ff8 disc 2 walkthrough

Post on 19-Jul-2016






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FF8 disc 2 walk through


Disc 2 Winhill (Laguna Dream Sequence)

Back to Laguna for a little while now that you have started Disc 2. There is a draw point in the corner of the room containing some free Curaga. You can use it to heal yourself from any damage Squall may have taken during the battle with Edea.

Follow Ellone downstairs and talk to her. The pub is right next door to the house, to the south and will be on the left hand side of the screen. While wandering through town you may encounter a random battle, but the enemies are easy for Laguna to take down, even by himself.

You will meet up with Kiros at the bar. Talk to him for a while and then the two of you will join up - be sure to junction him with some GFs. Since it will just be the two of you it would be a good idea to junction all of the available GFs so that the AP is received by each of them.

Head south across the bridge and walk to the very edge of town. When you get to the edge Laguna will shout "Alright! Our first patrol, complete!" When you do reach this point be sure to grab some stuff from item shop next door. Laguna and Squall’s item inventories are mixed, so you get to keep whatever you buy. Their money stashes, however, are not, so you may as well spend all of Laguna's 3000 gil on something... anything. Head back to the pub afterwards and talk to Raine upstairs.

Take a seat subplot – main story coming through.

Galbadia D-District Prison

There is a whole lot of talking in store for you. Just talk to everyone when you gain control of Zell until he sits back down again. When given the choice, choose to stand up to the Mean Guy beating on the Moomba. When given a choice again during Squalls interrogation choose "Just let me die..."

Make your way up to the next floor: Floor 08. Walk over to the two soldiers standing in front of the weapons. Equip Zell with a Guardian Force or two before initiating combat to make things easier, though he will have no trouble taking them out

without a GF. Take the time to junction your entire team with Guardian Forces when Quistis and Selphie join you.

Biggs and Wedge

This is an extremely easy battle, especially if you've taken the time to set up properly. Biggs and Wedge both have spells that you will want to take the time to draw, so take your time, because these two don't hit hard at all making it an easy opportunity to stock up on some nice spells (Haste, Regen, Reflect, Shell, etc.).

There are some items you can grab on the floors below Floor 07 that are listed below. But if you are not interested in any of them you can just start heading up towards Floor 13 which is where Squall is being held. Stop on Floor 10 to battle the card player there (it costs money). If you defeat him he will customize your battle meter.

Floor What you will find...

13 SQUALL (Continues the game)

12 (Nothing)


Card Player (200 gil to play) – when you win you will receive one of the following prizes: [Potion], [Eye Drops], [Remedy],[Hi-Potion+], [Holy Stone], [Mega-Potion], [Rosetta Stone],[HP Up]

10 Card Player (300 gil to play) – when you win you will receive a customize battle meter

09 Berserk Draw Point

08 (Nothing)


06 Save Point


Card Player (500 gil to play) – when you win you will receive one of the following prizes: [Potion], [Eye Drops], [Remedy],[Gyshal Greens], [Flare Stone], [Mega-Phoenix], [Luck Up]

04 [Tent]

03 [Pet House]

02 [Str Up], [Pet Nametag]

01 [Combat King 001]

Continue up to the top of the prison to free Squall. Once you regain control of him, load him up with some Guardian Forcess and magic and head towards the "exit". The team will realize that they are actually buried under ground.

Zell will now be thrown into a few fights against a few more easy-to-kill soldiers. When you are given the chance take Squall’s party back up to the top floor.

Time to check in on Irvine and his team once again. Equip them all with some Guardian Forces (or just run from these unnecessary battles; the extra EXP and AP can't hurt though) and start making your way down to the third floor. From there the team will catch a ride up on the elevator to meet up with Squall on the Floor 13.

The first thing you should do when you are back in control of Squall’s team is talk to the Moomba at the top of the screen for a free [Cottage] and talk to the second Moomba to receive a free [Rename Card].

