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  • 8/22/2019 Final New Report


    Confinement Of Large File Download In Vehicular Network

    M.Tech, DC&N, Dept Of ECE, BTLIT 201213 Page 1



  • 8/22/2019 Final New Report


    Confinement Of Large File Download In Vehicular Network

    M.Tech, DC&N, Dept Of ECE, BTLIT 201213 Page 2




    As vehicular networks become popular, more and more people want to access data

    from their vehicles. When many vehicles want to access data through a roadside unit,

    service scheduling becomes an important issue. This work identifies some challenges in

    vehicle-roadside data access. As vehicles move pretty fast, the requests should be served

    quickly. Also, vehicles may upload data to the roadside unit, and hence the download and

    upload requests compete for the same bandwidth. Instead of using paid services such as3G/LTE/WiMAX communication technologies or exclusive Mobile TV Systems, free

    road-side APs can also be utilized to deliver videos available on the internet to mobile

    users for cost saving.

    Vehicles traveling within cities and along highways are regarded as most probable

    candidates for a complete integration into mobile networks of the next generation.

    Vehicle to vehicle infrastructure and vehicle to vehicle communication could indeedfoster a number of new applications of notable interest and critical importance, ranging

    from danger warning to traffic congestion avoidance. It is however easy to foresee that

    the availability of onboard communication capabilities will also determine a significant

    increase in the number of mobile users regularly employing business and infotainment

    applications during their displacements. As a matter of fact, equipping vehicles with

    WiMAX/LTE and/or WiFi capabilities would represent a clear invitation for passengers

    on cars or buses to behave exactly as home-based network users. The phenomenon would

    thus affect not only lightweight services such as web browsing or e-mailing, but also

    resource-intensive ones such as streaming or file sharing.

    This work focuses on one of the latter tasks, namely the download of large-sized

    files from the Internet. More precisely, an urban scenario has been considered, where

    users aboard cars can exploit roadside Access Points (APs) to access the servers that host

    the desired contents.

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    Confinement Of Large File Download In Vehicular Network

    M.Tech, DC&N, Dept Of ECE, BTLIT 201213 Page 3

    Notice that the coverage provided by the roadside APs is intermittent. This is

    often the case, since, in presence of large urban, suburban and rural areas, a pervasive

    deployment of APs dedicated to vehicular access is often impractical, for economic and

    technical reasons. It is assumed that not all on-board users download large files all the

    time: indeed, one can expect a behavior similar to that observed in wired networks, where

    the portion of queries for large contents is small. As a result, only a minor percentage of

    APs is simultaneously involved in direct data transfers to downloader cars in their

    respective coverage area, and the majority of APs is instead idle. Within such a context, it

    is interesting to study how opportunistic vehicle-to-vehicle communication can

    complement the infrastructure-based connectivity, so to speed up the download process.

    APs inactivity periods are exploited to transmit, to cars within range of idle APs, pieces

    of the data being currently downloaded by other vehicles.

    Cars that obtain information chunks this way can then transport the data in a carry

    & forward fashion, and deliver it to the destination vehicle, exploiting opportunistic

    contacts with it. The concept of cooperative download in vehicular networks has been

    already proposed for highway environments: however, unlike what happens over one-

    dimensional highways, urban/suburban road topologies present multiple route choices

    that make it hard to predict if vehicles will meet; moreover, the presence of traffic lights,

    stop and yield signs renders cars contact timings very variable.

    These key aspects make highway-tailored solutions impracticable in complex

    nonlinear road scenarios, for which to the best of my knowledge, first identify challenges

    and propose solutions. Vehicular environments are one of the most promising fields of

    application for pervasive mobile networking. If the fast dynamics of the topology of a

    network built over moving vehicles make the adoption of a fully ad-hoc paradigm

    unfeasible, schemes relying on vehicle-to-infrastructure and opportunistic car-to-car

    communication appear instead viable.

    Among the possible applications of infrastructure-based opportunistic vehicular

    networks, the focus is on that of cooperative download. In fact, although having recently

    drawn increasing attention from the research community, studies on vehicular cooperative

    download have been limited to highway scenarios, where the one-dimensional nature ofnodes mobility simplifies the problem.

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    Confinement Of Large File Download In Vehicular Network

    M.Tech, DC&N, Dept Of ECE, BTLIT 201213 Page 4

    An urban scenario has been considered where users aboard cars are interested in

    downloading large files from servers in the Internet, exploiting to this end APs located

    over the road topology. Obviously, not all users download large files all the time: indeed,

    one can expect that the portion of vehicles actively downloading large contents is small

    over the entire car traffic, as it also happens in traditional networks. Therefore, at each

    time instant, only a very few APs are involved in data transfers to downloader cars in

    their coverage area, and the majority of APs is instead idle.


    Intelligent transport systems (ITS) are advanced applications which, without

    embodying intelligence as such, aim to provide innovative services relating to different

    modes of transport and traffic management and enable various users to be better informed

    and make safer, more coordinated, and 'smarter' use of transport networks. The

    framework for the deployment of intelligent transport systems in the field of road

    transport and for interfaces with other modes of transport defines ITS as systems in which

    information and communication technologies are applied in the field of road transport,

    including infrastructure, vehicles and users, and in traffic management and mobility

    management, as well as for interfaces with other modes of transport.

    Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) include telematics and all types of

    communications in vehicles, between vehicles (e.g. car to car), and between vehicles and

    fixed locations (e.g. car to AP infrastructure). However, ITS is not restricted to Road

    Transport they also include the use of information and communication technologies (ICT)

    for rail, water and air transport, including navigation systems. In general, the various

    types of ITS rely on radio services for communication and use specialized technologies.

    Recent advances in vehicle electronics have led to a move toward fewer, more capablecomputer processors on a vehicle. A typical vehicle in the early 2000s would have

    between 20 and 100 individual networked microcontroller/Programmable logic controller

    modules with non-real-time operating systems. The current trend is toward fewer, more

    costly microprocessor modules with hardware memory management and Real-Time

    Operating Systems. The new system platforms allow for more sophisticated software

    applications to be implemented, including model-based process control, artificial

    intelligence, and ubiquitous computing. Perhaps the most important of these for

    Intelligent Transportation Systems is artificial intelligence.
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    Confinement Of Large File Download In Vehicular Network

    M.Tech, DC&N, Dept Of ECE, BTLIT 201213 Page 5


    In computer networking, a wireless access point (AP) is a device that allows

    wireless devices to connect to a wired network using WiFi, or related standards. The AP

    usually connects to a router(via a wired network) if it's a standalone device, or is part of a

    router itself. Prior to wireless networks, setting up a computer network in a business,

    home or school often required running many cables through walls and ceilings in order to

    deliver network access to all of the network-enabled devices in the building. With the

    creation of the wireless Access Point (AP), network users are now able to add devices that

    access the network with few or no cables. A WAP normally connects directly to a wired

    Ethernet connection and the AP then provides wireless connections using radio frequency

    links for other devices to utilize that wired connection. Most APs support the connection

    of multiple wireless devices to one wired connection. Modern APs are built to support a

    standard for sending and receiving data using these radio frequencies. Those standards

    and the frequencies they use are defined by the IEEE. Most APs use IEEE 802.11



    Vehicular Communication Systems are an emerging type of networks in which

    vehicles and roadside units are the communicating nodes; providing each other with

    information, such as safety warnings and traffic information. As a cooperative approach,

    vehicular communication systems can be more effective in avoiding accidents and traffic

    congestions than if each vehicle tries to solve these problems individually. Generally

    vehicular networks are considered to contain two types of nodes; vehicles and roadside

    stations. Both are Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) devices. DSRC

    works in 5.9 GHz band with bandwidth of 75 MHz and approximate range of 1000m. The

    network should support both private data communications and public (mainly safety)

    communications but higher priority is given to public communications.

