feb. 14, 1901 version of the chelsea standard

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7/27/2019 Feb. 14, 1901 version of the Chelsea Standard

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C H E L S E A . M I C H I G A N , * f H U f f S D A Y .  F E B R U A R Y  1 4, 1901.

:  Mew Boole lo DetroItT" "

Tiniest  WmieaU kinds of speculation

lias been geingon with reference to the

route  the Boland  electric* railway line

^houloVtake fronrtfalBTiltirtb Detroit, it

^oous very much as If. M r.  Dolandf had

Bomeideas of his own In the matter  and

has caught thei D. ,  Y. & a. A.  people


The question all along has been howTie would gain an entrance Into the city of

Detroit. He evidently knows.

The Detroit Tribune prints a rumor

that his $4,000,000 cpmpany Is negoti ating

forlhe purchase of the Detroit and North

western Electrlo railw ay, which If  done

w i l l  givo him an euliauce  Into Detroit.

The D. & N .  W,  runs  from Detroit to

Farming ton, at which point two branches

go out. One  goes  to Pontlac and the

other to Northvllle,

If   begets control of this all that would

be necessary to be bu ilt Is the road, from

Ann_ArJ2orjo-35urthvllle, a distance of 18

miles and he would have a line from

your pretention for two cents,  In a dealthat  would shame a  street gamin, Say

and do/more; a talking religions notworth a/pleayuue unless enforeM by alite of,rectitude and 4ownrlght,' uprighthonesty^"" After  you have^ cleaned up - -

reasonably  w e l W B B g this  UneV yon  wl fl  vlded or otherwise  thUi  ordinance shallv>» i« „ «_ iu . . t. .J i be  nul l  and  void  at the option of thebe ma position to appeal to other sinners ,vu iage  Counci l ,and pdssibly someone may be Induced to

belleye^wliat yonaa y J i  la wel l  to^et-a4ew-pa



motes out of your own eye before calling  " " "

attention to beams in.yourneighbor's e ye.

We would probably have to  stop  at this

point, as people do not like long sermons,

much  Ibbs  pointed ones, moreover the

church would be empty,'

Snu  Arbor  taDetrolt

This would open'np a valuable terrltoryfTrustees

for  Ann  Arbor,  as It would bring the

Salem' and Superior trade to tnls city,

Seymour BrowneH, a heavy stockliolder

in  the Detroit & Northw>estern, when

asked about the matter, said to a Tribune

reporter that Mr.TSoland waTfigurTggJSjn

«rnat  Northvllle in order to gain "an en

trance to Detroit and that the Ndrthwesk

em would not object to the connection

being made.

Prom another  source it was learned

that fag-Bgten~d  Will be outhe-giuiiud m

about-ten dayB with a proposition to pur

chase, the road,

The  lUje-frgm this city to Detroit, via



'is iess__than a mile longer

than the  present  line from, here to-Dc

troit by the 0.,  Y. & A. A.

"Down  In £>lxte."

Tha  -following  In regard to the'play

which  w i l l  be  presented  at the opera

house Friday evening, Febr uary 15th, for

the benefit of Chelsea Tent, Ho, .881, K

O.T. M .,  Is from, the last  Issue  of the

Manchester Enterprise;

Down in D ixie, '

jduring the  civ ila drama of the south

s e e t h e N e w S t r a i g h t F r o n t C o r s e t s .

W e h a v e s e v e r a l s t y l e s .

"war, was presumed

home talent Friday-aud Saturday evening

for the benefltjjf the Manchester K. O,

T.  M.  . The play is a  l ive ly  one, charac

terlstic of the time andhaxsjaleas lu'g love

affair  running through It,  the'parts of

which were admirably taken by  MrB,, <2

1*  Y oc u n i , ,  Frank Kramer and Arthtfr

Jacquemaln, ftltss Maude Quodell assist



Chelsea,  Mich. , Feb. 6, 1901..

Pursuant to the  call of the President  llicboard met i n special session.

Meeting cathwi to oruefTjy-.lhc president.

J iul l called by the  CUyfe  —•-—^-.

nance shall take effect upon If* acceptance la writing by said railway if aaidacceptance  be  filed within one month ofthe date of its passage.  — "—--

Andlhe said grantee corporation ?hallboforo Ju ly 1st, 160S,buildaud put In op-eratltin a line of railw ay as herein ,prd-

Sald  grantee  shall  save  the said VII-_  on j$

.  said  Vi l lage  having granted previouslya franchise to  W i l l i a m  A . Boland onWilkinson street.

In event  of moving buildings  acrosssaid street railway, if it becomes  necessary to cut the wires, said wires s hall becut and repaired at the expense  of saidgrantee.

Approved  February 6,1901.R . A . Snyder,Jabez Bacon, •

/  "~ 0. 0. Bdbkhaht,,  J. W. Bacuuah,

H.   M .  TWAMLEY,

H. H . AVBBY.W i l l i a m  Bacon, President.W . -tt.  H B8BG8CH.WEROT, Clerk.

Moved  by Burkhart. seconded_hv Sny-

Presqgt, 'Wirt]—Bacon, President, and

Avery, Bach man. 'Burkhart,

Twatnley, R. A . Snyder aud J. Bucon.

Absent, none,

This meeting was called.for the pjrpose

of considering and granting a franchise to

tile  Detroit,  YpsilanUj • Ann  Arbor  &

_  Jackson  Rai l way ^ C o ^  to_ crqss__cerlftin_

connecting w lt t tEe Detroit &  Northw ^terreets"itfthe: vlHage of Chelsea  "wlili their

electric line;  nlsofoi the purpose of passing an ordinance creating a Board of Etec

trie  Light 9tid Water Commissioners.

Ordinance No . 20 grantiug such  fian-

chiee was read.-

BerTthe' ordinance granting sucji franchise

tp the Delrpit, YpsHanti,  Aon  Arbor -AV

Jacksob  Railway  Co . be adopted- and

ed as read:

Yeas — Avery,  Twamley, Bachman,

Burkhart, R. A. Snyder,-J. Bhcod.  Nays

^-None, -

H3arriedr -; — :

. Ordinance  No . 3Z was then read a» tol

lows: .:


•sr  OMMNANCR NO. 27.

An   Ordirianra retatveToTtir creation"Ota

Board of  • Commissioners to  manage theelectric light and jvaTer works plant ofUmyillage of Chelsea.

:•——-ORDINANCE NO. 26.An   ordinance granting to the Detro: ,

Ypsi lant i ,   Ann; Arbor  and JacksonHallway,  Its.  sucoessors  and assslgnsthe right to constructf-tnaiptaln and operate street railways on and across certain gtreata,ay ii<iflB and pOttTTc places inthe  Vi l lage of Chelsea, State of  Michigan, and on such other streets, avenuesand public places as may  hereafter  bedesignated.The Common Council of the  Vi l lage of

Chelsea ordains: — .•  Sec. 1; TKaTodnseut, permission andauthority We  hereby given, granted andduly vested In the Detroit,  Ypsi lant i ,An n  Arbor  and^ftiefesen—  Railway, ItsaiinflflBHnrn and aanlgnfl, tn  nnpnfrnrt frnmtime to time, use and operate  fingle anddouble—track street—railways—from*time to time all necessary and conventent turnouts, turntables,  Y 's ,  sidetracks,switches, connections and pol e' lines inand alone the streets, avenues  and publie   places in the  Villages of Chelsea ashereinafter provided; and the  same  to.keep, maintain and operate thereon Btreet

railways for and during the term here inafter specified and in the manner ahdupon t,h« conditions set forth In this or

  ing mucn In this part  of the pjpt.  Ear lChase,.vas a, newspaper  reporter, was a

pecked by his business woman wife,  this

character being tsfken by Mrs. Bernhardt,


W E  A R E  S E L L I N G

MM H 3 T Q B E 3

and their work was very natural.

p o u n d i s a t t - f a m t l y   W h i l e  F i s h  4 5 c . —

B e s t  C o d f i s h  1 0 c p o u n d .

L a r g e1

  g l a s s S y r u p P i t c h e r s 1 0 c  e a c h ?

13  b a r e  l a u n d r y  soap  for 25c ' '

F i n e l i g h t t a b l e s y r u p 2 5 c g a l l o n

J u i c y O r a n g e s 1 5 c d o z e n

Ca n n e d co m 5 c pe r c a n ^

—  — ^ C a n n e d  p eas  5o pe r ca n -

C h o i c e  fooneV In c o m b 14c po un d.

l e n t o f w t i t i n g  p a p e r  -at 10c

p e r b o x


part w e l l .  "Susannah," whose name did

nut appear nn Inn program, proved to be

Mrs.  Geo. J .  N l s l e ,  whose diale ct wsb

good and slie looked 'li s a brack nigger.''

Adam  Sehalble's impersonation of a de

generate yankee was amusing. The work

of  the. whole company showed careful

training. Several beautiful tableaux ad

ded td the performance" and  those  who

were not present missed a tre' t.

i d ^ Q u l n l n o T a b l e t s 3

f o r y o u r c o l d ? W e

it e P i n e C o u g h B a l s a m

t a k e .

h a v e t h e m .

i s  a  f i n®  t h i n g

2 5 c p e r

for 2

i t t l e .  §c h i l d r e n .  E a s y t o

a r e s e l l i n g m o r e 15 c c o f f e e e v e r y d a t f b e - 3

  It  c a n ' t  b e m a t c h e d ' ' °

m o n e y . ' ' ~

a r e s t i l l ^ e H I n g r p a r l o r  m a t c h e s  at 1c bo x 3

8 p o u n d s g l o s s s t a r c h i n b u l k f o r 2 5 c .

pa l l s fo r~10  q u a r t  g a l v a n i z e d Ir o n

A  G o o d  L a n t e r n c o m p l e t e f o r 4 3 c .

L a m p  w i c k s l e p e r y a r d .

  P i j c e f o r E g g s . J

O I ? T H E  L O W E S T P R I C E S " |

] - q ^ t b  t h e

also hustled and—took—a second  part,

"Bradley's  henchman.""  W i l l  Kramer

jnado a good 'Hrue4il»<LA>yUak4i

pa|t  ofJtff  Trishman Ina pleasing man-

BcntyJBejrnluirdt;  h» the faithful


Sec. 2. The said  grantee,  its successors and assigns are hereby authorize dto construct and  operate* a street railwaywithin the  l iml ia of the  Vi l lage  of  Chelsea for the pe riod t f thirty years  fromand after the  date  of the  acceptance ofthis ordinance upon the  following termsand conditions, to wit:

.  Beginni ng at the southerly limit s ofslave, had a Rood make-up and aeted^DfrT S i d  village, about  elglit y rods west of

HowJfPouKl  Yon Conduct a Kevivift?

Xh«-replyJo  this Inquiry as given by

Editor-Ranaall  of—the Tekonsha News

irworth careful "feadlng hence .we  print.


_aHow  wouloV-YW-ctnTirnct~a  revival

someone aska^- A foolish'question to^sk

an editor, Imftglim an editor fuuiTuttlng

a revival.  We can answer the question,

however. In the first place, we would

asy to the members of different churches,

clean up 'your dooryards thoroughly

before you Invite company. Quit your

meanness,; now and forever. . If- yon

have been a contemptible old gosBlp,

quit it. If yon are guilty of backbiting,

quit it. K you have  lied to your neigh-

•boMc-thenaierohaiit, to the editor, to

your  family, make Height and quit your

lying.  If you are practicing trloks  thatirrrewTfld DaSg, quit It at once.' It ycu-

are ugly to your wife,  cross, and hateful

to your chlldre n^qult your  enssedneas.

4f_ynu  haveTflen selling three-quartersTrfu cord of-woed4or a cordVqullJt_and

give  ful l  measure.  If"you have been

«heatlBg the community by ly ing  out of

your taxes, quit ttj.ijto



-_£-thataa ltlstor ob a hen roost. If 7^ 1

been selHng^otten eggs  for fresh  eggs,quit It. Cast off all  yo«f  hypoorltlcal

pretensions a nd • ^ ? ^

n p l r t>  nf the Publican  Instead  ofpBe

Pharisee.  Yo n lara not fooling *ny  onej

th ~wotJ(Tteaa^jmi-aa-l^rMdi the 1*8*

^^ktSS^Bo  not say you wonML

Sec. 3. The provisions of this  ordi

nance as to the ruute by or on which 4.he

saio: street railwa y corporation ts to con-

operate  the said  street  railway are as


the of the easterly  limits; .thence  In anorthwesterly direction bn private right-of-way to  M a i n  street  it or 4iear its te~tersectlon with VanBuren str6Bt;  thenceacross M a i n  street  In a westerly direction across Congdon street.QaTfield stree tiQrant street, and  Wilkinson street to the-westerly limits of said V i l l a g e ;  also lut

along or through sucbznnher Btreeto asmay from time to time be designated bythe  Vi l lage  Council  of the  Vi l lage  ofChelsea hereinafter provided and also in,along and through such: prlyate waysand lauds which said  grantee  corpora-tlon may have "or shall j»cqulre  by" pur-

The V i l l a g e - ^ Chelse&ordains:Section V That  there  shall be—dsn

kituted in the  Village of Chelsea a- Bo ar d^1

of ^mml^Qnere.consisting ot  five  membtrs  to control and  manage  the electriclight"and water works plaut belonging tosaid Vijiuge  of Chelsea; one who shallhold office for one year, two for two ycarBand Iwo for three years, same to bc Hominaled by the President and confirmed bythe common council, wliose term of officeshall begin on the second Wednesday ofFebruary, 190T,~aUd regularly  thereafter

W e  H a v n ' t  S a i d

laldy,  but we  ar^^aomtani/^ doing

business in this lint.  We believe  you

you ask for a sample of ofir 2T>c coffee,

it  w simply a winner.

We are selling good-coffee  a£ 18c lb.

We are selling broken Java at 1 Oclbr

We are selling a fine blended coffee  at

. 20c pound.

Large California prunes  3 lbs for 2$c

Good  Califomi(TjffiJaies  6 lbs for &5c

Large  bottlesfancylargeolives for 25c

Choice Manzanilla olives  10c bottle

Silverware elsewhere? We eon-show'

you d complete  line  of Roger's fiat-,

ttch as: void meat forks, salad

forks, sugar uliells, butter knives, creamladles,jimixeudadlei^etc,  etc.

We know that our designs are new and


m m



1 ½ 1

the second Wednesday in February in eachyear to  fill  the ex piring Commissioners'place,, (or at any subsequent regular  meeting).  ' - —. . ..-  Sec. 8. SaioV-eomiuissioners to have

for electric

•We know that  our goods  are the best.

We noto that  Our assortment  is the

—  ~  largest.  _

We know that our prices are the lowest

power-to make all contractslight and water to the inhabitants of theVillage of Chelsea; also in contract  ftirv

fuel and supplies and to hire all necessaryhelp to successfully run said electric  lighfand water plant.

Sec 8.  Said  Commissioners toapjpointone of their number chairman and one oftheir number accreniry.and treasurer, saidsecretary and  treasurer shall do all collect-Hog ol" reotat-  Said  secretary  and—trees*,urer shall file bond before he  enters  upon•his duties as secretary and treasurer to thedimima ut—Hiree  t nousand-UrtUms+ saidbond to be approved by said Board-ofCommissioners.-  Said  secretary andtreasurer shall open an account with oneof  the Iocaf hanks, said accnuift to beknown as the  Municipal  Elect ric andWater Works Account.  aud> nil  ordersdrawn on said  treasurer  shall be signedby fheseoretivry and countersigned  Uy thecnaimian ol said  bo.-iril ot Uommissidneis."

Sice" 4.  Al l  orders from parties wishingelvctric  liglit or water-tnusi be placed withUlf siTrflnry of siiirl.Ro«rri of Cnrnmis lnn-

We know that if  youe.camine^our goods

and gel our prices,  you will be sahs-

fted thatjhts is the place  to buy.

Tours fur  Something  New.

F e n i r l  V o g e l .

.  . H i g h e s t M a r k e t P r i c e

_ _ f o r J E g g s ; " '

All Stylti and Blua far  A The Oeiralnfil l

 b«u thUBTDT Kiod of Fuol.  £ \ , l r id . l l . r t .  Bevai*_ - — A W -  -  oflmittUiiu.


sioners.Skc. S.

to l ie adjiskiner-h"

Skc. 6  Tl ie said Hoajd of Comtaission-ers to meet once"amontn and to be compensated  by receiving $1.00 per meeting,except the treasurer .and  secretary, whosecompensation shal l" be adjusted by theCommissioners.

Skc. 7.  A' l  ordinances or parts of ordi-

nanees  jnnnnaiatpnl  milli  lllia  orrlinnnrp

chase, gift or otherwise8ec, 4. The said  street

at the time of laying thesaid street railways across  the

aajd_JVJllagB_^Jaefc--tire-the rails and for

railway shalltracks of the

streets if

betweenpsce"_  a distance of twelve

Inches outside the rails for such lengthIn the  tr»»«l«t  P " H l o


  °f  streets-socrossed as the Common Council  may direct and maintain same.  Such crossingsto be madiB at the   present grade  of thestreets, and so as not to  Interfere  withculverts, Urulua aud waterways,-and^tttoof suitable size .to carry of all watershall  be placed  across  said track_s._bysaid grantee.  Should the grade  uf saidstreets be changed by the order of taoCommon Couuoil the sahl  grantee  cor-poratlon shall  change  said crossings tocorrespond to said  changes  in  grade  attheir own expense.

'  Sec. 5. The said  street  railway shallbe operated by the overhead t rolle y wiresystem of electricity or suoh other  mod-ern rapid power as said  grautee  may•from  time to tline^ elect, provided however that steam power shall not be used"

In the  limits. Jt-8»ld_Vlll»ge  wlth-out the consent of   he  Vi l lage  Connoll.

8Mhr6>_Xh6  cars  of saia street-rail-way\«halT  not be allowed to  stop  orstand tin said crossings unless an accountof aooldent. • - ../vSeo. 7. The poles ot said railway Bhall-"be of good , smoothceda r an rfkept pain t--ed by said grantee." •  Ben. 8. The said,grantee  shall be entitled to  charge  five (0)  cents  for,thecarriajre of any single paasenjter  Torofteognilhuoos trip over said ra ilway be

but ohlldren nnigt.  live  yeara of a ^ Sunday night  * r i l l bei^The mean8_ ofWhen  Bnnnmpahle£5y_riarentlt fir gnailag shall be carried free,

eemenbj bontoined in this prdinanceitltwmitUDte a  Binding  cohttact bo-

. M e n said V i l l a g e  of Oheliea uid the'tatdjmuitpe corporartun^jrirl tnls  c r d l -

are hereby repealed.Sec. 8 This'ordlnance shall lake effect

and be in force from and after its publication. _  _ -.  -  •••-•*•-•  Approved Feb. 0, 1901, by-order of theVillage Board. "

Wn.i.tA>i Bjvcon, President.W.  H . HKSJEi.scHWKRD'r, Clerk.

Moved by Bachman, seconded by Sny

der,'that the ordinance.be accepted and

arlopled. ; : «


C a l l  and see our new line of side

- -boards and bed-ronm sntts.—Also our r

llneof  ' , A

- S T E E L ^ R A N G E S .

Heating Stoves at  C Q 3 T  to clo e out. .

" Yeas-VTivnmley,

Snyder, J. Bacon.

Nays—Avery.  L

Bachman, Borkhait,

Carried. - \ ~ •

Minutes read and adopted.

Yens — Avery,  Twamley, Bathman,

Btirkhatt, Snyder, and  .TTfliicon.1

' Nays—


Approv.edFib. 6,1001.

- :  Wm  B^flow. Prpiridfmt

W.  H.  HRsBi.HCHWKiirfr,  Clerk.

M E T H O D IS T N O T E S .

We are pleased* to' Inform the publlo

th'atJve have secured the famous  "Flak

Jubilee Singers" for Friday night, Feb

ruary 884, They  w i l l sing iLthe  M . i ^


to playrof, fltanit


night, February floth. This  - wil l  be

treit for the people In CholBea, and as the

tickets have heeh put down .to_25.oenla oonsumer demahds,

every bodyJ w i l l be able to go

We were  greeted  last Sunday nig ht

with  a large ndmber of young men to

We are. making special low prices on

entire line of ••


W .  J .

listen to the Bret semen of the getlea. of

esBen-  -B|M> tmmthai wmttn my >'  Vnnng-i

are  cordially invited to oe  present^

Persmt^hoHsan not take ordinary pillsHndltapleaBUMtotakeOeWat't tha*Early Rlsi ta^he t^re th* beat liver  pl l l aever made\ QlimfttJ k Stlm wo. ,

-  rice,- three Uilugs which the ptirclias.  ,er of meats  moot- consider. Tenderw—nese, juiciness , flavor—three thlnga the

pleased with the  beef,  iamb, etc, sup-plled'by u*. We are  ©flerlng

M a r  Cored Hams at 12 l-2c for the

hetfaer for roast,  bo"w i l l  glVe.saUsfaOtlon


whether for roast,  b o l l ,  broil  ot fry, "

7/27/2019 Feb. 14, 1901 version of the Chelsea Standard

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/feb-14-1901-version-of-the-chelsea-standard 2/8

i S E A ,  - "fr

OQVRn, Publisher.

~ U I O H t a A K .

,  -A certain oity  dUlciai  «no rduajuto give up his job at the request of themayor gave as an  excuse  that he  OldAn t  possess the virtue 6(  resignation.


