film opening sequence analysis report sheet 4 pulp fiction

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Pulp fiction Name: Sadie bailey My Analysis Supporting Images

Cinematography & Camera Techniques The opening title sequence of the 1994 film pulp fiction starts off

with a couple in a dinner. The camera technique that I noticed at first was an over the shoulder shot , when the camera goes behind the woman in the dinner and gets a shot of her boyfriend talking to her, and then the camera turns around and gets a close up of the womans face, then on over the shoulder shot is used again but over the man’s shoulder

Another camera technique used is when the waitress comes over to the couple and asks them if they want any more coffee , at this point an extreme close up is used on her face and we see all the emotions she is expressing. A point of view shot is used once in the opening title sequence when we see the waitresses arm come in shot when she is pouring the coffee for them.

When the camera is a close up on these two characters the background is blurred out , making the main focus of the shot the two characters but also allowing the audience to see what’s in the background.

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Visual Effects & Colour Scheme

The lighting used in this scene in very high key because theres a lot of light in this scene because the characters are sat near the window and the sun light is coming in, but there are some shady parts in this scene where the light isn’t getting such as the side of the characters faces which aren’t facing the window.

Genre Conventions In the opening title sequence it is shown that the genre convention of pulp fiction would be an action movie because of the way the character are talking about the robberies and other crimes they have committed or are going to commit. Also when they both stand up with the guns and decide to rob the dinner.

Narrative The title sequence starts off with the two characters sat in the dinner eating breakfast it’s not until later on that we discover that they both commit crimes such as robbery and that they rob liquor stores around the city and the male character starts talking about crimes committed by other people such as someone robbing a bank with a phone and getting a lot of money out of it, by seeing and hearing this conversation we get the idea of something that would happen in an action film, also by the use of

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

swearing used in this scene, and the way the characters act around each other and other people in this scene.

Editing Techniques The first editing technique I noticed was a freeze frame at the end of the opening title sequence when the two characters pull out their guns and are telling the other customers in the dinner what to do, the female character freezes but she keeps talking after freezing, this gives off the idea that this scene might be a flash back in the film , also cutaways are used often in the opening title sequence when the camera cuts away from one character to the other when they start talking.

Title Credit Design No titles appear in the opening title sequence of pulp fiction, it starts off with the camera focused on the two characters in the dinner, and follows everything they do .

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