    Vehicular communications is usually developed as a part of Intelligent Transport

    Systems (ITS). It seeks to achieve safety and productivity through intelligent

    transportation which integrates communication between mobile and fixed nodes. To this

    end ITS heavily relies on wired and wireless communications.
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    Confinement Of Large File Download In Vehicular Network

    M.Tech, DC&N, Dept Of ECE, BTLIT 201213 Page 6


    It is an approach to computer network architecture that seeks to address the

    technical issues in heterogeneous networks that may lack continuous network

    connectivity. Examples of such networks are those operating in mobile or extreme

    terrestrial environments, or planned networks in space. The ability to transport, or route,

    data from a source to a destination is a fundamental ability all communication networks

    must have. Delay and disruption-tolerant networks (DTNs) are characterized by their lack

    of connectivity, resulting in a lack of instantaneous end-to-end paths. In these challenging

    environments, popular ad hoc routing protocols such as AODV and DSRfail to establish


    This is due to these protocols trying to first establish a complete route and then,

    after the route has been established, forward the actual data. However, when

    instantaneous end-to-end paths are difficult or impossible to establish, routing protocols

    must take to a "store and forward" approach, where data is incrementally moved and

    stored throughout the network in hopes that it will eventually reach its destination. A

    common technique used to maximize the probability of a message being successfully

    transferred is to replicate many copies of the message in the hope that one will succeed in

    reaching its destination.

    This is feasible only on networks with large amounts of local storage and

    internode bandwidth relative to the expected traffic. In many common problem spaces,

    this inefficiency is outweighed by the increased efficiency and shortened delivery times

    made possible by taking maximum advantage of available unscheduled forwarding

    opportunities. A delay-tolerant network is a networkdesigned to operate effectively overextreme distances such as those encountered in space communications or on an

    interplanetary scale. In such an environment, long latency sometimes measured in hours

    or days is inevitable. However, similar problems can also occur over more modest

    distances when interference is extreme or network resources are severely overburdened.

    Delay-tolerant networking involves some of the same technologies as are used in a

    disruption-tolerant networkbut there are important distinctions. A delay-tolerant network

    requires hardware that can store large amounts of data.
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    Confinement Of Large File Download In Vehicular Network

    M.Tech, DC&N, Dept Of ECE, BTLIT 201213 Page 7

    Such media must be able to survive extended power loss and system restarts. It

    must also be immediately accessible at any time. Ideal technologies for this purpose

    include hard drives and high-volume flash memory. The data stored on these media must

    be organized and prioritized by software that ensures accurate and reliable store-and-

    forward functionality.

    In a delay-tolerant network, traffic can be classified in three ways, called

    expedited, normal and bulk in order of decreasing priority. Expedited packets are always

    transmitted, reassembled and verified before data of any other class from a given source

    to a given destination. Normal traffic is sent after all expedited packets have been

    successfully assembled at their intended destination. Bulk traffic is not dealt with until all

    packets of other classes from the same source and bound for the same destination have

    been successfully transmitted and reassembled.


    Documenting the thesis not only provides a valuable reference point and form of

    communication but often helps reveal issues and gaps in the analysis and design. The

    report contains 9 chapters with the description organized in a way that is easily

    understandable and aided with suitable figures. A brief introduction about the work is

    described in this chapter followed by Chapter 2 which gives an overview of gathered

    details on existing techniques, motivation for carrying the work and the problem

    definition. Chapter 3 describes not only the hardware and software requirements, also

    functional and non-functional requirements. Chapter 4 describes the system analysis,

    existing system, proposed system with the case studies. Chapter 5 describes project

    modules and their description. Chapter 6 deals with the implementation of the project in

    Java. Chapter 7 is the result analysis with the snapshots. Chapter 8 describes the

    advantages and the applications of the system. Chapter 9 describes conclusions and future

    enhancements which explain what further improvements can be done to the existing

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    Confinement Of Large File Download In Vehicular Network

    M.Tech, DC&N, Dept Of ECE, BTLIT 201213 Page 8



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    Confinement Of Large File Download In Vehicular Network

    M.Tech, DC&N, Dept Of ECE, BTLIT 201213 Page 9



    The cooperative download of contents from users aboard vehicles has been first

    studied in the paper [1] that introduced SPAWN, a protocol for the retrieval and sharing

    of contents vehicular environments. SPAWN is designed for unidirectional traffic over a

    highway, and is built on the assumption that all on-road vehicles are active downloaders

    of a same content. Instead, the target is on urban environments where users may be

    interested in different contents. Similar considerations hold for the works in the papers [2]

    and [3].

    The highway scenario is replaced by a circular bus route within a campus [4],

    which however implies again easily predictable vehicular contacts: indeed, the focus of

    the work is on the prefetching and multi-hop transfer of data at each individual AP, while

    carry & forward communications are not taken into consideration. Conversely, [5] and [6]

    examine urban environments. The author study the upload of small-sized contents from

    vehicles to roadside gateways [5], rather than the large downloads is the target. Instead of

    considering data transfers to vehicular users in grid-like road topologies, the focus is on

    the problem of optimizing direct communications between cars and infrastructure,

    without taking into account cooperation among mobile users [6]. Recently, the

    performance bounds of vehicular cooperative download in urban scenarios have been

    studied [7]: there, however, the authors assume perfect knowledge of the car traffic and

    outline a centralized optimal solution, rather than the distributed practical techniques.

    As far as opportunistic data exchanges are concerned, the potential of such anetworking paradigm in vehicular environments was first shown in the paper [8].

    However, most of these works focus on routing delay-tolerant information in vehicular

    networks, while none copes with the problem of cooperative download. Finally, since this

    work concentrates on the impact of the infrastructure deployment on the cooperative

    download, it also relates to the topic of AP placement in vehicular networks. Then the

    author studied the impact of random AP deployments on data routing in urban road

    topologies [9]. More complex solutions for the deployment of APs over road topologies

    have been proposed [10], to favor delay-tolerant data exchange among vehicles.

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    Confinement Of Large File Download In Vehicular Network

    M.Tech, DC&N, Dept Of ECE, BTLIT 201213 Page 10

    However, the diverse goals in these works lead to in different approaches and

    results with respect to ours. More recently, the problem of AP placement to provide

    Internet access to vehicles has been addressed [12], [13] and [14]. In all these works,

    however, the aim is to maximize vehicle-to vehicle infrastructure coverage or contacts,

    and no cooperation among cars is considered.

    [1] A. Nandan, S. Das, G. Pau, M. Gerla, M.Y. Sanadidi, Co-operative downloading

    in vehicular ad-hoc wireless networks [SPAWN].

    The author specifies that SPAWN has the same generic structure of any swarming

    protocol. Peers downloading a file form a mesh and exchange pieces of the file amongst

    themselves. However the wireless setting of SPAWN, characterized by limited capacity,

    intermittent connectivity and high degree of churn in nodes requires it to adapt in specific

    ways. Future vehicular networks are expected to deploy short range communication

    technology for inter-vehicle communications. In addition to vehicle-vehicle

    communication, users will be interested in accessing the multimedia-rich Internet from

    within the vehicular network. Conventional client-server approaches in the face of

    intermittent connectivity would experience degraded performance.

