fh reorganization meeting minutes - 2014-01-04

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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8/12/2019 FH Reorganization Meeting Minutes - 2014-01-04

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 The Mount Olive Fire Department Color Guard, and Robert McDermott from the

Morris County Prosecutor’s Office piped in the !"# $oard of Chosen Freeholders%

County &dministrator 'ohn $onanni invited everyone to stand for the Pled(e of


The )ational &nthem *as sun( by Ms% Re(ina +obiondo%

The Cler of the $oard re-uested that everyone remain standin( for the

invocation, *hich *as (iven by Monsi(nor Patric $ro*n%

Cler of the $oard, Diane M% .etchum, called the meetin( to order and read

the announcement/

&de-uate notice of this meetin( held this fourth day of 'anuary, !"#, has

been provided throu(h resolution adopted by the $oard on December "", !"0, and

throu(h the postin( of said resolution in the &dministration and Records $uildin(

and in the Courthouse and by mailin( the resolution to all ne*spapers circulatin(

in the County and by filin( a copy of same *ith the Cler of Morristo*n and the

Morris County Cler%

The Cler then announced that she has received from the Morris County $oardof County Canvassers certificates sho*in( the determination of the election of

Thomas Mastran(elo as Freeholder for a term of three years1 .athy DeFillippo as

Freeholder for a term of three years1 Dou(las Cabana for a term of three years1

2d*ard Rochford as 3heriff for a term of three years1 &nn Grossi for County Cler

for a term of five years1 and that she has placed said certificates on file%

DO4G+&3 R% C&$&)& too the Oath of Office for Freeholder% 5ceremoniously by

former Cler of the $oard 6lene 3t% 'ohn1 officially by Cler of the $oard Diane M%

.etchum7 8oldin( the bible *ere Dou(’s parents Richard and &ileen, alon( *ith other

members of the family%

.&T8R9) &% D2F6++6PPO too the Oath of Office for Freeholder% 5ceremoniously

by Ro:bury Councilman 'im Rilee1 officially by County Counsel Daniel O’Mullan7%8oldin( the bible *as .athy’s husband $ob% &lso standin( *as .athy’s Dau(hter and

3on;6n;+a*, +aura 'ean and Tim 8enault and 3on, Rob DeFillippo, 'r%

T8OM&3 '% M&3TR&)G2+O, too the Oath of Office for Freeholder% 8e *as s*orn

in by 8onorable 3uperior Court 'ud(e Peter $o(aard% 8oldin( the bible *as Tom’s

*ife Debbie% &lso standin( *ere Tom’s sons Chris and Michael and Mother;6n;+a*

$arbara 3pe<iale%

382R6FF 2D=&RD ROC8FORD too the Oath of Office for 3heriff% 8e *as s*orn in

by 8onorable 'ud(e Marit<a $erdote $yrne% 8oldin( the bible *as 2d’s *ife Diana%

&lso standin( *as $arbara Da*son%

&)) GRO336 too the Oath of Office for County Cler% 3he *as s*orn in by8onorable 'ud(e Thomas =eisenbec% 8oldin( the bible *as &nn’s husband )icholas%

&t this time, the Cler called the roll for attendance% &ll Freeholders *ere

present and she reported, >& -uorum is established%?

The Cler of the $oard served as the temporary chairman%

  The temporary chairman too the chair and announced, >)ominations for

Director for !"# are in order%?

T8OM&3 '% M&3TR&)G2+O *as nominated for Director by Freeholder 3capicchio%

Freeholder +yon seconded the nomination of Freeholder Mastran(elo%

The Cler called the roll%

923/ Freeholders Cabana, Cesaro, DeFillippo, .ricus, +yon, Mastran(elo,

3capicchio 5@7

The temporary chairman declared, >T8OM&3 M&3TR&)G2+O is duly elected%?

T8OM&3 M&3TR&)G2+O too the Oath of Office for Freeholder Director% 8e *as

s*orn in by 8onorable 3enator &nthony $ucco% 8oldin( the bible *as Tom’s *ife,

Debbie% &lso standin( *ere Tom’s sons, Chris and Michael, and Mother;6n;+a*,

$arbara 3pe<iale%

Director Mastran(elo ased/ >May 6 have a nomination for Deputy DirectorA?

Freeholder Cabana stated/ >6 move the appointment of David 3capicchio to be


8/12/2019 FH Reorganization Meeting Minutes - 2014-01-04

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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 4, 2014Deputy Director for the year !"#%?

Freeholder .ricus stated/ >6 second the motion%?

The Director re-uested that Cler .etchum call the roll, and she did%

923/ Freeholders Cabana, Cesaro, DeFillippo, .ricus, +yon, 3capicchio,

and Director Mastran(elo 5@7

D&B6D 3C&P6CC86O too the Oath of Office for Deputy Freeholder Director% 8e

*as s*orn in by 8onorable 'ud(e $rian +evine, 8oldin( the bible *as Freeholder

Director Mastran(elo%


Director Mastran(elo (ave the follo*in( messa(e/

Good mornin( and *elcome to the !"# Re; or(ani<ation meetin( of the Morris

County $oard of Chosen Freeholders%

=e truly appreciate your bein( here this mornin(, especially in li(ht of the

*eather *e’ve e:perienced these past fe* days and our reschedulin( of this meetin(%

3pecial thans to the Mt% Olive Fire Department for presentin( our nation’s

colors this mornin( ; to our )ational &nthem vocalists;to our ba(piper, 3(t% $ob

McDermott of the Morris County Prosecutor’s office ; to Monsi(nor Patric $ro*n for

his blessin(s on this celebration and to )avy Chaplin Michael Bitcavich, *ho is

also )e*ar Police Chaplin%

&nd to all of the men and *omen of our Department of Public =ors *ho have

been on the ob since Thursday tain( care of our roads and brid(es, and to those

*ho staffed the county’s 2mer(ency Operations Center durin( Thursday’s *inter storm,

6 *ant you to no* the freeholders and citi<ens of Morris County truly appreciate

your efforts%

Con(ratulations to Dou( Cabana, *ho *as s*orn in today for his E


 term on theboard, and con(ratulations and *elcome to the ne*est Freeholder, .athy DeFillippo%

Con(ratulations also to David for bein( selected as the board’s Deputy Director for

the second year%

To &nn Grossi, 6 *ant to than you for your service as a freeholder and *ish you

*ell in your ne* role as County Cler, and to 3heriff Rochford, con(ratulations as you

be(in your th term as 3heriff%

Than you to 'ohn $onanni, Mary 'o $uchanan, Diane .etchum, the department heads

and all of our county employees for their hard *or durin( the past year%

Our Governor, Chris Christie, deserves our (ratitude as *ell for the many

reforms he has put in place, *hich have benefitted the ta:payers of Morris County%

The (overnor could not be here this mornin(, but in a letter to the freeholder

board, he said, and 6 -uote/ >6 loo for*ard to a ne* year of *orin( *ith the county

freeholders as *e continue to*ard our (oals of reform and prosperity for the state of )e*

'ersey and its residents%?

Most importantly, 6 than my *ife Debbie, and my children, Chris, $rittney

and Michael for all their love, help and support;;;and 6 *ould lie to *ish my

dau(hter $rittney a very 8appy $irthday% Than you also to my mom *ho could not be

here today and to my in;la*s 'erry and $arbara 3pe<iale%

6t is an honor for me to have been chosen by my collea(ues as director for a

second year% 6t is a privile(e 6 do not tae li(htly and 6 sincerely appreciate

the confidence they have in me%

& year a(o, 6 spoe about the trust that is placed in us as Freeholders by

those *ho elect us, and about the importance of eepin( our promises%

 &s 6 loo bac over the year that ust concluded, 6 can report to you this

mornin( that *e did eep our promises%

&t the start of last year, my (oals and those of my fello* Freeholders

included main( the ri(ht decisions to reduce county (overnment spendin( and to

hold the line on ta:es, and *e did%%% HE million in reduced spendin(

6n !"0, *e adopted a county bud(et that contained a <ero percent increase in

ta:esI the first time in "J years, *hile maintainin( critical county services *ith


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Durin( the course of !"#, 6, alon( *ith Paul $oudreau intend to meet *ith

more corporate leaders to recommit Morris County’s support of the business

community *ith the intent of retainin( and brin(in( more obs to Morris County%

This initiative is vitally important to our county’s economic fabric%

+astly, durin( the first half of this year, this board *ill finali<e the +a*

2nforcement 3tudy that commenced in !"0% The result of this study *ill determine

and create a sound +a* 2nforcement model for the citi<ens of Morris County%

Durin( these challen(in( economic times *e must eep our promise to deliver

more efficient and smaller (overnment *ithout compromisin( necessary services for

our citi<ens%

&s *e enter the )e* 9ear, my fello* freeholders and 6 *ill *or dili(ently to

ensure that Morris County remains a (reat place to live, *or and raise a family%

Once a(ain, 6 than you for your support and *ish you and yours a very 8appy

)e* 9ear%


Freeholder 3capicchio (ave the follo*in( messa(e/

Good mornin( everybody and than you for comin( out to our !"#

reor(ani<ation% !"0 *as a productive year and 6 *ould lie to start by thanin(

'ohn $onanni, Mary 'o $uchannan and all of our staff for their leadership, (uidance

and support%

Maintainin( the county’s infrastructure remains a priority for the

freeholders% +ast year, appro:imately " miles of county road*ay *as paved by our

Public =ors Department and *e *ill continue investin( in our infrastructure in


The addition to the Public 3afety Comple: *as completed by the Public =orsDepartment last year, as *ere the fields in Central Par of Morris County in

Parsippany% =e anticipate the Field 8ouse there *ill be completed early this year%

The county’s a*ard;*innin( Flood Miti(ation Pro(ram, administered by our

Plannin( Department, continued to receive applications from out municipalities in


3ince that pro(ram *as initiated at the su((estion of former Freeholder Gene

Feyl and established by the freeholders less than t*o years a(o, ""@ proects have

(otten under*ay in seven to*ns% 0E property closin(s have taen place *ith many

demolitions already complete%

=e are movin( people out of harm’s *ay by buyin( out numerous flood;prone

residential properties from *illin( sellers and creatin( open space%

Our Plannin( Department also entered into shared service partnerships *ith

si: to*ns in the development and maintenance of di(ital municipal ta: maps%

The department also *ored cooperatively *ith the Morris County 2conomic

Development Corporation to provide 6ndustry Cluster Mappin( for that a(ency to use

