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Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers www.McNabbAssociates.comThursday, October 25, 2012

Rajat Gupta Gets Two-Year Sentence for InsiderTradingMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 6:00 AM October 25, 2012

Bloomberg on October 24, 2012 releasedthe following:“By Patricia Hurtado, David Glovin andBob Van Voris Former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS)director Rajat Gupta was sentenced to twoyears in prison for insider trading,marking the downfall of a man who roseto the top of corporate America afterbeing orphaned as an 18-year-old inKolkata. Gupta, who ran McKinsey & Co. from1994 to 2003, was sentenced today byU.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff inManhattan for leaking stock tips toGalleon Group LLC co-founder RajRajaratnam. Gupta, 63, was convicted inJune of securities fraud and conspiracy.He is set to report to prison on Jan. 8. Hewas also fined $5 million. The evidence that Gupta passed illegalinformation about Goldman Sachs toRajaratnam was “not only overwhelming,it was disgusting in its implications,”Rakoff said in court today before handingdown the sentence. Prosecutors had sought a prison term forGupta of as long as 10 years. Guptarequested probation and communityservice, and his lawyer had proposed thathe work with needy children in New Yorkor the poor in Rwanda. In his 17 years as a judge, Rakoff hassentenced at least nine defendants otherthan Gupta for insider trading, includingseven who pleaded guilty and two whomhe jailed after they were found guilty byjuries. Rakoff has a track record ofimposing sentences that are half what thegovernment recommends. Insider Probes From Jan. 1, 2011 to July of this year,federal judges in Manhattan sent theaverage insider-trading violator to prisonfor more than 22 months, according to ananalysis of sentencing data by BloombergNews. That was a 20 percent increasefrom the average term of 18.4 monthsduring the previous eight years. Over the same 18-month period, theaverage sentence after trial was 58months, compared with 22 months duringthe same time for 18 defendants who

pleaded guilty. Of the dozen defendantswho pleaded guilty and agreed tocooperate with the U.S. insider-tradingprobe during that time, 11 avoided prisonaltogether. One got six months.“With today’s sentence, Rajat Gupta nowmust face the grave consequences of hiscrime — a term of imprisonment,”Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bhararasaid in a statement. “His conduct hasforever tarnished a once-sterlingreputation that took years to cultivate.”‘Innovative’ Proposal’ During today’s hearing, Rakoff said theRwanda community service proposal was“very innovative.”“I thought, ah, this was the Peace Corpsfor insider traders,” the judge said toGupta’s lawyer, Gary Naftalis. “But Ithink if everything you told me about Mr.Gupta’s character is correct, and I think itis, he would be doing this regardless of acourt order or not. So looking at it in acynical kind of way, it is not punishment.” Before he was sentenced, Gupta told thejudge that “I lost my reputation that I builtover a lifetime. The last 18 months havebeen the most challenging period of mylife since my parents died when I was ateenager.” Gupta served on the boards of Procter &Gamble Co. (PG) and AMR Corp.(AAMRQ) and won praise for his charityfrom Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) ChairmanBill Gates and former United NationsSecretary-General Kofi Annan. AsMcKinsey’s youngest managing director,he almost tripled the firm’s revenue. Helped ‘Many’ Gupta’s life “has been an extraordinaryone,” Naftalis said today in court. He saidhis client has made “extraordinarycontributions that have tangibly helpedmany, many people on this planet.” Hiscrimes are a “total aberration in anotherwise laudatory life.” Gupta was convicted by a jury of leakingtips to Rajaratnam, his friend and businesspartner, about New York- based GoldmanSachs. Gupta leaked informationincluding a $5 billion investment byWarren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc.(BRK/B) on Sept. 23, 2008, and a tip on aquarterly loss. The jury acquitted Gupta of charges thathe leaked information that Cincinnati-

based P&G’s organic sales growth wouldfall below estimates and that he tippedRajaratnam, 55, about Goldman Sachs’searnings in the first quarter of 2007. Unlike the Rajaratnam prosecution,which was based on dozens of wiretaps ofhis mobile-phone conversations, the caseagainst Gupta was circumstantial and builton trading records, business relationshipsand comments by Rajaratnam or othersabout Galleon’s sources of information.The jury heard one wiretappedconversation between Gupta andRajaratnam. Naftalis told the judge todaythat he would challenge Rakoff’s decisionto admit the recording and otherevidentiary rulings he made during thetrial on appeal. The case is U.S. v. Gupta, 11-cr-907,U.S. District Court, Southern District ofNew York (Manhattan).”————————————————————– Douglas McNabb – McNabb Associates,P.C.’s Federal Criminal Defense AttorneysVideos: Federal Crimes – Be Careful Federal Crimes – Be Proactive Federal Crimes – Federal Indictment Federal Crimes – Appeal————————————————————– To find additional federal criminal news,please read Federal Criminal DefenseDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and write and/or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition Defense, OFAC SDNSanctions Removal, InternationalCriminal Court Defense, and US Seizureof Non-Resident, Foreign-Owned Assets.Because we have experience dealing withINTERPOL, our firm understands theinter-relationship that INTERPOL’s “RedNotice” brings to this equation. The author of this blog is Douglas C.McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly atmcnabb@mcnabbassociates.com or at oneof the offices listed above.