Make your way up to the top floor past the control panel and through the exit. This will throw you into a fight against two GIMS2A's and an Elite Soldier. There is nothing special about this battle and all three enemies are easy to take down. You can stock up on some Haste from either GIMS2A though.

After the battle Irvine's group will talk to you through the radio in the control room. Head out the door and cross the platform when they are done talking. The structure will morph as Squall tries to cross.

Hold right on the D-pad when he's hanging on the ledge. Now you are all done with the prison.

Outside the Prison

Divide the group up into two teams. Make sure that you put your best (or favorite) characters with Squall, as they will see much more action. You will start with the first team (Selphie's team) which is headed for the Galbadia Missile Base. The Galbadia Missile Base is located across the river as shown in the screenshot – you will need to make a sharp turn around the inlet of water. You can also pull up the mini-map and head towards the West. Be careful driving around too much or you will run out of fuel.

At this point in the game you can also get the Rinoa Card.

Rinoa Card

Head back to Deling City and back to General Caraway's Mansion. If you talk to General Caraway he will explain to you that essentially he wants the Ifrit Card. Lose the Ifrit Card to him on purpose and he will begin using the Rinoa Card so you can win it off of him.

Team 1: Galbadia Missile Base

It is possible to obtain the Rinoa Card at this point in the game before proceeding to the next mission (click the link for more information).

As mentioned on the previous page, the Galbadia Missile Base is located across the river as shown in the screenshot – you will need to make a sharp turn around the inlet of water. You can also pull up the mini-map and head towards the West. Be careful driving around too much or you will run out of fuel.

Equip the team with the appropriate Guardian Forcess and magic to make it through a few fights before you enter the Galbadia Missile Base.

Walk into the building entrance to the west and save before you continue. Take a look at the panel between the two locked doors to open the door on the left. Choose to walk by quietly when given the opportunity. The guard will stop you but will just make fun of you for walking in single file.

Down the stairs you will find another save point and an arrow to the left of it pointing back where you entered from point to an exit at the bottom left hand side of the screen. Follow the arrow to the south into the next room, grab the Blind draw point, and speak to the two guards standing across from the draw point. One of the guards will talk about inspecting a room near the missile launcher.

Go back to the room with the save point at the bottom of the stairs and head through the doorway at the top of the screen. Talk to the guard inspecting the silo (that he should go on ahead), then go back to the two

guards who sent the message.

Go back to the guard who made fun of you for walking in single file. Enter the room and examine the control panel. Tell Selphie to just press whatever.

As you leave the room the maintenance team will accost you. Try to talk your way out of the fight unless you enjoy pointless fighting. Make your way back to the room with the save point. As you approach the doorway all the guards entered through one of them will come out and ask you to help them. Agree to it and enter the room.

There is a draw point in this room you should grab in front of Silo 03. It's a Full-Life draw point so do not leave it behind! Jump in with the other guards to slowly move the launcher.

Walk out and examine the control panel on the wall to the right of the door. Choose to set the target and then max out the error ratio of 75% (don't ask me why a targeting computer would allow you to have a high error ratio). Select "Data Upload" after that. "Exit" after that. Make your way up the stairs to the right of the screen (the guard will let you past now) and get ready for a battle.

This is just another standard fight only with a lot more talking. The guards also have the ability to use Confuse, which doesn't make the battle all that much harder.

Examine the computers to try and stop the missile launch. You need to examine the big one on the left first, then the one on the right, then the one at the back of the room, and then the one through the doorway at the back of the other room. You will be given the option

to select a timer. Ten minutes is pretty tough, but you will get a much higher SeeD Ranking as a result of successful completion.

The only hard part about escaping is the boss battle outside the compound. You don't even have to do the rest of the running because of an interlude part way through your escape.


This is the hardest hitting boss you've had to face so far. It has the ability to kill a party member in a single blow. Coupled with the fact that you're being timed can make this boss a really tough fight.