' 'Several members  of a  church laEtatstown,  Pa„ hayingJWlsn, far be-

M n j l i with their faU dues, the board oftrustees has decided  that, in future the

b o l l  shall not be tolled for a  funeral

m  any  family which has not paid upIts Indebtedness and a year In advancebesides

The  French telegrapH department. proposes  to  Institute  a  series  of ex

periments  with wireless? telegraphy for

subterranean : commuaicaUoas.  The

possibility of the scheme was flint suggested  by one of the inspectors of the

at, "'who-found^ hfe ^primitivetria ls t o' give Satisfaction.  1¾¾.  department intends-to develop  the ideaupon a larger scale.

generated.The   electrical illuminations of the

exposition  w i l l be achieved In connection  with  the  Electric  Tower,  the

fountains and otBentydraulte aisplayifand  In the  outlining of the  differentbuildings  by  row* of  4aeandesilamps. There  w i l l  be combined waterand electric effects  and the  centralfigure  of the  whole setting  w i l l , of

, course, betfiawEfectrlc Tower, with ItsPittsburg, a  company  there  hae booked* TaoWwondertslTinorTeadtiful electrical

Almost  anything made-la  the steel,-iron, or copper mills ean now-beHad-at

orders for 6,000 tons of a high grade,ofopen-hearth  acid  steel wire for tise onto* new East' river bridge at New  York.The  company took  the  contract fromSwedisn '-iroducers , >who heretoforehave been regarded  the only Interestsable-to snjinly_the ;

grade of wire re

quired,  . _ ,——

: t r i c w o n d e r s

U r i p c > x ^ . l l e l e d t D i s p l a > . y  a>t t h e  P g w n - A r e i o r f c a ^ n

E x p o s i t i o n .

smtfltive aa'te^fllfafScter  rathe* -tattf1

exhaustive in detail.

Bailoois of the Bees,  /

• The busy  bee wlM bo In big finalness at the Pan-American JEiposXlon


  It has -been de

P r o g r e s s  I n  E i e c t r i c a J i  S c i e n c e  W i l l  B e  U l u s t r a . t e d  In

a .  M o s t  C o m p r e h e n s i v e  M a r i n e r v & t  th e  G r e a t

S h o w N e x t S u m m e r .

Electrical  illumination s and .electrlcal  exhibits  w i l l  form conspicuous featuras at the Faa-Ame rican expositionas  la eminently  fitting  in view of the

marvelous progress made.In electrical

with  the-means to  this end. On thisaccount it is hoped to illustrate themat the EKpooitlon  In su&h-amannerthat  the  Inter-relation  of the variouselements  w i l l  be quite apparent  The

science during the past decade and in ' utilisation  of  electricity  In  variousview of the proximity to the exposition ' forms of manufacturing Industries  w i l lgrounds of  tho groat planta at Niagara also be Illustrated.—This utilization titFalls  from  wbicji the electrle. power lT'electricity  is  destined  to be one' of

It  Is  reported  that  the  clam  is in

danger of extermination, fae hope not

WaS^WpuldTWlslrto  pas ' the  summeron  a clamless coast? A s&ore Whereonno merry digger.seeks his unferoclous

-projvwould-seem-lone'y. The  taBlewiTrwe inhospitable  which  is  ungracedjbydishes  In  Hbicu-Ohe, clam—boHp4he:

.•place-of iHHjer^^lteHttbster-hae-^ersturdy protectors,  Shall the cam lackdefenders?

The  ex pression "Rob'Pe ter  to pay

Paul"  had-its  origin  in the  rivalrywyetronce existed-between'Westminster "Mbeyvaeaicated to"TKTFetef", and

St.  5atli?s cathedra l  In 1550 there-was"  neie-rey^-t^th^treasury-of-SW^aul-s

and to cover thi s  deflcitiucy  money be

longing to St. Peter's was_appropriat <The  people who objected  to this actionasked- the question, "Why rob_St. P

_ter> to pay St. Paul's?" ;

display.  The Electricity; Building It-,self  has. most appropriately been lo

cated—adjoining  toe Electric  Tower.Prom  its eastern end an excellent opportunity  w i l l be afforded  for viewingtbe-spIendid-4HuminstioTOs-of-the tower during  the  night displays.  The

location of the  building  is  alito for-

the  greatest  of its.  fields and the

Niagara  frontier Is" now  an  objectlesson In this respect, for the development of Niagara power Is almost ^everyday drawing  newIndustries  to  thisregion  because the proximity and the

.bTttly^oniiis.  power render  the

manufacturing opportunities so exceptional.  • • .  , •

such elaborate sculptura l adornmentas  w i l l  Be a  leading characteristic ofthe  Pan-American — .Exposition.  The

buildings  and grounds of the Exposetion at Buffalo  wi l l be embellished profusely  with  most artisti c creationsfrom  the hands of some thirty->flve of

the  best  known sculptors on the  Am -

tuiutte i n  view of the tact that  lustacross the mall, the broad avenue uponthe southern side  of the ElectricityBuilding,  stands, tin Machinery and

the" coming  flumm«r.elded  to  construct a-bpeol el  buildingfor  the proper display- of the workingcolonies of bees and' the  great varietyof  bee keepers' supplies  which"  w i l lconstitute this exh ibit This  w i l l un

doubtedly be the most extensive bee exhibit ever prepared lri this or any otherpart of the world.  Anyone who Is not

a  student of bee culture  little  realisesthe very  great importance  r>t  this Industry.  It is estimated  that  there are

S00.000  .

ture  in the  United States  alone  and

that the present annual value of honeyand wax  is in excess  of  $20,000,000.There are 110 societies devoted  to the

study  and promotion uf—bee. keeping-

f  Britisfc^'Officer  and


  •* K f l M .


A  P E A C E  O F F E R  JS U R G E D .

rJLlr  B a n m  Clarke Floods for an-  Hoxoc-

•b l *  Settlement—Dmlate*  *%»»  Xm

conditional Surrender of  tli»  Baas Is

mm  Remote mt  Eves.

Pretoria, Feb. 13,—The  Boers' mined

Eight  Journals  are sustained  by  thisindustry. Fifteen steam power factories are' producing supplies  of variouskinds for the use of bee keepers. Am

erican honey finds a market i n rnanvdistant countries, the"  United  Statesproducing more honey than  any othernation. "

  , - .

The  bee exhibits at the Pan-Amefl-"can  .Exposition  w i l l  be so  arrangedthat the  bees may  enter  the ir "hives

carry  on  their work of honey  collection^ undisturbed  by  visitors,  yet in

full  view  through  the  glass sides of

their  hlv?B.  -The successful management of an  apiary requires  a  knowledge of botany  aswell  as  the- habitsand reqalrements  of the bees  themselves.  The little  honey  bee plays  a

very Important  part in the  generaleconomy. . The failur e of fruit crops'may  be due to the absence of  bres

erican cont

C^ellnff »t Exposition.

The  Pan-American  Exposition  wi l lextend  a  welcoming hand", to  the mil

The  wires of the Postal Telegraphcompany were -puiblicly sold  In UnionH i l l ,  tL-I^on account of unpaid taxesfor  $1.  The purchaser  had the wiresexamined  by-&h

r expert,  who.  says theyare worth  at  least $1,500.  The Comp a q ^iH^©wHie-<^l^_i^ri


-to^  pay—rent for the use of Its own wir-ea >nd

the  ease  w i l l  be  darned, into court Ifit  refusesi—As-yet, thecompany ha*

paid the whole matter ne attention.  •  ~

'John  Hartman, Justice of the peaceat  E l D v i l l e ,  N, J„ got  into  a  wordywar withAsome visitors a t •bis dfflfif a"f-Svsed language  of the  sulphu.-ous  varl-

et \  Aftetv the^fuss  was^ll  over he-disked:the  rrl-iyorfor  a warrant for his

own  arrest on the charge of disorderlyconduct. 'Tcaught myselFredhandad,"he said,  "and why shouldn't  t pay a

fine  just  lijtejiny  other citizen?  I'm

an. hottest  Wan even if I amjustice ofthe pea.ee.''.  A smaH fine was imposed.

Wine" a  large  oak log wai, boiny»awed  Into lumber at L. ¢•  Betm's  mi l l ,Richwood,  Ohio,  the circ:ular- aaw ran

into  an obstruction_jn_ -the-i og^Jthii:cPJii>leteU wiecked  Hie sa.v and *en-dangered  the  Hves of the  workmen.The  log was-x hwped Into  and almostin_its" heart  was found the .steal hit ofan  ax, which  must-have been brokenoff'there-at  leaBt•• thirty years ago, as

indicated  by  that  numbcf~of coneen-tric  growth rings surrounding  K as

a  center,

The  Northern  Pacific Railroad  com--pany—has-substituted  a  long-distancetelephone system  for the  telegraphservice formerly used along Its  lines.Probably  the  most complete privatetelephone l ut ei n' uwm;d


aird*-operatedbv  a  railroad company, is  that of the

New  Y o r k .  NewHaven  & Hartfordrailroad, by means  of - which  It  ls-pos-si bt e ^ transmit orders *nd commanl-

- cations to the  most remote  pbinU an

the company's lines.

-  AJuilBf  In  CrayfurdHville. Ind.,


Transportation  building.  Bp that  visitors can  jeasily pass  from one to the

other  and make comparisons betweenthe closely allied, apparatus In the two

buildings.  In *ie northwest corner of

the  Electricity  Building  w i l l  probablybe located the 5,000 H. P. transformerplant which  w i l l tra-nsfonn the.Niagarapower polyphase,, current from .11,000•Pita  to 1800  volti

about  the  grounds. Smaller Btep-djwj^tansfcjmprR  wi l l he used In several  hundred transformer pita aboutthe grounds, and in the various  buildings, where the current  w i l l be reducedfrom  1,800 volts to 104 volts.  At thispressure lights and electric motors-andother appliances  w i l l  be  operated.

The  progress In the development andapplication  of the  various branches

recent years makes  the exhibit at the

Pan-American  exposition of the utmostImportance- and interest.  At the timeof  the World's  Fair  at  Chicago, «lec-

llona.jif Cyclists and Automoblllsts of

the Americas (Turing  the summer of1901.

The  automobile exhibit, ft is promised,  w i l l  be the finest ever seen at any

exposition. There  w i l l  aisa be a largeand complete display of bicycles, repre-^senting all stages of progress from the""niethod  °n  various occasions and nev

heavy and  clumsy lron-tlred  v e l c i l


-the-modern machines, Including, the

old  ordinary" or  •'htgh~wljeel . bicyclefitted wlth_ smalLsQlid  rubier tireswhich was first exhibited in this country  twenty-five years ago, atjphiladel-phla.  - — »•  • „ .

^ A  grand  carnival"Of  cycle rac-a  wi l lbe held  in the magnificent Stadiumwhich is now being erected on the Pa n-"Amerlchn  .gronnria.  Thin  »»t it.. .

e^-ele^ieal-^ctouc,  M U i L J i M u i i t r r ^ : ^ , , ,,  b e l n m k n y r 6 s p 6 c t s e q u a , t h e

found  Kulity'TJt  selling  their votes at

the last election.  "It .is a  fundaments',principle of law." saicLih* judge, "thatan  agent  who lias betrayed  h.s  tins;,can  be removed »nrt the p>w r InvestedIn  him revoked.The vutur it, the agentof_the_ gove.-r.n,ci;t for the  purpose of;

carrying  into effect  its principles,  and

tne moment  he nffeis  lo  atll H+m-elfoi iFTie   heconies TaT&e "i n  his  tr0aT"and~nn  pnemy  to"r7lf  eountry.  If « map,

"iteajs ten ITetits' worth of property he

may be Tonvio.tod of  petit lar.e ny and

disfranchised.  Is vote  s-lling  a ciimeof  less magnitude?"  A;lgliteous and

wholesome  ruling,  wheh deserveB all

possible  publicity.

Horace Greeley, speaking'of  the big

trees of Califnrnn>.  saW-  thai  some of

-theln lia've lieen serenely growing

aver since  Jesus was on the  Birth."but  oifl£e~TBTanirci'"KosToR  tbeTcoait

of  A s i a  Minor,  stands an oak twenty-,

five  feet  ln dlametir'  which  a German

jSCiontlst-believes  to bn iwo^tljotjsand-

nibe hundred yeais  oUl.  In that  ease,

It must hais been  a vigorous sapling

In  the d.ys when  K i n g  Solomon "spake

trie transportation over street car linesOf  cities was ln Its  infancy.  In ten

yeara the electric motor in its  application  to both _transportation  and In

dustry has effected  w e l l  nigh an  Industrial .revolution.  In the electric lightin g  industry, and in the  telephone system  there has been gregfprogreas Jur-


^ome"^o "the front  within a fewyearsand  is destined  to  effect still^furtherradical  changes  in methods  of electriccommunication. -Automobiles electrically propelled have cume Into use.  In

all   these  fields the Pan-American Exposition,  w i l l  have electrical exhibitsiUustrati ng-thia marvelous /progres s.There  w i l l be a collection of  historicalmatter  relating  to the  subject  which

will^show  the gradua l deve lopment ofthe  apparatus  .used. An especially in-

-jok ttees,  from—

In  Lebanon even unto the hyssrp tb itaprlngvtli aot *J t *  w a l l . "

teresting exhibit  w i l l 'be  that IlluBtrat-ing  the application of electricity to the

propulsion of cars and vehicles  1 ke the

automobiles. .  Most  persona  are  morefamiliar with  the  successful operationof  such vehicles  by electricity than

famous old Colosseum at Rome.

Horticulture at  Exposition.""HorticulftiraT exhibits'  at the Pan

Amerlca'n ExpusIllou-rra-rerTr beautifar  -KhedlVBlt,: atsetting  in and.-a bflut an" exceedingly

handsome  building  220 feet square.The  height ofthe  building Is 236, feetto the top of the lan'tern, and the general propotions  are of  commandinggrandeur. '""' •

Fruits of all kinds  wi l l be placed on.

exhlbP.bjnjdurlng'the summer.  .Mnch-of  the fruit,  wi l l  Be •preserved  In coldstorage, thotlgh the exhibit  wi l l  changeas the season atlvanccB and the different varieties ripen."  A numb,r  of

states have made arrangements-  to.  pro-

whose special function  Is to  fertilize

the blossoms  by  carrylng'the pollenfrom  stamens to pistttP  r ^~

— - i ^ W ^ y i B - W A i B - ^ H U S H r -

C A N ' T   B A C K OUT.

Qo««tlou  About Bunaei—Una*T"by  8aieDtt lo Bxpert*.

After  the  meeting of the Colorado1

Academy,  of  Science recently,,  atwhich  President Regis Chauvenct  of

the  School of  Mines-delivered an ad

dress,  there was an" argument about,snakes, says the .Denv er Republican.It  was continued- in-  ar-deBuitory


 waysoon after at the state capltol by..Cura-tor  W i l l C. Ferr:

clety, and Captain  Ceci l  Ueane. of the

war  relic  department,  the men who

started' it at the meeting on the day

previous. Curator Ferril c'.ama  that he

h&3  proved  that  a  rattlesnake, whe-a-pursued,  w i l l  retreat and go  into its

hole backward. He. says  that..a  monthago he ran across"a- ratttesfiake  whichslowly  went toward its note.  He  fol-lo.wed with,  dlscretlonjfiad -ar-gtta—andwhen  the  rattler reached  Its home' itwent_in,_ac{ording  to  Mr.  F e r r i l ,  tailfirst, .so.-that"

vaal  and a  British  officer  and two

Kaffirs  who  wef e proceeding, by trolleywere  ki l led  by the  explosion.  The

jNatal  railway llae-Is again clear.London, FtnU. 1¾.—Sir Bdwai'd Clarke.-

the former solicitor-general, following,up  his speech  on Feb. 7  before  the

Holborn  eon servatlvo association, haawritten  a letter, to  a  friend,  citingIfPrd  Roberts' rejection of the, oppor-tuntty  to propose  peace terms in Jane1900,  when Oen.  Buller^ad  preparedthe way by conferences  with ChristianBotha,  who asked what  was Offered.L o r d  Roberts replies:

"Unconditional  surrender, the , prl-v^tes^to-W allowed  to  go—to theirfa.nns, no promises to the commanders•r.  to any who have-taken  an  activepart  in bringing on the war."

"This,"  said Sir Edward Clarke,  "putan end to all negotlatioaa. So the warhas gone  on. The losses since have

been 124 officers and 1454 menki l ledln  action and died of wounds;; 63 officers and 3,620  men died of  disease,and  959  officers  and  221635  men in

valided  home.  We have  spent  fromJE6O7OOO7O90 to  £70,000,000  devastatinga  country over  which  we desire "torule.  We do not seem^aTday  hearer•nnqondltionarsti rrender' than sevenmonths ago,"—Str—Edward  Clarke then, says  he

^JaTaestly^speB-ternM acceptablrwtthrw i l l  be  offered  to  " the

ebut*—  -out—dishonor


S P A N I S H   R E P U B L I C A N S  M E E T .

Gfttber 1b Madrid aadHold Euthaslaotta.  Celebrmtloo.

Madrid,  Feb. 13—The republicans

held  several meetings yesterday  to

the annlwaaiy uf the prutlamation of the republic. The progressists endeavored  to march in  procea-

attacked.  Mr.  Ferril is aware  that  thisstatement  is contrary  to  establishedrecords, but. says  that  because  it has

never -liefore"been, known to fhe^wo-^i^does not prove  that it is not tru.e; He

w i l l  mention this discovery in his bl-

ennlal-report now being compiled.

Captain  CeciLA^-^eane of the war

relic  department says  that  h3  never

heard of such a  thing. He clalms^tbatthe-theory-ia ridiculous and_tha.t°it isa  wel l  established fact  that the  rattjers_go home head first.  In proof  oTThls*"claim  he says  that  the wpy In whichcurio  dealers secure rattlbrs. in  largenumbers  for sale  Is to  follow  the

snakes  to  their holes andjsfcjoa  the r

tails as  they dive into the^holes.  Captain Deane says he -has pursued  th:s

:ompelled themings were enthusiastic.

The  provincial  prefects- "now  an

nounce  that, tranquility  has  been re

stored in  the ^various departments.——London,  Feb.  _  12.—Ttos^Madrid-coT-

respbndent  of the Standard,  wiring at

midnight, says:  . _"It  is  asserted tonight  that  abont

forty  arrests  have been made. Severalpolicemen and some ol the rioters havebeen injured ln Madrid, aswell as sev-eral-

D f a e s t a w h a t y o n  ea

Itartlflclally otgesta tho tood andKature  In  strengthenrng  and restruct ing the exhausted dige stivegaos.  It u theJatest discovered dlan^anpLtsalo. SToothur preparacan  approach  it In  efficiency. Ii M o t l y relieves and perma nently cPrtpepsla t  Indigestion, HeanbuFfatnlence. Soar Stomach, Mau

-6leltaea4ap«e,^a8tro^a l (^ampBal l  ther results of Imperfect ingest

Prepared by E. C DtWUt 4Co^<6t«a

d i a l l e r  S t l m s u u 

60   Y E A R SE X P E R I E N C


a t e n t s

DcsionsCO»YRIQHT«  A

• Mnaing • turns wd  dniTtpnoa (TBIOL


tent 1  ^

Psl nU taken


n&on 11 probtblj tetSiUblii, —litrlotljr oonfldenllS" B«n<t>oo» on Pitna.  OdeB Menor.for iocurteat unnoTforiecnrtoaMteat

iken through  Miinn. A Co  tmHcStaoUc*, without wwse. IntM

S c i e n t i f i c A m e r i c a nA tundiomal; ttliutntad weekly,  hanneolation of anr«il*nUflo loo mil.  Terms.

rt foor montiu. »L  Bold br kit newsda

ioa OOo*. SB V St. VfruBtnatoa. Ik

E .  W .  D A N I E L

N O R T H  L A R K ' S


Satisfaction Guaranteed,

charge for  Auuiiou  B i l l s .


Postofflce  address, Chelsea,  Michi

C  #• .  P A T E N T

er  saw a  rattler even  attempt  to go.0 Its hole tall  flrsfc—lie  asserts that

sclent fic^ experiments have already"demonstrated  that  a  rattler cannot''back  up" or  "back down" and  thatMr.  Ferril  is  needlessly exciting the

scientific  world  in bringing, up  a'sub--Jeet- vhlch  has  already been, dispose*-ofr»  '  •  -

P-STpi'l  I OTcly K h dl»»h.

-  T-he Khedive of Egypt is-one-of thefew^Eastern rulers  who has lived In

"rioters  and  four gendajmea  at

Saragossa, where martial la.w has beenproclaimed,"

K i n s  Qeorgo on Way Home*London,-FebT  13:— Klng  George  of

Greece, started homeward at 11 o'c'ock.K i n g  Edward, the  Duhe  of  Cornwalland  Y or k ,  Pr ince Charle s of-BeTttmarfc

l ie   members  of the Greek legation  In  London  accompanied  him to

the'Victoria  station, where a guard ofhonor was in attendance.  The  route jgifrom  Buckingha m palace  to the  station  was lined  *tth cheering crowds.After,  the K i n g  of Greeoe had biddenfarewell  to the others he and K i n gEdward entered  aT saloon carria ge and

Jsac5l£mTiraceg,~ 1fl8sing~eacb o tn e rJ E

both cheeks. The train started In the

mldit  of the  rendering of the Greekanthem  and hearty cheering.  The tn-

defiMte postponement  of all west end

hotel dinners,  has  proved most disastrous to London  waiters, more than1500« of whom are out of employment.