    A new paradigm in content delivery on the Internet using peer-peer swarming

    protocols is emerging. The goal of the Internet swarming protocols is to reduce the load

    on content servers. Peer-to-peer networking gives ordinary users much more power than

    they can ordinarily obtain on their own. Increasing popularity of open source projects and

    the consequent demand when a new release is out, (e.g. downloading the latest ISO

    images of Linux distributions in the first few weeks of its release) is over whelming. The

    traditional solution is to add mirror sites or install a distributed hosting service like


    However, there is a significant cost associated with establishing a content

    distribution network or establishing a global pool of mirrors. Thus the challenge to

    content providers is scaling their content delivery to large audiences. To address this

    problem, swarming protocols such as BitTorrent and Slurpee have been proposed. The

    idea of Co-operative Networking was first proposed to handle flash crowds on the

    Internet, where end-hosts cooperate to improve the overall network performance.

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    Confinement Of Large File Download In Vehicular Network

    M.Tech, DC&N, Dept Of ECE, BTLIT 201213 Page 11

    The high mobility of nodes in Vehicular Wireless Ad-Hoc networks coupled with

    the intermittent connectivity to the Internet provides an incentive for individual nodes to

    cooperate while accessing the Internet to achieve some level of seamless connectivity.

    For the above reasons, an interesting problem is the design of cooperative protocols to

    improve client perceived performance of the vehicular network as a whole.

    The key contributions of SPAWN protocol are as follows: (1) a gossip mechanism

    to propagate content availability information, (2) a proximity driven content selection

    strategy (which takes into account the fact that TCP throughput degrades over multi-hop

    wireless connection) and (3) leveraging the broadcast nature of wireless networks to

    reduce redundant message transmission.

    [2] M. Sardari, F. Hendessi, F. Fekri, Infocast: A New Paradigm for Collaborative

    Content Distribution from Roadside Units to Vehicular Networks.

    In this work, the author addresses the problem of distributing a large amount of

    bulk data to a sparse vehicular network from roadside info stations, using efficient

    vehicle-to-vehicle collaboration. Due to the highly dynamic nature of the underlying

    vehicular network topology, we depart from architectures requiring centralized

    coordination, reliable MAC scheduling, or global network state knowledge, and instead

    adopt a distributed paradigm with simple protocols. In other words, investigate the

    problem of reliable dissemination from multiple sources when each node in the network

    shares a limited amount of its resources for cooperating with others.

    By using rate less coding at the Road Side Unit (RSU) and using vehicles as data

    carriers, an efficient way to achieve reliable dissemination to all nodes (even

    disconnected clusters in the network) can be described. In the nutshell, vehicles are

    exploited as mobile storage devices. Then a method to keep the density of the rate less

    codes packets as a function of distance from the RSU is developed. The author has

    assumed each RSU is an independent source having a block of information packets to

    disseminate to all vehicles. Ideally, every vehicle must recover information data

    belonging to each RSU at any distance. However, this is not feasible given the resources.

    Hence, the interest is in optimizing the distance from the source (RSU) where a typical

    vehicle can recover its data. The main focus is on investigating various tradeoffsinvolving buffer size, maximum capacity, and the mobility parameter of the vehicles.

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    [3] O. Trullols-Cruces, J. Morillo, J. Barcelo-Ordinas, J. Garcia-Vidal, A

    Cooperative Vehicular Network Framework.

    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks are networks characterized by intermittent

    connectivity and rapid changes in their topology. This paper addresses car to road

    communications in which vehicles use Access Points (AP) in Delay Tolerant Network

    architecture. Results show how the combination of a Delay Cooperative ARQ mechanism

    reduces packet losses and in conjunction with a Carry and Forward cooperative

    mechanism improves performance parameters in terms of total file transfer delay and

    number of AP needed to download files.

    [4] B.B. Chen, M.C. Chan, MobTorrent: A Framework for Mobile Internet Access

    from Vehicles.

    This work, presents MobTorrent, an on demand, user-driven framework designed

    for vehicles which have intermittent high speed access to roadside Wi-Fi access points

    (AP). Mobile nodes in MobTorrent use the WWAN network as a control channel. When a

    mobile client wants to initiate a download, instead of waiting for contact with the AP, it

    informs one (or multiple) selected AP(s) to prefetch the content. The scheduling

    algorithm in MobTorrent then replicates the prefetched data on the mobile helpers so that

    the total amount of data transferred and the average transfer rate to the mobile clients aremaximized.

    Therefore, instead of limiting high speed data transfer to the short contact periods

    between APs and mobile clients, high speed transfers among vehicles are

    opportunistically exploited. Evaluation based on test bed measurement and trace-driven

    simulation shows that MobTorrent provides substantial improvement over existing

    architectures. For the case of a single AP, its performance approximates that of an off-line

    optimal scheduler.

    [5] J. Zhao, G. Cao, VADD: Vehicle-Assisted Data Delivery in Vehicular Ad Hoc


    Multi-hop data delivery through vehicular ad hoc networks is complicated by the

    fact that vehicular networks are highly mobile and frequently disconnected. To address

    this issue, this work adopts the idea of carry and forward, where moving vehicle carriesthe packet until a new vehicle moves into its vicinity and forwards the packet.

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    Confinement Of Large File Download In Vehicular Network

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    Different from existing carry and forward solutions, make use of the predicable

    vehicle mobility, which is limited by the traffic pattern and road layout. Based on the

    existing traffic pattern, a vehicle can find the next road to forward the packet to reduce

    the delay. Author proposes several vehicle-assisted data delivery (VADD) protocols to

    forward the packet to the best road with the lowest data delivery delay. Experimental

    results are used to evaluate the proposed solutions. Results show that the proposed VADD

    protocols outperform existing solutions in terms of packet delivery ratio, data packet

    delay and protocol overhead. Among the proposed VADD protocols, the H-VADD

    protocol has much better performance.

    [6] S. Yoon, H.Q. Ngo, C. Qiao, On Shooting a Moving Vehicle with Data Flows.

    This paper proposes an ITS system that uses not only integrated cellular and ad

    hoc relaying technologies, but also users mobility profiles. It focuses on a subsystem

    where cellular bandwidth is used mostly for control signals, and an ad hoc distribution

    network (ADN) is used for file downloading and video streaming. The paper formulates

    an optimization problem with the objective being to maximize the amount of data to be

    delivered to a moving vehicle via the ADN, and thereby minimizing the usage of the

    costly cellular bandwidth for data transfer. . Three approaches based on non-linear and

    linear programs are described and compared, and simulation results indicate that a

    satisfying performance for file download applications can be achieved.

    [7] Z. Chen, H. Kung, D. Vlah, Ad hoc relay wireless networks over moving

    vehicles on highways.

    Ad hoc networks can be formed on highways among moving vehicles, each

    equipped with a wireless LAN device. How- ever, during times of low density, it is likely

    that such networks are disconnected. This paper tests the hypothesis that the motion of

    vehicles on a highway can contribute to successful message delivery, provided that

    messages can be relayed stored temporarily at moving nodes while wait be relayed stored

    temporarily at moving nodes while waiting for opportunities to be forwarded further.