2 Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

Seventeen Members of an Alleged North CarolinaRacketeering Enterprise Indicted on InvestmentFraud, Mortgage Fraud, and Related ChargesMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 10:48 AM October 25, 2012

The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) on October 24, 2012 released thefollowing:“Fourteen Others to Plead Guilty onRelated Charges; Total of 81 DefendantsHave Been Charged to Date in OperationWax House CHARLOTTE, NC— A federalindictment charging 17 defendants inCharlotte and elsewhere withracketeering, investment fraud, mortgagefraud, bank bribery, and moneylaundering was unsealed today in U.S.District Court, announced the U.S.Attorney’s Office for the Western Districtof North Carolina. Fourteen additionaldefendants have agreed to plead guilty inconnection with the latest round ofcriminal charges resulting from OperationWax House, a mortgage fraudinvestigation that began in the WesternDistrict of North Carolina in 2007. Chris Briese, Special Agent in Charge ofthe FBI, Charlotte Division; Jeannine A.Hammett, Special Agent in Charge of theInternal Revenue Service, CriminalInvestigation (IRS-CI); and ElaineMarshall, North Carolina Secretary ofState join the U.S. Attorney’s Office inmaking today’s announcement. The federal racketeering indictment wasreturned by a federal grand jury sitting inCharlotte on July 26, 2012, but remainedsealed until today. The indictment allegesthat the 17 defendants and others werepart of a criminal organization (theEnterprise) that operated principally in thecities of Charlotte and Waxhaw, NorthCarolina, and stole more than $75 millionfrom investors and mortgage lenders. Theindictment was unsealed following thearrests this week of 11 members of theEnterprise, including three of its leaders,James Tyson, Jr.; his mother, CarrieTyson; and Victoria Hunt. James Tyson,Jr. was arrested on Sunday, October 21,2012, at Washington Dulles InternationalAirport upon arrival in the United Statesfrom a flight originating in Dakar,Senegal, which is Tyson’s last knownresidence. The racketeering charges contained in theindictment are the result of OperationWax House, an ongoing investigation intosecurities and mortgage fraud targetingcommunities in the Mecklenburg andUnion Counties of North Carolina’sWestern District. The investigation was

conducted jointly by the FBI and IRS-CI,along with the North Carolina Secretary ofState, Securities Division. According to allegations contained in theunsealed indictment: The Enterprise, which operated fromabout 2005 through the present, engagedin an extensive pattern of racketeeringactivities, consisting of investment fraud,mortgage fraud, bank fraud, moneylaundering, and distribution of illegaldrugs. Members of the Enterprise alsobribed bank officials and committedperjury before the grand jury. The co-conspirators targeted professional athletesand doctors as well as their personal andprofessional acquaintances and convincedthem to invest in a series of shamcorporations controlled by the Enterprise.The co-conspirators stole over $27 millionfrom more than 50 investor victims,including money that the investor victimswere induced to obtain as loans fromfinancial institutions. Rather thaninvesting victims’ money as promised, theEnterprise diverted victims’ money tofinance its mortgage fraud operations andto support its members’ lifestyles. Forexample, members of the Enterprise usedthe stolen money to purchase luxuryvehicles, take lavish vacations, organizeextravagant dinners and parties, and investin other sham businesses or investments.In addition, the conspirators made Ponzi-style payments to other victims. The Enterprise’s mortgage fraudoperations involved acquiring luxuryhomes in neighborhoods in Charlotte andWaxhaw. One member of the Enterprisewould agree with a builder to purchase aproperty at the “true price.” TheEnterprise would then arrange for a buyerto purchase the property at an inflatedprice. In most circumstances, the buyerwould agree to purchase the property inhis or her own name and sign whateverdocuments were necessary, in exchangefor a hidden kickback. The builder wouldsell the property at the inflated price, thelender would make a mortgage loan on thebasis of that inflated price, and thedifference between the inflated price andthe true price would be extracted atclosing by the Enterprise. The 17 defendants charged in today’sindictment and the 14 defendants whohave agreed to plead guilty bring the totalnumber of defendants charged to date inconnection with Operation Wax Housetoto 81. Charged in the indictment are:• Ramin Amini, 44, of Tehran, Iran, is