Start by casting protect on all of your party members to lessen the damage of BGH251F2's primary attacks. You can draw it from the boss if you don't happen to have any stocked up. To bring it down quickly use lightning based attacks including Quetzalcoatl and Thunder/Thundara/Thundaga magic.

BGH251F2 has one very dangerous attack called Beam Cannon. It hits for approximately 1,000 damage and there isn’t much you can do to prevent it from hitting.

This boss has 6,000 HP, and each time you reduce its HP by 1,500 one of the six pods on the top of it will explode. This will give you a good indicator for how well you are doing based on the amount of time you have left. After you destroy BGH251F2 you will have to face the three soldiers who were operating it, but they are as easy as any normal guards. Good luck!

Note: If you find that this boss is giving you difficulty it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with how to junction magic properly to ensure that each team member has enough HP to withstand the BGH251F2’s assaults. More information about how to properly junction your magic is available in the Magic Junction Guide.

After you do some running around in the parking lot the team will give up and assume they are done for. One of your rewards for successfully completing this fight though is [Weapons Monthly June Issue].

Team 2: Balamb Garden

Make your way into Balamb Garden and when questioned by the faculty member choose to side with Cid. Either that or accept a quick fight.

There is not too much to explain about searching for Cid. You pretty much just have to check every area in the Garden and then make your way to the training center. If you want to find a save point you will have to head to the dormitory (Squall's Room).

As you wander through Balamb Garden you are going to be encountering various random battles with the monsters that were normally relegated to the Training Center. Among those monsters are the T-Rexaurs. While they are much easier to defeat now that you are significantly higher leveled, they can still prove quite formidable. They have approximately 20,000 hit points and hit fairly hard. Just remember that they are susceptible to Sleep magic.

Start by heading left to the infirmary and help the students you encounter along the way. Talk to Dr. Kadowaki after the fight is over to get a free [Elixer].

Next make your way up to the stage area (Quad). If you talk to the faculty member running the opposite direction you will be thrown into battle - your choice. When you get to the bottom you will see three SeeD members jump down from the rafters. Tell them that you're with the headmaster, and then talk to each of them. Two of them will give you information (who cares) but one will give you a free [X-Potion]. Then head back up and make your way to the cafeteria.

There is another faculty member along the way that

you are going to have to push out of the way. He only throws a Bomb at you though so it is a trivial fight. One of the SeeD members in the cafeteria will give you [Gysahl Greens] if you talk to her. The next stop is over at the dormitory. Another faculty member and another super easy fight against a Caterchipillar. Take the opportunity to save and heal up by taking a rest on Squall's bed.

Make your way over to the parking lot next for another fight. Don't get too excited at the fake Cid in the parking lot. Talk to the two SeeD members standing in the parking lot for a free [Tent]. Head out and skip past the Training Facility for now. Go over to the library instead and talk to the girl in the back. She will give you a [Mega-Phoenix] if you have Zell in your party or a [Remedy] if you don't, and as you can see from the screenshot my party was Zell-less. Now make your way to the Training Facility.

Follow the students and faculty member into the Training Facility and choose to help them out when presented with that option. You'll be thrown into battle against a T-Rexaur. The T-Rexaur, as explained before, has approximately 20,000 HP but they aren't all that strong in terms of damage output. Just be prepared for a long battle.

After the battle talk to the SeeD member to receive a free [Remedy] and then head back to the front of Balamb Garden.

In the main hall you'll meet up with Xu. Meet her up near the elevator and follow her up. Go to the end of the hallway to find her and talk to her one more time. Make your way up to Cid's office to tell him about the missiles. After that he will give you access down to the lower floors (MD Level). your team member’s weapons using Elemental Attack. Nearly all of the upcoming monsters and fights have some weakness to fire.