    Using vehicle movement traces from a micro simulator, the measurement of average

    message delivery time and that it is shorter than when the messages are not relayed. The

    author concludes that ad hoc relay wireless networks, based on wireless LAN

    technologies, have potential for many emerging applications of this kind.

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    [8] Z. Zheng, Z. Lu, P. Sinha, S. Kumar, Maximizing the Contact Opportunity for

    Vehicular Internet Access.

    With increasing popularity of media enabled handhelds, the need for high data-

    rate services for mobile users is evident. Large-scale Wireless LANs (WLANs) can

    provide such a service, but they are expensive to deploy and maintain. Open WLAN

    access-points (APs), on the other hand, need no new deployments, but can offer only

    opportunistic services with no guarantees on short term throughput. In contrast, a

    carefully planned sparse deployment of roadside WiFi provides an economically scalable

    infrastructure with quality of service assurance to mobile users. This paper proposes to

    study deployment techniques for providing roadside WiFi services. In particular

    presented a new metric, called Contact Opportunity, as a characterization of a roadside

    WiFi network. Informally, the contact opportunity for a given deployment measures the

    fraction of distance or time that a mobile user is in contact with some AP when moving

    through a certain path. Such a metric is closely related to the quality of data service that a

    mobile user might experience while driving through the system. Then the work presents

    an efficient deployment method that maximizes the worst case contact opportunity under

    a budget constraint. It further shows how to extend this concept and the deployment

    techniques to a more intuitive metric the average throughput by taking various dynamic

    elements into account. Simulations over a real road network and experimental results

    show that this approach achieves more than 200% higher minimum contact opportunity,

    30%-100% higher average contact opportunity and a significantly improved distribution

    of average throughput compared with two commonly used algorithms.

    [9] F. Malandrino, C. Casetti, C.-F. Chiasserini, M. Fiore, Content Downloading in

    Vehicular Networks.

    Content downloading in vehicular networks is a topic of increasing interest:

    services based upon it are expected to be hugely popular and investments are planned for

    wireless roadside infrastructure to support it. The main focus is on content downloading

    system leveraging both infrastructure-to-vehicle and vehicle to vehicle communication.

    With the goal to maximize the system throughput, a max-flow problem that accounts for

    several practical aspects, including channel contention and the data transfer paradigm has

    been formulated. Through the study, author identifies the factors that have the largest

    impact on the performance and derive guidelines for the design of the vehicular network

    and of the roadside infrastructure supporting it.

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    [10] G. Marfia, G. Pau, E. Giordano, E. De Sena, M. Gerla, Evaluating vehicle

    network strategies for downtown Portland: opportunistic infrastructure and

    importance of realistic mobility models.

    In an urban environment, vehicles can opportunistically exploit infrastructure

    through open Access Points (APs) to efficiently communicate with other vehicles. This is

    to avoid long wireless ad hoc paths, and to alleviate congestion in the wireless grid.

    Analytic and simulation models are used to optimize the communications and networking

    strategies. For realistic results, one important challenge is the accurate representation of

    traffic mobility patterns. This paper introduces realistic vehicular mobility traces of

    downtown Portland, Oregon, obtained from extremely detailed large scale traffic

    simulations performed at the Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL). To the best of

    knowledge, these are among the most accurate synthetic motion traces available for study,

    with the exception of actual car trace measurements. The new mobility model is used to

    evaluate AODV in flat and opportunistic infrastructure routing. To assess the importance

    of a realistic mobility model for this evaluation, these results with those obtained with

    CORSIM traces are compared. The paper makes the following contributions: (a)

    introduction of efficient, opportunistic strategies for extending the AP infrastructure to

    use vehicle to vehicle paths, and (b) assessment of different mobility models - CORSIM

    traces and LANLs realistic vehicular traces - in the modeling of different routing


    [11] Y. Ding, C. Wang, L. Xiao, A Static-Node Assisted Adaptive Routing Protocol

    in Vehicular Networks.

    Vehicular networks have attracted great interest in the research community

    recently, and multi-hop routing becomes an important issue. To improve data delivery

    performance, SADV is proposed, which utilizes some static nodes at road intersections in

    a completely mobile vehicular network to help relay data. With the assistance of static

    nodes at intersections, a packet can be stored in the node for a while and wait until there

    are vehicles within communication range along the best delivery path to further forward

    the packet, which reduces the overall data delivery delay. In addition, this work let

    adjacent nodes measure the delay of forwarding data between each other in real time, so

    that the routing decision can adapt to changing vehicle densities. The simulation results

    show that SADV outperforms other multi-hop data dissemination protocols, especiallyunder median or low vehicle density where the network is frequently partitioned.

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    [12] C. Lochert, B. Scheuermann, C.Wewetzer, A. Luebke, M. Mauve, Data

    aggregation and roadside unit placement for vanet traffic information system.

    In this paper, the author investigates how a VANET-based traffic information

    system can overcome the two key problems of strictly limited bandwidth and minimal

    initial deployment.

    First, a domain specific aggregation scheme in order to minimize the required

    overall bandwidth is presented. Then, a genetic algorithm which is able to identify good

    positions for static roadside units in order to cope with the highly partitioned nature of a

    VANET in an early deployment stage is proposed. A tailored tool chain allows

    optimizing the placement with respect to an application-centric objective function, based

    on travel time savings. By means of simulation the performance of the resulting traffic

    information system and the optimization strategy is assessed.

    [13] Z. Zheng, P. Sinha, S. Kumar, Alpha Coverage: Bounding the Interconnection

    Gap for Vehicular Internet Access.

    Vehicular Internet access via open WLAN access points (APs) has been

    demonstrated to be a feasible solution to provide opportunistic data service to moving

    vehicles. Using an in situ deployment, however, such a solution does not provide worst-

    case performance guarantees due to unpredictable intermittent connectivity. On the other

    hand, a solution that tries to cover every point in an entire road network with APs (full

    coverage) is not very practical due to the prohibitive deployment and operational cost.

    This paper introduces a new notion of intermittent coverage for mobile users, called -

    coverage, which provides worst-case guarantees on the interconnection gap while using

    significantly fewer APs than needed for full coverage.

    An efficient algorithms to verify whether a given deployment provides -coverage

    and approximation algorithms for determining a deployment of APs that will provide -

    coverage is proposed. The -coverage with opportunistic access of open WLAN APs

    (modeled as a random deployment) via simulations over a real-world road network are

    compared and shows that using the same number of APs as random deployment, -

    coverage bounds the interconnection gap to a much smaller distance than that in a randomdeployment.

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    [14] O. Trullols, M. Fiore, C. Casetti, C.-F.Chiasserini, J.M. Barcelo-Ordinas,

    Planning roadside infrastructure for information dissemination in intelligent

    transportation systems.

    The author considers an intelligent transportation system where a given number of

    infrastructure nodes (called Dissemination Points, DPs) have to be deployed for

    disseminating information to vehicles in an urban area. Then they formulate the problem

    as a Maximum Coverage Problem (MCP) and seek to maximize the number of vehicles

    that get in contact with the DPs over the considered area. The MCP is known to be NP-

    hard in its standard formulation, therefore through heuristic algorithms it is tackled, which

    present in different levels of complexity and require different knowledge on the system.

    Next, they have addressed the problem of guaranteeing that a large number of vehicles

    travel under the coverage of one or more DPs for a sufficient amount of time.


