five dragons acupuncture college correspondence course

Post on 15-Aug-2015



Health & Medicine



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This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
This story about the discovery of Acupuncture relating to warriors being struck with arrows, is a false story designed to mislead Westerners from learning the secrets of this art. In fact, the acupuncture meridians can be felt and the flow of the Chi can be perceived by those who practice Qi Gong or Meditation. This is how the meridians were discovered and the acupuncture points perceived, by adepts of breathing science following the flow of their own Chi as it circulated throughout their own bodies. It is not the needle or the knowledge of where to place the needles that is most important in the practice of Acupuncture. What is most important is for the Acupuncture physician, himself, to know how to circulate and control his own Chi. Only then, can he or she have the power to manipulate and re-direct the Chi in other people. Physician, Heal Thyself.
The physicians of ancient China were able to charge their clients for keeping them healthy and to treat them for free if they became sick because these physicians were also experts of Qi Gong and movement therapy. Thus, they were teachers as well as physicians. They taught their clients how to keep themselves healthy with proper diet, breathing and movement which were considered to be of a higher healing level than acupuncture, which is used after the client becomes sick.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
The "Tao Te Ching" of Lao Tzu is still the best description of the Tao. And the best English translation of his work is the translation by Gia-Fu Feng and Jane English.
The very best way to understand Chi, is to experience it yourself. Qi Gong (or Chi Kung) breathing techniques can produce observable Chi flow in anyone who seeks to find it. In fact, without an experiential knowledge of one's own chi, no one can hope to master the art and science of Acupuncture. Meditation, Qi Gong and practice of Tai Chi Chuan are a sure and effective way of discovering one's own chi and of maintaining one's own health and long life.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
Acupuncture is not recognized in Traditional Chinese Medicine as being of the highest level of healing. Breath Therapy (Qi Gong), Food Therapy (Natural Foods Nutrition), and herbology (pharmacology), are considered higher in treatment value. Thus, an acupuncturist is also skilled in these arts as well. Especially in modern society where Yin poisons such as sugar, white flour, white rice and various chemical additives make up such a high percentage of modern meals, nutritional training and knowledge are vital. Thus, regardless of the correct acupuncture answer for question #9, a patient with the symptoms described is probably suffering from a blood sugar imbalance of a hypoglycemic or diabetic type. And so, the patient should be questioned about his diet before automatically treating him with acupuncture. Acupuncture can relieve his symptoms but proper nutirition is probably what such a patient needs to cure his illness. Acupuncture is not a cure-all but is one of many methods for the treatment of illness.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
Because acupuncture charts attempt to show a three dimensional human by using only two dimensions, you will find it much easier to learn this science if you purchase an acupuncture dummy. The savings in time and frustration are more than paid for over the small initial cost of these acupuncture study tools.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
Awareness of breath is a basic skill acquired in meditation and qi gong practice. The realms of Chi Knowledge, ability to penetrate into the patient's body with your Mind Awareness, perception of the small and awareness of the great, psychic skills, wisdom, and Enlightenment, are a few of the powers attained through such practice. No acupuncture physician can achieve competence without qi gong and meditation as a part of his knowledge base.
Again, the best way to understand Yin/Yang, is to practice meditation or qi gong and to experience it for yourself.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
Thus it is, that modern people lose track of the Natural Cycle of Life. How can one be out of time with the Natural Cycle and still be healthy? It's impossible. Unnatural light (electricity), illusory entertainments (late night television watching), and mechanical work periods (working according to the dictates of a clock rather than the rhythm of Nature), all pull Mankind off of the Path of True Health and Longevity. Those who go against Nature, always lose.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
For an interesting comparison of Western and Chinese medical philosophies and training, watch the video entitled: "The Miracle Needle". This is available as part of this Course.
The only way for an acupuncturist to become a "superior doctor" is if he or she is also an expert at Qi Gong (Chi Kung). A knowledge of herbs and natural foods, is also necessary since the foods of the modern world are so devitalized and synthetic. Watch the video, "The Miracle Needle", for an understanding of what it took to become a "superior doctor". This movie is included as part of this correspondence course.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
If you have difficulty reading this or any of the other Lessons, they can be printed out at 300 dpi.
Watch the video "The Miracle Needle" that comes with this Course to see the difference between Western and Chinese Medical training.
Think of the Triple Burner as like a candle flame. It exists separately from the wick and the wax but is dependant upon them. In the same way, the Triple Burner is separate from the digestive organs and exists as an energy plexus. Also, while practicing the energy circulation of the Nine Treasure Exercises, during the hip rotations the inner organs can be felt as the chi circulates around the inside of the organ cavity. Thus, the digestive organs as a whole, between mouth and anus, contains three distinct sections that can be perceived as the Mind directs the Chi around the internal body cavity during these exercises.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