Take the elevator down to the MD level and as you do it will get stuck along the way. Examine the buttons on the wall, and then examine the square panel on the ground to begin your descent. Follow the suggestion by junctioning some Fire/Fira/Firaga magic to your elemental attack to make the fights down here a little easier.

Make your way through the hall and down the ladder. Through the door at the bottom of the ladder you will find a wheel at the front of the room that you can turn. The first time you try it will be just Squall by himself. You press Square as fast as you can to turn it. It's really hard to do with just Squall, but afterwards one of your team members will join you making it much easier.

Leave the room and a new pathway will have opened up allowing you to continue climbing downwards. On one of the platforms you will find a draw point for Full-Life. Don’t miss it!

Squall will be given a choice at the bottom of the pathway, to continue or not. Select "We have no choice, let's go" and continue up the ladder. Start pressing buttons on the control panel when Squall lands in the next room and then climb back down. At the bottom there will be a flashing green light pointing the way to go (down the ladder).

Save at the save point and then pull the lever just off to the right of it to open the doorway at the end of the walkway.

Make your way down the walkway to initiate a fight with two Oilboyles. These two enemies count as bosses (as evidenced by the music), but they are not particularly tough.

First of all, if you need to heal or if you need to remove the Darkness status effect they cast on your party members, simply draw Cura or Esuna respectively

from one of the Oilboyles and cast it on yourself.

They do moderate damage but nothing all that devastating. Use fire attacks (including Ifrit) to bring them down quickly. Crawl down the ladder and give the wheel at the control panel another couple of turns to get things rolling.

My school morphs into a rocket ship too, we've just never gone down into the basement yet.

Cid will insist you go check on the others first and foremost. Approach the elevator and you will automatically be taken to the second floor. Go to the end of the hallway, near where you met Xu, and go through the red door at the end of the hallway. Now go back a little ways and you'll be told to meet up with Headmaster Cid once again. It's all talk from here.

It's just you and Rinoa once again. Save before you take off and do anything important. You've got the

whole Garden again now, so if you left behind the Quistis Card or the MiniMog Card or if you haven’t had the chance to battle Headmaster Cid for the Seifer Card, you can still get them now.

Make your way to the front all and you will be approached by one of the robed faculty members. He will tell you to make your way down to the basement. The third member of your party won't be far behind.

You can now also complete the first portion of the Card Club (CC-Group) side quest.

Make your way down to the basement to engage the next boss battle.

Master Norg

You start off fighting Norg’s outer shell. It consists of Norg's Pod, and the Left and Right pods. The Left and Right Pods go from blue to yellow to red. Once they turn red they start destroying you so make sure not let that happen. Each time you hit the Left Pod or Right Pod they go back to their previous color. Slowly whack away at the three targets until the center pod, Norg’s Pod, is out of HP (it only has 2000 HP). After you destroy the shell the actual fight will begin.

Start by drawing Leviathan from Norg – Leviathan is a new GF. Do not forget to draw Leviathan!

This fight works the exact same as the previous fight, except instead of having the Norg Pod in the center, which doesn't attack you at all, you have Master Norg sitting there, who does attack you periodically. Now you

have to keep the Left and Right Pods from turning red while slowly beating down Norg. Use Esuna on any character Norg puts a status effect on (Slow, Darkness or Silence). You can draw Esuna off him and cast it on yourself if necessary.

After the fight be sure to grab the Bio draw point hidden at the front of Norg’s Pod.

Head back up the elevator and make your way to the Infirmary. Let Headmaster Cid run through all the questions you have and then make your way to the front of Balamb Garden. You will meet up with Xu who will talk to you about the Headmaster and then tell you to go up to the second floor. Cid will send you after Ellone, who can be found hiding in the library.

As you and Rinoa leave Squalls room for the second time there will be an announcement as you leave the dormitory. Balamb Garden will make a crash landing at Fisherman’s Horizon.