Our  leereluraed i f weMait.  Xny one ing  sketch and description of any iuvenlioprumpily leceive .411  opinion Ire* conceihejialentability  of ame-—.wllow-to Obtl'atcnl" sent  ii|«m "re<iic»l  Patents  seIhrongb us adveiiiAed for rale at out expe

I'aleuts taken out tbniu^b us receive 

ok 1  an illustrated and widely circulatednal,  consulted by MamifactMiers and lnvt

Send lot  satnple"co|iy~FREE".Addre

V I C T O R   J .  E V A N S  &C O

(Patent Attorneys,)

Evam Building,  W A S H I N G T O N , D

T n  •••vai 4 as

G r i s w o l d

H o u s e

D E T R O I T .

JBMt*. U,  t 2 4 0 r ^ p e r  Pa

D o n ' t  B e  F p o l e

.  Tafco tha gannlae, ortg


Hlnm  la  ratal Flsht.

A-theas,  0., Teb. 13.—In  a  bloody  Ifight  at  Holllntcr,  a  mining—vlflage

a  genuine love story,  with the heroinefor  Wssylfe.  T%e^ery-ncbaTHanemis of thtrSirpasslan race. She was formerly a s l a v X p f t i e V i d l d i (DowagesHfJ

lose houseyoung, ruler of Egypt first saw her. A sbeauty gives rank  In the Orient, the

young slave's condition did not Interfere  with her advancement  She was

courted and won by thejdashlng youngprince and finally,  formally married tohim  and  rnlaed  \n the TftriV  of Kha-dlvah.  The  hapr-y  eiMiple TTHInel thetr'

nearTiere, Albert' Stitzer shot and  k i l l

ed  M i k e  Johnkac and Joe Fobiah.  In

the struggle Stitzer was tearfully cut,

Jjut hew i l l  recover.  ^He-ia  under  ar-

est.  The  trouble starte d. about  a

vide collectivccxhililts  that  wl 11 proper^.^n(

l governesses  fOr her  three.daugh-ly  represent  the horticultural productsot -their-Tiartlcular KDc;lon.Is arranging  (or n special


exhibit of

household after  the European fashion.She neither paints  nor pawderB  her

face, as Is the  custom  of  Egyptianwomen of high rank. Sfce likes European  dress  and-  has European servants

tors.  She studieand has~an open,.

er children,(i^ulring mind. The

woman  with  whom all three had  rela

tions.  All are  Hungarian miners.Stitzer was  attacked by the other-two,with  knives, when he drew a revolverand  ki l led  both of them.

J a i l ' Breakers lo

Huntington,> Cave.

fit Pol Ira lyre s anda-^onno left  hereyesterday on a special" train-for a caveln  the  mountains, sixteen miles fromhere,  tn which it Is .said, the prisonerswho  escaped from the Huntington  Ja i lthis week are camped.  AH  the Drtson-ers.are'heavily armed and a fierce bat-

tie  Is looked for should_thejosasJlnci. _r

Khedlvah has one'Of the most sumotu-

tbe wonderfully  diversified  ^ u i t - - p r o - 4J

^ ^ ^ ^ "j n

-t h s

' ^< t f

"* ^**8

  aaloons-.ductlons of  thai  state.  Other-states

takinR—ihu -m*t*er-up  with— the- white satin,^-brocaded  WithJ>rospret  of  making  the  horticulturalexhibit  the  -most complete ever  at

tempted.  The  same  care  that  charac-1 rlzes other se clions of the Expositionwi l l  be  given  the Horticultural  d i v i sion with the view of making It.repre-

are most magnificently'upholstered 1n

Q U E E R  J I T t f $  P O P S E R M O N S

/  That eccentric preacher, Lorenzo preacher advertised  t* enlighten his

DcKw,  once preached  to  thoughtless  ' people on  Sunday morning by "Les-young women who wUh their gorgeous  eons ftom Croquet." Last year It was

"Lessons; from Golf." -"Born too "Late;the  World  Has  the Start  of Him."  Is

the form of an offer of enlightenmentto young mens  "ALove  Song."  "A

had taken  the  highest  snotsin  the room, from the  text, "Topknot,Coma Down."  One of the moat  b r i l liant  preachers  of a  generation ago.

aSILa_ "nasfsw ar." preached -to young-  Lore  Adventure,1

' and—ufjnsons-people from  the  text,  "Let Her

.Drive.**  Several years ass *  brl^nt i a"»Hit>on.


T^urlshlp," of course-attracted  Instant

the cornices done In real  gold, whilethe panels are'hung-with beautiful  picture". Her own room Is decorated lnpink and white, the bed, with  Its lacetrimmings,  loTOtng  particularly  inviti n g . , . ' " . ' '

,  Pa tTJI t OrdermT  ^_

Railroad  men ln Atchison,  Kan., are

puttied over  a  question  of  duty  or

orders.  On one of Its  eeetlona  nearAtchison a  railroad has Just two Hen .the foreman and one hand. The printed  rules of "the company require  thatIB  case a r a i l  should be found broken,one section hand must go In one direction and another  in the other, for the

purpose of flagging grains. Nowvthe-question tiuubllmr Atdhlson  Is /howeonld ther a i l be mended  with  tils »*ftire lore* away flagging tralneT

in -


meeeeeii*rae  i*m

Mad*  Ml y  by Madlaon else Co., Madison,  Wkeep, you  wel l .  Oar aaark cut on each BecPrict.jt,  rniti,  mm|H  bulk:  Accept. BO  a

Ask  y«ur  drasg

J a p a n e s e  N a p k i

aT  Trf l

S t a n d a r d  O f f i c

11 y«a  are In  need ol Pnnitnt o

.# . .,  Pnntlnit House. Chelsea. MiehHeuds.Ngie   | n r r Hends. l,etterH«.«

„  . „ ,  telogea. Re. 1(111 eelpts,WeddlngStay_miles.torn   CartlE. It  waa-aceom- J?Ji,Posters, * U U vtatunaCard.,Proa

Mas  Carda. A action  B i l l . .  R f n l THnr.e Bills.Pamphlet* Eto  >J l l l l  I 

EartbqnKke In  Spain.Malaga,  Feb.  13.—There  was an

earthquake shodi today  at QrasalSma;foVt;  " "

panled  by  loud  rumblings.  The

habitants were panic strickenmany buildings were' damaged.

Tragedy ln Hllwonkoe,

Milwanltee,  -Feb.' 18.—Ohtrles Fol,

l iv ing at  527 Barclay  street,  killed/biswife with a butcher  knife, followingthe deed by committingwas a laborer at  the' works of theU}|.nols steel company,

- W g  Vlre at Ueratar, riLDecatur, III.,  Feb.  IS.—Fire  destroy

ed  the  wholesale grocery of the M u e l ler,  Piatt si Wheland company.  It Is

thought the loss  w i l l  amount to neaely-$100,000; Insurance unknown.


F I N Eads,oppi,Po

Vomr App*s»«.

Rio ,  Janeiro,  B i a s i l ,  Fob. la.-^Thrweases of yellow  fever have been discovered bars,

G e o .  H .  F o s t e r

* i J  C T I L & t r E l

Sat i s f ac t ion  a ' n a n u a t M d

T e m i  R a a M i n a b l e .

7/27/2019 Feb. 14, 1901 version of the Chelsea Standard

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/feb-14-1901-version-of-the-chelsea-standard 3/8

Tantie*  y»»rOUa/«i>atrleMi of

 and tfcen  to  commandeer

 iolontatt  not t o- join him.o * " , *W *« W»J » l a three

e  riven rise to repprta  that lm-.  In* the ' Sooth

  aiW.Wlooked for.ernmeot ba» doeldgdtq- gtve

  foreign notl qna  of  tfte  fact

 Town  is Infected  with the  is iio longer

 t h ree^additional cases are an sopersons wop.have beeu-

  •10110,8 have  ' A Tempore rjT  hospital

ng i^fee-Boer pf npaHrlz-  at  Fra nVfort. 'Oerinaojt. on

  attended  ny  tomt>-5,ooo  was adopted ap-

  Britain  to  stop the

«o u t h A , r i c a '  c h r i * t l a u  D e

' the Boer commander;

 present  was curried around the- enoulder*  of  Hhe pro

 the meeting.

 L o r d Kitchener, dated 7. says  the  British de

supplies 'at, Petr usiur y  and

 an d cattle.—Mothuen he scattered  the Boers at  east ofV r y b U r g .

 says  lien.  De Wethe Oiange river north of  Nor-

 ou the  loth, going  in the^/-Mhrriaatewit—TUo-UritiSn-

.  0 w " e " r ~ 5 '  nnpbtlia aud'eleotrleaunchea  w i l l m>t have to  ipme-uudet

the ffoverBinent^strtcttonrdu^lnTaa*coming  Ma a o iv^ he y '  oan  continue.nt.li90S.-.»  least, taki ng chances,tnrough their Ignorance  of  naphthaengines and eleotrijrbatterloa,  of Wowing themselves and their launches  Into-*he coroner's custody.  Oeu.  Urosve-'nor, who has had charge of the 1>IU torequire pilots and eugloeenLp* eucblaugBhfB ttranonnt tocjiaiiHfederal"

S l l o n bybfflcSrs as to their  qualifica

tions,to navigate launches,  ,o y 8  tJhere

w i r l bo np time to have th e b i l l  passed

In  a  season^.

ie postal^, b i l l  passed  thehouse. Rep.  Loud  assured  the  membersttflt  no  Important  amendment hadbeen Jmcovered,  butthere-4s  a  provli*>oo that  w i l l give thecojintFy-.edltor

an awful  Jar.  Ityfjr5yjdia_that  incnlcS vrfiere  there i f f rw  delivery, theweekly newsEaper.publishers  eannotHave their  paper distributed  at  poundrates, must  pay one cent a copy, or 53cents a year for a  dollar subscription,or else employ carriers.  Editorial a*

b n t l i i  «f a«>  ©» • •Lorn  P. M e r r i l l  © t P a r a  telle  the*

•tory of the partl wUr «J4 woman, and

he  DMkea iter a  reatde» or uvermoreShe  wae not' oary old, but ehe  waa

*»"Tln«.  <ret«iar-ip«ilea ofantimony.  She had frvttee awar her,

, r l

* 5 i ' L " 'J

  ™U U v e i

.  nnUl she waa atlenjttii T i v l n f alone i n •  small bouae Inthe outaklru of the town.. Just aa she

waa retiring one bitter  oOM night, shedlecorered  that  bat one uallgttedTnntra remained In tbe nwtie._^Bae layawake nntU almoat dayljf tt. w orryingsand dlaturtjag^ raelf wRh wonderinrIftae match, waa good. At last she gotu> ana hunted np the rnatchand atrnnirit  to^eeirrt  wSBloTlght her kindlingsIn the morning.—LewUton K M e . i  Journal. . —•-_


O N E  D O L L A R  PER  P I L L .

M l *  If»11 »  B l z o a  ia;a tba BsimhI; tba*Cur»d  BM WoBlil  B» l'b»|> M

-  TUt* fr\mr.

Cincinnati, 0., Feb. 11. 1901.— (Special.)—Uiss  Netta  l l l x o n  la  Bergeaut-at-Arms of Camp M b. l , Patriotic Order

_  of "America.  Her home  is at No.  1717^^aUc^soygr„the CQunt.ry^arc^making-^Huehea-street,  t%is cttyr^he-ii"  ' '  Popular  and  Influential lady.  Kor

three' years she has been i l l .  Now Bile's  w e l l .  She aayBi  -"I ctfnnot praiseDodo's  Kidney  P i l l s  too highly tor

the sen-igorous complaints, and askale tok i l l the amendment.

A t  the day  Bession  of the  senate  on tbe "tub two  importantmeasures  were disposed  of, the  mfH-tary academy appropriation  biH  and"t"


  war revenue reduction  measure.

considerationonly  change

war revenueThe former  was  underless than  ad  hour.  Themade onrtt ^vas  vhe  strengthening ofthe provision -against haaing  at Westl'oint  An amendment  substitutingan income tajc  for thel wac-reveouemeasure  offered  by  Mr.  Morgau.r'of-Alaba«aTHv*s-i


ejerted--by a party vote.21 to '

Among the subjects discussed  at- thebiueK meeting on the dth were</Uban

constitution and.the  possible necessityfoi-airextra sessiou of congress.  . Per-sons-in a position to "lie w'&l-Jnformedis to the Pi  esldent*  purposes  believe

,u 4  at an extra sessiou  w i l l  be inevita ble

Y O U ' R E W E A K

i n s t e a d  o f  S t r o n g  f

E N E ?

 f-omTlavanar-TlaCed the thai a lumber yard ,  saw" mr l l

 °g a r

  ErCeriu  have hoi-n bj ti e with  a  total loss of

 ot the recent  Uracr activi tyH  the  llrittah  - -.' to reinforce wo,u<-

  with  .W.000 niouoted troops : -without -congress sha ll  take  some ao-loTiBgrtnTIlhe  street  railway t-tTOn  With  inspect 'to.-Cubo' and""It s


rc-'-iaxtonin  this country.  W i l l i ?b.at matter disposed of ThertT' - (rtiod .eason' tobe I ieve t hiit an extra session  w i l l ba

formaTTy.announced  hioi - for

 jlh  l''et  DeW aim in is*

 Ins b  , -

  fiom  Lorenzo Marques. says-the Boers-have cut

  :i I  kilometers from  that  i

  tLolently attacked s o.itV>st at  Bothwe . Feb. .fl.

dcSen back  with  heavy loss, in

isy^ B R E V I T I E S .

J^tin nnl Ulass* Co.'s tumbler Ihx'lietiT,  Pa., was-destroyed . the I'Jth. Loss  about  gflOl),-

  w i l l  be held  In the 4th

 district  of  Maine.  A p r i l a successor to Congressm an


rn recent  acts  exercised, by Rus-  and Mongolia  it  M

 «?d"eo she considers she has an- those countries.  - •>«

  Pa.,- waa visited  by '.he

diaastrous-flie  i,u the history of on the 1 3th.— Fully 81,500,

avoided.President  M c K i n l e y  has delincd to

appoint l ientou Hanehett. of Michigan,.atturnuy-g/neral  of the IT. S.  duringthe second term of his- administration.^yitTn~Wr~flTt irs.  oi Niiiv  ..letsey,  - the"present  attorney-geiierul, declines a re- |a'ppoii  tment.  Mr. llanehi-tt  is  aboittOu jL-ars o+d-and tlvat is the reason he

w. il l -bot be appointed.  The President,wants an attorney-general  not over SOyears of age.  A l l y . - H e n .  (iriggs was48 when appointed,

<fon veaed, atter  the serrateon  the I l l h  the  naval appropriationb i l l  was  passed.  The  snipping  b i l lwas then taken upland kept beforethc^senute during the remainder of the

legislative, day. Mr. '.'affery- (Ue m.,l.:u) occupied  the floor throughout the

session.On the 91.1i.Rep Demin g, of  Minne- |

sota. introduced  a'bill iu the house  to

provide for paroliug  life  convicts  wholiave  siM-ved 3ft years, less good behav-loTTiiue,''or

what they have, done  for me.. 1 wastroubled for three years  with  weakness,and Often  had dizzy  spells, so That Jdared apt gooutLAlQne. Myjiead  woulrtache'continually   for four or^flye daysat  a time,  until life  became simply  aburden.

" A l l  the medicine I  took did me nogood,  until  my^hyBt<rfan~adv sea meto try Dodd's  Kidney  PHfs,  I  secureda  bus, and soon found'tha t  my head-ache was leaving me.  I felt encoura g-'ed  and kept  on taking then, .and  getting -stronger. The—pains .graduallydiminished,  until  I had jise d tourboxes, and all trace of'palo  had gone.I amtoday a strong  andwel l  woman,thanks to_Qodds  Kidney  Pi l l s .  If theprice  was one dollar perpil l ,  Instead

of  60c a box, they would be  cheap,compared with—Other so-called medlcinea  placed before-* sunertng puThis is but a sample of the letters Te

celved  every day bx the


WIM-Olvo  You tbm  Stmmtnm

ant*  Vigo*  ot  Porfmot  Mmn-

hamm* Ranqw*,  Vltmllrom  matt

Invlgwato* Ytoak  Man.

Ol d before his time 1 A broken-down,miserable wreck—weak, nervous, discouraged ,

-The world to Mm seems a place ofmisU.peopl'Jd with  ghostly beings,—

-whene  flittl ig to aud fru about their—]

m A m

daily tai

al l  tell the same  story of-sicknesssoreness,  changed  Into  health  andvigor  by the use of  Dodd's  KidneyPi l l s .  They never;  fa i l .  50c a box, six

boxes  for »2.50.  Buy'tner h from yourlocal  druggist ff-yott  can.  If he cantsupply .you, send  to the Dodds  M e d i cine Co., Buffalo:  N. If.

He* sneer* at  healthy- amusements,:and  find*  oo comfort  or  pleasurein   life.  " - _

He is sick tsr I he does not know it. Ho.drags"about,  ancTTherefore thinks he is

w e l l .  He is despondent and peevish, andjweak.and  he does  not know thaf then, angmerely signals-^some from the stomacrying •

for aid—others from the nerves beseeching str ength—st i l l others from the great life-current—the blood,-moaning that it is an jirrpprfMt  o'^ggH with.

impurities that it cannot move.  _; He,' and all,others like hljn,  w i l l find immediate reHefTn Dr.  G reene's Nervura blqand nerve remedy. This is just what it wasintended for:  It  never fails to make weakmen strong 4nd vigorous, puts new life,  vim,

strength, power and energy into them.

• Neivura is New L i f e .

A  Mo4»nahiner*s Hmvwl«flue of"Afler~havtng  supplied a moonshiner

in a South  Carolina  Jai l  with a. month'ssupply  of smoking lobacco," said- agBV8fn"nient  surveyor  the—other —dayrri"I presumed upon  the deed to ask:"Didn't  you know  it was agalpst "thelaw  to manufacture- moonshine' whls-ky?'  'I heard  that  was a law once,replied. 'What  do . .you mean"once"?' 'Why. Julia  French


C H I N A  WA R  N E W S .

A  dispatch from  F i e l d Marshal Count__jjron—WaldorSee, date d I' ek in ,  Feb.  Sjr

says: A Jagar company,  detachmentsof  cavalry, mounted infantr y  and ar-

N  akt\ovTU b - fT l i U v e  gone via Nakuow  w  Yen.K h i n g . 72 kilomet.hin. l«.in.vestigati

s nortbwesrt of- Pe-murUers ot

bytold me

thar was sich a law, but when I askedJim  .Truman  about  it, he  says  thatJuba is sich a liar t: at nobody ki n be

lieve him under- oath, and so I reckoned I was safe to go ahead,  ^hoo, but

1  wonder  howJuba come  to  tell  the

truth  fur that one  time '"

Lade's FamU? MedietasMoves the bowels-each day.  Zn order

to be healthy this  is  rtfgessary.  Acts

Hope and Strengt h for Weak Men.

Mr.  Joh < D. Smith. cWtriciat. f rttmhomp&on-1 louston  c.i^rtric . o., of Lynn

'  M u l . , Bays:—" VV lien a nun ha. be«n sickt and Is cured, tt Is his duty tp tell others "nabout It, that tnpy, too, .may getwell.SThrreyearsBffol  had >een workinealmostfnlshca-idday, cpuld not (at rrg-ulariy) andagot on.y a few h7i,r sleep at night.  NoSman can staijd that lona- and 1 soon begaafto be prostralrd. 1 co- id not sleep whenII tried, and my food wi  m.t s-tay on myJslomach. I was in a terriMflcuiidition, andJ was much alarmed.  I w.-nt to" doclora,1 but they did me no good. .Learning of the.wonderful  good donq_br  Dr.  '-l>JervuTir hTgyTBHTT j.^r.. . r nw-Aymined to try It. It cured me completelyAll my Complaints, l at heartily  af.wen, tTianlti to"tHis splendid mediefne/ Ibelieve it to be the best  re«n« ty loexistence." "  ... .

Dr.  Greene's Nemtra--fe the

One Great Restorative.  Which  Cures.

Dr;  Green e, 85 West 14th St., New York Ci ty, is the most successful specialist in cur ing nervous and chronicspnea He hn° remedj« for all forms of disease,  and offers to give free consul tation and advice, personally or


by  letter. You can  tell or write your troubles to Dr. Greene, for all communications are confidential, and  lettersare answered in^laia  sealed.envelopea.

I- V

gentl y on thVTt?er aucfKidneysT Cuiossick  headache.  Prices 25 and 50a

-Saints ;crowns  «r*^oot*warded—on^the merits of thei r frowns..,




Chrislians,  recently reported.

It is now apparent to the  officers of

h of proper ty w as desl iuyeifc- and order league has been or- iaKansas-City as a  result ot

 N.nion's visit  to that  city.  w i l l be a  hatchet.

ty fresh  cases of> smallpox audfrom  Ihat'Sfseaso were ro-

33 cases in the hospitals at ,

  1- — )—t^rieen  Wllhelinlua  became  the biide

e at .Colon  recently  a  dog j of  Duke Henry "at  Th e. Hague on

  that 4ia  jumj«d in^LlLthe_fith,—:—


y ot a  "burning/buildijiK  I " Thirteen states are considering

the administration at Washington thatit  w i l l  scarcely be possible for the U.

S. to  withdraw entirely from  the government of Cuba under—the  most fav-

ofable circumstances before next-  fal lat the earliest.  - -

  ihe feetd be rescued.

caseirof  wRal is supposed  to be

onic plague have been Isolated Town.  One of the victims is a

 tho others being natives. hag died of .the  dispase.

ajroocL_proapect  for thelo- 

*'a lar

eTe canning factory a .

Locatod, -n o  it  woo ld- be,-

(n '

theadoption of drastic  measures  agains'.the manufactitre  and saj'eof ciga rettes .