    The main objective of this work is to download large files using roadside access

    points while moving in the vehicle. To achieve the main objective, a complex (i.e.,

    nonlinear) road scenario is been considered where users aboard vehicles equipped with

    communication interfaces and through extensive simulations it can be shown how carry &

    forward transfers can significantly increase the download rate of vehicular users in

    urban/suburban environment.


    This work covers the concepts and mechanism of large file download in vehicular

    network by making use of idle access points. Implementation of this work is carried out in

    Java on Windows operating system. MySQL is used for the database to store the files.


    The drawbacks of the existing system drove the motivation to a new idea of

    downloading of large sized files. The highway scenario is replaced by a urban scenario

    and also size of the file to download is big.

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    Functional requirements define the internal workings of the software that is, the

    technical details, data manipulation and processing and other specific functionality that

    show how the use cases are to be satisfied. They are supported by non-functional

    requirements, which impose constraints on the design or implementation. In this system

    following are the functional requirements:

    The tool should be able to generate a network. Any mail can be sent from clients to the server. The message arriving at nodes and leaving from the nodes must be displayed in a


    A thread must be ping the server all the time to check for incoming mails.


    Non-functional requirements are requirements which specify criteria that can be

    used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. This should be

    contrasted with functional requirements that specify specific behavior or functions.

    Typical non-functional requirements are reliability, scalability, and cost. Non-

    functional requirements are often called the utilities of a system. Other terms for non-

    functional requirements are constraints, quality attributes and quality of service



    Simple is the key here. The system must be simple that people like to use it, but

    not so complex that people avoid using it. The user must be familiar with the user

    interfaces and should not have problems in migrating to a new system with a new

    environment. The menus, buttons and dialog boxes should be named in a manner that

    they provide clear understanding of the functionality.

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    The system should be trustworthy and reliable in providing the functionalities.

    Once a user has made some changes, the changes must be made visible by the system.

    The changes made by the Programmer should be visible both to the Project leader as well

    as the Test engineer.


    Apart from bug tracking the system must provide necessary security and must

    secure the whole process from crashing. As technology began to grow in fast rate the

    security became the major concern of an organization. Millions of dollars are invested in

    providing security.

    Bug tracking delivers the maximum security available at the highest performance

    rate possible, ensuring that unauthorized users cannot access vital issue information

    without permission. Bug tracking system issues different authenticated users their secret

    passwords so that there are restricted functionalities for all the users.


    The system is going to be used by many employees simultaneously. Since the

    system will be hosted on a single web server with a single database server in the

    background, performance becomes a major concern. The system should not succumb

    when many users would be using it simultaneously. It should allow fast accessibility to all

    of its users. For example, if two test engineers are simultaneously trying to report the

    presence of a bug, then there should not be any inconsistency while doing so.


    The system should be scalable enough to add new functionalities at a later stage.

    There should be a common channel, which can accommodate the new functionalities.


    The system monitoring and maintenance should be simple and objective in its

    approach. There should not be too many jobs running on different machines such that it

    gets difficult to monitor whether the jobs are running without errors.

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    The system should be easily portable to another system. This is required when the

    web server, which s hosting the system gets stuck due to some problems, which requires

    the system to be taken to another system.


    The system should be divided into such modules that it could be used as a part of

    another system without requiring much of work.


    3.3.1 LOGICAL DESIGNDesign for Web Apps encompasses technical and non-technical activities. The

    look and feel of content is developed as part of graphic design; the aesthetic layout of the

    user interface is created as part of interface design; and the technical structure of the Web

    App is modeled as part of architectural and navigational design. This argues that a Web

    engineer must design an interface so that it answers three primary questions for the end-


    1. Where am I? The interface should (1) provide an indication of the WebApp hasbeen accessed and (2) inform the user of her location in the content.

    2. What can I do now? The interface should always help the user understand hiscurrent options- what functions are available, what links are live, what content is


    3.3.2 DESIGN GOALS

    The following are the design goals that are applicable to virtually every Web App

    regardless of application domain, size, or complexity.

    1. Simplicity2. Consistency3. Identity4. Visual appeal5. Compatibility.

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    Design leads to a model that contains the appropriate mix of aesthetics, content,

    and technology. The mix will vary depending upon the nature of the Web App, and as a

    consequence the design activities that are emphasized will also vary. Use case diagram is

    as shown below:

    Figure 3.1: Use Case Diagram


    Java can be used to create two types of programs Applications and Applets. An

    application is a program that runs on our Computer under the operating system of that

    computer. It is more or less like one creating using C or C++. Javas ability to create

    Applets makes it important. An Applet is an application designed to be transmitted over

    the Internet and executed by a Javacompatible web browser. An applet is actually a tiny

    Java program, dynamically downloaded across the network, just like an image. But the

    difference is an intelligent program, not just a media file. It can react to the user input and

    dynamically change.


    Every time you that you download a normal program you are risking a viral

    infection. Prior to java, most users did not download executable programs frequently, and

    those who did scan them for viruses prior to execution.

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    Most users still worried about the possibility of infecting their systems with a

    virus. In addition, another type of malicious program exists that must be guarded against.

    This type of program can gather private information, such as credit card numbers, bank

    account balances, and passwords. Java answers both these concerns by providing a

    firewall between a network application and your computer. When you use a java-

    compatible web browser, you can safely download java applets without fear of virus

    infection or malicious intent.


    For programs to be dynamically downloaded to all the various types of platforms

    connected to the internet, some means of generating portable executable code is needed

    .as you will see, the same mechanism that helps ensure security also helps create

    portability. Indeed, javas solution to these two problems is both elegant and efficient.

    The Byte Code

    The key that allows the Java to solve the security and portability problems is that

    the output of Java compiler is Byte code. Byte code is a highly optimized set of

    instructions designed to be executed by the Java run-time system, which is called the Java

    Virtual Machine (JVM).

    That is, in its standard form, the JVM is an interpreter for byte code. Translating a

    Java program into byte code helps makes it much easier to run a program in a wide

    variety of environments. The reason is, once the run-time package exists for a given

    system, any Java program can run on it. Although Java was designed for interpretation,

    there is technically nothing about Java that prevents on-the-fly compilation of byte code

    into native code. Sun has just completed its Just In Time (JIT) compiler for byte code.

    When the JIT compiler is a part of JVM, it compiles byte code into executable code in

    real time, on a piece by piece, demand basis.

    It is not possible to compile an entire Java program into executable code all at

    once, because Java performs various run-time checks that can be done only at run time.

    The JIT compiles code, as it is needed, during execution.

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    Beyond the language, there is the Java virtual machine. The Java virtual machine

    is an important element of the Java technology. The virtual machine can be embedded

    within a web browser or an operating system.

    Once a piece of Java code is loaded onto a machine, it is verified. As part of the

    loading process, a class loader is invoked and does byte code verification makes sure that

    the code thats has been generated by the compiler will not corrupt the machine that its

    loaded on. Byte code verification takes place at the end of the compilation process to

    make sure that is all accurate and correct. So byte code verification is integral to the

    compiling and executing of Java code.


    Figure 3.2: Development Process Of JAVA Program

    Java programming uses to produce byte codes and executes them. The first box

    indicates that the Java source code is located in a. Java file that is processed with a Java

    compiler called javac. The Java compiler produces a file called a. class file, which

    contains the byte code. The .Class file is then loaded across the network or loaded locally

    on your machine into the execution environment is the Java virtual machine, which

    interprets and executes the byte code.