Fisherman's Horizon (FH)

Make your way to the second floor and exit out the door with the red light all around it. Make your way to the right across and down the arm. Make your way down the ladder you come across before taking the lift.

This path leads to the fisherman who will give you [Occult Fan III](and don’t worry, Occult Fan II did not get missed. It’s part of the side quests later on). Just make sure to apologize for the mess you've created.

Then make your way back to the upper platform and talk to the man near the lift to head down.

Go down towards the middle of the huge half-dome of solar panels and talk to Mayor Dobe inside the house. You can win theQuetzalcoatl Card off him at the conclusion of the meeting, or lose a bunch of cards to him, like I just did. Grrrrr.

There is also a hidden Ultima draw point in the middle of the meeting room. This draw point never recharges. Make sure you draw the Ultima magic using one of your primary characters as Ultima is the single most powerful magic in the game.

Additionally if you have been following the Queen of Cards side quest and you lost the Sacred Card to the Queen of Cards back in Dollet, you can now win the Irvine Card off of Mayor Dobe’s wife, Flo.

On your way out of Mayor’s Residence there will be a new person just off to the right of the screen (as shown in the screenshot). The man's name is Martine and he has quite a few high level cards if you feel like challenging him.

Make your way back to the top of the huge dish to initiate a cut scene. Follow the Mayor when he goes to try to talk to them. Use the save point and draw point on your way by. When given the choice you should choose to help the Mayor as soon as possible.


That's right, again. A little bit easier this time around though. No timer, no stress, no worries. Use the same strategy to defeat this one as you did for the last one. You will have to fight three soldiers before that but they are no trouble at all.

Talk to Rinoa after everyone has left and then start wandering around town. The house on the train tracks has an issue of [Timber Maniacs]in it. There's another issue inside the hotel on the second floor. Make your way back to the garden and talk to Irvine along the way.

At this point in the game you can now complete part 2 of the Card Club (CC-Group) side quest.

Balamb Garden

Head to the Quad area (where the stage is located) and speak to Selphie. Now you get to partake in some fun story time involving a show with some instruments.

When you setup the instruments for your team members to play there are two ways to set it up – or rather there are two ways to do it where you form a proper sounding song. Four of the instruments correspond to a slow song and the other four instruments correspond to a fast song.

The instruments are:

Slow Song: bass guitar, piano, saxophone and electric guitar. Fast Song: guitar, flute, tap and violin.

Head to the right when you're done watching them all play to find the magazine Irvine was talking about. Now you get to watch a ton of talking for the next few minutes. When you wake up again the next morning head back up to the bridge. You're now free to travel around in a mobile garden!

In order to continue the story you will need to head to Balamb Garden, however there are a multitude of side quests that you can complete now, including:

Complete the Card Club (CC-Group) side quest

Obtain Tonberry King Guardian Force

Cactuar Island: Earn high amounts of AP in order to gain GF abilities much faster by traveling to Cactuar Island and defeating Cactuars

Obtain Odin

Complete the Shumi Village side quest

Complete the Chocobo Forests side quest

You can obtain the following cards: Leviathan Card, Carbuncle Card, Gilgamesh Card, Rinoa Card


Make your way back to Balamb city. The guards will attempt to stop you from entering, but just keep talking (and randomly wandering around) and the team will manage to get inside. Head over to Zell's house first. Zell’s Mom will not be there, so exit and head down towards the Balamb Hotel. Talk to the guards standing out front and then make your way down to the docks – the same place you were at when you boarded the boat for the mission in Dollet.

Talk to the guard standing next to the dog and then go back to Zell's house and head up into his room. Save up before you head down, talk to Zell's Mom in the back and then make your way over to the train station. Talk to all the guards here (and the conductor), and then go back to Zell’s house and talk to Ma Dincht. Go back down to the docks and speak with the guard near the dog again.