M  A R K E T S 7

1.1TB  STOCK.New Tork^-.CattlB  Sheep

Besl grades  ..tt  utei 3Lower grade*

' Chloago

1 the miQalrQl^ Bue-fritHivgicin.  surely ought topag-

 annual meetin g of • the  stock-a-nt the  Michigan  Cedent coro-

1 4 1 1 1 t l l e

  Pffloc of the company on the 5th, it was de- , —

  tliqlr pl' nt i ni.»r.trM»r«b_l_ BSS^gryi

enormous outp ut  Is planned for

  year,-   — .

*n n o u

noed on the 6th that Itdrcw Carnegie's intention  to

 a month from that he dies.  He could  do  this

»«y  and  s t i l l  have  a  sufficient,


' m oa

« to-Wep the  w o l f

e  distance,from ,the door.& result ofO I

  a  riot In the secondp o l l l n

<T  Pl«ce of the <th ward.r °



'  M o

- on the  UM>, moravs^vtrrT^^gaT^^J^eaHt


a s t n e ^ o l t o t trouble.

  f o | i o w a r 8 of

oi ftn

  -' "  Qen. Maximo Oo-

  the  Cu-

convention.  Tho

rc P " P l l c  wa s adopted by

"  'here Unlso-a growing.dls-

.3  lS^Tffi

4 75-4 i>

IJetrttlt—1108l raJe<Lower" gruilQ*

Hall Io—Bust (fTIKoa ..Lowor Ifrwlsj,


Loner  iroaea JKlttaburg—

Besl gradoH  . S 05¾* *1

Lower urados. 4 2>}l

-.  U R A I N . VTG,  Wtoottt,

.  v-No>S t»iiJ887S4I74 974¾


8K8B1H•Detrott-Hav.  Mo- 

Potatoes  450 per bachlolAna. so per «y


6 60

New  YorkObleaso'DetroitToledo



NO. S white.


  th e

Cors.No- S  mil



4034041(311 WI03WM

Ttmothr. IU »0 per tor,Llvs  Poultry, spltn i

o per »e  fowls.


* * 'i

S l * b '

^ ^ ¾ ^ ¾ ^ .?

"utter, hast dairy, ip-  p°r


Electric  ISM"  'a


™Zh,  „ „Incorporation  paper, for the CWoogo

but  the city.employing S4ri stectrii9

cabs,  are in

,  . .iment »to«ia __ -= s l - (


Tomorrow  w i l l  obey 3ou more rcad-il y  than yesterday.

—flam-Hn's  WIzarll  Oil Co.,  Chioagrorsends song book  and testimonials for

stamp.  Get  Wizard  Oil from yourdruggist

The mart  is a goodthe martyr.

place  to  develop

It you warn to make-a-awa anapy-r-emlDd-himof his trivial fuultii.  .

It Is easy to 8li u on jioH_y_eiallfi. -, ZA

Arold hVdneM «r*y balr. dandratr aodtblo•by OlrliK VaftKIllR V A.It BaI-XASI   * -—

Hndkjsouu< s, tbe l>e« eu** f"r conn, •

thin locks,

15c *.

Warmth  of love cannotwarmth of argument.

be measured by

rifidst-Ure-foT Con sumption Is anTnfallioie.tnedterno for cotyrhs atit. colds.—N. W. Samuki*,Ocean Orbve N. J., Feb. t", 1000

_Ooe- mUe----JS—fforU .a dosia*?u or the (rumo

Spare art-iolos mur.t bo dpscrtoed. —Whift rYueAtaa  uetKls no uVttcription; iin the realthiiUE.-

A ynunffdoctors profession is usually betterUiari hi.* practice.

"All lh» Rw»»*n«» of LlTinsf  rUw»n?nf(" the match.opertuoiB. Mnmt- K IjtMiian Florida Water

Th * battle with  Bin will be won when Godsarmy.lb one.


D O   Y O U  W A N T  A H O M E ?

100,000  A C R E S  \2^JFJ$rilfS2i•nd sold on long time and easy pay ments. «  littleeach y«ar. Come and *re us pr write. THK TBirMAJfMOSS dTATE  BANK, Sanilac Center.  Ml.*., orTh  Truman Mom Eilate.Croiiweil.Sanilac Co.  Mich.

D r . A S u l i s

Curea-a Cough-or  C o l d  »t onea.Conqnere Crotiprwhooping-CouKh, BrrmchlUa,Grippe and Consumption.  Quick, sure reaulu.Dr.bull'a Pills cure Constipation. SOplUa 10c

No Smoka Hoeaa. Smetta meat wltaAUSERS   LIQUID  EXTRACT OF  IMOHE.

Ma from hickory weeo Ol.eadettQloqaflaToe.Cheapar.eUener- thWFeMaraf.  8aod (of oie-oalar.  E.  K n u i i - r eV Bra. , Alllton. Pau

1 5 0  K I N D S

F o r i B  C e n t s

at w*tun3 tnt for SOOOOaawnatometa,  W* nomimd 870000 Wmnow have on our b<x>k* l &aOOOnamwW» wlah SuJXO mora In 1*0» matdntleDO Oy fuil.liaoct* IbUoDprwr dMUOotter tor U casta poacpaid offfOki*d»

 r romt luelvtoa  _„

19 aaanllecBt carllca* nelama.lOaorU e;]orlB«a t«a.atoc*>



BIUIn  Dallw.Ortua,

• n IfOkJda «or» to dr*jwiT btaru. lojo:of fhint *od Serd Caaog  tel)

JeHah trrd petM andiTWrer wttt our (ml

,  N S I O N ^ S n K -1


'Successfully Prosecutes  Claims._  etePrlDolDelRxAmlaeMJ B. Penalon Bureau.Una  In elTi^ir&r. IS u<yanti-utnig claim*. e**j alnee.


WrN70^5^ETF0TT--N0.   7 —190I.

When answering *ds. p ease manlion thlspapci


B e s t  f o r t h e  B o w e l s



Bowefa3tasMftK  C a u s e d  by over-work Over-eat ing Gver--drfnklngt  No part.of  the hum an body re ceive s

mo re 111  t reatment  than  the. bowel3 .  Lo ad  after loa d  Is lrnptosed untitrthe lnte$tijaea become clogged; refuse  to

act, worh  out.  Then yotr must assist  nature.  Do It, and see how easi ly you w,pi oe  cu re d  by C A S C A R E T S

Candy Cathart ic .  • l^IoT a  m a ss 'o f m e rcur i a l  and minera l poison,  b i i ^ a  pure_yegetable/

  compound  that  acta

^feee t ly-^p oaihe- diseased and-wom^eut in test inal canali -maicing  it s t r o f ^ a n d g er ft iy s t t m x r t ^ l T r f T h ^ i l r ^ ^ r f '


S i d n e y s ; a - c a n d y J i b l e l ^ p k ^ a p t  to  take, pasy  and  delightfaal-ia-action.  Wqn't accept  d  jubslilule forC A S C A R E T S r

u eweler'» Weeklyi'%,'


7/27/2019 Feb. 14, 1901 version of the Chelsea Standard

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/feb-14-1901-version-of-the-chelsea-standard 4/8


£ L » O M S f i A  S T A N D A R D

b loekVbe:

s i r  o . t .  -Hxxyrsa*,,

Terms:—11.00 oer teari 8 moathi,  CO cental'••  ' '..  3 months. B^nts.Advertising rslea reMonJw lag  madeknown

v on aDplfeaaon.

Bntered u  Che post* sat Chelsea.Mich..as• matter.

Chelsea *Pbaue No/60.  Doa't be aln la to call,-  - ' ¢•01410—

O S A D I U . A .

There was quite a crow d  attended

the play at the  h a l l Friday night.

A.   C. Watson baa bongot out W.

SrEVvetitfore and  w i l l  ruutue store,

The young people who spent  Tuns,

day evening at the home of Fre d Ma r

shall  report a very enjoyable time,

'  Quite a crowd attended  the valen

tine social at the residence of Fred"

Stowe Wednesday evening.

E d  Cranna  sj id  wife are m oving on

the larmof-ber mother, Mrs . Nancy

M a y .  Charles Smith of White Oak

w i l l  move on Ed Crahna's farm. 7

rlesPaulepe nt Friday and Sat-^

orday at Detroit, .. -

M r.   aDd_

Mjft,_3a«ob StrllSernS^en-

tertalolng relatives from  L a n s i D g .

M i ss  E l l a  Slimmer sr^nj_ Sunday

with  M r .  and M i ^ J J u s s e ll  Jflwelock.

G e o r g e M t e i n < C o n r a d   F i n k -

bewer, jr /?leMrror  M i c h i g a n  Cooler.

Sundur^rtom they  w i l l  work for the

Uaw/tesjAngue  C o .  ^ "

fai l  to  attend  the Farmers'

eeting at  Lewis  Yager's, jr.,

lay,  February 20. A grand

good time is anticipated. \ -

• t lva h .

Fred  W o l f has been on the alokrilst

Stopa the CODeOapd-worka on* the"Cold.

"TaiatTvVliropio^iuluine Tableta-eure auuhl iu uueday.  Mo-euro, no pay.-Price."25 bents.


M r s .  W i l l i  Wood  is on the sick  list.

M a r t i n C l i n t on  js  s t i l l  confined to

the  house with the grip.

E .  W. Daniels'  family  have been

,. suffering wi th the pinkeye.

;  Mrr. It. S. Wuali an who has been

suffering with the grip is better.

H.  C. Glenn was quiteslck last week".

We'areglad to state he is very much

better.  / /



M_r§.  A T v a  Huds on^ pj^neefot this

place, died at the home of  daughter,-

•  M r s .  Vaughu of DansvIHe, February

3d-.  'I'he fjuieral servijes"'were held at

the North  l>i\ieeh((rch, Wednesday,

February eib^-conducted by the Key.

Geo. Stoiye. ^, - -

Roosters often* crow over  eggs  theydi d not lay, Same with people who  sellan Imitation Rocky Mountain Tea, madefamous by the Madison Medicine  Uo. sadvertising.* 36c.  As k your druggist

, - - 8 - — r  • --.  •

.  , . - s aason. . - -,  Seymour Kendallls on the sick  list.

Miss Myrtle^Gsge is recovering from

her illness.

•  Wjn. Kotbtuss is the owne r of a

nice new  cutter.

V in   Middlebrooks visited at D.

Teeples' part of last week.

M i s s " D o r a  Chrysle r of Detroit is

visiting  relatives and friends i n this

vTcTnTty   •  —J .— - - ' -

Misses  n s ^ L l b S l e T  A l t a , ,  Mabel

and'Geo.  Lemm  jvere Chelsea visitors

Wednesday. '

There  w i l l be'a ruueical at the home

of  J; P.  Lemm  on Saturday evening

of   this week.  J'

M i ss Amy Hewes of^atktoD  spent a

few days:of last v/eSk with her parents

here,'Mr.  and Mrs. D. Hewes.

Carlos- Dorr accompanist by  M i ss

Bessie  Dorr of -Iron Creek Is  visiting

with relatives inj-ngham county this


W m . Heselschwerdt is suffering with

a sprained ankle as a result of a  fal l

the past week.

M i s s Bessie Young relumed to laok-

son Saturday. ,

Ernest Jripe_ was a  Willlamston

visitor  last week. , - '

M r s .  John  K n o l l ' i s  confined to bar

home with the grip.

Miss Ada Soheuk speut  last Sunday^wllb Seymour K e n d a l l .

Charles West Is visiting'relalivea's.t

Wl l l l a m s i ou  tbjs week

There was no school last week owing

to the 11 lnesa .ot  tasteacher————•—

"JJrtJjges rivers, tunne ls • mountains,mills  cities,  gathers  up the scattered

Id^a uf uiteJnability.—ThatB what RockyMbuntian  Tea does. 85c. Ask your


— W A T E R L O O .

DeLancy  Cooper  spent  Sunday in


M r n .  S. A.  Co l l i n s  is spending the

week  wi t . l i  her  daughter  Mrs. John

R u u c i i m u i .

Rev.  A-L,,  Camburn has been un-

nhie  UN  attend  the gospelmeetings

-being  lieULhere,  on account of having

the gri p. He has recovered so as to

be alile-ro assist in them this week.

M r s .  Margare t Pearson di ed Febrtr-aiy  Tihaud.the funeral was held in

tiie  r. It.  r.linrch  Saturday Febuary

'Jtb. at 2 p. m, Mrs . fearsoB "wag an

"TTtilTOttT-espected  resident having ltv

ed in the township since 1837. She

hits made her home lor the  past three

years  wit h her niece. Mrs. Samuel


-  Our advertised agents guarantee everybottle of Chamberlain's Cough .Remedyami  vvjll  refund the money to any onewho linot satisfied after using two-thirdsor ttie<contents.  This Is the best remedyin .the wurhl- foria grlppepeonghs, coldsy

"t-ruiip and whooping cpugn and Is pleasant and safe to take. It prevents anytfndeiTcJ  of a cold  to  reBUlt  in pneumonia.  Al l "druggists. /

WlVCK§  C O R N E R S .

K i i .  M c C r o w is quite  i l l .  _

Jlelanoy  Cooper  spent  Sunday am

-Mnwlay-i«iir  M  asotw.—

-8. O.  Had ley is quite  i l l at the home

uf  his daughter, Mrs. A. J.  Boyce.

hlkwe-Ho 1 leywult «pent-StHHi*y

with her parents-itl North-Waterloo,

J».mes  Cook who has been  visiting

his molher~for someTri|ie"mgTetttT.rred

•to Hay  C i l y .

.  Mr, and Jlrp,  A l l e n  Bkidmore spenL

Sniiday with M r. and  M r s . Lewis

k i e o f  UoadiUa.

It is rumored-^ha t we are to have

free  r u i n l  delivery In this  vicini ty  In

the near  future.

~* Seward and  M a r y  Backus  spent

several days  visiting  relatives in this

v i c i n i t y  last week.

M r.   and Mr s. John How lett and

M r.   and M rs. Ernest , Bows Spent

Thursday  wTth.Mr, aBd.Mrs. Blake

y. .M r s .  George liesehchwerdt was a

Jackson visitor part  ot last week.

M i ss L y d i a  Blckett is spending afew weekb with her mother at Chelsea.

- M i s r  M:ary  and Albert  H e l m  have

been suffering  With  an attack of thegrip-

M r.   and Mrs . John Liebeck gave adance at -their home Tuesday eveningof   this week. < . _

Frank  Page ol Chelsear-spent lastweek with M r. and Mrs . George Was-ser and  family.  _ ,

Charles las t of Jackson  spent  lastWednesday with  M r. and Mrs. GeorgeHeseischwerdt.

Mian Kmwia Young sp'ifit a_few days

irom  a .ladder while repairing a l a n

A sleigh load of young people drove

over and gave  M r. and  - M r s .  M c M a i n

a very pleasant  surprise Friday eve

ning.  • .

Two  sleigh .loads of young people

from,  L o d i  and a number from Free

dotu mid Sharon gathered  atrthe-home

of   A .  H.  K u h l  and hada very enjoy

able time Tuesday evening.

-41AD TO COXQUMJi-O&JUEr -'I was just  about  gotie," writes Mrs .

Rosa Richardson, of Laurel  Springs, N.C ,  I had Consumption so bad  that  tilbest doctors said I could not  live  morethan a month, but I began to use DrKing's New Discoveryand was. whollycured by seven bottles and am how stoutand  wel l ."  It's an unrivaled life-saverin ComBumptlon,  Pneumonia, LaQrlppeand Bronchitis; Infallible for Coughs.Colds,  As thma, Hay Fever, CroupWhooping  Cough. Guaranteed bottles50c and $1.00^  T r i a l  _bottleB free at(Jlazler & Stlmson'a drug stor e.


F R A N C IS C O .

Henry-Gie8ke^  »pjSnt  last Thursday

at Jack8oih-

M r s .  John Horni ng is suffering with


il  lias, returned homefrom Sylvan.

F ra n k-

  Scherer took


in  Jackson

siKhte  Wednesday

Several from here attended  the party

at Grass Lake Friday night.

r t d w i n  Schen'k  has~been  sp^ndtngT n e a r e 9 t  ,| ck e tagent,or address

few  days with Ann Arbor friiends^ 1—u^-^-^-Ste ktrjolT, Distr4et

M r s .  Charles  M i l l e r  left recently to

visit  her  parents  at Defiance,  Ohio.

B o r n , on February 7th,  to~Mr.  and

M r s ,  Charles Biemenschneider a son.

B o r n , 911  February »th, to Mr.  anil-Mt-«—E-.I—Mnabach  rtf  M n n i i h ,  for.

of  last .week with her Bitter, M r s . ChrisUentner  o f L i m a .

.  F l a t t U f f l i o y ,  sourness,  bvk  taste,  l o s s ^

appetite, a  sense o fwe l * ^o t ^a^BSSt t f t eT

eating, togetaier wi th uneasiness, impa

tience. Irritability of temper, nervousness,

anxiety, lost energy depression of spirits,

sick  headache,  ba d  dreams  and sleepless

ness,  come ' from wea k and debi litate d

nerves. That  k i n d  of nerve s h ave t o be

braced, np,  s t rengthened.  Invigor ated and

helpe d if you would have a s ound s tomach,

a keen appetite  and a oaeerful mind.

" M y  etomaoh was so weak  th a t  I could

eat only thA light est food an&t hat caused

me  great  disfiess, In spite of. the  best

physicians  here  an d in, Chica go I grew

worse unti l  I was confined injbed, wher e I

remai ned eight een months. I began to

impro ve wi th the first bottle of Dr.  M i l e s '

Nervine  and grew steadily stronger  unti l  I

wa s  w e l l .  M y weight increased from 90

to  IC Q pounds." Mn o. H . Jok es , - 7

Brings  baek- appt^teT stimulates digestion, gives refres hing sleep to "the tired brain, health-

;  - Jul  v i t a l l Q f  tp. the  n e r v ^ « e n t e r s ^ a n d  tones  up the whole system.

D r . M i l e s  M e d i c a l  C o   E l k l u r t ,  Znd.o ^ y - a H  (St tggtots  o n a  g o a t a n t e e .

E E N T S ,   R E A L  E S T A T B ^ - E O D N D ,

L O S T , W A N T E D , ETC.

M r s .  Ilbmer  B o y d recinews recen tly of the drowning ot herniece,  Mi88 Ildria Spencer/ s '

M r s . J ; Zahn w ho has been Hfe-guestof   her parents, M r. Slid  Mrs. L . Rankhas returned to her home at Det roi t.

Jodd Leibeck is preparing~ro~movelb  the liouse recently vacat^l_byjCyrUsUndike^s soon us the repairs are completed. -

The gramapbone  entertainment  -atthe  M .  E. church last Monday evening  war^adjoiirne d for the lack ofhearers.

M r s .  I-IpmeE_B.ovd.is able to be ju tagain alter being confined to herhome the past  six weeksrheumatism.

with  sciatic

Quite  a number of. young peoplefrom  Grass-4iake attended  the partygfver  at  Burleigh  Wbilaker's  Wednesday evening,

M r.   aod M rs. -C. H. Updike arelocated in their  coty»home  in Chelsea.Their  many friends in this  v i c i n i t yregrfet to loose th-is worthy couplefrom  our midst.


"democrats of-Lyndon wi l l hold a Consisting of 140 acresI¥nown  ascaucus at the town house February  18tb„ -H-o  Bovd fartn located lust Sdn-  7 o'clock p, m. to elect four- delegates



'  m y a  l a r m

'  I o c a l e Q ] u s t 8 0 u

the county convention to be held inAnn  Arbor February 21st.

; B y  order of Committee.

LaGftppe Qulekly Cured.,

1 and" l8«9 '"In the winte r of 1898 and-1899 I wastaken down with a severe attack of whatis called La Grippe" says F. L . Hewett,a prominent druggist of  Winfield  III"The only medicine I used was two bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.It broke_up the  cold  and stopped thecoughing  l ike magic, and 1 have never

_slnce been troubled with Grippe."  Chamberfsfb.s Cough Remedy can always bedepended upon to break up a severe coldand ward off any  threatened  attack ofpneumonia. It Id pleasantXo take, ton,

JVhlcn. makes It the most popular preparatluus Iu use for  these  ailments. 1orsale  by-all druggist. --vj


Greatly  reduced one-way  rates  w i l lbe in effect from fiblpHgn,  Tvfto7jriTfrVeand Manitowoc via Wisconsin CentralRailway  to points in Minnesota, Northflakots,r ^Montana,—Idaho;—Oregon,Washingto.n and  .Br i t ish Columbia eachTuesday, commencing February 12thand continuing until  Aj>i i 1  SOih.

merly of this.place, a-daugliler.

The ladle s' A id Socieiy ot the Ger-

n)af l -SL-J£.  church met-w ilh-M leei

Carrie  and Ma rtha Biemenschneider.

M r.   and Mrs. Henry. Lehman and

family of Waterloo were I he-guests o f

M r.  and M rs. II. J. Mbsbach Sufiday.

MlssesCarrH Bo h weinfurlh and  M a r v

Recent experiments show that al l class'AtU-UI fuuds may be eomnletely digested

TjV'a  preparation  nnTleti Tfndnl r)yapApoi<.

TO   CUKK  A C O L D IN O NE   DAVTake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.Al l drugglBts refund the money If It fallsto cure. K. W. -Grove's  signature is on

-«BC"H1)ax. 2fio.

ewis Freer Is belter.

sumle are spending a tew dayw=Ht

tliV,home of  M r .  and Mrs. B.  Whit-

aker\ _

M r N j i u d  Mrs.  Burleigh  Whitaker

left  011  Thursday for Detroi t, Durand

and Owosso where they  w i l l  spend

some  llrfie,

M r s . Henry Biemenschneider of Port

Huron,  who-has been spending some

time  With  her  parents  here;  has re

turned to~lrer home: —' ' "

Hobert, the  I  year old son of Bev.and Mrs , Katterhenry, died Saturdaynight ot brain fever. The funeral washeld Tuesday at 1 o'clock.