*hen *orin( *ith municipalities on economic development%

The freeholders last year also approved a restructurin( of the Plannin( and

Public =ors departments into one Department of Plannin( Public =ors, reducin(

staff and costs throu(h attrition% 

6’d lie to reco(ni<e Deena +eary, our ne* director of that department, *ho

has taen over for 3teve 8ammond *ho retired in December%

Finally, *e continue to focus on debt% 6n !"0 *e reali<ed a net debt

reduction of appro:imately HE million, and *e anticipate in !"#, *e *ill see a

similar reduction in our debt obli(ation as *e continue to preserve the county’s

&&& ratin(%

6 *ish everyone a happy, healthy, and safe )e* 9ear%


Freeholder Cabana (ave the follo*in( messa(e/

+adies and Gentlemen, let me be(in by *ishin( everyone a healthy and


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 4, 2014prosperous )e* 9ear% 6, too, *ant to e:press my (ratitude to you for bravin( the

elements to be *ith us this mornin(

6 am proud to a(ain be servin( this year the +iaison to +a* 2nforcement,

Public 3afety and the 'udiciary%

!"0 sa* the county open, on schedule and *ithin bud(et, a ne* and very

si(nificant addition to our Public 3afety Comple: on =est 8anover &venue in


The addition enabled us to brin( to(ether under one roof so many of the shared

services that are critical in emer(ency situations%

This state;of;the;art facility is home to the county’s 2mer(ency Operations

Center, our L;";" 2mer(ency Communication Center, the 3heriff’s Criminal

6nvesti(ation 4nit and Crime +ab and the county’s 6T Data Center%

6n !"0, the county’s radio system infrastructure *as completely up(raded to

provide increased service capacity and enhanced radio communication covera(e

throu(hout the county%

&s a result of that up(rade, the county’s la* enforcement and other a(encies

and the # to*ns that have shared service a(reements *ith the county for receivin(emer(ency communications and dispatch services no* have improved and consistent

communication capabilities%

This up(rade *ill also enable the county to service many more partners in the



The county Medical 2:aminer’s Office in !"0 completed the third year of

shared service contracts *ith 3usse: and =arren counties in *hich Morris provides

Medical 2:aminer services%

=hile Morris County handles over ",#!! cases for all three counties, the

annual savin(s to Morris is appro:imately H"J!,!!!%

+ast year *as the first full year of 8ealth 3ervices provided by the county

to Morris Plains%

The Office of 8ealth Mana(ement also provides health services to $oonton

To*nship and Denville and *ill continue this year to e:plore mutually beneficial

shared service opportunities *ith other to*ns%

!"# promises to a(ain be a challen(in( year for Morris CountyIbut rest

assured that the freeholders *ill do our very best to deliver the services you

e:pect from County (overnment, *hile eepin( in mind our (oal of reducin( the

burden on the ta:payer%

Than you and 8appy )e* 9earI%%


Freeholder DeFillippo (ave the follo*in( messa(e/

6 *ould lie to than my t*o runnin( mates, Freeholder Director, Tom

Mastran(elo, and Freeholder, Dou( Cabana, and the voters in Morris County% 6 also

*ant to than my collea(ues on the Ro:bury To*n Council, 'im Rilee, *ho you have

already met, and the other members1 Fred 8all, Mar Cro*ley, Gary $ehrens, Richard

Noscha, and Martin 3chmidt% 6 *ill al*ays remember my time on the council and the

positive thin(s *e accomplished% 6 have learned political leadership from each of


6 especially *ant to than the people of Ro:bury for their support% Manyof my friends from Roxbury are here tonight.

Thank you to my friends and neighbors and to members of the Roxbury Women’s

Club, the Ro:bury &rea Chamber of Commerce, and the Ro:bury Rotary *ho are all

represented here today%

6 *ant to than the Morris County Republican Committee for your support in

the (eneral election% 6 am (rateful for the introductions you have made for me, to

so many people in Morris County, and 6 especially *ant to than you for your

financial support for the (eneral election% Than you 'ohn 3ette%

6 *ould lie to send a shout out to my very (ood friends in the Morris County

=omen’s Republican Club% 9ou have been *onderful mentors and have consistently

supported me% MC=RC’s mission to help *omen (et elected to public office is an


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 4, 2014un*averin( commitment that 6 share%

$ut the most heartfelt than you 6 *ish to mae today is to my husband, $ob,

and to our three children, 3cott, +aura 'ean and Robby% =ithout your encoura(ement

and support, 6 *ould have never entered public service% 9ou have helped me to (ro*

in so many *ays and to balance my commitment to public service and to my family% 6

cherish the love and fun *e have to(ether%

Over the past year 6 have attended municipal meetin(s, club meetin(s and to*n

*ide events in every municipality in Morris County% 6 have heard a consistent

messa(e% 2very to*n claims to the best community in the state% 6 thin each

community is ri(ht% To(ether, the communities that mae up Morris County mae it

the (reat county that it is%

  Morris County is a *onderful place to live and raise a family% 6 pled(e to

do all 6 can to maintain our -uality of life and the e:cellent services that *e

have ; *hile 6 maintain strict fiscal discipline%

6 am an:ious to (et started and 6 am looin( for*ard to the challen(es that

lie ahead% Than you for electin( me to the $oard of Chosen Freeholders%


Freeholder .ricus (ave the follo*in( messa(e/

6 *ish everyone a happy and blessed !"#%

The ne* year is a time of reflection, a time to assess *hat is important,

*hat is a priority%

For a local, county or state official, clearly property ta:es are the ey

concern of Morris County residents%

=e are no* in the second year of a ne* conservative maority on the

freeholder board, and once a(ain our priority *ill be to deliver no increase in theproperty ta:es needed to operate the county%

T*o years a(o, Freeholder Mastran(elo ased the -uestion, can *e achieve a

<ero increase in county property ta:es% Freeholder Director, 6 compliment you for

your coura(e in main( that stand%

)o*, Morris County has al*ays been a *ell run county1 probably better than

any county in )e* 'ersey% $ut the financial crisis of !! chan(ed the *orld in a

dramatic fashion and policies *hich used to loo (ood *ere no* outdated (iven the

ne* normal of a hyper competitive economy%

&t that time, county ta:es *ere increasin( at t*ice the rate of our

resident’s income% For a county ta:payer, this meant that after ust one three;year freeholder term, the ne:t "! years *ould


increase ta:es by HJ! million%

Our <ero ta: increase policy maes the math pretty simple1 t*o years of no

ta: increase means "! times <ero is a <ero "!;year ta: impact% T*o hundred and

fifty million vs% <ero is a bi( difference, and clearly the ta:payers of Morris

County *ould not *ant a return to hi(her property ta:es%

The <ero ta: policy is also bein( achieved by to*ns around the county% 6n

!"0 Ro:bury and Parsippany delivered a <ero and at to*n reor(ani<ation meetin(s

this year 6 have heard 8anover and Mt% Olive looin( to deliver a <ero%

Policy is important, but ho* *e serve is also important% 6 have special

inspiration in my o*n household% My *ife Carolyn and my hi(h school a(e dau(hter,

Casey, spent their summer vacation completin( the !!;plus;hour 2MT course% They

no* serve *ith my Colle(e of ne* 'ersey under(rad dau(hter, .elly, as volunteers

*ith the +on( Balley First aid s-uad% 6 than them and the thousands of volunteers

across Morris County *ho (ive selflessly of their time%

=e elected officials should mind such sacrifice% Pe((y )oonan, the =all

3treet 'ournal columnist and former Rea(an speech*riter, commented on politicians

*ith a story about the difference bet*een cats and do(s%

=hen you (et up in the mornin( and feed your do( he loos up at you and

thins, >8e comes, finds my food and pours it for me he must be a God%?

& cat thins, >8e comes, find my food and pours it out for me 6 must be a



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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 4, 2014Ms% )oonan continues, >Politicians no matter ho* they started out tend to

*ind up as cats% They come to thin >the people? are there to meet their needs, to

provide the money they allocate for instance%?

+adies and (entlemen *hile 6 have al*ays *ored in the practice sector, this

year *ill mar my !th of public service, si: years as a Marine Corps reservist, "

years as a to*n committeeman and mayor, and no* t*o years as a Freeholder% 6n

those ! years 6 have not received, and *ill not receive in the future, one dime of

ta:payer funded health benefits or defined pension benefits%

The (reatest satisfaction 6 derive in these positions is not the title, but

in servin( *ith the hi(hest, ideals, the hi(hest standards% &ll of us are

privile(ed to live in the (reatest Republic on earth, and if *e are to eep it,

then public officials must serve the people and not themselves%

Than you and God $less%


Freeholder +yon (ave the follo*in( messa(e/

6’d lie to than everyone for bein( here this mornin(% 6 am honored that

you’re spendin( 3aturday mornin( here *ith the Freeholder $oard%

Con(ratulations, to my ne* collea(ue, Freeholder DeFillippo, and to

Freeholders Cabana and Mastran(elo% Con(ratulations to 3heriff Rochford and to

Cler Grossi%

Morris County is a *onderful place to call home% =e have (reat pars, our

schools are unmatched, and our close pro:imity to )e* 9or City provides us access

to obs and entertainment% 6’ve called Morris County my home for my entire life and

6’m committed to eepin( it a (reat place to live for future (enerations%

8o*ever, *e are currently e:periencin( a net mi(ration out of our County% 6n

other *ords% more people are movin( out of Morris County than are movin( in to

Morris County% 9ou as, *hat is the cause of this problemA 6 can ans*er *ith one*ord/ (overnment% The level of ta:ation is simply too hi(h for people to afford%

People *ant to live here, but more and more they can’t pay for it% 2ven t*o of my

older brothers have faced this dilemma%

The Morris County Freeholder $oard is committed to reversin( this trend%

+ast year *e reduced ta:es for the first time in fifteen years% =e did so by

 reducin( debt, controllin( spendin(, and usin( commonsense%

$y employin( these conservative principles, *e plan to reduce ta:es a(ain in

!"#% +et me be clear, reducin( property ta:es is the sin(le most important (oal

of this Freeholder $oard%

9et this does not mean that county (overnment *ill (o a*ay% +ast year, *ithour first ta: cut in effect, the Department of 8uman 3ervices, to *hich 6 am the

liaison, provided over #!!,!!! meals to senior citi<ens and *e provided over t*o

million dollars in support to non;profit a(encies%

The Department of 8uman 3ervices also oversees the 9outh Detention Center and

the 9outh 3helter, both of *hich are shared services *ith other counties% 6 have

no doubt that *e can continue to provide hi(h -uality services at an affordable

price it *e identify our priorities and then focus on achievin( those (oals in the

most cost effective manner%

6 am looin( for*ard to !"#% 6f *e continue to use conservative principles

to (uide our decisions in (overnment, *e’ll be able to continue shrinin( the si<e

of (overnment, *hile still providin( important services% Thereby allo*in( our

citi<ens to do *hat they do best/ main( Morris County a better place for future(enerations%

  Than you% 8appy )e* 9ear% God bless%


Freeholder Cesaro (ave the follo*in( messa(e/

Good mornin( everyone%

6 hope that you all had a *onderful holiday season and are enoyin( the ne* year%

6 also *ant to than you for bein( here not*ithstandin( the cold *eather% 6 have

ust completed my first full year as a freeholder and 6t has been an honor to serve


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 4, 2014the ta:payers of morris county% 6 *ould lie to share some of the accomplishments

*ith you and some ideas 6 have (oin( for*ard in the ne* year%


♦First, 6 am proud to have been part of a transparency *or (roup that unveiled a

ne*ly desi(ned *ebsite that maes it easier for citi<ens to understand the *orin(s

of county (overnment%


♦The *ebsite features detailed information about the county’s operatin( and capital

bud(ets includin( the bud(ets themselves, an e:planation of the bud(et process and

a chart that sho*s e:actly ho* county ta: dollars are spent%


♦The *ebsite also features an entire section on (overnment transparency that

includes the county’s annual audit, bill lists, debt statements, financial

statements, labor a(reements and a list of special counsels% +adies and

(entlemen, this *ill continue to be a *or in pro(ress% The ta:payers have a ri(ht

to no* ho* their ta: money is utili<ed and *e *ill continue to improve upon *hat

*e have accomplished thus far%


=hen 6 first campai(ned for this position, 6 promised to hold the line on ta:es and*e have accomplished this% For my first full year in !"0, *e *ored hard to have

a !K increase in county ta:es =6T8O4T cuttin( services% &lso, *e have been able to

maintain the countys &&& bond ratin(%

3hared 3ervices/

The Morris County 3hared 3ervices &dvisory committee is already in the process of

