes, and

respected by the faculty and students alike.He'd done much to compel those whoknew him to alter their view of what itmeant to be a Malfoy. He would changeeven more people's beliefs once he startedhis internship at the Ministry in August.

Yet, something was missing. For at leastsix months, he'd wanted Rose Weasley.Dating a Weasley certainly wasn't part ofhis plan. Getting romantically involvedwith any girl was not suppose to occuruntil long after he had established himselfas a respectable member of the wizardingelite. Even if a relationship had beensomething Scorpius was actively pursuing,he certainly wouldn't have selected Roseas the object of his desire. He waspositive that her penchant for seeking out a

good time would eventually undermine hercharm and ultimately bring down her andwhoever she was dating.

Sighing heavily, Scorpius determined thathe would just put Rose out of his mindbefore she had a chance to derail his life'sgoals. Besides, it wasn't like she wouldever be interested in someone as uptightand driven as him, even if he decided toask her out.

Sighing again, Scorpius turned toward thelake and then frowned at the sight of Rosestrolling up the path. She wasn't wearing aball gown but instead was dressed injeans and a green jumper.

"Who do I have to release from a body-

bind curse this year?" he asked as sheneared.

"No one," she smiled, sitting down closebeside him. "I decided to boycott theball."


"The bloke I fancy didn't ask me out."

"I hope you didn't sabotage the entireevent to get your revenge," Scorpiusjoked, exceedingly interested in who Rosefancied.

"No, nothing so drastic. I've just beendrowning my sorrows with the GiantSquid," she pulled a flask from her backpocket.

"You shouldn't drink so much," Scorpiustold her, realizing he sounded like awanker as he did so.

"I don't drink that much," she huffed. "Ireally only indulge in times of greatexcitement or stress. Besides, I would quitwith the right motivation."

He couldn't help but smile at her. "I can'timagine what would be important enoughto cause you to give up something youenjoy so much. Could it be a job?"

Rose shook her head.

"Moving in with your parents?"

"Please. Give me more credit than that,"she replied rolling her eyes.

"This mysterious bloke?"

"Maybe," she blushed.

Scorpius raised both of his eyebrows. "Hemust be someone amazing."

"I think so."

"So what's the problem? I find it hard topicture you being nervous or shy aroundanyone."

"Well, I'm in over my head with thisbloke. He's nothing like me. He'sambitious and dedicated and driven. I'mcertain he finds me silly and annoying."

Scorpius furrowed his brow as he tried tofigure out who Rose was talking about. He

certainly hoped it wasn't that sixth yearRavenclaw moron who was constantlygoing-on about reinventing howArithmancy was taught. "He sounds like apoof."

"He's not," Rose laughed. "At least I don'tthink so. How's a girl to tell?"

Scorpius did not want to give her adviceon how to attract this bloke. At least hedidn't want to give her good advice. "Youcould try flashing him."

"Like this?" Rose asked, a huge smirk onher face as she lifted her jumper and gavehim a good look at her pale, lacy, bra.

"Shite!" Scorpius exclaimed grabbing her

hand and pulling it down until she wascovered up again. "You just can't do that!You could give someone the wrong idea!What if I thought you were trying to attractme?"

"You are so thick," she growled beforegrabbing his chin, turning his face towardsher, and pressing her lips against hisroughly.

It took three seconds before Scorpiusrealized that Rose had thrown herself athim, another two seconds for him to wraphis arms around her, and just one moresecond for him to open his mouth so thatshe could plunder its recesses with hertongue.

Almost an hour later, Rose laid her headon Scorpius' shoulder and twined thefingers of one of her hands between his.

"You know this is never going to work."

"That's what makes it so irresistible," shesaid, snuggling in closer to him.

"Yeah," Scorpius grinned widely, plantinga soft kiss on her hair. He relaxed forperhaps the first time in seven years,determined to simply enjoying the feelingof having this girl in his arms.

The End

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