Onela Katterfaenry, who baa been attending school at Bay  C i t y  returnedhonjeTbiirsdny  last'because of the  I l l ness and  death of ber little brbtlier.-

--  • • , &

Cure, which absolutely digests w hat^ oueat. As It la the only combination of  alltho natural dlgestdn.ts ever devised, th*dfemano ror it has^become enormous, Ithas never  failed  to cure the very worstcases of indigestion and It always RivesInstant  relief Glazier* Stlinson

—-There ie always danger In uslnjr conn-forfeits or DeWltt's  Witch . Hazel Salve.The original is . a  safe and oertaba  eur»for.plles.  . It is a soothing and Healing

the.  Meinhold  has purchased

Jerusalem'mills and wlll.contlpue the

business  there as herelotbre.

School In dleirlot N oi 3 has been In

nitel^poslpohtd,   c a n se oL J i y ^ i l i j i

nets ottfO) Uooher, M i s s Ida Kensob,

WORVJKO Orm TIUB..Eight hour laws are Ignored. by. those

tireless little worker s- D r.  King's  NewLi fe Pi l l s .  Mil l ions are alwAys at"#ork,tngftl ami  d»y,-onr ing-lndlgf lst ionj.5 l l l -lousness, Constipation,  Slca  Headache TanQ all Stomach,  Liver and  Bowel  troub•.eaF-JSasy,  pleasant,  ssfe^ m i ,  Only35o at Glazier & Sllmion'e drag store."

1 -

Pass.Agenty,W^Gr*y.T  Saginaw,  M i c h . ,  orJas. C. Pond,  G e u ' l  Pass. Agent, Milwaukee, Wi s. 11

L i k e  bad dollars, all counterfeits ofDeWltt's  Witch  Hazel  Salve are worth

The original quickly  cures piles,lores and ail  skin  diseases..  Glazier "&"Stlmson.

RAISE  CALVES  WrTHOttt MILK.Thousands are doing it cheaply and

successfully with Blatcbford's  Calf  JMealth«=pwfe<rt-urtl1c l«ubstltnte.-  TryTt.—18 WatsotrWelch Grain & Coal Co.

salve for sores and all Bkln diseases.  Glazler & Stlmson,

For weakness and prostration  fol lowing grippe  there  Is nothing so" promptand effective as One Minute Cough Core.This prsTjaratlon^is highly endorsed asan unfai ling remedy for all ltnt ea t -andTlnng troubles and Its early use preventsconsumption.-'- It was ^a de to curequickly. Glazier  & 8tlnuon

Reports 8how_a.<rreatIy looreased deathratejrom  throat  and lung troubles, due.„ .1.  , c f o l l p i  p

n e a 1 n o ni


Advertisements under this head  w i l l beprinted fo? 15 cents for the first insertionand 10"cents


for each  subsequent  insertion. ,

H O U S E   TO  R E N T . -

H .  Avery .•Ipqiilre of Dr. H.

FO R   S A L E — G o o d  buggy, with leather

top, i single harness, all for |23.  C a l l

at Cummlnga store. .,

F X J H I S r i S H I N " G G O O D S .

L A D I E S ^

F O U N D - ' — L a d l e s ' T i l k  umbrella

at The Standard-office.

F O R "  S A L E . — A  quantity of red globeOhloh seed. Inquire of-^i-S.Spauldlhg.

F A R M  F O R  S A L E :

Known as the Rha Johnson farm;  five

miles north of Chelsea, in the township

of Dexter, consisting of 169 acres; has a

good  house; 1 basement  barn; 1 80x40

foot  horse barn; 25 acres  flrst-class  tim

ber; all kinds ot fruits. "Inquire of O,-Suikl ia i t .   : —r

F A R M  F O R  S A L E .


Sylvan  Center and four miles west ofChelsea.  This farm has good buildings,is  wel l adapted for stock or dairy, sugarbeets, tobacco, onions, etc.- For parti cu/lars Inquire of Uon>e$:Boyd,  Sylvan,

M.   Boyd, Chelsea

Wm , J. Knapp, President,'  I Juhiri t. Gams, ~ ~

W E L L  F E D

men are invariably of a happy disposition

So patronize

E A R i r r ^ T A l M N T -

are  wel l  nourished.  tThe food 19 of excellent quali ty being

procured from  houses of high reputationand Is bo carefully prepared In our kitchen that nothing is lerHoTEe desired. Thewaiter's are prompt, courh"iujyind atten-tlvc, and prices—— —

D I N N E R S  l&.C&M3S^r===

Fresh  baked goods and confectionery^  alwayB on hand.

J .  G .  E A R L ,Frist door east of Hbag & Holmes.

If yon want a-finnil  Cnnl Smfte  c a l l M a

Sport, E l k ,  _ Woodman,

Spot or A r r ow ,

BesTfSo  Cigars on the  M a r k e l


S O H U S S L E B B R O S .  ,  Chelsea


Vour  Laundry work

to us. '•

W"e  wi l l  treat  yon,

TTaTTlheyear  0.

to thenrevalence ofand grlb. We-advise the usiCough Bore In  al l , of the

the only harmless remedy_that givesfeaulta. .Children  l ike  it,


ip,   pmaof One Minutellfficulties.  It

Glazier & Stimsoni

T h l . algnatare U  011 every boi of the gtmnlae

La i a t i vo  B f O H w Q u i t i H i e  w i M athe emedy hat rnrea a eold in o h Omj

*Tk  Cbelsea Steam i

B a t h  R o o m i n C o n n e c t i o n

A powerful engine cannot be run with

a weak bnllar, and we oan't  keep np the

strain of an afttlve Hfe with a weak atom

ach; ngWier can we stop the human ma-

chine RTmake repairs, If the stomach

cannot digeaJL^nough food to keep the


"  tjiulerwear  'ihc. tn yi nil

Jlos ter y l&c to oOc

—  Lnomeis Corsets ¢1.00

Misses Corsets 50c


Cahiraere Gloves 25c

Outing.NightGown $1.00

K i d  G loves $1:00 to-$1.25

Cl i i l d r e t i ' s  liats

J3MUlreu's  Mittens


  Gloves and Mitt ens 25c to $1

Boys Knee Pants 25c to "ftc

-  Baya_Cani.^.o

L a d i e s '  and Gent l em e n ' s

F u r n i s h i n g ^ G r o o d B  and

Groce r i e s .  : : : :

• Want ed1

—Eggs, an d  Good  Bu t t e r .

/-  Ca pi ta l an d Reaoirrcea. ge bru ar y 2, 1901, f833,48fr<31.

O l d e s t a n d - S i r o n g e s t B a n k i n W e s t e r n W a s h t e n a w .

OwnB and offers inirmoiintB suitable for the Investment  of email savings or large sun

G e r m a n  E m p i r e G o v e r n m e n t 3 1- 2 p e r c e n t B o n d s

inJOOmark^OO mark and 1,000 mark Bdnds.  Interest payable  A p r i l ' l a t and Octo-vei  lstoai:U.jHirr--IuierBst coupons cashed  afTCnELsicx  Savings Ba nk, The afwvInvestment yields 4 per  cent interest, while the  U. S. Bonds yei ld  less'than 2 pencent.  These Ronds are appreciated" by our German friends ln view pf the ohnoxioud

tax law applymg to real estate mortgages, rendering ft more and more  difficult  idplace money on Tarm mortgage bmns within the  state of M i c h i g a n which  wi l l  m3more than 2* to 3 per cent after ueducllng taxes. "

V 58

T h i s  B a n k p a y s 3 p e r  c e n t  i n t e r e s t o n m o n e y s

p o s i t e d w i t h i t a c c o r d i n g t n i t s r u l e s .

D I R B O T O R S i  :

Palmar, M   T>~,

Thomas 8. Sears,  Vioe President,1

WmrPrSchenk,Victor D. Hlndelang,

Heman  M T W ciebtLtI

Geo. p7fJlazier*;"Ca8lile.rJ

Theo. k  Wood, asst. Cashier. -1). W. Greenlea f, Teller. A. K. StimsOn, Andlt or

T ~ F A . M  H A R N E S S .

W e  ha ve a fine st ock of te am  harness,  suitable for^

w o r k  on t lnre lec t r ic road, an d when  ydTwtf  t h rough

the y are a ll right for the fa rm . "- -

P r i c e  c ons i s t en t w i t h qua l i t y and  f u l l y  guar ant eed - . -


l iavp  hundreds -e f -db l la r a wor t h o f  B l a n k e t s - w l T i c l i  i

m i i B t  bo sold.

H a v i n g  h o u g h t d i r e c t f r o m t h e f a c t o r y w p h t a


£ / r » „ uM

£ ^ ^   Ge nu '

featurS are am ong our att rac tiv e

C o m e  e a r l y a n d g e t t h e  b e s t  s e l e c t i o n .

,  O .  S T E I N B A C H .

S t a n d a r d S o w l n j r . M a o h l n e « . v  -

O F   E V E R Y  K I N

W E   H A V E  T H E M .

W e  h a v e a v o r y c p m p l e l e s l o c k o f F e l t b o u ta n d M a c k i n a c s o c k s , G l o v e s a n d M i t t e n s .

TVS h o t  g u n s  te-Eahta

J  O H N  P A ^ R E j U L ,

7/27/2019 Feb. 14, 1901 version of the Chelsea Standard

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/feb-14-1901-version-of-the-chelsea-standard 5/8

Wednesday, February 87,

/ a d 4 M » . ^ ' f ^ * t S £

  _ . i

n  V'  A. A-. * J.B M

  *uU dle g. bridge overdue creek

wIlUrfTa box goolalat the; home

j d M r s .  0- Wanker Tuesday

 Btrable w i l l  s e l l ^ ¾ ^ ¾ 8





; S ^ T Z .  plac#.vb.lted

e to a wreok'at Francisco, Sator-,

^ l D g .  tUere w l « j w  trains Jrom

2 S ^ »  U o'clock. ...^mo^counoll of Btoekbridge

„  .lo, Chaa. A. Ward, who Isflngaged

,hepractice of law iu An n Arbor , wa»

 ern o e l e g » ^ » g t n e l i a t h l f r W e e l 1 •

.nectal meeting of  O l i v e  Chapter,P-   ... .. . .. M.annln  h a l l . FeU-

- . 1 , ,

h?  h ? ™ H u 0 L w W , < n t e , o l , |- f e «  mteren

J " » N ? "  f

- M0Laren,who wUU,ontlnuethe business.  MVm Bai ley  haj accepteda position inR m


B t o r e w  Aon Ar bor,— Plymouth  M all .

Partie s .rppresentipg the Uawkes &

'Angus electric railway were ln town

Tuesday conferring with our citizens re

garding a prospective lin e from Dexter

through Freedom to this village, but

citizens who favor electric roads, would

prefer the extension of the Saline branch

to this vUlege, The gentlemen did not

seem to give much  encouragement  for

the construction or thy roterpnTs yea r.i ;

Manchester Enterprise. .

Railroad  Commissioner Osborn  w i l l

ask the legislature to provide a penalty

for farmers and  others, who  abuse  the

privilege s incident to the eBtabUshment

of  farm crossings. Tne-eornntfsstonerhas authority to establish  these crossings

for the use of farmers who  seek accessto their lands, but no penalty ia-provtded

for  those who leave the  gates, open and

permit cattle  to wander on the right of

way. The right to order  the* crossings

abandoned  w i l l  be.a'sked for .

L.   F.  B u e l l ,  pastor  ofthe Congrega

.  Monal ohurch at Syracuse, N .  Y.^jayaUt

ith for thfl  purpose  ori»itMiott>|g|y^e-me-grearpTeaBnre to  bear  witness

to the worth of the  F l s k  Jubilee Singers

e s  will we e t a t

 Masonic  hal l ,£

'  the^mtrjwse^oiJnltl

T1 , » B . y . P- V  wl» 8'vea social *tfe

=^-  *  B a l d w i n  Wednesday

« ,  February •0th, Everybody Is

^Nashvttle . Tenn., under  the  manageI ment of the Rbv.  K _ A .  M A f y ^ —

S, j^e1kWStSnWd^rg ive- th^

J U  U> be covered by the  free  rural

, routes w hlch Itave oeen  l aid out

Abou forty of the  members  of the

 Star visited M r.  and Mrs. Henry

wn  of  Lima  Tuesday evening. A

leasant time is reported-

There will be a box social Frida y e ve^

t o g,  February 22J, at the home of. Mr .

ndMrJvPbilir.Zerwincke in Sharon for

  benefit of the Sharon » Lutheran

Garret Conway was the young boy who

  been  given the cr edit for

Boppng 'be team mentioned In the com-uDlcatlonto The Standard from J. P.

load laet week.

Wednesday February 20th, w i l l be Ash

  feduBsday, ho begtaatag of Lent , The-

Blemn blessing and distribution of ashes

take-plac? in St. Mary's chu rch next

ijday st-8 a. m.

P E R 8 0 N A L .

Miss Anna M i l l e r spent last Sunday iuDexter. ' \ -

Jobn  Kel ley  weo^jkDexterand Pinck-ney last week.

Miss Mabel Ql l l am of Ypslfauti la visit-log friends here.

M r s . Charle s Whltake r, who haB beenquite III, is better.

• D.  H . Wureter spending a few days of

this week at  Lesl ie.

•  John P.  M i l l e r  of Detroit spent Sun*day with bis parents.

John  McQulnliiBS called on friends lnA nn  Arbor last Tuesday,

Miss Bul l ing of Fowlervllle Is the guestof Mrs. Geo. P, Staffan.

Miss  Etta Fuster  spent  last.jweek inA nn  Arbor with her hunt.

Robert Easson of Cleveland called on

friends in Chelsea last week.Miss Mary  A. Clark spentsome days of

last week-witb relatives In Beaters-

Michael Bereuder of Dexter was the

guest of Peter Uludelang,last we ek,

John Hindelang was called to  Albio n ,

Wednesday evening by his uncle, Vic tor .

Walter North of Battle Creek visited

friends here the. latter part of last week

Miss  Emma SeJd^oj^Iaefcjon is the

T l l l l e  airbach

-Dwlgbt  V«hliorn  of this village  sustained luxuries many year s, ago by the,

-*  load of bay w hich ne-bis leg above

as was  si.

overturning of. a I bayoft

surgery.leged, made  asecdnd amputation  after  a

cessUated the amputationthe ankle. Defective

few years necessary,be

'rom the first behas been forced  to'use a crutch, or up towithin a week or two, wben It was superseded by an  artificial  leg constructed onscientific principals. E. J.-Foster  madeMr . V an Horn a present  of this leg,- andalso took blm to Detroit to have It fitted.Hearing of the generous" act, we calledat  Mr . Foster's  store  to make an Inquiry'or two concerning it, when we were strictly  enjoined not to mention the  name  ofthe donor. We refused to heed the request, although we would do M r.  Fosler

any other favor. _In_thniUinlplng a

guest of her cousin, Missthai week.

John Wlsner, the building mover, of

Mftwhealet was n Chelsea visitor the first

sang in the Good  W i l l chur ch on the eveninfrof Noyemberjlth, iRaa,  »n,i

liKhteoVthe^large^audlence^whtch'nlledthe church to overflowing  that,  with noother  advertisem ent ^han, a brief? announcement'  f  rom the platform, theyfilled  the church for a  concert-the  nextevenlog—the night^>f ele ction. ^Thesesingers  w i l l  give a concert at the  M. Echurch, Friday evening, February 22d.

•  S C H O O L  R t P O B T .  '

Nnmea of Poplla Who Have not Been Ab

— ^-- »Bt-n or-lB rayt

Superlnt enden t'rreppr t for the month

.385ending Janua ry 25,-1901Total number enrolled

• Total number transferred";":Number of ro-entrles. , 91Total  number bfelunging at date...... 1C4Number ot uon resident pupils;....... 40Number of pupils not'absent  ortardyj*)Percentage qf attendance.  92,  iW. Wi  Oikfobd,  Supt.

1-nton -school

Howard Armstrong Jacob^FornerJ

WaTTeu CTeddes" ""HlowaTd'ttotniBr'(Jarl Plowe

"Herriian Poster

wil l  be held mStrgpedrf-tervi^s

HwjTcfiurcb every Sunday.and Fri day

 erenog in Lent The Way of the Cross

t ollowed by the Bene diction with the

Assed aacramont w i l l ,bo given. ——

-.'Hi* ollowing- electric light and water

iDtktcommissoners were appointed last

eveonfc For three years.'G.W.TurnBull,

HB.Uolme8; for two-years, D . C . M c L a r e n ,

LP.Vogel; lor one year, W m. Bacon.

Arthur Krnaetlebfee  »pee».""Car l MenSlng.JosleTJaconL e i l a Ooddoa -E n i d  Holmes'

.Car l VogelHelen Burg

-Luuise-irefbBT"Inez Marshal l

Cora Niukerson  Cora Sted manN e l l i e Walsh '  E l i z a Zlncke 'Rosamond Smith Amy Wbalia nBarbara Schwlkerath

M av  E . CKE ECTi^Teacber ;

.  HlKXltORADK. ,

LaMonUJeGole  Vera Comstock

Three sleigh loads of Chelsea's young

peope vUed the  pleasant  farm homaof-Mr»04 Mrs.  Janies  M c L a r e n ,  sr., in

llmi-Htiiiesday^evenlng..,,.  A very.

Hpeuant lme was reported  by-all  panic-

John FletcherHarry FosterLeland  FosterGeorge Keenap .Dwlght M i l l e t -  "Harry-Stedaian.Harry


Lonure CurtisV io la  Lemi i ionAnna WalworthSi i sa EverettA l t a  SkidmoreHerbert SelienkR o l l l n . Schenk

but most worthy and good citizen, he hasshown a benevolence of  heart  based onhe noblest and  truest Christianity,  Such

man-does not  live  for himse lf alone.—^rasa Lake'News.

\Take Rocky Mountain Tea.erminate  poison. 'Feel it

See itjex-revltallze

your blood and nerv er and bring backthat-happy,  Joyous feeling of boyhooddafs. 85c , Aa k your druggist.


•  "1 stuck to my engine, although everyjoinUached and every nerve'was rackedwith "pain," writes C. W. Be llamy , a locbmotlve fireman, of Burlingt on, Iowa.,"I was,weak and pale, w ithout any appetite and all run down. As I was aboutto give up, I got a bottle of Electric   Bitters and, after taking Itr-Welfrasrwelr-arI  ever did in my  l i fe. ' '"  Weak;  s ickly,run down people always gain new  life,strength  and vigor from tbelr use. Trythem. Satisfaction  guaranteed  by Olazle'r & Stlmson.

of  the week.

Mtb'.   L i z z i e Beeler aad-sonrand-Lldy Beeler spent the  past  few days

An n Arbor with relatives.

What are the new developments inbuilding the Boland electric road?  Well ,

l l i e  contract for 100,000 fse tof timbers,southern pine, for the trestle work of the.overhead bridge a t the- crossing of theMichigan  Centra l and-Detroit & ChicagoTraction Company east of-Michigan Center,"  Baid an official of the latter company,"has  been  le t to Heyaer, Walker & Co.The forces ot men who were polle d off onaccount of the snow storm,  have beenputjaack to-work,  west  of  ©l iel sea,  andwe Bre now-dtotributln g  70,000  ties "between Grass Lakrand Ann Arbor.—Jack-son Patriot.  t- L

f  T H I S '  W E E K .

A  com plete s wee p ing ou t o f al l win ter goods , oddBiand

e n ds ,  odd qual i t i es , b r oke n lo ts and "d i scont inued

___—Jines of goods before our - aBt mia l^f T'e

A l l  Jacket*, shawls, bed blankets, underwear,  dress  goods, flanne ls.

.  men's over shirts, sweaters, caps, gloves add mittens, overcoats,

ulsters, suits, odd pants, horse blankets, fur  coat",  etc.,  cheaper

than you  w i l l  buy them elsewhere. " ' *,

P r i c e s C u t n o F i g u r e , S t o c k  m u s t  b e R e d u c e d .

2 8 d o z e n , h e a v y l i n e n

H u c k T o w e l s , 2 0 x 4 O i n c h

N e w .  G o o d s  j u s t  r e c e i v e d .

A b s o l u t e l y  w o r t h 2 0 c , n o w

2 5 c p e r p a i r o r $ 1 . 5 0 p e r

d o z e n .

M E R C A N T I L E  G O .

tUlRkt*lK•tSUt*Ut*tKK>C> >t>tK»t*t*^*t*. StftSUt SJUU«UWSWUMt»tSMt«tim»l»i»t»t»t»S*'.. . . -. ' - - 


F R E E M A N ' S  S T O R E  h a s a r e p u t a t i o n

s e l l i n g  G O O D  t h i ng s t o e a t ch ea p .


T h i s W e e k w e O f f e r

2000 nice sweet oranges at 15c dozen ""•Larpe ripe Redland navel oranges at 30c dozen

25 ladies regula r $8.50, $10.00 and $12 00 Jac kets , [al l  thjs season*

make]  w i l l  be closed, out at  96 00. Posit ivel y the  greatest  bar-

gafnl ever ottered  ln Chelsea. No better style garments; np better

made gaimeute; no better  fitting  garment  shown anyj

,  cmlTal l .wool and si k or satin lined throughout.

Ladies' Plush Capes, fur trimm ed, reduced to $6.0.0, $6.60, $7.60,$8.60

^  Children's. Jackets  marked way 'ddwJU—.' -

Dress Goods at from 1-4 to 1-2 off regulnr prloea,

A l l  Fancy S i l k s  marked way down.