charged with racketeering conspiracy,mortgage fraud, and money launderingconspiracy. Role: Leader and promoter inthe scheme. Status: Fugitive.• Vonetta Tyson Barnes, 38, of Wahiawa,Hawaii, is charged with racketeeringconspiracy, securities fraud, wire fraud todefraud investors, and money launderingconspiracy. Role: Promoter. Status:Released following arrest and initialappearance.• Travis Bumpers, 36, of Charlotte, ischarged with racketeering conspiracy,securities fraud, mortgage fraud, wirefraud to defraud investors, bank bribery,and money laundering conspiracy. Role:Promoter. Status: Fugitive.• Glynn Hubbard, 35, of Charlotte, ischarged with racketeering conspiracy,mortgage fraud, and money launderingconspiracy. Role: Promoter. Status: Infederal custody, pending release onconditions, following arrest and initialappearance.• Victoria Hunt, 36, of Charlotte, ischarged with racketeering conspiracy,securities fraud, mortgage fraud, wirefraud to defraud investors, and moneylaundering. Role: Leader and promoter.Status: Currently in federal custodypending detention hearing.• Toby Hunter, 37, of Fort Mill, SouthCarolina, is charged with racketeeringconspiracy, securities fraud, wire fraud todefraud investors, and money laundering.Role: Promoter. Status: Releasedfollowing arrest and initial appearance.• Steven Jones, 44, of Waxhaw, ischarged with securities fraud, wire fraudto defraud investors, and moneylaundering conspiracy. Role: Promoter.Status: Currently in federal custodypending detention hearing.• John McDowell, 40, of Dunn, NorthCarolina, is charged with racketeeringconspiracy, securities fraud, mortgagefraud, wire fraud to defraud investors, andmoney laundering. Role: Promoter. Status:Arrest warrant issued.• Kurosh Mehr, 52, of Charlotte, ischarged with racketeering conspiracy,mortgage fraud, and money laundering.Role: Promoter and buyer. Status:Currently in federal custody pendingdetention hearing.• Ann Tyson Mitchell, 61, of Charlotte, ischarged with racketeering conspiracy,mortgage fraud, and money laundering.Role: Facilitator. Status: Released

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following arrest and initial appearance.• John Wayne Perry, Jr., 31, of Charlotte,is charged with racketeering conspiracy,and money laundering conspiracy. Role:Promoter. Status: Released followingarrest and initial appearance.• Donte Thorogood, 34, of Durham,North Carolina, is charged withracketeering conspiracy, mortgage fraud,and money laundering. Role: Promoter.Status: To appear for an initial appearancepursuant to a summons.• Carrie Tyson, 58, of Winterville, NorthCarolina, is charged with racketeeringconspiracy, securities fraud, mortgagefraud, wire fraud to defraud investors, andmoney laundering. Role: Leader andpromoter. Status: Released followingarrest and initial appearance.• James Tyson, Jr., 32, of Dakar, Senegal,is charged with racketeering conspiracy,securities fraud, mortgage fraud, wirefraud to defraud investors, bank bribery,and money laundering. Role: Leader andpromoter. Status: Currently in federalcustody pending detention hearing.• James Tyson, Sr., 61, of Charlotte, ischarged with racketeering conspiracy,securities fraud, wire fraud to defraudinvestors, and money laundering. Role:Promoter. Status: Currently in federalcustody pending detention hearing.• Nathan Shane Wolf, 41, of Charlotte, ischarged with racketeering conspiracy,mortgage fraud and money laundering.Role: Real estate agent. Status: To appearfor an initial appearance pursuant to asummons.• Purnell Wood, 41, of Palmyra, NewJersey, is charged with racketeeringconspiracy, mortgage fraud, and moneylaundering. Role: Promoter. Status: Arrestwarrant issued.

Today, the U.S. Attorney’s Office alsofiled criminal bills of information and pleaagreements against 14 other defendantswho acted as mortgage brokers, real estateagents, straw buyers, and a home builderin the scheme. They acknowledge takingpart in the mortgage fraud conspiracy andhave agreed to plead guilty. They are:• Crystal Goodson-Hudson, 44, ofKannapolis, North Carolina, is chargedwith mortgage fraud conspiracy andmoney laundering conspiracy. Role:Mortgage broker. Status: To appear forinitial appearance upon a summons.• Shannon Lee (Somer Bey), 47, ofCharlotte, is charged with mortgage fraudconspiracy and money launderingconspiracy. Role: Real estate agent.Status: To appear for initial appearanceupon a summons.• Robert Mahaney, 52, of Ridgeway,South Carolina, is charged with mortgage