At this point, the acupuncture theory must be balanced against the actual flow of the chi and the state of health of the patient. Study this more carefully and come to your own conclusions regarding the accuracy of these statements. In this case, theory is being offered over the actual facts of chi flow direction.
The video entitled "The Nine Cutting Fingers of Ninjutsu" contains all of the necessary finger exercises for shiatsu massage as well as the methods for keeping the hands pliable and strong. Download a copy at <>
Not all diseases respond well to acupuncture just as not all diseases respond well to Western Medicine. The knowledgable physician is trained in both Western and Chinese medicine.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
Although Mr. McWilliams advances some interesting combinations of theories, it is not necessary to understand his reasoning in order to understand acupuncture. So, if the reader finds these theories confusing, then don't worry about it but move on to Part II.
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College, "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contributions of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <> This modern version of the Acupuncture Correspondence Course was created using a flat-bed scanner and computer. But the original lessons were, in 1978, typed by hand on a typewriter and mimeograph machine which produced an uneven and often a light type face. Thus, not all of these lessons could be clearly scanned so some hand re-touching was necessary, especially in Lesson 9. Please do not judge the quality of information in these lessons by the poor quality of the re-touching and editing. If you would like to volunteer your services to re-type any of these lessons, yourself, please contact the Bamboo Delight Company. Otherwise, read them for what they are -- the first freely available acupuncture lessons in the history of the world. Study carefully for these are precious documents.
Version 1.0 of this "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing wasaccomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. There are some minor artifacts from the scanning process but these will be touched up in later editions. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <>
Version 1.0 of this "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing wasaccomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. There are some minor artifacts from the scanning process but these will be touched up in later editions. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <>
Version 1.0 of this "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing wasaccomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. There are some minor artifacts from the scanning process but these will be touched up in later editions. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <>
Version 1.0 of this "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing wasaccomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. There are some minor artifacts from the scanning process but these will be touched up in later editions. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <>
Version 1.0 of this "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing wasaccomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. There are some minor artifacts from the scanning process but these will be touched up in later editions. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <>
Version 1.0 of this "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing wasaccomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. There are some minor artifacts from the scanning process but these will be touched up in later editions. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <>
Version 1.0 of this "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing wasaccomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. There are some minor artifacts from the scanning process but these will be touched up in later editions. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <>
Version 1.0 of this "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing wasaccomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. There are some minor artifacts from the scanning process but these will be touched up in later editions. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <>
Version 1.0 of this "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing wasaccomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. There are some minor artifacts from the scanning process but these will be touched up in later editions. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <>
Version 1.0 of this "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing wasaccomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. There are some minor artifacts from the scanning process but these will be touched up in later editions. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <>
Version 1.0 of this "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing wasaccomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. There are some minor artifacts from the scanning process but these will be touched up in later editions. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <>
Version 1.0 of this "Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons" This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi. Additional editing wasaccomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. There are some minor artifacts from the scanning process but these will be touched up in later editions. An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications <>

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