A l l  odds and eiida in-Underwear at reduced prices.

IIaJJ^and_Caps marked wky down.

C l o t h i n g w a y b e l o w O r d i n a r y C l o t h i n g P r i c e s

—Not old truck, but new,  up-to-date clothing that is in every wa\

Superior to the ordinary  ready-made clothing  ai id  marked at  i j k h ^


jtSg prices,  w i l l he shaved  another go per ceut Juiiug-rnis sale.

300  P A I R S  OF  S H O E S  wM bei oloW ou' t daring this sale. Our sal-"

,  prices  w i l l  make them By.

Every dollars worth df goods  that  can be turned int"-M ah mmt g-., ]

during this sale. Don't miss it. - - '


Fla>nENe« N .  Bacusiah, Teacher

gioirrit- OBA&B)PaiiiJBacon  ." . Leone  Ge l skeJ .  HeseUchwerdt Erme H u n ^

Tit phonogrnpli entertainment  which

11" have beeu given iu tho  h a l l  over

—Saffan-bock nas adjourned unti l next

rebelling-when It will3

'be given

• ineJCLujr,  M,  halL  The noise from

tt» bowling "alley was too loud for the

The Baptist peo rle hope soon to  re-ep-t&  'heir remodeled  hotiBA_Q



Vtai one leaiure of the Reopening  w i l l be

banquet  given by the young peo-

i ' J "  ln

  'be new dining room of the

tSonrch uvhich time they   w i l l be pleased

l torecelve the many friends of the church

•it'' --

IT ^1

 1Q caucua held Saturday aftefhoon

I.wloiiowinKTeTegateB to the republican

V»ltoly convention weire elected : W

ap p ^E ^Hi t e r   K / W o o d , GPalmer  F . W . Koedel,  A . W .  WllkTnson,Ph

"'P bweinf iirlh^j—D—W tson   W .

J .

i t

Austin KeenanL l l i a  SohmidtHarry'Tciylor

Guy  M o N a r r i ^ aBart Snvder

-Kent Walwocth-Oi . ivk  R7Tti)iiKi5s7Tej

SKVKNTU OKAWRuth Bartcb Winnalee ComstockJennie  Ives  Myr ta  llafnprBessie  Kempf  Julia  Kalnibac l iQiauu Bwailbout  H o z q l ijpooj:Louise LaemtnleHomer  LI,Florence

Emm'a  KochRoy Wl l l i auia"tliaTT

Ieselscbwerdt -—Mamie E.  F i . k t c i i k r ,  Teacher..

5 bunches large ripe yellow bananas at 20c and 25c doz.en

—^\Best Cape Cod cranberries at 12c quart

" N i c e smooth-waxy  lMfi'ons at 20c and 25c dozen

Large mellowolTveTat 20c pint

—  _F^ncyjiweetjriixed pickleaat 20c quarL.

Large. cncnmber pickres 5c dozsn

Choice  California pruues 0 puuuds for 25c

Fancy evaporated apricots 15c pound

Finest  N . Y .  State buckwheat at 30c sack

Fancy sweet table syrurr25c gall on

-—;'.._-.. —•  "  J u r e  maple-sap syrup;30oquart ., .

. Choice' bame andpsscoffarriglsf prices. _

Cannetrr eeela bies and frults'of a ll kinds, the finest quality and lowest prlce_10 uounds-besrrclled  oats for 25c  .  * 8 potrUds broken r ice for 25c

4 pounds"Vall-Crane crackers for 25e—-- -i ea de r condensed  mi lk 10c canBjbara;whlte Russian suapllor



C L O T H I N G . C L G T K i N G . 1

'- r- , R

. . ^ -  W e a r e  h e a d q t j a r t e r s  fo r the ^

R  F I N E S T  T A X X O E l N G r  1

i n  W a s h t e n a w C o u n t y .

We  have  the largest and  best  stock to select from and—tint  d(,Har«

i j y i l l  go farther  here  to dress-you, and dress you  w e l l  than elsewhere

JIVe pay the hlgheaf market price for^Butter, Eggs, Apples^Popcorn, etc.

SIXTH QltADE.Ruth Bacon Emmett CarpenterA l i c e  Chandler  J oh u  FabetVera OrnhaM   UerOiTie  HiiBg-Adellne KalmbachBesaie Swatlhout

Agnes  M u r p l i y -Bertha Turner

George Hafiier. . —s

  Anna  M.  Bkissb i^  Teacher.

,  »dttielder  M a r t i n  WacteerAut,H'Wm Hsi ' l i , U, M .  OaviB. Martinllerkle

"•*>»• P. Glazier;

PI m i  (1BADE.MarSuerlte Eder  M y r o n  GraptN i n a Hunter- ^'lara ffoc,b_

M a r y Lambrecht  • Ethel MoranRoy  QulnnLvnnStedma n. _ .

EIiza btkh Dkpew , Teacher.

•JJ i JUlawi r ln ihe employ  o f - T h f f H "

^ i "   'l o r a l l w a

y  e ompiny was In-

P»syeiterday,iaytng  out InS  eon»eTJfgf«»<l, taking levels and getting thlngB

^  to have work open wttbrthe season-

her of aprlng. Tbe company

| S ^ *6X


cu i 80 carloads of ties  to reach

•nyday/ The freight;  b i l l s  have

Albert Bates Edith Batea^fargaretha   Eppler lteuben FosterTforence Hoetll^r  UarloW Lemmon

F l i f t  Matnnev -» Alge rnon Palmer«



. .M a t o n

. L ; Ti - S ch wl k e r a t h  - -Reynolds Bacon

MlTdred Cook  P»n

l  Mar t in  .M i i a r e u ^o u

^ A V a h T e aober.



cmlty that

  V "°f t h


lna|Jonbfoountyoomo f

  "ohools on thedem ooraUo

••wittttn, sprin g _ M » , J | o p p e  Ts" weir

., "°h 8 r e

  8s ihU  1b his native town, has

.-.i /es-qualtaoatitms   thVl  are  needed  to fred Bennett

Car l Chandler

Affa N Davis  5 l .

t h l

'l m p o t t a n t   o f f l IQ«

w A

  *' he  gett

rnnttle. ..


swres, i t

worH  wias^a nfe for. marvellous

ointmentsurpasses any othot aalva, lo

sf B u n a I To r

'M m

  " 'o<TOi»«% Cfflfhs,  cibatles Carpenter--  ^ * % ¾ ^ :

I ^ V l l o l M o r e s .   Fel loni i , Ulnars, TVt,  ^ ^ o n ^ ^ S M l ^ ^



Ralph Gieakie Nada Hoffman

SECOND  0HADE.-Iva UhmanPaul M-aroneyRoySehiefetBteln

-.  —f ~— » vt | aaasJUaBP %t lajpp  VS   . j *affa# a*a ni  iunTFuTler-te u LehmanNina SohusBler

Y o u  are cor d ial ly inv i ted to  o a l l  an d see

t h e G r a n d  E x h i b i t i o n  of

I J i T i T i

1I T » 0 n ^ . i T . g  Vfthrnnry i g And f t los ing Febr nar yJL fc

Q u i c n a H n g R a n g e s E v e r  ML

Bake s on Ove n Rack an d Oven Bot tom afeSame Ti me .

S H O W N ,  I N  F U L L  O P E R A T I O N

B a k i n g B i s c u i t s i n 3 o r i m i n u t e s .

F r e e R e f r e s h m e n t s S e r v e d   D a i l y .

G u a r a n t e e  Bo nd  g i v en b y Ma k e r s w i t h E ach Ra ng e .

m m

i M t f S '  m m m c a p e s

made and re-modeled- We carry in atock |

weapr- Agent for the celebrated Dyers.

it  S i l k  and Woole n Goods Cleaned by our New- Proeese-

aud finished  l i k e  new goods. ^ '

Samples  a r i l  Estimates furnished on application.

G L A S S  B L O C K  T A I L O R P A R L O R S .

'Phone 37.J .  J .  R A F T R E Y ,  P r o p r i e t c

H H f r l W I

G E O .  H .  F 0 3 T E R  & C O . ,


P L U M B E R S .

*  Dea l e r s i n r u m p s ,  r^ pe s ,  S i t t i n g s a n d - W i n d m i l l s .

Patent^wood:rod couplings. No moreT>uryand bolts, to lose. A' *° J

patent pressed  leathers  for tubular wells.

T u b u l a r  W e l l  D r i v i n g  a n d R e p a i r i n g p r o m p t l y :

a t t e n d e d  to .

j^a^WHlexoMnjre^wlndmillA.pumpSt.eto.^Ior grain,

t a t 1 ^ a U ^ a a t l . . i . . . . . . a ^ „ . . , a . i , a .

stsuusjutststststsw SPECTAOI.B8  A ND  E TE  OLAvSaBS ststttitttsuutsu i


ne^" /

Atvl averythlno el w 1 n t b » t n t e n ,  elwk u*

t Jewelry line can be bouoht at

lowrtt prioea at


7/27/2019 Feb. 14, 1901 version of the Chelsea Standard

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7/27/2019 Feb. 14, 1901 version of the Chelsea Standard

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/feb-14-1901-version-of-the-chelsea-standard 7/8

-.W C«-« Of  l U g M e * - -

 „BIO. witn  » « • « * •

' '., «1 w  & U U  Klopvch, H. T.)  Feb- M - - ta »Ws <Ha-

  " »  Talmage  •ttoro

* V , J t i v e  religion and »heartyC o u t  onthe  right .Ida or ev.

£  text.  M a * ' * * .  "Thoun«at  spirit Icharge  thee.

t 2  ataae  o t j F eW j o n^ I oThe son ol ti e household

ot an  «vll  eplrtt, which,

otter  ( W W .  v»r*ineHr ~tOr  TTom  business, or it wastad  made  h im - speechless,

the influenoe was on the patient ,

sol* w t  •«l


K *l s



this mem""a spirit?

„tm  abroad today « d as  l ivelyt as In New Testament times.  the realms of- sermonology

iot Had discourse concerning  ' T l i ,  devil  which Christ charged

ininy text, saying. "Gome out of

jjrttrtetlT* Superstition.

-toBi  has6 8 8 1 1 m u c *  destructive

tiUton abroaa_ln the world~con-pessesslon by  e v i l  spirits,

rthe form of belief i n witchcraftjeliwlon  swepif the continents,j  were supposed to be possessed

j mie evil splrit.lwJitehTmade them  Qthers. UP the elx -

(Uteatury in Geneva W OO personsm burned to  death  as wttfches. In

hborbood of France  LO W  psr-ai  were burned. In t wo centu ries¢¢0()-persons  frere slain as witches,rolfhty  was the de lusion  that it

ftdnded among Its vlet lnw some of greatest  intellects of al l time, as ,Chlef  Justice Matthew Hale

LSIt  IMwurd  Coke, and such re-

i*aa: been apotttioWEa?ion of

gWOen. and  someumee  the  greatest

2 ¾ ¾  rour mout Hhut8*t  «»eU mes  sllsnce Is a crime and"PtSJraet; result of the baleful  influence of the dumb  devi l  of oar te xtThere le hardly a man or woman whohas not been  present  on some occa-«? »  w hep the Christian religion became a  target oraillery., Perhaps Itwas over in the  store  some day whenthere  was not much going on and thefi er *»   w

« e In agroup, or It was in,tne factory aFthe nouu spell,  or It was

0»l«ft^y«Lfarm  under the  trees whileyon were resting, or it was in the club-roOm,  or It was tn a  Boclal  circle,  or^jr aa ln the  street  on the way home

on soma occa-

*taJb*a 1 ^ ¾ ¾ ¾ ™

•lens,. tor  that  would toss ^thl vote^ a t h e i s t s .  But "Whereae,- .an d

whereas," and "Whereas." Ninecheers  w i l l  be gtvenUor the plattor m.The dumb  devi l  of the text  puts  onewins; over the one platform and theother wing over the other platform.Those  great  conventions are openedwith prayer by thei r chaplains. If theyavoided platltudeB end told the  honesttruth In their prayers they would aay:" O L b r d .  we wa nt, to be  postmastersand cftnsala-and foreign ministe rs andOhlted  States  district attorn-ye  Vnr

each unO every oasicored by toauanol

0 nnu

01 Deireaenoe, tbiaCUi day ol December, A.  D . II

A.   W. OUSASOlPublicaau.)  -- •-ussry:."Ball 's catarrh Cure Is taken internally, andact* directly on the blood and maoous aurfawsot the syaiein. Send far testimonials, free.

-  -  C H E M f r 4  ( # . / 1 ^ 1 6 0 ¾ ^F. J.Sold by DruRiitntR JSa

are the best

jmraed ministers of relig ion as Cotton of .whose books, Benjamin

 said, shaped his life—and Baxter, and ArchbishopJ3ran-

. ud  Martin  muter and, amongnd philosophers.  L o r d Bacon,

  belief, which has become thejhinsTilocX  or an sensible peopleT

aulted Its disciples among the wis est

slon which you remember without mydescribing It. flomeone gor th i laughon. the  B ib le  and caricatured the pro-ieeatcm of religion ashypocrisyrormade apun out of something  that

.Christ  said. The laugh  started,  and

.you Joined In, and not one word of protest  did you  utter.  What kept yousilent? Modesty? No. Incapacity toanswer? Ho.  L a c k  of opportunity?No .  It was a blow on both your-Hpsby the wi ng of the dumb  devi l . \tsomeone should malign your father ormother or wife or husband or  chi ld,you  would flush up quick and e itherwith an Indignant w ord or doubled upfist  make response. And yetTtete^lsour Christian religion which has-doneso much for you and so much for theworld  that  It  w i l l  take  all eternity tocelebrate it, and yet when It was attacked you • did not so much as say:"I  differ. I object. I am sorry to hearyou say  that  There is  another  side"to this," You Christia n people oughtIn such times as  these  to go armed,not with earthly weapons, but with thesword of the spirit. You ought to havefour or five questions  With which youcould  confound any man who -attacksChrlstlanlty^A-man 90 years old wastelling me how be put to Sight a scoffer.My   aged friend said, to the skeptic •" D i d  you ever_ read the history ofJoseph ln the  B ib le ?" "Yes."  saidthe man. "it is*.fine story and as Interesting


'*-story as Iever read."

" W e l l , now," said my old friend, "sup-

„  Holland  In day Atttra.The Hague, as  w e l l  as every other

city,  town and hamlet throughout  H o l -land, y>wi  Bisnmed  fp.la  attlrn for thecelebrations, and festivities u> oonorOf the queen's  marriage.

Tbeat people of Swede n, Ge rmany^jbgland, France, Spain and New E ng


j i l i  But while we respect  witchcraft," j man who believes the  B i b l e  must

IfeleTc that therejare  diabolical agen-^tb road In the. world.  While  thereMl   ministering  spirits to ble ss  there| S Infernal spirits to h inde r, t o po ISBnlad to destroy. Chris t was speak ingl i t spiritual, existence w hen, standing

"ore the afflicted otle of the te it , he

that  we are  here, and fear that  we  w i l lStrive  till  the election next November.Qlve  us office or we die. Forever a ndever, amen." The^-world, to say theleast. Is no  better-than  the church onthi s Bdhject of Bllence at the wrongtime . In other words, Ib It not timefor Christ ian ity to become pronouncedand aggressive as never before? Takesides for God and sobriety and right

eousness.  ""K-tee-Lord1

 be-God7  follow^him;  if Baal," then  follow  him." Haveyou  opportunity of rebuking aBin?Rebuke It Have you a chahce to cheera disheartened soul? Cheer it. Haveyou a useful word to speak? Speak It

B« up and  Doing-Be  out and out up and down for

righteousness. If your ship ~ls 4 > S S a j U t ? ~ ""  " T ) ' " < T

ohHhe  Paciflc  ocean of God's me 7c yT r^ rh

. - g - ^ -B


-  I ^ V ? ) ? ' / " ^

Dod'I Oat FooUorel  Gat FAbT-BASBVA  certain cure for  Swollen,  Smart-

fng. Burning, Sweat ing Feet, Corns andBunions, Ask for  A l i e n ' s Foot-Ease, a^powder. Cures Frost-bi tes and  Chll-.blains,_  A t all Druggists - and ShoeStores, 25a. Sample sent  F B E E ,  Address A l l e n  S Olmsted,  L e B o y ,  N. Y.

traas.  W the price of ooffee. Utoaodp a r p a o H « e .   Bold by al l ipxmm

Love never worries  about  futurewards it bas its rewa rd Intlovlng.

Too Caa Gat  Allan's Voot-Baoa

Write to-dhy to  A l i e n  H.  Olmsted, LeB o y , '  N.  Y. , tot aF R E E  sample ofA l l e n ' s  Foot-Ease, a powder. It curessweating, damp, swollen, achin g-fee tMakes new Or tight shoes easy. A cer-

•  • ~ ft

Job was  w i l l i n g  to - serve  GocT  fornaught bnt God would not let him.

Time is money and both, are scarce

A teemedy for tha Grtppa..

Physicians recommend  K E M P ' SB A L S A M , for  patients afflicted with the

^grippe, as it is especially adapted  for

pose  that  account of Joseph stopped:-half  way?" "Oh," aald the man, "then/it  would not be entertaining."  " W e l l ,-nowr"-sald- my. frlena, "we nave ln thliTworld  onlyehaJf of everything, and doyou  not think  that  when we  hear  thelast  half  things may be consistent andthat  then we may  find  that. Go d  wasright?"  . - ,

Sllenaa  Glv«a  Cb.aaraa.^  Oh__lrlends,-better load up with afew Interrogation points Yob-  cannot

.hang out your colors from the  maat--head^- .Show your passport'If you haveone.  p<rnot finju/ggle xour"s oul  Intothe harbor of heaven; Speak out forGod Close up the chapte r of lost opportunities' and open anew  chapter.Before, you get to the door on yourway-out shake  hands  with someoneand ask him to- Join  you on the roadto-heaven. Do not drive-up to heavenin   -a two wheeled "sulky" with roomonly for one, and  that. yourself, but.get' the biggest gospel wagon yon canfind  and pile Itfull  of- friends andneighbors and shout  t i l l  theyhear you_al l  up and down the skies, "Come withus, and we  w i l l  do you good, tor thei « r d  hath promised good concer ningIsrael." ThebppSrtunity for good whichyou may consider Insignificant Waybe tremendous  for results, as when, onthe.sea  Captain Haldane swore at the

shlp'B  crew  with'  an oath  that wishedthem all In--perdition, and a.Scotch


"Thou dumb and

ait of him.''deaf spirit.

Bomb .aod Daaf  BplrlS.  -J inlmt this.dumb  devi l  of the textl l p l  you on your guard. Do- notl i l t that this  agent  of  evil  has putItktlllht on those  who, by omission

ann, have had the gold-

afford to be silent when God and theB i b l e  and the things of eternity, aTe

assailed.  Y o n r  silence,  gives—Cflflssnito the bombardment of yonEgathef's-bouse. Tou allow a^ ^r ^F ^e   east on

first symptoms^ but (ret a bottle todayand keep It on band for use the moment  It is needed. -  If neglected, thegVippe brings on pneumonia,  K E M P ' SB A L S A M  prevents this by keeping thecough loose and the lu ngs free from Inflammation  Al l dr uggists, 25c and 50c.

Every  w.an for himself Issynonymous with the  devi l for usa 1L

talu cure fur C bl lbhi iuB and Frost-bites.A t all druggists and shoe stores; 25c

The fruits by_ which  the.heart  isknown drops from-the Ups.-

OoDahlna Leads to Cooanmptlao,Kemp's Balsam  w i l l  atop  the cough

at once.  Go to your druggist to-dayand get a sample bottle free;  Spld  in25 and SO cent  bottlea Go at once;-delays aredangeroua, .

To  l ive in hearts  we leave behin d isnot to die.

Remedy for  Grip  Saffcrarai ~Garfield- Tea cleanses the system,

-purifies the blood, aids dig estio n andhelps nature  throw off disease.  ItIsmade from Herba,

True freedom is the power to choosethe best

Vr>»t  Do the childr en  DrinkT -Dont give them tea or coffee. Have yon

tried the new food drink called GRAIN- OtIt  la delicious and nourishing, and takes theplace of coffee. Tbe more Orsin-O i eu givethe children tbe more health you distribute-through their ayatems.  Groin-Ola mode otpure grains, and when properly preparedtastes like tbe choice gradea of coffee, batcosts aboat U as mush.  AL grocara aell ItUe aad 25c.

Y o u r  light may be kindled in prayerbut it must shine In practice. •

•The Kerb Care for  Grip.n- peroition,

Bailor   touched bis dip end aaldtain, God hears prayer, and we would

-be—badry^off-1f~yunf^wlBlr were" an-swered." Captain Hatdane was convicted by the sailor's remark nnd. converted and  became  the  means  of theBalvation  of hlB'brother Robert, whohad" ifaeeh an Infidel,, and'th en Robertbecame  a minister of the gospel, andunder his ministry the godless  F e l i x {Neff^betame the  world  renowned, mis- Islouaiv of the  ciuBB.'ainrthe


 worldly I down-in

G r i p  and co lds may be avoided by—seep ing the system cleaaseaV, tho bloodpure  and the digestion  good.  TakeGarfield  Tea. - -



A  raffle is not redeemed by being rnnfor religion.  • .