fraud conspiracy and money launderingconspiracy. Role: Mortgage broker.Status: To appear for initial appearanceupon a summons.• George Moore, 44, of Charlotte, ischarged with mortgage fraud conspiracy.Role: Buyer. Status: To appear for initialappearance upon a summons.• Kevin Smith, 46, of Oxford, NorthCarolina, is charged with mortgage fraudconspiracy. Role: Buyer. Status: Toappear for initial appearance upon asummons.• Holly Pasut, 56, of Charlotte, is chargedwith mortgage fraud conspiracy andmoney laundering conspiracy. Role: Realestate agent. Status: To appear for initialappearance upon a summons.• Danielle Vaughn, 34, of Greenbelt,Maryland, is charged with mortgage fraudconspiracy and money launderingconspiracy. Role: Mortgage broker.Status: To appear for initial appearanceupon a summons.• Mary Vaughn, 58, of Charlotte, ischarged with mortgage fraud conspiracy.Role: Buyer. Status: To appear for initialappearance upon a summons.• Jamaine Wallace, 41, of Conyers,Georgia, is charged with mortgage fraudconspiracy. Role: Buyer. Status: Toappear for initial appearance upon asummons.• Phillip Wellington, 46, of Charlotte, ischarged with mortgage fraud conspiracyand money laundering conspiracy. Role:Promoter. Status: To appear for initialappearance upon a summons.• William Wellington, 30, of Amityville,New York, is charged with mortgagefraud conspiracy. Role: Buyer. Status: Toappear for initial appearance upon asummons.• Marcia Williams, 36, of York, SouthCarolina, is charged with mortgage fraudconspiracy and money launderingconspiracy. Role: Mortgage broker.Status: To appear for initial appearanceupon a summons.• Sean Williams, 41, of Orangeburg,South Carolina, is charged with mortgagefraud conspiracy and money launderingconspiracy. Role: Mortgage broker.Status: To appear for initial appearanceupon a summons.• Mark, Wittig, 41, of Matthews, NorthCarolina, is charged with mortgage fraudconspiracy. Role: Builder. Status: Toappear for initial appearance upon asummons.

The conspiracy to participate in theracketeering activities charge carries amaximum term of 20 years in prison and a$250,000 fine or twice the gross profits orother proceeds. The securities fraud

charge carries a maximum term of 20years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Thebank fraud charge carries a maximumterm of 30 years in prison and a $1 millionfine. The wire fraud charge carries amaximum term of 20 years in prison and a$250,000 fine. The money launderingconspiracy charge carries a maximumterm of 20 years in prison and a $500,000fine or twice the amount of criminallyderived proceeds. The bank briberyconspiracy charge carries a maximumterm of five years in prison and a$250,000 fine. An indictment is merely an allegation,and the defendants are presumed innocentunless and until proven guilty beyond areasonable doubt in a court of law. Inaddition, the guilty plea of any otherperson is not relevant to the guilt of anyindicted person. Operation Wax House in the WesternDistrict of North Carolina is beinghandled by the Charlotte Division of theFBI, the Criminal Division of the IRS forthe Financial Fraud Enforcement TaskForce, and the Securities Division of theNorth Carolina Secretary of State. Theprosecution for the government is beinghandled by Assistant United StatesAttorneys Kurt W. Meyers and Maria K.Vento and Special Assistant United StatesAttorney Kevin M. Harrington. The President’s Financial FraudEnforcement Task Force includesrepresentatives from a broad range offederal agencies, regulatory authorities,inspectors general, and state and local lawenforcement who, working together, bringto bear a powerful array of criminal andcivil enforcement resources. The taskforce is working to improve efforts acrossthe federal executive branch and, withstate and local partners, to investigate andprosecute significant financial crimes,ensure just and effective punishment forthose who perpetrate financial crimes,combat discrimination in the lending andfinancial markets, and recover proceedsfor victims of financial crimes. For moreinformation on the task force, visitwww.stopfraud.gov. The names and case numbers of all thedefendants charged to date in OperationWax House are listed below, organized bytheir alleged role in the scheme. Attorneys and Paralegals Crawford/Mallard, Michelle 3:11cr374 Gates, Christine 3:09cr100 Norwood, Kelli, 3:09cr162 Rainer, Demetrius 3:08cr239/241 Smith, Troy, 3:08cr264 Bank Insiders Brown, Jamilia, 3:10cr124


4 Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

Bulger defense says prosecutor gave immunityMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 11:15 AM October 25, 2012

The Boston Globe on October 25, 2012released the following:“Alleged deal was made decades ago By Travis Andersen and Milton J.Valencia Lawyers for James “Whitey” Bulger haveidentified the late federal prosecutorJeremiah O’Sullivan as the federal agentwho allegedly gave the notorious gangsterimmunity to commit his reign of terror. Attorney J.W. Carney Jr. of Boston madethe bombshell allegation in a court filinglate Wednesday in which he again calledfor a US District Court judge to recusehimself from presiding over the case. Hesaid the judge has an apparent conflict ofinterest as a former prosecutor whoworked at the same time as O’Sullivan, aformer US attorney who died in 2009 atage 66. Carney said he may call US DistrictCourt Judge Richard G. Stearns and otherformer prosecutors as witnesses to testifyabout the leeway that the leadershipwithin the US attorney’s office gaveBulger and about their failure for years tocharge him with any crimes, which he saidwould speak to the immunity agreementthat Bulger alleges that he had. Stearns was a former federal prosecutorand chief of the criminal division duringpart of Bulger’s alleged reign of terror inthe 1970s and 1980s. But the judge wasnot part of the New England OrganizedCrime Strike Force that had an apparentrelationship with Bulger at the time and hehas maintained he did not know Bulgerwas the target of any investigation. Carney argued there was no line dividingwork between the Strike Force and the USattorney’s office, and so prosecutors fromboth units shared and were aware ofinvestigations. The judge refused an initial request torecuse himself in ­July, citing the highstandards that must be met for a judge tohave to recuse himself for conflict ofinterest concerns.“I have no doubt whatsoever about myability to remain impartial at all timeswhile presiding over the case,” Stearnssaid in his ruling, maintaining he had noknowledge “of any case or investigation”in which Bulger was “a subject or atarget.” But Carney said Bulger’s reputation waswell known, or should have been,particularly among leaders in the USattorney’s office. He also said that the notorious gangster,now 83, will testify to support hisassertion. He said Bulger will provide “adetailed account of his receipt of