    Java Architecture

    Java architecture provides a portable, robust, high performing environment for

    development. Java provides portability by compiling the byte codes for the Java Virtual

    Machine, which is then interpreted on each platform by the run-time environment. Java is

    a dynamic system, able to load code when needed from a machine in the same room oracross the planet.


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    Compilation Of Code

    When you compile the code, the Java compiler creates machine code (called byte

    code) for a hypothetical machine called Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM is

    supposed to execute the byte code. The JVM is created for overcoming the issue of


    The code is written and compiled for one machine and interpreted on all

    machines. This machine is called Java Virtual Machine.


    The Java Programming Language

    The Java programming language is a high-level language that can be characterized

    by all of the following buzzwords: With most programming languages, you either

    compile or interpret a program so that you can run it on your computer. The Java

    programming language is unusual in that a program is both compiled and interpreted.

    With the compiler, first you translate a program into an intermediate language called Java

    byte codes, the platform-independent codes interpreted by the interpreter on the Java

    platform. The interpreter parses and runs each Java byte code instruction on the computer.

    Compilation happens just once; interpretation occurs each time the program is executed.

    The following figure illustrates how this works.

    Figure 3.3: Execution Process Of JAVA Program

    You can think of Java byte codes as the machine code instructions for the Java

    Virtual Machine (Java VM). Java byte codes help make write once, run anywhere

    possible. You can compile your program into byte codes on any platform that has a Java


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    The byte codes can then be run on any implementation of the Java VM. That

    means that as long as a computer has a Java VM, the same program written in the Java

    programming language can run on Windows 2000, a Solaris workstation, or on an iMac.

    Figure 3.4: JAVA Program As Platform Independent

    A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a program runs, as

    already mentioned in some of the most popular platforms like Windows 2000, Linux,

    Solaris, and Mac OS (Operating System). Most platforms can be described as a

    combination of the operating system and hardware. The Java platform differs from most

    other platforms in that its a software-only platform that runs on top of other hardware-

    based platforms.

    The Java platform has two components:

    The Java Virtual Machine (Java VM) The Java Application Programming Interface (Java API)

    You have already been introduced to the Java VM. Its the base for the Java

    platform and is ported onto various hardware-based platforms. The Java API is a large

    collection of ready-made software components that provide many useful capabilities,

    such as graphical user interface (GUI) widgets. The Java API is grouped into libraries of

    related classes and interfaces; these libraries are known as packages.

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    The following figure depicts a program thats running on the Java platform. As the

    figure shows, the Java API and the virtual machine insulate the program from the


    Figure 3.5: Components Of JAVA Platform

    Native code is code that after you compile it, the compiled code runs on a specific

    hardware platform. As a platform-independent environment, the Java platform can be a

    bit slower than native code. However, smart compilers, well-tuned interpreters, and just-

    in-time byte code compilers can bring performance close to that of native code without

    threatening portability.


    Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard programming

    interface for application developers and database systems providers. Before ODBC

    became a de facto standard for Windows programs to interface with database system,

    programmers had to use proprietary languages for each database they wanted to connect

    to. Now, ODBC has made the choice of the database system almost irrelevant from a

    coding perspective, which is as it should be.

    Application developers have much more important things to worry about than the

    syntax that is needed to port their program from one database to another when business

    needs sudden change. Through the ODBC Administrator in Control Panel, you can

    specify the particular database that is associated with a data source that an ODBC

    application program is written to use. Think of an ODBC data source as a door with a

    name on it. Each door will lead you to a particular database. For example, the data source

    named Sales Figures might be a SQL Server database, whereas the Accounts Payable data

    source could refer to an Access database.

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    The physical database referred to by a data source can reside anywhere on the

    LAN. The ODBC system files are not installed on your system by Windows 95. Rather,

    they are installed when you setup a separate database application, such as SQL Server

    Client or Visual Basic 4.0. When the ODBC icon is installed in Control Panel, it uses a

    file called ODBCINST.DLL.From a programming perspective, the beauty of ODBC is

    that the application can be written to use the same set of function calls to interface with

    any data source, regardless of the database vendor. The source code of the application

    doesnt change whether it talks to Oracle or SQL Server. There are ODBC drivers

    available for several dozen popular database systems. Even Excel spreadsheets and plain

    text files can be turned into data sources. The operating system uses the Registry

    information written by ODBC Administrator to determine which low-level ODBC drivers

    are needed to talk to the data source (such as the interface to Oracle or SQL Server). The

    loading of the ODBC drivers is transparent to the ODBC application program.

    In a client/server environment, the ODBC API even handles many of the network

    issues for the application programmer. The advantages of this scheme are so numerous

    that you are probably thinking there must be some catch. The only disadvantage of

    ODBC is that it isnt as efficient as talking directly to the native database interface.

    ODBC has had many detractors make the charge that it is too slow. Microsoft has alwaysclaimed that the critical factor in performance is the quality of the driver software that is

    used. In our humble opinion, this is true. The availability of good ODBC drivers has

    improved a great deal recently. And anyway, the criticism about performance is

    somewhat analogous to those who said that compilers would never match the speed of

    pure assembly language. Maybe not, but the compiler (or ODBC) gives you the

    opportunity to write cleaner programs, which means you finish sooner. Meanwhile,

    computers get faster every year.


    It provides uniform access to a wide range of relational databases. The Java

    platform also has APIs for 2D and 3D graphics, accessibility, servers, collaboration,

    telephony, speech, animation, and more. The following figure depicts what is included in

    the Java 2 SDK. In an effort to set an independent database standard API for Java; Sun

    Microsystems developed Java Database Connectivity, or JDBC.

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    JDBC offers a generic SQL database access mechanism that provides a consistent

    interface to a variety of RDBMSs.

    Figure 3.6: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

    This consistent interface is achieved through the use of plug-in database

    connectivity modules, or drivers. If a database vendor wishes to have JDBC support, he

    or she must provide the driver for each platform that the database and Java run on. To

    gain a wider acceptance of JDBC, Sun based JDBCs framework on ODBC. ODBC has

    widespread support on a variety of platforms. Basing JDBC on ODBC will allow vendors

    to bring JDBC drivers to market much faster than developing a completely new

    connectivity solution. JDBC was announced in March of 1996. It was released for a 90

    day public review that ended June 8, 1996. Because of user input, the final JDBC v1.0

    specification was released soon after. The remainder of this section will cover enough

    information about JDBC for you to know what it is about and how to use it effectively.

    This is by no means a complete overview of JDBC. That would fill an entire book.

    JDBC Goals

    Few software packages are designed without goals in mind. JDBC is one that,

    because of its many goals, drove the development of the API.

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    These goals, in conjunction with early reviewer feedback, have finalized the

    JDBC class library into a solid framework for building database applications in Java. The

    goals that were set for JDBC are important. They will give you some insight as to why

    certain classes and functionalities behave the way they do. The seven Design Goals for

    JDBC are as follows:

    1. SQL Level APIThe designers felt that their main goal was to define a SQL interface for Java.

    Although not the lowest database interface level possible, it is at a low enough

    level for higher-level tools and APIs to be created. Conversely, it is at a high

    enough level for application programmers to use it confidently. Reaching this goal

    allows future tool vendors to generate JDBC code and to hide many of JDBCs

    complexities from the end user.