W H A T  iS  O V A R I T I S ?  *

erle  d'Aubijgnr became  the author of 

your  mothers dyiogfpsHow^ In behalfOf  (he Christ, who


  for you we ntthrough the agafjia of assassinsition-.

on  the rocky  bluff  back of Jerusalem,"you -dared not face a  s ickly Joke. Better load up with afew questions, so

letptea o speech bolted and -barred.-  + that  next time you  w i l l  be ready. Sayto the scoffer: "M y dear sir,- w i l l


y o nton thote wbo have never spoken

andtie-most—gracious. an* talented souls  that  were

|| m lacamatsd  The chaplai ns of the|*l)lmi (or the dumb can  t el l  yon en-

"  itlll itorle» of  those  who never

Icslled the name of father or motherloir ch d  iM many of the most devout

MpnTrtW souls  w i l l  never lh thisInrld jpeal the  name o God orCm "

1 ¾  a deaf mute  have Iseen with|§»*«el ot Intelligence  seated  at the

1°*  of the eye, who neve r' ca me'H ^ o m  the-door of the mouth.I P t »  miracle ofloveliness and

iwledge.waa Laura Brtd gman ofIflamnahlre, not only wi thou t fac-


  'Peecb, but with out hea ringj^viaout light, a ll  these  faculties»ed by-alckneaa when 2  years of

-J^**-becoming a wonder at needle -IS^tttlie piano, at the sewing ma-Iggad  mi lujeliigeat  student  of theKPTOreiajid  confounding phlloso-

wbo came from al l parts  of theto

  gudy  thephenomenon,, '


  Christianity" for w hat ItM y farhe amellorntfon^of the

"The History of the Reformation" andw i l l  be the glory of the church for al l

A  d u l l , throbbing pain, accompaniedk y a sfnse ot  t<md»rness-and-4ieat  lowdown-in the side, with an occasionalshooting pain, indicates inflammation.

ages.  Perhaps you may do as muchas the Scotch sailor who just, tipped hiecap and used one broken  sentence  bywhich the earth and the  heavens  arefstltl 'res ounding wlth^potent Influences.Do  something for God, and do it right


Jackson.  A d m i r a l  Foote,  A d m i r a l  Far-ragut,  Ulysses S. Grant,  John-Milton.W i l l i a m  Shakespeare.  Chief  Justice

^Marshall,  John Adams, Daniel Webster',  George Washington? How do

InW" *e

  aud-dunsb^Back'-  they were put to  death  as• « . i .

, M r t g h t

  * l t h

  sueh-pnuclty ofVZ,



*. «n» tor centuriesI""? ti t, classed among the' Idiotic

Ofaal  IWaafaeHir*.

i"irr  f M ,. '" 'he^ xte eSQi .cen-

I S ^ T W o  Ponce, the Spanish

I t t m i i r ?t h e

  «0Tentf«snUi  centsury

lut  IT?P 4 b l °  ^ " • 1 .  another Spmr-

m  t6nk

'_*lth  dactitolBgy^or the_  .

l l l l e t

'  and In our own roun-J« ori Mi.  John-Br»ldwoooVaad

i , ,1

'a n d  Ac

ke rly and Peet andSGli, . 

h o h t t v e B l v e n   to

  uncount-| ^ » d s  of t h o a e w h 0 B e t o n g U M

" : > i l V er   " l l p n t

  'h a

  P °w e r

 toj p e l l«e  air by amanual alphabet

Wh?2 .* ^0


 ^world "a idlllit hJn?.

  rt h e  n

«l t

'  w% rejoice°r "

l a n t

  Inventlona In beha lf ofu ' V ^ b o r n  dumb.. One of^  impressive, audiences 1 ever«c«nf  t**


 "'e'far west, an au-»


  P««oWv7Bo  hal

ments?  In your large and extensivereading have ynu come across a  lov4-llcT,character  than  Jesus Christ?  W i l lyon  please  to  name  the triumphantdeathoeds  of Infidels and  atheists?How  do you account for  tbe--fact~thatamong the out and out believers InChristianity were such . persons asBenjamin  Franklin,  John • Ruskin,Thomas  CaTlyler-Bablngtpn  Macaulay,W i l l i a m   Pen*,-Walter Scott, CharlesKlng»ley

3i_Hor*ce  Bushnel),  James  A

you  aeeount  for their fondness for theChristian  religion? Among the ln-numerable colleges and unlv^raltles_o^the. earth  w i l l  you  name  me  threestarted  by Infidels and now supportedby Infidels?  Down  In xpur  heart  areyou  really happy in the position yeu~oocupy antagonist ic to the Christi an•religion? When do you have the mnst

raptnroup views ol'G o  at fl m with a few such questions,

and he  w i l l get so red In the face a« tosuggest  apoplexy, and he  w i l l  look athls-watch and saj he has  W - e 0 f* « ' ' -mont and must go. .You  Will  p i i r h l m

M n aaweat...that   w i l l  boat.a Turkish

Time flies away 4ast,The while we "never remember;

How soon our  life  here  ~Grows old with the year

That dies' with the next December

On  examination it  Wil l be found thatthe region of pain shows soma  *w«-ll-i n g .  This is the first stage of ovaritis,inflamm ation of the ovary. I f tbe roofof  your house leaks," my siste r, you haveit ixed at once ; why not pay tbe samerespect to your own body ?

Yo u  need not, you ought not to l etyourself go, when one of your own sexXu]da_ouPlKi  helpiujf hand to you, andV^ill  -ad-vise yon with out money, and

, withoutprie e. Write to Mrs . PinkhSmr-

- L y n n , Mass., and t e l l her a ll  your symp-

R e d , R o u g h H a n d s ,  Itching?

P a l m s , a a d 1

t el l  me what makes the dtffeitween the condition ofwoman InChlsaAftdj-the  United  States?  Whatdo you think of  the


 sermon on themount? How do you  l ike  the golden

rule  l aid  down ln the Scriptures? Areyou ln favor of the Ten Oommanrlri J g " "

t k

»n o r

  c h » r i « M ^ _

N E W  S T Y L E  OP  L I F E B O A T .

South t'hliugn.A  pew form ofitfeboat, which It Is |-

believed  w i l l  result fn the saving ofmany fives at sea, -was launched at 1o'clock  this afternoon' from the yardsof  ths-Cutbbert--Bo^t~r3uthrrrrr—company. Ninety-second  street  and -theCBl i imet  river. It Is the Invention ofCharles-Mayo, formerly of the  JBrltish,navy, and employed in the Cuthbertyard. The lifeboat is constructed In the

„  shape  ot  a  barrel, being  about  twenty

0 ^ ¾width is the  same  as an ordinary  l lfe-

iat,^and the capacit y of the craft Isgiven as  fifty  persons. The  space  between the two shells  w i l l  be  filled withcompressed air, to. supply the 'occupants  when the  hatches, are  batteneddown  In a heavyjBetL The Inner shellTg-pTvoTed At the ends-and-wetghtjea-afrthe bottom, so  that  It  w i l l  maintain anupright position, no  mstter  how heavjL

t n„  TU t  w i l l  nrevent the.occu

Injured bybeing

thrown  about  the Inside through the

toBBlng of ' h" waves. Tne_guter-JheILii

pants  from being


bath You w i l l pot him on s rout com-pared~wlth which our troops at  BullRub  made  no time at all. Arm yotir-aelf, not with  artrums  t i, hut with la-.

»"> and tat hava-

terragatlon points, *ttt  I promise youvictory.  S h a l l  such aman as you.shall such a womana s you. surrenderto one of the  meanest spirits 4hat eversmoked up from the plt-t he dumbdevi l  spoken of In tho text?

Pnblle  Beooanltlon of Ood.

—Db-nW'fa-thir-world  deride the

church  necause  of alf  ^ ^ , ^ , . ^ 8

-reased fhern;  X eoitgraOiOiha  world.  The great  poIltJcid p A r U *.*4* Wdlence on t wo advantages aaaemole-at  the proper^tjme to buna

«sr   the most orfia -rt Won e I olatforma for theA  committee —.—- -.... .trt to make the  P l * « °


^propef deliberation,  t h e ^ ^ ™ ¾eome ln with a ringing report Whew-as," and "Whereas,", and whereas.Wohunclameirto. all'shape d w th tee

p T t f o r n ^ f ^ ^

on.  A committee of each party lapointed to make the  . f W ^ J Jnroner deliberation, the  tW^W*

p f » » J T e o n t w o

  advantagesB  tb» I

a 6

  ""W orfla-rthe'one^ T j

p e d

  hearing agreatnrtR*

e a b ,

* *nd on the

i M h . . ia t  t h e y

  escaped saying


  the aHevS Sotw' a shack-T » i . . , ' P P a l l l n i   limitation, w onunciamenwo ~. •—•-  ...I * w^not  ihla  x ^ t ^ & Z g -  H ^ t  getting^the  " " ' ^ ^

f a o l ^n t M


« Ve tt- tto aa &preaalon In regard 'j ^ p ^ .

4 ^ w t  «aul4 le*«  T e U

X i i i e M g h t  T r e a l B i e n t

S o a k t h e  h a n d s  o n r e t i r i n g i n as t r o n g , h o t ,

c r e a m y l a t h e r o f  G U T I C U R A S O A P .   D r y ,

an d an o i n t fe ee ly w i t h  G U T I C U R A ,  t h e  g r e a t

t k m ^ c u r e a n d  p u r e s t  o l s ^ p l K e n t S a ^ ^ v V e j i r y d u r i i i g


Has. Amnt Asros.

tmna Her experience is treat ing female  i l l s  is  greater  than any otherl i v i n g  person. -  F o l l o w i n g  is a letterfrom awoman who Is thankful foravoiding a terrible operation.

~4_waa Buffering "tn such an  »-xtoti|faHBT~ovarlan trouble  that my physi-clan ,thought an operation would be

necessary.  ,. „" L f f d l a  E, Pinkham'a Vegetable fiom-

pound having been recommended tome, Idecided to try i t  After  using

bottlea Ifound  that  1  _

made of  shoet  Iron, In much the  sameway  that  metallic lifeboats are built

Tho Innor shell is of alumi num, wit haulomntlo aluminum  hatches,  whichwltt  *eteso-  Instancy wheir— onspntsrs  the.boat.  In.Itsprea-enl  form  theboat laintendedfor uen as a llfoboat on vessels, but Itla   believed  that  ImprOvemenU can bemade on It so"that  It  w i l l  be availableto?use by  life  saving crews. Eachboat  w i l l  weigh about 8,000 pounds andcan be carried on davits  like  an  ordinary lifeboat and lowered to the waterIn the  same way.  y

urlflnal  Idea In Wedoiaa*..-  They have thelr-own  Ideas of oHglnaL _sllty out In Wyoming. At Casper, thatstate.  Boss Lambert, owner of a sheepranch and  Miss  Louisa  MOrrlsou weremarried at midnight while  seated to

nease u^irtBe bride* mother ahd •few frlend v Thj( groom could  welLaf.

.  gtyi ish, conventional wedding,bat h'and tebride wanted something

unusual As soon as the knot was

tied  t i & y  started  for Lambert's  i M c h ,Went?  " n i l " _ • » » t.avellng in tha

sheep wagon.

several — - ,cured.—My entire system was tonea-up, and Isuffered no more w ith myovaries."—Mas.  A i w a Astok, Troy, Mow

t h e n i g h t , d d , l o o se k i d g l ov e s , - w i ^ & e - ^ n g g r z :

e n d s  cu t o f f a nd a i r h o l e s cu t i n t h e p a l m s . F o r

r ed , r o u g h , ch a p p e d h an d s , d r y , f is sured, i t ch i ng ,

f e v e r i s h p a l m s , w i t h s h a p e l e s s - n a i l s a n d p a i n f u l

finger  e n d s ,  t h i s t r e a t a e n t i s T s i f f i p i y w o n d e r f u l * "

i r

a n d p o i n t s t o as p e ed y cu r e o f t h e m o s t d i s t r e s s

i n g  c a s e s  w h e n p h y s i c i a n s a n d a l l e l s e  f a i l

WAS  troubled with hands bo sore that when I put them in water th< caiawo«U near art me c r ixy, tht  I ^ J W X ^ d p «l ofh and tht  floh would geibaniand break, then the blood would (low from at least  fi fty pl ica on cscL hsntV

V o r d i never can teO tbe ttrffering I endured for three yean. ItrUd-jt  hail clglit daetoratibut my hmda were worn Uim avtei 1 cutumeaorf

w e o u w t


K   E M P ' S



juper utonirf-waaaUir Utta

itU r tgloM   and  ekMwaMra.

Serenn»bjBiaeaJto>. , PiOTOhlfaagnSAifMBaitumplle* Is Si "tdnnneaa

||^_  [' i ^^^^^ * i

factoring.  I Wed every eld Grss ny remedy thai « a t ever thought of without onectnl't worth of good anJ could not even get relief.

I would feel so badly monlngi when f got top, ofrfnk  that I had to go to

that I often felt  like "nd stand pain for eight or otne  ,which was in the bottling worfct of M r.  E . L . Kernt, the leadingN .  I - who w i l l vouch for the truth of m y eufieringa.

Before I could start to work. I would have owrap each inger on bath haneVarid then_wctjffloveav which Ihated to do. for-wlifTi T ramr tottfn  fhem-nflf-aVWOBia take two hours and the flesh would break sod bleed. Some of my friendswho had teen my hands would tay, " If they hid such hands they would havtfhem impuUted I other* would s»y "they would never work," and more wouldtun away in  dttgtnt.  But thanki oCutlcura, the gfe aUstJif slan~cuwm,TtcuJed al l my tufferiugi; "-—  '--8

Just o hink, after doctoring three years, and spending doHar-after dofiar duringIhat  time, Cuticura cure me. It has now been two yean since I used tt and Ido not know what  tors handi areC I never lost 1 day's work while I was using

'It or since, and I have been W6*Ua« althestme burioen, and m adds, etcT H O S .  A .  C L A N C Y ,  310 Montgomery St , Trenton,  N . J ^ .

, , r , .  Eitern&l  tod Intenul Tm to nt for Eton HuBwr .OoiiilatVnt of Oimotnu, lnaa  lvi.). tocleanat thai akin oternata andt i c u r a

'• /  a> t»le«l«»UJallayItobi-la.taSammaflon,andIrrluuT l l l l  Xflt  Tkl 7 n t"al.an4 0ovtoo»<R»ao».TairTlt<le.),V>enolan4  _'  •*•»». *••••»#  A Bi»ot»  B i t . Is eftea anfflnlanl to nira ba meat tortarlnt, dune.

=» »rln« , a«S hamlllallatatlm »CTln«nB hload hmnuw. »lib line of hair, wWB all «1a»  falia. Baal— taranthoai the wnrld. Porrsa Duuo u n  C a i a . Ooar. Bala Prop*., Baatan, D. ~

ofCnmotnufli  __.  enfeB the ehlckanad enilale, (Vnctma Olntmant (loe.).

"on, aod lrrluu>B.andn»Ui»aail

.8. A .

M i l l i o n s  o f W o m e n U s e C u t i c u r a S o a pAgisted \nr6^mmt^nl jnm»fi fnn .  ptytfVu.  aad beaetlfrtna the skta, f >elsaaatag the sestp of eraeta, aoalet, and dandrnff, aad the ttmplae of falUst haln foraofttalng. w»U*nint, and soothing red. voash, and so refunds, In the form or bathsi foeaanoylnt; lrrttult>n«7fnAaniniatrona,and  ch^»ne», or oo rari>r  - » - - ^ — -----.^Sr"tteJUmotwaabettor a k y ^notes which readily anneal themselves to woffle*, and eeneaTa » tnothaia. and teiOwpttrpoaeaof ujatolliij both, and nntaerr.  No  . J ^ ? ? l •5°Who"have bnoe aladl itto oac ain.r other. eaoeWally f « M w e t e r T l " n tl ^Bpi r r lW"'^- '*- ?'*antip, and tg r of Infanta sad chlMren. _ Cjrnc^*^o^l^onraMneidelloBt» eni

7/27/2019 Feb. 14, 1901 version of the Chelsea Standard

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/feb-14-1901-version-of-the-chelsea-standard 8/8

t H S t ^ t * M £ $ ^ P i i K

• t ie  - M M ^ g i ^ ^ Q g Q ^

Officeover  8«nk Drag Store.


8 T A F F A N  & 8 0 N .

Funeral- Directors and Embalmers.



Chelsea Telephone  N o. 9.

Jyy.  S C H M I D T , ,J"*],  PUYSICUS  A»»  SXIBQEON,

Office hours J  7 to-S eveulngv ,Slant aud Day calls answered promptly.

Chelsea Telephone No. 30 2 rings Jor office, :rlnijs lor residence.

cbkuuu, V~ ",JIICH.

' AV  M A P E 8  & C O . —


Calls  answered promptly night or day.

Chelsea Telephone  No , 6.


(Cafomcftt. >*H ejf* Teanytoo goaly.]A nd   so Folsom had gone'to meet

Burleigh, awt th°  g i r l " hud planned,at least Jeasle Uud, that  Marshall  after  d r i l l  should  ride" beside them intotown and have  a  chat  in the parlorwhile she wrote  to mother  in the  li brary. But a thing happened  that noone could have foreseen. Just befored r i l l  was over  and while they were

^ i a f t i i l -sratehing  it from their  seats inthe covered wagon, a buggy drove up,

alongside  and Maj.  Burleigh  jumped7

U.  S. Uolmes, pres.  C. H. Kempf. »<«» f J S iJ  A.Palmer,casuter. Geo. A.BeGole.aaS.oaani*r

—KO. SU3—


commercial aud Savings Dep t™to loan on  lnit-claaa security

Directors: KeubenK rapf, H. 8. Hotaes, C. H-Keumf. B. ^™,"^ r


b™??el n

'  ~den, A. BeGole, Ed. voeel.

G . B U S H


Formerly resident-piiyslcian  XJ. of  M .Hospital,  . . . . . . .

Office  in Hatch block. BUidenoeOTSooth  street. /

out, gave the reins to his eonrpanipa,-and bade- him come to him as soon aahe had finished what he wished to doat the sutler's. The major's face-wasperturbed," that  of his  companionlooked black and ugly.  It was Capt<.

-JSewhall,  and something  was amiss.The latter barely tipped his hat indriving  away,  the  former heaved  asigh  of relief, then turned  to greet

the girls.  . — - -

Ten minutes passed  in  constraintand awkwardness.  Burleigh  felt tintbe w as-unweleoraifixed  in  fascination  on  Elinor Fol-Tom, and he conld not go. Presentlyi r i l l  Wiis  dismissed,  and  Dean,  all

r ^ M c C O L O A N

Office and residenoeTcorner  of M a i n

aud Park Streets,  >- ..

Graduate of Philadel phia Polyclinic

in diseases ofeye, ear,  nose and throat.

Chelsea.  - M i c h .


Ittysiulau-always prosed to admlatstergaa orany Hu;esthetii-"turextracting. Yournunllypb-r

.uic 1 you impose. We also have aif ooa re-

aglow, came galloping up, hi^ orderlytrump?ter~fdllotting. Ji'ot  until hehad joyously greeted both" the girlsdid_he_"see: who was standing by theTorward wheel on the opposite side.

'Good  morning,  Mr. Dean," saidBurleigh,—affably. "I- never saw  thattroop look so  w e l l . "

"Good morning, sir," said Dean, coldly^  Then' turned  to  speak again  toMiss  Folsom when  the baggy camewhirring back.  ,

"He isn't  here,  Burleigh,"  said theoccupantjfpjetulantly, "He's in town,and you've got to  find him right off.

I'ome on "rleiirh  turned  l iv id ,  "fapt . N>w-

hall." he said, "you  fai l  to BQtlce 1 am

liable"KcifiiuiStUeUclor  extracting. *.lj» "late what we have to offer In Crowu, Bridges.

:  Meval and Rubber plates,  . -


V e t e r i n a r y  S u r g e o n

'4 -

Treats alLdisflases  of  domesticated ani mals. 'Special attention g lven to lame-

• nFss aud Uorue deatlfltry. Offleeaad-res-• ideoce on Park str set across from  M. E.

, jjiloh.church, Chelsea,

ThBism r,amp,«o. 7338. Modern Woodmen

r>f America.  Meetings OTthe first and

third Monday nights of each month.

llavliiKhad  13 years experience I am pre-l.iui-d to do all kluds ol Dental Work In a care-i.il and th.irouah manner and as reasonably as

•lass -work can be Hone. There Is noth-known  in., the Dental arfr but that11  .in fTTT y nl,, m ill «1» ll«V« H  \jQC&\  AHSBS-

II r:

orT tnuiiing-thaL lias-noequalT-irfjmwitlon given to Childrens tpptn.

H. H .  A V E K Y ,  Dentist. --tunee. over Raftreys Tatlor Shop.

r - K A N K S H A V E R ;"  i'ropr.  of The" C i t y "  Barber

Shog.  In the new Babcock  Building-

M a i n street.  >

Chklska,  - - M i c a .

A C O B E D E K ,


.'.  Shaving, hair cutting, shampooing, etc

executed  in  first-clasB style. Razors


Shop in the Boyd block, M a i n street.

fl ,_P. CARPENTER, W. R. C.  NO . 310



Friday in

:S0 p. m. » .1

R. M . WilkiSson,  Secretary.

meets the Second and Fourth

each month at

OLIVE   LODGE  NO 158,  K" 4 A. M

Regular meetings  of  Olive  Lodge,

N o.   i s u v Fr a r s : m . f o r n t n : ^  .

Jan.  1. Jan. 29. March, 5.  A p r i l 2,April-:-10,   May 28, June 25, Ju ly 30,A u g .  S7, Sept. 24, Oct. 22, Nov.  1AAuuual me eting and e lection of officers,I)ec  2t.  jTheo. E.Wo od.Se c


I  represent  "The  Mutual  Li fe  InsnrAlice Conipanyof New  Y o r k , " thelargestinsurance company in the  world.  Alsoni:  o l the best Fire Insurance Companies.Can  carry-farm risks','Call and get figureshefore you place your Insurance.