immunity by O’Sullivan,” who was amember of the strike force and at onepoint its chief. In one example, Carney said, Bulger willdiscuss a time when O’Sullivan allegedlyordered Bulger be removed from a list oftargets in a horse race-fixing scheme inthe early ’80s. Brian T. Kelly, one of the prosecutors inthe case, wrote a letter to Carney onFriday in which he said the governmenthas given defense counsel ample materialspertaining to O’Sullivan, as requested,calling it typical procedure in the case. He offered on his own, however, that “theFirst Circuit has already held thatO’Sullivan was unaware of any promiseof immunity.” He added, “O’Sullivan himself testifiedunder oath before Congress that he neverextended immunity to either James Bulgeror Stephen Flemmi.” Carney added that, in addition to Stearns,he would call other Department of Justiceleaders to testify as to why Bulger wasnever charged by the federal government.Those leaders would include FBI directorRobert Mueller, who served as a federalprosecutor and chief of the criminaldivision in Massachusetts in the early1980s, and with whom Stearns has a closerelationship. Carney said he will introduce evidencefrom a courthouse ceremony whereMueller characterized Stearns as a “friendand mentor,” and in which Stearns calledthe FBI director’s speech “the greatesttribute that a friend could pay.” Bulger’s lead lawyer questioned whetherStearns could remain impartial in decidingwhether he and Mueller could be called asa credible witness to testify about theimmunity agreement, which has emergedas Bulger’s main point of defense in a trialthat could trigger the death sentence.“Federal law mandates in this situationthat Judge Stearns recuse himself fromthis case,” Carney said in a 24-pagemotion filed late Wednesday. “The law —and common sense — says that a personcannot be both judge and witness. . . . Todo so otherwise will put an irreparabletaint on the public’s view of the fairnessof the defendant’s trial, and allow citizensto believe that the infamous cover-up ofmisconduct by past members of theDepartment of Justice, the United State’sattorney’s office, and the FBI iscontinuing.” Carney said Bulger wasn’t accused of anycrimes in a US indictment until afterStearns, Mueller, and O’Sullivan leftoffice, and he argued their testimony willfocus on why that didn’t happen. Thatshould be up to a jury to decide, he said. Bulger was one of America’s Most

Wanted until his arrest in June 2011 after16 years on the lam. He is accused in afederal racketeering indictment ofparticipating in 19 murders. He is also the notorious gangster at thecenter of one of the most scandalousperiods in the history of the FBI. A seriesof hearings in Boston in the ’90s exposeda corrupt relationship between him and hisFBI handlers. During that time, he wasallegedly allowed to carry out crimesincluding murders in exchange forworking as a cooperating witness againstthe New England Mafia. Carney has said that Bulger was grantedimmunity in exchange for his cooperation,though legal analysts have questionedwhether anyone could have had a right tokill, as Bulger asserts. US prosecutors, who have argued Stearnsdoes not have to recuse himself, also denyBulger had any claim of immunity. O’Sullivan suffered a heart attack andseveral strokes in 1998 when he wasslated to testify about Bulger and Flemmibefore US District Court Judge Mark L.Wolf. O’Sullivan was in a coma for amonth. In 2002, O’Sullivan was called beforeCongress during the Government ReformCommittee’s investigation of the BostonFBI. He denied ever protecting Bulger andFlemmi from prosecution for seriouscrimes. O’Sullivan acknowledged dropping thepair from a 1978 race-fixing case againstthe Winter Hill Gang, of Somerville,because he said he considered them small-time players and was focused on gangleader Howie Winter.”————————————————————– Douglas McNabb – McNabb Associates,P.C.’s Federal Criminal Defense AttorneysVideos: Federal Crimes – Be Careful Federal Crimes – Be Proactive Federal Crimes – Federal Indictment————————————————————– To find additional federal criminal news,please read Federal Criminal DefenseDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and write and/or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition Defense, OFAC SDNSanctions Removal, InternationalCriminal Court Defense, and US Seizureof Non-Resident, Foreign-Owned Assets.Because we have experience dealing with

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5Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

2 Ky. men acquitted of hate crimes in 1stprosecution under US law expanded to protectgaysMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 10:10 AM October 25, 2012