Follow the dog back to the train station to find the Captain. Now you can finally get into the hotel so head back there. You will be thrust into a fight against Raijin and two soldiers. This is an incredibly easy fight with no real strategy necessary because Raijin does not have anything in his arsenal other than standard attacks. The fight to follow is a little more complex…

Fujin and Raijin

After the fight you'll be thrown straight into battle against Fujin and Raijin. Make sure you draw the new GF, Pandemona, from Fujin before you get too far into the battle. Do not forget to drawPandemona!

The only move to watch out for comes from Fujin and it is called Sai. It automatically reduces the affected character by reducing their HP to 1. Be ready to heal any player that gets hit by it and take out Raijin quickly to make sure his quick hits don't take down a player who gets hit by Sai. You can use Blind on either of these two enemies to make their attacks miss often. You can also use Sleep on either of them.

Once you’ve defeated Fujin and Raijin you will receive [Combat King 002]. Now it’s time to make your way over to Trabia Garden.

Make your way back into Balamb though before you leave and challenge the man standing outside the hotel to a game of cards as he holds the Pandemona Card.

Trabia Garden

Trabia Garden is located on the northern most continents of the map in the Bika Snowfield. It is just north of the island of Balamb. Use the screenshot to the right as a guide to what you are looking for.

Before you enter Trabia Garden you should try to find and defeat a few Mesmerize monsters. They drop [Mesmerize Blade]s which are a very useful item. They are used in the creation of a few weapons and can be refined into Regen

magic. Click on the Mesmerize Blade link for more information.

The reason Trabia Garden looks so haggard and so run-down is because the missiles from Galbadia Missile Base had a direct hit on the Garden. Follow Selphie over the wall. Draw from the Thundaga draw point and then speak with Selphie to continue. There is a[Weapons Monthly, August Issue] in the cracks along the walkway, just in front of where Selphie was standing.

Work your way towards the back of the Garden until you meet up with Selphie at the cemetery. Leave the cemetery and come back and you will be able to walk to the portion of the screen that Selphie was standing in (and blocking off). There is a [Timber Maniacs] issue on the ground in the middle of the cemetery.

Go back to the front entrance and walk to the left of the Thundaga draw point. Head to the right to find a Save Point, save your game, and then walk over to the computer sitting at the top right of the screen to continue. As you attempt to leave you will be prompted with more story as you watch Selphie talk to some of the survivors. Talk to the two kids and then talk to Selphie. She will tell you to meet her by the basketball court. Continue heading left and then left again until you reach the court. Time to waste some more time talking.

At the conclusion of all the talking and reminiscing you will automatically be returned to Balamb Garden and will be on your way.

If you are interested in picking up the Selphie Card you will need to head back into Trabia Garden. Make sure you save first!

Hop over the wall and find the female card player sitting on the edge of the fountain near the draw point. You will have to challenge her and beat her with the Random rule in effect, which is really terrible. There are ways that you can get the

Random abolished in this region, but it isn’t worth your time. Just go through the headache of trying to win with a random assortment of cards.

One tip you can use to increase your odds is to use Card Mod on and Refine as many of your lower level cards that you do not need to hold on to as you can so that you do not end up having to win with them.

If the card player mentions that the two of you should “play a game with ____’s rules and ours” always answer “no” and keep challenging her until she does not ask to mix rules. This region has far too many rules already…

Queen of Cards Side Quest (Optional)

Make sure that you lose the Chicobo Card to the Queen of Cards before traveling to Edea’s House. Click here for more information about the Queen of Cards side quest.

Make your way to Balamb (which is where you should have sent the Queen of Cards when you challenged her in Dollet) and lose the Chicobo Card to her. Make sure that she travels back to Dollet after you lose.

Head to Dollet and ask the Queen of Cards about her father again and repeat the previous quest (more information about how to do this is available in the Queen of Cards side quest section). Don’t forget to go and win back your Chicobo Card from her son.