*orin( to*ards advisin( municipalities on ho* they can utili<e county resources to

the benefit of their residents%

These are ust some if the issues that 6 have ept a focus on in my first full

year% 8o*ever, it is important to continue the hard*or in !"#/

"% &s liaison to employee resources and health benefits committee, *e have be(un

the (round*or for a strate(ic plan to address risin( health care costs% The plan

*ill focus on 2mployee =ellness Pro(rams, *hich have been sho*n to positively

impact a*areness of healthy livin( for employees *hile decreasin( health care costs

to the employer%

6n !"0, 2mployee Resources identified chronic conditions amon( employees and a

sample of employees at ris for disease throu(h voluntary 8ealth Ris &ssessments%

This information, combined *ith current national trends on diseaseconditions *ill

be beneficial in layin( the (round *or for an 2mployee =ellness Pro(ram% The

pro(ram *ill focus on preventive care and health related behavior modification for

(ood physical and mental health and the prevention of *or related inuries%

6n the end, this strate(y *ill resound to the benefit of the ta:payers of morris



Once a(ain, 6, alon( *ith the rest of the board, have made a commitment to *or

to*ards another !K ta: increase% This board is still in discussions as to ho* to

best accomplish this% 8o*ever, *e *ill be doin( it *ith a vi(ilant eye to*ards

protectin( vital services for the ta: payers of morris county%

Chan(e in the RFP process/

6t is my (oal to establish a committee to ensure that *e are adherin( to )' and DC&

la*s and directives as to our re-uest for proposal process and ho* *e (o about

advertisin( and retainin( professional services in this county% Ta:es and other

vital statistics have al*ays been easy touchstones to stem in (overnment; you

either accomplish your (oal or you dont% The inte(rity of the county is another

story% Morris county has a (reat tradition of bein( a premiere county on many

dimensions, especially ho* it does business% 8o*ever, 6 believe that ensurin( the

continued inte(rity of the RFP process is a corollary to our philosophy of bein(

the most transparent county in the state of )e* 'ersey% 6 believe that not

embarin( on this venture could (ive the impression of a lac of commitment to

transparency and ensurin( the inte(rity of the RFP process% 6 invite all of my

collea(ues to oin me on this venture%

These are ust some of the issues 6 believe that my self and this board are looin(

for*ard to addressin(% 6 am sure that there *ill be more%


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6 *ant to than you a(ain for bein( here% 8appy )e* 9ear, God bless you and have a

(ood *eeend%


 Freeholder Cabana presented the follo*in( resolutions/

  $2 6T R23O+B2D by the $oard of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris in

the 3tate of )e* 'ersey as follo*s/


"% Durin( the year !"#, the re(ular meetin(s of this $oard of Chosen

Freeholders shall be held at @/!! p%m% on the second =ednesday of each month

and at @/!! p%m% on the fourth =ednesday of each month%

% &ll of said re(ular meetin(s at *hich formal action may be taen *ill tae

place at the $oard of Chosen Freeholders Meetin( Room, Fifth Floor,

&dministration and Records $uildin(, Court 3treet, Morristo*n, )e* 'ersey%

0% 2:act dates of the second and fourth =ednesdays of each month in the year

!"# are/

&% 'anuary and 'anuary

$% February "Q and February E

Qrescheduled to Monday, February "!

C% March " and March E

D% &pril L and &pril 0

2% May "# and May


F% 'une "" and 'une E

 G% 'uly L and 'uly 0

  8% &u(ust "0 and &u(ust @

  6% 3eptember "! and 3eptember #Q

  Qrescheduled to Monday, 3eptember

'% October and October

  .% )ovember " and )ovember EQ

  Qrescheduled to Monday, )ovember #


+% December "! and December #Q  Qrescheduled to Monday, December


#% 6n addition to re(ular meetin(s, informal meetin(s of discussions of this

$oard of Chosen Freeholders shall tae place at #/0! p%m% every =ednesday

precedin( the formal public meetin( date as referred to in Para(raph 01

provided ho*ever, if any =ednesday shall fall on a le(al holiday, then the

meetin( shall be held on the previous Tuesday, and if any such Tuesday shall

be a le(al holiday, then the meetin( shall be held on the previous Monday%

J% &dditionally, informal meetin(s of discussion of this $oard of Chosen

Freeholders shall tae place at #/0! p%m% on the second and fourth

=ednesday of each month, unless any such day is a le(al holiday%

E% 2:act dates of every second and fourth =ednesday of each month in the year

!"# are/

&% 'anuary and 'anuary

$% February "Q and February E

Qrescheduled to Monday, February "!

C% March " and March E

D% &pril L and &pril 0

2% May "# and May


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F% 'une "" and 'une J


G% 'uly L and 'uly 0

  8% &u(ust "0 and &u(ust @

6% 3eptember "! and 3eptember #Q

  Qrescheduled to Monday, 3eptember

'% October and October

  .% )ovember " and )ovember EQ

  Qrescheduled to Monday, )ovember #


+% December "! and December #Q

  Qrescheduled to Monday, December


@% &ll of said informal meetin(s of discussion at *hich no formal action may be

taen *ill tae place in the Freeholders Conference Room, Fifth Floor,

&dministration and Records $uildin(, Court 3treet, Morristo*n, )e* 'ersey%

% &t any meetin( *here an a(enda is to be used, said a(enda shall be furnishedto all persons in attendance at the meetin(%

L% &++ P2R3O)3 &R2 6)B6T2D TO &++ OF T82 M22T6)G3 82R26)$2FOR2 32T FORT8%

"!% Durin( the year !"# on every informal meetin( date at J/!! P%M% or as soon

thereafter as practicable, this $oard shall meet *ith County Counsel or one

of his assistants in order to discuss matters *hich fall *ithin the attorney;

client privile(e, to the e:tent that confidentiality is re-uired, and the

public shall be e:cluded%

""% The time *hen and the circumstances under *hich the discussions conducted

*ith Counsel in closed session can be disclosed to the public are unno*n

because of the nature of the subect matters to be discussed%

"% Durin( the year !"# on every informal meetin( date at J/!! P%M%, or as soon

thereafter as practicable *hen this board shall not be meetin( *ith Counsel,

and *hen necessary, the public *ill be e:cluded from the meetin(s of this


The (eneral nature of the subects to be discussed are as follo*s/

"7 Personnel

7 &ppointments

07 Contract )e(otiations

  #7 Purchase, lease or ac-uisition of real propertyJ7 Pendin( or anticipated liti(ation

E7 Matters fallin( *ithin the attorney;client privile(e

  The $oard shall disclose to the public the contents of the discussion after

final disposition of the matters discussed%

"0% The Cler is directed to prominently post and maintain posted throu(hout

the year on the Freeholder $ulletin $oards in the &dministration and

Records $uildin( and the Courthouse a certified copy of this resolution%

6n is directed to mail forth*ith a certified copy of this resolution

addition, the Cler to the follo*in(/

&% Daily Record

$% The 3tar +ed(er

C% The Record


&lso, the Cler shall file a certified copy of this resolution *ith the

Morris County Cler%

"#% This resolution is bein( adopted in order to comply *ith P%+% "L@J, Chapter

0", >Open Public Meetin(s &ct%



R23O+B2D that the $y;+a*s of this $oard as adopted on &u(ust @, "L@J and


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 4, 2014revised by Resolution )umber #! on February E, "LL, be and the same are hereby

adopted as the $y;+a*s of the $oard for the year !"#%



R23O+B2D that T8OM&3 '% M&3TR&)G2+O be and he is hereby appointed Director of

the $oard of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris to act as Director andChairman of meetin(s, for a term of one 5"7 year at a salary as set forth in the

3alary Resolution for Officers and 2mployees of the County, payable bi;*eely%



R23O+B2D that D&B6D M% 3C&P6CC86O be and he is hereby appointed Deputy

Director of the $oard of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris to act as

Director and Chairman of meetin(s in the absence of the Director for a term of one

5"7 year, *ithout salary%



R23O+B2D that DO4G+&3 R% C&$&)& be and is hereby appointed a Botin( Member?

in the )e* 'ersey &ssociation of Counties for a term of one 5"7 year, *ithout




R23O+B2D that T8OM&3 '% M&3TR&)G2+O be and is hereby appointed First

&lternate Botin( Member in the )e* 'ersey &ssociation of Counties for a term of one

5"7 year, *ithout salary%



R23O+B2D that 'O8) $O)&))6 be and is hereby appointed >3econd &lternate

Botin( Member? in the )e* 'ersey &ssociation of Counties for a term of one 5"7

year, *ithout salary%



R23O+B2D that D&B6D 3C&P6CC86O be and is hereby appointed an 2:;Officio

member of the Morris County Plannin( $oard for a term of one 5"7 year, *ithoutsalary%



R23O+B2D that 'O8) C23&RO be and is hereby appointed an 2:;Officio

>&lternate member of the Morris County Plannin( $oard for a term of one 5"7 year,

*ithout salary, to serve in the place of the Freeholder Director or 2:;Officio

member, D&B6D 3C&P6CC86O, *henever heshe is temporarily absent, disabled or




R23O+B2D that 'O8) .R6C.43 be and is hereby appointed an 2:;Officio member

of the $oard of 3chool 2stimate of the Bocational 3chool in the County of Morris

for a term of one 5"7 year, *ithout salary%




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R23O+B2D that =6++6&M >8&).? +9O) be and is hereby appointed an 2:;Officio

member of the $oard of 3chool 2stimate of the Bocational 3chool in the County of

Morris for a term of one 5"7 year, *ithout salary%



R23O+B2D that 'O8) .R6C.43 be and is hereby appointed an 2:;Officio member of

the $oard of 3chool 2stimate of the County Colle(e of Morris for a term of one 5"7

year, *ithout salary%



R23O+B2D that =6++6&M >8&).? +9O) be and is hereby appointed an 2:;Officio

member of the $oard of 3chool 2stimate of the County Colle(e of Morris for a term

of one 5"7 year, *ithout salary%



R23O+B2D that the !"# &ssi(nments for the $oard of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris be and are here*ith desi(nated as included on the attached

3chedule &%



=82R2&3, the County of Morris established the Flood Miti(ation Pro(ram

5>FMP?71 and

=82R2&3, the Rules and Re(ulations 5>Rules?7for the administration of the FMP*ere adopted by the Morris County $oard of Chosen Freeholders 5>Freeholders?7 on