B . B . T D R N B U L L , Agent.

A L F R E D  £ S M Y T H ,

Uesl.ience, Sharon Center.

P.istofllce address, Manchester,  Mich

Bi l l s  furnished free .

/ W i g h i g a k C T e n t r j h ,

"Th* Niagara tW Boutt. *

Time Card, takingefloot,  A p r . 2¾ 1900

tBATflt  bast:No.8—petroft NightBxpreas 6:2Ca.mN o.  86—Atlanti c Express 7:16 a, m.N o.  12—Grand  Rapid*  10:40 a. m

~Nrrrn— Expreesand  M a l i  8:1ft p. tn

.  TBAtKS w i n .N o.  8—Express and  M a l lN o.   ia-^Qrand Rapidg

9:1* a, m.8i2f> p-. nr.

10:20 p. m

son^  Martin  promises,lo permit talk-

4ag"frve-mhiutee-foi^Tfl-eenta wit

radius of thij'tj' mile s of Jiicksou.

•  The periodical Out break of  enthusi

asm over the prospecTof striking oi l^

ga», salt or mineral by sinking a  pipe

into the bowels of Ihe earth  here at

Manchest er has again taken possession

of  our citizens and a. subscription pa

per is being circula ted  lo  raise  suffi

cient funds  lo  make a  practical test.

The matter is in the hands  of promi-

with  friends.—"They arc friends who willbeglad toget rid of . .ynu, then," replied  thestranger,  thickly,  and it  was eas'y'td

;  that he hadb.een  driuKing."  Al l the"same  Iltirle'igh  went.^'


-  - -.

floential and wealthy  ones have an in

terest in the matter.  It has'.beeuascer

tained .that men skilled  in the business

of  sinking oil and gas wells will-come

-he«RvfflFtootff)  elc.^ond uiidexta'

work for about ¢1 a-fool and it is sug-

gested tlmt they  prepare to go  down

C H A P T E R  XIV.. Another day Dean and Trfaop CwcrehThTTu cuinpTiwaitif ig  orders tor s"pe-c ial  --seriiee,  a|id no  -orders—cajue_

Old   Pecksniff"'had an eye for prettygirls, a trait'by no means rare  in'sol-dJe.rs-.okl or  young, and prettier girlsthan Pnppoose-or Jessie he had nevermet. Mrs. Stevens  was  -accordinglybidden to invite them to luncheon thatvery day, and Dean and Loomis were of.the parly, as were other youn g peopleof  the post, and, despite-the rising warclouds in the north and the.rt cent unpleasantness  at  Emory and an oddmanner Indicative  of  cappressed es-citemeut—on  part  of both Doan-nnd

Loomis, _a_ very joyous time they, haduntil the damsels had to drive home lodress tor  dinner. Folsom had named

six as the  hour.  Burleigh, Newhalland  the  tw-o boys were mentioned ashis guests.  Burleigh,  accepted for pelfand partner, Loomis for himself, withmeutalreservation. Dean at once hadbegged to be excused. --After the morning's disappearance  of Burleigh ami"Surly,"  as Jdiss Folsom promptly.^named  the pair,  Marshall  had riddenInto  Gate  Ci ty  at-tbe  side of the  Foj-som carriage-,  and was welcomed bythe old trader  himself,  who lookedpained when T o l d Be 'could" not  attend",the dinner. "Surely  Co l. Stevens  w i l llet you off," said Folsom, but-that obviously was not the reason.—"I'm the "only officer witiimy  troop,"-said Dean, "and so cannot ask."

But when Folsom took his daughter"in  his  arms a  little later and inquiredwhether  there  was\not some gravercause be hind, t.he one assigned  Elinorcalmly  answered 'ihat  she  thoughtthere was^aud lhat.the cause was  Alaj.Burleigh.  -v

•  "But.dauglilerdcar/'said he,  "thutVjust one^reason  I wish to bring them

- -together- ,—T-heB^Bean-eould bcc—bowpleasantly disposed the major i s," andhe was amazed when she replied:

" M a j . Burleighmay be pleasantly dis

posed, but Mr^Dean-is  not Tiy.anymeans, nor would I be were 1 in his

place, papa.'"M y  child,"  said he, "what  do you

knov> about  it-?."

"Everything  that  Jessie known, besides what we heard on the train. Maj.— M r .  Dean told her of .several thingsM a j .  Burleigh had said and done to hidiscredit^ and no wonder he decJines-toaine  with  a



who has deliberately-maligned him.'

"I  wish I had thought of tint, " saidFolsom, his knotty  hnnds djrgjh 'In the.pockets of his lOosedTfting t rouse rs."I saw  Burleigh  thl^morning on somebusiness," and  he seemed" to  want  tohelp Dean along. What took  l i l m out tothe fort, do you suppose?"

"I don't know ," she answered, gravely .  "He had Capt, .Newhall with himin  quest  of  somebody  who  wasn'tth'erc."


"Ah,-sea, Griggs, the sutler.  I heardOf it ," interposed Folsom, fingering his_watch chain .

"Very  possibly.  The captain  wasugly  and rude in manner  and Mnj.Burleigh very much embarrassed.  Indeed, daddy dear, I should not be greatly  surprised   others of jpu r partyfailed  fo come."''  ;  " ~ '


Burleigh, do you mean, or his queerguest?"



Saline's  streets- are to be  lighted.

The council  baa contracted  wllb P.  W-

fiobute'who.will-put  in  sevenl^en of

his new system aoetylene  lamp».

The hoiel de Hltchcook^-our village

bastile—Is occupied almost every ni ght

by one or two hoboes. They know a

good  ihiug and a warm Ore and a bed

withaJUaiiket toleBo_onbeatoabarn  I ^ ' ^ ? ¾ ' ¾ ¾ , ¾

or box carull to pieces.—Milan Leader.

T l i e  Michigan  Central now lias op

tions on all the right  of way  east of

this station,  that Is necessary  to  com

plete  its  plans  for straightening  Its

ks. ThegrViork  w i l l  be  resumed

witti  the opening  of  spring.—Dexter


Tloleph  " M a i tin  of the  Oakland

County Telephone company  wt i* iu

Jackson  best week and is anxious  that

the  city council  grant him' a franchise.

He  Intends  to  organize  the  Jackson

County Telephone exchange, either

interesting  local capita', or, ft. that Is

not feasible, to furnish capita l himself,

ouethouauaa nluo hunOred and one.  , ,l>r»sent, W.LWatfilns. Judge of Prebate.in  the matter ol the estate ol , Squire o. Cov

ert, deceased.  .  MJTheodore T. Oovert theadmtnlBtrator ot laid

estate, oonies Into oourt aud epresents hatbe  is nowprepared  to render his  lnal as-sount as suoh adml&lstrator.

Thereupon It Is ordered, that Thursday, tbe14th day of IfeUruary. aext. at ten oclock In theforenoon, be  assigned  tor  examining  audallowing  audi account,  and- Vnat  tnehelrsat-law  ot said  deceasea and  all. otherparsons Interested in said estate, are requiredto appear at a session ol said Cburt, twenty beUolden at the Probate Office, la theoltsof  AnnArbor. In said county, and show cause. It anythere'  whv me  said accounthe said acooun

/ind It Is further ordor-. " VB

 notice to tbepersons interested la said estate, ol tneipeu-denoy  ot  salS aooount,  and the  hearluKtliereol  by  canal nit  a _ copy  ol »1»order to be published lu the Chelsea standard auewsuauar printed and olreulatlagtnSaldcouu-fy three suooBsslve weeks previous to said dayof hearing.

ff ^W a t k 1 s 8 J u f l g e o r P r o D1 , t e .

(A true copy.)  ' ,George H. tlunu, Register of Probate-  1

ortgage  bale. ,

Whereas default has been made lo tbe.conditions of ascertain indenttire^'baort-gage, dated the third di»y of December,A .  D.  1880, executed by John Frede rickBarth  and Christina Barth, his wife toJay Everet t, and recorded i n the office ofthe register of deeds of  said county ofWashtenaw, in said state of Michigan, onthe Tth'day of December, AT D. 1880, Inliber  -60 of mortgages,  on  page  18, bywhich  the power of sale In 'aahlmortgagehas become-operattve a nd whereas there


","~^  " . u "  izr t««i- ~tlB~riow  ciaimed' to be due the sum of-for an independent exchange  in Jack-  £ ^ " ^ ™ ¾

8 1 l d  thirty dollars, for

principal and Interest and thirty dollarsaa an attorney fee as pruvlded by law, andwhereas no suit or proceeding  al^ law orin  equity has been Instituted to recove rthe debt Becured by Bald mortgage or anypart thereof, therefore, notice 18 Jiere byglyfijrukat  by virtue _of said power ofsale and thel aws of this  state on  Moo-day  the 1st day ofA p r i l ,  1901, at'12o'clock, noon, at the east front door of tbecourt house,  iu the city of Ann Arbor,county of Washtenaw, Btate of  Michigan{that being the place where  the circuitCourt  for  said county  of Washtenaw Isheld), Iw i l l  sell at public vendue to thehighest bidder, the lands  and premises

.  ... , .  described in said mortgage,'or so muchueut citizens and some of the most 4 h 6 r e o f  a 8 a h l i l l  b e a e ^ a & r y  to


_at least looofeet.'  Aconsiderable supi

has already been subscribed.—M an.

ehesler Enlerprise."-

the account due, interests, costs  and expenses of said sale, said premises beingsituated  in the lnwjuhip,of SharoiMMiniy.of  Washtenaw,  state  of Michigan, anddescribed as faliQws.to wit: The North-

t qnnrtRr of ttip H iiiit lwwiHt quarter ofsection Fourteen, ( 1 4 ) . "

Dated at Chelsea, M i c h . , Jan'y 2, 1901.Jay  Evkkktt,  Mortgagee.

U.   W." Tfnwl lui . i l ,  '  Attorney for Mortgagee. , . 7

MUlIon8[of  people  stb familiar  with

De Witt's Little Early  Risers and those

wlruTistrrhTnr-lrml--H>eirF-te--bo famous

T - l f w i t S U A N C E   A N D  -B Y  V I R I L E1  o( a decree of the Circuit  Court forlue County of Washtenaw, State ofMich-Ijtiin, InJ.'tiancery, made aadenWed on

little  l iver^j i l l s .

&  Stimson.

Never gripe.  ^Glazier

. A Chip.  ...Mark—I  saw that' little boy of yours

to-day.Burroughs—Did* you? Thin k  he s

l ike, me? ."Very  much.""Do you, really?""Yes;.. be~ asked-me-^fer some money."

—Philadelphia Pres s.

Notice is hereby given that I shall  sellat public auction jo jhe highest bidder^at the south trout eutrauco to the CourtHouse  Ln the  Ci ty 'of  Auu Arbor, Countyuf  Washtenaw  and Slate  of  Michigan(ihariielng tlie building in which- theCircuit  CourKfyr  the Ta5unly of Washtenaw is held), onW«4ne8day, the  fllh dayyd MaiCh, 1001, at ten~r> cluck ln the fore-tUBOu. tlie following—d.

~  Slow Adoui -Uolnfr."It  has always been my r ule," said

M r.  Borem, "to spend  as  I^o.""Indee(L."._exclaiJned:^.\Iiss. Sharpe,

glancing significantly  at the  eiock,"In  that way I sup.pos.: you have savedconsiderable money." — PhiladelphiaPress.

is  tics tract ion"


.;  ; ' c rm , precisclv


.lou'klv" vh  -:-• .is.ticst.riictiow

1\V •1

I t -you  k i l l  the  g e r m , yo u

to p  the  c o n s u m p t i o n .  Yo u

;m  or  c an ' t ,  . a c c o r d i n g  to

he n  vou heiMn..

Ta1;c  Scott 's  E m u l s i o n  of

l i t t l e " t ^

Peptorone Tablets regulate aibd enrea disordered s tomach. 25 cts. per box."Pejtforene Tableta euro Constipatiott.

"fioTicTtor for >Jomi lalnant,Chelsea,  Mich.

Pearl St., Ne w  Y o r k :

TlK ci-v.mii-.llli*  lit tiiro iI.Ike  llOl.ll.LT.

enough is  as

vou l ike  and  agrees

the 8th day ol October, luoo, ln a certain|

cause therein pending wherein Reubentiempf  is  complainant  aud  Maria L.Barker, James  E. Sumner  and May B.Sumner are  defendants

of l atd situati d and bi ing In thO^Tywn- on rf lihip of  PittshVhl iu the County of  W»sw<;

teimw and'  State  of  Michigan  and de

scribed as follows, to wit: The. nortlleaHquarter .of the  southeast quarter  of section number  live (.)) in town  three, southand  range  six  east;, containing fortyacres more or iess.  Also  the' followingdescribed lan d: Commencing  at the-southeast corner of tlie south  half  of thenortheast fractional quarter  of said section number five, running thence west opthe quarter line uf  said section, twentychains atid-stji'y-lwo  linkB, thence  Boriti-parallel to the east  line  of  said section,five (fi) chains and eighty-two  lirfk-s  to astake,  thence east parallel to the quarterline of said section twenty, chains~andsixty=twp links, to the  east  line of »aldsection thence south on he cast  line ofsaid section, live~cbajns  and eighty two4jflrkfi-to-the plaee of beginn ing; containing twelve acres,  f '•••

^Arbur, Michigaii,'~-January15th, 1901

W I L L I A M  II,M U R R A Y ,  ^CirCtrirCohrt.  Commissioner In andfor 'Washtenaw/county,  Michigan.

Geo. W . T u h k B u l l ,  ,Solicitor for Coniplainant, ^-- .

"ChelseaJSlicriigan.  9—

^ C R S U A N O E   AND BY V I R T U E_  of a decree.of the .Circuit  Court forthe County of Washtenaw, State of M i c hlgan, ln Chancory, made and' entered

tho 8th day of October, 1900, in a certaincause  therein pending wherein TheKemprCummerclal and SavingB Bank, acorporation, is Complainant  and  John

ou grow stTronc-

c   o

er .  ._• T a ke m ore

not'  too  m u c h

m u c h  ar

w i t h  you.  Satisfy hun ger

w i t h  t.si;:-.] fo od ; wh ate ver

yc^u like  r . n d - a g r e ^ w i t h y o u .

i i . h c n  yo u are  strong

agawi, h.avc reco vere d vo ur

S t r c n g t l : - - : h c g e r m s  arc

dead  ; van  hr.vc  k i l l e d  thcn i .

-  If you h.i not tried  it,  sari^"for free sample , i ts-agreeabletaste  w i l l  surprise you,

S C O T T  & B O W N E ,Che m is t s ,

Mflter is Defendant.Notice Is hereby given that I shall sell

at public aticion to the  highest bidder,at tlie South front entrance to the CuurtHouse in tfm-Clty of Ann Arbor, Countyof  Washtenaw  and State  of Michigan,(that  being the .building in which thecircuit Court fur the County of-Waelite-naw  is held), on Wednesday the 8rd dayof  A p r i l , 11)01 at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the following  described property,viz  :  ' A l l  that certain piece or _parcel ofland situated and being in the Townshipof Ann Arbor in the County  of  Washtenaw and Stale of Michigan and describedas  follows,  viz . :  Commencing at- a  pointwhere the center uf the highway*leadingfreffi  the.  City; of Ann Arborto'theVll-lage of Haline.crosRes the  center  of section thirty-two of the  township  of AnnArbor, running thence  North along thecenter of  Said  highway twenty-four (34)rods, thence East paiallel with the quarter hoe of said section eighty (80) rodsthence South twenty-four(24) rodB to Batdquarter line, thence West alo'ngsald qnar/ter line to the plnce of beginning, ooti-mining twelve acres of land more or less.

Dated, Ann  Arbor, Michigan,  February 1 Itlr, 1901.



W i l l i a m   H. Mchbav,

Circuit Court Commissioner In and„  ;f,



*tye w

  C°m»y. MlehTgan.fi .  W. TurnBulJ,

gOc .a nd $).100; all drug gist s. lor  The.Standard.

.  T o see  w h a F s o m e , p e op l e  c a l l

C u s t o m M a d e w o r k . x  W e  d o n ' t

d o  It  t h a t  way- ^

T r y  us an d ,be  c o n v i n c e d .

J .  G E O .  W E B S T E R ,  M e r c h a n t  T a i l o r ,

• f t v ^ A h w  ' O n *  r i i j d i L ^

o r i e l

U ^ U S t i n e ,

J \ v c v , m v

Th e  CH<T-DRt  is prep^ra<l-h,  gvue't.'ts  pa . f ron i+ k t \ s t i t -

( ^ S a W A a t ^ v . S u u d o ^ ) a t t a O k v e i  U

\e\t>\  " v W v A c l  S j p t Cv aV .    V i ^ G f e s ^ W . » | .

- " T k e v e s o r v v v V W  oav<L ' Sv  JV^vwsVvTve  — -

r  W n X - t T t i  J . f i . V l t W i a m s o u a«nen .t -  _gft%3>:Ky"

Takfrig  T u rk i sh ; V a por ,  or  Medica ted Bath".*



*'f"" »t * m)TPTRl?raa U  >»ur una HUM H To THTCEETTtyThey »r* KKtTFl~L and  REFRESHING.  UlVKd IUWBKTO THK lilt * IX

w avd inBroygd- -TH EKM A L   BATH  CABINETS ar» A VTO  M  AT 11Ailmriei »> lliaUjroo cwi »ur  ~ " "

• WlTHlH T AN  ~J

MXKASMXKSji.•4« •11   Tianm.Mi md  Mjlafli."Tfl

THOTBLE.  »nd  Skin Dtieiwi.  Th«TTnalnnh«Trrrf» th* b«WI1«

r-TfcHWJJTAST.  Our Cabnet Balha-nrodoc : |Sr*VtT |.: s. VlUUJt bq) BKAUTY.  Win can.  KHElTMAf &X. KB '  K

t tu th nttMjyitenrJbi-oneiLn th*  SKVCKAL  MILLION IOtES (it- lKK IN n-.I *>K»U*n«  from the •yttem by .pofue  iKRKIMItATION . A I.L 7fMUK SALTS.  ACIDS. AND   l()tSONOUS*MATTKK  wUieh.if reUintJ. edn-n*"  ivkntM nm prcmatore deeth.

KKK #Qf to »l*f»o  Write tOT "«? Cattloei)*- Mn** *nr-n» a Rtff-rMnn  MF-N and  WuilkN  to rt-pre.eut uj "E.VEK\ u 1 L

Standard Bath Cabinet Co., Toledo, Oh

A   G O O D G A S O L I N E   E N Q U

Is  the  bes t  an d  most


o r p u m p i n g

Wa te r , s a w in g wood

gr in d in g fe e d  or any

o the r work o n the  fa rm

they,  c an not be ex

ce lled.

F o r  pr in t i ng offices,

l a u n d r i e s  and  b i cyc l e

shops  t h e y  are  une

q u a l l e d .

W e M a k e

W r i t e  for  Q u l ^ c a t a

lcJgue an d  prices.

B a t e s & d t e q o n d s  M o t o r  G o . ,

— L f t n H l n g ,  M l f t i l g n n .ox-ae33f

P O P U L A R P U B L I C A T I l f e P f l P U L A i P M H


N E W -



^Jias tor nearly sixty years beenrecosmia?d as the Peoples National 'Family  Newapapirr,  forfarmer*  and  vlllngers."...ngeiBplyiidia   AKrlcultural  I>fcpaftm«nt,  Uh reliahl*  market reports, recognized authoritythrouRhout  the  country; Kbfnahfon  notes,. Its -Science andMechunlca  Uepartment, it afaneinntinfr ishort Btorlca etc ,

<-»•»••«•• aie. «c

- ^ndtr it IndlspenBable tn



Hw o dny» in (he week »Mall  Important news or llit: otfour dayB. '  Profuselyttttted, ntiJ/flllcil  with lni.'ra

V t E E K L Y  "•8^13

'" ^ for all w io wiiJ_  keep In close-louch wi.ii ne

T R I B U N E g  . y ^ g ^ a f o f tper  yearAprice. «1.00

N E W - :

T B I -

published on-Monday, Wr.Inday and Friday, is a  cmpeup  to Agio tlhjjy

K ,o r


  Amerlonn Review. New VnwirH?rS^r "  ?«naa»tne.  New  Y o 7 l c c i l v  ?"?

St &?&Z?i.a


':  Vork  C i t y  - I»<• N.lcholnji  M n i t n i l i i e ,  Mew Yorg ' t l ty l . .„ » v , n  Hamilqe ,  N e w ' Y o r lpJrHY'S " Mnframlne, flew  Y o r kPrnnk  L.e»l|eMi Mon thly ,  New Vof

.' '•  Mioooe.., Bfe\.  .

Ledscr  MouthlPuok,  Now V•  j.u,v |A| .u city

lAmcrlrnn AjU m l  N»wl»CosmopolitanCountry Gentlcm.Pnrm Janrnnl, pMpplnrott'e Mum

He'.. .HoodPuna,Jirjutfl


—"   Pli


One Tear.

: ¾

:  i« 8

•  4.0©• n.oo•  1.00

>.-m• i.oo• 6.00^• n.oo


IndimcmcntBra-  Wlh v?lth Weekly Trl-W«tff

Tribune.  .  T r W ^One Yenr.  OheT"


114)0K p A 3 K i | ; ^ : : : . .  m

a He

c. i-111in:Boaton

with order.  • • • • • . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . ... m,


81  ,

• n « W

top related