You can now win the Chubby Chocobo Card from the guy sitting on the bench to the right of the main hallway in Balamb Garden. He is near the entrance to the Library, and he may not always be sitting on that bench. Re-enter the area if you do not see him.

Time to make your way towards Edea’s House.

Balamb Garden versus Galbadia Garden

Edea’s House can be found at the southwestern most edge of

Centra, the southern most grouping of continents. As you get

close to the house you will notice the floating Galbadia Garden

near by. Rather than actually making it to Edea’s House you’re

going to be thrown into a cut-scene when you get near

Galbadia Garden.

Squall will be given an option to choose which orders he

should give to the rest of the Garden. The orders that you

choose to give do not have any impact on how the game plays

out further on. If you give too many or too few orders, or forget

any important orders, someone is going to yell at you. Dr.

Kadowaki will yell at you if you forget the important ones and

Nida will yell at you if you waste too much time with useless

orders. The important orders to give are:

- Prepare for the attack

- Prepare our defense

- Take care of the junior classmen

Quistis will yell at you from below after you are done relaying

the orders – take the elevator down to meet up with her. Take

your newly formed team and work your way down to the Quad.

Talk to everyone you find on the second floor hallway. Make

sure to talk to the tiny “MG Junior Classman” to receive a

[Cottage]. You do not need to enter the classroom; instead just

head down to the first floor and make your way to the Quad

and do not forget to save on your way past.

Talk to Zell when you reach the Quad. Talk to Rinoa after you

pass off your ring to Zell. As you try to leave the Quad area

Nida will call you back up to the bridge. Now you will find

yourself in control of Zell.

Do exactly as he mentions and equip the full team with proper

Guardian Forces. Head down to the left back to the main Quad

area to watch another scene where Rinoa falls off the ledge and

then head back to the main entrance area of Balamb. You will

run into Squall and the rest of the team – follow them out the

front gate.

Pick a team when given the option and make sure to re-equip

the teams with Guardian Forces (the “Switch” functionality

comes in really handy right about now). Take Squall and his

team and head up to the classroom on the second floor.

When you reach the classroom you will be thrown into battle

against 4 easy to kill Galbadia Soldiers. Walk over and talk to

the SeeD cowering on the other side of the desks with the two

juniors. Dr. Kadowaki will then call you up to the bridge.

Make your way to the second floor and help “Female Student

(ID #8)” find Mark. A flying Galbadian Soldier will jump you

as soon as you find him. Do not move at all or the Galbadian

Soldier will just pin you up against the wall again. Press X and

you will be given the option to:

- “Runaway”

- “Threaten the enemy”

- “Look around for another option”

Choose the third option (Look around for another option).

Press X again to be presented with 4 more options:

- “Ask the girl down the hall for help”

- “Press the button for the emergency exit”

- “Runaway”

- “Threaten the enemy”

After selecting the "Press the button for the emergency exit"

option you will find yourself in a mid-air battle with the

Soldier. Select “block” a lot and as you block more and more

of the Galbadian Soldiers attacks you will presented with an

option to use a “Deathblow” which hits him pretty good. If you

don’t get it the first time you’ll be given more attempts as


Run to the left through the battle scene to reach the entrance to

Galbadia Garden. Enjoy the ridiculous scene with involving

Squall’s ring. Hundreds of people are fighting just a little ways

a way but Squall and Rinoa are busy talking about important

things like his super special ring…

Check the trees nearby to find a hidden Aura draw point and

then enter Galbadia Garden.

Galbadia Garden

Choose your party members and then hit up the save point. Your first task is to locate Fujin and Raijin.

Head down the right corridor and then continue into the crevice on the right to find some stairs. Go up the stairs and up towards the second floor and you will see Fujin and Raijin standing there.

Talk to them and then head down the left pathway. Go through the door on the right to find a student who has the Card Key [1].

Now go back down to the save point near the entrance.