    2. SQL ConformanceSQL syntax varies as you move from database vendor to database vendor. In an

    effort to support a wide variety of vendors, JDBC will allow any query statement

    to be passed through it to the underlying database driver. This allows the

    connectivity module to handle non-standard functionality in a manner that is

    suitable for its users.

    3. JDBC must be implemental on top of common database interfacesThe JDBC SQL API must sit on top of other common SQL level APIs. This

    goal allows JDBC to use existing ODBC level drivers by the use of a software

    interface. This interface would translate JDBC calls to ODBC and vice versa.

    4. Provides a Java interface that is consistent with the rest of the Java system Because of Javas acceptance in the user community thus far, the designers feel

    that they should not stray from the current design of the core Java system.

    5. Keep it simpleThis goal probably appears in all software design goal listings. JDBC is no

    exception. Sun felt that the design of JDBC should be very simple, allowing foronly one method of completing a task per mechanism. Allowing duplicate

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    functionality only serves to confuse the users of the API.

    6. Use strong, static typing wherever possibleStrong typing allows for more error checking to be done at compile time; also,

    less error appear at runtime.

    7. Keep the common cases simpleBecause more often than not, the usual SQL calls used by the programmer are

    simple SELECTs, INSERTs, DELETEs and UPDATEs, these queries should

    be simple to perform with JDBC. However, more complex SQL statements should

    also be possible.

    Figure 3.7: Java Compiler And Interpreter

    Java is also unusual in that each Java program is both compiled andinterpreted.

    With a compile you translate a Java program into an intermediate language called Java

    byte codes the platform-independent code instruction is passed and run on the computer.


    The TCP/IP stack is shorter than the OSI model. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol;

    UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a connectionless protocol and unreliable. What it adds

    to IP is a checksum for the contents of the datagram and port numbers. These are used to

    give a client/server model.




    My Program

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    TCP supplies logic to give a reliable connection-oriented protocol above IP. It

    provides a virtual circuit that two processes can use to communicate.

    Figure 3.8: TCP/IP Stack

    IP Datagram

    The IP layer provides a connectionless and unreliable delivery system. It considers

    each datagram independently of the others. Any association between datagram must be

    supplied by the higher layers. The IP layer supplies a checksum that includes its own

    header. The header includes the source and destination addresses. The IP layer handles

    routing through an Internet. It is also responsible for breaking up large datagram into

    smaller ones for transmission and reassembling them at the other end.

    Internet Address

    In order to use a service, you must be able to find it. The Internet uses an address

    scheme for machines so that they can be located.

    The address is a 32 bit integer which gives the IP address. This encodes a network

    ID and more addressing. The network ID falls into various classes according to the size of

    the network address.

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    Network Address

    Class A uses 8 bits for the network address with 24 bits left over for other

    addressing. Class B uses 16 bit network addressing. Class C uses 24 bit network

    addressing and class D uses all 32.

    Subnet Address

    Internally, the UNIX network is divided into sub networks. Building 11 is

    currently on one sub network and uses 10-bit addressing, allowing 1024 different hosts.

    Host Address

    8 bits are finally used for host addresses within our subnet. This places a limit of

    256 machines that can be on the subnet. The 32 bit address is usually written as 4 integers

    separated by dots.

    Figure 3.9: Total Address

    Port Addresses

    A service exists on a host, and is identified by its port. This is a 16 bit number. To

    send a message to a server, you send it to the port for that service of the host that it is

    running on. This is not location transparency! Certain of these ports are "well known".


    A socket is a data structure maintained by the system to handle network


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    A socket is created using the call socket. It returns an integer that is like a file

    descriptor. In fact, under Windows, this handle can be used with Read File and Write File




    int socket(int family, int type, int protocol);

    Here "family" will be AF_INET for IP communications, protocol will be zero, and

    type will depend on whether TCP or UDP is used. Two processes wishing to

    communicate over a network create a socket each. These are similar to two ends of a pipe

    but the actual pipe does not yet exist.

    3.6 MYSQL


    MySql is a relational database management system, which organizes data in the

    form of tables. MySQL is one of many databases servers based on RDBMS model, which

    manages a seer of data that attends three specific things-data structures, data integrity and

    data manipulation. MySQL cooperative server technology realizes the benefits of open,

    relational systems for all the applications. MySQL makes efficient use of all systems

    resources, on all hardware architecture; to deliver unmatched performance, price

    performance and scalability. Any DBMS to be called as RDBMS has to satisfy

    Dr.E.F.Codds rules.


    1. PortableThe MySQL RDBMS is available on wide range of platforms ranging from PCs to

    super computers and as a multi user loadable module for Novel NetWare, if you

    develop application on system you can run the same application on other systems

    without any modifications.

    2. CompatibleMySQL commands can be used for communicating with IBM DB2 mainframe

    RDBMS that is different from MySQL that is MySQL compatible with DB2.

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    MySQL RDBMS is a high performance fault tolerant DBMS , which is specially

    designed for online transaction processing and for handling large database


    3. Multithreaded Server ArchitectureMySQL adaptable multithreaded server architecture delivers scalable high

    performance for very large number of users on all hardware architecture including

    symmetric multiprocessors (sumps) and loosely coupled multiprocessors.

    Performance is achieved by eliminating CPU, I/O, memory and operating system

    bottlenecks and by optimizing the MySQL DBMS server code to eliminate all

    internal bottlenecks.

    Other Features

    Client/server architecture. Data independence. Ensuring data integrity and data security. Managing data concurrency. Parallel processing support for speed up data entry and online transaction

    processing used for applications.

    DB procedures, functions and packages.

    3.6.3 Dr. E. F. OCDDs RULES

    These rules are used for valuating a product to be called as relational database

    management systems. Out of 12 rules, a RDBMS product should satisfy at least 8 rules

    +rule called rule 0 that must be satisfied.

    Rule 0: Foundation Rule

    For any system that is to be advertised or claimed to be relational DBMS. That

    system should manage database with in self, without using an external language.

    Rule 1: Information Rule

    All information in relational database is represented at logical level in only oneway as values in tables.

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    Rule 2: Guaranteed Access

    Each and every data in a relational database is guaranteed to be logically

    accessibility by using to a combination of table name, primary key value and

    column name.Rule 3: Systematic Treatment Of Null Values

    Null values are supported for representing missing information and inapplicable

    information. They must be handled in systematic way, independent of data types.

    Rule 4: Dynamic Online Catalog Based Relation Model

    The database description is represented at the logical level in the same way as

    ordinary data so that authorized users can apply the same relational language to its

    interrogation as they do to the regular data.

    Rule 5: Comprehensive Data Sub - Language

    A relational system may support several languages and various models of terminal

    use. However there must be one language whose statement can express Data

    Definitions, View Definitions, Data Manipulations, Integrity, Constraints,

    authorization and transaction boundaries.

    Rule 6: View Updating

    Any view that is theoretically updatable iff changes can be made to the tables that

    affect the desired changes in the view.

    Rule 7: High Level Update, Insert and Delete

    The capability of handling a base relational or derived relational as a single

    operand applies not only retrieval of data also to its insertion, updating, and


    Rule 8: Physical Data Independence

    Application program and terminal activities remain logically unimpaired

    whenever any changes are made in either storage representation or access method.