March "#, !" and are amended as necessary1 and

=82R2&3, it is the intention of the Freeholders to amend and update portions

of the current Rules%

)O=, T82R2FOR2, $2 6T R23O+B2D, by the Freeholders as follo*s%

"% 3ection E%"" Flood Miti(ation Committee of the Rules for the FMP shall be

amended in *hole to read as follo*s/

E%"" Flood Miti(ation Committee 5FMC7

The FMC, comprised of seven members shall revie*, prioriti<e and mae fundin(

recommendations to the Morris County $oard of Chosen Freeholders% Meetin(s

shall be held monthly, on an as;needed basis% & -uorum shall consist of four

FMC members%

&ll nominees to the FMC shall be residents of Morris County% The Morris

County $oard of Chosen Freeholders shall appoint the FMC annually%

The term of the FMC members shall be three years in len(th% Members may serve

up to consecutive terms and then must be on the FMC for one year before

servin( a(ain% Terms shall be sta((ered amon(st the seven members% Current

Open 3pace Trust Fund Committee members are not restricted from servin( on

the FMC% The Morris County $oard of Chosen Freeholders may also appoint a

Freeholder liaison to the FMC *ho shall not have votin( privile(es%

&t the first Freeholder re;or(ani<ation meetin(, after adoption of the

resolution delineatin( these rules revisions, seven persons shall be

appointed as the members of the FMC by the Freeholders% This initial (roup of

members shall, by resolution of appointment, be desi(nated to serve for terms

e:pirin( on the first day of 'anuary after one, t*o and three years,

respectively, have ensued as a Committee member% The resolution of

appointment desi(nates the term of one member to e:pire on the first ensurin(

'anuary, three members to e:pire on the second ensuin( 'anuary and three

members of the third ensuin( 'anuary% The member appointed for the initial

one;year term may be reappointed for t*o additional full terms of three

years% 6n the event of a vacancy in the membership of the FMC occurrin(

durin( the une:pired term of appointment, a person shall be appointed as a


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 4, 2014member of the FMC to serve for said une:pired term%

  2ach year at their first annual meetin(, the FMC shall elect t*o officers

from their rans/ a Chairperson and Bice;Chairperson for a term of one year%

The Chairperson shall preside at all meetin(s of the FMC and shall appoint

all standin( and ad hoe committees as may be re-uired% The Bice;Chairperson

shall perform the duties of the Chairperson in hisher absence% 3hould the

office of Chairperson become vacant, the Bice;Chairperson shall succeed to

the office of the Chairperson for the balance of the term% The Bice;

Chairperson shall perform such duties as may be assi(ned by the Chairperson%

  &ll FMC members shall be re-uired to properly file a financial disclosure

statement as re-uired by )%'%3%&% #!&/L;%"%

% &ll other Rules for the RMP not inconsistent here*ith shall remain in full

force and effect%

0% These chan(es shall tae effect immediately%



5"E7R23O+B2D that the $oard of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris hereby

appoint the follo*in( members of the &dvisory Council on &(in(, Disabilities and

Beterans 3ervice and shall serve, *ithout salary, for one 5"7 year to e:pire on

December 0", !"#%

 Thomas Clar

  Charles Collins, 'r%

  Patricia Giannetti

  Peter Gimbel

  'ohn 8alo

  $ernard 8ayet

  Robert 8u(hes

  'oe +eal  Richard )y-uist

  Thomas Pappas

  2d*ard Suinn

  3teve Roman

  Bincent 3chindel

  3heila 3huford

  .athy 3ie(rist

Michael Baillancourt

  +ou Balori



R23O+B2D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed members of the &irport

&dvisory Committee for a term of one 5"7 year to e:pire on December 0", !"#,

*ithout salary/

&nthony '% $arrett

  2ric $ossard

  Paul $oudreau

  Melverne Cooe

  .athryn &% DeFillippo

  Peter DeRosa

  Fran Druet<ler

  Gerry Grunenfelder

  +ou )isivoccia

  'ac Olcott

  .en 3chleifer

  Maria 3heridan

  'ohn Tuten



R23O+B2D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed members of the &lcohol and

Dru( &buse &dvisory Committee for a term of one 5"7 year to e:pire on December 0",

!"#, *ithout salary/

Gre( $enson


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Carol De(ra*

'ulian 8ill

Mar(aret 8imsl

+auren 8irtes

Marcy McMann

+isa Pi(nataro

+u'uan Tucer

$arbara =ard



  =82R2&3, there e:ists a need for the provision of professional ri(ht;of;*ay

ne(otiator and real property appraisal services by the County of Morris1 and

=82R2&3, the +ocal Public Contracts +a* 5)%'%3%&% #!&/"";", et se-%7 re-uires

that the resolution authori<in( the a*ard of contract for professional services

*ithout competitive biddin( and the contract itself must be available for public

inspection1 and

=82R2&3, the estimated amount of the contract to be a*arded shall be at the

rate of HL!%!! per hour1 and

)O=, T82R2FOR2, $2 6T R23O+B2D by the $oard of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the 3tate of )e* 'ersey as follo*s/

l% The &(reements bet*een the County of Morris and 5"7 2R)23T D2+ G42RC6O,

57 C8&R+23 '% F2MM6)2++&, 507 +O463 3% 6N2)$2RG, copies of *hich shall be on

file in the Office of the County &dministrator and made a part hereof by

reference, are hereby approved and shall be entered into by this $oard%


% The Director of the $oard of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authori<ed

to si(n and e:ecute the contracts conditioned upon the contractorscompliance *ith the re-uirements set forth in para(raph J, belo*%

0% The contracts are a*arded *ithout competitive biddin( as a professional

service under the provisions of the +ocal Public Contracts +a* because it

is for services to be rendered by a person or persons *hose practice is

re(ulated by la*%

#% &n official notice of this action shall be published in accordance

*ith the la*%

J% The contracts are a*arded pursuant to a fair and open process in

compliance *ith )%'%3%&% "L/##&;!%", et se-%



 R23O+B2D that C8R63TOP82R =&+.2R and is hereby appointed 3uperintendent of

the Department of $uildin(s and Grounds for a term of five 5J7 years to e:pire on

December 0", !", at a salary in compliance *ith the Morris County Mana(ement

Compensation Plan%




$2 6T R23O+B2D that +&4R62 $2C.2R be and is hereby appointed to serve on the

Community Development Revenue 3harin( Committee, *ithout salary, at the pleasure of

the $oard%



R23O+B2D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed as Compliance Officers,

Public &(ency to serve *ithout salary for a term of one 5"7 year to e:pire on

December 0", !"#/

  'ames &bline


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  Thomas Naccone





R23O+B2D that T2D M&G+6O)2 be and is hereby appointed to serve as Chairman ofthe Construction $oard of &ppeals *ithout salary for a term of one 5"7 year to

e:pire on December 0", !"#1 and

$2 6T F4RT82R R23O+B2D that '2FFR29 $2TN be and is hereby appointed to serve

as Bice Chairman of the Construction $oard of &ppeals *ithout salary for a term of

one 5"7 year to e:pire on December 0", !"#1 and

$2 6T F4RT82R R23O+B2D that 32&) DO)+O) be and is hereby appointed to serve

as an alternate member of the Construction $oard of &ppeals *ithout salary for a

term of four 5#7 years to e:pire on December 0", !"@1 and

$2 6T F4RT82R R23O+B2D that 8&RO+D 2)D2&) be and is hereby appointed to serve

as a re(ular member of the Construction $oard of &ppeals *ithout salary, for a term

of four 5#7 to e:pire on December 0", !"@1 and

$2 6T F4RT82R R23O+B2D that .6M$2R+9 84R+29 be and is hereby appointed to

serve as an alternate member of the Construction $oard of &ppeals *ithout salary

for a term of four 5#7 years to e:pire on December 0", !"@1 and



 R23O+B2D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed as members of the County

&lliance 3teerin( 3ubcommittee 5C&337 for a term of one 5"7 year to e:pire on

December 0", !"# *ithout salary/

 Charlie $erman

  Marcia $rands

  8eidi $rot<man

  David 'ohnston

  Carolyn .leinman

  3ylvia +ippe

  &rlene 3toller




R23O+B2D that the follo*in( be and are here*ith appointed as members of the2ducational 6ncentive Committee and shall serve *ithout salary for a term of one

5"7 year to e:pire on December 0", !"#/

$2T6 $&42R

  C&T89 $4RD

FR&). CORR2)T2

T82R23& D&B63

C8R63T6)2 M&R6O)



R23O+B2D that the follo*in( be and are here*ith appointed as members of the

Flood Miti(ation Committee and shall serve *ithout salary for the terms indicated/

Member Term 2:piration date

'ulie C% $aron Three 507 years December 0", !"E

Paula Danchu T*o 57 years December 0", !"J

+ouise Davis One 5"7 year December 0", !"#

Gary +ar(e Three 507 years December 0", !"E

Tom Pepe T*o 57 years December 0", !"J

+aura 3<*a Three 507 years December 0", !"E




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R23O+B2D that the follo*in( be and are here*ith appointed as members of the

Frei(ht Railroad &dvisory Committee and shall serve *ithout salary for a term of

one 5"7 year to e:pire on December 0", !"#/

Gary $ehrens

.athryn &% DeFillippo

'ames Dodd

'ac 8olland

&llen )apoliello

  Fran T% Reilly

David M% 3capicchio

=es =eis



=82R2&3, there e:ists a need for the provision of General oounsel+iti(ation

Mana(er 3ervices to the Morris County 6nsurance Fund1 and

=82R2&3, the +ocal Public Contracts +a* 5)%'%3%&% #!&/"";", et se-%7 re-uires

that the resolution authori<in( the a*ard of contract for >professional services?

*ithout competitive bidin( and the contract itself must be available for publicinspection1 and

=82R2&3, the estimated amount of the contract to be a*arded shall be at the

rate of H"!%!! per hour1 and

)O=, T82R2FOR2, $2 6T R23O+B2D by the $oard of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the 3tate of )e* 'ersey as follo*s/

"% The &(reement bet*een the County of Morris and 'O8) 6)G+236)O >General

Counsel+iti(ation Mana(er 3ervices?, a copy of *hich shall be on file in

the Office of the County &dministrator and made a part hereof by

reference, is hereby approved and shall be entered into by this $oard%

% The Director of the $oard of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authori<ed to

si(n  and e:ecute the contract conditioned upon the contractors

compliance *ith the re-uirements set forth in para(raph J, belo*%

0% The contract is a*arded *ithout competitive biddin( as a >professional

service? under the provisions of the +ocal Public Contracts +a* because it

is for services to be rendered by a person or persons *hose practice is

re(ulated by la*%

#% &n official notice of this action shall be published in accordance *ith

the la*%

J%  The contract is a*arded pursuant to a fair and open process in compliance*ith )%'%3%&% "L/##&;!%", et se-%



RESOLVED that KATHY FISHER and ELLIOTT RUGA be and are hereby appointed to

the Heritage Commission to serve without salary for a term of five (5) years to

expire December 31, 2018.