The Washington Post on October 24,2012 released the following:“By Associated Press, LONDON, Ky. — The first U.S.prosecution under a new federal lawagainst anti-gay violence ended with aKentucky jury acquitting two cousins ofhate-crime charges while finding themguilty of kidnapping in a 2011 attack on agay man. Prosecutors had argued that Anthony RayJenkins and his cousin David JasonJenkins attacked 29-year-old KevinPennington at a rural state park because ofPennington’s sexual orientation, violatinga hate crime law that was expanded in2009 to cover assaults motivated by biasagainst gays, lesbians and transgenderpeople. It was not clear why jurors lateWednesday rejected that argument. Theywere whisked away immediately afterdelivering the verdicts and did not makeany comments. Anthony Jenkins’ attorney, Willis Coffey,said after the trial that jurors didn’t findPennington’s account of the eventscredible.“You’d like to have an acquittal on allcounts, but he’s happy he was found notguilty of a hate crime,” Coffey said of hisclient. “So am I.” Prosecutors said they would issue astatement later. Government attorneys have said this isthe first U.S. prosecution charging aviolation of the sexual orientation sectionof the Matthew Shepard-James Byrd Jr.Hate Crimes Prevention Act passed in2009. Pennington held hands with family

members and let out an audible sigh whenthe not-guilty verdicts on the hate-crimescharges were announced. He left thecourtroom without talking to newsreporters. Jimmy Jenkins, an uncle who raisedAnthony Jenkins, dropped his head intohis hands and cried when the cousins werefound guilty on the charges of kidnappingand conspiracy to a kidnapping. They arescheduled to be sentenced on Feb. 21. Throughout the trial, the defense arguedthat any dispute between the Jenkinsesand Pennington was over a drug deal gonesour. Andrew Stephens, the attorney for DavidJason Jenkins, argued that his client had atleast 21 beers on the day of the assault andwas too drunk to have formulated a planfor such an attack.“These people who were stoned and drunkwere going to form a plan? When thisevent took place, they were all aboutdrugs,” Stephens said. Coffee argued that Anthony Jenkins hasan IQ of roughly 75 and was merely afollower who does not hate gay people.He called the allegations “the nearestthing to nothing I have ever seen.” Coffey said Pennington pushed the ideathat he was attacked for being gay to servehis own political agenda. Coffey invokedthe name of President Barack Obama,who is unpopular in Kentucky and lostbadly in the state four years ago.“If the government and President Obamawant to bow to the special-interest groups,that’s their business, but they picked thewrong case,” Coffey said. U.S. Justice Department civil rightsattorney AeJean Cha told jurors that theJenkins cousins and two women plannedto kidnap, beat and kill Penningtonbecause of his sexual orientation.

“This is not about drugs, this is about thefact that Kevin is gay,” Cha said. Hawkins also played a tape ofPennington’s 911 call after the attack. Onthe tape, Pennington’s voice can be heardcracking as he tries to describe the attackand relay information about the Jenkinses.“They’re trying to kill me,” Penningtontold the 911 operator on April 4, 2011. “Ididn’t know what they were going to do. Ithink it’s because I’m gay.””————————————————————– Douglas McNabb – McNabb Associates,P.C.’s Federal Criminal Defense AttorneysVideos: Federal Crimes – Be Careful Federal Crimes – Be Proactive Federal Crimes – Federal Indictment————————————————————– To find additional federal criminal news,please read Federal Criminal DefenseDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and write and/or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition Defense, OFAC SDNSanctions Removal, InternationalCriminal Court Defense, and US Seizureof Non-Resident, Foreign-Owned Assets.Because we have experience dealing withINTERPOL, our firm understands theinter-relationship that INTERPOL’s “RedNotice” brings to this equation. The author of this blog is Douglas C.McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly atmcnabb@mcnabbassociates.com or at oneof the offices listed above.

BULGERcontinued from page 4

INTERPOL, our firm understands theinter-relationship that INTERPOL’s “RedNotice” brings to this equation. The author of this blog is Douglas C.McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly atmcnabb@mcnabbassociates.com or at oneof the offices listed above.

Two Kentucky Men Face up to Life in Prison AfterFederal Jury Convicts on Kidnapping Charges(USDOJ: Justice News)

Submitted at 11:55 AM October 25, 2012

A federal jury late last night convictedtwo Harlan County, Ky., men on federalkidnapping charges and conspiracycharges, exposing them to a maximum oflife imprisonment. The jury also acquittedthe men of violating the sexual orientation

provision of the Matthew Shepard JamesByrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.David Jason Jenkins, 37, and AnthonyRay Jenkins, 20, were convicted on thekidnapping and conspiracy charges fortheir roles in kidnapping and assaulting 28-year-old Kevin Pennington, a gay man.