Head to the left this time and down the corridor, then take the door on the left. This door required Card Key [1] and will now be unlocked. In the mouth of the hockey goal crease you will find a Protect draw point. Head in behind the other end of the rink and then make your way through the doorway. The doorway on the right (the opposite side of the corridor that you came from, as well as the opposite side of the doorway as the hockey rink) and find another Male Student who will give you Card Key [2].

Now go back to the stairway where you first found Fujin and Raijin. You can find a shorter path by heading south (towards the camera) when you leave the room with the second Male Student. The door will unlock as you touch it now that you have Card Key [2]. Go all the way south one more time to find yourself back at the entrance and from here you should remember how to get to where Fujin and Raijin were.

When you reach the stairway again you should head up to the third floor. You can now use Card Key [2] to unlock the door at the top. Follow the pathway down and jump into the leisure area with the courts.

There is a draw point containing Shell along the pathway at the back. Continue heading to the left through the hallway and into the central Hall in the middle of Galbadia Garden.

As you reach the Hall you will notice a large creature sitting in the middle of the light beam at the center of the room.

That is Cerberus, your new Guardian Force, and you will be fighting him shortly. Before you do though, wander around to the front entrance to where the save point is located and use it.


Time to do battle with your next Guardian Force.Cerberus is immune to Wind attacks and absorbs lightning attacks so be sure to remove those magic’s from your Elem-Attacks before you start the battle.

One of the downsides and upsides to fighting Cerberus is that he has Triple magic. The downside is that he uses it on himself to perpetually cast 3 magic spells at a time. The upside is that you can draw Triple from Cerberus if your characters do not have it, and because it is such a powerful spell I highly recommend drawing it if you can withstand the damage that Cerberus does.

Not much else to this fight. When you beat Cerberus you will also receive the Cerberus Card.

Make your way to the left (south-west) from where Cerberus was standing (west).

As you walk down the hallway take the door to the left and speak with the Female Student to receive the Card Key [3]. Take the Card Key [3] and head back out into the main hall where you fought Cerberus and go through the exit at the top-left side of the screen and head up the stairs.

Head left and into the elevator.

They put the save point there for a reason! Save!


There really is not much of a strategy required in order to beat Seifer. He does not hit hard and he does not have a lot of hit points. Seifer is also susceptible to all kinds of status effects such as Darkness, Silence, Sleep, Drain and Gravity.

Edea will disappear through the floor so you will not get to fight her just yet.

So where do you find the Auditorium? As mentioned, the Auditorium is directly below the room you are in, but getting to that room is not as simple as it would appear.

Take the elevator back down to the main floor. Go straight to the right, bypassing both the stairs and the doorway and into the main hall but on the upper floor. This is the same hall where you found and fought Cerberus. Work your way all the way around the upper portion of the main hall and through the door at the southeast side into the auditorium.

Just to make sure that you are prepared, you need to draw a new Guardian Force from Edea called Alexander.

Do not forget to draw Alexander! You will not get another opportunity to pick up this Guardian Force until the very end of the game.

Also make sure that one of your characters can use Mug on Edea.


Seifer is going to give it one last kick at the can. First you have to take down Seifer before you can move on to Edea. Seifer is just as easy this time around.


Make sure that the first thing you do is draw the new Guardian Force, Alexander, from Edea the first chance you get.

Make sure you also Mug Edea to pick up a [Royal Crown].

Edea, like Seifer, is susceptible to Sleep. If you junction Sleep magic to your Status-Attack you will make this boss fight incredibly easy. As an added bonus, if you added Sleep Status-Attack to the character with your Mug ability you can keep using Mug while

simultaneously putting Edea to sleep until you pull off a successful steal. Additionally it makes the entire battle mind-numbingly easy.

Be careful of her Maelstrom attack that reduces the HP of each party member by half. Edea is also prone to casting status magic which can be removed using either the Esuna spell or a Remedy item.

Time to watch some videos at the conclusion of Disc 2. Moving on to Disc 3!

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