  R23O+B2D that '&)2T FO3T2R be and is hereby appointed as a member of the

8istoric Preservation Trust Fund Revie* $oard to serve *ithout salary for a term offour 5#7 years to e:pire December 0", !"@%



R23O+B2D that the follo*in( be and are hereby appointed as members of the

86B&6D3 CO)3ORT64M 5Tri;County7 to serve *ithout salary for a term of one 5"7 year

to e:pire December 0", !"#/

Robert &rmstron(

3ister Roberta Feil

'oann Mc2niry

3teven 3uttles


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R23O+B2D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed members of the 8uman

3ervices &dvisory Council for the County of Morris for a term of one year to e:pire

on December 0", !"#, *ithout salary/

Robert &rmstron(

  'eff $ashe

  Marcia $rands

  .evin Collins

  +inda Csen(eto

  Cynthia De(a<on

  )ancy Delaney

  iomara Guevara

  David Hollowell

  Charles LaRussa

  William “Hank” Lyon, Ex-Officio

  Mary Jane Melo

  Deborah Merz

  Thomas Pappas

  Tom Pepe

  Michelle Roers



R23O+B2D that D&B6D M% 3C&P6CC86O be and is hereby appointed Commissioner of

the 6nsurance Fund Commission to serve *ithout salary for t*o 57 years to e:pire

on December 0", !"J and in compliance *ith )%'%3%&% #!&/"!;1 and

$2 6T F4RT82R R23O+B2D that T8OM&3 '% M&3TR&)G2+O be and is hereby appointed

&lternate Commissioner of the 6nsurance Fund Commission to serve *ithout salary for

t*o 57 years to e:pire on December 0", !"J and in compliance *ith )%'%3%&%




  R23O+B2D that $R6&) .6)C&6D be and is hereby appointed as an &lternate member

of the +ae 8opatcon( Commission for a term of t*o 57 years to e:pire on December

0", !"J, *ithout salary%



R23O+B2D that 3T2B2 R&TT)2R be and is hereby appointed to serve as a member

of the +ae Musconetcon( Re(ional Plannin( $oard *ithout salary for a term of one5"7 year to e:pire on December 0", !"#%



R23O+B2D that the follo*in( be and are hereby appointed to serve on the M&P3

Citi<en &dvisory Committee for a term of one 5"7 year to e:pire on December 0",

!"#, *ithout salary/

$2R)&RD 8&92T


T8OM&3 P&PP&3'2&))2TT2 3% P2R+M&)

2M6+ 36MO)2TT6

M&R. 3T2P82)3O)



=82R2&3, there e:ists a need for the provision of professional le(al services

limited solely as a mediator at the County of Morris1 and

=82R2&3, the +ocal Public Contracts +a* 5)%'%3%&% #!&/"";", et se-%7 re-uires

that the resolution authori<in( the a*ard of contract for >professional services?

*ithout competitive bidin( and the contract itself must be available for publicinspection1 and


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  =82R2&3, the estimated amount of the contract to be a*arded shall be at the

rate of H"!J%!! per hour1 and

  )O=, T82R2FOR2, $2 6T R23O+B2D by the $oard of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the 3tate of )e* 'ersey as follo*s/

"% The &(reement bet*een the County of Morris and Mediator M&TT82= '%O’DO))2++, a copy of *hich shall be on file in the Office of the County

&dministrator and made a part hereof by reference, is hereby approved

and shall be entered into by this $oard%

% The Director of the $oard of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authori<ed to

si(n and e:ecute the contract conditioned upon the contractors

compliance *ith the re-uirements set forth in para(raph J, belo*%

0% The contract is a*arded *ithout competitive biddin( as a >professional

service? under the provisions of the +ocal Public Contracts +a* because

it is for services to be rendered by a person or persons practice is

re(ulated by la*%

#% &n official notice of this action shall be published in accordance *ith

the la*%

J% The contract is a*arded pursuant to a fair and open process in compliance

*ith )%'%3%&. "L/##&;!%", et se-%



R23O+B2D that +6)D& C32)G2TO be and is hereby appointed as a member of the

Mental 8ealth &dvisory $oard to fill the vacancy created by D&B6D =&+.2R and *ill

serve *ithout salary for three 507 years to e:pire on December 0", !"E1 and

$2 6T F4RT82R R23O+B2D that C+&6R2 COO)29 be and is hereby appointed as a

member of the Mental 8ealth &dvisory $oard to serve *ithout salary to fill the

une:pired three 507 year term of FR&) +6$&3C6 to e:pire on 'une 0!, !"E1 and

$2 6T F4RT82R R23O+B2D that C82R9+ D% G&ROD)6C. be and is hereby appointed as

a member of the Mental 8ealth &dvisory $oard to serve *ithout salary to fill the

une:pired three 507 year term of .&R2) C4T&)2O to e:pire on 'une 0!, !"J%



R23O+B2D that the follo*in( be and are hereby appointed members of the Morris

County &dvisory Committee on =omen to serve for a period of one 5"7 year to e:pireon December 0", !"#, *ithout salary/

  Pam $ennett;3antoro

 2dith Fran

 Carole 8arper

 Dianne 8artshorn

 Tina +iu 'en

 Bir(inia +yttle

 2laine Muller Patricia ODo*d Donohue

 Patti Pa(e

Michelle Roers

 3ibila 3aens;=illiams &ida Bisaay

 Connie =ard Deirdre =heatley;+iss



R23O+B2D that the follo*in( be and are hereby appointed members of the Morris

Bie* &dvisory Committee to serve *ithout salary for a period of one 5"7 year to

e:pire on December 0", !"#/

Mary 'o $uchanan

Theresa Davis

.atherine &% DeFillippo


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Catherine 2n(ler

$eth 'arett

8an +yon

Cheryl 3% MacDou(all

Fran Pinto

Glenn Roe

2va Turbiner



R23O+B2D that the follo*in( be and are here*ith appointed as members of the

Mos-uito Control &dvisory $oard to serve *ithout salary for the terms indicated/

Member Term 2:piration date

'ohn Cesaro, 2:;officio One 5"7 year December 0", !"#

&my Di$artolo Three 507 years December 0", !"E

Carlos Pere< T*o 57 years December 0", !"J

8enry 3a*osi Three 507 years December 0", !"EMarc 3laff T*o 57 years December 0", !"J

Maria 3heridan One 5"7 year December 0", !"#




R23O+B2D that .&T8R9) &% D2F6++6PPO be and is hereby appointed as a member of

the )orth 'ersey Transportation Plannin( &uthority *ithout salary at the pleasure

of the $oard%



R23O+B2D that 3T4&RT +&332R and P86+6P T% 3&)T6&GO be and are hereby

appointed to serve as members of the Morris County Par Commission *ithout salary

for a term of five 5J7 years to e:pire on December 0", !"%



R23O+B2D that .&T8R9) &% D2F6++6PPO and T8OM&3 '% M&3TR&)G2+O be and are

hereby appointed to serve as members of the Picatinny Technolo(y 6nnovation Center

$oard of Directors *ithout salary at the pleasure of the $oard%



  R23O+B2D that &))&$2+ P62RC2 and 63O$2+ O+COTT be and are hereby appointed to

serve as members of the Morris County Plannin( $oard for a term of three 507 years

to e:pire on December 0", !"E, *ithout salary%



R23O+B2D that in accordance *ith )%'%3%&% #!/@;"%", the $oard of Chosen

Freeholders of the County of Morris approves the appointment made by the Freeholder

Director of 3T2P82) 'O)23 as Morris County Plannin( $oard &lternate )o% " to serve

for a term of one 5"7 year to e:pire on December 0", !"#, *ithout salary1 and

$2 6T F4RT82R R23O+B2D that in accordance *ith )%'%3%&% #!/@;"%", the $oard

of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris approves the appointment made by the

Freeholder Director of )6T& G&+&T2 as Morris County Plannin( $oard &lternate )o%

to serve for a term of one 5"7 year to e:pire on December 0", !"#, *ithout salary%



R23O+B2D that D22)& +2&R9 and 826D6 P22R be and are hereby appointed to serve

as members of the Public 2mployee 3u((estion &*ards Committee *ithout salary for a

term of three 507 years to e:pire on December 0", !"E%



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  R23O+B2D that the follo*in( be and are hereby appointed as members of the

Morris County Public 3afety Trainin( &cademy &dvisory $oard to serve *ithout salary

for a one;year term to e:pire on December 0", !"#/

  Dan Caffery

=illiam 2(bert

Thomas &% Gu(lielmo

3tanley 8ansen

'oseph 8o(h

Charles McCoy

Raymond )isivoccia

)icholas 3accamano

Dennis 3anderson

Dou(las 3cheer



=82R2&3, there e:ists a need for professional certified court reportin(

services to assist the County of Morris in hearin(s1 and

=82R2&3, the estimated ma:imum amount of the contracts to be a*arded is

HJ,!!!%!!1 and

=82R2&3, the +ocal Public Contracts +a* 5)%'%3%&% #!&/"";", et se-%7 re-uires

that the resolution authori<in( the a*ard of contract for professional services

*ithout competitive biddin( and the contract itself must be available for public


)O= T82R2FOR2, $2 6T R23O+B2D by the $oard of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the 3tate of )e* 'ersey as follo*s/

"% The contract dated 'anuary 0, !"#, as proposed by T&9+OR and FR62D$2RG,

& )e* 'ersey Partnership, in its proposal dated 'anuary 0, !"#, a copy

*hich is on file in the Office of the County &dministrator and made a

part hereof by reference, is hereby approved and shall be entered into by

this $oard%


% The Director of the $oard of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authori<ed to

e:ecute said contract conditioned upon the contractors compliance *ith

the re-uirements set forth in para(raph E, belo*%


0% The contract is a*arded *ithout competitive biddin( as a professional

service under the provisions of the +ocal Public Contract +a* because it

is for services to be rendered by a person or persons *hose practice isre(ulated by la*%


#% The Treasurer is hereby authori<ed to issue a Certificate of &vailability

  of Funds char(in( Capital &ccount%

J% )otice of this action shall be published in the Daily Record%

E% The contract is a*arded pursuant to a fair and open process in compliance

*ith N.J.S.A. "L/##&;!%", et se-%



 R23O+B2D that 'O8) C23&RO be and is hereby appointed as a member of the

Roca*ay River =atershed Cabinet to serve at the pleasure of the $oard *ithout




R23O+B2D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed members of the 3olid =aste

&dvisory Council for a term of one year to e:pire on December 0", !"# *ithout




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'O32P8 )&M2T.O

P&TR6C. P&O+2++&




 =82R2&3, there e:ists a need for the provision of professional le(al

services at the County of Morris1 and

  =82R2&3, the +ocal Public Contracts +a* 5)%'%3%&% #!&/"";", et se-%7

re-uires that the resolution authori<in( the a*ard of contract for

professional services *ithout competitive biddin( and the contract itself

must be available for public inspection1 and

=82R2&3, the estimated amount of the contracts to be a*arded shall be at

the ma:imum rate of H"!%!! per hour for partners and H"E!%!! per hour for

associates and additional compensation *ill be based on the follo*in( billin(


a% =ith respect to any permanent financin( of Morris County, char(es forservices rendered shall be the sum of base fee of H,J!!%!! plus H"%!!