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    Rule 9: Logical Data Independence

    Application programs and terminal activities remain logically unimpaired

    whenever any changes are made in either storage repres3entation or access


    Rule 10: Integrity Independence

    Integrity constraints specific to particular database must be definable in the

    relational data stored in the catalog, not in application program.

    Rule 11: Distributed Independence

    Whether or not, a system supports data base distribution, it must have a data sub-

    language that can support distributed databases without changing the application


    Rule 12: Non Sub-Version

    If a relational system has low level language, that low language cannot use to

    subversion or by pass the integrity rules and constraints expressed in the higher

    level relational language.


    Rule 1: Information Rule (Representation of information)-YES.

    Rule 2: Guaranteed Access-YES.

    Rule 3: Systematic treatment of Null values-YES.

    Rule 4: Dynamic on-line catalog-based Relational Model-YES.

    Rule 5: Comprehensive data sub language-YES.

    Rule 6: View Updating-PARTIAL.

    Rule 7: High-level Update, Insert and Delete-YES.

    Rule 8: Physical data Independence-PARTIAL.

    Rule 9: Logical data Independence-PARTIAL.

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    Rule 10: Integrity Independence-PARTIAL.

    Rule 11: Distributed Independence-YES.

    Rule 12: Non-subversion-YES.


    Hardware Requirements

    System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

    Hard Disk : 40 GB.

    Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.

    Monitor : 15 VGA Color.

    Mouse : Logitech.

    Ram : 512 MB.

    Software Requirements

    Operating system : Windows XP Professional.

    Coding Language : Java (Jdk 1.6) with Swings

    Data Base : My-SQL 5.0

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    A system is an orderly group of interdependent components linked together

    according to a plan to achieve a specific objective. Its main characteristics are

    organization, interaction, interdependence, integration and a central objective.


    Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and

    their relationships within and outside of the system. One aspect of analysis is defining the

    boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a candidate system should

    consider other related systems. During analysis data are collected on the available files

    decision points and transactions handled by the present system. This involves gathering

    information and using structured tools for analysis.

    System Analysis

    System analysis and design are the application of the system approach to problem

    solving generally using computers. To reconstruct a system, the analyst must consider its

    elements output and inputs, processors, controls, feedbacks and environment.


    Vehicles traveling within cities and along highways are regarded as most probable

    candidates for a complete integration into mobile networks of the next generation.

    Vehicle to vehicle infrastructure and vehicle to vehicle communication could indeed

    foster a number of new applications of notable interest and critical importance, ranging

    from danger warning to traffic congestion avoidance.

    It is however easy to foresee that the availability of onboard communication

    capabilities will also determine a significant increase in the number of mobile users

    regularly employing business and infotainment applications during their displacements.

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    As a matter of fact, equipping vehicles with WiMAX/LTE and/or WiFi

    capabilities represent a clear invitation for passengers on cars or buses to behave exactly

    as home-based network users. The phenomenon would thus affect not only lightweight

    services such as web browsing or e-mailing, but also resource-intensive ones such as

    streaming or file sharing.


    In this system, the focus is on of the latter tasks, namely the download of large-

    sized files from the Internet. More precisely, an urban scenario is considered, where users

    aboard cars can exploit roadside Access Points (APs) to access the servers that host the

    desired contents.

    Here, the coverage provided by the roadside APs is intermittent: this is often the

    case, since, in presence of large urban, suburban and rural areas, a pervasive deployment

    of APs dedicated to vehicular access is often impractical, for economic and technical

    reasons. It is also assumed that not all on-board users download large files all the time:

    indeed, one can expect a behavior similar to that observed in wired networks, where the

    portion of queries for large contents is small. As a result, only a minor percentage of APs

    is simultaneously involved in direct data transfers to downloader cars in their respective

    coverage area, and the majority of APs is instead idle.

    Within such a context, how opportunistic vehicle-to vehicle communication can

    complement the infrastructure-based connectivity, so to speed up the download process is

    also studied. The concept of cooperative download in vehicular networks has been

    already proposed for highway environments: however, unlike what happens over one-

    dimensional highways, urban/suburban road topologies present multiple route choices

    that make it hard to predict if vehicles will meet; moreover, the presence of traffic lights,

    stop and yield signs renders cars contact timings very variable.

    These key aspects make highway-tailored solutions impracticable in complex

    nonlinear road scenarios, for which, first to identify challenges and propose solutions

    using figure 4.1.

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    In the following diagram vehicle a downloads part of some content from AP A.

    The idle AP B delegates another portion of the same content to a vehicle b. When b

    encounters a vehicle to vehicle communication is employed to transfer to a the data

    carriedby b.

    Figure 4.1: Architecture

    4.4 CASE STUDY

    Case 1:If Downloading Vehicle is within the transmission range of Access point A and

    Requested File is small.

    The requested file will be completely downloaded from Access point A alone.

    Case 2: If Downloading Vehicle is in Transmission range of Access Point A and

    Requested File is big.

    The Access point calculate the time that vehicle a presence in the transmission

    range. For that time period how much file can be download will be calculated and it will

    start downloading the file. The remaining file download is forwarded to the second

    Access Point i.e. AP B. The Access point B will repeat the calculation and start

    downloading the remaining file into the vehicle which is heading towards veh icle a.

    Once vehicle b meets the vehicle a it starts to transfer the file to vehicle a. In vehiclea, it will be merged and user will get the merged file i.e., the full file.

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    Case 3: If Downloading Vehicle is out of Transmission range of Access Point A

    The download request will be rejected since the vehicle is out of transmission

    range of the access point and it will not process the request. Hence there will not be any


    Figure 4.2: Data Flow Diagram

    Case 1 can be explained using the above data flow diagram which explains

    complete flow. A feasibility check is done by the Access Point. This check includes,

    determining size of the file, bandwidth calculation and transmission range checks. If the

    result is pass, file will downloaded using single Access Point. Otherwise, case 2 will

    come into picture.

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    The Sequence Diagram for case 1 is as shown below:

    Figure 4.3: Sequence Diagram Of Case 1

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    The Sequence Diagram for case 2 is as shown below:

    Figure 4.4: Sequence Diagram Of Case 2 (First Part)

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    The Sequence Diagram of second part of case 2 is as shown below which explains

    merging of files.

    Figure 4.5: Sequence Diagram Of Case 2 (Second Part)

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    Feasibility is the determination of whether or not a project is worth doing. The

    process followed in making this determination is called feasibility study. This type of

    study, a project can and should be taken. In the conduct of the feasibility study, the

    analyst will usually consider seven distinct, but inter-related types of feasibility.

    Technical Feasibility

    This is considered with specifying equipment and software that will successful satisfy

    the user requirement the technical needs of the system may vary considerably but might


    1. The facility to produce outputs in a given time.2. Response time under certain conditions.3. Ability to process a certain column of transaction at a particular speed.

    Economic Feasibility

    Economic analysis is the most frequently used technique for evaluating the

    effectiveness of a proposed system. More commonly known as cost / benefit analysis.

    The procedure is to determine the benefits and savings are expected form a proposed

    system and a compare them with costs. It benefits outweigh costs; a decision is taken to

    design and implement the system will have to be made if it is to have a chance of being

    approved. There is an ongoing effort that improves in accuracy at each phase of the

    system life cycle.

    Operational FeasibilityIt is mainly related to human organization and political aspects. These points are

    considered are:

    1. What changes will be brought with the system?2. Wh

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