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Eason, Danyelle, 3:10cr116 Henson, Vic. F., 3:10cr124 Jackson, Mitzi, 3:11cr374 Ramey, Bonnie Sue, 3:10cr124 Builders and Sellers Fink, James, 3:11cr374 Jackson, Jennifer, 3:09cr241 Smith, Kelvis, 3:12cr238 Viegas, Jeffrey, 3:12cr298 Wittig, Mark, 3:12cr335 Wood, Gary, 3:09cr208 Facilitators and Financiers Hickey, Denis, 3:09cr103 McClain, Landrick, 3:10cr124 Mitchell, Ann Tyson, 3:12cr239 Panayoton, Sherrill, 3:11cr176 Taylor, Alicia Renee, 3:10cr124 Wilson, Willard, 3:09cr161 Buyers Banks, Arketa, 3:12cr297 Hillian, Kirk, 3:12cr83 Mathis, Charles, 3:10cr1 Mobley, Sarena, 3:10cr124 Moore, George, 3:12cr337 Richards, Dan, 3:10cr119 Smith, Kevin, 3:12cr341 Tyler, Glenna, 3:11cr200 Vaughn, Mary, 3:12cr329 Wallace, Jamaine, 3:12cr330 Wellington, William, 3:12cr333 Notary Public Willis, Anthony, 3:09cr218 Appraiser Darden, Clinton 3:10cr108 Mortgage Brokers Bradley, Bonnette, 3:12cr299 Clarke, Linda, 3:10cr120 Flood, Ericka, 3:10cr124 Goodson-Hudson, Crystal, 3:12cr339 Mahaney, Robert, 3:12cr34-0 Scagliarini, Coley, 3:11cr374

Staton, Walter, 3:10cr113 Vaughn, Danielle, 3:12cr329 Williams, Marcia, 3:12cr334 Williams, Sean, 3:12cr336 Woods, Joseph, 3:09cr178 Real Estate Agents Belin, Chris, 3:11cr374 Clark, Christina, 3:09cr44 Lee, Shannon, 3:12cr338 Pasut, Holly Hardy, 3:12cr331 Wolf, Nathan Shane, 3:12cr239 Wood, Gary, 3:09cr208 Promoters Amini, Ramin, 3:12cr239 Barnes, Vonetta Tyson, 3:12cr239 Bumpers, Travis, 3:12cr239 Carr, Stephen, 3:10cr124 Clarke, Reuben, 3:10cr120 Coleman, Gregory, 3:10cr118 Hitchcock, Jimmy, 3:11cr374 Hubbard, Glynn, 3:12cr239 Hunt, Victoria, 3:12cr239 Hunter, Toby, 3:12cr239 Jones, Steven, 3:12cr239 Jones, Tyree, 3:10cr230 Marshall, Michael, 3:07cr283 McDowell, John, 3:12cr239 McPhaul, Elizabeth, 3:10cr114 Mehr, Kurosh, 3:12cr239 Mitchell, Ann Tyson, 3:12cr239 Perry, John Wayne, Jr., 3:12cr239 Perry, Kim, 3:10cr25 Phillips, Rick, 3:10cr115 Sharreff-El, Drew, 3:10cr124 Sherald, Kiki, 3:10cr117 Simmons, Aaron, 3:09cr240 Snead, Todd, 3:10cr124 Staton, Lisa, 3:10cr113 Thorogood, Donte, 3:12cr239 Tyson, Carrie, 3:12cr239 Tyson, James, Jr. 3:12cr239

Tyson, James, Sr., 3:12cr239 Wellington, Phillip, 3:12cr332 Wood, Purnell, 3:12cr239————————————————————– Douglas McNabb – McNabb Associates,P.C.’s Federal Criminal Defense AttorneysVideos: Federal Crimes – Be Careful Federal Crimes – Be Proactive Federal Crimes – Federal Indictment Federal Crimes – Detention Hearing Federal Mail Fraud Crimes————————————————————– To find additional federal criminal news,please read Federal Criminal DefenseDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and write and/or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition Defense, OFAC SDNSanctions Removal, InternationalCriminal Court Defense, and US Seizureof Non-Resident, Foreign-Owned Assets.Because we have experience dealing withINTERPOL, our firm understands theinter-relationship that INTERPOL’s “RedNotice” brings to this equation. The author of this blog is Douglas C.McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly atmcnabb@mcnabbassociates.com or at oneof the offices listed above.

Justice Department SettlesDiscrimination Claim AgainstNew Jersey Company(USDOJ: Justice News)

Submitted at 2:29 PM October 25, 2012

The Justice Department announced todaythat it reached an agreement withAdvantage Home Care LLC, a homehealth care provider based in Hackensack,N.J., resolving claims that the companyviolated the anti-discrimination provisionof the Immigration and Nationality Act(INA), when it required newly-hiredlawful permanent residents to providemore or different documents during theForm I-9 employment eligibilityverification process.

Boehringer Ingelheim to Pay$95 Million to Resolve FalseClaims Act Allegations(USDOJ: Justice News)

Submitted at 2:56 PM October 25, 2012

Connecticut-based Boehringer IngelheimPharmaceuticals Inc. has agreed to pay$95 million to resolve allegations relatingto the improper promotion of the stroke-prevention drug Aggrenox, the chronicobstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)drugs Atrovent and Combivent, and thehypertension drug Micardis, the JusticeDepartment announced today.

Former Texas Parole OfficerIndicted for Bribery SchemeInvolving Assigned Parolee(USDOJ: Justice News)

Submitted at 10:33 AM October 25, 2012

A former Texas state parole officer wasarrested today in Dallas on charges ofengaging in a bribery scheme involvingone of her assigned parolees.


7Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

The FBI and U.S. Postal Service inspectors areinvestigating letters warning Florida votersthey’re not eligible to voteMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 11:06 AM October 25, 2012

NBC News on October 24, 2012 releasedthe following:“By Michael Isikoff NBC News The FBI and U.S. Postal Serviceinspectors are investigating bogus official-looking letters sent to voters in at least 28Florida counties questioning theircitizenship and their eligibility to vote,NBC News has learned. David Couvertier, a spokesman for theFBI in Tampa, said his office opened upan investigation into the possible attemptat voter intimidation on Wednesday afterreceiving reports that eligible votersthroughout the state have received theletters.“We’re taking it as a serious situation,” hesaid. “We’re looking at everything fromcivil rights violations to election fraud —to everything in between.” Chris Cate, a spokesman for the FloridaSecretary of State’s Office, told NBCNews, “We believe these letters appear tomeet the standard of voter intimidation.”Between 50 and 100 such letters havebeen reported to state officials so far, “andthose are only the ones we know about.We’re encouraging people to comeforward.” The fake letters, which first startedshowing up last Friday, have been sent

under the names of real Florida countyelection supervisors — with some correctcontact information — informing thevoters that the supervisors have received“information” about their citizenshipstatus, “bringing into doubt youreligibility as a registered voter.” The letters also say the voter must fill outa Voter Eligibility Form in the next 15days — and failure to do so will result “inthe removal of your name from the voterregistration rolls and you will no longer beeligible to vote.”“A non-registered voter who casts a votein the state of Florida may be subject toarrest, imprisonment, and/or othercriminal sanctions,” the letters state. Some of the letters have been received by“longtime, staunch voters who have beenexercising their right to vote” for years,Couvertier said. While those people arelikely to vote anyway, “Our concern issomeone who might not be secure andthen questions whether they should vote.” It’s not clear who sent the letters, whichwere machine postmarked in Seattle.Couvertier said the FBI in Tampa isworking with its Seattle office to trackdown the perpetrator. Cate said a “significant majority havegone to Republican voters, but notexclusively. We’ve got Democrats whoreceived the letters, we’ve gotindependents. We’re telling everybody tobe on the lookout.”"

————————————————————– Douglas McNabb – McNabb Associates,P.C.’s Federal Criminal Defense AttorneysVideos: Federal Crimes – Be Careful Federal Crimes – Be Proactive Federal Crimes – Federal Indictment Federal Crimes – Detention Hearing Federal Mail Fraud Crimes————————————————————– To find additional federal criminal news,please read Federal Criminal DefenseDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and write and/or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition Defense, OFAC SDNSanctions Removal, InternationalCriminal Court Defense, and US Seizureof Non-Resident, Foreign-Owned Assets.Because we have experience dealing withINTERPOL, our firm understands theinter-relationship that INTERPOL’s “RedNotice” brings to this equation. The author of this blog is Douglas C.McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly atmcnabb@mcnabbassociates.com or at oneof the offices listed above.

James “Whitey” Bulger’s Lawyer: Former USAttorney Gave Him ImmunityMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 10:19 AM October 25, 2012

The Seattle Times on October 25, 2012released the following:“Boston mobster’s lawyer: US atty gavehim immunity A lawyer for James “Whitey” Bulger hasidentified the federal official who he saysgave the Boston mobster immunity tocommit crimes while he was an FBIinformant. The Associated Press BOSTON — A lawyer for James “Whitey” Bulger hasidentified the federal official who he saysgave the Boston mobster immunity tocommit crimes while he was an FBIinformant. In court papers filed late Wednesday,

attorney J.W. Carney says former U.S.Attorney for Massachusetts JeremiahO’Sullivan granted Bulger immunity forpast or future crimes. The revelation was made in a defensemotion for Judge Richard Stearns torecuse himself from the case. Bulger’s lawyers say Stearns has aconflict of interest because he worked inthe U.S. attorney’s office in Boston at thesame time as O’Sullivan, who died in2009. Prosecutors have said Bulger neverreceived immunity from anyone. The 83-year-old Bulger is accused ofparticipating in 19 murders. He fledBoston in 1994 and remained one of theFBI’s most wanted fugitives until hiscapture in California last year.”—————————————————

———– Douglas McNabb – McNabb Associates,P.C.’s Federal Criminal Defense AttorneysVideos: Federal Crimes – Be Careful Federal Crimes – Be Proactive Federal Crimes – Federal Indictment————————————————————– To find additional federal criminal news,please read Federal Criminal DefenseDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and write and/or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, International

Federal Criminal

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8 Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

JAMEScontinued from page 7

Extradition Defense, OFAC SDNSanctions Removal, InternationalCriminal Court Defense, and US Seizureof Non-Resident, Foreign-Owned Assets.Because we have experience dealing withINTERPOL, our firm understands theinter-relationship that INTERPOL’s “RedNotice” brings to this equation.

The author of this blog is Douglas C.McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly atmcnabb@mcnabbassociates.com or at oneof the offices listed above.

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