H",!!!%!! of bonds issued% &lternatively,, *ith respect to any temporary

financin(s of Morris County, char(ed *ill be the sum of a H",J!!%!! base

fee, plus H%J! per H",!!!%!! of temporary notes issued%

b% =ith respect to the preparation or revie* of each bond ordinance and

the compilation of a certified record of proceedin(s in connection

there*ith, char(es shall be H0!!%!! for each bond ordinance prepared%

c% =ith respect to any advance refundin( contemplated by Morris County,

bond counsel *ill provide an 2scro* &(reement and *ill direct the

investment of proceeds of such advance refundin( issue in a mannerthat is consistent *ith the restrictions of federal ta: la* to

provide for the payment of the refunded issue, and shall char(e an

additional fee of H",J!!%!! for such services%

)O=, T82R2FOR2, $2 6T R23O+B2D by the $oard of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the 3tate of )e* 'ersey as follo*s/

"% The &(reements bet*een the County of Morris and DR6).2R, $6DD+e R2&T8,

8&=.6)3, D2+&F62+D =OOD1 MCM&)6MO), 3COT+&)D $&4M&)) and =O+FF

3&M3O) as >3pecial Counsel$ond Counsel?, copies of *hich shall be on

file in the Office of the County &dministrator and made a part hereof by

reference, are hereby approved and shall be entered into by this $oard%

% The Director of the $oard of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authori<ed to

si(n and e:ecute the referenced contracts%

0% The contracts are a*arded *ithout competitive biddin( as a professional

service under the provisions of the +ocal Public Contracts +a* because it

is for services to be rendered by a person or persons *hose practice is

re(ulated by la*%

#% &n official notice of this action shall be published in accordance

*ith the la*%

J% The contracts are a*arded pursuant to a fair and open process in

compliance *ith )%'%3%&. "L/##&;!%", et se-%



  =82R2&3, there e:ists a need for the provision of professional le(al

services at the County of Morris1 and

  =82R2&3, the +ocal Public Contracts +a* 5)%'%3%&% #!&/"";", et se-%7

re-uires that the resolution authori<in( the a*ard of contract for

professional services *ithout competitive biddin( and the contract itself

must be available for public inspection1 and

=82R2&3, the estimated amount of the contracts to be a*arded shall be

at the rate of H"!%!! per hour1 and


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)O=, T82R2FOR2, $2 6T R23O+B2D by the $oard of Chosen Freeholders of

the County of Morris in the 3tate of )e* 'ersey as follo*s:

l% The &(reements bet*een the County of Morris and 3pecial Counsel 5"7

$R6&) '% &+O6&1 57 'O8) M% $&R$&R4+&1 507 'O32P8 '% $2++, 'R%1 5#7

T8OM&3 '% $2)2D2TT61 5J7 'O8) M% $O=2)31 5E7 2D=&RD '% $4N&.1 5@7

DOM2)6C. C&RM&G)O+&1 57 +&=R2)C2 &% C&38&1 5L7 M&TT82= '% CO))&8&)1

5"!7 &+$2RT 2% CR4N1 5""7 $+&.2 3% D&B631 5"7 R6C8&RD P% D62G)&), 'R%15"07 'O32P8 M% DO)2G&)1 5"#7 DO4G+&3 F% DO9+21 5"J7 M&TT82= '%

G6&CO$$21 5"E7 RO$2RT '% GR22)$&4M1 5"@7 )6C8O+&3 &% GR62CO1 5"7 'O8)

P% 6)G+236)O1 5"L7 &++&) '% 63.R&1 5!7 =6++6&M G% 'O8)3O)1 5"7 =&+T2R

G% +4G2R1 57 GR2GG 3% M&+OB&)91 507 RO)&+D P% MO)D2++O1 5#7 'O8)

&% )&PO+6T&)O1 5J7 M&TT82= O’DO))2++1 5E7 8O=&RD D% POPP2R1 5@7

=&9)2 PO36T&)1 57 P&4+ M% 32+6TTO1 5L7 M&R. '% 32M2R&RO1 50!7 'O8)

TORT1 50"7 3T2B2) TR6M$O+61 507 FR&). '% B6TO+O1 5007 RO$2RT $%

=OODR4FF1 50#7 C8R63TOP82R 6% =OOD31 and 50J7 &)T8O)9 '% N&R6++O, 'R%,

copies of *hich shall be on file in the Office of the County

&dministrator and made a part hereof by reference, are hereby approved

and shall be entered into by this $oard%

% The Director of the $oard of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authori<ed tosi(n and e:ecute the contracts conditioned upon the contractor’s

compliance *ith the re-uirements set forth in para(raph J, belo*%

0% The contracts are a*arded *ithout competitive biddin( as a

professional service under the provisions of the +ocal Public

Contracts +a* because it is for services to be rendered by a person

or persons *hose practice is re(ulated by la*%

#% &n official notice of this action shall be published in accordance *ith

the la*%

J% The contracts are a*arded pursuant to a fair and open process in

  compliance *ith )%'%3%&% "L/##&;!%", et se-%



=82R2&3, there e:ists a need for professional title insurance services

to assist the County of Morris *ith purchases of interests in real property1


=82R2&3, the estimated ma:imum amount of the contract to be a*arded is

HJ,!!!%!!1 and

=82R2&3, the +ocal Public Contracts +a* 5)%'%3%&% #!&/"";", et se-%7

re-uires that the resolution authori<in( the a*ard of contract forprofessional services *ithout competitive biddin( and the contract itself

must be available for public inspection1

)O= T82R2FOR2, $2 6T R23O+B2D by the $oard of Chosen Freeholders of the

County of Morris in the 3tate of )e* 'ersey as follo*s/

 "% The contracts dated 'anuary 0, !"#, as proposed by C2)TR&+ '2R329

T6T+2 COMP&)9, 6)C., & )e* 'ersey Corporation1 '& T6T+2 6)34R&)C2

32RB6C231 M2G& T6T+2, ++C1 and 34$4R$&) T6T+2 &$3TR&CT, 6)C%, &

)e* 'ersey Corporation, and in their proposals dated 'anuary 0,

!"#, copies of *hich are on file in the Office of the County

&dministrator and made a part hereof by reference, are hereby

approved and shall be entered into this $oard% 

% The Director of the $oard of Chosen Freeholders is hereby authori<ed to

e:ecute said contracts conditioned upon the contractor’s compliance *ith

the re-uirements set forth in para(raph E, belo*%

0% The contracts are a*arded *ithout competitive biddin( as a

professional service under the provisions of the +ocal Public

Contract +a* because it is for services to be rendered by a person

or persons *hose practice is re(ulated by la*%

#% The Treasurer is hereby authori<ed to issue a Certificate of

&vailability of Funds char(in( Capital &ccount%


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 4, 2014J% )otice of this action shall be published in accordance *ith the


E% The contracts are a*arded pursuant to a fair and open process in

compliance *ith N.J.S.A. "L/##&;!%", et se-%



  R23O+B2D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed as members of the

Transportation $oard for the terms indicated to serve *ithout salary/

Member Term 2:piration date

6lene &% Dorf;Manahan Three 507 years December 0", !"E

Fran T% Reilly Three 507 years December 0", !"E

'ohn Cesaro, 2:;Officio One 5"7 year December 0", !"#



R23O+B2D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed members to the Botin(

&ccessibility &dvisory Committee for the County of Morris for a term of one

year to e:pire on December 0", !"#, *ithout salary/

'ohn Fo:

Geor(e 8anley

8elen OConnor

'ohn R% 3ette

3heila 3huford

Carmela 3livinsiThomas Naccone



R23O+B2D that 'O8) C23&RO and 82)R9 .&F2+ be and are hereby appointed

as members of the =hippany River =atershed &ction Committee *ithout salary

at the pleasure of the $oard%



R23O+B2D that 'O8) C23&RO and 82)R9 .&F2+ be and are hereby appointed

as members of the =hippany River =atershed Mana(ement Group *ithout salary

to serve at the pleasure of the $oard%



R23O+B2D that the follo*in( be and are hereby appointed members of the

=orforce 6nvestment $oard for Morris3usse:=arren Counties for a term of

three 507 years to e:pire on December 0", !"E, *ithout salary/


&nne Marie $ro*n

Donna $uchanan

&nn Marie Flae

Carol 8ults

'im 'ones

Geor(e .revet

Paul Ma<ur

3cott Moffitt

Robert 8% Peabody

Peter Ri<<o




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R23O+B2D that the follo*in( are hereby appointed members of the 9outh

3ervices &dvisory Committee 593&C7 for a term of one year to e:pire on

December 0", !"#, *ithout salary/

  Barbara Allen

Maria Augustowicz

  Laurie Becker

  Theresa Belske

  Lila Bernstein  Tina Bibbo

  Michele Borden

  Heidi Brotzman

  Jill Cerullo

  Diana Cirillo

  Samantha Denegri

  Sandra Gogerty

  Juli Harpell-Elam

  Elizabeth Jacobson

  David Johnson

  Kimberly Johnson

  David Johnston

  Rose Marie Kill

  Kathleen Leonard  Sylvia Lippe

  William “Hank” Lyon Ex-Officio

  Dolores Mann

  Carolee Marano

  Lashone Murphy

  Neville Newton

  Susan O’Donnell

  Frank Pinto

  Meredith Reilly

  Claudia Salomon

  James Saylor

  Linda Seeley

  Laura Siemonsma-Bertelli

  Jaime Simon  Abdul Staten

  Ingrid Vaca-Bullaro

  Jeena Ibrahim Williams

  Linda Wolk



 R23O+B2D that the County Treasurer pay the county officials and

employees their salaries in e-ual installments bi;*eely, e:cept as the same

is provided other*ise by statute or resolution%



 R23O+B2D that the salaries for the Officers and 2mployees of the County of

Morris for the year !"# shall remain the same as in pay period number E, the last

pay period for the year !"0, unless an officer or employee re-uests the County

Treasurer in *ritin( to pay a lesser rate in *hich case the lesser rate shall be



 (E07R23O+B2D that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authori<ed to pay

Principal and interest of the county debt as the sum matures or accrues%



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 R23O+B2D that the County Treasurer be and is hereby authori<ed to remit

funds for =orers’ compensation and General +iability 3elf;6nsurance covera(e for




R23O+B2D that the County Treasurer be and is hereby authori<ed to pay monthly

premiums for Group 6nsurance for employees as said premiums come due%




RESOLVED that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay

rentals due for property rented by the County as said amounts become due and are

presented for payment.



RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to pay

the cost of postage for the mailing of sample ballots as said sum becomes due.



  R23O+B2D by the $oard of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris in the

3tate of )e* 'ersey as follo*s/

"% That the Director of $oard of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris is

hereby authori<ed to si(n fiscal year !"# 3ub(rant &(reements on behalf of the

Morris3usse:=arren 3ervices Delivery &rea to be funded under the =orforce6nvestment &ct of the =or First )e* 'ersey Pro(ram%

% That this resolution *ill enable the above named to si(n and e:ecute


3ub(rant &(reements *ith vocational trainin( providers *ho a(ree to provide

classroom trainin( for 2mployment and Trainin( 3ervice participants% The

a(reements *ill stipulate the type of trainin(, payment provisions and


of money the providers *ill be paid for trainin( the participants%

0% That these a(reements do not obli(ate the 2mployment and Trainin( 3ervices to

utili<e the services of the trainin( provider, nor does it obli(ate the

2mployment and Trainin( 3ervices to send any participants to the trainin(provider for trainin(% These a(reements do not obli(ate the 2mployment and

Trainin( 3ervices to pay out any funds unless 2mployment and Trainin( 3ervices

participants are trained by the provider, and then only under the payment

provisions as set forth in the a(reement%



R23O+B2D, by the $oard of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris in the

3tate of )e* 'ersey as follo*s/

"% That the Director of the Morris3usse:=arren =orforce 6nvestment $oard and

the Director of the Pro(ram Operations of the 2mployment and Trainin(

3ervices, are hereby authori<ed to approve for fiscal year !"# 6ndividual

Trainin( Grants, funded under the =orforce 6nvestment &ct or the =or

Force )e* 'ersey pro(ram, and as ne(otiated as part of the 3ub(rant

&(reements, on behalf of the Morris3usse:=arren County 3ervices

Delivery &rea, *hich 3ub(rant &(reements *ill have been previously approved

and e:ecuted by the $oard of Chosen Freeholders%

% That the resolution *ill enable the above named to si(n and e:ecute

individual Trainin( Grants for each participant and obli(ate funds for the

specific participant and vocational trainin( provider, consistent *ith the

3ub(rant &(reement bet*een the trainin( provider and the service provider,

3ub(rant &(reement number, participant name, type of fundin(, enrollment


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 4, 2014period and amount of money the provider *ill be paid for trainin( the

specified participant%

3. That each individual Training Grant will be subject to the issuance of any

appropriate Certificate of Availability of Funds by the Director of Finance

by the and County Treasurer, and further, to the future availability of


4. These agreements do not obligate the Employment and Training Services to pay

out any funds unless Employment and Training Services participants are trainedas specified by the Individual Training Grant and then only under the payment

provisions as set forth in the vendor specific Subgrant Agreement.



RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris in the

State of New Jersey as follows:

1. That the Director of the Morris/Sussex/Warren Workforce Investment Board and

the Director of Program Operations of the Employment and Training Services,

are hereby authorized to negotiate and sign fiscal year 2011 on-the-Job

Training contracts funded under the Workforce Investment Act or the WorkForce new Jersey program, and as negotiated as part of the Subgrant

Agreements, on behalf of the Morris/Sussex/Warren County Service Delivery

Area, which Subgrant Agreements will have been previously approved and

executed by the Board of Chosen Freeholders.

2. That this resolution will enable the above named to sign and execute On-

the-Job Training contracts for each participant and obligate funds for

the specific participant and vocational  training provider, consistent

with the Subgrant Agreement between the training provider and the service

provider, Subgrant Agreement number, participant name, type of funding,

enrollment period and amount of money the provider will be paid for

training the specified participant.

3. That each On-the-Job Training contract will be subject to the issuance of

any appropriate Certificate of Availability of Funds by the Director of

Finance and County Treasurer, and further, to the future availability of


4. These agreements do not obligate the Employment and Training Services to

pay out any funds unless Employment and Training Services participants

are trained as specified by the On-the-Job Training contract and then

only under the payment provisions as set forth in the vendor specific

Subgrant Agreement.



RESOLVED by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris in the

State of New Jersey as follows:

1. That the Department of Human Services, Division of Temporary Assistance,

Offices of Temporary Assistance Program Services, is hereby authorized to

issue checks covering emergency situations from the Administration Account

for the period January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014.

2. That the Department of Human Services, Division of Temporary Assistance,

Offices of Temporary Assistance Program Services is hereby authorized to


checks drawn on the Miscellaneous Revolving Fund Account for the periodJanuary 1, 2014 though December 31, 2014.




RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to

advance to the County Counsel, from time to time, the sum of $1,000.00 or such

part thereof as may be required for Petty Cash disbursements, said sum to be

returned to the County Treasurer on or before December 31, 2014.




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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 4, 2014  RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to

advance to the County Sheriff, from time to time, the sum of $500.00 or such part

thereof as may be required for Petty Cash disbursements, said sum to be returned

to the County Treasurer on or before December 31, 2014.



RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to

advance to the Superintendent of Elections, from time to time, the sum of $50.00or such part thereof as may be required for petty cash disbursements, said sum to

be returned to the County Treasurer on or before December 31, 2014.



  RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to

advance to the Library, from time to time, the sum of $1,000.00 or such part

thereof as may be required by the County Library, for petty cash disbursements,

said sum to be returned to the County Treasurer on or before December 31, 2014.



  RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to

advance to the Morris County Bureau of Corrections, from time to time, the sum of

$1,500.00 or such part thereof as may be required for petty cash disbursements,

said sum to be returned to the County Treasurer on or before December 31, 2014.



RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to

advance to the County Clerk, from time to time, the sum of $500.00 or such part

thereof as may be required by the County Clerk for petty cash disbursements, said

sum to be returned to the County Treasurer on or before December 31, 2014.



RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to

advance to Morris View Healthcare Center, from time to time, the sum of $500.00 or

such part thereof as may be required by the Director of the Department of Senior,

Disability and Veterans Services, for petty cash disbursements, said sum to be

returned to the County Treasurer on or before December 31, 2014.



  RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to advance

to the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office, from time to time, the sum of $1,000.00

or such part thereof as may be required for petty cash disbursements, said sum to

be returned to the Morris County Treasurer on or before December 31, 2014.



RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to

advance to the Surrogate, from time to time, the sum of $100.00 or such part

thereof as may be required for petty cash disbursements, said sum to be returned

to the Morris County Treasurer on or before December 31, 2014.



RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to

advance to the Director of Human Services, from time to time, the sum of $400.00

or such

part thereof as may be required by the Director, for petty cash disbursements,

said sum to be returned to the County Treasurer on or before December 31, 2014.




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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 4, 2014  RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to

advance to the Department of M/S/W Employment and Training Services, from time to

time, the sum of $1,000.00 or such part thereof as may be required by the

Department of M/S/W Employment and Training Services, for petty cash

disbursements, said sum to be returned to the County Treasurer on or before

December 31, 2014.



  RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to

advance to the Morris County Division of Mosquito Control from time to time, the

sum of $400.00 or such part thereof as may be required by the Morris County

Division of Mosquito Control, for petty cash disbursements, said sum to be

returned to the County Treasurer on or before December 31, 2014.



  RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to advance

to the Morris County Motor Service Center, from time to time, the sum of $500.00

or such part thereof as may be required by the Morris County Motor Service Centerfor vehicle titles and inspection station, said sum to be returned to the County

Treasurer on or before December 31, 2014.



RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to

advance to the Division of Weights and Measures, from time to time, the sum of

$200.00 or such part thereof as may be required by the Division of Weights and

Measures for petty cash disbursements, said sum to be returned to the County

Treasurer on or before December 31, 2014.



RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to

advance to himself, as County Treasurer, from time to time, the sum of $25,000.00

or such part thereof as may be required for payment to the Postmaster for postagein connection with the operation of the stamp meter machine, said sum to be

returned to the County Treasurer on or before December 31, 2014.



RESOLVED that all ordinance(s) introduced during the calendar year 2014 be

published by the Clerk in summary form in the local newspaper together with thenotice of public hearing and consideration of final passage of said ordinance(s)

and that the Clerk be authorized to publish all ordinance(s) that are adopted

during the calendar year 2014 in summary form and notification of their passage in

the local newspaper in accordance with the law.



 RESOLVED that the Cash Management Plan of the County of Morris including

designation of depositories be and is hereby approved and shall be in effect from

January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014.



WHEREAS, 40A:4-19 Local Budget Act provides that where any contracts,

commitments or payments are to be made prior to the final adoption of the 2014

Budget temporary appropriations be made for the purpose and amounts required in

the manner and time therein provided; and

WHEREAS, the date of this resolution is within the first thirty days of

2014; and

WHEREAS, the total appropriation in the 2013 Budget, less appropriations


of Capital Improvement Fund, Debt Service and Relief of the Poor (Public

Assistance) are as follows: General - $271,182,765.00; and


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 4, 2014WHEREAS, twenty six and twenty five hundredths of one percent of the total

appropriations in the 2013 Budget less appropriations for Capital Improvement

Fund, Debt Service and Relief of the Poor (Public Assistance) in the said 2013

Budget is as follows:

General - $71,185,475.81; now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Morris

in the State of New Jersey that the following temporary appropriations be made and

that a certified copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Chief Financial

Officer for his records:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing appropriations shall be inserted

in the annual budget for the year 2014 as required by law.


  County of Morris

!"# Temporary $ud(et !"0


&ccountU General Government Functions $ud(et

!;"!!"!!;!!! County &dministrator’s Office

!;"!!"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es L!,00%!!

!;"!!"!!;!! Other 2:penses J!,!#"%!!

!;"!J!!!;!!! 2mployee Resources

!;"!J!!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es "!,!!!%!!

!;"!J!!!;!! Other 2:penses LJ,@##%!!

!;"!J"!!;!!! Personnel

!;"!J"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es "!,!!!%!!

!;"!J"!!;!! Other 2:penses "J,E"%!!

!;"!J""J;!!! Medical 3ervices

!;"!J""J;!! Other 2:penses !,#0%!!

!;""!!!!;!!! $oard of Chosen Freeholders!;""!!!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es L#,0"%!!

!;""!!!!;!! Other 2:penses "0E,"E@%!!

!;""!"!!;!!! $oard of Chosen Freeholders

!;""!"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es #J,0!E%!!

!;""!"!!;!! Other 2:penses "@,LL!!

!;""!"!J;!!! Cler of the $oard

!;""!"!J;!"! 3alaries =a(es #,LJ%!!

!;""!"!J;!! Other 2:penses ,%!!

!;"!"!!;!!! County Cler

!;"!"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es #EJ,L"0%!!

!;"!"!!;!! Other 2:penses JJ,"J!%!!

!;""!!!;!!! 2lections!;""!!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es 0JJ,@E%!!

!;""!!!;!! Other 2:penses JJ!,!!!%!!

!;"""!!;!!! $oard of 2lections

!;"""!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es E@,!LL%!!

!;"""!!;!! Other 2:penses "!,!!!%!!

!;"""!J;!!! 3uperintendent of 2lections

!;"""!J;!"! 3alaries =a(es ",JL%!!

!;"""!J;!! Other 2:penses "0!,!!!%!!

!;""""!;!!! County 2lections 5County Cler7

!;""""!;!"! 3alaries =a(es E@,!L%!!

!;""""!;!! Other 2:penses !!,!!!%!!

!;"0!!!!;!!! Department of Finance

!;"0!!!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es #L,"J0%!!

!;"0!!!!;!! Other 2:penses "",0%!!

!;"0!"!!;!!! Treasurer’s office

!;"0!"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es 0!,L!%!!

!;"0!"!!;!! Other 2:penses J!,!!!%!!

!;"0!"!J;!!! Purchasin(

!;"0!"!J;!"! 3alaries =a(es "!,@@J%!!

!;"0!"!J;!! Other 2:penses !,##J%!!

!;"0!""!;!!! Office 3ervices

!;"0!""!;!"! 3alaries =a(es 0,#@E%!!

!;"0!"!!;!! Other 2:penses J",#0%!!

!;"#!!!!;!!! 6nformation Technolo(y

!;"#!!!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es L#0,"E0%!!


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 4, 2014!;"#!!!!;!! Other 2:penses 0@,"!J%!!

!;"#!"!!;!!! 6nformation Technolo(y Division

!;"#!"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es !!,!!!%!!

!;"#!"!!;!! Other 2:penses J,0%!!

!;"#!"!J;!!! O+63

!;"#!"!J;!"! 3alaries =a(es "#0,"E0%!!

!;"#!"!J;!! Other 2:penses "",@"@%!!

!;"J!"!!;!!! $oard of Ta:ation

!;"J!"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es #E,##J%!!

!;"J!"!!;!! Other 2:penses "0,!#J%!!

!;"JJ"!!;!!! County Counsel

!;"JJ"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es @,!LE%!!

!;"JJ"!!;!! Other 2:penses "EE,@J!%!!

!;"E!"!!;!!! County 3urro(ate

!;"E!"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es "",E#@%!!

!;"E!"!!;!! Other 2:penses "J,@J!%!!

!;"EJ"!!;!!! 2n(ineerin(

!;"EJ"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es #"!,!!!%!!

!;"EJ"!!;!! Other 2:penses @!,!!!%!!

!;"!!!!;!!! Plannin( Development

!;"!!!!;!"! 3alaries K =a(es 0J!,!!!%!!

!;"!!!!;!! Other 2:penses 0!,!!!%!!


!;"@J"!!;!!! 8erita(e Commission 5R%3% #!%00 &;E7

!;"@J"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es "J,JL"%!!

!;"@J"!!;!! Other 2:penses E,LE#%!!

  Total General Government J,0JL,#@@%!!

  Code 2nforcement &dministration

;!""!!;!!! =ei(hts Measures

;!""!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es "J%@0J%!!

;!""!!;!! Other 2:penses ",!!!%!!

  Total Code 2nforcement &dministration LE,@0J%!!



0;!"!!;!! Group 6nsurance Plan for 2mployees H,JJ%J!%!!

0;""!!;!! 8ealth $enefit =aiver ,@J!%!!

  Total 6nsurance ,E#",!!!%!!

  Public 3afety Functions

J;J"!!;!!! 2mer(ency Mana(ement

J;J"!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es ",J!!,!!!%!!

J;J"!!;!! Other 2:penses 0JE,"#"%!!

J;J"!!;!!! 2mer(ency Mana(ement

J;J"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es "J!,J0!%!!

J;J"!!;!! Other 2:penses J,!#%!!

J;J"!J;!!! Communications Center

J;J"!J;!"! 3alaries =a(es ",0#L,#@!%!!

J;J"!J;!! Other 2:penses L,""@%!!

J;J#"!!;!!! Medical 2:aminer

J;J#"!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es !,!%!!

J;J#"!!;!! Other 2:penses 0,"0%!!

J;@!"!!;!!! 3heriff’s Office

J;@!"!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es ,LEE,#0%!!

J;@!"!!;!! Other 2:penses "J,!!!%!!

J;@J"!!;!!! Prosecutor’s Office

J;@J"!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es 0,E0,JEE%!!

J;@J"!!;!! Other 2:penses !!,!!!%!!

J;!"!!;!!! 'ail


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BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – ANNUAL MEETING – JANUARY 4, 2014J;!"!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es #,EL,0E%!!

J;!"!!;!! Other 2:penses JLJ,!"0%!!

J;""!!;!!! 9outh Center

J;""!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es JJE,J%!!

J;""!!;!! Other 2:penses J#,@"%!!

Total Public 3afety Functions "J,!!!,0#0%!!

  Public =ors Functions

E;L!!!!;!!! Road Repairs

E;L!!!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es ",@",#E@%!!

E;L!!!!;!! Other 2:penses ",J#,#!E%!!

E;L"!!;!!! $rid(es and Culverts

E;L"!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es J#L,0"J%!!

E;L"!!;!! Other 2:penses 0@,!!!%!!

E;0!!"!!;!!! 3hade Tree Commission

E;0!!"!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es L,!0"%!!

E;0!!"!!;!! Other 2:penses "!,!0!%!!

E;0"!"!!;!!! $uildin( GroundsE;0"!"!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es ",J,J#%!!

26-310100-020 Other 2:penses J#J,@J%!!

E;0"J"!!;!!! Motor 3ervice Center

E;0"J"!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es EE",0!%!!

E;0"J"!!;!! Other 2:penses LL,J!!%!!

  Mos-uito Control

E;0!"!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es 0J!,!!!%!!

Other 2:penses E!,!!!%!!


Total Public =ors Functions E,JJ#,!!%!!

 8ealth and 8uman 3ervices Functions

@;00"!!!;!!! Dept% of 8uman 3ervices Plannin(

@;00"!!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es JE,0!@%!!

@;00"!!!;!! Other 2:penses 0,@J%!!

@;00""!!;!!! 8uman 3ervices

@;00"""!;!"! 3alaries =a(es "J,LL%!!

@;00"""!;!! Other 2:penses "","0!%!!

@;00"""!;!!! 9outh 3helter

@;00"""!;!"! 3alaries =a(es 0@0,0"%!!

@;00"""!;!! Other 2:penses @,E%!!

@;00!"!!;!!! 8ealth Mana(ement

@;00!"!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es J,!#%!!

@;00!"!!;!! Other 2:penses J#,J!E%!!

@;000"!!;!!! Office on &(in(

@;000"!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es E,#%!!

@;000"!!;!! Other 2:penses 0J,!!!%!!

@;0#!!!;!! Grant in &id &ccounts @!!,!!!%!!


@;0#0"!!;!! 3eniors, Beterans and Disabled

@;0#0"!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es 0@,#!L%!!

@;0#0"!!;!! Other 2:penses L@,!##%!!

@;0#J"!!;!!! County Office of Temporary &ssistance@;0#J"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es ,!JJ,J%!!

Other 2:penses ",!L,@#0%!!

@;0J!"!!;!!! Morris Bie* )ursin( 8ome

@;0J!!!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es 0,LJ!,!!!%!!

@;0J!"!!;!! Other 2:penses 0,EJ!,!!!%!!

@;0J!"!!;!!! MB &dministration

@;0J!"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es 0,LJ!,!!!%!!

@;0J!"!!;!! Other 2:penses #,!JL%!!

@;0J!""!;!!! MB $uildin( 3ervices

@;0J!""!;!"! 3alaries =a(es

@;0J!""!;!! Other 2:penses ",!@,0"#%!!

@;J!""J;!!! MB Dietary


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@;0J!""J;!! Other 2:penses L!,E!@%!!

@;0J!"J;!!! MB +aundry

@;0J!"J;!"! 3alaries =a(es

@;0J!"J;!! Other 2:penses 0J,J!%!!

@;0J!"0!;!!! MB )ursin(

@;0J!"0!;!"! 3alaries =a(es

@;0J!"0!;!! Other 2:penses 00#,#!%!!

@;0J!"0J;!!! MB/ Recreation Bolunteer 3vcs%

@;0J!"0J;!"! 3alaries =a(es

@;0J!"0J;!! Other 2:penses #L,"!!%!!

@;0J!"#!;!!! MB Rehabilitation

@;0J!"#!;!"! 3alaries =a(es

@;0J!"#!;!! Other 2:penses 0@E,J!%!!

@;0J#"!!;!!! T&)F

@;0J#"!J;!!! +ocal 3hare E!,!!!%!!

@;0JJ"!!;!! &ssistance for 3upplementary 3ecurity 6ncome """,J!%!!


@;0J@"!!;!!! County &duster

@;0J@"!!;!"! 3alaries and =a(es JJ,!!!%!!@;0J@"!!;!! Other 2:penses ,!LJ%!!

Total 8ealth 8uman 3vcs% Functions ",L@J,JEE%!!


Par and Recreation Functions

;0@!"!!;!! Par Commission @,!!!,!!!%!!

Total Par and Recreation Functions @,!!!,!!!%!!

  2ducation Functions

 L;0L!"!!;!!! County +ibrary 3ervices

L;0L!"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es #0,!LL%!!

L;0L!"!!;!! Other 2:penses "#E,@"%!!


L;0L"!!;!!! Office of County 3upt% Of 3chools

L;0L"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es #",0!%!!

L;0L"!!;!! Other 2:penses 0,0%!!

L;0LJ"!!;!! County Colle(e ,L!!,!!!%!!

L;0LE"!!;!!! County 2:tension 3ervice

L;0LE"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es @!,J!#%!!

L;0LE"!!;!! Other 2:penses "#,EE0%!!

L;0L@"!!;!! Reimb for Residents &ttendin(

Out of County Colle(es  ,J!!%!! 

L;#!!"!!;!! Bocational 3chool 0,"!!,!!!%!!

L;#!@"!!;!!! Public 3afety Trainin( &cademy

L;#!@"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es "E,!JL%!!

L;#!@"!!;!! Other 2:penses 0,"L%!!


Total 2ducation Functions @,0EE,0E%!!


4tility 2:penses and $ul Purchases

0";#0!"!!;!! 4tilities ",EJ!,!!!%!!

  Total 4nclassified ",EJ!,!!!%!!


0J;#@!"!!;!! Contin(ency @,J!!%!!


Total Contin(ent @,J!!%!!

  3tatutory 2:penditures

0E;#@"!!;!!! 3ocial 3ecurity 3ystem ",E@J,!!!%!!

0E;#@@"!!;!! Pension Fund Detectives "!,!!!%!!


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Total 3tatutory 2:penditures ",ELJ,!!!%!!


Public and Private Pro(rams Offset by Revenue

Federal and 3tate Grants

  Department of 8ealth and 3enior 3ervices/

#";@"E"!!;!!! Title 666 )utrition Pro(ram

#";@"E"!!;!"! 3alaries =a(es #"!,!E!%!!

#";@"E"!!;!! Other 2:penses @#0,@"!%!!


#";@"E"!!;!! &rea Plan Grant J!,!!!%!!

#";@JL!!!;!! &+P) J!,!!!%!!

#";@E!!!;!! M&P3 County 3hare 0!!%!!!%!!


Total Public and Private Pro(rams offset by Revenue ",LJ0,@@!%!!

  Capital 6mprovements

##;L"J"!!;!! Capital 6mprovement Fund #!!,!!!%!!

  Total Capital 6mprovements #!!,!!!%!!


County Debt 3ervice

#J;L!!!!;!!! Payment of $ond Principal

#J;L!"!!;!! County $onds "E,#!,!!!%!!

#J;L!"!J;!! Par $onds ",0EJ,!!!%!!

#J;L!""!;!! County Colle(e $onds ","0J,!!!%!!

#J;L#!"!;!! +ease $ond #J!,!!!%!!

#J;L0!!!!;!!! 6nterest on $onds

#J;L0!"!!;!! County $onds ",E#J%0",#J;L0!"!J;!! Par $onds ""#,!E%

#J;L0!""!;!! County Colle(e $onds ,EJ%E0

#J;L#!"J;!! +ease $ond 0"L,E"%E

#J;L#!"!!;!! Green &cres +oan Payments "",#JJ%LL


Total County Debt 3ervice !,@J0,L%E

TOT&+ G2)2R&+ &PPROPR6&T6O)3 HL,EJ0,!##%E


Total 3alaries H0!,!#,!J!%!!


Total &ccountable a(ainst $ud(et +imit HE,#LL,@JJ%!!


On motion from Freeholder Cabana, seconded by Freeholder 3capicchio

Resolutions ";L *ere unanimously approved%

923/ Freeholders Cabana, Cesaro, DeFillippo, .ricus, +yon, 3capicchio,

and Director Mastran(elo 5@7


Michael Bitcavich, 4nited 3tates )avy Chaplain and Chaplain for )e*ar

Police, (ave the benediction%

On motion by Freeholder Cabana and seconded by Freeholder +yon the meetin(

*as adourned at ""/0! a%m%

The Director invited all of the (uests to a reception prepared by

+on(fello*’s 3and*ich Deli in the &trium immediately follo*in( this meetin(%

  Respectfully 3ubmitted,


Diane M% .etchum

Cler of the $oard


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